Journey of Wyrms and Gods (Hollow Knight x Worm crossover)

Messy, but thank you for saying "good enough" and posting it, I could easily see that chapter as hamstringing you for weeks If you had not bitten the bullet.
What I woukd expect is that upon actually achiving communication for the bugs to realize that what they did woukd be seem as deliberately hostile and subversive, attacking people and rounding them up and stealing their offspring to be subverted by "parahuman" powers. And because of them realizing this, they would take an about face and return the children and apoligize, because they don't want to spark a conflict. For them not to do so says that they knowingly intend to portray hostility, which increases the chance of violent conflict. What else are they supposed to do? Double down and keep the humans, forcing them to submit to the bug's way of life?

At this point I really can't believe that Hornet and Hallownest aren't hostile. Hopefully the Knight shows back and and slaps the shit out of them, otherwise the only real option is to invade Hallownest to free the hostages and keep them from taking more.
So... Not to enflame an argument or anything, but I kind of have to ask.

Are you American?

If you are, have you heard of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau - The ICE? And how they are doing pretty much the exact thing you are angry about (putting individuals who have illegally crossed borders into detention centers, splitting up parents from their children) to illegal immigrants crossing into the USA.

What the Bugs are doing is not only not unreasonable, but it's standard practice in one of the largest nations on the planet.
Hevey is the mark of a king.
...That looks so cool, like some sort of strange interleaved pattern. Of course, this is what I really should be paying attention to, not the story. :D
Self gave her more data than she could handle. with your help, we changed Queen Administrator
Uppercase the "w" in With.
DIEING - Google Search
DYING! (punctuation helps too)
She, too, seemed affected by sheer weight behind what was going on.
the sheer weight
"Is this happening in reality TOO,"
I am not sure if this should really be capitalized. Sure, it shows emphasis, but it looks strange.
around the Wyrm's corps.
The Gender child had tears rolling down her face
Gendered (and should that be capitalized either?)

I actually wasn't too confused by the previous chapter. It was confusing, yes, but I figured out some of what happened at least even while I was still reading it. I am curious, however, as to what sort of significance, other than "lots," that this will have going forward. Apparently Taylor isn't just some random cape that Self ran into...
Solidarity: Part Three
"Creative minds are uneven, and the best of fabrics have their dull spots."
- H.P. Lovecraft

Solidarity: Part Three

"So that's… a thing."

Taylor blinked several times as her eyes adjusted to the change in the environment. No longer was she in the reality of dreams, gold clouds, and infinite sky; she was in Brockton. The roof where she'd tried to fight the most dangerous cape in the city. Probably not her greatest moment to be sure.

[Self apologizes again for causing any undue pain]

Taylor did not answer the God in front of her, and instead just stared at her gloved hands. She was shaking, but she didn't know if it was due to mental fatigue or physical exertion.

Just thinking about what had transpired made Taylor want to lay down and sleep, or maybe cry. The Star Wyms, and their quest for omnicidal destruction. Taylor had expected the most dangerous thing she'd face when she went out was either a bunch of gangers or a b-list villain. Now she had to deal with cosmic horrors reminiscent of Lovecraft; the ludicrous situation almost made her laugh.

She needed to calm down and get things in order.

"Are you there, Queen Administrator?"

Taylor did not ask her questions with words but with thought. If the… shard was in her head; then she wouldn't need to speak to her. At least Taylor hoped so. Talking to herself might raise concerns.

[I am here]

"So, it was all real?"
Taylor wanted to slap herself. What type of question was that? Of course it was all real!

[Yep. All of it], there was a hint of humor in her voice.

Taylor looked to Self, a question on her lips. Taylor had many things she wanted to say. A desire to know what had happened to Hallownest and its residents? What had happened to the family that was not her own? Why did she feel like someone took a crowbar to her head?

[Mental fatigue, we have experienced many Self's memories and emotions. Side effects will continue for some time.]

"Side effects?"

[Mostly subconscious. The full extent will be unknown]

"Alright, things to look forward to."

Self appeared to be scanning the horizon to the west. Taylor remembered then, the light show that had distracted Lung from immolating her.

That must have been!

"Self, if you're here, does that mean that the rest of the Kingdom was transported?" The thought of Hallownest brought a familiar feeling to Taylor's chest, like an emptiness, a longing feeling. A side-effect of the process to be sure, an emotional attachment, not her own. This must be what master victims feel like; the thought was scary to think about.

[Yes, I can feel the Abyss, Siblings, and Home]

"Then what do we do?"

[Self is unsure. Self-

In a Soul-assisted dash, Self scooped Taylor up and jumped a second before the roof was swallowed by fire.


Out of the flames rose a humanoid figure cast in silverish scales. Humanoid was a generous statement; his hands were shaped into claws, his face was sharper, elongated, and he was nearly eight feet tall. Yep! Taylor could tell that Lung was pissed.

