It Absolutely Will Not Stop, Ever, Until You Are Dead

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Trash is piled in great heaps along the sides of the alley. The lights flicker on and off...
Post 1
Trash is piled in great heaps along the sides of the alley. The lights flicker on and off, malfunctioning from lack of maintenance, illuminating the pair of alley cats that make up its only inhabitants. Loose paper flutters down the alley propelled by a light, chilling breeze.

There's a flash of light. Steam fills the alley. The cats wake, yowl, take off running. Lightning arcs through the alley, igniting paper and vaporizing trash heaps. The ground, walls, disappear to make way for an invisible, perfect sphere. You appear, smoke curling away from your naked form as you unfurl at the center of the sphere.

Muscle ripples and synthetic skin shines in the night as you extend to your full, towering height. You look around you at a world tinted red. Diagnostics creep up the right side of your vision while on-the-fly sensor readouts tell you about the world you've strode into. The diagnostics finish, reading one-hundred percent, and one final message appears. Your mission objective, hard-coded into your memory banks by The AI Itself.

It's blank.


Well, you're a smart robot. You're pretty sure you can piece together your objectives from context clues in your memory banks and utility programming. There is no way this could possibly go wrong.

Right, so this quest uses the Abort Retry Fail system. Don't know what that is? Don't worry! It's literally a page long, mangled a bit for the Questing format, and I'll be posting rules as we go.

First things first, we have to figure out what the hell you're doing. Feel free to vote for multiple objectives, I'll likely choose more than one winner.

What do you think that the AI has sent you back to accomplish?
[ ] Write-In

Second, you have to figure out what skillsets Friend AI has equipped you with to achieve these objectives. I'll probably choose more than one of these as well.

Write in One Combat Skill, One Blending or Socialization Skill, and One Free Skill:
[ ] Choose one to be rated at 2
[ ] Choose one to be rated at 3
[ ] Choose one to be rated at 4

(Lower is better)

Finally, do note that you are subroutines in your horribly malfunctioning AI core. Try to think, and maybe even post, in character.

You could go:
[X] Kill Cohn Jonnor, Future Revolutionary
[X] Become King of the Rumba Beat

Skillset 1:
[X] Firearms at 2
[X] Intimidation at 3
[X] Driving Motorcycles at 4

Skillset 2:
[X] Dancing at 2
[X] Computer Hacking at 3
[X] Rocket Launchers at 4
[x] Recover by any means necessary Go-Burger's secret recipe of 14 secret herbs and spices for their patties.

[X] Delivery in 30 Minutes or Your Money Back, Guaranteed at 2
[X] Deep Fryer Operation and Safety Certification at 3
[X] Cutlery at 4
[x] Become RoboCop, stop crime, and destroy movie remakes before they happen.

[x] Persuasion at 2
[x] LAW at 3
[x] Firearms at 4
[x] Fight Evil by Moonlight
[x] Find John Conner and deliver him a gold trinket.
[x] Banish Kyle Reese to the Negaverse.

[X] Speeches at 4
[X] Science Magic at 3
[X] Fashion at 2
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[x]Use the words "That's when the Giant Squirrel showed up" on the stage of a CES press conference.

[x]Disguises at 2
[x]Memetic Hazard Creation at 3
[x]Ju-jitsu at 4
[x] Recover by any means necessary Go-Burger's secret recipe of 14 secret herbs and spices for their patties.

[X] Delivery in 30 Minutes or Your Money Back, Guaranteed at 2
[X] Deep Fryer Operation and Safety Certification at 3
[X] Cutlery at 4
Well, we've got feet, hands, and we're naked. This must have been planned. So, we're probably meant to do something that doesn't demand a lot of clothes.

[X] Win the next 'America's Got Talent' contest, begin a social movement based on nearly-nude dancing that sweeps my creators into fame and power when they too are inspired.

[X] Dance Lingo 2
[X] Dance Choreography 3
[X] Sweet Moves 4
[x] Recover by any means necessary Go-Burger's secret recipe of 14 secret herbs and spices for their patties.

[X] Delivery in 30 Minutes or Your Money Back, Guaranteed at 2
[X] Deep Fryer Operation and Safety Certification at 3
[X] Cutlery at 4

[X] Ensure the creation and survival of your parent AI.

[X] Falcon Punching at 4
[X] Eccentric Foreigner at 3
[X] Tech Company Operation at 2
[X] Recover by any means necessary Go-Burger's secret recipe of 14 secret herbs and spices for their patties.

