Journey of Wyrms and Gods (Hollow Knight x Worm crossover)


This is such an epic screw up on PRT's Part it's hilarious! Taylor's Costume is so good it got her deported! TT is gonna fall out of her chair.

This is such an epic screw up on PRT's Part it's hilarious! Taylor's Costume is so good it got her deported! TT is gonna fall out of her chair.
Depending on how long it takes to clear up the misunderstanding, it's possible that Taylor is also going to have a bit of diplomatic immunity as well.
Quite enjoying the mistaken identity thing with Taylor. I'm also a little curious about the separation of children thing, but I'll trust the in character guesses for now. Overall this story has been an unexpected joy so far, and I'm looking forward to what comes next.

Bonus points for a most casual derailing of the stations of canon. It's Lung! It's Vessel! Bye Lung, hello shiny new bug God. End scene.
At least that's what fifty-three point three percent of the American voters believe
This probably makes him the single most popular president in history. Since the popular vote has been tracked no President has actually managed to secure even 50% of the popular vote.

Even in the elections where the popular vote and electoral vote did not match the popular winner didn't manage 50% of the popular vote.
There was a google of children in a semi-circle to one side
In the center of the group was one of the snail's
This is my Master Knowledge, Quirrel
Master of Knowledge
a peaceful meeting and want's no reason for hostilities.


So, they killed one of the Entities. Did they kill Scion, as it sounds, or was it that they got Eden and Scion retaliated? Or, for that matter, is Scion dead and Eden alive? I'm not sure how much information we really have to go on here...

If they did somehow manage to gank the other Entity, I imagine Cauldron may well close up shop and try to start fixing things up a bit better now that the situation is slightly less dire. With perhaps an attempt to bring back inter-world travel so that they have more people to fight the Endbringers, who I presume are still around...
It's also possible that the Entity they offed was the Third Entity that Eden and Zion encountered on their way to Earth, and Hallownest was pulled onto Earth due to Zion being one of the last interactions the third Entity had prior to its demise.
Collision: Part Eight
And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Do not go gentle into that good night Dylan Thomas

Collision: Part Eight

Assault, otherwise known as Ethan when off duty, smiled as he lounged on a small barricade, a hastily constructed position. After they got the message on PHO, the army had quickly set up a forward base at the edge of the designated location; a homestead and pasture nested in the middle of the woods.

"I wonder who owns the house."

"Don't know; hopefully They're alright," Miss Militia replied next to him. She was resting her rifle on the cover, viewing the area with its high power scope. Assault sighed just a little as he noticed the tension in his comrade's voice. It was often forgotten, but Assault was pretty good judging both someone's character and mood. For that reason, he's always tried to keep things light, especially in times like these.

Miss Militia had been somewhat agitated for the past hour. Assault was pretty sure he knew why as well. Militia had a soft spot for kids that Assault was sure related to her trigger event. She tended to hate endangering them, and they were pretty sure that Alcott wasn't the only child in the zone at the moment.

Probably worse was the fact that the danger was utterly unknown. For all, they knew the bugs were giving the kids milkshakes and candy. However, working in the field of Parahumans made one have to develop a healthy fear of unknown circumstances.

Assault guessed it was time for a little distraction.

"So tell me, you grew up on a farm, right."

There was a small pause before she replied, "Ya, my adopted parents raised horses; it wasn't too different to this place actually."

Assault grinned just a little, "Did you ride?"

"Yes, I was terrified at first, but I was eventually able to. I rode Thoroughbreds and Quarters like the ones out in the field here."

"Oh, so Brockton Bay's own American patriot was also an all american cow-girl,' Assault said a voice laced with teasing mirth.

"I… I was not a Cow-Girl!"

"Oh I wouldn't be so sure about that," said a new voice from behind the duo

The voice belonged to a man in combat greens and military hardware, a face that was obscured by both an advanced helmet and some sort of large scarf. He was a special force, or, more precisely, an Army Parahuman Force member. A group Assault wasn't comfortable with but not precisely against either.

"Missy here was far more of a horse girl than she's letting on," the voice was jovial and teasing.

Assault looked from Miss Militia's curious expression back to the soldier.

"Do you two know each other?"

In response, the man moved his shoulder. There was a patch sewn into his uniform, a feather symbol.

"Reed? But I thought you retired!"

It took a minute for Assault to remember that name. Reed was one of the first Wards, actually a member of the founding Wards team. The Reed v.s, the PRT case, created the Youth Guard Foundation that's been the symbol of love and hated for young parahumans since. Vista absolutely hated them with the passion of a star. Reed himself had shortly dropped off the radar.

"Not quite, Missy, I go by Samuel now, Captain Samuel. I was pulled out of the Wards, but you know how that goes."

Assault didn't know what he was talking about. He never had to deal with his parents, nor those of the Wards.

"So you said something about um missy," Assault was remembering that nickname, "And being a horse girl?"

"Oh ya, little Missy was big into competition; barrel racing, polo, and jumping. Hero would make us all go to cheer her on."

Assault smiled, "Oh, really."


"I think I still might have some pictures too."

Samuel raised his hands in surrender at miss Militia's murderous glare.

"Kidding, kidding. You always were fun to mess with Missy; I expected you to have shot Mousy one of these days."