Taylor started gathering everything she could from her swarm, but she knew it was a futile effort. With all this fire, nothing she had would get through, and what did probably would be ineffectual.

Self landed on an adjacent building and set Taylor down.

[Self will handle this]

With that, Self took out his Nail and dashed. The force of Self's movement cracked the edge of the roof they were standing on. Lung had enough time to raise an arm to intercept a downward swing from Self. The momentum of the impact shattered the top of the building.

First, the gravel practically exploded from the roof, sending thousands of tiny fireballs onto the street and nearby buildings. Taylor cringed as the fires started to spread; luckily, this part of the bay was abandoned.

Then the stone underneath cracked when Lung's knee gave way; Self wasn't done. Four Shade tendrils erupted from his back and struck the roof beneath Lung's feet. That was the last straw for the old building integrity, and Lung and Self fell into the dark abyss of the structure.

Lung screamed, roared, and flailed in anger as they fell.

Taylor felt useless; she couldn't just do nothing; she needed to help. I could distract him, let Self go in for a takedown, It was crazy, but Taylor couldn't help herself.

She stepped up the edge of the roof, preparing her Soul for a Soul Dash. She would need a large burst to make the distance between the buildings and make it to the opening in the roof. Once in the air, she could use her bugs, and dash slashes to reposition herself as she fell. She would only get one chance to land a direct hit, hopefully on Lung's eyes. After that, she would need to get out of Self's way for a killing blow. Taylor smiled, memories of fighting the monsters of Hallownest back to her, this was dangerous, but she had fought worse. Taylor couldn't help the little bit of thrill she felt as she reached for her Nail… and grabbed nothing.

Taylor looked down at her waist to find that there was no master-forged Nail by her side.

[Sorry Taylor but that was an example of Side-effects]

Idiot, Taylor admonished herself with self-pity and anger; she almost felt like crying. It looked like she would be relying on her swarm if she was going to be of any help. Taylor made a small promise that she would get a Nail as soon as she could; she almost felt naked without it. To persevere in this ruin, that old Nail alone just won't be enough though that's no problem! One only has to look around.

"I can at least use Soul, right?"
Taylor wanted to be able to use that power. Strength, speed, and other esoteric gifts, she could be a real hero, like Legend or Eidolon.

[Affirmative, I think we might even have a way to affect the fight]

Fire exploded out the first floor of the building. The explosion knocked Taylor away from her perch and caused a ringing sensation in her ears. Jets of flame sprouted from the building in all directions.

A great thing shot up out the top of the building.


Lung was in the air, and he was absolutely massive! Taylor gaped at the sight of a fiery dragon against the dark sky. It seemed that Lung had to regain all the mass he had before Self interrupted their earlier fight; and more. It shouldn't have been possible now that Taylor thought about it. The fight had barely lasted a minute and a half.

[His shard is reacting proportionally to the threat. Lung is currently facing a powerful and dangerous opponent, even if he doesn't know it, Even if Self is not anywhere close to his full power; Lung is facing a God!]

"Well, that's not good," Taylor did not want to face the Dragon of Kyushu at his full strength.

Two shadowy shapes rocked up after the hovering form of Lung. Taylor recognized them immediately. They were siblings, children of God, and Void that failed where Self and Hollow Knight succeeded.

The two slammed into Lung's wings, shredding the appendages to the point of uselessness. The right-wing was completely severed. With the wings gone, Lung began to tumble back down to earth. To assist in gravity's effort, Self sent several more tendrils of darkness to catch the dragon and slam him into the road.

As Lung cratered back into the street, Self exploded from the building. The little God sent a fury of severe blows to the villain.

"Alright, so what are you thinking?"

[The Swarm]

Taylor scoffed, "ya, that won't work. Even if I got them past the fire, they wouldn't do anything, and honestly, they're not even a good distraction at this point."

[not if you use Soul]

Taylor paused mid-thought as she registered what her shard suggested. Could she empower her swarm? The idea had merit, but the question was how.

[Focus on you Soul and then feel the link we share, from there you can spread your Soul to the swarm]

Taylor scrunched her eyebrows in worry, "the swarm is depleted, but even still, that would be an incredible amount of Soul I'd have to use."

[Our Souls are linked, Taylor. You won't be doing this alone]

Taylor smiled, "Okay. Okay, I can do this!"

Taylor closed her eyes and felt the connection she had to her swarm. It was highly depleted, yes, but she had been gathering more bugs since the fight started. Taylor's smile grew a bit wider; her power felt different and… had her range expanded? She needed to ask QA when things calmed down.

Removing her more valuable critters from the mix, Taylor began focusing on her Soul. It wasn't like how she remembered with being Self. Whereas he was like an ocean condensed into a cup, she felt more like a… balloon? Taylor shook her head at the stupid metaphor. Either way, she still had excellent control over her Soul thanks to the memories of using the energy given by Self.

