Journey of Wyrms and Gods (Hollow Knight x Worm crossover)

Collision: Part Six
Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence; so that's very important for good health
- Dalai Lama

Collision: Part Six

John Cambell was not having a particularly great day. John tried to stay positive, though; He reasoned that things could be a lot worse for him and his friends. They could be dead, for example, or being eaten alive, maybe tortured till he begged for death. So, in contrast, John's day wasn't going horribly.

"Where is my daughter! I want to see my child. You stupid bug faced monster!"

John couldn't help but sigh as he looked over to the shouting woman. An older blond, of average build, was shouting in the face of one of the grey armored guards. John didn't want to feel annoyed, but the woman was getting on his nerves.

She, his buddies, and about twenty other campers had been taken… sequestered? Kidnaped, yep, he was abducted by a bunch of anthropomorphic bug-people and brought to their magical Kingdom.

Crazy day.

They were ushered into a cafeteria-like building and were poked and prodded for hours. Some snail-people had also been here trying to bridge the language barrier. Not particularly easy when most of the campers were less than cooperative. There were a few tied up and gagged in the corner of the room—one of which John suspected to be an empire, eighty-eight members; if that tattoo was any indication.

"Hey lady, will you give it a rest; they don't even know what you're saying." The high pitched voice of Will broke through the lady's tirade.

The woman spun on her heel and looked at them. Her face was flush, and tears were building in her eyes.

"Give it a rest! They took my daughter!"

She was stomping her way towards John's small group.

"Perfectly normal," a voice in a southern drawl started, "This is some sort of Kingdom, we crossed the border. Well, the border crossed us, but that's semantics. It's standard procedure to separate criminals from kids, a security measure, and nothing more."

Shay calmly flipped the next page of the book he was reading. The bugs had left many picture books, and other material for them to 'read.' John kept quiet; that was an excellent possibility to be sure, but there were a lot of worse things that could be happening.

"Also," Will spoke back up, "they might find the kids easier to work with."

John nodded as they looked back to the guards. There were only two of the Mantis creatures, most of the other bugs left when the Snails did. Maybe they had given up on the adults? Not many of the campers were very cooperative. John and his friends were, but they were treating this as First contact, an exciting prospect, and John couldn't help feeling a little bit of glee. Sadly John was studying economics, a reasonable basis for cultural studies, not so good for linguistics.

"I don't understand how your boys are so calm!" The woman dropped down next to them at their bench. A little bit of pity wormed its way into John's heart. This was probably even harder for a mother. As if thinking the same thing, Shay sighed and passed the small book to the lady.

"I'm worried too, ma am after all my sis is with 'em, but I don't really think they're in any danger." as if being soothed by his word, the woman accepted the book.

"What's this?"

"I believe this is a picture book, probably meant for children, bug-children. The words are gibberish, but the pictures tell a good enough tale on their own."

John leaned towards his friend and smiled, "Care to share your opinion with the class, Mr. Connors."

"Hardieharhar Jo, anyway, by cross-examining some of the different books, I can safely say we're dealing with a lost Island here."

"I don't know about you, Shay, but I don't see any fucking water around."

Shay picked up a small book from the stack, "First, language William and second look here." The picture in the book was that of a grey desert and marble road. A small figure was also in the drawing; John couldn't read the short text, though. "It's in a ton of these books—a mountain, and sometimes a small village surrounded by Grey deserts. If we add that and all the other weird things about this place, well, I'm sure you've all thought about it. These bugs are from another world."

"Why can't it be the work of a Cape?"

John shook his head at the woman, "I thought so too at first, but Shay is right; this is all far too much for a singular cape or group. How this Bug-city got here; maybe a cape did it, but the true answer is probably beyond us mere mortals."

"Well, that's all very interesting," Will spoke up his voice laced with sarcasm. "Is there anything that might help us with our current predicament?"