"I did, didn't do anything."

Assault laughed along, adding the mental note to explore these photos. He can survive getting shot.

"So, Capt. Sam, as much as I love some embarrassing child-hood tales, I think Missy here would like an update if you have one."

"About that, just got done telling the big boys, but we've got more than ten signatures on thermals inside the house. At least we think so, it's muddled."

Assault saw Miss Militia's weapon change several times, a clear sign of his comrade's agitation.

"So, a trap?"

The army parahuman shrugged, "Maybe, the thinkers can't give a straight answer, but the signs point towards no. The President thinks the Bugs are going to let some of the prisoners go as a peace offering. And I think we're about to find out."

"I guess it really doesn't matter, dragon's running overwatch on this one."

In moments the camp was alive with activity as Army personnel and PRT operatives, and Capes readied themselves for anything. Miss Militia, Samuel, and several others dropped beneath the protection of the barricades.

"Movement at the porch."

"Two figures."

"I can confirm one human and one Bug."

Assault did not join the activity; arrogant maybe, but he trusted his power to keep him safe enough. Instead, he turned his attention to the house; squinting Assault could make out the two figures walking from the house. It was just too far away for details, however.

"So it starts; Puppy's going to hate missing this."

It did not take long for everyone to get into position. Alexandria, along with Miss Militia and Assault, took point for the delegation as they walked out into the field. Making up the rear of the group was Captain Samuels Parahuman Force team; Assault had to admit that their focus and professionalism were quite impressive.

As they approached the two beings, Assault was able to get a better look. One, the human was nothing particularly special, just a college kid if he had to guess. He was most likely the user they were supposed to be meeting. On the other hand, his friend was far more interested in the weird limbo kind of way.

Assault reflexively clenched his fist as he approached. It was a response he could barely control. Maybe it was a part of human psychology, biology, or years of living his dangerous lifestyle, but Assault was usually able to pick up on threats. Many might call it the 'flight or fight' response system, but whatever the case, when fighting capes the ability to recognize threats could mean life or death. Assault's were going a bit haywire at the moment.

The Bug wasn't big by the standards of the cheesy sci-fi movies Ethan had watched when he was a kid. The Bug was at height with the human, about 5'8. There wasn't anything particularly horrifying about him either. There was a sword-like thing at his waist but nothing particularly threatening.

Was it the ease at which he stood? It was hard to tell the Bug's body language, like looking at something real but also not; a similar feeling he had had with the pictures but in person, it was on another level. Even thou that haze of uncanniness Assault could still feel as though the man, or, bug-man, in this case, was confident, or uncensored with facing ten unknowns by himself? Was Assault misreading it?

Assault started to reevaluate the laissez-faire attitude he had been presenting. Whether the Bug in front was supremely confident, cooky, or merely standing relaxed, it was a fighter and a good one.

As they made it within speaking distance, the young man stepped forward somewhat hesitantly and waved.

"Wow, I knew I'd be meeting some important people… but it's another to see it," he laughed.

A moment of awkwardness came over the group before the kid stepped aside, "So, I guess introductions should be underway. May Introduce Quirrel, The Master of Knowledge for The Kingdom of Hollownest."

"Thank you; It is nice to meet you all. We are happy for your agreement to see us," Quirrel said as he stepped forward, hand raised.

Assault knew he wasn't the only one to be shocked at the effective use of English.

The President was the first to push back the awkwardness, stepping forward to grab the Bug now identified as Quirrel, "We are also glad for the invitation mister Quirrel. This is Legend, head of the Protectorate, and Deputy Director of the PRT East North East. I am Shamus O'Gillen, The President of The United States."

"I am glad to see that you are taking our request seriously then, Mr. President." If Quirrel was surprised by the importance of the men in front of him, he didn't show it.

As the Quirrel was about to turn around, a voice interrupted, Alexandria's.

"Before we continued Mr. Quirrel, we were told this meeting would be limited to ten. You brought far more than ten; why?"

Assault and all the other parahumans tensed, ready to pounce on Quirrel if he tried anything. The Bug in question curiously tilted his head before looking at the human. The human just shrugged.

"Probably a Thinker or use of infrared cameras… what," the boy stepped back at the accusatory glare from Alexandria, "It's not a fucking secrete, they know what infrared light is."

"But to be able to develop such an instrument is fascinating. You, Humans, have such interesting inventions."

Assault had a momentary spike of pity for the kid. He was going in M/S containment for a long time, and probably a CIA interrogation cell afterward.

"Anyway… we would like assurances," The President said.

"We only brought ten Hollownest citizens with us. The Queen thought you would want to see that your people are well taken care of, so we brought some. Now please, She is eager to meet you."

Quirrel did not precisely wait for a confirmation before briskly walking back towards the house.

Waiting on the patio were two more bugs; tall mantis-creatures armed with large spears. Quirrel nodded his head as he passed. After him came Legend and Alexandria, then the rest of the group. Assault had the feeling the mantises were eying him with a mix of suspicion and haughty contempt as he passed. Before entering, Assault heard Captain Samuel order two of his men to hang back, probably to shadow the mantises.

The house itself was pretty spacious and finely decorated, too. Whoever owned this cabin was a hunter of some kind. The living and dining areas were not separated but one room, especially noticeable with all the furniture being moved to the far ends.

