Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

Session #7 pt.2


The words are still echoing through the air when you spin around, sand kicking up as you launch yourself back at the wooden shack, your lungs expanding as they haul in the diaphragm-deep breath you'll need to Lay Down The Fucking Law-

- and it's snatched right out of you by your own uniform collar as it slams into your throat.

"NO! Admiral Settle, you musn't!"

You round on your attacker, flailing madly at the slender, pale arm restraining you – belonging to Shoukaku, she of the long, flowing white hair and sweetly pretty features. Like Zuikaku, she's not in "ship-mode" yet, and though she's surprisingly strong you're able to pry her fingers off your collar – barely.

"Admiral, no! They might-"

"STAND DOWN, SAILOR, OR I'LL RIP YOUR RUDDERS OFF AND MAKE A SANDWICH OUT OF YOUR ASS!" you thunder with the kind of rage you haven't felt since the day you stumbled across a rating trying to set fuzes in the 5-inch shells with a fucking hammer. Shoukaku was and is a warship, and it's hard to resist the old instincts – she jolts into Attention long enough for you to storm back down the beach to the two CVs who are squaring off for another go. They're so intent on their scrap that they haven't noticed you yet, bellowing be damned.

You aim to change that.

Zuikaku launches herself at Kaga's midsection with a cry. The other CV is larger, stronger and well-muscled; but her face betrays surprised at the ferocity of the smaller girl's assault. They go tumbling and rolling in the sand, ripping at each other's clothing as they struggle to come to grips.

Any other day you might've tried to nudge the squabble closer to the waves and sat back with a good beer. But right now, you're quite literally seeing red.

You don't remember what came ripping out of your throat just then – but it was savage and raw enough to make them look up in shock. You loom over them, glaring from beneath the scrambled-egg bedecked brim of your dress cover.

"GET ON YOUR GODDAMNED FEET, SO HELP ME GOD, GET TO ATTENTION RIGHT THIS FUCKING INSTANT!" Your voice goes snarling over the empty beach and stomps away across the calm waters.

They rise – but they don't come to attention. Zuikaku is staring at you wild-eyed; the fury of battle still in her eyes, but it's Kaga who speaks first. "Or what, yankee? You're out of canes to hand out, it looks like."

It would seem her visual memory is acute.

"I've still got two boots," you growl, the anger rumbling rough in your throat, "and if you don't fall in line right now you'll taste l-"

You're not quite sure how she hits you, just then – only that for a few seconds, every nerve in your chest goes numb, and then you're hitting the firm sand like a sack of wet mice. Hands of literal steel ball up in your shirt, and then you find yourself hauled upright to hover inches away from the bloodied, battered face of Kaga.

Her brow's been split open by a good crack across the brow; and beneath the flesh is revealed the dull gleam of metal. The wound is bleeding over her eye, caking it with congealing filth, and the orbit of the other is rimmed with steel where Zuikaku's fist split the skin. Later it'll be a shiner; but now it's just swelling up, red – and at the center is one rage-filled eye.

It punches through the numbness in your mind and begins flooding your internal spaces; lights sparking and shorting out as the tide rises. Fear. Cold, mad, terrified, gibbering fear, images of the abyssals, the first abyssals, the one flaming awful shattered eye glowing in the cold wet dark as it came for you – the embodiment of death, the most incredible concentration of resources turned to the purpose of destruction that man ever made, compressed into the neutron-dense nugget of a body and given a human's hatred.

As the shock of her blow fades – comes the true, spine-tingling terror.

"You might get away with snide jabs in a mess hall, but direct threats on an open beach?" Kaga snarls, and you can feel the heat of her body – a draft of air powerful enough to ripple your clothes. "Do you want to die, you fucking scum? I'll kill you. I was MADE to kill you. WHO DO YOU FUCKING THINK YOU ARE!?"

>Someone who's fucked up and very much doesn't want to die – too much to even find words, assuming you could even find the breath.
>"I'm expendable. Like every man who's worn this uniform."
>"Your commanding officer – one of the few you'll ever get, because of shit like this."

39080814 -
>We insulted her, now we take it like a man.
No you utter fucking moron. We do not "take it like a man". We are an admiral, she is our subordinate. Specifically, a subordinate who had just engaged in a fight with ANOTHER subordinate after bullying yet another subordinate.

She is 100% in the wrong. You do not ever get to talk lip back to flag officers, and you SURE AS FUCKING SHIT DO NOT GET TO HIT THEM WITHOUT REPERCUSSIONS THAT LAST YOUR WHOLE LIFE HOWEVER SHORT IT MAY BE.

39080837 (demetrious) - called. writing!
Also, if that's why you picked that choice - if you were actually Settle, you'd probably - oh god, please stop thinking like this you are literally close to death right now

>"Your commanding officer – one of the few you'll ever get, because of shit like this."
>"I'm expendable. Like every man who's worn this uniform."

Staring into the mad, swollen, fury-filled eye of the once stoically-reserved Kaga, it suddenly comes to you that you now understand exactly what the diplomats meant about the duality of Japanese culture during your extensive pre-transfer briefing. Ancient, strict authoritarianism... and beneath it, a pulsing river of pent-up fury, like a long-dormant volcano just waiting for some moron to kick the lid off.

Funny, what you think of when you're about to die.

"I am," you say, your words tired and blunt, "your superior officer."

You see her lips twist in disdain and denial, but she pushes past the blunt truth to find the technical one. "Goto's my Admiral," she snarls, and shakes you once. "You're just-"

"-another fucking yankee," Hornet says from directly behind her. Kaga's head snaps around with another violent epithet forming on her lips – which dies there when she finds herself staring down the long shaft of the only "live" arrow in Hornet's quiver; the one she never goes anywhere without.

The black arrow.

"Anyone can get a forty-percent hit rate when they ambush you. Isn't that right, you backstabbing slant-eyed cunt?" Hornet's lovely dark eyes are as cold and jagged as the obsidian arrowhead hovering eight inches away from Kaga's nose.

"Hornet," you say, soft but firm.

Hornet keeps her flinty eyes on Kaga. "Yes, Admiral?"

"Stand down, Hornet."

Hornet doesn't budge a single muscle. "Sir?"

The terror screaming up and down your nerves suddenly stops stock-still – seeping into your very marrow. Your entire body seems heavy and cold as ice as the implications sink in.

"Hornet," you say softly. "Who am I?"

"My Admiral," she says without hesitation. "Mine."

"For now," you say. "One of two." You turn and face Kaga's cheek – she's still staring over her shoulder at the wicked glint of the obsidian arrowhead. "Kaga."

Slowly she turns her face back to you – her face is flushed; the pendulum of fight-flight swinging away from violence, and now her one swollen eye is simply wide, wide with everything.

"Who am I?"

"A-admiral Settle," she says softly – and with a start, she damn near drops you, as if just realizing she'd been hoisting you upright. Your weight comes down on your bad leg, first, and you go down like a sack of drunken bricks. She holds her hands out in front of her, staring with one swollen eye as if she can't believe she *has* hands.

You struggle up from the ground, gaining little until you feel Hornet's arm slip around your waist and hoist you up easily, her slender frame nonwithstanding. You stare at Kaga staring at her hands, her battered face blank with shock, and a lot of words tumble through your mind as you think furiously -

- and they tumble right past your tongue to land in your stomach as a cold lump you know well from your Academy days; the feeling that you've just fucked up immensely – that you have, in fact, failed as an officer and a gentleman. You stand there, aching and clueless for several seconds, questioning not only your ability to serve, but your ability to continue to serve – as a Court Martial will no doubt be doing very shortly.

But that's not the message you can send to them – after all, you're not the one that started swinging. You slap a cap on that flaring ember quickly, but the heat's enough to get your tongue working again.

"We are one Navy," you say slowly, your ribs aching a bit as you speak. "And we're only fighting one war."

You can see Kaga transforming before you; almost your mirror image – the cold distance of professional conduct sliding neatly over her true self like a glove. She simply comes to a more regal stance, staring straight past your shoulder as if she's not aching; making no attempt to stop the dripping blood from her busted brow dripping off her chin and onto her white uniform. "Yes, Admiral Settle."

"Look at me, Kaga," you say, an edge creeping into your voice.

She looks.

"Now look at the ground," you instruct.

She gives you that particular kind of blank-eyed emptiness that only the truly talented officer can manage; a silent way of conveying her utter lack of faith in the sense of anything you fucking say. Her head swivels dutifully – and that one swollen eye damn near pops out of her head as she sees the Corgis.

All of them.

This is, after all, the torpedo range – and the CVs only need a corner of it for archery practice, after all. You – and judging from the disturbed expressions of everyone else present, nobody – noticed them arrive; because the energetic little demons and their hyperactive, nigh manic yapping is as inseparable from them as is light from the Sun.

And yet here they are, sitting in a wide circular blob around this little tableau, plopped down on their haunches – and every one of them stock-still and deathly silent, their eyes fixed on Kaga.


"Now back... to me," you instruct. Kaga obeys, her face full of confusion and upset in equal amounts.

"They were expendable," you quote. "I am, too. All soldiers are, in the end." You shake your head once, keeping eye contact. "Maybe because you're..." you sigh, letting that go. "Which war did you come back to fight, Kaga?" You lean forward, and almost lose your balance – your entire body seems empty now, a slab of dead meat, ice cold and immobile. Only that voice keeps rolling on, those sepulchral tones you hardly recognize as your own. "Now... back to *him.*"

She turns her head towards the direction you tilted yours – and finds Hate. He's standing stock-still, forty-odd leashes slung in a twisted mass over one shoulder. Seeing he has the stage, he fixes his characteristic focused glare on Kaga... and raises one hand to his shoulder, fingers poised to SNAP.

"Now back to me," you say, your voice whisper thin.

Kaga looks back to you.

"It's really, really easy to die, Kaga," you say with the simple misery of experience weighing your words. "So think real hard on what you want it to be for."

You hold a palm towards Hate, and he lowers his poised fingers. He gives you a slight nod, and keeps an eye – and an army of corgis – on Kaga as Hornet helps you away from the place. Your chest is already feeling better, but it's really -

- you twist away from Hornet and manage to stumble into the long beach-grass before you lose your lunch entire. You kneel there with the long grass tickling your face as you empt out into dry heaves, and then you struggle to one knee, focusing on your breathing, focusing on your discipline, finding the smooth hard fact of your rank and your duty and squeezing it tight in your mind till it hurts – but the shakes, if they come, are gone by the time you're ready to open your eyes.

Not that it can unfuck what you've just royally fucked up, but – at least its something.

You glance around and find Hornet some distance away, helping Hate clip leashes to the corgis – he must've come down to collect them after their daily "fuck around and shit on the beach" practice, as he characterized it once, back in the 'States. And maybe they drop more turds than torps, but it keeps the little bastards busy. You find a grassy sand hummock and sit on it, watching them work, letting the adrenaline out of your system. God bless Hornet for giving you room, when you needed it. God bless her for saving your fucking life, just then.

And bless God for stopping her from loosing that arrow and getting everyone killed.

"That was the end of my fucking career," you opine to empty space as you stare across the placid waters of the torpedo range.

"No," a bright, youthful voice opines from behind your shoulder. "That was fucking AWESOME."


I'm stopping tonight so I've got a little more time to write out Things, because this fracas changes a few things. Sammy and Willie Dee will be first thing when we resume (most likely on Friday, unless I do SWQ Friday and Ships Saturday) we didn't get to them tonight because the CV thing hinged drastically on one or two choices! And we're stopping now because some people have fucking jobs, and they'll hate me to death if I keep going.

Next week is Spring Break though, and since I QUIT MY AWFUL FUCKING JOB, well, sorry working people, it's gonna be double-thread fucking heaven. It's all feast or famine with me, baby. Just call me El Nino or something I dunno


39082229 - How well/badly would you say we handled said fracas?

39082424 (demetrious) - You salvaged it really, really well, but turning around and getting angry was a big fucking mistake - but if you didn't realize that before, I'm sure you do now. The tensions were closer to the surface than you realized, weren't they?

However, those three choices that started this thread? This is how they would've panned out.

>Someone who's fucked up and very much doesn't want to die – too much to even find words, assuming you could even find the breath.
As you dangle there panicking, with Kaga shaking you, Hornet charges from behind and stabs Kaga with the black arrow, wounding her decently well. The other ships fucking dogpile you (LITERALLY, HURR HURR HURR) and break it up - but obviously it would be a SERIOUS goddamn consequence that'd bring worlds of shit down on your head.

39082468 (demetrious) -
>"I'm expendable. Like every man who's worn this uniform."
You basically tell Kaga straight-up that you've accepted that you're likely to die in this job - which, after Settle's initial contact with abyssals, is true. (He obviously let it slip, but staring death in the face, that choice would mean he remembered damn quick.) You'd follow that with pointing out the silent mass of corgis, and telling her that they're expendable as well - and for that matter, even the CVs are. All of them - humanity doesn't strictly need shipgirls at all, to win the war against abyssals - it'd just cost immensely more human lives and financial resources, but it can be done. Then he'd jerk his thumb at the ocean and tell her that if she wants that, she may as well throw in with the abyssals, because the USN sunk her ass once, and they can do it again - really fucking fast, too.

That would've ended things, but not on the note they actually did - it would've been hostile, and cold, and it would've scared ALL the shipgirls, not just Kaga.

The option you ACTUALLY chose was the best one - deciding to appeal to her professionalism, her sense of duty and purpose as a soldier, and then - and ONLY then - bringing up the issue of what war she wants to fight; for humanity, or to fight her old, pointless, lost war all over again, for the pride of people long dead. Since THEY WERE EXPENDABLE got a lot of dual votes, I threw that in as the secondary - but as a cold statement of fact, not a smouldering go-ahead-and-fuck-with-me threat.

Anything but what you actually chose would've had severe repercussions that could only have been mended with bloodshed - most likely yours, somewhere down the line.
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Session #8 pt.1

"No," a bright, youthful voice opines from behind your shoulder. "That was fucking AWESOME."

A few minutes ago you tripped and put your foot right through the brittle, thin layer of ice-cold professionalism upon which a legion of reanimated warship spirits have been treading very cautiously upon; and it's only by divine providence that you managed to avoid pulling anyone in with you *and* extracted your foot before one of the demons below bit it clean off.

Even Hate, so seldom encumbered by concerns common to mere mortals would not rate that performance as 'fucking awesome.' Had Hornet loosed her black arrow and put it through the back of Kaga's head, it might well have sparked a continuation of WWII; a horrifically violent slaughter with every man, woman and Marine on Yokosuka Naval Base caught in the hellacious crossfire. No human intellect could applaud such a thing – it would take a primal force of nature, the antithesis of "read the atmosphere" made manifest upon the physical plane; the avatar of some heathen God of opposition, of negative spaces. Hades, keeper of the underworld. Mab, Queen of Air and Darkness.

Or, in this case, the Goddess of Zero Fucks To Give: the USS Samuel B. Roberts.

DE-413, USS Samuel B. Roberts (art by pixel-anon)​

You turn to look at her, the cold, prickling chill of dread racing up your spine as you comprehend just how woefully inadequate your doomsday prediction had been. Kaga wasn't close to injury – she was close to being a smoking oil-smear on the sand; her and every other poor damned Japanese shipgirl in attendance. The doom of fleets and death-knell of nations stands before you, her slate-grey eyes bright with childish enthusiasm. "YOU WERE LIKE-" she brackets her face with both hands, fingertips pointed at you - "LOOK AT ME. NOW-" her hands snap to the side, channeling her gaze askance - "LOOK AT THE CORGIS. NOW-" she leans in, her eyes boring you like a diamond-carbon drillbit - "BACK TO *ME.*" Her hands and terrifying intensity drop away, and suddenly she's a ten-year old redhead again, pigtailed, freckle-faced and absolutely adorable. She clutches at her cheeks, dancing from foot to foot. "OhmygodthatwasfukkinRADICAL!"

Most of the time, you're good at walking on ice – Annapolis is four years of rigorous practice in the art. You can walk on ice all day; and with the quiet repressed traumas of Arizona and Hornet, you *do.* But Sammy? She's a roman candle of new crazy every minute, and you're always three steps behind trying to parse it, much less dodge. You shoot a glance at Hate, who looks up from clipping collars onto Corgis long enough to deny teaching Sammy 90s catchphrases with a listless shrug.

"And the boats, they were cold," Sammy says with adoration. "Admiral! Have you ever heard the sound of thirty cigarette butts hitting the floor at the same time?"

You blink as your mental wheels squeal sans traction. "Ye- how do you-"

"It was like that," she says, grabbing your shirt and shaking you back and forth; your head lolling about before the impossible strength in her skinny arms. "LIKE FORTY DOG-BUTTS HITTING THE SAND AT THE SAME TIME, IT WAS BITCHIN."

She stops shaking you long enough to haul you in, her forehead clinking against yours; cold grey eyes spinning up with an almost audible whirr.


>Are you asking for an escort?
>How'd you like to be a flotilla leader?

>How'd you like to be a flotilla leader?

The very idea of pairing Sammy – the incarnation of uninhibited battle-lust made manifest – with the hyperactive souls of insanely-aggressive PT boats; plywood pipsqueaks that hunted battleships – should terrify you...

... but Hate's barely better than Sammy, when you get right down to it. Mainly because Hate can be amused by women and open access to explosives test ranges; whereas Sammy is rather harder to keep occupied. When the corgis started showing up, they gravitated towards him, and that was enough to keep him busy – until they began arriving en-masse, and the hatred began bubbling up from the dark peat-bog of his soul. You really need to split that load; you really, REALLY need to keep Sammy occupied... and maybe they'll keep her too busy chasing THEM to cause much trouble.


"Sammy," you say seriously. "How'd you like to be a flotilla leader?"

She blinks, and pulls away from you; pinning you with a dubious look lest you try and scurry away underneath your HQ rock. "What?"

"You know, flotilla. Light cruisers lead destroyer flotillas, so a destroyer escort ought to have..."

".... torpedo boats," she finishes – and then her face lights up as she realizes what you're saying. "You mean-"

"Five, at least," you instruct.

Sammy shrieks with absolutely pure, wicked glee before sprinting off across the beach, kicking up sand in her wake as she rushes for Hate. The Corporal sees her coming in time to flinch, but instead of knocking him prone like she usually does, she just orders him to stand still with the forty-odd leashed corgis as she inspects each one for their suitability and qualifications.

You turn your gaze back out to sea, past the pilings marking the edge of the vast torpedo practice range, and wonder what you should do while you wait.

>Call Goto – best that he hear it from you, first, before his ships show up and give a skewed account. Besides, it's honor amongst Admirals.
>Call the hospital, see how Arizona is getting along – the girl's silence makes her hard to read, and sometimes you worry about what's swimming around under that stoic exterior.
>Call Hornet over and apologize for fucking that whole thing up, just now.
>Enough fucking work for now – lets see what's hopping on the 'Chans.

>Call Goto – best that he hear it from you, first, before his ships show up and give a skewed account. Besides, it's honor amongst Admirals.

Fishing your smartphone from your pocket, you flick your thumb over the screen till it scrolls to Goto's number. No point in putting it off – a good soldier sucks it up and takes his medicine, and you've spent your career being nothing but.

Of course, if they'd wanted a fucking tip-toeing babysitter, they COULD have sent some desk-jokey dildo, not a warship captain temporarily out of-

"Discipline," you growl at yourself, and tap the call button. It rings twice before Goto picks up. "Hey, Settle. What's kicking on your end? I just broke up a fight in the dorm yard."

You blink. "Wow, what a coincidence."

You can hear Goto's misery dripping out of the speaker. "Oh god, who's gotten into it now? You need to borrow my air horn?"

You bite down on the fearful sigh building in your chest and just say it straight. "No, it's resolved, but- it was Hornet and Kaga."

Goto's voice is suddenly all business again, tight and efficient. "They come to blows?"

"No, Kaga and Zuikaku did, but-" you rub your face. "They were mouthing off at Hornet and I- I stuck my foot in it," you conclude miserably.

"They're at the torpedo range now, right?"

"Just were, at least. Hornet's with me; your girls are probably coming t-"

"I'll handle it," he says crisply. "Find me when you can, we'll go over what happened."

You swallow. "You don't want to see me now?"

A silence as Goto processes that. "No," he says. "We've both got a job to do, and nobody's gonna do it for us. See me when you can, that's all."

Then he hangs up.

You're slipping the smartphone away when Hornet comes up to you, eyes downcast and hands fidgety. You stand as she approaches, trading a salute with her before dropping into parade rest.


You both pause awkwardly.

>Let her go first.
>Go first – apologize for fucking up and putting her in that position.

>Go first – apologize for fucking up and putting her in that position.

Bracing with a deep breath, you launch right into it. "First, thank you for coming to my aid."

Hornet nods slightly, her dark eyes solemn and serious; hands twisting nervously on her bow.