Shay put the book down and reached for one of the more massive tomes in the stack. It had the stylized four-pronged white symbol that was a typical decoration in the city and on the bug-soldiers' armor. John had already guessed that it was this Kingdom's national symbol or sigil of their Royal Family; if they had one.

"This is what I think is a child's version of a national history book or bible. The key figure is this… Woman? I think this is a female, at least." Shay flipped to a picture of a human-like bug donned in a red cloak. It was a familiar sight, as well.

"Isn't that the Statue next to that well in the center of this town?"

Shay nodded in Will's direction. "Yes, she is a key figure in the second half of this book—imagine the Declaration of Independence or Crossing of The Delaware— Then replace Washington with her. Most importantly is that I think this is all recent history too."

"What makes you say that," replied John.

"Because that's where it ends. There's like maybe a handful of pages and then nothing."

"Well," John spoke up, "let's hope the bug-queen is friendly."

Their new friend rested her head on the table, "were so doomed."

They were, in fact, not doomed. A few minutes later, a human-sized snail and a beetle, dressed in a cloak, came into the hall. John had noted that cloaks, capes, and masks seemed to be the most common wear for the anthropomorphic bug people.

The beetle spoke first in the strange language, but what shocked the group was the badly accented pronunciation of their names.

When the snail spoke, the group truly got a shock.

"Shay, William, and John, your presence is required by the Queen."

John looked to his friends; they all shared the same thought, that was fast. It wasn't particularly perfect English but still understandable. That was not natural. John had thought it would take at least a couple of days to get any intelligible dialogue. Yet it should not have been too unbelievable, and stranger things were happening.

Two more of the guards came in to escort them, and although not physical with the group, the intent was clear; the request was not something you can deny.


John turned back to the woman they talked to earlier. Worry and depression marred her face, but John could tell that she wasn't as scared as she was before.

"If you get the chance, can you see if she's alright?"

John smiled, "What's her name?"

"Dinah Alcott."

John nodded and headed off with the small precession. The first thing he notices is the rising sun as they exit the building and the odd reaction of the bugs they pass. They were all pointing at the sky and shouting at each other. It seemed that clear skies were something of a new experience for them.

Their destination was a small clearing where a large hut sat. John's first impression was that of Mongolian yurts or the stereotypical Gypsy tent. At the entrance was a huge bug donned in armor of crimson red and lined with black.

All three of the humans froze at the sight of him. It did not last long as the escorts pushed them forward. The giant bug barely glanced at them as they approached, however. When he did speak, the deep voice shook their bones.

There was a short conversation in the bug language between the massive Guard and the smaller beetle. John had a distinct impression that the beetle might be a female.

The tent's inside was well lit with white lamps and furnished with some sort of fur rug. The canvas itself was spacious, able to hold many people without feeling crowded, and it was a good thing too.

There were probably a half dozen bugs, snails, and of course, humans all inside. Whatever John expected, this wasn't it; he had expected a throne room, or interrogation chamber if his luck was terrible. There was a google of children in a semi-circle to one side of the tent. In the center of the group was one of the snail's. It looked oddly like old storytimes back in grade-school or the scouts.

The kids, all around or younger than ten, seemed to be enjoying themselves as they chatted with the small snail. Something was unusual with some of the kids. John thought he heard some of them were speaking in that crisp bug language. That pretty much confirmed to John that some sort of power was at play here.

Of course, their group's attention was drawn to a small group in the back of the tent. There were four of them. Two human girls, one of which was Shay's younger sister Rebecca. The other girl was a pre-teen, maybe fourteen, with dark brown hair. It was the younger girl that noticed them first and shook Rebecca's arm.

"Oh, hey bro, what's up."

"Oh, hey sis, not much just imprisoned by giant bugs; you doing well?"

Rebecca opened her mouth to reply with a sarcastic remark, probably, but someone else replied first. The voice was feminine and young but had a confident that oddly reminded John of the hero, Alexandria.