Dominating the center of the room was the table, or more specifically, the delegation at the table. Sitting on the far left was a tall Mantis in a similar if slightly more decorated armor than the two outside. A tall bug dressed head to toe in a weird assortment of wrappings and gold accessories, sat on the right side. Standing behind the table was a Bug not too dissimilar to Quirrell. This Bug was carrying for what looked like a clipboard.

On either side of the table stood Bugs dressed heavily armored in red and black plate. These two, Assault did not recognize from the photos but were obviously an Elite guard of some sort.

Standing in front of the table was Her; the Queen named Hornet.

Assault was starting to get past the weirdness of the Bugs on the superficial level, so it was something to say the Queen was special in that regard. Like a living statue that you couldn't quite tell was real or not but none the less attention-grabbing.

Dangerous was the next thought. Similar to Quirrel but with no ambiguity involved, Hornet was Dangerous.

The Queen walked forward; everyone tensed immediately; even the invulnerable Alexandria was tense. Assault didn't know if the others had gotten the same feeling he did, or it was the fact that she was armed. Not a single Bugs was unarmed, something Assault just noticed.

"I am delighted that you accepted my invitation. I am Hornet, Queen of Hollownest."

Assault didn't know what he expected from 'The Queen'; if anything, Assault would say her grasp of English was even better than Quirrel.

"Well, I could hardly refuse. I am Shamus O'Gillen, President of the United States of America," The President accepted the handshake and turned to both Legend and Renick. "This is Legend head of the Protectorate, and deputy Director Renick of the PRT ENE, the branch that manages this area."

Assault was not sure if that was a subtle dig from the President, but it definitely was a reminder. The Queen did not react.

Is that a mask or her face!? Assault was starting to suspect a stranger effect was in play or something.

"Yes, we do have much to talk about; please have a seat."

"Before that, we would like to make sure that our people are safe."

The Queen looked over to the side hallway and shouted a word in her language. Almost immediately, there was a cascade of small footfall emanating from that part of the residence.


"Legend! This is so awesome!"

"Hey, hey, can you fly?"

"Shoot Laser beams!"

"Can you sign this?"

"No, sign mine first!"

"Alexandria! this is sooo cool!"

"Oh, is that a gun?"

"Can I hold it!"

"Oh, who are you?"

Assault looked down at a kid, maybe seven or eight, that had snuck upon him. Giving the kid his trademark roguish smile, Assault spoke, "I'm Assault, a Brockton Bay Hero!"

"Never heard of you." With that, the kid ran off to join the others bothering Miss Militia.

"Talk about a scathing review."

Assault had not expected this when he thought about hostages. To be fair, he wasn't exactly sure what he had expected. Was it nothing, a ploy, a sadistic game? Was she making sure that they didn't start anything?

A few loud claps pierced the cacophony of sounds that could only be caused by small children. The children all stopped to look at the cause of the interruption.

"Miss Hornet!"

"No. It's Queen Hornet."

"I knew that."

The kids did not seem to have any apprehensions about the Queen of the Bugs.

The Queen knelt to face the google of kids at eye level. Assault eyed the other older teen, who he never caught the name of, taking a photo of the scene. Assault internally cursed; That was going to be the highlight of PHO in the next hour, and probably was the point of the whole stunt.

Assault had a sinking suspicion that a lot of metaphorical baby-kissing and hand-holding would flood the web by the time this was over. PR was going to go ape shit on this one.

"Now, children thank you for coming out and spending time with us, but the adults have to talk about a bunch of boring stuff, okay."

The kids looked disappointed but none of them tried to dissent. A chorus of okays and "ja's" followed the Queen's question. A bug in dark red and black armor with a cape of similar red came to stand next to the Queen.

"Now follow Sir Stucker here and be good. I'm sure your heroes will be willing to give you some autographs later."

The kids nodded and followed the armored knight out the back to who knows where.

"This is dragon speaking, There is what appears to be a cave or mine shaft-like structure behind the house. {Knight Strucker} Just entered with the children. A possible point of entry for hostiles."

Dragon's voice was low and calm, coming over their earpieces. Assault looked over to both The President and the Two members of Triumvirate. The two Parahumans did not move to the new information; instead, they let O'Gillen take the initiative. The man in the high office went with the cold and calm approach.

The Queen walked around the table to sit down at the center of her group. The President mired her with Director Renick, Legend, Alexandria, and finally Assault himself taking the other seats. As he sat, Assault finally noticed the two other members. One was a snail-person that had walked out with the kids, and the other was… a girl?

Sitting next to the Queen was a child wearing one of the Bug cloaks and gloves. She also had one of the weird white masks that obscured her face and eyes, it seemed to be modeled off the Queens. At least Assault though it was a child, a human child, she had long locks of brown hair. Of course, the pictures of the Weaver character seen in the bay also had hair. Were they not humans, after all? Was there a species of Bug in this Kingdom that had that feature?

If she was a girl, Assault would have to guess that it was the Alcott girl. That implied the Dinah Alcott girl was a Parahuman, and if that was the case, a whole can of worms was introduced.

Assault looked over to Renick to see if he noticed. The Director wasn't obvious, but he had noticed. They needed to broach this topic at some point.