"And second – I apologize for making that necessary. I... I screwed up, Hornet."

She blinks, her hands freezing on the leather-wrapped grip of her weapon.

"I overheard everything," you confess, "and when Zuikaku pitched in too-" you bite the inside of your cheek to resist the overpowering urge to evade contact with those dark, thoughtful eyes - "I lost my temper. I fucked up."

Hornet's mouth tightens and curls, like she's trying to contain an outburst. She lowers her gaze to the fine-grained sand, tilting her face down to hide her eyes – but she can't hide the tears trickling down her dusky cheeks.

"... Hornet?"

"They were right," she says softly. "I... have no pride. Please don't risk yourself for my sake." She lifts her face to you again, her expression open and terribly vulnerable. "We built a lot of carriers, you know?" she says, her voice quavering on the edge of cracking. "I read about it, in the library. I'm... I'm expendable. I'm a *ship.* My crew... you... there's only one of you. Of each of you."

She shifts her bow to one hand, laying it flat against her arm as she comes to proper attention – but she can no longer meet your gaze, her tears streaming from beneath closed eyes.

Over her shoulder you see Sammy racing down the beach with five leashed corgis bounding and tumbling through the surf ahead of her; their combined noise already reaching catastrophic levels from fifty yards distant. Hate his hiking behind her, awful sounds of bile and wrath drifting up the shoreline as he attempts to wrangle the remaining thirty-five PT vessels in a vaguely base-like direction.

"Hornet, you are dismissed," you say, your voice sounding hollow and gutted even to yourself. "Whatever's on your schedule for the rest of the day, cancel it."

She nods, and salutes, and she's already out of earshot when you realize you probably made a mistake; leaving her alone with her thoughts when she's carrying that kind of mindset around. But you can't have her bumping into any more IJN ships, and... and you just didn't know what to say right then. You don't know what you're doing.

Nobody possibly could, in this situation.

"I GOT'EM!" Sammy says, showering you with sand as she skids to a halt and her newfound entourage begins dancing in circles around you. "Corporal Hate came and got me 'fore he came here cuz he said you wanted something," she says. "Are we gonna do something?"

You look down at her piercing, demanding glare, still trying to get your thoughts together.

"Admiral," she says dangerously, "if you don't gimme some real work to do, real soon, I'm gonna get *bored.*"

A vast, all-encompassing terror slips over your mind; blotting out the light of thought, reason and sanity. Sammy was named after a Marine; and in your heart of hearts, you fear she's more Marine than Navy. And with her characteristic lack of tact or compassion, she just uttered the horrific, terrifying word that you and Hate spent so much effort to talk around without directly invoking while eating lunch, earlier.

The dreaded B word.


"Yeah, we're, lets, uh, yeah," you say, your much-abused psyche flailing a thumb in the general direction of base. Sammy scalds you with a wicked, victorious grin – and then she's off, running down the path ahead of you as she yodels about TORPEDO ATTACK, her newfound pack howling like wild wolves a-hunting as they sweep the lane before her.

The relationship between Marines and boredom. (Terminal Lance cartoon by Maximilian Uriarte)​

You manage to corral Sammy and her flotilla long enough to get them across base without incident, heading for the dorms to pick up Willie. When you reach the yard, you see Goto wasn't lying – the small basketball court is littered with abandoned drinks and even a small radio, and there's a metal folding chair with a head-sized dent in it, even.

"So what are we doing?" Sammy demands, her arms crossed. She's already getting bored. You need to move fast.

"Introducing you to your newest flotilla member," you reply as you hold a side door open for the corgis to charge in, their excited yips and yaps echoing down the halls. "A Fletcher-class. I'm putting you in charge of making er, uh, 'git gud', so to speak."

Sammy's eyes light up as she fairly skips along by your side. "Johnston? Did she come back!?"

"Er, no."




"Eh. Heh. No. Nobody you'd know from Samar, no."

"Well, shit," she says grumpily. "Well at least you're not pairing me with one of those nips."

"Could you keep that down?" you say, glancing around. "Everyone's staying in the same dorms, you know."


"No no no-"

Sammy's little frame seems to expand with righteous rage, her grey eyes flashing with outrage. "WHO'S BASE IS THIS, ANYWAYS?"

"GoddammitSammy THIS WAY," you instruct, leaping ahead of her and throwing open the door to Willie's room without knocking. The cheap hollow-core door bangs and shudders with awful loudly as it whacks into the wall. You hear a shriek of terror and see a blur dive under the bed as a book goes spinning through the air. Sammy thunders into the room a second later.


From beneath the bed comes a terrified whimper.

"It's okay," you say placatingly. "You can come out. I've brought you a new friend."

There's a scuffling sound; then Willie's mussed hair emerges from beneath the bed. "F-f-frieEEEAAAAAH!" she squeals as Sammy hauls her out bodily. The girl is dressed in pajamas, completely unprepared for visitors, but Sammy just holds her hand up in the air. "YEAH! SMALL BOYS REPRESENT!"

"S-s-mall boys?" Willie stutters, uncomprehendingly.

You hold your palm up in the air to demonstrate, and Willie uncertainly mimics the motion.

"YEA!" Sammy says, slamming a thunderous high-five with the unprepared girl. It sends Willie spinning around twice before she falls on her little ass, wringing her red palm in shock.


This is totally gonna work.

>Take them to the gunnery range first – see if Sammy can't teach her something.
>Willie seems to be fucking hopeless at gunnery – but she seems okay with torpedoes... when she aims at the right target.
>Just take them out to eat, first – let them get to know each other first.

39120276 (demetrious) - NEW THREAD >>39120266
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Session #8 pt.2

>Willie seems to be fucking hopeless at gunnery – but she seems okay with torpedoes... when she aims at the right target.

You muse over possible objectives as Sammy bullies Willie into her clothes as the Corgis play hide-and-seek with each other over, under and around the bed, their excited panting lending the room a slightly doggy air. Willie's already had one go with the gunnery range already; and she'll probably be twice as shaky if she's forced back there after her undoubtedly poor performance this morning. It's vital to get her confidence up a bit, and from what you know of her history, there's at least one thing she's good at.

"D-do I look okay?"

You give Willie the once-over. Her shirt's buttoned up crooked and her hat's on backwards. You beckon her over and straighten out her clothes as she fidgets nervously, then drop your hand onto her head and spin the hat around. She squeaks when you make contact, and shies away a little once you've released her.

"Lookin ship-shape," you say with a smile.

"N-now what?" Willie asks.

"Now?" Sammy says. "NOW, WE KILL SHIT!" She punches her fist into her open palm, her face alive with gleeful anticipation.

"A-admiral, it's getting late..." Willie glances outside at the growing shadows. "W-we're not gonna do gunnery practice again...?"

"No, no," you reassure her. "I was hoping Sammy could show you something about torpedo runs."

Willie begins trembling visibly at this, the blood draining from her face. "B-b-b-b-but-"

"NO BUTTS!" Sammy roars. "I'M BORED AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!" The volume that tiny frame can produce never ceases to amaze you. She latches onto Willie's wrist and hauls her bodily out of the room, leaving you to chase the corgis out after them and close the door. You've got to break into a limp (why did you hand your damn cane to Zuikaku, again?) to catch up with them, reaching the dorm's side-exit just as the door's swinging shut. You emerge to find Willie trying to put the brakes on as the smaller girl doggedly drags her across the grassy yard, Willie's heels digging into the turf.

"Sammy, pleaaaase!" Willie wails. "I'm really not good at this-"

"You'll do fine!" Sammy exclaims. "How hard can it be, you just press a button and it goes SHOOF and SPLUSH and awayshegoes!"

"Y-you don't understand," Willie wails. "The last time I launched a t-t-t-orpedo I almost killed the p-p-president!"

"So what? He's a n-"

"NO!" Willie replies. "N-not that one, I a-almost sank Iowa!"

"Whatever, it takes more than one torpedo to sink a battleship," Sammy says with a shrug. "She could've walked it off."

"NO!" Willie screams, forcibly wrenching her hand out of Sammy's grip. She's shaking badly enough to be visible from a distance as you labor to catch up; her frame already beginning to curl into that half-crouch she spends half her time in, as if trying to avoid being seen entirely. "I m-m-messed up s-so bad they a-arrested m-my whole crew after that. I c-can't be trusted with torpedoes. I'm d-dangerous!" She sniffs and wipes one rumpled sleeve across her eyes.

This finally gives Sammy pause. She looks up at the taller girl, eyes narrowed and arms crossed... but after a minute her expression softens. Sans scowl, Sammy's plain cute; red pigtails and freckles an irresistible combination. She reaches up and pats Willie's shoulder gently. "Aww, it's not that bad, y'know. Everyone messes up sometimes."

"N-not like I d-do," Willie says, pressing her hands against her face. "I'm a j-joke..."

"Aww, sure they do," Sammy says. "Lots of ships have." She throws her head back and laughs, a happy, bright giggle that belongs on a playground, not a naval base. "No matter how bad you fuck up a torpedo shot, at least you're not Mogami!"

"WHO SAID THAT!?" a voice bellows from behind the low wall that separates the dorm yard from the sidewalk. You curse under your breath and redouble your limp, hoping to reach them before some poor IJN ship sticks her hand in the loaded bear-trap that is Sammy.

You don't make it, because a girl comes bashing through the flimsy aluminum gate, looking around furiously. Her short, boyish hair flies about her face as her head swivels around, searching – before locking onto the tallest target available; Willie. She stomps into the yard, her round, feminine cheeks already puffing out into a pretty impressive pout as she bears down on Willie. The Fletcher-class destroyer is shaking so hard that she can't even retreat properly; just shuffle backwards before the bigger, stronger ship.

"You!" boy-cut demands. She pokes Willie in the chest, and the poor girl nearly topples. "Who the heck are you, huh!?"

Willie emits a series of strangled sounds that can't even qualify as stuttering; just flummoxed, confused terror.

"That hurt my feelings!" she says bluntly, planting her hands on her hips as she leans over the DD. "They can't even prove it was my spread. Sunda Strait was confusing, you know?"


"Yes," the girl snaps at Willie. "Me. Mogami." She crosses her arms and looks off into space, her pout growing ever more pronounced. "You Americans don't understand how tough night battle is, because you never do it. Besides, we won the battle anyway!"

"Sure did!" Sammy says brightly, counting off on her fingers: "One torpedo spread, two enemy cruisers, seven vessels sunk – totally sweet kill ratio, right?"

"We refloated two of them!"

"Two for three!" Sammy returns with a big grin. "At least you're fair!"

Mogami's arms snap rigid at her sides, her fists getting tighter as her face flushes red. "WHY YOU-"

"Mogami!" a new voice cries from the gate. You gasp with relief and pause, wiping sweat from your eyes – your leg is *screaming*. You belatedly remember you didn't take any painkillers this morning; since you slept in a chair in the hospital. Did you pop any when you visited your room? Not enough, not nearly enough. But thank god, help has arrived faster than you could. You get your eyes to focus just as the new girl comes up behind Mogami and places a hand on her shoulder. She's quite lovely; a pretty face framed by long, flowing dark hair. Her head seems decorated with some kind of antenna array; radial supports ringed with thin wire aerials; like a wire-frame halo. "Mogami, everyone made mistakes. We've all got a second chance now!"

"Thanks, mom," Sammy says dourly.

"Hmm- oh!" the new girl says with surprise. She leans over a little as she beams at Sammy. "You must be new. Are you a destroyer?"

"Destroyer escort," Sammy boasts, puffing out her chest.

The Japanese ship claps a hand over her mouth. "Oh my god, Mogami, isn't she cute?"

Mogami gazes down at the freckle-faced, pigtailed redhead, and you feel your heart soar with elation as her severe pout slips clean off her face. "Mmmmm," she murmurs noncommittally, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "Sokay."

"I'm sorry about Mogami," the new girl apologies. "She tries really hard, and just wants people to praise her for it-"

"I do no-"

"And she's very shy-"

"I am not!" Mogami objects, turning redder by the moment.

"So, can we be friends?" asks antenna-girl. She leans over even further, cocking her head and smiling so bright and sweet that you think Sammy might actually go for it. The little DE is pouting herself now, looking off to one side like she's considering it.

"Mmmm," she mumbles.

"Hmm?" antenna-ship says, leaning in a little more. "I didn't know American ships could be so cute~" she sing-songs, reaching out and rubbing Sammy's head affectionately. "Please forgive Mogami."

"Mmmbleh," Sammy says.

"I can't hear yooou~" antenna-girl says, turning up her charm so much that you think you smell cinnamon buns.

Sammy stands on tip-toe, placing her mouth next to the larger girl's ear, and replies at last – just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Two for flinching, bitch~"

>Gain some distance. You weren't here. You were never here. You can't be held accountable. You warned CNO. You fucking WARNED HIM.
>Pull out smartphone, begin filming. They goan learn.

>Pull out smartphone, begin filming. They goan learn.

Pure, pencil-pushing dildo instinct guides your smartphone out of your pocket and hits the camcorder button just in time to catch the shattering of the ship who can only be Choukai's good mood; recording the horrified realization as it spreads her face.

And then Sammy snaps an uppercut right into the bottom of the poor cruiser's jaw. Choukai's head snaps up so violently that her glasses are knocked down over her nose, then Sammy's fist connects with her jaw, spinning her around violently. Before the battered girl can gain her bearings, Sammy winds up and plants one adorably-oversized boot in Choukai's shapely ass, sending her sprawling to bite a mouthful of turf.

It happens so goddamned fast that Mogami is still gaping, uncomprehending, when Sammy rushes her. The tomboyish ship squeals in fright and dances back, swinging swiftly at her attacker – but Sammy just ducks underneath the heavy blow with ease and launches herself at Mogami, screaming like an engine turbine on meth. The hapless heavy cruiser's courage breaks and she turns to run – right into one of the small cherry trees decorating the yard. She hits with an awful "CLUNK!" and rebounds off it, tripping over the fallen Choukai and landing on her back.

And then Sammy's GOT her. The wee DE seizes the bottom of Mogami's red jacket and YANKS it upwards, pulling it over the heavy cruiser's arms and face. Mogami wails in terrified panic; her legs flailing wildly; but Sammy's already sitting astride her bared belly, cracking her knuckles loudly enough that you can hear it over the din.

"NOW BITCH," Sammy says, drawing back a fist and aiming at Mogami's exposed solar plexus, right beneath the clasp of her black sports bra. "YOU GOAN LEARN!"

"HEY! *yet another* victim demands from the gate. Sammy's head snaps up to find a long-legged, green-clad cruiser girl staring at the tableau like someone who's just walked in on a wolf gorging itself on its latest kill. Her eyes widen in horror as a memory stabs through the haze of eighty years slumber.

"Oh god no," Chikuma breathes.

"GOD CAN'T HELP YOU NOW!" Sammy cries, and she's springing off Mogami like a bullet, her childish voice lending a horrific dissonance to her mad, mad laughter of supreme satisfaction as it chases Chikuma's parting scream into the streets of Yokosuka.

You put your smartphone away, making sure to save the video. Trying to stop that would be akin to National Geographic photographers trying to save the gazelles from the lions halfway through filming – and the recording is your proof. Nobody can blame you after seeing this.

You check your watch, noting the time elapsed since you reached the base a day or two ago.

You kept her in check longer than you'd expected to, all things told.

Mogami's managed to get her shit pulled down by the time you limp over and offer your hand to Choukai. She latches on with both hands and lets you lift her up; not even trying to put strength into her legs till she's upright; and even then she insists on keeping your arm; a horrible, shaken look in her eyes.

"Auuuuu," Mogami says miserably, clutching her face. "Oooh, why muh nooz? Why iz it alwhayzzz muh noooz?"

You look over your shoulder, seeking Willie in vain until you feel her hands grab the back of your shirt. She peeks under your arm at Choukai, ducking away the instant the cruiser adjusts her glasses for a better look at her.

"Iz it gone?" Mogami asks.

"I... think so?" Choukai says warily, leaning over to peek at whoever's hiding behind your back. Willie scurries to one side, keeping your bulk between her and the cruisers.

"That's just Willie," you tell her. "She's nothing to worry about."

Willie sobs into your shirt, and you instantly feel worse. This has been the greatest fucking day.

"M-mogami? Are you okay?"

Mogami is clutching her nose and swaying about a bit woozily – the answer is apperently no.

"Admiral... Settle, isn't it?" Choukai says. "C-could you please take Mogami-san to the maintenance area? I'm..." her shivering is easy enough to feel through her death-grip on your supporting arm. "As l-long as t-th-e Roberts is out there, I d-don't..."

>Sure. Go into the dorms, see if you can't find a destroyer who's willing to lead you over there – you don't know where the hell they've set up shop for ship-girl repairs yet, or how that even... works.
>Just take her to the hospital, instead. It's probably a hospital thing, or will be by the time you get there... you think... if that's how this works...? It was with Arizona, at least, and you won't need a guide.

39121972 -
One of these days, [demetrious will] get sick of spreading paranoia and anticipation.
On the same day hell starts freezing over, no doubt.

39121993 -
that's the day where he starts writing protagonists who aren't socially retarded.

39122108 (demetrious) -
>that's the day where he starts writing protagonists who aren't socially retarded.

Can I get your contact info? When the spirits of old warships are reincarnated as walking, breathing human beings who also, somehow remember their former lives fighting a bitter, give-no-quarter war that ended with their shattered hulks slipping beneath the waves, the screams and death-cries of burning and drowning men trapped within their hulls as they sank into the inky depths forever... I'll really want your input on how human beings should deal with them without A. going insane or B. having their limbs ripped off like Settle almost had Kaga do to him during Thursday's threads.

I mean, usually I'd take the blame up-front, right? I'm the writer, it's my fault for not making things clear enough. But seriously, motherfucker: >>39115179

>No human intellect could applaud such a thing – it would take a primal force of nature, the antithesis of "read the atmosphere" made manifest upon the physical plane; the avatar of some heathen God of opposition, of negative spaces. Hades, keeper of the underworld. Mab, Queen of Air and Darkness. Or, in this case, the Goddess of Zero Fucks To Give: the USS Samuel B. Roberts.

What part of this, exactly, was ambiguous? Was my use of descriptive language insufficient to convey Sammy's essential nature? Please assist me with this.

>Sure. Go into the dorms, see if you can't find a destroyer who's willing to lead you over there – you don't know where the hell they've set up shop for ship-girl repairs yet, or how that even... works.

"Sure," you tell her. "I'll get her there okay. Willie?" You turn around to address her, but she just keeps clinging to your back, making you spin in a full circle. "Okay. Willie, I don't think we'll get any practice in today, so why don't you just excuse yourself for the day?"

She makes a small mewling sound and stays put.

"How about you watch the Corgis for me?" All five Corgis are nearby, lying on their bellies and panting happily. They've usually no end of energy, but they *were* on the torpedo range today, and Sammy didn't give them much chance to keep up.

"... is that okay?" Willie asks.

"Sure," you tell her. You nod at the dogs, and click your tongue. They come bounding over, all good natures and lolling tongues, and indicate to them that they should follow Willie. If there's one thing the little creatures adore, it's attention – it's most of the reason they drive Hate fucking insane. Soon the jittery DD is borne back into the dorms with her new escorts.

Choukai helps you support Mogami until you reach the dorms, then she goes jittering away after Willie, not looking much better than the destroyer. You're just heading for the lounge with Mogami in tow when a small girl with reddish-brown hair – another DD, you presume – comes bounding around the corner.

"Oh!" she says with surprise. "Hello, new Admiral!" She fires off a snappy salute, glowing with bubbly military pride. "Akatsuki-class destroyer Ikazuchi of the Imperial Japanese Navy, at your service!"

You return the salute automatically with your off hand, still supporting the woozy Mogami with your right. "Rear Admiral Ryan Settle, United States Navy." You wonder about that 'Imperial Japanese Navy' and wince internally. Every time you look at it, that barrier gets a little higher.

"Uh..." she looks uncertainly at Mogami, who's trying to contain a nosebleed while she clutches at your arm and leans on you heavily. "A-am I interrupting something?"

"What? No. No!" you bark in horror. "Mogami's hurt!"

"Oooh," she says quickly. "Run into something again, Mogami-chan?"

The cruiser girl kicks at Ikazuchi, who dodges away adroitly. "You've got to be faster than that to hit a destroyer, Mogami!" she giggles.

"Uh, Ikazuchi," you say. "Could you do us a big favor? I need to help Mogami to the repair... shed... place...?"

"We just call it the factory!" she says with enthusiasm. "Need a guide?"


This seems to make the girl light up with exuberance. She thumps her chest with one fist. "Just rely on me, Admiral!" Rely you do, letting the girl grab your free wrist and pull you outside and down the sidewalk. She has to restrain herself from visibly skipping as she leads you across base towards the waterside heavy machinery shops; pointing out various landmarks and base features as you come across them.