"Yes, I do apologize for the inconvenience, but we were quite… surprised. Please take a seat."

It took John a moment to realize who was speaking to them, but he didn't know why. The speaker had a dominating aura to her; tall and thin, her horns added almost another foot to that height. She wore an elegant red cloak, and a four-pronged medallion rested around her neck. She had a natural beauty, like that of a classical statue.

She was the human-like bug from the picture book, and statues. It was evident that Shay's little theory was spot on.

She also spoke English fluently because what is normality; John certainly hasn't seen it in his twenty years.

Will seemed to be on the same page as John.

"Um, are we supposed to bow… your majesty?"

John almost laughed at the question. The Queen chuckled too.

"No need. We of Hollownest aren't as formal as the kingdoms of your world; again, please sit. I'm Hornet, Queen of Hallownest. This is my Master Knowledge, Quirrel," The bug beside her dipped his head. "He's the equivalent of your Secretary of education. Rebecca has already told me your names; it is nice to make your acquaintance."

The three boys slowly took a seat on the carpeted mats, well aware of the guards' eyes on their backs. John wasn't sure what they thought they could do? John had the impression that the Queen's spear wasn't for appearances. You don't survive Brockton Bay without knowing when you are outclassed.

"Now I'm sure you have plenty of questions, I can only imagine."

The boys nodded but did not speak up. Will cleared his throat before taking the offer.

"We have… many questions; I don't know where to start?"

The Queen, Hornet, rested her head on the one hand, "How about I answer one question from each of you."

"Maybe if you could say how this place got here?"

"We don't know ourselves; it wasn't intentional." Hornet turned her head to Shay.

"How come you know our language, especially so fluently as you do?"

There was a pause before she opened the palm of her hand. John idle noted the claws before a white light captured his attention. The strange light grew and then condensed into a sphere.

The boys looked at each other before Shay decided to confirm, "So you have powers?"

Hornet smiled; it was a strange expression for John to look at, uncanny.

"In a manner of speaking, but not these para-human powers you know of."

Shay looked like he wanted to ask more but decided to leave it alone. John agreed with the sentiment; it was best not to be rude even if the host was evasive. It was a can of worms though; concerning in a sense, the way they used this light power could be as dangerous as they were varied. Most troubling if it was similar to that of a master.

John had seen the smuggled pictures of the Hope Killer.

"It wasn't a master power, not really?"

John wiped his head to the youngest in the group. Now that he was closer, John was sure the girl had to be at most twelve. Before he could ask for more, the bug, Quirrel, spoke next.

"The young one is correct, we would not use such aberrant practices," John squinted; there was an edge to his voice that spoke of personal experience. "The Snail Shamans' power was unintrusive, mutual, and used only to assist and speed up the process."

"Okay, so that's good to hear," John spoke, "I guess then one last question then; why are we here?"

"Well, you can thank the young Miss. Alcott here for that."



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♦ Topic: Message to PRT/American Government
In: Boards ► East North East
Jojo-soup (Original Poster)
Posted On Apr 11th, 2011:
@Alexandria @Legend @Eidolon

So this is a message I'm writing for the Queen of Hollownest, That's the giant mountain that appeared last night in the Green Mountain National Forest. So The Queen, Her name is Hornet, knows that you have a perimeter set up around the Forest, and she wishes to meet you at this location [Link] in one Hour.

There You will meet with one Bug representative and myself before talks will begin. The Queen wishes for a peaceful meeting and want's no reason for hostilities.

Do not bring more than ten people. The Queen also wishes for one PRT, Protectorate, and Governmental representative.

Proof that this is all true


The Queen also wishes to assure you that all the human Guests are well taken care of. [Link]
(Showing page 1 of 1)

Replied On Apr 11th, 2011:

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Apr 11th, 2011:
I don't want to jump the gun, and I think we have like a minute before this thread is taken down, but He's not lying. The PRT, Army, and National Guard have cordoned off the Forest. Also, there were reports of blinding lights in the area at around midnight.