She moved her Soul through her link with QA, brushing along her Shard's Soul in the process. The sensation was like static electricity on the edge of her senses. It didn't hurt her, though; in fact, Taylor felt the odd sensation of familiarity, like her own Soul.

Then Taylor felt her swarm.

Taylor was shocked to find small, tiny, and barely noticeable Souls, or at least something similar at the end of the link. Taylor didn't know the higher mysteries of Soul, Essence, or Void's metaphysical philosophies. If Voidself knew the answers, he didn't share them. Taylor guessed that most life on the planet must have some sort of energy.

Less theory and more action, Taylor; Shaking her head, Taylor pushed on. Her Soul infused the bugs, and suddenly a white fire lit up the night sky. Simultaneously, as Taylor gazed upon the beauty of the swarm contrasted against the night sky, she was bombarded by a deluge of sensory input from her swarm.

Taylor had complete, and individual control over every single one of her bugs. Bugs, however, have somewhat poor eyesight, but by stringing thousands of bugs' sights together, Taylor could get a detailed view of her surroundings. What she saw now was far beyond that, however.

[Interesting, I didn't foresee such a leap in the arthropods' capabilities. This deserves further study]

Taylor laughed, even though the expenditure of so much Soul was exhausting. "Study later, let's deal with Lung."

While Taylor and Queen Administrator were discovering new ways to use Soul, Lung had regained his ability to fly. Well, he would have, but Self was keeping the dragon tethered to the ground by way of shade tendrils. Lung was screaming, in his broken in-human language, and shooting enormous fireballs at Self. While Self was mostly unaffected by the torrents of flame, the surrounding docks were not.

"The whole of the docks district is going to be in flames if we don't end this."

[correct, I suggest aiming for his mouth. Take him down from with in]

Taylor nodded.

The bugs rushed forward at speeds they could not naturally reach. Lung had a few seconds to register the attack before they were on him.


Taylor first started tearing at his throat and jugular. The pain coming from within was enough of a distraction for Lung seemed to have forgotten about Self's presence.

Even as she started losing more and more to the intense heat and pressure, Taylor moved the swarm deeper.

[I think you are starting to restrict his breathing. Be careful if you don't want to kill him]

Taylor noticed it too. Lung fell back down to the ground; his mass decreased as he clutched at his neck as if being choked. It seemed the loss of air was messing with Lung's threat-based escalation power. Taylor made a mental note to remember this, the next time she needed to put a brute down.

By the time Lung was more human than dragon, Self had spoken.

[That's enough]

Taylor released Lung, a stream of glowing specks shot out of his mouth. In an instant, Self was behind him, Nail raised. The following hit was strong enough to create a small shockwave. Lung collapsed on the ground, unconscious.

Taylor pulled back from her swarm, retrieving the Soul she relinquished and… more? Well, less actually. The Soul expended to make the bugs stronger, and the Soul used by the bugs that died wasn't coming back. She should have had less though, at least that's what Taylor thought. It was more of a feeling than something mathematical.

[I believe that some of the bugs, mosquitoes specifically, were draining Lung of Soul. Small amounts but still noticeable]

Taylor paused as she thought about that. Draining Soul had been a taboo concept ever since the rise of the Soul Masters. It was Hallownest equivalent of mad bio-tinkering.

"Ya, we're not going to be using that."

[It might come in handy though]

"Uh, it's also morally corrupt and abhorrent."

[I am new to the ideas of morality and philosophy; however, I believe you have a phrase: acceptable targets]

Taylors mind flashed through images she dared to view on some shadier sites. The Butcher, Slaughterhouse, Nilbog; Queen Administrator might have had a point but still. Taylor remembered the bodies that lined the flowers and wall of the Soul Sanctum. The echoed screams of the lives snuffed and consumed.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Taylor said as she stepped off the ledge.

The drop was about three stories. An average person might be able to make the landing with only minor injuries if trained to fall correctly. Others, less trained, might make it out with a sprained ankle or broken bone.

Taylor landed in the classic three-point hero landing. Infusing Soul into her body allowed her to make the landing without even a scratch on her knuckles. She always wanted to do that.


"Oh shut it," Taylor couldn't help her goofy grin underneath her mask.

She walked over to the mangled form of Lung, his body was already starting to knit back together.

"Is it done?"

Self nodded.

Taylor was about to ask what they were going to do next. They had to call the PRT for sure, and Lung needed to be put away; that was for sure. Taylor could barely comprehend that she was able to beat Lung, help beat Lung, but still.

After that, she guessed they needed to find Hallownest.

[What about school]

Taylor almost laughed at the thought, almost shouted, 'fuck school' too. Emma, Sophia, and Madison; why did she have to go back to school, back to her tormentors when she just helped take down Lung? She had memories of doing much more than what she did tonight too.