"Miss Hornet, Is it okay if I call you that," the President began with a tone that sounded friendlier than the situation might suggest.

"Go ahead."

"Before we begin there is some major con-"

The President did not get to finish before the Queen interrupted.

"About our abilities to influence the mind, yes?" The Queen, Hornet, pointed to the snail, "The Snail-Shaman's ability with Soul was used only to dream walk and nothing more. We would never use those Master abilities, especially on children."

"Children?" Legend spoke up a bit startled or confused, Assault couldn't tell.

Hornet looked over to Legend, "Yes, I was told the adults were very uncooperative. Luckily once separated, your young were far more mature about the whole thing. It took multiple dream sessions and some word association games, but we now have it settled."

"Why was there a need for separating the kids from their parents?" Assault crooked an eyebrow at Legend. He sounded surprised even though the fact the Queen brought the kids as a bartering chip kind of presumes separating them from their parents.

"This brings up a good topic. There are some large differences in culture between our two peoples. In the guards and their commanders' eyes, the adults were inept and dangerous, so they removed the children for their own safety. We were actually convinced they weren't the parents for a time."

"Why?" was the only response Legend had. He seemed a little dumbfounded by the reasoning.

Hornet gave a pitying expression, "When I was younger than most of those kids I was given to another Queen as a ward, and I was trained in the arts of statecraft and combat. Ours is a bloody history Mr. Legend, and so we all learn to fight, and from a young age. Young are not coddled, yet I could entrust any citizen to look after my daughter if need be."

Assault had a feeling she was making a subtle statement to them. He did have to admit it was interesting, it sounded somewhat like sparta, although he might be getting the wrong idea. It would explain why everyone had sword-things. Assault didn't need to see Miss Militia to know she did not like that idea.

"Anyway, as I said, different cultures," The Mantis barked something in their language that caused a laugh amongst the remaining guard and 'possible-Alcott' girl. Assault realized that the girl knew the bug language. All he needed to know was whether that meant the kids knew the bug language or the Alcott girl was, in fact, not Diana Alcott.

Speaking of, the girl leaned in to whisper something to Hornet.

Hornet nodded to the girl before looking back, "Do you feel satisfied in this topic; no reason to send for reinforcements and blow this nice home up. "

Assault's eye-brows rose, just slightly. That implied that they knew more about the firepower at side than they had thought? From Alexandria's and Legend's expression that wasn't a particularly pleasant thought.

The President smiled, "We can leave the details for later but I think we should move on."

The Queen moved her hand to introduce everyone at the table, "Let's Introduce everyone. You know myself and my Master of knowledge; This is Lord Sanji of the Mantis Tribe, The Voidseeker of the Voidseekers, Snail-Shaman Beeby of the Snail Tribe, and finally, we have Lurien here; she's helped set a lot of this up."

The Mantis Lord did not speak and just nodded it's head. The girl Lurien didn't either. The snail spoke something in its own language but sounded friendly.

"May the Heart of The Void welcome you into its loving embrace," The feminine voice of the gold-covered Voidseeker spoke. It did not take a genius to understand the context there.

The President made motions and introductions to each. Then he introduced the 'human' at the table, "It is a pleasure to meet you all. Besides the representatives you asked for, we also have Alexandria of the Los Angeles Protectorate and member of the Triumvirate, Miss Militia, and Assault of the local Protectorate. Our two guards sadly prefer to keep their names secret for events like this; I hope you understand."

The Queen just nodded at the President.

"I think first on the agenda should be obvious; Where do you come from and what are your intentions," the President's statement and smile was almost deadpan in it's delivery

"We don't come from here, that's obvious, and we don't know what brought us here." The response was short and utterly dismissive of the topic. "We have no idea if our world was an alternate Earth, planet, or another universe. You don't have to worry, though, if it's something from your end that brought us here. The event transported the entirety of my Kingdom, so there are no hard feelings."

"How magnanimous of you" was Alexandria's first comment since sitting down. The Queen looked over and did a winking smile at the world's famous hero. Assault almost wanted to laugh, especially at the returned scowl. These bugs and their anti-Thinker field seemed to be getting to the woman.

"As for our intentions, we are hoping we can set up a peaceful working relationship."

"I hope you realize that keeping our people prisoner is not the best opening move."

The Queen smiled, "They will be released today as long as you're willing to agree to a... non-aggression pact. You must understand that to be trapped in a single Kingdom as large as your own is concerning."

The President paused, looking at Legend and Renick before speaking, "I can agree to non-aggression, but any more concrete treaty will take some time. Further negotiations and the like will need to be held. Before any of that, I demand my people back. I understand your position Miss Hornet, but you must also understand ours."

"As I said, we are prepared to release them; tonight if that's what you would prefer. All you need to do is put your promises in writing. Included in that would be an agreement to keep the current border-zone around Hollownest."

Assault knew that was something that everyone wanted to avoid another containment zone being set up. It was hard not to notice how the country was turning to swiss-cheese.

The Queen looked at the girl again who nodded. 'Thinker' was starting to appear over the little girl now. Assault looked over to the others for a moment. They seemed to have come to the same conclusion.

"I think I might be able to agree to that."

Was the girl a lie detector or something? Maybe a minor precog?

