I've always wanted to own the galaxy. (Star Wars CK2 Organisation Quest)

Which side?

  • Gray

    Votes: 104 78.2%
  • Dark

    Votes: 29 21.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'll now repeat myself. Running out of ideas, relying on you folks to fill the gaps, thats what the write ins are for.

Excellent ... most excellent. My time to shine.

And thanks for continuing the quest. It's been a lot of fun and forced me to actually write stuff. The latter seems to be a miracle with my work ethic.
Ill get on my laptop later and help you out man. For now, mansions galore for the eccentric princess Ciaran!
[X] Plan Consolidating Mandalore
Balance Sheet

(Reasoning: while there's much to do in the broader galaxy, we should secure our position within the CNS -- including dealing with a future Death Watch uprising -- and prepare ourselves to intervene more heavily elsewhere. Mandalore is our current center of operations, so let's buff it out. Incidentally, If you agree or disagree strongly with any of my choices here, let me know and I'll do my best to satisfy you.)

Martial: Pick 1:

[X] Raise a Militia: Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 150 Upkeep: 60 Reward: CNS even more bolstered, +5 on Martial rolls for the duration of the war.
-[X] The Silencer

(Reasoning: besides the +5 to each Martial roll, this adds legitimacy to our role within the CNS, and boosts our humanitarian image by giving employment (albeit as security personnel) to refugees and others displaced by the war. Added Hero support to ensure success.)

Diplomacy: Pick 1:
[X] Totally 'benevolent' intentions: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Ability to fully negotiate and recruit on the behalf of the CNS
-[X] PR-1

(Reasoning: while I'd like to vote for a write-in to start 'peeling away' systems that support CIS and bringing them into the CNS fold, I think we'd need to wait until the CIS starts actually losing ground before that can happen. So those Martial and Intrigue 'wrenches' are a secondary priority this turn)

Stewardship: Pick 1:
[X] Restoring the Trade Lanes: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Income penality reduced by 10%
-[X] Silas Cata

(Reasoning: as much as I want to takeover that cybernetics manufacturer, I'm kinda worried about our income and expenses given that we're allowed to upgrade all of our existing bases on top of the new base we're building. This gives 100+ Credits per turn, which should help considerably. Cybernetics, we'll leave for next turn. With Hero Support and our two boni, the chance of success here is actually 78%)

Intrigue: Pick 2:

[X] Watch the Watch: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Informations about the CNS and Mandalore

[X] Lots of plans, lots of wrenches: Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: CIS war effort damaged
-[X] Personal Attention

(Reasoning: 'Watch the Watch' because I am slightly worried about Death Watch, as well as potential mischief from Satine's pacifist faction. 'Lots of Wrenches' because it does us no good to 'stay neutral' if the CIS wins the war. Plus, reversing the tide so the CIS starts losing might be just what we need to persuade Separatist systems to abandon ship and join the CNS....)

(Edit: I also added Personal Attention to that, pushing its chances of success up to 108%. Yeah: +28 for our Intrigue, +10 for Force Sight, +10 for miscellaneous boni... this may be overkill. On the other hand, that's a 48% of a critical success in sabotaging the CIS, so I'm inclined to think it's worth it...)

Lore: Pick None (Tyro is busy):
[X] Refine the 'Buried Presence' trick: Chance of Success: 55% Reward: Agents become even better (Takes 2 turns)
-[X] Cheriss Sair

(Reasoning: it's locked. Also added Hero Support boosting its odds to 65% so we're more likely to make progress this turn).

Learning: Pick 1:
[X] Develop Virus Library: Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Virus research for vaccines or bioweapons [Takes 2 turns, locks actions for 1 turn]
-[X] Darra Thel-Tanis

(Reasoning: this one is tough. The 'Virus Library' should help us deal with and develop cures for similar outbreaks and bioweapons. On the other hand, Genemods would be incredibly useful (if only to boost our 'Advisors') and we now have a Personal action we can use to accelerate that to 4 turns instead of 8. And that's not to mention the 'Recovered Data' one, to follow up on our zombie adventures. I'd like to hear arguments for and against this one...)
(EDIT: added Hero Support, so with learning boni the odds of success here are 87%)

New Base (Pick one):
[X] Mandalore:
Cost: 200 Reward: Base on Mandalore

(Reasoning: fairly obvious. Center of the CNS. We could/should probably turn this into our future headquarters -- Coruscant is the capital for both the Republic (while we're Neutral) and the Jedi (while we're Gray). Mandalore has a rich martial tradition and a thorough independent streak, which would benefit us immensely if Star Wars follows the canon path and we become the leader of a Rebel Alliance...)