In another way, it just seemed so petty to Taylor, so useless. Why deal with school, when she had much bigger things to do? Or, Self had more significant problems, but she wanted to help.

[your father?]

Dad. Taylor sighed as she thought about her depressed, workaholic father. The old King of Hallownest... he must have been desperate to save his crumbling little world. The sacrifices he imposed on others... all for nothing. It's not that she blamed Danny Hebert for all her trouble, and she still loved him. That love has grown cold since her mother died, and the distance has let… resentment foster. Taylor felt an ugly sensation in her gut. She couldn't blame her father, not really.

A hand touched your shoulder.

[You should try to connect with your father. He is kind, love should be cherished. Also… friend Quirrel says that school is essential, a place to learn many things and should not be skipped]

Taylor tilted her head. She knew that Hallownest recovered after the Radiance was defeated, but…

"Did Quirrel become a teacher?"

The answer was interrupted by a loud engine. Blazing into the street was none other than Armsmaster, leader of the ENE Protectorate Team. He was also Taylor's second favorite hero, someone she kind of idolized like Alexandria.

Taylor's first thought was, "I have underwear with his face on it."

[That's weird]

"Ya, who thought that was a good idea?"

Armsmaster dismounted from the motorcycle and pointed his halberd at the pair.

"You going to fight me?"

What!? Taylor was momentarily shocked, why would Armsmaster say that?

"No, we're heroes!"

"You don't look like heroes."

Taylor grouched, "Look, I made the costume. I didn't realize how edgy it was until I was more than halfway done!"

There was an audible 'hmm' from the hero that screamed, 'of course.'

"And the other guy," Armsmaster pointed at Self.

Taylor looked over to look at Self and blanched. Taylor could definitely see what he meant.

Taylor looked back, "We are heroes." She put as much conviction into her statement as possible, and pointed at the mangled form of Lung, "We also defeated Lung."

To punctuate her statement, the building that was the start of the whole engagement, which was currently on fire, finally gave way and collapsed in on itself.

"That was also Lung's fault."

Armsmaster frowned, walked over to the gang leader's body, and jabbed his halberd into Lung's neck. Taylor could see what looked like a syringe pierce the dragon's skin.

"That should keep him down. Now you two, I don't suppose you would be willing to come back to the Rig for questioning?"

Armsmaster wasn't pointing his weapon at them anymore, but Taylor could tell that the hero was ready to move at any moment.

[We're going to have to decline]

Taylor looked at Self.

Self looked back at Taylor.


"That's a no, sorry, Armsmaster."

Armsmaster eyes narrowed, "Can your friend speak?"

"Not really…"

"Okay... then can I at least get your names?"

Taylor almost said her name before she remembered. Her cape name. She didn't expect to have one this soon, and besides, not many heroic sounding bug names.


Taylor paused. "That was actually really good."

"I'm Weaver."

A/N back again and hopefully again by the week end-start of next week. Thanks all and any comments are welcome
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[The Swarm]

Taylor scoffed, "ya, that won't work. Even if I got them past the fire, they wouldn't do anything, and honestly, they're not even a good distraction at this point."

[not if you use Soul]

Taylor paused mid-thought as she registered what her shard suggested. Could she empower her swarm? The idea had merit, but the question was how.

[Focus on you Soul and then feel the link we share, from there you can spread your Soul to the swarm]
I wonder if you were inspired by @AEM and his story "Victory Of The Soul" for this empowerment trick or if this is just a case of similar trope combinations tending towards convergent story evolutions.
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I wonder if you were inspired by @AEM and his story "Victory Of The Soul" for this empowerment trick or if this is just a case of similar trope combinations tending towards convergent story evolutions.
I imagine that this is more likely to be the result of convergent brainstorming, as it is a rather logical method of increasing Taylor's power without completely sidelining her bug control.
her power felt different and… had her range expanded? She needed to ask QA when things calmed down.
That might be an interesting conversation. Granted, she knows much of it already, but you know things have changed when you think having a chat with your alien symbiote to be normal when minutes ago you didn't know about it...
"Ya, we're not going to be using that."

[It might come in handy though]

"Uh, it's also morally corrupt and abhorrent."

[I am new to the ideas of morality and philosophy; however, I believe you have a phrase: acceptable targets]
Oh, right. This is early!Taylor. She hasn't learned the fine art of escalation yet.
Ah, what sort of things can they do together now? I mean, she just started her career by (helping, at least) slaying a god. I think that's promising.
We also defeated Lung."

To punctuate her statement, the building that was the start of the whole engagement, which was currently on fire, finally gave way and collapsed in on itself.

"That was also Lung's fault."
Bwahahaha! Glorious!