►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Apr 11th, 2011:
That Queen looks familiar. Wait, is this a bug Kingdom!

►Tin_mother (Moderator)
Replied On Apr 11th, 2011:
Thread Locked

End of Page. 1

A/n so ya it's been a while. Moving sucks!
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worried to mam after
too, ma'am
picture of a human-like bug donned in a red cloak.
bug donned in armor of crimson
of Hollowness aren't
Hornet, Queen of Hollownest.
Queen of Hollownest, That's the
The Queen also wishes for one PRT, Protectorate, and Governmental representative.
-Why? They hold no diplomatic power, and the Protectorate is subordinate to the PRT, so even less power. Also, the time until the meeting is really short, probably to the point of rudeness.-
The Pictures and a note
So I see maybe not putting images in the last chapter might have been a mistake. My bad but in my defense, I was unsure if linking random fanart was a nono.
theses are proximity what the photos look like, of course, they're not mine but they are pretty cool.

Queen Hornet - A pretty good rendition of what she looks like in the story.

The Pure Vessel Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight The pure vessel by Loracia-art on DeviantArt - except more red To honor his passion as captain of the Royal Gaurd

Ogrim The Defender
Dung Defender - except with a cape.

Snail Shamon
Snail Shaman no change.

Master of Education Quirrel
Quirrel - A Hollow Knight Character by teamcherry on DeviantArt - no changes except the Mask. Quirrel relinquished it before the end of the game

No picture just imagine a dirtmouth after teen years of growth and reconstruction.

Diana Alcott
Brown hair anime girl render by ThiGrizzle on DeviantArt - Okay so I shit you not I typed 'Happy Dinah Alcott' and got nothing. No one has drawn Alcott happy so this will have to do.

Note: So Vista is referencing 'bug kingdoms' in general, not the game Hollow Knight. However, HK might still be made in this au as a 'historically accurate' game.
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Right from the start I can say Hollownest is being a bunch of evil little fuckers. They imprison people and drag off their children? There's no way that could be considered acceptable. Are they going to pynish the bugs that did that or what? Because the only reasons why they would do that is taking hostages or to fuck with the children's minds.
... um no that's fairly standard, you don't detain adults and children in the same space barring special circumstances or much greater monitoring.
Right from the start I can say Hollownest is being a bunch of evil little fuckers. They imprison people and drag off their children? There's no way that could be considered acceptable. Are they going to pynish the bugs that did that or what? Because the only reasons why they would do that is taking hostages or to fuck with the children's minds.
Hmmmmmm, Mhhhhhhhh. Don't know if troll or legit question.
Well I would assume the reason they DETAINED the almost flukes is to find reason in a situation of almost chaos. They were never imprisoned, only detaind. They were brought into a large cafeteria like area to be easily watch, and separated from their kids because the adult were being uncooperative. The last part is a little of a stretch but the almost flukes were treated rather well for unidentified trespassers
Hmmmmmm, Mhhhhhhhh. Don't know if troll or legit question.
Well I would assume the reason they DETAINED the almost flukes is to find reason in a situation of almost chaos. They were never imprisoned, only detaind. They were brought into a large cafeteria like area to be easily watch, and separated from their kids because the adult were being uncooperative. The last part is a little of a stretch but the almost flukes were treated rather well for unidentified trespassers
No, legitimate question. There doesn't seem any logical or diplomatic reason for it. The inprisoning them is already kinda sketchy, but since they were trying to figure out the language that makes sense, albeit seems a rathwr stupid way of doing so. This implies their first action was to attack complete strangers and imprison them, starting things off by saying to the new people "we are hostile". Why do that when they could try and have people approach and attempt to make contact without being violent? Stealing children takes this from being counterproductive to outright meaninglessly hostile. If they aren't cooperating that's obviously because the bugs attacked people, so stealing the children just doubles down on that. Really, just how is taking away the children supposed to have helped? The only thing that says is that they are threatening to keep the children or harm them unless they submit.