Base upgrade:
Coruscant Base: Pick 1 (or don't)

[X] Research Complex - 'Versuch Labs'. A new medical research center located near your Undercity headquarters, focusing on research in biotechnology and cybernetics. Due to its location in the poorest part of Coruscant, it receives a steady stream of patients in such desperate medical and financial straits that you have no lack of (well compensated) volunteers for medical trials and experimentation. (A bit sketchy, sure, but who cares? The powers that be only rarely spared the Undercity a thought when it was the epicenter of near-continuous gang warfare, and haven't even bothered to show up in person since you took control of the place). This new research site will partner with the main labs at Karada, ensuring that your medical research is completed more rapidly and at less expense than before. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 50 Reward: +1 'Learning' Action per turn (can be used to 'double up' on a single research task, halving the time to completion). Enables research into biotechnology. Small discount on medical upkeep and on any future research actions.

(Reasoning: write-in approved by Teron. This provides a much-needed and permanent boost to our medical research, especially if we hope to learn enough about biotech to read those Inhibitor Chips before the end of the war. However, it is fiendishly expensive. I

[ ] No Upgrade
(Reasoning: we're going to be hemorrhaging income this turn due to base upgrades, and this is the least essential. As much as I'd like a monitoring station, we don't really need the extra Intrigue)
(Reasoning: So many choices. I like Chengar's 'Electronic Monitoring Station' idea. On the other hand, our Intrigue stats are just ungodly, and we have so many Intrigue-strong advisors that I'm not sure we actually need another boni. On the other hand, more is always better, and this may open up more possibility to spy on the Jedi, or on the Senate, or on Palpatine...).

Kaleesh Outpost: Pick 1 (or don't)

[X] Military Academy. Cost: 150. Reward: +5 boni for any Martial Action involving Kalee or the CNS.

(Reasoning: I like this idea, but it didn't have a specific Reward. I added the "+5 Boni", since I figure we could use this Academy to train the CNS as well as Kalee military. There might also be additional recruitment ("receive 1d2 Kaleesh Warrior (Tier 2) per turn"), due to the prestige of having the Academy nearby).
(Another option would be to make the Reward "Upgrades 1d2 Kaleesh Warriors to 'veteran' (Tier 3) per turn."
A different option entirely would be to build a smuggler's den, giving a bonus to Stewardship. Or we could build a monitoring station here, giving bonus to Intrigue and additional insight into the CIS, since Kalee is relatively close to Muunilist in the galactic map...)

Oracle (Lucrehulk): Pick 1 (or don't)
[X] Hospitality Suites. Cost: 100. Reward: +5 boni to Diplomacy

(Reasoning: I liked Chengar's "Grand Command Center" idea, but I'm pretty sure we mostly work out of the Coruscant base, so I don't think that would be as helpful. My idea is to add hospitality suites so both the Republic and the CIS can send representatives to the CNS, to negotiate trade deals, the occasional sectional cease-fire, and ultimately perhaps negotiate an end to the war).
(A different option would be to upgrade our Lucrehulk with a more advanced Sensor Suite, so we're away of who's entering/existing Neutral space and can spy on what's being transmitted to and from. On the other hand, this would be another Intrigue boni)

(Planet, S-840) Pick 1 (or don't):
[X] Decimator Factory: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 20 (Takes 2 turns) Reward: +1 Decimator (tank) per turn

(Reasoning: write-in approved by Teron. We saved a bunch of Wookie Engineers a while ago, along with a single Decimator Tank. They should be able to reverse engineer/reconstitute the schematics for the vehicle the first turn, then construct the factory for production the turn after. It's not high-capacity, but good enough to get our war machine started.)

Personal: Pick 2:
[X] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
-[X] Lots of plans, lots of wrenches

[X] Accelerate research: Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 50 Reward: Research time halved, action lock time halved

(Reasoning: gave our Personal Attention to 'Lots of Wrenches' to make sure the CIS doesn't run away with a victory. 'Accelerate Research' is a pretty obvious choice, but it's causing me to rethink my 'Learning' action. If research time is halved, now might be a good time to pick the 'genemods' research instead.... Alternately, follow up on those Inhibitor chips? There's a fair number of possible write-ins here.)