"-and that's Shigure's tree," she says, pointing at the tree near the little park-like area where you found a few corgis cornering a girl the other night.


"Yeah, she eats lunch there most days," Ikazuchi says. "She's really quiet, and doesn't talk to us much. At least not anyone in DesDiv 6." She shrugs. "And that over beyond it is this little park. They've got red squirrels there big enough for fairies to-" Ikazuchi coughs suddenly, like she's trying to cover something she ought not have said. "I mean, uh, really big." She glances at the sky, which is ablaze with the oranges and pinks of sunset. "Hurry, Admiral Skittles, or we'll miss supper!"

You hurry; supporting Mogami as best you can. Her steps are a bit unsteady; running face-first into that tree didn't do her any favors. You can't help but notice she's feeling... rather human, against your side, and you wonder if you shouldn't have taken her to the hospital after all. But before you can consider it further, Ikazuchi's tugging you up a concrete walkway leading to a side-door on a large corrugated-metal sided building with large rolling shutters on the front. She points to the sign on the door, which reads AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY – TOP SECRET CLEARANCE REQUIRED – TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT.

"They only put that in places where we shipgirls go," Ikazuchi says proudly, preening a little bit. "We're really important, aren't we?" She crosses her arms and nods at the door – then steals a glance at you.

"You sure are," you tell her solemnly. "And I don't want to get shot, so could you knock for me?"

"Sure!" She bounces up to the gunmetal-gray door and raps on it vigerously. "Open up! Cruiser wounded in collision-"

"Iz not collizon damage, dhammit!" Mogami objects nasally.

"-NOT wounded in a collision!" Ikazuchi amends. "Emergency, emergency!"

She stands back expectantly, almost bouncing on her heels – you don't think she's seen the inside, and she seems keen to rectify that. The three of you wait patiently as the big halogen lamp above the door comes to life with a click and a sonorous hum as the bulb begins to warm; the evening cicada's singing from the park and 'Shigure's tree.'

Ikazuchi frowns. "I'm gonna knock again." She raises her hand and reaches for the door.

That's when it pops open so violently it strikes the corrugated metal wall with a nerve-jangling crash, a huge man in gray coveralls and a dark welding mask lunging out of the dark interior. A raspy, deafening scream of power-tool potency shrieks through the air as it raises a HUGE angle-grinder above its head, bellowing incoherently.

Ikazuchi looks up at the towering beast before her... and up... and up further as her head lolls back, her eyes roll to white and she keels over backwards, unconscious before she hits the ground.

The man in the mask lowers his angle grinder and slaps his welding mask up in annoyance as he looks down at Ikazuchi.

"Dammit," he says. "Another destroyer. Not even five points."

Mogami seems to be trying to hide behind you, and Ikazuchi is down for the count.

>... okay, hospital it is.
>Scold the man soundly. Ikazuchi's the first non-problem escort ship you've met in this hellhole!
>Say nothing about it. This way, sooner or later, he'll pull it on Sammy.
>Ask him if he's a staff sergeant yet.

HOKAY, THREAD OVER, TALLYING VOTES FOR ~NEXT TIME!~ I wanted to crank out one more update but I'm drawing a fuckton of family aggro and I've got a gun show to raid around 9:30 tomorrow morning, and I wanna get there before Fatfuck McFuddMobile rolls up in his power scooter and snarfs up all the damned .45 ACP.

Last edited:
Session #9

You are Ryan Settle, one-star Rear Admiral of the United States Navy, and you're rapidly running out of patience with your new job. In front of you: a big guy wearing a welding mask and carrying a truly gigantic angle grinder. Behind you is a young tomboy with a busted nose who's trying to cover her face and cower behind you at the same time. And on the ground is a very unconscious young girl who has just had the sense literally scared out of her.

The man in the mask lowers his angle grinder and slaps his welding mask up in annoyance as he looks down at Ikazuchi.

"Dammit," he says. "Another destroyer. Not even five points."

>... okay, Mogami, we're going to the hospital. Fuck this.
>Scold the man soundly. Ikazuchi's the first non-problem escort ship you've met in this hellhole!
>Say nothing about it. This way, sooner or later, welding-mask guy will try it on Sammy.
>"With an ambush like that, you must be a Staff Sergeant."

>Scold the man soundly. Ikazuchi's the first non-problem escort ship you've met in this hellhole!

You look down at the prone, unconscious form of Ikazuchi, the only shipgirl you've met so far who has been unconditionally helpful. Not completely bonkers, or seething with barely-restrained war traumas, or just plain murderhobo insane. Just bouncy, eager, and... cute. Yes, cute. Kawaii as fuck, as they say in the vernacular. You've had a long, taxing day in which you Fucked Up, and as you stare down at the unconscious girl, it's hard to remember your professionalism.

You look up at the big guy with the welding mask and angle-grinder.

"What the FUCK is wrong with you!?" you snap at him.

He raises an eyebrow, eyeballing you up and down. "Who the fuck are you?"

You kneel by Ikazuchi and slip your hands under her shoulders, hoisting her into a sitting position as she begins to stir and murmur. "What the FUCK is wrong with you!?" you ask again as you wave your hand in front of the destroyer's face.

He sighs and slings the angle grinder over one shoulder, glaring down at you and Ikazuchi with undisguised annoyance. "Listen, it's been a long day and one of these goddamn rugrats are always knocking at my door because someone tripped and fell going down the stairs. Like THAT one," he snorts, pointing at Mogami, who's been exposed to sight when you knelt. She cringes away, still covering her abused nose.

"She deed!" she says nasally. "I saw her trip at the top!"

The gruff-looking, broad-shouldered guy squints from under the lip of his raised welding mask. "Onto a *fist?*"

Mogami glances away. "... it was very dark."

Grinder-guy snorts derisively. "Whatever. Hand out discipline like it's 1941, shit on the UCMJ, what-the-fuck ever, but I'm done taking extra unpaid overtime for it." He turns to head back in as he speaks, already closing the door behind him. "We're open at eight – till then, fuck right off."

>What the actual fuck did you just say to me, *sailor?*
>Fuck this assmunch, to the hospital we go. I'll sort him out later.

>What the actual fuck did you just say to me, *sailor?*

"What in the actual fuck did you just say to me, sailor?" you snarl, your voice dangerously low. He tries to slam the door in your face, but you stick your foot into the crack. You wrench it open again, your bad mood flaring up once again.

"I SAID," the man says, spinning around to tower half a head taller than you, glaring down his nose, "TO FUCK OFF!"

"You're a pretty big guy," you say placidly, letting your fire build a bit.

"For you," he replies reflexively. "All alone. In a dark corner of the base, with only one unreliable and easily-intimidated witness." He glances over your shoulder at Mogami, and squeezes the trigger on his angle grinder for a moment, letting it whirr menacingly.

"Was telling an admiral to fuck off part of your plan?" you ask him menacingly. "Hey, if I pull that mask off, will you die?"

"The fuck?" he says, quirking an eyebrow. "Admi-"

"How about that fucking rank patch, you KNUCKLE-DRAGGING MORON!" you bellow, your wrath good and hot now. "Who the FUCK do you think you are?" He retreats a step automatically and you step right in to take it, keeping your nose about two inches away from his. "If you say one more fucking word I swear to god I'll find you a job where you've got to touch SHIT with your HANDS!"

His eyes widen, and he shoves his face forward an inch, bloodshot, exhausted eyes staring into yours. "Big step up from live bombs, you shit-kicking pig-sticking Annapolis douchenozzle."

Mogami audibly gasps behind you, which nicely vocalizes your own reaction. You stare at the big man in shock as he carries on. "You know what I could make in the private sector? More than a fucking E-6 does, that's for goddamn sure. Please, fire me. See if I GIVE a fuck!"

You blink. "You EOD motherfuckers really *are* crazy, aren't you?"

"Says the shithead arguing with a guy holding an angle..." he blinks himself, seeming to see you for the first time; studying your face carefully in the harsh blue-white light of the arc-lamp above the door. "... Admiral. Admiral?"

"Yes," you say, feeling a little better now that he's beginning to comprehend the brawn of the pooch he's screwed.

"Admiral SETTLE?"


His eyes widen with a flash of pure, true hatred, and this time YOU step back automatically as wrath contorts his features. "YOU. YOU. YOU MOTHERFUCKER. YOU'RE THE SON-OF-A-BITCH, THE STUPID CRAZY SON-OF-A-BITCH-" he unslings the angle-grinder and wields it menacingly. "NAVY GET OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUT!" The angle-grinder screams to life with a high-pitched REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

>Look up. Say "no."
>... oh. Oh, it's... that guy. Yeah, we're better off with the hospital.
>Blow the rape whistle.
>You wanna go m8 I'll hook u in da gabbah I swear on me mum

>Look up. Say "no."

You gaze impassively at the man in the oil-stained jumpsuit as he guns the grinder a few times – which has been dubbed "THOR" in block letters sharpied onto a strip of masking tape stuck to the side. After a long, drawn out REEEEEEE, he lets the tool spin down, watching you for a reaction.

You cross your arms and give him the squint-eye. "No."

"Reeeeeeeeeeee," replies Thor.

You shake your head. Behind you, Mogami is helping a now-conscious Ikazuchi to her feet.

"Are you-"


You clear your throat. "Are you g-"




You and the big guy stare each other down for a second. You open your mouth, and see his finger tense on the trigger. Sighing, you draw in a deep breath and prepare to shout over the goddamn thing.


"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeerrrrrrwhrrrrrrrrrrrrrr skeeeeeeeet," Thor opines as it skirls to a sad, grating halt. The big man squeezes the trigger desperately a few times, eliciting only small clicks.

"Crab." The new voice sounds sane, and cultured, and tired. From behind the towering jumpsuit-clad man comes a slender, tired-looking guy in a rumpled dress shirt and half-loosened tie, his slacks creased and covered with a thin dusting of... something. His sleeves have been unbuttoned and rolled up his forearms, and in one hand he holds the end of "Thor's" cord. "What the fuck."

He lowers the angle grinder sheepishly. "This guy-"

"What about her?" he asks, nodding at Mogami, who's still clutching her bleeding nose.

"She's with this guy-"

"Crab, she's leaking... bleeding... leaking?" he shakes his head. "Goddammit, Crab-"

"This guy," Crab says defensively as he points at you, "This guy-"

The new guy flings his palms up in a gesture that says "stop talking," and 'Crab' stops talking. Without further ado, he slips past you, out the door, and takes Mogami by the hand. He leads her inside – cringing as she passes the big guy, but going the nonetheless. He gives you both an acrid look before vanishing into the dark interior with the shipgirl.

"... who was-"

"Wainwright," 'Crab' replies. "He's a doctor. Apparently he does metal sculpture or some shit as a hobby, so they figured he was qualified for... this." He waves his hand vaugely at the machine shop which occupies the interior of the building, then flips the light switch on with the edge of the grinder's wheel. Fluorescent lamps buzz as they warm to life overhead. Crab stalks into the interior and almost tosses the big angle grinder onto a cluttered metal shelf. "Go ahead, make yourself freaking comfortable, asshole."

You cross the threshold carefully, looking around for something heavy and metallic in case you need to clock the guy one. The angle grinder might've been a bluff (a very effective one, in Ikazuchi's case,) but you can feel the anger radiating off the man. Hate was right – the man is well and truly pissed off at you. Ikazuchi hovers at the door nervously until you beckon her in. She skitters after you and manages to place herself mostly behind you without obviously cowering. When Crab turns back to you, however, you feel her small hand grab a handful of your shirtcuff.

"You figure out who I am?" he asks you.

You nod slowly.

"I've been fixing to eat your ass whole since you pulled that boneheaded stunt," he snaps at you. He cuts you off as you try to reply; "Shut up, just shut the fuck UP. If I could quit this job, I would – I was supposed to be out early, but they stop-lossed me."

You blink. "Come again?"

"What? You didn't know? Must be nice being a flag-rank fucker," he grows, his entire everything radiating hostility. "Between the cross-MOS skill requirements, the psychological profiling and the goddamn security clearances required, they're having a hell of a time finding people to run this fucking sideshow." He flicks a glance at Ikazuchi, who cringes against your side. "Scuttlebutt says it was an executive order, but either way, some of us are stuck here. Because we have a very particular set of skills. So for starters, Admiral Asswagon -" he holds up one finger - "I don't give a fuck about pissing you off, because you can't get rid of me if you tried. You know how many welders there are in the Corps who're qualified to work on armored plate these days? Not fucking many."

"How the hell-"

"My cousin runs a business making armored cars for rich Saudis with too many enemies," he replies. "I got bored and signed up. Which leads me to TWO-" another finger - "how many welders who can work on armored plate also served as an EOD tech?"


"Right. Which brings me to three-" another finger - "what the fuck do you think you're doing sticking your goddamned hands into business you're not trained for?"

"Wait a minute-"

"YOU wait a minute, motherfucker!" he snarls. "Because nobody dies alone with a bomb, you fucking understand? You know shrapnel is? Play roulette all you want, but you don't go fucking around with explosives. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"It was an emergency," you reply, unsettled, "Arizona had-"

"Oh your poor darling ship-waifu had a shell in her and you were gonna be the big heee-rooo," he drawls mockingly. "FUCK you. What is WRONG with you?"

Your anger, already close to the surface, flares up again. You reign it in – taking out your frustration at today's fuckups won't make this better – but you can't quite keep the heat out of your voice. "Your goddamn team ran away and fucking LEFT me there!"

"I already chewed them out for that," he replies. "They SHOULD have dragged your ass out of there and kicked it a few times. We can't replace those goddamn ships." He gestures at Ikazuchi, who flinches reflexively. "But I can't blame them for running like hell when they see somebody who doesn't have a fucking clue what they're doing sticking their hands into a live bomb."

You're faintly aware of your molars grinding together.

>And what the fuck do you know about removing live ords from a ship? Were you a bomb disposal officer as well, *Marine?*
>Chill your tits buddy. I made like a good officer and delegated to people who knew what the hell they were doing. I just provided a little muscle.
>What the hell do you mean "those ships?" She's standing right here, jackass!

>Chill your tits buddy. I made like a good officer and delegated to people who knew what the hell they were doing. I just provided a little muscle.

"Woooooaaaaaah," you say, holding your palms up to slow him down. "Woah, there, buddy-"

"I'm not a fucking horse-"

"Yeah, they smell better," you return. "All I did was hoist the shell straight up and out – on command. I made like every Admiral Asshole does – I delegated to the professionals and helpfully supervised from a discreet distance."

Crab gives you a blank look. "What."

"You heard me, I-"


"Now are you sure you're not just salty about your truck? I'm sorry about the 12 inch shell in the back. When I pulled it out, it just kind of..." you make a gesture with your hands. "Expanded."

The big man squints at you suspiciously. "Who the hell did you hand it off too? There was nobody else out there. I know. I know for a fact."

You pause awkwardly – you didn't quite think this through.

>Show him.
>Make something up.

>Show him.

"... uhm," you say nervously.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Crab says as he bores in. "You're full of shit-"

"Nnnnooooooooooooo," you say cautiously. "Noooot exactly."

"Yeah? Prove it."

"About that..." you say, fidgeting nervously. "It's classified. Classified as hell. If I show you..."

"What? You wanna see mine?"

A smooth, icy chill spreads through you as your last fuck vanishes, gone with the wind. "Y'know what, Marine? Ask, and you shall receive. Wait here." You stride past him, Ikazuchi hustling to keep up as you start flinging open the doors of wooden stalls that've partitioned the long factory-like building into compartments. You find Wainwright and Mogami in the third one down.

"Admiral," the doctor says placidly as you enter. "Looks like nothing's too badly out of shape. Looks like a nomral nose, too, but it's all still..." he taps Mogami's nose with his little light, and it clinks audibly. "Which is better, anyway. We'll need Crab to-"

"Out," you instruct.

He shoots you a glare over his shoulder. "Admiral, I'm a doctor, and I'm not about to-"

"OUT!" you snap. "Her nose isn't getting any more bent in the two minutes I need and this is classified!"

He stands up slowly and plants his hands on his hips. "Maybe if you ask nicely."

You spin crisply on your heel to face the destroyer. "Ikazuchi!"

"S-sir!" she says, saluting rigidly.

"Detain this man and escort him five feet outside of this door. Do not let him back in!"

"S-sir, aye!" She stomps over to Wainwright and crosses her arms, looking up at the tall, lean man with a terribly adorable attempt at a tough-guy scowl. "O-okay you, I'm taking you downtown and I don't want no trabble, you hear?"

Wainwright looks up at you glumly. "That's not fair."

You give him a smug grin. "Better hurry up. I'm sure there's a few ladders around here."

He sighs with defeat, allowing Ikazuchi to lead him out by one wrist. You close the door behind him, and glance back at Mogami, who's still covering her nose and looking at the floor. She seems embarrassed by it.

"... television?" you say to lighten the mood. "They're letting you guys watch television?"

"They let us dew whatever we wan," Mogami confirms. "I like radio better, though."

"Ah." Mogami's seated in an uncomfortable-looking metal stool. You place a hand on her shoulder and lean over to whisper in her ear, mindful of the thin wooden partition's walls. "Mogami-"


"If you're still... metal... I'm guessing your, uh, damage control team is still, uh-"

"Y-you you k-now-"

"Yes, I met Arizona's chief engineer last night... I think," you murmur into her ear. "I need to ask you for a big favor."

The air near your cheek seems to heat up a few degrees – quite literally. "Whwwhwhwwaaaa-"

"I need to borrow your DC officer for a minute."

A few seconds later, you walk out of the little room with a new friend, Mogami blushing furiously as she turns her chair to face the corner. Seems all the jokes about ships being crammed "full of men" take on a new dimension when the ships are actually flesh and... steel. Or something. Whatever. The important thing is Crab's dubious expression when you come strolling into his presence again looking rather smug.

"So as I was saying," you reply, "I handed off the task to Arizona's own repair teams."

Crab snorts. "I just fucking told you how manpower-short we are. I know literally everyone who works on them. Stop trying to fade me, clown."

Fade me, clown. Nice one. You file that away for later; Hate ought to love it. "No, seriously. You always defer to the ship's own damage-control officer. They're highly-trained specialists – especially the Japanese ones, you know." It's technically true – the IJN treated DC as a specialty that was handled only by special, select teams. In retrospect it was a rather poor approach, but it doesn't change the pride those officers took in their role.

And it's also *sublime* bait. Crab snorts rudely, flapping his hand as he wafts away the stench of your moronic ideas. "Oh that's freaking rich. You deferred to Imperial Japanese damage control? A spread of torpedoes to scuttle a burnt-out carrier isn't 'damage control,' retard. If they're an immune system, those IJN girls out to be kept in hamster balls."

You feel an agitated thrashing beginning in your hair as the spirit of what is possibly the only competent damage control officer in the entire Imperial Navy is roused to battle. You reach up, pinch the brim of your uniform hat 'twixt thumb and forefinger, and politely flip it up, unleashing a torrent of angry high-pitched noises that have the shape of speech, if not any decipherable detail. The torrent of tinny wrath carries clear across the room as Crab's face drains of blood, his eyes widening in absolute, disbelieving shock as the little creature on your skull begins an angry dance, his violent and undeniably rude gesticulations making him shift his footing. If you could see his little oversized face (thank god thank Jesus you can't you can't don't even imagine but you can imagine so easy oh GOD-) it'd probably be flushed with rage right now.

After a minute or two of this, you lower your hat onto your head again, the tinny wrath muffled, but not quelled by the fabric.

"Wh-what the fu-"

"Are you satisfied?"

Crab reels against the shelving rack behind him, the odds and ends rattling as his knees waver and threaten to go out. "That's a, that's a fucking trick-"

You move to lift your hat off again, and he jerks violently. "NO! NO! WHATEVER YOU SAY, JUST GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE, SHIT!" He slaps his welding mask down over his face again, just in case you make good on your silent threat.

You spin smartly on one heel and military quick-march into the hallway between the partitions. Removing your hat, you allow Mogami to scoop up her minute crewman and hustle out to see Crab for treatment.

And that's when you finally begin to laugh.

I'm calling the thread here for tonight because of the image limit and rampant funposting and because tomorrow is Friday night, which is a MUCH better night for running two threads/till 2 in the goddamned morning! So that's 3 threads. Which is better than two. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE
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Session #10 pt.1

TWITTER: twitter.com/planefriend
ARCHIVE: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Kant-O-Celle Quest

The RIG didn't fly too good. It goes tumbling end-for end before it's reached apogee, still riding the plume of water that kicked it clean out of the bay. Bodies go flying away from it like little pinwheels, arms and legs splayed out by the g-forces as they're hurled into the dark water.

"Helm, flank speed," you order.

"Aye, Captain!" an accented voice replies, and somewhere behind you, an engine telegraph goes "CHING-CHING!" You turn slowly to see just what the fuck an engine telegraph is doing on this particular bridge, and espy a blonde girl in a yellow TNG uniform, wearing Geordi's visor.