"Good, and," the secretary bug handed the Queen a stack of papers. Hornet took the stack and flipped through it, before sliding it to the President and then to Legend. "this should be a good basis to help your delegation for the negotiations; culture, religion, etc. We do want peace, Mr. President."

It was Legend who spoke up, "That is appreciated, and the feeling is mutual. I assume it also includes anything we need to know about the Soul you mentioned earlier? Also, any other special abilities that might be problematic.

"Yes, although that is a different set of issues, we will need to talk about it later."

"No side effects, I hope?"

"No, although we are still unsure how you Parahumans react to it."

The President nodded to the Deputy Director, "We have one more, pressing, concern Miss, Hornet before we can move on to the more mundane topics." He slid a smart pad forward, on it the pictures of the Bug's in the bay. As soon as she saw the image, she passed it to the others: a few gasps and some chattering, especially from the golden Bug, Voidseeker.

Hornet turned her gaze back to Renick, "That is a Hollownest citizen, my brother, and-"

The Queen tilted her head towards Lurien. The girl whispered something quickly to her.

"And someone of extreme importance."

Well, that answered the question of how important they were. Assault had a feeling Piggot was going to be very upset at this turn of events.

They were there for three hours. By the end, Assault wanted to either fight something or go to bed.

A/N a little longer than I first thought :) thank all for reading and as usual any feedback is encouraged
P.s. A/N When they say the bugs have an "Anti-thinker" effect I was trying to say that it muddles thinkers not blocking them out; I don't know if I got that across
A/N Next will be with Taylor back at the docks.
also edits.
Last edited:
1st up, was the change to Miss Militia's backstory intentional? Seems like a weird thing to change though.
Alexandria, along with Miss Militia Assault, took point for the delegation as they walked out into the field.
Miss Militia and Assault
Captain Samuels Parahuman Force team; Assault had to admit that they're focus and professionalism were quite impressive.
Many might call it the 'flight or fight' response system, but whatever the case, when fighting capes the ability to mean life or death.
the ability to recognize threats could mean lofe or death
The Bug wasn't big by the standards of the cheese sci-fi movies Ethan had watched when he was a kid.
Even though that haze of uncanniness Assault could still felt as though the man, or, bug-man, in this case, was confident self ahead, was he uncensored with facing ten unknowns by himself? Was Assault misreading it?

??? Cannot parse this

The President was the first to push back the awkwardness, stepping forward to grab the Bug now identified as Quirrel
There was no mention of Quirrel offering his hand as a greeting. This also happened with during the Hornet greeting.
Standing behind the table was a Bug not too dissimilar to Quirrell. This Bug was caring for what looked like a clip-bord.
On either side of the table stood Bugs dressed heavenly armed of red and black.
dressed heavily armored in red and black
Like a living statue that you couldn't quite tell was real or not but non the less attention-grabbing.
Assault had a sinking suspicion that a lot of metaphorical baby-kissing and hand-holding would flood the web by the time this was over. PR was going to go app shit on this one.
A chorus of okays and "ja's" followed the Queen's question.
ya - is typically what is used. I thought the kids became german for a moment.
{Knight Strucker} Just entered with the children. A possible point of entry for hostels."
The Snail-Shamons ability with Soul was used only to dream walk and nothing more.
Young are not coddled, yet I could intrust any citizen t6o look after my daughter if need be."
The President smiled, "We can leave the details for lated but I think we should move on."
Snai-Shamon Beeby of the Snail Tribe, and finally, we have Lurien here; she's helped set a lot of this up."
May the Heart of The Void welcome into it's loving embrace,"
welcome you into it's
Are two guards sadly prefer to keep their names secret for events like this; I hope you understand."
Assault almost wanted to laugh, especially at the returned scowl. These bugs and their anti-Thinker field seemed to be getting to the woman.
Is Alexandria's Thinker ability more public here?
Hornet took the stack and flipped through it, be for sliding it to the President and then to Legend.

"And someone of extreme importance."
The Chosen One!

Many niggling detail, (like why a Dragonsuit wasnt part of the delegation) but nice chapter over all. Curious to see where you plan to take this from here.
Dinah interlude when?

Also I am impressed Hornet is able to hide all her smug. Even with the help of mask.
1st up, was the change to Miss Militia's backstory intentional? Seems like a weird thing to change though.

They are intentional.

ya - is typically what is used. I thought the kids became german for a moment.

"Ja'" is actually a reference to something in Hollow Knight fandom

Is Alexandria's Thinker ability more public here?
Not 'public' but more widely known.

Many niggling detail, (like why a Dragonsuit wasnt part of the delegation) but nice chapter overall. Curious to see where you plan to take this from here.
I thought about it but I decided that they might not want to show their entire hand. Also thank you for some of the edits, much appreciated.
Just occurred to me that if how they arrived there gets discussed in any detail from Hornet's perspective... Miss Militia is going to have quite the reaction, no doubt.