Regardless of what they say they were doing, attacking and imprisoning nonhostile strangers and then taking away their offspring when they do not submit communicates to the newcomers that the bugs are hostile. That's why I was questioning if the Queen or some other bug was going to punish the one in charge of First Contact for their side, because they seem like they've bungled things immensely.
I'm sorry but what else are you supposed to do when a bunch of boneless noisy assholes pop up on your turf besides corrall them and try to talk to the co-operative ones?
I'm sorry but what else are you supposed to do when a bunch of boneless noisy assholes pop up on your turf besides corrall them and try to talk to the co-operative ones?
As stated above your post by @Vaalintine.

@Vaalintine Now that you have better worded your take on the situation I agree with you. Although I will argue over the word imprison, and instead choose detain. The room and attitude the bugs treated them with are too different from a cell and no one in the room. It sounded more like they were watching them with the understanding of not really wanting to be hostile, but still be aggressive if you catch my drift.
What? Are you trying to say that my question was answered in the post I asked it in response to? If so do be more specific. Because I already clearly didn't see that part if I'm asking the frigging question.

Furthermore Vaalentine makes a rather bold accusation that the bugs went around attacking humans in order to gain their compliance. If the bugs had attacked humans they would not be talking to captives, they would be wiping smears off their nails. A bug even in the same general league as a human size wise is going to be massively strong, and unlike most humans nowadays the average bug actually knows how to use their culturally significant implement of dismemberment.

I find it more likely that the humans attacked the bugs, and frankly even if they didn't isolating unknown invaders is far from an act of hostility. It's called not being asleep at the wheel.
What? Are you trying to say that my question was answered in the post I asked it in response to? If so do be more specific. Because I already clearly didn't see that part if I'm asking the frigging question.

Furthermore Vaalentine makes a rather bold accusation that the bugs went around attacking humans in order to gain their compliance. If the bugs had attacked humans they would not be talking to captives, they would be wiping smears off their nails. A bug even in the same general league as a human size wise is going to be massively strong, and unlike most humans nowadays the average bug actually knows how to use their culturally significant implement of dismemberment.

I find it more likely that the humans attacked the bugs, and frankly even if they didn't isolating unknown invaders is far from an act of hostility. It's called not being asleep at the wheel.
Ye. Absolute worst I see is the bugs having made some vaguely imperative noises their way and maybe some waving around of their nails as they led the humies to the room they waited in.
What? Are you trying to say that my question was answered in the post I asked it in response to? If so do be more specific. Because I already clearly didn't see that part if I'm asking the frigging question.

Furthermore Vaalentine makes a rather bold accusation that the bugs went around attacking humans in order to gain their compliance. If the bugs had attacked humans they would not be talking to captives, they would be wiping smears off their nails. A bug even in the same general league as a human size wise is going to be massively strong, and unlike most humans nowadays the average bug actually knows how to use their culturally significant implement of dismemberment.

I find it more likely that the humans attacked the bugs, and frankly even if they didn't isolating unknown invaders is far from an act of hostility. It's called not being asleep at the wheel.
O.... Ok, I didn't mean to assume that you were oblivious, I honestly thought you posted right after @Vaalintine.
Also I'm assuming again that you reacted to my post with hostility. That was not the reaction I was intending to incite.

I do have to disagree with the human attack though, in fact I don't even think there was an attack, more a slow encirclement and....well...a sort of "don't move a muscle" scenario with a dash of "follow us or else"
Collision: Part Seven
"He who knows when to fight and when not to fight will win."
- Sun Tsu

Collision: Part Seven

The command center was packed as the 'invitation' was read. Almost a dozen people were listening either in person or through highly encrypted communication channels; their face lit on monitor screens.