"What the fuck?"

"I'm sorry, I don't speak English," she replies in perfect English. "I'm Italian."

"Say fucking what?"

"These uniforms don't have pockets."

You look at the deck and find it full up to your knees with fucking spaghetti, and then your ears explode.

You wake up on the floor, your arms crossed over your head for protection, and the horrible banging sound comes again. It sounds a lot like someone's trying to kick a door off its fucking hinges.

"ADMIIIRAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!" the bright voice of Kongou bellows through the door. "IT'S EIGHT BONG AND ALL'S WELL! WAKEY WAKEY SHIPS ARE SHAKEY!"

What the fuck does that even mean?


>Oh shit oh fuck oh Christ get out there
>FUCK this shit. Hide!

>FUCK this shit. Hide!

"WHAT THE FUCK IS EIGHT-BONG, YOU NUT?" you cry blindly as you flail your way upright. You seem to have managed to get your pants and jacket off, but your undershirt is rumpled as hell. There's a hazy bit between the moment you slumped against a wall and slid down it, laughing so hard you were out of breath to stand, and stumbling in the door of your apartment.


You glare blearily at the shattered remains of the alarm clock against the far wall. Oh. Right. You never did set your watch or your phone to replace that, did you? On second thought, maybe that's a good thing. Neither of them are cheap.


"God dammit, I'm not dressed."


You look around angrily for your cane before you remember that you handed it to a CV yesterday, who then applied it to the skull of another CV... ship... girl... thing...

... it is too fucking early for this bullshit.


The thing about deadbolts is that they're only as strong as the thin strip of trim wood that retains them. This thin strip snaps before the sheer power of Kongou's boundless enthusiasm. She stands in the doorway triumphant. "OHIAO GOZAIMASU ADMIRAL~"

"Who... sent you?" you ask blearily.

"Kongou, no!" Another girl has her hands wrapped around Kongou's slender bicep, but she just drags the girl over the threshold with her as she charges in. "Kongou, he has no pants on!"

"Yeah, I got no pants on," you say with mild hope – maybe that will get Kongou the fuck out of here. But she doesn't care – she doesn't even look at your boxers, much less your -

- the comforter goes flying off the bed as you drag one corner over your injured thigh, covering the ugly evidence of your old injury. "I'M NOT DRESSED!" you thunder.

"No problem!" Kongou says, giving you a big thumbs-up and a smile. "WE'RE FROM THE ADMIRAL, AND WE'RE HERE TO HELP!"

You clap one hand over your eyes. "Please get the fuck out."

"Nooooooooope~" Kongou says. "Kirishima, bring the kettle!" After a moment, they both vanish into the kitchenette, leaving you with a clear path to the door.

>Go shave, shower, take a few painkillers and make yourself presentable. Goto wants your ass on a platter and he sent them to retrieve you for the slaughter.

>Go shave, shower, take a few painkillers and make yourself presentable. Goto wants your ass on a platter and he sent them to retrieve you for the slaughter.

You manage to load yourself into the shower and emerge looking clean, dressed and – well, ship-shape. There's a joke in there somewhere but you just can't be arsed, this early. You stumble into the kitchenette to find Kongou bouncing around (in more ways than one; whatever the hell those traditional miko outfits use for support isn't cutting it,) with a teacup in one hand as her other raids your kitchenette for supplies. You gaze around in wonder – you haven't even been in here since you arrived and you had no idea it was stocked. Kongou seems to be making toast – you think. There's bread, and spices, and butter... some operation is going on involving bread.

"Good morning, Admiral~" she singsongs, and before you can recover your ass is in a chair and you're sitting at the tiny table across from Kongou's sister ship... Kirishima? The name goes floating through your head, searching for something to connect with.

"Teatime, teitoku!" Kongou swoops in and deposits a large, bog-standard American coffee mug before you with a dark liquid. You grope it up and sip at it before you realize it is, indeed, tea. You don't like it one damn bit, but it's liquid and you remember it has caffeine in it, so down it goes.

"Didn't even know this place had a teakettle," you mumble.

"It doesn't," Kirishima replies as she takes a seat across from you. "Kongou has an electric teakettle."

"That's right!" Kongou says brightly from the counter as she snatches two more pieces of toast out of midair as the toaster ejects them. "I'm always ready to make tea for my teitoku, and he loves it!"

"Yes," Kirishima says, giving you a small, knowing smile. "Doesn't he just?"

A plate of toast hits the table hard, clattering loudly enough to make you both jump an inch out of your chairs. "Of course he does," Kongou says, waving the end of a butterknife at Kirishima. "But don't worry, sister. You're still the light of my life!"

The world "light" goes floating through your head, searching for something to connect with.

A moment later, you wipe the sleep from your eyes and focus on the girl sitting across from you. "You're Kirishima."

"That's right!" she says, with a proud smile. "Kongou-class battleship Kirishima, at your service!"

"And you wear glasses?"

She touches her frames proudly. "Aren't they sharp-looking? I'm the brains of the family, you know." You see the corner of Kongou's mouth twitch, but she doesn't turn away from her work of buttering toast at the counter.

"Glasses." You smile. "Heh."

Kirishima gives you a funny look. "Is that funny?"

>Yes. Yes it is.
>No. No!

>Yes. Yes it is.

It's early, you had a rough night, and you haven't even had your caffeine fix yet. There's no real chance of you stifling that giggle before it gets out. Kirishima's face falls into a frown, and she crosses her arms and sniffs as she looks away from you.

"Sorry," you reply. "It's nothing."

"It's *something,*" she insists. "My vision's just fine, thank you very much – and so are my night optics!" Her head snaps back to you, and she kicks you under the table. She slipped her sandals off at the door, because her small and very human foot inflicts no damage.

"Ara ara~" Kongou says with a completely unconvincing lilt in her voice. "Is someone inviting Admiral Settle to night battle?"

"Hmph!" Kirmishima says. "Yankee torpedoes, his probably runs hot and wears out before it leaves the tube!"

You open your mouth to tell them both to get the hell out of your kitchenette, and Kongou promptly stuffs a piece of toast in it – which proves to have sugar and cinnamon coating the buttered surface. You're hungry enough that it makes you bite down instinctively. "Now now," Kongou says. "Don't listen to Kirishima. She doesn't even need those glasses."


Kongou twirls and snatches the glasses right off Kirishima's face, sliding them onto her own. "See? No refraction. Just flat plastic inserts!"

"H-hey! Give those back!" Kirishima looks stricken. Kongou returns them, smiling. "They're real frames, but she just wears them for style."

"Hmph!" Kirishima says as she puts her glasses back on. "Long hair, no optical enhancement – you're too old-fashioned, Kongou?"

"Look what you're wearing, dess~"

"N-no fair!"

You finish your toast and slap your palms against the table to get their attention. "Ladies. Please. What did Admiral Goto say to you, exactly?"

"Just that you might need help getting ready this morning," Kirishima says, her cheeks a little flushed as she shoots lidded-eyed looks at Kongou, who's as oblivious and bouncy as ever.

"And he didn't seem pissed?"

"No?" Kirishima shrugs. "Hard to tell with him, when Kongou's around-"

"Because I lift the Admiral's spirits with my BURNING LOOOOOOOOVE!" she exclaims as she crams a piece of toast in Kirishima's mouth. "Isn't that right?"

"Nooufffff-" the other girl tries to object, but Kongou just pinches her chin and starts moving it up and down. "Isn't. That. Riiiiiight~" Kirishima rolls her eyes, but chews dutifully. Kongou moves between you both, silencing any further attempt at communication by stuffing pieces of toast in your mouths in turn until it's all gone. Then she scoops everything up, dumps it in the sink (including the paper plate she served the toast on, and the unplugged toaster,) and slips her arm into yours. "Ready, Admiral?"

"Uh, is this-"

"You lost your cane again, so let the Kongou sisters be your support!" she exclaims, placing a splayed hand on her own breast. "We are always the hope and pride and support of our Admrials, the reliable four-ship fast battlewagon band!"

Kirishima follows suit, slipping her arm into your left, flanking you. "There's worse places to be, Admiral Settle," she says with a wink. Together, they lead you out of the kitchenette and straight into the splintering impact of an end-table swung like a baseball bat.


"WHHAAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaA!" Kongou adds as the splintered remnants of one wooden leg catch her across the chin and send her spinning like a top, in place. Then something snatches you up in arms that feel like bands of steel; your eyes are blinded by the bright morning sun and you realize -

- you're being kidnapped.

>In the middle of Yokosuka Naval Base? Sucks to be them.

>In the middle of Yokosuka Naval Base? Sucks to be them.

As you jounce and bounce around in the steel bands that someone apparently uses as arms, you find yourself unable to muster much in the way of fucks to give. Yokosuka was locked down tight when the War On Terror started, locked down tighter when war with China seemed likely, and locked down AGAIN when the Abyssal War began – as the essential facility in the Pacific for *two* separate allied navies, there is probably no place on earth with a greater concentration of bored Marines kicking rocks around during perimeter patrol. Whoever, or whatever is currently booking it across the green lawns with you in their arms will find themselves buried under a sweaty, smelly pile of happy-go-killy infantry in less time than it takes to talk about it.

So you wait. Within half a mile, your captor seems to tire, and soon they're sinking to their knees behind some tasteful landscaping bushes near the side of some administrative building. They set you against the wall, and it gives you enough time to see -


She nods, and pats you on the head reassuringly before peeking over the bushes, as if checking for pursuit.

"Arizona, what the hell...?"

She presses a finger to your lips and ducks her head.

"You... oh. You saw the door had been kicked in-"

She nods.

"-and charged in to rescue me-"

She nods.

"-and clubbed Kongou and Kirishima in the face with my end table."

She nods.


>You... know they were just there to pick me up, right? Kongou even made us breakfast.
>... good job, kiddo. Can't fault you there.

>... good job, kiddo. Can't fault you there.

"... thanks," you finish. "I can't blame you; it was a reasonable conclusion. Normal people don't, uh, kick in doors because you overslept for an hour."

Arizona nods seriously, and peeks over the bushes again, still on guard.

"They weren't actually kidnapping me," you tell her. She whips around to stare at you with those piercing blue eyes, doubt writ plain across her features. "No, seriously. It was just Kongou being... Kongou."

Arizona crosses her arms and squints at you – then hoists her arms in the air and bows her head; doing a passable impression of someone being dragged away by men on either side gripping her arms. "Oh, no, no, they were just slipping their arms through mine to escort me-"

A look, at this-

"Seriously! No coercing, just... Kongou. No force involved whatsoever, it was completely friendly."

A LOOK at this – she seems to think this is even more twisted. She flips her hand in the air, indicating the base. "Uh, I have to meet Goto-"

Before you can speak another word, she drags you out of the bushes by your arm, then slips her slender arm under your elbow, pinning it tight to her side. Then she steps off, not quite dragging you – in fact, supporting your weak leg rather well – but not quite letting you get away or object, either. She maintains her escort right up to the main administrative building that houses Goto's office.

"Thank you, Arizona. I'll be fine from here," you tell her.

She doesn't release you – just stares straight ahead at the glass doors to the atrium.

"Uh, I'm sorry I didn't come to see you in the hospital again. Things... kind of got out of hand-"

She nods, and then makes a swiping motion with her balled fist, followed by a little wiggle-waggle of her flattened hand as she mimes a landing motion. "Yeah, that, that's why I-"

She shakes her head again, pointing at her eyes with two fingers, then sweeping her hand around to indicate the surroundings. Then she balls her fist up and waves it under your nose. "O-oh, I- I don't think they'd-"

Arizona snorts to indicate just what she thinks of your "think" and clasps your elbow even tighter to her side. Her waist is surprisingly soft, for someone who just knocked two girls silly by swinging and end-table like a wiffle bat. She keeps you pinned, maintaining close escort all through the administration building till you reach Goto's office. You nod politely at the secretary and try not to react to the strange glances you get as you go through the building, including a few knowing smirks from a few clowns in civilian contractor attire carrying a toolbox and a stepladder away from Goto's office. Arizona tries to follow you in, but you gently pry her off and ask her to keep watch just outside. She frowns at this, but complies quietly.

You knock on the door, and Goto replies with a casual "Come in, come in." You step inside to find him with his feet on the corner of his desk, pointing a little remote at the new ceiling fan. With a button press, it spins up to a faster speed. "Heh- oh. Settle." He sits up straight, hides the remote and folds his fingers in front of him – but not before adjusting his desk lamp so the reflection makes the lenses of his reading glasses opaque. "Come in. And close the door behind you."

You haven't heard *that* since you were a goddamned cadet. Closing the door as instructed, you stand before your personal firing squad and prepare for the meltdown.

It doesn't come. Goto just stares you down, waiting for you to speak.

>Explain that you finally put a foot wrong; misjudged the hate and rage still lurking beneath the surface of these ship-girls psyches. They sent you here to tread on thin ice, and you simply fucked up. You were never the right man for this job.
>Explain that you overheard them insulting Hornet, and you just lost your temper. Your discipline. You were partisan – the greatest sin a commander in your position can commit, and you know it.
>Say nothing. For as long as it takes. Wait him out.

>Say nothing. For as long as it takes. Wait him out.

You give Goto the fish-eye. You recognize this techique – there's even some clever Asian samurai phrase or haiku or something for it – and you're frankly insulted that he'd use it against you. You called him up, you admitted that you fucked up, and you reported here to admit to it. Yes, you slept in, for the first time in... you actually can't remember the last time you slept in; you've been The Annapolis Boy for so long you can't remember a time you weren't. Your father was a strict man, in that way. And you had a hell of a goddamn night – your chest still aches with every breath where Kaga hit you. So you stand there silently, staring right back at the opaque reflections of Goto's glasses... waiting. To pass the time, you start carefully counting seconds.

Approximately five minutes later, by your rough count, Goto sighs. He reaches out and adjusts the desk lamp, taking off those ridiculous small reading glasses at the same time. "Okay, so they sent me someone competent. C'mere, sit down."

You raise an eyebrow.

"Sit down, god dammit," he says, waving you over. You pull up one of the hot-seats and plop into it. "Okay. What do you think I'm about to say?"

>"Good luck with your court-martial?"
>"Nice job fucking it up, clumsy Yankee scum?"
>"You tried very hard but it's very deep and Japanese, you wouldn't understand?"

>"Nice job fucking it up, clumsy Yankee scum?"

"... Nice job fucking it up, clumsy Yankee scum?" you say with annoyance. "I know I fucked up, okay? What I don't know is why you're being all coy."

Goto opens his mouth -

"NO," you snap, shoving your finger in his face. "You sent Kongou to come 'wake me up.' You lost all right to get cute about this when you did that. So spit it the fuck out, Goto, because I'm done playing games. I've had a HELL of a first few days here, and it's already over and you're not making it any fucking better so GET ON WITH IT!"

- and closes it again. "Okay," he says. "Here. I was just going to give you this." He hands you a manilla folder, with a pen clipped to the top. You take it gingerly, your stomach sinking despite your bravado.

You know what's in this. The pen is mightier than the sword, but you'll be damned if it isn't more painful to fall on, as well. A resignation, an admission of your fuckup, something – but at least you cut past the bullshit and got straight to the point.

You take the pen in hand. The click of the ballpoint deploying sounds like the trigger plate of a mine being depressed. With a terrible, wrenching feeling in your gut, you flip open the manilla envelope to reveal the single sheet of creamy white paper within – and read.

Before your eyes is a grid.. and in some of the squares, there are single-digit numbers.

You open your mouth.

You close your mouth.

You look up at Goto.

Goto's face splits into a shit-eating grin, and then he starts – yes, he's fucking GIGGLING.

"Goto," you say, throwing the envelope at him, "I'm starting to think that you're not taking this very seriously."

"Oh, I am, I am," he says, recovering. "Just not the way you are."

"Explain," you say in the flat tone of the unamused.

"Hold on." He slides open one of his desk drawers and soon produces a bottle of thirty-year old scotch and two shotglasses, which he soon fills. "I sent Kongou and Kirishima because I figured you'd be good and hungover."

You glare at him. "And why would you figure that, *Admiral?*"

"Because on my third morning on the job, I was," he says simply, pushing the shotglass towards you. "All things told... I'm impressed."

"Impressed," you echo hollowly. "Just what the hell is-"

He holds up his palm to stop you. "Before we go any further, I've got to tell you that Shoukaku and Hornet hunted me down yesterday and tried to take all the blame on themselves for that scuffle. Hornet was especially... empathetic."

You clench your jaw. "She's not exactly alone in the strength of her views. Want to see the bruise Kaga left on my chest?"

Goto grins at you. "That's exactly what she said. Said that you charged in there to chew Kaga's ass off because she was picking on you. Because you're a good Admiral who defends his ships, can't help it – like you were just now."

You frown, but keep silent – he's got you there.

"And Kaga-" he snickers. "Oh. Kaga. She walked in here and gave a very serious speech about how she had let her emotions overwhelm her reason and how she was dangerous and unfit to serve in a balanced co-operative force and that she was still loyal to the JSDF despite her lapses in judgement and how she wouldn't resist *arrest.* Arrest!" He shakes his head. "You should have seen her FACE when I handed her that goddamn suduku puzzle. She looked exactly like you just now, but – wow."

"And this is you taking it seriously?" you say angrily, standing up. "I'm probably going to open my e-mail to find a nastygram from the Chief of Naval Operations – that's the man who writes God's paychecks, if you didn't fucking know – and you're having a fucking GIGGLE?"

"Yeah, I fucking am," Goto says, his face suddenly as severe as graven stone. "Sit down, Settle, and either listen to me, or check your damn e-mail right now, if you won't. I promise you'll be surprised."

>Sit down. Drink. Listen.
>Check your e-mail – this motherfucker must've went off the deep end at some point.

39702375 (demetrious) - NEXT THREAD: >>39702372
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Session #10 pt.2

>Sit down. Drink. Listen.

You sit down, giving Goto your best I'm-not-fucking-playing look, and slug down the Scotch in one go. It burns all the way down, but you never blink – you're straight-laced and squared away, but you're no damn teetotaler, either. You even drank Hate under the table once, although he maintains to this day that it was a fluke. "Okay. I'm listening."

"Good," Goto says. "The reason I find this so funny – aside from me having been in your shoes exactly sixteen months ago, give or take – is that you actually think you fucked up."

"I DID!" you snap, slapping the glass back onto Goto's desk hard enough to make a gunshot report. "Kaga might be embarrassed for violating HONORABU DISCIPLINE and Hornet's hung up on not having done enough during the war, but it was my responsibility, Goto! It was my responsibility to keep a level head and tread on that thin ice without breaking through, and I - I -"

"Defended your ship?"

"I ALMOST-" you bite the inside of your cheek until you taste blood, reigning yourself in. Discipline. Arizona's right outside the damn door, she might hear. "I let it get personal. I catered to my... I came this close to splitting this alliance down the seams. God dammit Goto, people are *scared* of these ships. Nobody knows what commands their loyalty, why some come back as monsters and some as defenders, and I..." you bite your cheek again. "It's not my ship, Goto. It's not even America's ship. It's the world's ship. And everyone who needs their protection."

Goto nods throughout your lecture, his face serious, dark eyes focused on you. And as soon as you finish, he replies with one word.


"... what."

"Bull. Shit." Goto replies, his voice low and intense. "Do you really believe that they're 'just ships?' Was Hornet right when she told you she's just disposable, just another ship to fight and die for those who built her? She told me she told you. She told me the same. She said she'd been too much of a coward, a regretful coward; hadn't been firm enough, strong enough, she let you see her weakness and that made you feel bad for her. Kaga pretty much said the same thing; apologized for being a failure, for not being strong enough to resist those traumas. Are they right, Settle? Are they just... ships?"

>We don't know what the hell they are, Goto. They were built as weapons. Some of them remember it – just look at Harder, or Sammy. They're bloodthirsty. Who's to say that they don't all remember, and it's just buried deeper with some of them, like Kaga? She's usually so reserved – I saw a whole 'nother side of her yesterday.
>.... no. No, I don't. Nobody who can cry when they think you're not looking is 'just' anything. But we're fighting a war, and we're striking a delicate balancing act, Goto. We have to treat them like weapons of we're going to use them like weapons. The touchy-feely can wait for after the war. That's the way it is with human soldiers, too. We can't let this fly apart at the seams.

>.... no. No, I don't. Nobody who can cry when they think you're not looking is 'just' anything. But we're fighting a war, and we're striking a delicate balancing act, Goto. We have to treat them like weapons of we're going to use them like weapons. The touchy-feely can wait for after the war. That's the way it is with human soldiers, too. We can't let this fly apart at the seams.

"... no," you say quietly. "No. Sure, nobody knows what they *are,* but I know damn well what they're not. They're not just machines. They walk, they talk, they ambush you with teatime teikoku-" Goto flinches at this - "and... they cry, when they think you're not looking."