I also like the continued "just because they're bigger doesn't mean they're in charge, and they're the ones that couldn't calm down, so..." thing with the kids, even if from the adult human angle it no doubt remains upsetting.
I tried to remove everything @TimEd already said. Aside from the unexpected surge of spelling stuff it was another interesting snippet. I also found some old quotes from previous chapters in the box, so I included them as well:
A Monster of gold, its eyes filled with hatred so probably it forced Hornet to her knees;
not sure what "probably" was meant to be
The Queen wishes for a peaceful meeting and want's no reason for hostilities.
Don't know; hopefully They're alright
On the other hand, his friend was far more interested in the weird limbo kind of way.
the weird way of the limbo?
a similar feeling he had with the pictures but in person was on another level.
"he had had"; "but it was on another level in person" or "but in person it was…"
Assault could still felt as though the man, or, bug-man, in this case, was confident self ahead, was he uncensored with facing ten unknowns by himself?
Is this supposed to be two sentences?
"was confident. Was he unconcerned"?
his laissez-faire attitude he had been presenting
"the laissez-faire"
the young man stepped forward somewhat hesitant and waved.
The house itself was pretty spacious and finely decorated too.
"decorated, too."
A tall bug dressed head to in a weird assortment of wrappings, and Gold sat on the right side.
"head to toe"; "wrappings and gold[en] accessories"? (No comma and lowercase gold, at least)
These two Assault did not recognize from the photos but were obviously an Elite guard of some sort.
"These two, Assault"
Assault was starting to get past the weirdness of the Bug's on the superficial level
"Oh, is that A gun?"
"a gun"
The Queen knelt to face the google of kids at eye level.
"gaggle of kids"
The man in the high office wnt with the cold and calm approach.
"went with"
The President mired her
The Voidseeker of the Voidseeker, Snai-Shamon Beeby of the Snail Tribe,
"of the Voidseekers" or "of the Voidseeker tribe", probably?
the Gold covered Voidseeker spoke
They seemed to have came to the same conclusion.
"have come"
but any more concrete Treaty will take some time
Assault knew that was something that everyone wanted to avoid Simurgh style containment zone being set up
Unsure how to mend this…
"that setting up another Simurgh-style containment zone was something everyone wanted to avoid."?
Assault looked over to the others for a moment, They seemed to have came to the same conclusion.
"moment. They"
Last edited:
A tall bug dressed head to in a weird assortment of wrappings
head to ...?
I don't imagine they have toes...
get past the weirdness of the Bug's on the superficial level
That implied the Diana Alcott girl was a Parahuman
The man in the high office wnt with the cold and calm approach.
Snai-Shaman Beeby of the Snail Tribe
The Queen looked at the girl again who nodded. 'Thinker' was starting to appear over the little girl now. Assault looked over to the others for a moment, They seemed to have come to the same conclusion.
"He was starting to suspect that the little girl was a Thinker"

Also, 'They' should not be capitalized later on there.
not a fucking secrete, they know what infrared
He was going in M/S containment for a long time, and probably a CIA interrogation cell afterward.
-PRT likely has no jurisdiction. CIA and FBI would probably keep him locked up for months though.-
Queen of Hollownest."
zone around Hollownest
pictures of the Bug's in
Brockton Bay
-You have consistantly misspelled this through the entire story. If you don't think it's right check the game or the wiki.-
Honestly that doesn't seem at all like an adequate response. They don't seem to feel regretful or actually care, nor is there any indication that they aren't holding the rest of the people against their will as hostages in case of war with humans. Or that they aren't still keeping some of the children, like the one Hornet is keeping for herself. That this is coming from the Queen of Hallownest herself makes it even worse, going from it being maybe a fuckup by a few stupid bugs to the entire faction seeming untrustworthy and having no intention of peaceful or friendly coexistance.
I just gave this a binge read, and I have to say it holds up well to the stories you pointed towards giving you inspiration.

The early kingdom building chapters were 100% necessary. If you had skipped straight to the Worm part, I honestly don't feel like there would be as much tension as there currently is. I'm glad you took the time to set things up properly.

I'm most looking forward to seeing how the two cultures mix, as well as the wider political, social, technological, and cultural changes that will affect both Hollow Nest and America.

Overall you've done an amazing job here, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.
Interlude: Two
"Great events make me quiet and calm; it is only trifles that irritate my nerves."
- Queen Victoria

Interlude: Two

Will she help me?


Dinah Alcott, a twelve-year-old girl, and parahuman, was very confused. It was a new state of mind for her to be in ever since she had triggered. Mostly the young Alcott had been in a constant state of fear.

Someone was coming for her.

Chances someone is after me?


Will they hurt me?


Will they hurt my family?


Will I be safe in the Wards?


No matter how she asked, her power would always give her a percentage result. No matter how many times she asked, the results still showed a bleak future. Dinah was smarter than her peers, wiser even, so she knew what the Bad Man wanted from her. She would be used for her power.

The pain of overworking her power and her near-constant depression had poorly affected Dinah's school and home life. Her parents had noticed and came onto the idea of going camping to 'clear her head.'

The numbers had not indicated the trip would do anything to change her fate.

Dinah was starting to think her power was broken.

In the middle of the night, the 'Giant Bug-people' had woken up the camp and forced everyone to walk; well, the adults had to walk through the forest. The kids got to ride on the bulldozer-bug things.

It wasn't a particularly comfortable ride, but it was fun.

Once they made it to the bug-city, at the base of the mountain, they were rushed past the many bugs walking around the small cobbled streets and sequestered into a dining hall.