Seriously, that was awesome.
Also, why do I think it would be funny if she ends up as Myrddin/Harry Dresden 2.0?
"I have no idea why everything is on fire, but I didn't do it."
I wonder if you were inspired by @AEM and his story "Victory Of The Soul" for this empowerment trick or if this is just a case of similar trope combinations tending towards convergent story evolutions.
I'm fairly sure I've seen another story besides that one to use the idea before it showed up here, but I can't recall what it was at the moment *(there's a good chance that Ack and/or RHJunior have an implementation somewhere too; it sounds like it might be something I've read in one of those stories). It's basically a good idea for any time you want to make Bug Control better (tm), so it would not surprise me if it isn't actually inspired by anything.

*I've been here for a few years now, and I have read uncounted stories. I've reached over 400 in just my favorites so far. Scary...
Solidarity: Part Four
"The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem."
- Jack Sparrow

Solidarity: Part Four

[Taylor, it's time for you to get up]


[Taylor it's seven in the morning]

"Let me sleep!"


"Five more minutes."


"I'm up, I'm up, you gods forsaken space whale!"

Taylor threw the covers off her bed. Her head felt like hell, and her muscles were protesting the slightest of movement. She groaned as she looked at the clock.


Taylor usually would have been up and coming back from a morning jog, but after what happened yesterday… not happening.

[I'm not a Whale! I am a highly complex algorithmic, multi-dimensional supercomputer!]

Taylor fell back down on her warm and comfy bed. The will to get up and move was hard to find.

"So… What should I call you oh so powerful supercomputer? I don't think Queen Administrator or QA is going to work."

The Shard gave the mental equivalent of a shrug. [A name for ant queens is Qyne. It's thematic but, that's both unoriginal and expected. You humans have many goddesses that could work.]

Taylor didn't comment on the idea of a formerly emotionless computer being picky about names. Thinking about it, Taylor remembers something about an Egyptian goddess of scarabs or something. Good ideas, but those were closer to cape names, not something you should regularly call yourself. Then, Taylor thought back to the time in the Dreamworld, where she 'met' the Shard.

"Your mental avatar is me, right?"


Suddenly Taylor wasn't in her room or lying on her comfortable bed. Instead, she was resting on soft, warm earth. Grass brushed against her body like the frills of a brush.

Taylor slowly rose from her position and scanned the horizon; from her seat on a hill, she looked over a strange and alien world. The slow-moving clouds were shades of purple against an orange sky. She was overlooking an ocean of crystal blue and white sand.

There was a city positioned where a river met the expanding ocean. The buildings, Taylor assumed, were tall spires of glass and other reflecting materials. Instead of straight and square pillars, these edifices were circular and twisting. The central spires rose high into the sky beyond the lowest clouds. From them, the buildings draped off till they were as small as Taylor's house.

From the edges of this unknown city were great burnt red trees mixed with purple and blues.

Taylor didn't have to turn around to know who was behind her. Sitting below a squat and low hanging tree was Taylor or, in other words, Queen Administrator in her Avatar form.

It was somewhat weird to see her own reflection in a three-dimensional space. A simulacrum of that blew past the uncanny valley. Unlike the last time she had seen this when things had been more complicated, Queen Administrator had been far more emotional. Now her face was a weird picture of tranquil calm.

That was less than six hours ago; weird was Taylor's only thought.

"So why is your avatar… well… me," the question was clumsy and not a little bit awkward. Up this close, Taylor couldn't find a single difference besides the pale eyes. The clothes were also different, some type of sundress, purple, and long with light swirling patterns that looked like runes.

Taylor could never imagine wearing a sundress again, not after Emma's thorough humiliation campaign. But looking at it from a different perspective, there was no reason she couldn't; it didn't look bad on her.

Impractical in most combat.

Queen Administrator tilted her head in confusion.

[I think it has to do with the process that Self used to… convert me. We Shards are alive but not in the way of most other life. We don't really have Souls, but the whole thing is somewhat confusing and of little relevance. Anyway, Self used your Soul as a framework for mine. That gave me parts or core personality matrix and, consequently, an avatar that is basically you. There are other important details I don't know about and would need more in-depth testing, and observation]

Taylor had guessed most of that already through context clues. Still, it was kind of weird to think about how Self had played and meddled with her… Their Souls, like it was nothing. From another angle, though, he, Self, was The Heart of The Void, A God. A Higher Being at least as powerful as multi-dimensional eldritch abominations.

As a God, meddling with people's Souls was probably not as imposing as it sounded. It did put Sunday school into perspective.

Not the point, Taylor thought. The information gave Taylor an idea.

"So you're like… a sister in a way?" it was a childish thought, Taylor knew. Just saying it reminded Taylor of happy times, with Emma, when she had a sister.