These people were some of the most powerful men and women in the country or at least the New England region: The President, Shamus O'Gillen, The Chief Director of the PRT, Rebecca Costa-Brown, and the world-famous Tinker, Dragon were all too distant to make the meeting in person. In the room were the Four Star General David Tanaka, the nominal commander of all army and national guard troops maintaining the perimeter. Next to Tanaka was Legend, Miss Militia, and Assault. Legend being the commander of the Parahuman contingent of the operation. Finally was deputy Director of PRT East North East, Jackson Renick.

It was a hodgepodge group for sure, especially from the ENE department. Regrettably, Director Piggot and Armsmaster were putting out fires in the Docks, literally in most cases. Renick, never the glory hound, would have preferred his boss to take point on this operation.

"This is a message I'm writing for the Queen of Hollownest, That's the giant mountain that appeared last night in the Green Mountain National Forest. So The Queen, Her name is Hornet, knows that you have a perimeter set up around the Forest, and she wishes to meet you at this location [Link] in one Hour. There You will meet with one Bug representative and me before talks will begin. The Queen wishes for a peaceful meeting and wants no reason for hostilities.
Do not bring more than ten people. The Queen also wishes for one PRT, Protectorate, and Governmental representative."

Silence prevailed throughout the large tent; this included those on the viewing screens. Renick couldn't help the audibly sighed that escaped his lips.

"This is ridiculous."

Renick could see several of the room's occupants look at him, but no one disagreed. Renick turned his gaze to Dragon, who he could see was chuckling.

"I won't deny that deputy director, but now we do have a better understanding of what's going on here."

"Excuse me, Dragon, but can you confirm any of this. I find it all very… convenient."

President O'Gillen had a particularly stern expression through the screen. Renick felt terrible for the man in a way; he was a good person but saddled with a near-impossible job, and that was before parahumans. The man was halfway through his first term, and he already looked like he aged a decade.

"Yes, Mr. President, while it would be illegal in most circumstances for me to track where the post came from; I don't need to. I sent a drone close to the location they specified. There I found a farmhouse and several of these new beings-"


Everyone turned to the interrupting voice. The Protectorate hero Assault was leaning back in his chair with a small grin on his face. Renick shook his head; Assault always had a way of being both at ease with any situation. Even if the situation was a serious conversation with the President, Renick truly feared the day Clockblocker graduated into the Protectorate; then, there would be two of them in the weekly meetings!

"Hey, it's not me. The message said Bugs with a capital bee; hells the Queen's name is even Hornet! I'm no Thinker, but that doesn't seem to be a coincidence to me or a missed translation."

"Sure," Dragon continued nonplussed, "anyway, I was able to capture better pictures of these bugs than I was able to with the earlier attempts. I'm sending it now."

The image was of a medium-sized wooden cottage with an attached barn and shed combo. From that was a pasture where about a half dozen horses were currently grazing. Most strikingly were the Bugs standing guard, three to be exact and unmistakably familiar to the post's pictures. 1.

"As you can see, I think we can safely say that this message is coming from the source."

Renick still felt weird looking at these bug-people-things. He knew what the uncanny valley was, and this was definitely the Marianas Trench of uncanny valleys. Chief Director Costa-Brown was the next to speak up from another monitor screen.

"Do we know who the girl is?"

"Yes, Director, facial recognition came back as Dinah Alcott."

Renick furrowed his brow, that name sounded familiar. He knows that name, but where was the question.

"I think," Miss Militia said from the back of the tent, "That's Mayor Christner's niece."


The was muttering from the Brocton Bay contingent of the meeting. Renick didn't see the problem unless she was a Parahuman. That wasn't likely; she has a Protectorate family member, so The PRT would have known. She, at this point, was just proof of fair play. The Mayor might raise a fuss, of course, but he generally tried to stay out of PRT business.