The bugs and Snail-men had started poking, prodding, and chittering at different humans. Dinah wasn't sure, but the Bugs seemed curious and puzzled as they watched them. The adults were not so benign about what was happening, some having to be forcibly restrained by the armored bug-knights. Many of the younger kids started crying.

Then the Snails started creating a glowing light from their staves. Looking at the light made Dinah wince for some reason.

That's when things truly started getting out of hand. Panic spread amongst the adults in a wave. Dinah's power had been giving her mixed signals about the bugs, like changing numbers, not responding or answering in phrases. She couldn't exactly rely on it, but the consensus was that the bugs wouldn't hurt them. The problem was that Dinah couldn't tell anyone; that would mark her as a parahuman. Judging by Dinah's parents, who just wouldn't listen to her, it would be a wasted effort to try anyway.

The large Mantis commander, if his shiny coat was any indication, gave up when someone tried to go for the white sword-things on a bug's waist. The Man was knocked on his butt by a clawed fist for his effort. The Mantis gave two sharp commands, and suddenly Dinah had found herself in the arms of a Bug and out the door.

It had happened too quickly for anyone to react. The group of children, in which Dinah was one of the oldest, was moved to a large nearby tent. Once inside, many snail-men started separating the kids into smaller groups and running through a series picture and word games.

Dinah and the other preteen of the group were shuffled to an area with a few mats and pillows. The Snails motioned for the girls to lay down. Hesitantly, they did. Dinah had stopped trying to use her power due to the onset of a headache.

That's when the glowing and chanting began.


"So tell me, little one, what is it you wanted to ask?"

Dinah looked at the red-clad Queen of the bugs with a growing sense of trepidation. Dinah had to admit that Hornet was breathtaking, like a living statue. She was a graceful, dangerous figure even as she conversed with the younger children with an ease even her school teachers couldn't match.

She had come in some time ago after the inquisitive Quirrel had started helping the Shamans with the language barrier. The Queen had quickly grasped English and then started helping the children with Hallow. It was quite startlingly how easy it was for Hornet to learn the language; even Quirrel had to do the Dreamwalking with the Shamans.

She had asked her power how the Queen could do that.

[Wrong question]

Dinah thought for a moment and retooled the question. Was the Queen more than she appeared, even compared to the other bugs?


Dinah had smiled. The numbers had never felt more clear. When the Queen started asking questions about the world, Dinah knew what she had to do. She didn't even have to ask her power, but she did anyway.


"I want to help."

The Queen tilted her head curiously. "Well, you are helping little one. I know much more about this world, thanks to your help."

Dinah looked over at the other kids who were still working with the Bugs. The Other preteen, Rebecca, was walking Quirrel through everything about an iPhone. The Bug was very enthusiastic about the device. It was good that they were all distracted because Dinah had dragged the Queen away so they wouldn't be overheard.

"I'm a parahuman."


"My power answers questions in the form of percentages. It usually only allows a few answers before I start getting a headache."

The Queen was silent for a moment.

"So, you want to use your power to help me." It wasn't a question, "That's flattering child, but I don't want to take advantage."

Dinah interrupted, "It's not just that. I… I want your help. I mean, please, will you help me?" The young Parahuman bowed her head like she saw many of the Bugs do. Will this work?


Hornet placed her clawed hand under the girl's cheek, lifting her head. Dinah gazed into the Queen's dark eyes, her stomach tight with worry. What Dinah did not know was that the Queen was starting to share her concern.

"Tell me, girl, who or what are you afraid of."

"The… I've been calling him the Bad Man."

Dinah told all she knew of the Man, who she suspected, why her parents didn't believe her, and why he was dangerous. The Queen soaked all this up with ease; this was not the first time she or the Kingdom had dealt with snakes.

"I would help you without you needing to go out of your way. I don't just abandon my fellow Bugs - uh people - like that," Hornet spoke with a sigh.

"I know, the numbers said so, but there's more to it."

"Hmm, and what is that?"

Dinah looked at her feet, summoning her courage. "Can you teach me how to use Soul?"

The Queen did not answer, just stared at her in confusion.

"My power," Dinah exhaled in frustration as she put her thoughts together, "As I said, my power has limitations, and when I came here, it started acting up."

"Acting up?"

"Any time I asked about Hallownest or the Bugs, it would give different answers, sometimes respond with words, or just refuse to answer like a sullen child." That might have been much from a child, but Dinah refused to consider herself sullen or irritable. "But when I went into the Dream with The Shamans, things felt clearer, sharper than they had in weeks. My power has been more… helpful in a way. I haven't had a headache yet, and it's responding with whole numbers and other stuff."

Hornet did not immediately respond, instead of running her fingers along the pommel of her spear. After a few seconds, which felt much longer for Dinah, The Queen answered, "I guess it's possible that Soul is involved, although maybe…"

For a moment, it looked as if The Queen forgot Dinah was there. It was apparent that Hornet was deep in thought. Hornet returned to reality when she noticed the little human girl giving the best impression of a puppy, even if Hornet had no idea what a puppy was.

"I'll try." Dinah squealed in response. A few heads turned their way. Hornet laughed but placed her hand on the girl's shoulder. "However, you need to convince your mother. The ward rarely gets to choose who they foster with."