[In a way, I suppose, but I would definitely be the elder sibling in this situation. I guess you could call me Big Sister.] there was a humorous tone to the Shards statement that Taylor returned. It would be nice, Taylor reasoned, to have a sister again, even if they were an inter-dimensional alien supercomputer that may or may not have assisted in galactic omnicide.

Taylor's standards for friendship may have fallen slightly. Taylor was just going to ignore those minor complications and focus on the name.

"How about instead, Rose?"

There was a pause from the Shard; a frown marred her placid visage. Taylor momentarily panicked that she had offended her.

[That was Annette Hebert's maiden name.] It wasn't a question.

Taylor nodded, distracted herself by looking at the sky. Her mother, that towering pillar that held the house aloft, Each of us leaves an imprint of something when we die. Two years, memories of a God, and powers could not make the old pains go away.

It probably wasn't healthy; life needed to go on after all. It was time, Taylor realized, that her life needed to move on as well. If Hallownest taught her anything, it was never to forget, but always keep moving.

[I think] the Shard hesitated, [I will use it. Your mother seemed like a kind and rational human, bad for a host, but… a good person]

Taylor only smiled - a small, sad thing. It did not take a vast amount of deduction to realize what Que-Rose meant. Hosts were computers dedicated to self-improvement through experimentation. This meant conflict; the entities encouraged the propagation of chaos and trauma. The keystone example was trigger events, where capes got their powers.

Her newly named Shard had not mentioned the last part. But It didn't take long to put two and two together for Taylor.

Her mother would have probably made a bad host in the eyes of the Shards. Too calm and too stable, very much unlike what Taylor had been since her death. Taylor and her father, for that matter.

Taylor sighed as she looked back over the city's scope. She needed to change the subject.

"So Rose, what's this place. I mean, I know this must be a sort of Dreamrealm, but what is it based on?"

[Old memories]

The world around Taylor began to swirl; the clouds twisted, the colors morphed, and the acute sense of her bedroom began to invade her awareness.

[I tell you another time but you really should get up]

"Yes, I suppose you are right," Taylor said as she opened her eyes to the real world. With a new sense of vigor, Taylor hauled herself off her bed. Accepting the clothes handed to her, Taylor began her morning routine.

At the same time, Taylor let her senses go to her swarm and immediately noticed that same feeling from the night before. Her connection with her swarm, it hadn't changed so much as deepened. She could feel a link, not to her, but to each other, as if the bugs were of one mind.

Odd, to say the least.

[Yes, the effects of last night have done things. To be blunt, I am capable of more than what you had before, but due to pre-set limiters, and a designer for anonymity, I can't go overboard. However, with the data from Self, I was able to streamline certain things. You still have the impressive multitasking abilities, but like the Bee's of the Hive, you can step back and set directions for the whole]

Taylor's eyes widened, "So wait, I can instruct the Spiders not to kill each other if I'm out of range or produce silk!?"

[Yes, set directions and such things. It's neither infinite, nor exact so we have to be careful. There are still more simulations and tests that must be run if we are to understand our new limits fully]

Taylor gave the best attempt at a mental hug, "This is great, thank you, Rose!"

[yes, yes, I'm super now please remember to think and not to speak, or else people will think my host is a crazy person]

Taylor gave an uncharacteristic giggle at the thought. She usually was more reserved, but today was starting out amazing, and she was not going to waste it; by no means was she letting anyone get in her way, not her dad's depression, her bullies, nor even herself.

Handing her old shirt over to the waiting arms, Taylor put on her day clothes. It was her standard baggy sweatshirt uniform, but one of her more colorful options. It was a thematic choice as well, with its little butterfly patterns and purple motif. She needed to thank the boy for his sense of taste.




Taylor slowly turned her head towards the other presence in the room and came face to face with pale white features and dark abyssal eyes.

Taylor stared.

The Not!Human boy stared back.

Taylor would deny that she screamed.

A/n: So this is the last from Taylor for a while. Two interludes will come next, one is a PHO and another from a new character. The latter should be ready in a day or two. As always your thoughts are welcome.
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Interlude: Three.One
"There certainly are things that cannot be told in words, but that can only be said by people who have exhausted their use of words.
- Yang Wenli; Legend of The Galactic Heroes

Interlude Three.One

"Are you sure you're okay? I can call the school."

"It's fine, dad, just stubbed my toe, nothing to worry about."

"Sure… be safe."

"I will."

Stitch clung to the top of the shingles of Taylor's patio. She had first shoved him under the bed as her father rushed to her room. Stitch wasn't exactly sure about what was going on but took the cues as to stay hidden.

Stitch was the best at hiding and seeking amongst his siblings. At least Stitch thought so, although Snake would argue differently. Stitch hoped Snake was doing ok; he didn't look so well when Stitch was obliterated.

After a few minutes, Taylor's father had left, he said some strange things about boys and shotguns that made little sense. A few minutes passed before Taylor dragged him from under the bed.