"So the question is simple," Tanaka spoke as he looked between the President and the Chief Director, "Do we accept and go to this meeting? This is not the same as Ellisburgh, but I think we can all guess what this Queen is going to want."

The old general did not have to go on; it was going to be another Kingdom within the United States. That might have been putting the cart before the horse, Renick tried to rationalize, but if they wanted a truly peaceful solution, they might have to do just that.

That was going to be hard to sell to the public.

"Of course we could storm the place," The general spoke up again. A sardonic smile crossed his lips, "I'm sure charging into a completely unknown stronghold manned by giant bugs is a top tier military maneuver worthy of Sun Tsu himself."

"Not another Klendathu! or something like that."

Tanaka looked over to Assault and chuckled, "You could say that."

"I get the reference general, and I'm not that stupid, no matter what my opposition says."

"That might be a wiser decision than you realize Mr. President," Dragon spoke up, "I ran some seismic analysis, similar to those used to track Behemoth, and found that a large area underneath the new mountain shows signs of… well, activity. Suffice to say; I believe this 'Kingdom' is quite larger than first appearances."

"How large?"

"I can't determine that Chief Director. If I had to guess, adding depth and with, I would say as large as Brockton but most likely a population five to ten times that."

Assault whistles in the background. That was both impressive and worrying, especially considering the likely capabilities of these bugs.

"We're going to meet them. Director Costa-Brown, will Deputy Renick represent the PRT, or can you make it here in time?"

"Sadly, I won't be able to, but I believe Renick will be able to represent the department," Renick wanted to dispute that, "However I am sending Alexandria to support Legend and Miss Militia."

The President nodded, then focused on everyone in the group; determination started to replace wariness.

"We have ten spots people; Renick will represent the PRT, while Legend does so for the Protectorate. I think besides Assault and Miss Militia, I want the rest of the members to be an APF fire team."

"I can have one sent for right away, sir."

"Thank you, general."

Renick raised an eyebrow at that. Army Corps Para-Forces was an interesting choice to have, especially alongside Protectorate capes. The President was trying to stack the deck, it seemed. Most directors would have a fit if they were being sent alongside their own cape's, jurisdiction rivalries, and all that. Renick didn't care; this was already beyond his regular duties.

Renick was pretty interested to see how the group operated through. Velocity was a former member, but he never talked about the time around his Trigger. Vista was going to be devastated that she missed this chance to meet them. Renick shook his head; there was one more important thing that needed deciding.

"Mr. President."

"Yes, deputy Renick."

"Secretary Dearborn was in surgery yesterday, right? So I wondered who you would have represented the United States as a whole. I do assume that's what they meant by 'governmental' representative."

"Sadly, the Secretary of State is still laid in bed, and the department is scrambling for who to send. It's quite funny."

"I'm sure it is, but we do need a diplomate with broad authority for this matter."

Costa-Brown did not sound as jovial as the Commander and Chief. In response, the President grabbed a glass of whiskey that was left untouched throughout the meeting. Renick caught the President's eyes flickering to something off-screen and then back. He was sporting a sarcastic smile.

"Lucky I did find someone with broad authority that I think can be trusted with this diplomatic issue. At least that's what fifty-three point three percent of the American voters believe."

There were looks of confusion until almost as one everyone realized what he meant. Immediately almost everyone was trying to talk over each other, Renick included, to get the President to reconsider. They were hushed as the President slammed his glass back down on the Resolute.

"Thank you, but my word if final on this," no one tried to protest the man's stern announcement, "Now I'm heading Stratton now, I want a checklist ready when I get there; potential threats, demand, concessions the whole works. There should be a call coming in from The State Department shortly to help with that. Let's not fuck this up, people."

The President's monitor cut off.

"I'll be sending a Suit to get better information."

Dragon cut her screen, leaving The Chief Director.

"So I don't think I have to inform anyone here that these, Bug's, have powers. The Watchdog Thinkers are working on both that and everything else about Hollownest; progress is slow However".