Dinah cursed. How do I convince mom!?

[Thats the wrong-

It was rhetorical.

"But," The Queen broke Dinah from her thoughts, "Things do hinge on the coming hour, and I think you promised to help me plan, right?"

Dinah smiled, "Right!"


"One more time, the chance of this working?"

"89% if they send The President, 90% if Alexandria doesn't come, and a 60% chance of success if Eidolon comes. I don't know what's wrong with the Triumvirate, but it seems that the more they're involved, the lower the chance of success."

Hornet nodded. "It is odd, but there isn't much we can do. It would be too suspicious if I asked these Triumvirate members not to be present."

The two walked in the deepest parts of the Hallow Kingdom, Deepnest. Hornet had taken her down here long after the plan was conceived and the message sent.

Subconsciously Dinah tightened the cloak around her body. The deep parts of the Kingdom were colder than she had expected. Looking up to Hornet, Dinah studied the Queen, trying to piece together a stray thought.

"What is it, little one?"

"You are the Queen of spiders, right?"

"Well, one of my titles, yes. My mother was Herrah The Beast."

"You don't look like a spider, though."

"Hahahaahhaha!" Hornet mussed Dinah's hair as she laughed, oblivious to the girl's protests.

"Hey, I'm curious!"

"I'll tell you when you're older,"

What does that

[Wrong question]

Dinah rolled her eyes.

"So what are we doing down here?" The two were getting close to a cave; a light was shining from its entrance.

Hornet placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. "We're here to get your mask from the Mask Maker. Don't worry, he won't hurt you."

That didn't exactly fill Dinah with confidence, but she had trusted Hornet up to this point, no reason to stop now.

With a hesitant step, Dinah walked into the cave. She could hear a scraping sound coming from deeper in. The sound grew louder until the two marched further into the anti-chamber. A workshop and a HUGE spider greeted them.

Dinah didn't scream, but she came close.

"Oh, the new one comes," the spider spoke as it continued its work. Dinah had to admit that 'mask maker' was an apt name; masks of all shapes and styles littered the floor.

"Tell me, little child, the Queen says you request a mask."

Dinah nodded at the intense gaze of the spider.

"A mask is a focus, it gives identity to those with none. A steep price is to be paid for a face. Tell me why you seek a mask."

"To… to hide my identity?" Dinah spoke, unsure of her answer. Almost as an afterthought, she whispered, "Like a hero."

It was a childish dream she knew. If she had had a power like Legend, or Alexandria then maybe Dinah could have been a hero. Instead of flying over a city or blasting foes with lightning, she spent every waking moment looking over her shoulder, not very heroic. Maybe with the power of Soul and Hornet's teachings, she could be like that; a hero like Eidolon or Hornet, a figure to look up to, and someone who didn't live in fear. It was a wild dream, but maybe.

"To hide. To create. To protect. Many reasons for a mask, yes, many reasons for a face of your own. A new self, perhaps?" The spider stopped its working and lifted a white mask in its appendage. Mask Maker handed it to Dinah, who tentatively took it.

The eye shape was different, and the horns were curved so that they almost touched at the top, but the mask looked a lot like Hornet.


Dinah looked up at the Queen of Hallownest and smiled as she put it on. Immediately Dinah felt better. It may have been her mind playing tricks on her, but she felt a lot better.


"A new face, a new name, a new purpose in life. What will the Bug without a shell be?" asked the Mask Maker as they picked up a new mask to work on.

Dinah was unsure what it meant until Hornet knelt to be eye level with her. Her voice was filled with gentle firmness.

"Little one, I will name you Lurien after Lurien the Watcher; He was one of the Kingdom's heroes. Do you feel you can carry this name?"



"Then let's go. Good day, Mask Maker."

"Good day, my Queen."

Before they were completely out of earshot, Lurien heard Mask Maker say something.

"So many new faceless, shell-less beings. So many new masks to create; they will need my help!"

A/N Little late for this one. Thanks to the beta's that helped me with this one. The next arc will begin the moment we left off with Taylor and Self. Thanks for reading and as always comments are welcome
A few interesting tidbits to be found in this interlude. The affect of soul on Dinah's powers, the way the numbers shifted based on who responded, and the question of how humans, Dinah and Taylor especially, are going to fit in the is post Hollownest world.

Looking forawrd to finding out in future chapters.
It really seems like this chapter isn't actually to give character perspective, but to change things and make it okoy for them ti take away the children, subvert them, and keep them and the others as hostages. The bugs just strike me as being hostile and callous, not caring at all that attacking people and stealing children would be considered unacceptable by humans, or even willing to let all of them go. It just seems like an extreme way to take things fir them to go on seemingly like they don't care to be friendly.
And? Bugs aren't obligated to conform to our social mores, hell humans are barely able to determine what their social mores are. I can't imagine anyone who sends their kids to Winslow or ignores it when their kid tries to tell them she's in danger is all that concerned about child safety. Hell if these people were actually concerned parents they'd have moved out of Brockton fucking Bay or sent their children to be fostered elsewhere.

Removing the obstinate elements from a captured group in order to simplify information exchange with the co-operative elements is hardly unreasonable. I'd trust the kids with the bugs before I trusted them with random Brocktonites.