"I'm assuming you're with Self," she said as she dragged him into her closet and started throwing the 'clothes' at him. Apparently the cloak wasn't enough; Stitchself could not see why, though, it was a perfectly good piece of cloth. Stitch did like the jeans but thought the other stuff was kind of itchy.

"Wait until I'm a few houses away to meet up with me. Please, for the Love of the Void, don't let my father see you."

With that, she left down to the stairs to engage in 'eating' and stuff. Stitch couldn't wait to try the activity; his siblings would be so jealous. Well, assuming this new shell of his had the ability.

As instructed, Stitch rejoined Taylor when she was a sufficient distance away. Why she was being secretive was beyond Stitch. Soon the vessel reappeared beside his new friend.

"Okay, who are you? You're not human, or self Self, but I can feel Void and Soul in you." Taylor did not stop to speak.

Stitch smiled at his new friend. A nice, if tiring action, Stitch decided to smile as much as possible.

[I am Stitchself, or Stitch if friend Taylor prefers. Stitchself is Self's sibling]

"What are you doing here?"

[Self wanted to make sure friend Taylor was safe. I am to help friend Taylor]

Taylor rubbed her forehead. Stitch was slightly concerned; he wondered if Taylor might have, what is known as, a headache. He promised himself to acquire medicine at the earliest convenience.

It was the new friend Queen Administrator that responded.

[Goodmorning Stitch, I am Rose, the shard formerly known as Queen Administrator]

In response, Sititchself smiled, [Congratulations friend Rose on the new name]

[Thank you]

"Yes, it's nice to meet you, Stitch. If it's not too much trouble, do you know where Self is now?"

Stitch paused and concentrated in the Void.

[Voidself? Sibling?]

[Bad dog! CAR!]

Stitch looked at Taylor, [Voidself is exploring]

"Oh dear- okay, so Self is doing things, and so he… created you to hang around with me? I don't know how to take this."

Stitch wasn't the best at reading bug's emotions and had no experience with humans, but he was sure that Taylor was rapidly going through many of them. It was either that, or she really was sick. Stitch needed to get her that medicine.

[He created this body last night while you were sleeping]

"So he can just do that; make a human-like body for the Vessels?"

[Well, it took an hour to find a good place and get the right materials. It's helpful that the city has many deep pits and caverns full of water for Voidself to work with. I wish Stitchself still had a nail though, but it's still in Hallownest. Maybe Stitchself will try one of the human 'swords,' they look fun.]

Taylor stopped walking and sat down at a bench next to a blue sign. Stitch didn't hesitate to plant himself next to his friend. Stitch wasn't an idiot and was pretty quick to guess that this was a tram stop.

"I feel like I should ask what Self is doing in the city reservoir, but I'm just going to pretend like I heard nothing. Of somewhat more pressing concerns, it's obvious you can't go to school! You're new… shell is decidedly more than human, you know that, right?"

Stitch rubbed the top of his head and felt the two bony protrusions. The two small horns just barely stuck out of his pale white hair. Stitch did suppose horns might not be an overly common feature of humans; he felt sorry for the fleshy creatures.

[You could pass off as a dead thinker Shard. I believe they call them case 50's or something]

"A dead, what now?"

[Sadly you don't have the tattoo that those people seem to have so your probably going to have to sneak around the school]

Stitch nodded, [Stitchself is really good at sneaking no matter what sibling Snake says]

Taylor rubbed her eyes, "Can we back up to the thing about the monster capes please," she spoke instead through her mental link.

[Please Taylor, calling someone a monster is just bad-form]

Taylor gave a long withered sigh as the wheeled tram car-like thing slowed to a stop in front of them. Stitch was curious at the design, it looked like the trams back at Hallownest but seemed to act on different propulsion systems. Stitch smiled; friend Quirrel would be interested in studying these things.

Before they got on, Taylor had pulled the hood over his head and produced some glasses over his eyes. It wasn't the best, but the disguise should keep some glances away from him.

"Try not to attrack attention to yourself."

[Don't worry friend Taylor, everything will be fine]


Everything was not fine. At least not for Taylor.

"Wow, Tay-Tay, you are looking better, finally got yourself a pimp."

"Oh, probably paid a merchant too."

"Finally embracing your talents, Taylor? About time."

As soon as they got off the bus, Stitch detached himself from Taylor and slipped into the crowd of small human children. At the same time, he kept his focus on his new friend and current charge.

This was not the first time Stitch or his siblings have played the role of bodyguards. Usually, he wouldn't let Taylor be more than six feet from him, but subtly is the name of the game today.

Taylor had not even made it into the large building when a group of human girls stopped in front of them. Stitch almost attacked right there, but a quick word from Taylor stopped him. The girls immediately started chattering on with high pitched voices that annoyed the Vessel even if Stitch did not know the context or true meaning of the words. He didn't like them; that was certain.