That hangs in the air between you for a minute... until Goto nods.

So he's seen it, too. At least once.

Maybe more.

"But," you continue, firm now, "we're no different. I've got a limp. You've got your scars somewhere, I'm sure. That's a soldiers lot. We're not allowed to cry until the job's done. Then we can cry all we want, but until then, we have to be strong." You squeeze the arm of your chair till you can hear it creak. "And we Admirals are supposed to be strong for our crews. For everyone. That's *our* damn job and... I'm just not good at it, I guess."

Goto nods. "Yeah. Yeah, that's what they told me. That's the standard line." He sighs, and drains his own scotch in one go before refilling both glasses. "But Settle – it's wrong." He turns his shotglass between his fingers as he gazes out the slanted blinds over one window, avoiding your eyes. "Sixteen months, Settle. I'm still not sure what I'm doing. I've just had enough time to get into habits that make it look like I do, you know? Like ducking into a broom closet whenever I hear that goddamn electric kettle start whistling." He frowns for a moment, then meets your gaze again. "They don't know what they are, any more than we do. Less, even. Far less. They just woke up one day in a flesh-and-blood body... except for when it's not – and they've got some people telling them that they're monsters, and others telling them that they're warships-" he shakes his head and looks down into his scotch, like he'll find some answers there. After a moment, he decides to check the bottom of the glass instead, coughing a little as it goes down.

"I know the USN is putting them right back on the Naval Register again. Acting like they just showed up in port one day, unsunk, with their old crew moving around like ghosts you don't need to pay. Just ships, nothing to see here, move along." He taps the empty glass on the desk. "We haven't quite caved to that – nobody wants to give the damned nationalists any more ammunition – but every report calls them non-biological entities or some shit like that."

He sighs. "Drink that."

You drink that, and let him refill it. "So what are you driving at?" you ask him.

"I'm telling you that they're sticking with what they know," he replies. "The shipgirls, and the Navy. But that just isn't going to cut it, Settle. They *are* girls, even if some of them don't believe it themselves. People. And they're looking for reasons. Reasons to fight, reasons to exist. And if we don't give them some, the ones they've decided on might start looking mighty thin."

The hair stands up on the back of your neck, but your mouth contradicts the chill: "No, no no, none of mine would ever-"

"But they would die for you, huh? Like little miss martyr, the CV that couldn't?"

Now you're the one studying your glass.

"You treat them like humans, you defend them like they're your daughters and then when it gets a little heated you feel guilty because that's not what you're supposed to do. Well, fuck what you're supposed to do. I've been doing it for sixteen months, Settle. I had to learn the hard way. I suggest you benefit from my experience and trust me when I say you did the right thing."

You sit silently as you absorb his opinion and his alcohol.

>Goto... have you ever held a command? Had your own boat for years? Fell in love with it? Then had it taken away?
>That's all fine and good, Goto, but how are we supposed to do that without a repeat of that incident yesterday? Kaga was ready to kill me for a moment, there. Hell, your own carriers were beating the shit out of each other. I don't see how I'm not getting a court-martial for letting that slip up, and it was the direct result of what you've just described

>Goto... have you ever held a command? Had your own boat for years? Fell in love with it? Then had it taken away?

"... Goto?"


"Have you ever held a command? Your own boat?"

"Of course. A few, in fact."

"How did you handle having them taken away?"

"... not well," he replies. "I should've been honored. The JSDF is nowhere near the size of the USN, you know. Very few people get promoted to any sort of flag rank. But I still missed my boat, you know? It was mine. Even if it wasn't a warship."

You look up in surprise. "Not a warship?"

Goto snorts. "Not too many of those to go around, not in the JSDF. Just a supply ship. Got sent on a lot of disaster relief. But she was mine, and we did good work together. I was out... I was out for years. And then one day they come and tell me that another one of those monsters has shown up, but she's pretty as the day is long and prideful and confident and she's telling anybody who will listen that she's the IJN Kongou, come back to serve and protect. Reporting for duty." He smiles. "These girls made me a Captain again, in a sense." He leans back in his chair, waiting for you.

"... I already lost one boat, Goto," you reply, your voice low. "And now that they've sent me here, I might never have a chance to make it right with her. They'll give that hull to someone else, someone who doesn't care, just sees a worn-out Flight I hull." You pinch the bridge of your nose, closing your eyes, and breathing in deeply. "I don't feel like the fucking A-team, here."

Goto grins. "From what I heard, you saved that boat."

"Tell that to my XO. But you better shout – it's a long way to Arlington."

"Well," Goto says. "I was looking forward to fucking with you when you came in here all serious, but you just couldn't wait to get down to the nitty-gritty of getting your ass chewed. Just like you ordered Arizona into that point-blank slugfest in your first engagement, even though it was eating you alive."

You grit your teeth. "Can everyone-"

"FUCK no," Goto snaps. "There's exactly two men on earth who know what we do. That's us. The first time Kongou took a hit-" he shudders. "I've been there. I KNOW."

You shrug, unconvinced, and shove the shotglass at him. It loosened you up a lot more than you'd expected – just what the clever bastard was going for, probably. He goes to drink it himself when a flurry of rapid taps assails the window.

"What the – oh for *fucks* sake," he grumps, rolling his chair to the window and raising the blinds to reveal a frantic Kongou and Kirishima. He grunts as the window sticks for a moment in the humid Japanese air before giving with a squeal. "Kongou, we've talked about coming in through the damn window-"

"Emergency!" she declares defensively. "Someone kidnapped Admiral Settle!"

"... what."

"We were feeding him breakfast and teatime and someone ran in and hit us with a table and WOOOSH!" Kongou declares, flinging her arms into the air. "It happened so fast we didn't even see who or what or oh my god Settle what the hell-" she coughs "I, mean-" she blushes. "Goto!"

"What!?" he replies, irritated and probably properly buzzed.

"It was you!"

"JESUS!" he snaps, shoving her head out of the way and slamming the window closed again, making sure to dog the latch. A few seconds later you can hear Kongou industriously trying to lift it again.

"Do you feel like a Captain yet?" you ask him.

"Fuck. You," he says empathetically. "And what was that about?"

"Uh. Arizona came to see me. Saw the door was kicked in-"

Goto does the addition swiftly. "... ah."

"She insisted on escorting me here, after that. She was sure Kaga was going to murder me in an alley."

"Mmmhmm," he replies, turning to the laptop on his desk and clicking a few times. "Well, that was very smart of her. She's waiting outside, then?"

"Yeah. Don't talk too loud; if she thinks Kongou's coming in through the window she's going to enter with extreme dynamism."

"Oh, I don't think we need to worry," Goto says. He spins the laptop around.

On the screen is a grainy CCTV feed of Goto's office door. You can clearly see Arizona leaning against it, the end of a water cooler paper cone pressed against the wood to funnel the sounds into her ear.

>.... oh, fuck. I'm leaving out the window, thank you very much Goto it's been swell.
>... Arizona, would you like to come in?

>... Arizona, would you like to come in?

You get up from Goto's chair, swaying just enough to let you know you imbibed too much on a mostly empty stomach – that clever fucker really did lure you in good, didn't he, and you started out so well – and carefully creep up on the door. You take the knob in hand as gently as possible, and YANK it open, sending Arizona and her little paper cone sprawling across the floor.

"There," you snap. "Are you happy, Goto? Lets get everyone into this little room, broadcast everything ol Admiral Settle thinks and feels to the world at-fucking-large!" You dash for the window. He sees what you're about to do, and snarls savagely as he dives of his chair to stop you – but you skip over his grasping hands and flip open the latch. The window slams open instantly, and Kongou thrusts her head and arms in, wrapping them around your midsection. "I KNEW YOU COULDN'T RESIST ME, ADMIRAL~"

The only warning you have of Arizona's approach is a faint breeze, almost as if every air molecule near Arizona is getting the fuck out of the way. The girl's silence is, on occasion, tremendously off-putting, no matter how much Goto might envy you for it. Crumpled papers go flying as Arizona slams the little plastic waistbasket near the desk over Kongou's head and starts jabbing her in the ribs with a pencil, eliciting sharp little "DESS DESS DESS DESS DESS!" from the surprised victim.

"Why!?" Goto says forlornly, looking up at you from the floor. "Stop them! Stop!"

You look down.


>You feel humiliated as hell. Of all the everyone you didn't want to hear all that shit you just said – well, Hate's at the top of the list, but Arizona's damn near tied for it. God dammit. God damn Goto and his fucking get-the-admiral-drunk-and-talk-about-our-feelings bullshit.
>You feel resigned. You meant everyone you said, and the events of LA are public knowledge. The only people who think you deserve any accolades for it are civilians and the PR people who justify their bullshit with words like "morale" and "espirit de corps." You just said what everyone already fucking knows, didn't you?
>You feel angry. You trained your whole goddamned life for a war, spent all that time making your boat ready and able for it, and you lost her in the opening salvo and now you're playing nursemaid? Talking about your fucking feelings with some nip like it's an episode of the View? Fuck this. Fuck them all. FUCK.

>You feel resigned. You meant everyone you said, and the events of LA are public knowledge. The only people who think you deserve any accolades for it are civilians and the PR people who justify their bullshit with words like "morale" and "espirit de corps." You just said what everyone already fucking knows, didn't you?

You should feel embarrassed – but like Goto observed, you've never been one to dance around an issue. Ignore it completely? Yes. Hurl it against the fucking wall and shatter it into a million pieces, and then pretend like it doesn't exist? Like you were tempted to do with that god damned cane, so many times? Very much so. But once the elephant's kicked down the fucking wall and waltzed right in, only a moron ignores it. The elephant wont go away, and if you ignore it, it's just going to trample your ass.

It's not how you operate. Never has been. Hornet knows – you think – she actually gets out and asks people things. You had hoped Arizona's silence would preclude her from asking, and that nobody'd volunteer your (very recent) past, but – sooner or later. Sooner or Later, and so sad for Settle, it turned out Sooner.

"GODDAMMIT, SETTLE, DON'T YOU DARE-" Goto's calling after you. He's wrapped up somewhere in the midst of a three-way tangle between Arizona and the two Kongou-class girls. You glance over your shoulder.

"That's what you get for taking your games too far. Pip pip, cheerio~" you say with a little fingerwave, and then you're out the door.

The world is your oyster, your execution has been (apparently) stayed, and Goto and his big fucking mouth are safely occupied for the moment.

What do you want to do?

>Actually check your e-mail. Elephants, ignoring, etc. Goto's sweet story be damned; the CNO has probably penned you a personal letter of death, mayhem and demotions. The Chief of Naval Fucking Operations does not e-mail many one-star admirals personally – you're under a fucking microscope, here, and you dun goof'd in his eyes.
>Find Hate. You need to vanish for a few hours, let things play out, de-stress. This is why you know the man – he's your pet Marine and you're his late-game summon spell. Time to make it work.
>Find Willie. No matter how low you go, she's even lower. She, you can still help. Besides, she's cute.
>Find Sammy. Because if you don't – you are just now realizing how many hours she has been without supervision. Oh Jesus. Oh Jesus Christ. Nobody's dead yet – which means she must be building a very, very big bomb, or something. That, or a repeat of the Arcade Incident is in the offing. Oh god.

>Actually check your e-mail. Elephants, ignoring, etc. Goto's sweet story be damned; the CNO has probably penned you a personal letter of death, mayhem and demotions. The Chief of Naval Fucking Operations does not e-mail many one-star admirals personally – you're under a fucking microscope, here, and you dun goof'd in his eyes.

39704267 (demetrious) -
Noted. Hornet chat, next thread!

>everyone voting for e-mail
As a reward for being sane and sensible (my god, in one of my quests?) you have unlocked a SPECIAL SCENE with CORPORAL HATE! See you in a few days, guys! Thanks for showing up for my bullshit!

>Get shit done. Check the ready list of personnel/shipgirls/conventional ships in anticipation of the next abbyssal attack. Visit the ready ships/shipgirls personally if needed.

This is also guaranteed!
Last edited:
Session #11 pt.1

TWITTER: twitter.com/planefriend

>Actually check your e-mail. Elephants, ignoring, etc. Goto's sweet story be damned; the CNO has probably penned you a personal letter of death, mayhem and demotions. The Chief of Naval Fucking Operations does not e-mail many one-star admirals personally – you're under a fucking microscope, here, and you dun goof'd in his eyes.

It's only a quarter till 9 – or 0845, if you want to be a pencil-pushing dildo about it – and the sidewalks of Yokosuka Naval Base are already hot enough to cook an egg. The air conditioning units on the roofs of the scattered administrative buildings are laboring away against the intense heat of a southern Japanese summer; bright rays scorching hot from a blue, cloudless sky.

You limp away from your conversation with Goto as your anger spins in quick little circles, looking for something to bite. You went into Goto's office rigged for depth charges; ready to take your lumps, and instead he side-tracked you into things nobody really wants to think about; things nobody can really DO anything about. Then he baited you into revealing too much while Arizona was listening against the door -

- god dammit. You come to a stop in the middle of the sidewalk, squeezing your head in your hands. God damn it. What were you thinking? Goto's still pretty much a total stranger to you. What the hell possessed you to talk to him about things you wouldn't even discuss with Hate?

... Hate knows most of it, of course. Or he's guessed. But there's no need to confirm those things. That comfortable vagueness of having someone who knows you well enough to give you advice when you most need it, but with the credible potential that they don't know *too* much, in too much detail to threaten your sacred secrets... that's the way to handle these things.

Not what you did. Not what you just did.

Yokosuka has benches here and there near the more generously landscaped parts of the base – all of them in Officer Country, of course, nowhere near the rough-and-ready dock facilities – and at one of those places you find a concrete bench that enjoys the shade of a cherry tree. You brush some stray sakura petals off the seat, mindful of your uniform pants, and plop down as you fish your smartphone out of your pocket. You take a deep breath and open up your e-mail app. You're terrified of what's in there... but you're also expectant. You want to take your lumps and get it over with, the sober reckoning that Goto denied you, and an e-mail fron the CNO with the subject "ALL YOUR SHIT" and a body that says "IN A BOX ADDRESSED TO YOUR CIVVIE ADDRESS, BY TONIGHT" will certainly provide that.

Your finger trembles a little before you manage to tap the icon for your e-mail app.

... aaaand there's nothing. Nothing in the inbox from a .mil domain. You let out your pent-up breath, and scroll through the rest of the messages.

>An e-mail from your mother – probably another youtube link she thought was cute.
>An e-mail from Mare Island Naval – wait, what? A google address? Are they going to give her a museum berth after all?
>An e-mail from Corporal Hate

Vote for ONE. You'll get to read them all, this is just picking the order.

>An e-mail from your mother – probably another youtube link she thought was cute.

After a second's hesitation, you click the one from your mother. Sure, she still thinks those e-cards are clever and she's prone to forwarding bullshit stories without checking snopes.com first (no matter how many times you reply with the relevant debunking link) but it IS your mother, and you could use a private moment right about now.

As you suspected, it's another youtube link. You turn up the volume on your phone and listen to the tinny speakers as the video begins to play:

Four minutes later, you mute the volume and look at your phone thoughtfully. You're a Captain, a Skipper, and now you're an Admiral. And Big Admirals Don't Cry. But... you tap a few buttons and forward it to Corporal Hate. It's probably barking up the wrong tree (ha ha) but it doesn't hurt to try.

Now what?

>An e-mail from Mare Island Naval – wait, what?
>An e-mail from Corporal Hate
>A new e-mail that just arrived: "Please come pick up your sailor," from the yokosuka domain – the hell?

>An e-mail from Mare Island Naval – wait, what?

While you're procrastinating, you may as well procrastinate a little longer. You ignore the new e-mail and tap the one from "Mare Island."

"To Admiral Settle, Rear Admiral, USN:

It is my pleasure to inform you that Mare Island Naval Shipyard is preparing to accept DDG-76 in graving dock #2 within the next week. We will proceed with the standard seaworthiness evaluation and forward our repair quote to Navy acquisitions as soon as possible. Your colleagues at the San Diego Naval Base have stressed that you take a keen interest in the fate of DDG-76. As a government contractor, we are now authorized to release the pertinent information to you as soon as possible.

DDG-76 is a landmark event for our company. We are proud to have received the contract for her evaluation and possible repair, and the eyes of America are on her – and us. We are eager to validate their expectations.


John M. Baker
Contract Negotiations/Public Relations
Mare Island Dry Dock LLC

You sit there for a few seconds, stunned. You've heard nothing of your boat's fate for sixteen long months – rusting away somewhere in a ignored anchorage in San Diego as more seaworthy ships (damn near any of them) received priority at the US Navy's few drydocks. And now – Mare Island Naval Shipyard? Shut down in '96, along with a few zillion other bases?

The news may not be good – you know that damn well. She might be a total loss. And even if she's not... you've got a new job, now.

But it's more than you had yesterday. You type a quick thank-you reply and e-mail it off. And even if she is totaled... well, this war will end sooner or later, and she'll already be parked at (what WAS) a naval museum. And depending on the attention span of the reporters and the public, well... maybe she'll get that museum berth after all. That, at least, would be something good to come out of LA – old girl getting the respect she deserves.

>An e-mail from Corporal Hate
>A new e-mail that just arrived: "Please come pick up your sailor," from the Yokosuka domain – the hell?

>An e-mail from Corporal Hate

You eyeball the e-mail from the local address and scowl at it. One more e-mail before you've got to go back to the lunatic asylum that is now your life. You tap on it. It proves to be a short note jotted out rather quick – you're surprised he didn't just text you. He was probably at his computer last night and didn't want to cross the room for his phone.

"Find me sometime today, I have to give you something."

That's... ominous. Well, you still have that missing lower to hold over his head, if you really have to. On to the business at hand: you open the last e-mail.

"Admiral Settle: please stop by the base brig and pick up your charge. She's started in on the bars, and shooting her with rubber bullets just makes her angry. Please come. Please come. Please come. I need to pee and I can't leave the desk without her seeing me, and then she'll add me to her list. Please come. Please co"

... hmm. Sounds like a job for somebody with less rank thank you.

>Call Hate, send him over
>Pick her up yourself, you need all the points you can get right now
>Call Hate, have him meet you there

>Call Hate, have him meet you there

You're halfway to the brig when you belatedly remember that you gave one of your wee boats a personal escort – her own flotilla. Retrieving your phone, you dial up Hate. It doesn't finish the first ring before he picks up.

"Ayo, Skipper."

He's always fast on that – he must have a custom ringtone; he doesn't take time to read the screen. "Hey. Can you meet me at the brig? I might require your unique skills."

"That kind of thing is better done at night."

"Just a light asskicking. No need to dispose of bodies."

"Oh, in that case, I'll be right along." He hangs up.

The Yokosuka Naval Base has a decent-sized brig; it houses miscreants from every visiting ship of both navies as well as the various servicemen who had a little too much fun in town and walked counter-clockwise around a shinto shrine or something. According to them, at least – it's always the Japanese being Very Unreasonable And Quite Stuck-Up, imposing on the virtuous sailors who Defend Their Freedoms from the Chinese Scourge. A tale as old as time, a lie as old as rhyme, etc. You enter the small lobby/processing area, where a bored-looking desk clerk points you to the rear hall without a word. You stroll back towards the rear, where there's a little booth with cameras and a phone – a monitoring station for a hallway worth of small, clean cells. You find your e-mailer cowering in it, the keyboard in his hands, peeking up at the LCD screen above him.

"... hello?"

The man twirls in a circle, presses his finger to his lip and frantically signals for silence.

"AAAAH HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAA," comes Sammy's familiar bright voice down the hallway. "AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


You turn to find Hate behind you. "Good timing."

Another mad skirling whirl of laughter comes jangling down the hall. "Oh." He looks down at the terrified-looking MP. "When did she stop swearing and just start laughing?"

"About five m-minutes ago," he says, his eyes popping out of his head.

From down the hall comes the unmistakable sound of hardened steel groaning as it's bent.

"And... you didn't just go in there and hose her down or something?"

"Oh fuck no," the MP says. "I SAW that movie. We got nothing to shoot her with. Besides, the damn dogs hold you off before you get close enough!"

Hate seems to be hovering between an "I told you so and this all your fault," and "god dammit, I have to do something again." He settles for asking the MP a question: "You can open the cells electronically, right?"

He nods.

"Cool. Pop the one directly across from hers. Do you have to close them electrically, too?"

"Just roll it shut and it'll latch."

"Good." Hate takes point, leading you down the hall. True to form, you're not halfway down the narrow hall before Sammy's quintet of escorts come barreling towards you, barking like mad and farting little phoot phoot phoots – she must've fed them french fries. Again. They see Hate and come skidding to a halt, their little tails wagging like mad as they plop on their rumps and watch him attentively.