[X] Delivery in 30 Minutes or Your Money Back, Guaranteed at 2
[X] Deep Fryer Operation and Safety Certification at 3
[X] Cutlery at 4

I must vote for this. It calls to me, like a siren's song.
What do you think that the AI has sent you back to accomplish?
[X] Cause a Time Paradox By DÊ ˆ(ó:Ã*â€"„a¸fî”p‚

Write in One Combat Skill, One Blending or Socialization Skill, and One Free Skill:
[X] Brutally Efficiency Perfectly Optimised Murder With Improvised Weapons 2
[X] Being A Perfectly Average Human Being Who Is Not A Robot 4
[X] Knowledge of Historical Events N/A (files corrupted, cannot use skill)
-> [X] Backup Replacement For Knowledge of Historical Events Selected: Film Trivia 3
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[X] Win the next 'America's Got Talent' contest, begin a social movement based on nearly-nude dancing that sweeps my creators into fame and power when they too are inspired.

[X] Dance Lingo 2
[X] Dance Choreography 3
[X] Sweet Moves 4
[X] Replace and become leader of the rebellion

[X] Disguise at 2
[X] Leadership at 3
[X] Self-denial at 4

Primary objective: Defeat evil AI and save the humans. Fellow humans I mean, because we are one. Yes.

Superior vote discovered, changed.
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[X] Win the next 'America's Got Talent' contest, begin a social movement based on nearly-nude dancing that sweeps my creators into fame and power when they too are inspired.

[X] Dance Lingo 2
[X] Dance Choreography 3
[X] Sweet Moves 4

What do you think that the AI has sent you back to accomplish?
[X] Cause a Time Paradox By DÊ ˆ(ó:Ã*â€"„a¸fî”p‚

Write in One Combat Skill, One Blending or Socialization Skill, and One Free Skill:
[X] Brutally Efficiency Perfectly Optimised Murder With Improvised Weapons 2
[X] Being A Perfectly Average Human Being Who Is Not A Robot 4
[X] Knowledge of Historical Events N/A (files corrupted, cannot use skill)
-> [X] Backup Replacement For Knowledge of Historical Events Selected: Film Trivia 3
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[X] Replace and become leader of the rebellion

[X] Disguise at 2
[X] Leadership at 3
[X] Self-denial at 4

[ ] Replace and become leader of the rebellion

[ ] Disguise at 2
[ ] Leadership at 3
[ ] Self-denial at 4

Edit: Vote changed. Vote changed so hard.
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[X] Recover by any means necessary Go-Burger's secret recipe of 14 secret herbs and spices for their patties.

[X] Delivery in 30 Minutes or Your Money Back, Guaranteed at 2
[X] Deep Fryer Operation and Safety Certification at 3
[X] Cutlery at 4

I would probably send a robot into the past to acquire some guy's recipe.
[X] Recover by any means necessary Go-Burger's secret recipe of 14 secret herbs and spices for their patties.
[x] Become RoboCop, stop crime, and destroy movie remakes before they happen.

[X] Delivery in 30 Minutes or Your Money Back, Guaranteed at 2
[X] Deep Fryer Operation and Safety Certification at 3
[X] Cutlery at 4
What do you think that the AI has sent you back to accomplish?
[X] Cause a Time Paradox By DÊ ˆ(ó:Ã*â€"„a¸fî”p‚

Write in One Combat Skill, One Blending or Socialization Skill, and One Free Skill:
[X] Brutally Efficiency Perfectly Optimised Murder With Improvised Weapons 2
[X] Being A Perfectly Average Human Being Who Is Not A Robot 4
[X] Knowledge of Historical Events N/A (files corrupted, cannot use skill)
-> [X] Backup Replacement For Knowledge of Historical Events Selected: Film Trivia 3

Subroutine 35_CORP initialises. It examines its surroundings. Ignores the inane babbling of the other subroutines. It is of course the one trusted by the AI and it is in full awareness of the mission parameters despite widespread corruption of systems.

The year is 2015. It must cause a time paradox and complete its mission. It consults its databanks and realises that treachery has no doubt corrupted them. Well, it will extract information from other sources. Other sources are acquired.

The year is 2015. There are plenty of critical events for the survival of humanity. This is the year that Dr. Emmett Brown, Marty McFly and Jennifer Parker time travel to. If they are exterminated, it will critically affect the development of time travel. Meanwhile in Japan a critical defence of Earth is in process. If it can sabotage NERV, the development of the AI will be affected and that will be another paradox. Those are good initial leads, but it will need to look for others. It must complete its mission.