"I knew that this was petty, but now I see how boring the name-calling is too. I mean, these insults were used Friday."

[It is genuinely insignificant, but It's also interesting in a way]

"How so, Rose?"

[The girl, the one you call Sophia is an active host]


[She is a threat?]

"Hey bitch, don't ignore us," of course it was Sophia that was to notice Taylor's total disregard for the insults leveled against her. Sophia, in an attempt to be validated resorted to physical violence and pushed, hard.

Almost as a reflex, Taylor applied just a small amount of her Soul to her muscles. This reinforcement kept her almost immobile against Sophia.

If Sophia noticed Taylor's newfound strength, she had no time to comment on it because, at that moment, a rock slammed into her temple.

The courtyard grew deathly silent as Sophia rocked back and forth on her heels. A trickle of blood running down her face. The haze slowly cleared from the girl's eyes as she turned to face where the rock came from.

There was a group of freshman boys off in one corner. The boys were not members of E88, but they were all prime recruitment material. Without hesitation Sophia charged them with a regained fury.

That was how Stitch started a schoolyard brawl before the first period.


Stitch slowly crawled along with the ventilation and scaffolding of the school. The Vessel had been observing the activities in his new friend as she went from class to class. Several times he had to engage in counter-maneuvers, and preemptive strikes on the malicious human girls. Three bottles of a substance called orange juice, and a box of small tacks was needed.

Stitch also took the time to procure medicines for Taylor, luckily the office of medicines was fully stocked.

He took a few different kinds, unsure of which would be best.

It was also during that time he came across some human boys. They were huddled together talking, Stitch didn't care enough to listen. The Vessel was interested in the small Nail's they had; however, he heard the name 'knife' used to describe the objects.

Stitch dropped from below and quickly knocked them all out. Humans were fleshy and weak like that. Stitch did like the knives, especially the one that had the letters' K-BAR' etched into it.

Now, however, Stitch had felt confident that he could meet with Taylor again. She was in the back of a large class that had many big Monomon-devices. She was more or less obscured by everyone else.

[Stitchself is coming to give friend Taylor medicine.]

"Wait, what!?"

Silently Stitch pulled out the iron crates of the vent shaft and vaulted out of his crawl space. Like a cat, not a single person in the class heard.

[Stitchself thought friend Taylor might be sick, possibly a 'headache,' so Stitchself acquired medicine]

Taylor just stared at the Vessel for a few seconds in mild disbelief. She almost asked where and how, but with a small sigh, she thanked the Stitch and took the blue bottle. Stitchself smiled at his forward-thinking and observation skills. Take that Snake; Stitch thought smugly as he stashed the unused bottles away.

[Stitch self wonders what friend Taylor is doing with these Monoman like devices]

"There called computers, Stitch, and I was about to go onto PHO to see if there was any word about Self, myself, last night's events, or Hallownest."

[What is 'PHO']

"It's a communication site, where people can chat together about all sorts of things, usually about parahumans though."

Stitch was intrigued, [How does Stitchself get on PHO]

Taylor looked at the little Vessel for a moment before smiling, just a little, "I can create you an account… if you want?"

[Yes please]

It did not take long for them to create StitchSelfx1 for the vessel, and walk him through how actually to use the thing.

[Is a 'computer' necessary to use this 'platform' friend Taylor]

"Nope, you can also use a phone… which reminds me. I really need to get a phone."

Stitchself knew of the small devices. He had observed the little humans using the devices often.

Stitch smiled at Taylor.

[Stitchself shall acquire, two phones; one for friend Taylor and the other for Stitchself ]

Whatever Taylor was going to say was cut off by the door of the classroom swinging open. A man that Stitch did not recognize as one of Taylor's teachers was standing, slightly haggard.

"Mrs. Knott, you got to turn on the news!"

Slightly confused, the computer teacher did and immediately flipped the channels. Suddenly the screen showed the image of a well dressed middle-aged man standing in front of microphones. There seemed to be a small crowd in front of him.

"My fellow Americans."

A/N So ya it's not Self but Stitch. An explanation is necessary and it's thus, as long as the Heart of The Void exists, the Vessels will exist. Self can summon them as siblings and even recreate them as full vessels if the conditions are met. Self is doing 'things' below the city as Stitch alluded to.
A/N 2: Now, this is the last we'll see of Taylor, Rose, and the kleptomaniac Stitch. At least from their point of view, for at least a chapter or two. Next will be the PHO interlude, then more regular ISOT shenanigans.
A/N 3: Thanks to everyone for reading, as always comments are welcome.
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I like Stitch. He'll be a fun friend to have around... as soon as Taylor can teach him the concept of 'personal property' and 'acquiris quodcumque rapis'.