"Their vision," Hate says quietly. From his back pocket he slowly removes his hand with a flourish – revealing a small red super ball. He slowly waves it left, then right, watching as the Corgis track the motion intently.

"Is based on movement," he finishes, and flicks it expertly. The Corgis explode into motion; an outlashing of furry fury; dogs ricocheting off bars and floor as they trip and soar and dive around each other in pursuit of the madly rebounding ball. They chase it down the hall, skidding into an expert drift as they round the last corner and surround the elusive prey in the open cell. Hate dashes forward and slams the bars closed on them, but they're too occupied with their new toy to care.


You and Hate exchange a Glance, and then slowly turn to look at Sammy. She's made decent progress on the bars; another hour and she'll be able to make an opening wide enough to squeeze herself through.

Hate crosses his arms and moods at you – he's done his part. This one's up to you.


You scratch your head and stare at Sammy, who's now saving her breath for another session of bar-bending; her little hands wrapped around the steel bar that's slowly yielding to her inhuman wrath. You need to get through to her somehow.

"Sammy... how did they even freaking catch you?"

It works. You see her eyes slowly come into focus. "Cheating. Cheating! They ganged up on me!"

"How many?"

"How many shit-kicking MPs does this shithole have?" she asks you.

You open your mouth-

"BECAUSE I'M ABOUT TO REDUCE THAT NUMBER BY ONE!" she snarls, and from down the hall there's a clatter of plastic on linoleum as the poor MP's finally breaks, sending him fleeing for safety.

"So... what did they even do?"

"They were waiting for me," she snarls. "They set a trap. I don't know how they knew... but they knew." She glowers, her brow furrowing as the bar bends in her hands a little further with a long, alarming creak of tortured metal. "I was running radio silent. It must've been a spy. A filthy Jap spy. There were like a jillion of them!"

"Did they taser you?"

"What's that?"

"Uh, what did they use-"

"These stupid-looking clear shields," she grumps. "They circled around and fucking ni-"

"Oooooh," you say politely, cutting that one off early. "Try not to use that term."

"Then what the fuck am I supposed to call it when twenty zillin douchenozzle dillhole fuckwanks-"

"Yooooo!" you say in alarm – the girl must be hell-on-wheels at sea scrabble. "Nobody likes MPs, but is that really necessary?"

"MARINE MPs," she damn near spits, and from the look on Hate's face, he shares the sentiment. Navy MPs are simply dildroids; the same problem in the same uniform with a different hat and a little stick, but Marine MPs are traitors. "So yeah, what you you WANT me to call it when those shitbirds form Mount Asshole with me on the goddamn bottom?"

The word rolls off your tongue without hesitation. "A dogpile."

You duck just before Hate's hand makes contact with your uniform hat, trying not to snigger. He gives you a glum look that tells you that shit really wasn't necessary. You don't care. With a nod at the control station, you send Hate off to open Sammy's door, while you stand ready to intercept her.

"So, did you get that out of your system? Clear your sinuses?" you ask Sammy as the door opens with a long BRRRR! Or tries to; her efforts ensure it jams half-way open. She skips out and is waiting when Hate opens the cell opposite; her little flotilla of corgis leaping to her side to swirl around her feet in a nonstop floor-halo of doggy joy. Sammy looks down on her minions imperiously, then pouts up at you.

"I'm hungry."

>To the officer's mess!
>Screw base food and screw that place, I think it's cursed with shipsluts. Lets go somewhere off-base for a change.

>To the officer's mess!

"Sure," you tell Sammy. "Let's hit up the mess."

She scowls. "Base food is always crummy. Can't we go out?"

"We're going to the officer's mess," you inform her. "I dunno what crap they've been feeding you, but the food there's actually decent."

"Hokay," she says nonchalantly. She stuffs her hands in her pockets – as she does at nearly every opportunity; you think she favors that big jacket because of the nice, conspicuous pockets – and saunters out of the brig to your left, with Hate bringing up your right.

For a change of pace nothing untoward happens on your way to the eats – the door guard doesn't even blink when he sees Sammy at your side. She skips ahead immediately, heading for the food. You catch up to find her standing on tip-toe, trying to fish some bacon out of the back corner of the buffet bar's tray.

"Grrrrrngh," she mutters as she strains to reach. The tip of the tongs just barely brushes one strand of bacon. "Dammit!" She brings her little fist down on the edge of the tray, hard, and the remaining bacon goes flying and bouncing off the sneeze-shield. Thus redistributed, she's able to take her share and proceeds to build two huge... they started as BLTs, but when she got to adding the meatloaf on, you had to look away. At least the mess hall meatloaf has the kind of consistency required to stay on a sandwich – god knows it's good for little else. Except for shoring up battle-damage, perhaps. You begin to load a plate – Kongou's toast wasn't sufficient for the "excitement" you're likely to enjoy today – and follow in Sammy's wake. She's got a hand atop one huge sandwich each, pressing down to hold them together and to exert enough force on her tray to slide it to the end. She reaches it and pauses uncertainly.

"Here," Hate says nonchalantly, producing two big pins with circular ends decorated with red tape. She holds the dagwoods still for him to spear them through – they're just the right size. No mortal toothpick can contend with Sammy B's appetite. Destroyers were always big fuel hogs in the steam days – and Sammy wasn't much better.

Your happy little duo of lunatics finds a table in the corner and settle in. You pick at your mashed potatoes while Hate guzzles down his coffee – you see he's taken the whole carafe from the machine. Back to old habits already. You can't blame him; the tiny little white mugs they give you here are awful. After downing about half of it, he turns his attention to the Corgis, who are watching him intently. With a big, dramatic sigh, he swivels around in his chair and picks up the plate he set aside just for them. "And to thee, I do grant Holy Communion," he mutters as he begins doling out the bacon strips, one at a time, working clockwise through the dogs that have taken up solemn station around his chair. "One for you, my son.... one for you, my son..."

"Admiral, could you get me some chocolate milk?" Sammy asks. "I couldn't reach those dangly-doodangs."

"Is it really a good idea for you to have sugar?" you ask warily.

"Biff muh," she murmurs around half of the huge sandwich. You watch in awe – you think she might've unhinged her jaw to fit it in – then you rise and head for the milk machine.

You're not halfway there when a flash of white hair framing a youthful face catches your eye. You glance sidelong to see -

- yes, that's Shoukaku on an intercept course.


WRITE-IN: Stop, look at her, and ask what she wants.

You slow to a halt, letting Shoukaku come to you. The memory of your fantastic fuckup yesterday is vivid in your mind – especially the part where you tore out of Shoukaku's grasp so you could rush in and stick your foot in the bear trap that is Kaga. She's actually sane – and demonstrably smarter than you, for that matter.

So you come to a halt, and politely wait for her to approach you. You haven't seen much of her – yesterday was the first time in person, you think – so you take the opportunity to study her. She moves with uncommon grace, her long skirt hardly seeming to move as she seemingly glides towards you. The dark metal "chestpiece" that seemingly all the Japanese carriers wear is notably heavier than Kaga's and Akagi's, and she seems to... displace more than either of them, too. Her skin is surprisingly pale and clear; her face sweetly, softly shaped. Limpid light-brown eyes sparkle in the light; shining like amber past stray strands of silver hair that decorate her face just right.


You come to your senses with a start. "Uh. Hello, Shoukaku. Can I help you?"

Shoukaku's eyes fall to the floor, and you notice her hands are clasped in front of her. "Yes... about yesterday..." A small sigh escapes her. "I'm sorry."

You process that for a second. "Beg your pardon?"

She looks up in confusion. "But I'm begging *your* pardon!"

"Uh, I mean, please repeat."

"I'm sorry about yesterday," she repeats, holding your gaze steady now. "I shouldn't have let you face Kaga alone."

You squint at her. "But I-"

"You couldn't have known," she insists, gentle, yet firm. "Kaga..." her eyes drop to the floor again. "Kaga-san is in pain," she whispers. "She was of an older class... less protected than me. Still, she... she blames herself." She captures your gaze again. "I should have known things would go poorly. I should've tried to convince you."


"I was right there," she insists. "I'm in the same division as Zuikaku, I know how she can get – how Kaga gets when they start into it. I knew, Admiral."

"You did try," you point out. "And I'm thankful for that."

She shakes her head, that silver (how could you ever see it as white?) hair seeming to shimmer around her face as she does so. "Please, Admiral. Let me apologize properly. Nobody's even welcomed you to the base yet, and now we've gotten off on the wrong foot."

"Well, it'd be nice to make my introductions in a *formal* fashion-" you begin.

"Good!" Shoukaku says cheerfully. Her entire face seems to radiate light when she smiles. She reaches out and captures your free hand in both of hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Join me for dinner tonight. I'll tell you all about the base and the ships we have here."

"Sure," you say politely. She gives you another lovely smile, and then she's gone, gliding away for the door. You marvel over the brief conversation as you fill a few plastic cups for Sammy – her fault? Really? The number of people willing to make excuses for you on this base is – scratch that. The number of people with delusions of responsibility on this base are alarming. Or maybe it's that Japanese thing, where you take responsibility for the failures of a superior, and thus gain... shrif-gor? No, that was from that book. Virtue? Nah, that's Buddist... or Hindu. Whatever. You limp back to the table and water Sammy, who's already polished off her dagwoods.

"So, what was all that about?" Sammy asks.

"Nothin, she just wanted to Express her Regrets about yesterday," you said. "Wants to introduce me to the base good and proper and all that."

"What, they're throwing you a welcome party?" Hate and Sammy are overcome by identical expressions of glee. "Will there be cake!?" they sing-song in unison.

You snort. "Nothing so extravagant. She just asked me to dinner tonight."

The destructive duo's happy expressions seem to freeze, then shatter.

".... what?" you say as you swirl the last of your rather-dense meatloaf around your plate.

Their eyes widen as one, a pair of cold, dead stares that bore into you. You peer back at them quizzically, trying to figure out -

- "fuck ME."

>There is no fucking way this is happening. You guys are wrong. You're wrong in all the ways.
>What the actual how shit does these what how in the literal fuck?
>Hate, I require an emergency tonight and I require it FAST.
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Session #11 pt.2

>There is no fucking way this is happening. You guys are wrong. You're wrong in all the ways.

"No," you tell the Marine and the... tinier, cuter Marine flat-out. "No. There is no fucking way this is happening. You two are wrong. You're so goddamn wrong it's not funny."

Sammy's lips curl into a wicked grin. "Settle and Shoukaku, sitting in a tree-"

"KAY AYE ESS ESS AYE EN GEE!" they sing-song in unison, loudly enough to turn heads from across the big room.

"Hate!" you snap. "You are to stop letting Sammy into your stash of happyweed, and you are not to be talking to me when you've both been on it!"

"Aye Aye, Romeo," Hate says, snapping you a serious salute.

"Come on, Admirallllll," Sammy drones while rolling her head to one side. "I saw her take your HAND."

"It's just a business meeting, you know?" you say. "I literally just got here, and the first and only time she's met me she watched me royally fuck up-"

"Dude, I SAW that, you stared Kaga DOWN!" Sammy says, almost bouncing out of her seat. "She was about to snap your neck like a twig and you just, like, backed her down!"

"That display of primal power," Hate says thoughtfully.

"Oh yeah," Sammy chips in. "Shoukaku saw that. She wants the D."

You scowl at her. "Where'd you learn to talk like that!?" Hate raises his hands in a not-me gesture.

She sniffs. "Xbox live."

"Do you even know what the 'D' is?"

She scowls at you, and in a flash hops up on her chair so she can stare you down from somewhere around eye level. "You sayin I too young to know!?"


"I was filled with like two hundred guys!"



"Okay, that's a good po-"

"D means the diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick," she says, drawling it out. "PEEEEEEEEEENIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-"

You leap out of your chair and clamp your hand over Sammy's mouth. "Thankyouverymuchyoumadeyourpointjesuschrist-"

"He's blushing!" Hate cackles with unholy glee. "Holy shit, we really got him this time-"

You shoot Hate a glare of ultimate and unrestrained hate, which is something like trying to drown a fish in water. You lower Sammy back into her chair by her damn mouth, gripping the back of her head with your free hand, and finally resume your seat, feeling a bit pissed. You fish out your smartphone to check your itinerary and e-mails, but Hate holds up a hand.

"Hold on, skip. I got that thing I wanted to give ya." He scoooches his chair over a few feet to where a few spare buffet-table-island things are stored in one corner; the ones they roll out for dinner and bigger parties. From behind one of them, he fishes out a fairly long, thin white box. "I got you something."

He schooches back to you and hands it to you, then claps his hands before him on the table and watches you with this wide-eyed stare underlined by an incredibly smug grin. "It's absolutely perfect for the occasion."

Gingerly, you lift the lid – and find... a cane.

And oh god, what a cane it is.

The length of the ebony-wood shaft is buried under a tremendous number of sequins; some of them still showing the watered-down elmer's glue used to attach them. Then someone went after it with glitter – in fact, it looks like it was rolled around in a tub of it. But the truly spectacular bit is the headpiece; a glass globe which contains a small, wiggling animal. A fish. An actual fucking fish. You can see that the top unscrews to allow feeding, removal or replacement. And the breed -

"... dogfish." You say aloud. "A fucking... dogfish."

"None finer for the fighting seaman!" Hate says, beaming smugness at you.

You stare at the fucking "cane" laid out before you in all it's gaudy glory. "A pimp cane with a dogfish."

"You slyyyyyyyyyyy-"


"YOOOOOOOU!" Sammy and Hate finish in unison; the little girl jumping onto her seat again so she can reach over the table and slam a thunderous high-five with Hate.

"I had DesDiv 6 help me decorate it," Hate sniggers, "but that headpiece was all me, baby."

You crumple. He got you. He finally got you back for all those fucking dog jokes.

Well, the joke's on him. You're an Admiral now, and you wield the fell and terrible power of Paperwork. Wait till he opens his email, that smirking fuck.

While Sammy and Hate continue sniggering at your expense, you turn back to your smartphone, and try to figure out where you're needed today.

>Maybe we should check up on Naka. She really worried you with how she was talking.
>Maybe we should attend some range practice – you want to see if the Japanese ships improved their gunnery from historical precedent... and you want to see if Willie can get her turrets pointed the right way.
>You should probably see Willie again. You still need to figure out something to boost her confidence a bit, and like you told someone earlier, you're going to want every destroyer you've got.

>Maybe we should check up on Naka. She really worried you with how she was talking.

You decide to check in on Naka again. She unsettled you badly with how she was talking yesterday, and you think it a bad idea to leave her alone for too long. After saying goodbye to Hate and Sammy, you strike out across base for the infirmary. The sun is almost directly overhead now and Yokosuka has become a sweltering hotplate. There isn't even a sea breeze to stir the stifling air. You find yourself wishing for a t-shirt and shorts, but you're an Admiral, and all – it wouldn't do to look slovenly. You reach the hospital with a few polite salutes between passing officers. There's a van with antennas on the top, and lots of big bright letters in moonrunes plastered on its side. You give it a curious look, and brush right past into the glorious AC of the infirmary.

Your phone begins ringing. You fish it out and plaster it to your ear as you signal the desk attendant an apology. "Admiral Settle speaking."


A bolt of lightning blasts your spine out of your back to leave your unsupported body hovering in midair like a boneless bag of guts.

It's the voice of God Almighty.

"Admiral Greenert," you say, your mouth suddenly very dry. "How can I help you?"

"Heard about the fracas at Yokosuka," he says bluntly.

This is it. Right here, in the hospital, the other shoe finally falls – just when you'd managed to forget about it long enough to drop your mental defenses. You stiffen up, stand straight, and prepare.

>Sir, I miscalculated.
>Sir, I lacked discipline.
>Sir, I'm waiting very patiently for you to do the talking.

>Sir, I'm waiting very patiently for you to do the talking.

You were never pegged by anyone as flag-rank materiel – not even by yourself. Events conspired to change that, of course, but you're STILL not flag-rank materiel, and you know it.

However, even you have learned a few things about how to survive as an officer in the Navy – especially one holding a seagoing command in (what used to be) a new and exciting era of budget cuts. You keep your goddamn mouth shut through the pregnant pause, and let the Chief Of Naval Operations finish talking.

"Ballsy," he says bluntly. "Damn ballsy of you."

"Sir, I-" you swallow. "I miscalculated."

"Who cares?" he replies bluntly. "You pulled it off."

All that code-of-silence shit that just ran around your head finds an exit and buggers off. "S-Sir?"

"You pulled it off," he says, sounding mildly pleased. "None of our esteemed allies beat each other to death, did they?"

"No, sir," you answer matter-of-fact.

"Then you pulled it off," he says bluntly. "I talked with Goto. I know him from when I ran 7th fleet; he was homeported here. He says you handled it with aplomb."

"Oh," you say.

"Is everything okay, Settle?"

"Sir..." you pause. "What about not rocking the boat?"

"I meant it," he said, his tone deadly serious. "Don't. Those two boats rocked each other, in case you forgot. This was expected, Settle."

You blink. "S-sir?"

"Ask Goto what they were like when they first started showing up. We were able to take our sweet damn time with it; using the lessons they learned firsthand. They didn't have that luxury. And the JSDF being so small, they didn't have the time. The Chinese weren't going to lend a hand, either." He sighs. "Bringing American NBE's into it? Tensions were bound to rise. The Imperial Japanese Navy was one of those organizations that believed you could make sailors better, tougher and stronger via direct violence; they handed it around as liberally as the Army did, back then. You're tilling a field full of land mines; some explosions are inevitable."

"I see, sir."

"You don't sound like it," he says. You glance at your watch – 0943 what time is it in the 'States? "Goto says you came close to getting killed."

"Maybe, sir."

"Maybe, nothing. You were lucky Hornet was there." He sighs. "Ask Goto about secretaries, and their functions."

"Yes sir," you say, acknowledging the order.

"Now that's settled, I wanted to ask about-" you hear a rustle of papers in the background - "SS-257. Showed up the day you arrived, eh?"


"Damn lucky. Always good to have more subs..." he sounds a little wistful – and more than a little tired; the obvious exhaustion slipping past his brisk, businesslike tone. "And Harder's one hell of a sub. We've already got him back on the register, but has anyone had the Talk with him?"

You pause. "Unfortunately not, sir."

"Do so. He got into a ruckus of his own yesterday."

"I'll do it immediately."

"Excellent. Keep me updated," he says, and hangs up.

You pocket your phone and slump against the wall, picking a spot behind a decorative potted plant so you won't get a Look from the receptionist. Taking your hat off, you can feel the sweat in your hair chilling in the cold currents of the air conditioning.

Goto went to bat for you. Now it makes sense – he approved of your reaction, and even the CNO had fully expected unavoidable upsets like this – a few, at any rate. There's always such a thing as a few too many.

But did Goto tell the CNO how you might've avoided the entire fracas completely? You doubt it. And even you know Kaga was on the razor's edge of committing some violence serious enough it couldn't be forgotten or papered over. You threaded the needle on that bleak beach, and you're just now realizing in the aftermath how close you came.


You look up to see a man with a hefty TV camera on his shoulder carefully slow-walking backwards down the hall, a practiced heel-toe step keeping his equipment perfectly steady. Another man is walking backwards just behind him, keeping a fluffy boom mike suspended just over his head, but out of the camera's view. A cheerful, almost bubbly voice is floating through the antiseptic air; the high, fast pitches of a young girl speaking Japanese. It's punctuated by a 'sqeee-chunk!' every few seconds; a vaguely familiar noise to you.

Crutches? Someone on two crutches.

The boom-mike operator says something, and the voice abruptly switches to English. "Hell~ooo!" it singsongs brightly. "The fleet's top idol here, reporting for duty! As you can see, I had some bad luck, but because of the prayers and well-wishes of everyone at home, I pulled through!"

The little backwards procession advances into the lobby proper, giving you your first look at – yes, that's Naka, slowly crabwalking forward on two crutches as she beams into the camera. The receptionist perks up and looks pretty as the camera retreats far enough to put her in frame. "I'm ready to check out!" Naka calls to her, and she smiles and pushes a clipboard forward for Naka to sign with a dramatic flourish. "Yay!" she says, her eyes – actually – closing – you didn't think it was possible to do the eyes-closed smile thing; for a real person, but she does it, and she makes it look natural. "I'll be back on the open ocean soon, with your support!" She pumps her fist in the air, much like Kongou does, and giggles. "Nothing can stop a true idol!" She does that two-finger V thing that's all the craze over here, cocking it near one temple while winking with one eye while deploying a lopsided grin; all in one smooth motion. Her pigtails bounce with the energy of it, and her skirt even swirls a bit – she must've cocked her hips, but not enough to be immediately noticeable.

The cameraman shouts something, one word, and both men abruptly shoulder their equipment while exchanging what sound like obligatory pleasantries with Naka. She smile after them until they exit. The receptionist picks up the clipboard and runs after them – apparently, it was their prop.