"That's not all Ma'am," Renick sent over an image. It was not very good due to the midnight hour it was taken and the lack of lighting in the Brockton Bay Docks. There were two figures, however. The first was by far the hardest to discern for the shadowy substance rolling of its body seemed to merge with the darkness. 2. Generally, it was a shape very similar to the picture of the Queen and tall Knight. Slightly behind was the second figure, and although being shrouded with some of the darkness, the Bug was far more visible than the first. The Bug was wearing a very intimidating suit and mask; at least Renick thought that was a mask and not her face. It was hard to tell. 3.

"These two are partly why Director Piggot could not come herself. At approximately Eleven-fifty, Armsmaster responded to a sighting of fire in the docks area believed to be the result of Lung. By the time he reached the area, the fight was over. You should be getting the fool dossier soon, but suffice it to say it was these two brutalized Lung."


"We aren't exactly sure about the first one besides the fact that he's a brute with possible stranger, strike, and blaster capabilities. Those are just guesses. We also know that he either doesn't speak or can't, but the second one can somehow communicate for him."

"And the second?"

"She's a confirmed master, primarily over bugs… normal bugs, that is. Designation is Weaver. At first, we thought they were two new parahumans, but I think it's clear that we're dealing with two wayward Hallownest citizens."

"Agreed," the Chief director paused before continuing, "I assume that the two refused to come into custody?"


"Tell Piggot to play soft, as far as we know these are members of the 'royal family' of this bug-nation. We'll bring this up with the Hallownest delegation."

A/N: So another part people thank you for reading. Another thank you to those that helped Beta this chapter and as usual, any feedback is appreciated. On that topic; The pictures I added as visual aids but are not completely representative. The question for you all is whether I should add them in the story or keep them all relegated to the 'Info' section of the thread when needed?
A/N 2: So this is this chapter has the only hint about what's going on with Taylor
So I have one or two parts left and an interlude that goes over events from another perspective. After that, the next 'chapter' will be Taylor and Self Bay Side adventures starting from their meeting and Lung fight.
A/N 3: Some notes: General Tanaka's name is a reference to a Japaness sci-fi-fantasy author. The General, Assault, and The President all make references Starship troopers Book/movie. The APF is my own creation that will pop up from time to time in this and when I rewrite my first story.
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I'm hoping Taylor's cape persona gets fully signed up Hallownest citizenship by complete and utter accident and without her any the wiser.
I like that we're getting to see things from the Protectorate's position. When this all startred I was expecting them or other human forces to declare the bugs hostile/bad and attack, given how authority tends to be in Worm fics. But after the whole "taking away the children" part it does seem to ne like that may actually be a good idea. Hollownest rather makes themselves seem unsympathetic doing that without anyone on their side saying that was a terrible thing to do, and makes it hard to believe they have good intentions.

I do hope we get some resolution to that, because them apparently taking children as hostages makes it seem like they're the bad guys in this scenario.
I do hope we get some resolution to that, because them apparently taking children as hostages makes it seem like they're the bad guys in this scenario.
There will be a resolution. I can't promise it will be what you are looking for though. As for the topic of appearances, well Hornet is both a character and a government, and as like all governments there's going to a wide variety of opinion on the Her and Hollownest
Tell Piggot to play soft, as far as we know these are members of the 'royal family' of this bug-nation. We'll bring this up with the Hallownest delegation."
I can't wait to see Hornet's response to Little Ghost going out and picking up a girl and going on adventures fighting dragons and ninjas as soon as the kingdom lands.

I think one of the reasons the children might have been separated from the adults is due to children often needing additional care/resources compared to adults. So splitting the group allows the bugs to keep a better handle on the logistical front on how much and where to put those resources.

Plus, there might be a bit of a cultural mismatch, as it seems like Bugs more often give birth to larger groups; which could potentially incentivize group care of children as opposed to the more one-on-one care that the US is more known for.