Hero Support (applies half the stats to a chosen action):
PR-1: [X] Totally 'benevolent' intentions
The Silencer: [X] Raise a Militia
Silas Cata: [X] Restoring the Trade Lanes
Cheriss Sair: [X] Refine the 'Buried Presence' trick
Darra Thel-Tanis: [X] Develop Virus Library

Watcher Support (1 Point per assigned team):
[X] 0 assigned.

(Reasoning: save these for a rainy day -- this isn't).

EDIT: assigned Hero Support, added Balance Sheet, added Base Upgrades
EDIT 2: changed Stewardship from 'cybernetics' to 'Trade Lanes' (we need income)
EDIT 3: removed Coruscant Base Upgrade
EDIT 4: changed "Planet S-840" Base Upgrade from generic 'Droid Factory' to 'Decimator Factory'
EDIT 5: added new Coruscant Base Upgrade (we need medical research)
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@Publicola , shouldn't we start on finding out who Lord Sidious actually is? What's your reasoning behind watching Mandalore besides your placing a base there? I think we should figure out this large and known threat before watching a small sector instability.

ALSO: What is your reasoning for the Virus Library? I would think figuring out the kinks in whatever the mutations were could open up regenerative or other types of helpful biological modifications. We're not Umbrella Corp. We can do it right the first time or at least won't be likely to create another strain of abominations.
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OKAY. This SHOULD be it.

I'll now repeat myself. Running out of ideas, relying on you folks to fill the gaps, thats what the write ins are for.

Eh, I wouldn't be worried too much about that. Honestly the quest has become very freeform by the nature of Ciaran, who has the best worst reason to get involved in anything (maximum trolling/profit) the ability to do so (a shadow organization at our beck and call as well as the adoration of the galaxy) and the amount of stuff going on in the universe (there's a book or side material about it somewhere. Always). But speaking of write-ins I've thought of a shitton that might be interesting that you can sign off on if you want:

Martial: Maybe the time has come to go from "owning mercenaries" to "having our own private army." Preferably stationed on the Kaleesh base, with particularly loyal troops being allowed on the private planet. Though that might be a bit much right now...

Diplomacy: Bringing in Greivous as a full-time employee? He basically owes us everything at this point, and we certainly do not lack for excitement in the Abyss Watchers. Also contacting Ventress and making an offer she can't refuse might be an option...

Lore: Actions to locate all of these weird cults and shadowy organizations of Force-users and such might be somewhere to start. We could learn additional techniques from them to expand the repertoire of Ciaran and the Watchers.

Personal: An action to personally help accelerate Thrawn's integration would be nice. Maybe have Force Training be a bit more diversified and focus on singular abilities or groups of abilites after a certain point? Or have more concentrated training in other areas like piloting and wilderness survival in case of extreme emergencies?

Coruscant Base: Just going to start throwing out ideas for the bases: Wiretapping the Senate and other important people. Untraceable communication relay. Bribes to CorSec to clean up the surrounding area. Maybe add in a public front for our organization nearby to make us seem more legit down there after the cleanup?

Kaleesh Base: Add on a diplomatic consulate to make it more official. Nearby foundation building for "charity work." Underground panic bunkers for VIPs. Anti-orbital weaponry. Barracks and other accommodations for a larger garrison/local army. Given the isolated area, perhaps building a smugglers' den or something similar nearby?

Private planet: General planetary defenses. The "Temple of the Gray," where we hold all of our data on our "unique" views of the Force as well as large-scale Force training facilities. Large-scale facilities for building vehicles like the Devastator, mass-production versions of the Scimitar, or customized ships for our needs. After retreat is built, fortress complex in case of attack. System-wide sensor jammers. Mount Ciaranmore (mostly a joke. Mostly.)

Oracle: Improved stealth systems for the ship/fighters/freighters based on the Scimitar. Fake IFF or some kind of ECM that screws with IFF readings. Integrated droid control systems (go full TF and never look back). Escort ships (maybe Accalmator-sized? Be nice for Thrawn to have more ships to play with). Maybe customized weapons/armor/whatever to increase the Oracle's parameters beyond that of a normal Lucerhulk?

These are all just spitballing Teron, so take these or leave these as you see fit.
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[X] Plan Si vis pacem, para bellum

(Because who can resist cool latin names?)