Naka smiles towards the door for a minute or two more, and then she turns the sunlight off. Leaning one side against the receptionists little corral, she twists and leans over till she can crumple over it, her midsection clearly still hurting like a son-of-a-bitch. A few tears trickle down one cheek.

>... do you need help?
>Naka, what the fuck was with the cameramen?
>What the HELL did I just – is that really the same – how in the howzaphat

>... do you need help?

It takes you a moment to reconcile the bright, bubbly *presence* in front of you with the dejected, hopeless creature curled up in a hospital bed just yesterday. And yet, there she is, grunting around the pain, trying to curl up around her aching midsection.

"... do you need help?" you say, stepping out from behind the plant.

Naka jerks up in surprise, and yelps in pain. She loses her grip on the marble countertop of the receptionist's desk and slides down the wood-paneled sides to weep in pain on the floor. "... Settle."

You kneel next to her. "Shall I fetch a nurse?"

She jerks her head into a shake, her pigtails tickling your face as they fly past. "No... just... hurts..."



"What do you want, then?"

She stays silent for long seconds, clearly biting the pain back where it can't impede her tongue. "My room. Just... just wanna lie down..."

Before she can object, you slip your arms behind her shoulders and under her knees and pick her straight up, keeping her curled around her midsection; not flexing the injury any more than necessary. She exhales sharply in pain, but makes no comment as you carry her down the hall to her room. She's surprisingly light; less than you'd expect of an ordinary human girl of her age – she's a slender little thing, and fully "human" at the moment, it'd seem. You lay her in her bed, unfolding her slowly and carefully – you know what it's like to be stitched up across a place with muscles that prefer to flex. She groans in relief as she slowly finds her laid-out position, sinking into the hospital bed, tears of pain still trickling from her eyes.

>Naka, what the hell was all that with the TV?
>She was happy? Bubbly? You're bubbly? You're actually a real fucking idol? Like, for really real? What?

>Naka, what the hell was all that with the TV?

"... Naka?" you ask after a few minutes of unlabored breathing from the slender girl. "What was with the TV cameras?"

"Idol," she says flatly, as if you're an idiot.

"Allow me to rephrase," you say politely. "What the FUCK were you doing out of bed and clunking around on those crutches when you're nowhere near recovered yet? They just patched your hull, but your machinery's still fucked, you un-"

"Of course I *fucking* understand!" she spits venemously, the back of one black-gloved hand laid over her eyes. She sucks in a deep breath and lets it out slowly as she composes herself. "I'm an Idol. The Navy likes it... good image."

That gives you pause. Shipgirls still scare the shit out of a lot of people – literally every fundie sumbitch that draws breath has managed to work them into their bigoted hyperlunacy somewhere, and even ordinary folk view them as just the flip side of the abyssal coin – a nasty supernatural thing that is unknown, dangerous and should just piss off already. Having one as a happy, bubbly idol... it'd be like an American shipgirl kneeling before Oprah to be knighted as the worlds newest talk-show host, before being bequeathed her own vassal kingdom of guaranteed multi-millions viewership. A host to surpass Doctor Oz, verily.

"... oh," you say quietly. "Well... good job."

"Thanks," she says darkly.

"I mean it," you say, pulling up one of the guest chairs and plopping into it. Naka hears the seat creaking, but she doesn't bother to uncover her eyes and look at you.

"Don't you have more important things to do than babysit me?"

>That's why I came to see you. I need to have... a Talk, with Harder. I was hoping you could help me with that.
>Not a god damned thing, so I came to piss you off. Nice motif you got going here, with the shuttered windows and no fan on. I can hit up Halloween USA, get some mood music, some plastic pumpkins and bats and shit. Sound good?
>Yeah, I have to go make sure no ships are trying to kill others or themselves OH WAIT

>Yeah, I have to go make sure no ships are trying to kill others or themselves OH WAIT
WRITE-IN: "No. The God Almighty came down from the heavens, pointed directly at me and said "Settle." "Yes, God?" "Take care of the ships, we need them blowing up the Abyssals, not themselves or each other." "Yes God." "Also, don't trip over Hate. You've got a bum leg."

"Not a goddamn thing," you grump back. "You see, the Lord Almighty called to me from a burning bush, and lo did he say to me, 'go forth and ensure that the walking backtalking smartass warships of Man do not commit damned fratricide, for they will be condemned for all time and cast from the Grace and the Light of God."

This, at least, gets Naka to look at you. "A... bush," she says dubiously. Apperently she's not familiar with Western theological myth. "That's stupid."

"Well, he actually called me on the phone," you clarify.

"The phone."

"Yes. The Chief of Naval Operations, called me while I was in the lobby about five minutes ago and told me to keep making sure none of you shipheads manage to kill any other ships off. I'm extending the definition to include suicide."

She scowls at you. "Really-"

"Yes, fucking really," you snap back. "Here." You hold up your phone. "Do a reverse dial, ask him yourself."

"No... that's..." she covers her face up with the back of her hand again; but her tone is rather softer. "I'm sorry."

"Good," you say with a sigh. "And for your information, I'm only sitting down because my leg is fucking killing me."

"Want one of my crutches?"

"I...." you sigh. "I have a cane."

She looks at you again. "... is it in that big white box you tucked under your arm?" She nods at it, leaning against the siderail of her hospital bed where you propped it after lying her flat.


She squints at you. "And you're not using it because..."

You groan. "Take it out, have a look."

You hear the rustling of packing paper, the scrape of cardboard, and then - "... wow."


"It looks like a magical girl staff. From a really bad anime."

"You know what that is?"

She snatches up the remote and zaps the TV, which snaps to life in the middle of a Card Captor Sakura rerun. You grimace at the TV. "Christ, that stuff was bad the first time around."

Now *she* squints at *you.* "You've watched it?"

"Surely it isn't THAT bad," you say, jerking your thumb at the TV where one such staff is currently being employed.

"Admiral," she says darkly, holding it above her prone form to catch the meager light, "it has a FISH in it. Who gave this to you?"

"A class-A asshole."

"No kidding," she says, putting it back in the box.

You sit in silence for a few minutes. You get up long enough to turn on the ceiling fan, and settle down again. A tension is growing in the room; something brooding and questioning beneath Naka's dark eyes, and sooner or later, that bubble will burst.



Also, I have a question for you all: soon you'll be getting a ginormo update the size of which you have never seen before. It could easily have more content than one (or even two) entire threads usually contain. Should I post it on TG, complete with pictures, or just link it in a pastebin or something? What would you prefer?
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Session #12

Twitter: www.twitter.com/planefriend
Archives: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=kant-o-celle_quest

".... ghrn."

You blink. Of all the things you expected Naka to say after her long, tense silence, it wasn't -

"Urrgh, ow, ow ow ow fuck ow," she whimpers miserably, squeezing her eyes shut against the tears slipping out. "Shudn't of picked up that... stupid cane..." you can see her tiny hands curling into white-knuckled fists, and you know from experience it isn't from the pain.

"Don't sweat it, Naka. Goto tells me you shipgirls heal pretty quick."

She sighs, and wipes away the tears of pain. "... does it hurt you?"


"Your leg."

You glance down at your injured thigh. "That obvious?"

"I guessed by the cane and your perpetual concealing-a-boner strut."

You snort despite yourself. "... every day. Even now. Every morning I decide between sharp pain and sharp thinking or dull pain and dull brain." Naka opens her mouth - "Make that crack and I'll have corgi's guarding your room, missy."

Her mouth quirks with momentary amusement... but it's soon gone. She's studying the boring white ceiling panels, now.

"... did you see Goto today?"

"More like I was dragged into his office and deposited on his mat like a dead mouse, but yeah, I guess I saw him, all right."

"Oh," she says quietly. She bites her lip and continues to stare silently at the ceiling, the tension clear on her face. After a prolonged silence, she closes her eyes, and you can see her entire body tensing.

"... did you tell him?"

>I told him everything... (lie, to see how she reacts,) ...about myself, spilled my guts like a teenage girl on her first sleepover. Because I'm STUPID.
>Are you insane? Why the hell would I do something like that?
>... to be perfectly honest, it never even crossed my mind, Naka. (Full honesty.)

>... to be perfectly honest, it never even crossed my mind, Naka. (Full honesty.)

"... to be perfectly honest, it never crossed my mind."

She stares at you as the tense look falls right off her face.

"Uh, do you *want* me to?"

"What!? No! No no no nono!" she babbles in a panic. "Please!"

"I won't," you promise, holding up your hands defensively.

She lets her head roll back onto the pillow, looking tired. "...why?"

"Uh," you murmur, leaning back in the guest chair. It's fully articulateable; suitable for a family member to spend an overnight watch in, if they wanted, and you sigh with relief as you sink into it. You didn't sleep very well last night, did you? "Well... have you met Arizona yet?"

"Not really, no."

"She's..." you bite your own lip now, painfully conscious of your words. "I've got no idea what's going on in her head, but... she's so damn *somber,* Naka. But she hasn't spoken a single word."

"... what? She's never talked to you?"

"Not a single word since she manifested. To anyone, much less me." You pinch the bridge of your nose, fighting back the pressure you can feel building in your skull; pent-up frustration crashing over you at last. "I've got a girl that won't even say 'good morning'. So why would I want to discourage you? Besides, even with Arizona it's written all over her, if you know the girl for longer than five minutes. Trust me, Goto knows. If he pays even a moment's attention, he knows."

"You really think so," Naka says quietly.


"Settle... there's a lot more of us Japanese girls than your American ones. And Goto's been at this for sixteen months. He's had his plate full."

You stop trying to rub away your growing headache long enough to look at Naka, but she's just staring at the ceiling again. "He's not paying enough attention?"

She shakes her head, a small, bitter smile on her lips. "I guess the rumors are spot-on."

"What rumors!?" you ask sharply.

"They say you pulled a live shell out of Arizona with your bare hands. She was just across the hall from me; I heard the nurses talking about it."

"... so?"

She turns her face to meet your gaze; tears flowing freely now, a bittersweet smile warping her face. "That's... that's not Goto. That's not *Japanese,* Settle. It's just... not." She wipes the tears away with the back of her gloved hand. "He's been doing everything right... so have I."

"... the idol thing?" you ask quietly.

She nods. "If you're this upset over your handful of girls, can you imagine Goto...?" A cold chill shivers down your spine at the mere thought. Naka sees it. "Yeah. If we all tried to lean on him... he'd break. It's not his job, anyway."

"When you first returned," you ask, "what did they say to you? Do you remember why you came back?"

"I was summoned," she whispers. "It wasn't... voluntary, like your girls. I just woke up in the middle of a Shinto shrine, and they let me know what was needed of me. That's all you need, if you're Japanese." She tries to laugh, but it limps out as a heavy sigh. "To bad I couldn't give it to them."

She's still torn up about being... well, torn up, you can see. Still feeling obsolete and useless.

>I'd like to do better than that for my ships. Would you come with me to give Harder his official welcome to the modern world? We need to... explain the modern situation, and... I don't have much practice at this.
>God told me I need to ask Goto about a "secretary." What's up with that?

>I'd like to do better than that for my ships. Would you come with me to give Harder his official welcome to the modern world? We need to... explain the modern situation, and... I don't have much practice at this.

"Well, I don't want to leave my ships hanging like that," you say with authority, ignoring the way your head aches when you speak above a whisper. "Since things were so... hectic recently, nobody's done anything about introducing Harder to the new world, and, uh-"

"You want ME to help you?"


"Of all people – why?"

"Because after he planted his face in your groin the other day I figure you might fluster him long enough for me to get a word in edgewise."

She makes an interesting expression. "That's... a good point. Besides," she says with a scowl, "I owe him a good shock. And I'm already dressed and made-up..." she points at the nightstand. "Hand me my makeup, please? I just... just have to touch up." Because of the crying, of course. You hand it to her and give her a few minutes privacy to get pretty while you track down a wheelchair – and a vicodin you wrangle out of her overseeing physician.

Twenty odd minutes later you're wheeling Naka up the access ramp to the main barracks building that's been set aside for the ship... girls. Apparently Harder's gender is unique, and clearing out a second building, complete with requisite security, all on the account of one male apparently isn't in the cards. You track down the right room number, and knock gently. The faint strains of SmashMouth are drifting through the door, so you knock again, uh, harder.


"ADMIRAL SETTLE!" you shout through the wood.


You signal silently to Naka to wait, and open the door. The room isn't overlarge so you spot Harder right away – a set of nice-looking speakers are blasting "All Star" and Harder's staring intently through the door of a microwave. It finishes with a DING! and he pulls out a bag of popcorn.

"Hey, Admiral?"


"The 21st century is FUCKING AWESOME." He rips open the bag and empties it into a big bowl. "Wan suff?" he asks around a mouthful.

"Nah, I'm good," you tell him. "Just wanted to drop by and give you the sitrep on the whole twenty-first century thing."

"Aw, I already got that," he says confidently. "Look, I've even moved in."

"So, what'd they tell you?"

"Oh, y'know, spooky ship monsters killin people, we gotta thrash'em, yadda yo." He shrugs. "Rest was easy to guess."

"And you have guessed that..."

"Hey, wait," he says, holding up a palm. "You're not gonna give me any nip pets, are you? Becaues I don't need 'em. Swear to god. Old fashioned submariner work, lone wolf, I'm best at that."

"... pets?"

"Yeah, local levies, whatever we're calling the Japanese ships." He shrugs as he digs into his popcorn again. "Pair them off with the battleships would be my recommendation, they can take a hit, but if someone decides to put a shell in the ass of 'ol occupying whitey and I'm in the vanguard – only takes one shell to pop a pressure hull, you know? Can't give them too much leash, the little yellow bastards will strangle you with it."

Yeah, So. Right. This is going to be harder than you thought.

>Naka? Showtime.

Pertinent write-ins said:
39923352 - Listen, son. The twenty-first century isn't just different tech-wise. There's a few things you have to know. Firstly, the "little yellow bastards" as you call them, are our allies, and are to be respected as such. Maybe you can start by apologizing to the girl waiting outside the door.
39923407 - "Save that shit for if and when the spirits of BuOrd come back. In the meantime, they're our allies now. So don't be a bigoted jackass. Especially if you ever want to have a snowball's chance of getting laid. And don't tell me you don't care; your entire existence involves being a hard tube filled with seamen just waiting to shoot your load into an attractive target."

>SON + Write-in elements

"Christ, Harder," you say miserably, rubbing your head – that headache ain't going anywhere fast. "Save the suspicion for the spirits of BuOrd, if they ever come back."

Harder simply growls. An actual growl, like a dog. "Are they still fucking up?"

"No, they've evolved," you admit. "Instead of pushing useless untested weapons into combat they just leave us without long-range offensive anti-ship missiles for two decades and call it good."

Harder's eyes narrow. "... baby steps."

"No shit. And we're not occupiers anymore, Harder. We returned sovereign rule to them a while back."

"Uh-huh." He does a slow pan with his head, scanning the entire room. "Which is why they are guests on our base, formerly the center of their entire Navy."

"It's a little more complicated than that-"


"And then there's, uh, more prosaic matters, like... co-ed housing concerns-"

"I'd rather fuck a porcupine on fire than a Nip," Harder replies instantly, and for a second your brain goes spinning for traction. "Sir."

Before you can stop burning rubber, Naka rolls into the room in her wheelchair. "Don't be coy, boy! Your entire existence involves being a hard tube filled with seamen just waiting to shoot your load into an attractive target." She giggles brightly and gives him a big, happy-go-lucky wink; the picture of pure, pretty innocence.

Harder makes that wheezing sound unique to people choking on popcorn.

"Japan's not militarist anymore~" Naka singsongs, twirling her wheelchair in a perfect 360 with no apparent effort, ending by striking another cute pose with her hands; two L's with fingers and thumbs to frame her face in a box. "We're all about cute things now – like me!"

Harder coughs hard, managing to clear his throat, but he hasn't figured out anything to say yet. For the first time you realize he's only wearing a standard sleeveless undershirt and boxers – standard attire for a seaman off-duty. Apparently Harder's realizing too, from the rapidly changing hue of his face. "It's all about pretty, fluffy, sweet, cute things. Nobody has time for dark days and sad thoughts! That's why I'm an idol – a pretty girl that brings joy to everyone's heart!" She gives Harder a smile bright enough to illuminate the room, and you can almost see his eyes popping out of his head. "The people of Japan would never accept us if we were grim reminders of their awful past and bitter defeat, so we have to adapt ourselves to the modern age."

"Buh," Harder gasps. "You. But."

She reaches out and grabs your forearm, and with a little of that shipgirl strength reels you in so suddenly you almost lose your footing, rocking against her wheelchair. She wraps her slender arms around yours and lays her cheek on your sleeve. "The Americans have been our champions and defenders against the wicked Communists ever since the end of the War," she says soberly. "And when there was a big tsunami a few years ago, they were the ones that swept in to help rescue us!" She giggles, covering her mouth with one gloved hand as a faint flush comes into her cheeks. "All the girls thought they were so dashing and handsome, too~"

"Y-y-you lying sloop-of-sluts!" Harder barks out. "I remember those fucking friendship medals you bastards issued our generals before you stabbed us in the back!" He thrusts his finger out at her. "I'll never trust you yellow-bellied slant-eyed snakes again, so stop buttering me up and just get to it!" His voice quavers a little, but his eyes look like little pieces of flint; dark and sharp – and the intensity of his stare outdoes the hate-glare boxers like to exchange before a bout.

And Naka just powers right through. "Get to what, Harder?"


She giggles again, hiding her face behind her hand. "Are you trying to bait me, Harder?"

"JUST DOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT," Harder wails, and then he lowers his head to glare at her from beneath furrowed brows. "Or are you afraid?"

"Th-that depends on your intentions," she says uncertainly, wringing her hands.

"You're afraid!"

"A-an idol always tries her best no matter what!"

"Puuuuuuuuusssssssyyyyyyyy" he drawls, low and long – his body visibly tensing for the charge he clearly believes is inevitable. You half believe it yourself – no IJN ship would take that, wheelchair or no.

But Naka just titters and gives him a sly, sidelong look as she turns her face away. "H-Harder... you... you want to put your torpedo down my throat, don't you?"

"YES!" he snarls. "I – BUT – NO , YOU – FUCKING-" he grabs his face in both hands. "AAAAH!"

>That's enough, Naka – I can take it from here.
>We've stabbed deep – now it's time to TWIST THE NAKA.

>We've stabbed deep – now it's time to TWIST THE NAKA.

"She's right, Harder," you confirm, trying to wiggle your arm out of Naka's grasp. She just cinches a little tighter and grins a little wider. "Japan is... uh... different, now." You know you're telling at least half a lie – half of a very big lie – but you really need to head this one off at the pass. USS Harder is one of the most legendary and fearless boats ever to wage war against Imperial Japan, and if he's not on-board with the new program, he could sink the whole – Jesus Christ, when did you start thinking in nonstop puns? It must be Naka's idol aura, it makes you dumb.

Harder has backed up against the opposite wall, his eyes flicking between you both warily. "I don't believe you."

"Naka?" you instruct. "The TV."

She looks up your arm and gives you a sly wink with a little smirk that only touches one corner of her mouth; so Harder can't see it. Then she plucks the remote off the small central table and clicks the TV on. Harder twitches as it comes on – you doubt he knew what it was – but he's soon transfixed by the tableau on display. It's a daytime game show, and it seems to involve idols trying to cook and spending more time licking frosting off each other's noses instead.

"Ghrk," Harder comments.

Naka changes the channel, bumping into a girl's anime – it looks like Precure. Magical spinning staffs, cute little magical girls, and lace – for the first time, you realize Naka's skirt looks remarkably like a Magical Girls, with the poofiness and the lace and the... shortness. Harder's eyes flick back to Naka, making the connection around the same time the little witch slowly, deliberately crosses her legs, giving him a good look at her thighs. His eyes flick up to you as he seems to rise up on his toes, trying to slide up the damn wall to escape. You just shrug, and point back at the TV. Naka keeps channel-surfing. Hard Gay is the next show she finds, and you bump Naka's shoulder gently to convey that this won't be very effective on Harder. She starts surfing again till-

"Oh this one," she giggles. "I didn't know they were airing re-runs."

"WHAT," Hardre wheezes, "IS THAT-"

"Chuck Yeager," you say.


"Because it's Charlotte Yeager now," Naka says with a wicked giggle of unholy glee. She presses the freeze-frame button. "Aren't her panties cute? She even has a ta-"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" Harder says, covering his eyes. "OKAY, OKAY, I GET IT, I FUCKING GET IT." Naka mercifully turns off the TV. He peeks out from between his fingers when he hears the tubes snap off. "This world cannot be real."

"It's very real," you tell him soberly.

"But..." he says hollowly. "Japan. Imperial Japan. The most violent and cruel pack of murdering, barbaric bastards ever, in the history of ever. They... they became this?"

