Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Crusaders of Fate Quest

[X] Use Napalm Death to fight back.
-[X] Write the smallest B you can on your wounded neck, just enough to cauterize the wound
Vote tally:
##### 3.21

[X] Run for the exit.
No. of votes: 2
Insufficient Dakka, Nathaniel Wolff

[X] Use Napalm Death to fight back.
-[X] Write the smallest B you can on your wounded neck, just enough to cauterize the wound.
No. of votes: 3
Sinsystems, Fabled Ranger, ChildishChimera

[X] Use Napalm Death to fight back.
No. of votes: 8
Finagle007, Bacon_commando, Shiranui, Varano, Shadow-86, Archeo Lumiere, veekie, tygerbright

[X] Use Napalm Death to fight back.
-[X] Write a big B on a chair and toss it at her.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Plan Your next words are...
-[X] Use Napalm Death to fight back.
-[X] Make a run for the bathroom. There may be a first aid kit in there. Maybe.
-[X] Drop the knife and run into the bathroom. Write a B on the back of the door, back away to grab a first aid kit and hope the door explosion takes out her when she follows you. If the door hasn't exploded try to get her to monologue about why she's doing this and if she's working for Dio.
No. of votes: 1
Yeah, and even if cauterizing did work, there is still the fact that you have to deal with Rainbow, right in front us, wanting us dead. It would be logical to strike back at this point because if we don't, we're in trouble, let's face it. While it would be the most hopeful thing to get our injury taken care of, Rainbow's just a bigger problem to deal with right now. We have to deal with it one at a time... Otherwise there might be more casualties.
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Even if our Precision is at like, A, or something, an explosion's an explosion. It won't do any good for us. It's better to fight back against Rainbow that try cauterizing our wound. At least then we would stand more of a chance. Plus, we've seen a whole slew of JoJo characters getting hurt really badly, and still managing to fight.
Vs. Rainbow Part 2
You take Napalm Death out of your pocket. If Rainbow wants a fight, you'll give her one. Still, you know that you're at a disadvantage. Best case scenario, you have a few minutes until your blood pressure drops too much and you pass out.

Worst case, if you take your hands off of your neck, you'll pass out after a few seconds and you'd die in about a minute.

So no pressure.

Rainbow makes the first move, jumping up high with a quick kick. You dive to the side, dodging it. She lands gracefully, then lashes out with a series of jabs. Ducking, dodging, weaving, you do everything to avoid getting hit while still keeping a hand over your wound. I duck under a weak punch to the face, but Rainbow punches me in the chest. Right after, she kicks me, sending me slamming onto an air hockey table.

I try to push myself off of the table, but Rainbow is already on me. Rainbow feints, then launches with a jab.

Out of reflex, you catch her arm with both hands, letting your blood flow freely. Quickly (and with a small amount of panic), I try to scribble "bomb" on Rainbow's right shoulder. The fortuneteller twists out of your grip before you can write more than a 'B', but it's enough.

The ink explodes and Rainbow cries out in pain. Before the smoke can clear, you already see some bad burns on her shoulder before she clutches it in pain. She looks at me, pure hate burning behind her eyes.

"Ajuta-ma!" She yells out.

"What?" Behind me, the three people who were watching the fight suddenly react. Their eyes glaze over and they all start to advance on me.

I look at the three people, all boys from my school, then to Rainbow, who is still on the ground clutching her injuries, then to the entirely too large pool of my own blood. A pool that formed from taking my hand off of my wound for two seconds.

[] Attack Rainbow before she can recover. If I knock her out, her control over the her victims should disappear, right?
- [] Write in how.
[] Rainbow is out of a fight for the next few seconds. Focus on the students before she can recover.
- [] Write in how.
[] If we keep fighting, we're both going to die. Try to convince her to give up.
[] Rainbow is stunned. Run out the door and away from the fight.
[] Run to the bathroom. If there's a first aid kit, I can stop the bleeding. Hopefully.

Health: Blood Loss
Status: Bleeding
Maybe we can write 'BOMB' in the floor near the three guys and then run to the bathroom while they're distracted?
Hmm. There's a lot of ways that things can go bad, for sure. The fact is that even though Rainbow is burned, she surely isn't knocked out, which would be the most ideal. Then again, we can't really keep on fighting, considering our wounds. And plus we can't just hope that there will be a first aid kit in the bathroom, either. So we really would have to be careful on what to pick here.
And plus we can't just hope that there will be a first aid kit in the bathroom, either. So we really would have to be careful on what to pick here.
Well, given that it has been an option for two o three votes as now, there's a big possibility that there IS a first aid kit.
Maybe we can write 'BOMB' in the floor near the three guys and then run to the bathroom while they're distracted?
If we don't do this maybe we can run to the bathroom for a first aid kit and if there's not any, write a bomb big enough in the wall to blow-it up, get in a stall for the explosion and then escape through the wall?
Well, actually, yes... I do agree. It has been suggested for quite a bit so I think we need to go to the bathroom.

If we also want to use Napalm Death, is to regard that we are bleeding from the neck, too. So we would have to write the B really quick in that regard. We are already badly bleeding. And plus a three-on-one sounds really bad too. So writing near them would be ideal, perhaps far away enough where we don't injure them but enough to probably throw them a distraction?
Well, actually, yes... I do agree. It has been suggested for quite a bit so I think we need to go to the bathroom.

If we also want to use Napalm Death, is to regard that we are bleeding from the neck, too. So we would have to write the B really quick in that regard. We are already badly bleeding. And plus a three-on-one sounds really bad too. So writing near them would be ideal, perhaps far away enough where we don't injure them but enough to probably throw them a distraction?
Whatifi we write a 'B' or 'bomb' in a chair and the we throw it a the three guys?
That could work, actually. Maybe a small B, then? It might just be enough then to keep them at bay to get to the first aid kit.
That could work, actually. Maybe a small B, then? It might just be enough then to keep them at bay to get to the first aid kit.
somehting like htis? :
[X] Quickly write a small B on a chair and throw it to Rainbow's Victims
--[X] Run to the bathroom after throwing the chair and search for a first aid kit
I hope that Fate -or the dice- doesn't screw us. All that work and none of the frst aid
Fate and the dice can screw us over, to be honest... Nobody's safe when it comes to dice.

[X] Quickly write a small B on a chair and throw it to Rainbow's Victims
--[X] Run to the bathroom after throwing the chair and search for a first aid kit
... @MData, fix your damn point of view, you're jarring my immersion so hard, it becomes next to impossible to read your writing. Don't get me wrong, you're a decent author, you just switch between I and you way too often.
[X] Quickly write a small B on a chair and throw it to Rainbow's Victims
--[X] Run to the bathroom after throwing the chair and search for a first aid kit
[X] Quickly write a small B on a chair and throw it to Rainbow's Victims
--[X] Run to the bathroom after throwing the chair and search for a first aid kit
[X] Quickly write a small B on a chair and throw it to Rainbow's Victims
--[X] Run to the bathroom after throwing the chair and search for a first aid kit