[X] Raise a Militia: Begun, the Clone Wars have, and thanks to your humanitarian efforts you know just how many war-torn worlds and refugee camps there are in the galaxy. So why not recruit from the now-unemployed population? Ask for volunteers for your security forces, both to assist your humanitarian efforts (you are venturing into hostile worlds and occasionally active battlefields, after all) and to support the CNS. Even if their world was destroyed by war, at least they can fight to keep other worlds from sharing a similar fate. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 150 Upkeep: 60 Reward: CNS even more bolstered, +5 on Martial rolls for the duration of the war.
- [X] The Silencer
- [X] Dara Thel-Tanis

Keeps the CNS safe, boosts up our martial rolls for other actions, gives us more options.

[X] Totaly 'benevolent' intentions: The CNS is weak and has only existed for a short while and is therefore quite malleable. Attempt to gain favor and meet the right people to move yourself into a position where you can... whisper... your oppinion and be heard. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Ability to fully negotiate and recruit on the behalf of the CNS
- [X] PR-1

Consolidate our authority over the CNS? Yes.

[X] Benevolent takeover: You were in contact with and owned small parts of a Cybernetics manufacturer for a long, long time now. Now that you own the Karada Corporation and it is decently succesfull... you might consider merging both. At the very least it would get you a lot of Cybernetics experts. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Cybernetics research, ?

Yay, cybernetic goodies.

[X] Poke the darkness: Thrawn has told you about Darth Sidious, his attempt to bargain with him and how he used a Trade Federation Taskforce to chase the Outbound-Flight. For you that fortunately means that you now have a name to attach to the vague idea of a Sith pulling the threads in the background and a new reason to go after the TF. Lets do so! Chance of Success: 60% Reward: More information on active darksiders
- [X] Personal attention

[X] Watch the Watch: With the Oracle having been deployed and hiding in the Mandalorian system its going to be the main focus of your attention for the foreseeable time. Lets see what the situation on Mandalore itself is and how the CNS in general is doing. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Informations about the CNS and Mandalore
- [X] Silas Cata

We really want to keep up the research into what Sidious is up to. Uncovering the Sith's master plan is our number one goal. Number two is, as always, consolidating our hold over our budding empire the Council of Neutral Systems.

[X] Analyse recovered research data and samples: The spacestation you and your teams raided actually had been properly cleared of anything usefull and most data wiped beyond saving, but fortunately your researchers are quite capable of using the dead mutants as samples for research and its also not impossible to restore some of the damaged data. Time to bring everything to the Oracle. Chance of Success: 65% Reward: More information on the mutants, slight chance to get addition informations on the conducted research
- [X] Cheriss Sair

Let's keep on digging into this lovely little mystery.

New Base
[X] Mandalore

It seems to be the de-facto capital of the CNS for now, so we need to establish a base there. It'll be a nice symbol of our power and influence.

[X] Droid Factory: With the required ressources available now you can beginn to build your very own Droid Factory on the planet to bolster your troops with new battle droids. Cost: 150 Upkee: 50 (Takes 2 turns) Reward: +3 Groups of basic Battle droids per turn OR +2 Groups of Super Battle droids per turn (randomly every turn)

Coruscant Base
[X] Electronic Monitoring Station
- Coruscant is one of the biggest communication hubs in the galaxy. Tapping into all that information could be very useful.

Kalee Base
[X] Military Academy
- Expand our recruiting bureau into a full-fledged training facility. Hopefully recruits more Kaleesh for us, and takes the training of our forces up to the next level.

[X] Grand Command Center
- The Oracle has been our mobile base of operations, but it lacks a suitable throne room from which to command our minions command and control headquarters. Upgrade it with proper facilities to receive and filter information from our vast web of informants, a holo-chamber to let us converse in real time with anyone anywhere that's connected to the HoloNet (and with a suitably impressive background for ourselves) and just generally revamp things to be a proper mobile headquarters for a budding galactic empire totally peaceful humanitarian.

More Droids sounds good. The write-ins should all have pretty clear reasoning behind them: we want more info on what's going on in Coruscant, we up our game on Kaleesh, and we make our flagship more suited to showing the flag.

[X] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Sometimes you just have to either keep an eye on your minions to ensure that they don't screw up or prepare more intensively for something that you need to handle personally. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice

[X] Accelerate research: The research at Karada is going way too slowly. Dedicate your freetime and some additional ressources to speed it all up. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 50 Reward: Research time halved, action lock time halved

Want to make sure we continue to be awesome at researching Sidious and his doings, and we really need to make our research actions less of a time sink.
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