"That might have had something to do with the bombs," you tell him.

"The what?"

You sit him down and explain the short version of history as it played out since the day he was sunk – the end of the war. The bombs. The Cold War, how it played out. And at last, you get to the current situation. Harder leans against the wall, his face inscrutable as you describe the rise of the abyssals; the seemingly mindless and widespread killing, their wanton lust for destroying the works of man wherever they can be found within range of the coast.

After a while, he looks down at himself. "And I'm..."

"A ship," you say. "You came back as yourself."

"... why?"

You shrug. "We don't know. Nobody does."

He looks troubled by this. "But..."

"You weren't summoned, Harder," you tell him. "You just... showed up. For no goddamn reason whatsoever, on your own." You smile at him. "A lot of people are afraid of you ships – they figure there's a thin line between a shipgirl and an abyssal, and it might be pretty easy to cross."

He shakes his head. "It's not like that at all. I know what I-" he pauses.

He blinks.

"Lets go," Naka says quietly. You raise an eyebrow, but she just shakes her head. "He hasn't ever thought of it before now," she says quietly. "That first forty-eight hours, you just... are. You have a job, you do it, or you get lost in the new everything, it's just-"

"Yeah," Harder interrupts quietly. "I..." he's got the thousand-yard stare now. "Can... if you could send me a history book or something-"

"I'll send you the standard briefing in hardcopy," you promise. "More elaborate version of the missed history and everything we know or suspect about the abyssals."

"Thanks," he says distantly. You back Naka's wheelchair out of the room, and she gently closes the door behind you both. You begin wheeling her back to the hospital.

>... Naka, what was it like for you? When you first woke up?
>Do you ever worry about how humans see you?
>... Naka, wasn't I the one that told you about Arizona? I'm pretty sure I did.

>... Naka, wasn't I the one that told you about Arizona? I'm pretty sure I did.

"... thank you, Admiral Settle," Naka says quietly.


She looks up at you from the chair, her bangs sliding off her cheeks and framing her face nicely. "I had fun."

You snort. "Yeah, I could tell. By the way... didn't I tell you about Arizona?"


"When I first visited you. I could've sworn I told you about Arizona. And the shell, and stuff."

Her face grows clouded with confusion. "Are you sure? I don't remember."

You rub your temple miserably – that headache is getting worse. "I could've sworn..."

"You were very tired at that point-"

"No," you say brusquely. "No, I did. I remember. So what was all that about hearing the nurses talking?"

Naka looks away with a shrug. "I was on painkillers, you know? For a while I thought Goto had visited me wearing bunny ears and a skirt."

"The rumors," you say as realization dawns. "The rumors – where did they start, Naka? Things get around eventually but with the security we keep on the whole NBE program, they shouldn't get out this damn fast."

Naka is conspicuously silent.

"Where did the rumors start, Naka?"

She fidgets. "Like I said, I was under lots of painkillers and they made me pretty loopy..."

"So you might just have happened to-"

"-chat up a nurse?" she says hopefully.

"And that wouldn't qualify as you telling them outright."



Naka slumps, crossing her arms over her slight chest – actually hugging herself a little. "I just thought you should get some credit, okay? Have you thought about what people would say if they didn't know the truth?"

"Why should I?" you reply, wheeling the chair up the long ramp leading to the infirmary's front doors. "Why would I give a single rusty – er, rusty damn what they think?"

"You might not," she says quietly, "but have you thought of Arizona?"

"What about her?" you say. "She's the most somber and level-headed shipgirl I've seen so far. I thought all you Japanese boats would be like her." You chuckle at that – talk about mistaken assumptions.

"Really?" Naka muses. "If a few other shipgirls started doubting the purity of your intentions getting alone with an unconscious Arizona in that bomb truck, what do you think she'd do?"

"She'd do that thing where she just stares at someone as if they are literally boring her to death. Like her eyelids are about to drop closed, and she can drift off into a nice nap, but their constant yapping is making that impossible and she has just enough energy to be annoyed at them for it."

"Maybe before you risked your life to pull that shell out of her," Naka says.

"What does that have to do with anything?" you ask. "That's just my job. I'm a Navy man. We all are. Hell, I just lifted it out after... the techs rigged it and did their best to disarm it. A glorified dock crane, that's what I was."

"... if you say so," Naka says, but there's a little catch in her voice you can't quite place.

Before you can reply the throaty roar of a rocket rips through the air. You both look up in time to hear the second and third ones following it, blasting overhead and bellowing their way into the clear, hot summer sky.

"The hell is that!?" Naka asks.

"Patriot launch," you reply, already moving. She squeaks when you slip your arm under her legs and hoist her out of the chair without warning.

"Whaaaa!?" she demands as you begin running as fast as your bad leg will allow for cover. Casting about wildly your eyes alight on a low brick wall encircling a little raised dirt area that houses a flagpole in front of one of the administrative buildings. You sprint for it, stopping opposite the building (a target,) and kneeling to deposit Naka against the brick wall. Now the air-raid sirens are going off, and somewhere overhead you hear a distant blast of a warhead detonating.

"Oh," Naka says quietly.

>Try to see what the hell is going on – your boats might be waiting for orders.
>Sit in front of Naka – the wall only stops shrapnel from one side.

CALLING THE THREAD FOR TONIGHT! We will be running again in a few days - we're going for higher tempo questing at last. Woo.
Last edited:
Session #13 pt.1

TWITTER: twitter.com/planefriend
ARCHIVES: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=kant-o-celle_quest

>Try to see what the hell is going on – your boats might be waiting for orders.

Patriot missiles flash overhead, aiming out to sea on shallow climbs as their rocket's thunder tears through the air. Naka flinches as she glances up at the weapons departing.

"Naka?" you ask.

"I'm fine," she insists with a grimance. "I just never wanted to hear American ordinance overhead again." She bites her lip, her face darkening as she visibly squashes the emotion in about a second. "Go. You're half our admiralty, we need you safe. Giving people orders, if you can help it." She drives the point home by struggling upwards with a death-grip on the low brick wall you pushed her against. She begins limping away, towards her wheelchair. "Go!" she shouts as another Patriot warhead detonates somewhere high above.

The urge to seize her and fling her against the brick wall while you offer your back as a splinter shield surges through you – but she's right. She's saying what you said to Goto not a few hours earlier – they're ships before they're girls, and right now yours will need orders.

You start loping across the base as fast as your bum leg will allow until you see a one of those golf-cart like things base personnel use for mobility, abandoned by the entrance to a discreet air-attack shelter. You leap into the seat and take off across base as a fresh flight of Patriots starts ripple-firing from the batteries set atop the low wooded hills to the west – you glance up and see them thundering into the sky at steep angles.

Level bombers and low intruders, then. You gun the golf cart, it's little two-cylinder motor sputtering and popping for all its worth with a long complaining breeeeeenabeeeengabeeenga!

You're not far from base housing – but you're not far from the practice ranges, either.

>Head for base housing – you're guaranteed to find SOMEONE there!
>Head for the ranges – that's your best bet to find the carriers, and you really, really need planes in the air right now.

>Head for the ranges – that's your best bet to find the carriers, and you really, really need planes in the air right now.

You turn your purloined cart towards the ocean and gun it; cursing your luck for not having stolen a jeep instead. Your ships can put up AA fire pretty effectively from wherever they are, but actual airborne interceptors require actual planning and co-ordination. Keeping the pedal floored, you fish your smartphone out of one pocket and quickdial Arizona.

She never quite understood why they issued her one, and neither do you – you know someone, somewhere has to still make a beeper of some sort, even if its SMS based – but it proves fortuitous now. The phone only rings twice before someone answers. "MoshiMoshi?"

"Who is this!?"

"Kiyoshimo-saaaan~! Is that you, yankee admira-"

"Where are you?"

"The common room, wh-"

"Tell everyone there to get on the roof or somewhere with a clear field of view, summon your final form or whatever the fuck you do and start looking for targets. Expect high-altitude level bombers and low-flying incoming from the ocean from over the bay to the east!"


"Arizona's in charge of you all, follow her lead, she's been drilled in air defense co-ordination-"

THAT seems to hit home. "Yessir, Yankee Admiral!" You hear her excited chattering in the background as well as some terribly annoyed groaning before you end the call and dial another number. This one rings several times before someone answers.


"It's Settle."

"The phone!?"

"STOW IT!" you snap, because you don't have time to explain why you're calling a wing commander from your cell phone instead of using the combat radio net from Yokosuka's well-protected CIC.

"You've got interceptors airborne-"

"First flight just went wheels up."

Settle's near-miss: a JSDF Kōkidōsha SHORAD vehicle.

"WhatFUCK-" you swerve violently, climbing the curb to miss a JSDF SUV with a short-range SAM on the back as it takes the curve fast. "What squawk are they on?"

You hear him asking someone in the background, then he comes back on. "Seven-foh-war-seven-tree."

"Copy," you reply hastily. "My carriers will have birds in the air; do NOT engage anything with a fuzzy radar return, read me?"

"They're wh-" you hang up; already out of time for chatter. The entrance to the old torpedo range is up ahead. The cart bogs down in the sand so you bail from it, and go charging over a dune just in time to collide face-first with Akagi.

"BLHARF," you shout eloquently as you go pitching over backwards, Akagi tumbling down the dune after you. She's caught by Kaga before she pitches over, but you slide to the bottom head-first in a fashion most inelegant.

"Admiral?" Kaga asks strangely. "What are you doing here-"

"Summon your mojo," you instruct as Akagi pulls you upright and abashedly dusts the sand off your uniform. "Make with the bows and the spook-planes, dammit!"


"Goto said-"

From a mile off you hear the distinctive FWOOSH of Stinger missiles launching and look back to see their contrails rising from the low hills of Hakozakicho island. "They're on top of us now."

"Admiral, you should be-"

"Kaga," you say evenly, "battle stations."

Akagi and Kaga cease their objections and close their eyes, a trancelike look coming over them. The fold their hands together, and begin their transformations. It takes longer than the ones you've seen before; a kind of shimmering light combined with an inexplicable breeze that ruffles their clothing as it moves from their head to their feet. The air over their arms shimmers and sparkles as their "decks" manifest; as well as their long bows, slung by the string over their back. They're still waiting for the bows to finish manifesting when a spine-crawling screech splits the air.

You look out over the bay to see a pair of abyssal aircraft; twisted black chitin contrasting sharply with the horrible white-toothed grin on their front – and they're aiming right at you. Within seconds they'll be on top of you.

>Flatten those flat-tops behind the dune before you all catch it!
>They have to get their planes spotted if they're going to get anything airborne at all – USE THE WHISTLE.

>Flatten those flat-tops behind the dune before you all catch it!

You charge up the dune - three painfully slow, slogging steps through the sand – and hurl yourself into Akagi. Her mojo dissipates as she emits a squeak of surprise, and then she goes flying back into Kaga. All three of you domino off the top of the dune and slide down the side with you lying atop. A heartbeat later you hear the thunder of heavy guns, and the horrible hissing snap-crack of bullets slicing the air near your head. Sand rains down upon you as the shells explode in the dune behind you, then the horrible rasping racket of the abyssal aircraft tear by overhead, close enough for their... *something*-wash to beat down on your clothes and thrash the dune-grass wildly.

"Admiral, let me-"

"STAY DOWN!" you roar. It's hard to know how anything works with abyssals; especially matters of scale. A cannon shell might glance off these girls like they're full-sized carriers – or it could blow their torso off their legs, like they're girls. As you snatch the little dog whistle off the chain around your neck and stick it in your mouth, you reflect on the only three facts you're sure of:

1. You're replaceable. The ships are not.
2. Any AP munition is fuzed in expectation of direct contact with the armor to be penetrated; any intermediate barrier that sets the fuze off early defeats the weapon.
3. If some of the corgis aren't fucking around on the beach this very instant, you're all dead anyway.

You blow and blow and blow, hearing only the faint rush of air through the device and the rasping sound of abyssal fighter-bombers circling around for another attack. You pray that the corgis are nearby – and you're answered by the distant howl of their small voices rising in a long hunting howl. But they sound rather distant, and their guns are strictly short-range. You watch the abyssal finishing a gradual turn a ways south-west down the beach, intending to make a strafing run parallel to the protection of the dunes. The rushing of air through the silent whistle; the hammering of your heart in your ears, even the gentle, innocuous lapping of the ocean waves – these will be the last thing you hear as you watch the abyssals guns begin flashing. You press down on the girls, in case they get any stupid ideas about standing up and getting whacked – and wait for the sound that will signify your survival; the dual-fifties of PT boats roaring up the coast.

Instead, your ears are drowned by the thunder of double-wasp radials.

Two dark shapes roar by overhead, your sternum vibrating with the noise. You flinch badly as something hits you; every muscle in your body locking up tight as if they could repel bullets; but its only bright shining brass raining upon you, kicking up little puffs of sand as they hit the beach. It takes you a minute to register the sound of gunfire through ringing ears and the bright flashes of AP-I as they strike the abyssal fighters in the nose. One peels away; too late to avoid spinning out of control and plunging into the bay with a huge WHOOMPH! of spray. The other one catches a round to the fuel tank and explodes in mid-air; the engine (!) still spinning in the direction of torque as the chitinous body behind it vanishes in orange flame and black debris. Your saviors pull away in a gentle chandelle, the noon light gleaming on the bright white stars painted on their blue wings.

F6F Hellcats. When you absolutely, positively have to kill every Abyssal in the airspace...

You roll off the girls and suck in your first breath in what seems like minutes. Kaga and Akagi lurch up from the sand, staring dumbstruck at the wreckage down the beach.

"What?" Akagi says.

"Are?" Kaga adds.

"Those?" you breathe shakily. "You know damn well what those are."

"Admiral!?" a disbelieving voice announces. You look up the dune to see Hornet standing at the crest, another arrow already nocked in her bow. "What the h- heck are you doing here?"

You lurch upright, Akagki catching you when your bum leg threatens to collapse. "My job, kiddo."

>Get your carriers CAPS in the air this instant – human pilots will be here within thirty seconds, and every supernatural interceptor airborne improves their chances of coming home alive.
>Have Hornet cover Akagi and Kaga as they spot a full deck-load strike – whoever launched this attack is going to pay, preferably with their asses, and you expect to have satellite intel on the attacking abyssal's position soon.
>Have your girls send their planes out to sea – those were fighters with no visible ordinance slung, probably to clear out defenses. Strike craft will be coming soon, and you need to engage them before they can pickle their ordinance on the base. Let the human pilots fight over land; where it's easier to recover bail-outs.
>Have your girls cover the base, and contact the JSDF/USAF interceptors to request they engage further out – they're best equipped for standoff fights, after all.

>Get your carriers CAPS in the air this instant – human pilots will be here within thirty seconds, and every supernatural interceptor airborne improves their chances of coming home alive.

"Akagi, Kaga," you instruct. "Line up every fighter you have – launch them in twos as they're ready and vector them south-west. You two have, uh," you wiggle your fingers above your forehead like insect antennta - "radios, right?"

They both give you a strange look, but nod affirmation.

"Good. The human defense fighters are on channel seven-four-seven-three, get in contact with them and tell them not to shoot your planes down."

"Admiral?" Hornet queries. You point at her. "You. Just keep putting CAP in the air – cover our asses here till the chairforce gets here."

She nods and looses the arrow on her bow without another word. You watch the arrow snap out over the bay, before vanishing in a bright streak of flame – but instead of the miniature aircraft you've seen so many times during her usual range practice, a pair of full-sized Hellcats emerge from the flames, as huge and real as any airframe at an airshow. They thunder off over the bay and begin climbing, looking for targets. By contrast Kaga and Akagi have resumed their slow, almost trancelike preparation. They unsling their bows at the same time, the two ships seeming like perfect mirrors of each other.

A flurry of loud barking voices comes echoing down the beach. Looking out to the south you see at least a dozen corgis coming towards you offshore; kicking up high fantails of water as they tear towards you at speed. They turn in a sharp circle as they come abreast of you, leaning into the steep turn before gunning it right up the beach. They leap out of the water at high speed, giving you about half a second to shout before they hit you, bowling you over into the sand in a flurry of overjoyed yipping. You come to your senses on your back with several transformed corgis standing on or about you, their little tails stiff and ears perked for danger; their miniscule dual-fifties panning around eagerly for targets.

"Guh," you mutter. "Off. Off!" They politely disperse, but stick close to your heels as you stagger up again. Hornet's trying not to smirk as she whips another arrow onto the string and lets fly. Kaga and Akagi haven't let their serene, focused expressions slip – until the sternum-shaking, ungodly roar of a jet engine thunders just overhead, making all of you duck instinctively. The pair of JSDF F-2s split up, turning in opposite directions. Missiles spring off their wingtips and ignite, turning full semicircles to engage targets somewhere behind you. The corgis soon disperse and soon your stuffing your fingers in your ears as they open up with their entire, albeit miniaturized batteries; fifty-calibers, 37mm autocannons and 40mm Bofors mounted directly above their wagging tails. They run circles around Kaga and Akagi as they hurl their lead skyward; a cacophony of pops that sound like firecrackers; at sharp odds with the eerie whistle of climbing ordinance as the shells seem to expand to full-size midair. You see another abyssal plane break off a close strafing run as the corgis turn their attention to it.

"Are those really necessary?" Kaga asks with a little irritation as a corgi trips and lands face-first on her foot.

"With your AA suite? Yes," you reply sharply. Her eyes widen – and then she sniffs, crossing her arms in a bit of a huff as arrows continue to manifest in her quiver as they're prepared. Hornet's arrows are held loosely in the fingers of her hand. As you watch she nocks another and lets fly, the spare shafts in her unused fingers rolling between her thumb and forefinger as if by magic as she fires a few more times in quick succession.

She may not be accurate – but she sure is fast.

You glance back over the base. The air battle has already moved out over the bay – for modern jets, a playpen three miles square is pretty small – but the sky over the base is well-defended; tracers and the black puffs of five-inch guns filling the sky. With everyone under roofs or in an air-raid shelter there's no need to worry about falling fragments, so apparently all the ships are cutting loose. Contrails are still climbing – not from the Patriot batteries, who've emptied their wads, but from the docks, where the Arleigh-Burkes are no doubt emptying their VLS cells of interceptors. To your right you glimpse a vic of three abyssal fighters flying just above the bay's surface – probably torpedo bombers – an instant before they vanish in an ugly flash of light. The human-crewed destroyers are in the fight, all right.

>Stay here and co-ordinate the air battle.
>Leave the carriers with their orders and find the rest of the shipgirls on base – Goto can handle the air defense from the CIC, where he's actually got radios and C3 to do it with.

>Leave the carriers with their orders and find the rest of the shipgirls on base – Goto can handle the air defense from the CIC, where he's actually got radios and C3 to do it with.

Leaving your carriers with their orders, you return to the golf cart and throw your shoulder into it, managing to push it out of the rut. Hopping into the driver's seat (with a few escorting corgis piling into the back) you pop it in reverse and let it roll back off the dune, then gun the engine and pop the clutch as you execute a good J-turn – though it probably looks a bit silly in this fucking golf-cart. You go wheezing away towards the base proper again with that annoying breeenabreenabreenga the thing likes to make, heading for the general center of the AA fire.

You're just passing the base's main the sky from behind a line of parked cars, all of them riddled with bullet holes and a few of them burning. You stand on the breaks (which complain loudly) and come to a halt near Harder, who's yelling like a lunatic as he fires a double-barreled 20mm AA gun from a standing position, holding it like a rifle.

It's not scaled down, either. He spins on his heel as another abyssal fighter comes thundering down the street, its guns already thundering. You hear the whipcrack of bullets overhead and dive behind the control panel, praying the four-cylinder aluminum engine block will – yeah, fat chance. You can still see Harder; who's hopped onto the hood of a burning SUV for a better vantage point, firing his 20mm from the hip. The abyssal fighter screams overhead, and a few seconds later you hear a loud explosion from the south.

"GOT'IM!" Harder yodels with joy. He hops into your passenger seat, displacing a few corgis. "Where to, Skip?"

"I'm looking for, uh, everyone else," you clarify.

"Naka rounded up some of them and got them up there," Harder says, pointing at the tall microwave communication mast that towers over the base; mounted atop the wooded hill nearby. It's roughly in the center of the base and offers good fields of fire; if you can see through the canopy. "And Arizona's got a pack of them at the football field, for the field of fire."

The field is right against the coast, you remember – she'd be able to engage the planes coming over the peninsula from the east. Smart girl.

Just then your phone rings. You answer, and are not entirely surprised to hear Goto's gruff voice growling in your ear.





"Question for ya."


"... where the FUCK are you?"

>Answer honestly
>Answer evasively and/or vaguely
>Request that Harder make immediate static

40022909 -
>Answer honestly
In a golf cart with Harder and some corgis. What about you?

40023585 (demetrious) - NEW THREAD
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