After the whole deal regarding the Nijimura brothers, you heard that somehow Okuyasu acquired the rights to the house and was living in it now. You didn't question how, you were just grateful that the situation had been resolved. Of course, this meant now that the Bow and Arrow... was in somebody else's grasp. And god knows what the owner of Red Hot Chili Pepper was going to do with it.
At least, it had been about a few weeks - was it six, perhaps? - after the incident. The image of Keicho's burnt body scarred you. Although, nobody could blame you. Seeing such a horrific sight... it made you even more determined to stop Stand users from abusing their powers. Which could be easier said than done, with all due consideration. Although life goes on as usual in the peaceful town of Morioh.
That was the alarming part. It was too quiet. Why was it the case? You weren't complaining, it was good for Josuke to heal up from the fight with Keicho and Bad Company. Although it meant coming up with an excuse as to why he came home with a broken leg...
That took forever to explain to Josuke's mom... You thought depressingly, remembering her shouting at Josuke for it. It was quite the poorest of excuses, that Josuke fell hard enough his leg to break. Coming up with specifics was even harder, as you all couldn't really define a solid story all together.
Koichi had suggested the fall after you and Josuke had argued between sports injuries and overuse of the leg. You thought sport injuries would make sense, although Josuke had countered that he didn't do sports, leading to your spat.
But in the end, it was settled out regardless, and with that, lead to now. You were making a mug of coffee. You were thirsty, anyways, and it would brighten your morning. Not to mention the fact that you had your legendary pineapple toast on it's way, and it was going to be delicious. Sunny-side up eggs were being made too. Your dad was still out. Work, probably. Your mom said that she had found herself a job doing the newspaper. You faintly recalled your mother liked journalism a lot, so she would have fun in that career field.
This left you home alone, of course.
You could cook a decent meal, at that, but considering how things have been going lately, you had to wonder if the oddities were slowly getting to you. You were accustomed to having When She Shines around for so long. You wondered when trouble was going to brew next. You constantly kept a look out for any sign of trouble. Meeting up with Josuke and Koichi, even Okuyasu, too. Discussing about the possibilities of who had Red Hot Chili Pepper and where in Morioh they could be.
Hearing a knock at the door, you were surprised. You were just about to eat breakfast, too. You quickly stuffed some of your delicious toast creation into your mouth, gulped down orange juice that you happened to take from the fridge because you knew that the coffee would take forever to set, and once you did that, you opened the door. You were surprised to see Ryouichi there, of all people. You should have ignored the door.
"Ryouichi! It's so good to see you again!" You exclaimed with a grin. "Come on in, come on in! I'll make you some breakfast, too..." Why didn't you question his sudden arrival like that...?
"That sounds... good. Very good." Ryouichi looked like he had seen better days. He seemed to have a thick jacket on. And he had the school uniform of your former school on his person. Yet you had to wonder... his skin looked quite pale. His eyes, too, seemed like they didn't have any light of life to them. In fact, he had a muffler on too. Wasn't it summer time, technically? Why did he have winter clothes on...? "Oh. All this? I have a summer cold."
You raised an eyebrow. Even though that was odd, you shrugged it off. "Okayyyyy... Anyways. How is the Yatagarasu doin'? You holdin' up, ya know? It seems like a lot of work, but... hopefully everyone hasn't caused you trouble." He is lying to your face and you know it.
"Everything is fine. Everything is normal. Nothing is wrong." Ryouichi swayed back and forth, approaching you quite tactlessly.
"Hey, Ryouichi, are you sure that--"
You felt a sticky, undeniable ooze come from your stomach area. A sharp pain that threatened to have you fall backwards on the floor. Your eyes were drawn to the silver glint of the blade stuck in your stomach now, and your hands covered with rivulet of blood that was increasing more and more within said trickling motion. It was enough, though, however, to make you freak the fuck out. Stumbling backwards, you saw that Ryouichi lifted the muffler off his face and gave you the most sickening grin that you thought he couldn't muster but somehow he had done it. Why did you betray me?!
"You can't run away from your sin, Maki Kunikida." Ryouichi, or rather, somebody who was only to puppeteer your burn scarred friend had laughed at you. "I decided to pay you a visit, dear friend! Because I love you sooooooo much... not! You were an absolute pain in the ass, you know?! Forcing your position of leader on me just for your convenience! You damn bitch..."
The words pierced your heart. Especially since it was your best friend's voice. What the hell happened while you were gone? And more importantly, what was this sin he was talking about?! You couldn't get the knife out of your stomach. Especially since... did you... oh god, no. You were my best friend and yet you did this to me...
"Yupppppp. I have lots and lots of knives for you! And a Stand to punish you for your arrogant sin..." What must appear to be about five knives for each hand had popped seemingly out of nowhere. Almost like a magic trick.
"What... sin?! I don't... remember anything..." You weakly argued back, trying to think of a way to stop the blood flood. I don't want to die for a sin I can't remember.
"...Oh. So you don't remember. Well. Who gives a shit?!" Ryouichi's puppeteer howled in delight of the rich irony that had befallen onto you. "That just means you'll only find your answers in hell. Say farewell." I so desperately wanted to believe that he wouldn't betray me.
You had inched yourself even further away. You feel like you were going to scream. No. You wanted to! You desperately wanted to run away. But with your stomach injury, you weren't exactly in the best of fighting conditions. You didn't want this to happen in the house. Goddamn it, your mom was going to kill you, wasn't she...? You really needed to be more careful of what you were doing... You were just happy to see Ryouichi that you greeted him and didn't even think about the potential consequences of it. Although seeing that grin on his face made your head swim. God. This was going to be the absolute worst day ever, wasn't it...? I don't want to die. I don't want to fight my best friend...!
What are you going to do?
[] Attack Ryouichi and try to defend yourself from him. He... He was your friend... you didn't want to believe he turned evil, but...
-[] Luminous Rend
-[] Sunlight Shots
-[] Aurora Beam
-[] Glow and Light combination, along with Equivalent Exchange: Dance.
-[] Which two properties of two objects shall you exchange for?
-[] Write-in strategy.
[] Distract Ryouichi and try to get to your first aid kit in your room. Let's face it: you need to patch yourself up. Josuke isn't around.
-[] Write-in strategy.
[] Trick Ryouichi into looking the other way somehow...? If you can't beat him right now, at least find some way to get him off your hide for a second or two.
-[] Write-in strategy.
[] Run, damn it. Just run for it. You don't want to cause any damage to your place. Nor to have Ryouichi get anywhere near your parents!
[] Write-in strategy.
Health: Injured
Status: Bleeding