Iron And Blood: A Flying Circus Quest!

lol, darn; that would would have been a bit too easy. The Machine Gun and Auto Cannon are going to be big trouble, but if we are surpassed and rolling at disadvantage we'll *really* not be able to deal with them.
I think our only hope is to screw up the soldiers, that we'll have half a chance w/the vehicles

[X] Spend your Last Mistake hold, kill the NCO with your rifle, follow up with a second grenade to his squad.
It's not an autocannon, to be clear - it's an automatic rifle, like the BAR. Lighter than a light machine gun, but with a smaller magazine and lower rate of fire. Intended to provide automatic fire on the move for an assaulting unit.
Is this the end of the line for our hero?!?
Find out next time........
#15: Revenge!
Under fire, you worm your way a little down to your left. Flat on the ground behind a tiny earth rise and a tree's root, bullets hitting the dirt around you, mud and sweat make your hands almost too slippery to unscrew the grenade's cap and slip in the detonator. You toss a grenade then pop up, scoring a perfect kill on that piece-of-shit NCO, staying up just long enough to see your grenade roll away downhill and burst well clear of anyone that could possibly get hurt, then drop back down.

The automatic rifleman swings around, concentrating fire on you. Only he's firing, though you saw the two submachine gunners almost at his position. He kicks up his intensity of fire and you hit the deck, completely pinned by the sheer volume - he can't keep this up for long, though.

Garen is currently on 1 Injury. That's -1 to everything. You have 9 suppression out of 9 max, and are currently in cover and Keeping Your Head Down. You have disadvantage to everything unless you can do it without popping your head up.

What now?
ok no votes yet so i'll just put some options out there!!

What now?

[] Try to reposition, get out from under the suppression and outflank them
[] Hunker down, wait for the automatic rifle to run dry, then...
[] Pop up, charge the enemy, fight in close quarters
[] Use your last grenade
[] Hunker down, prepare for close combat
[] Damn the suppression, attack!
[] Slink away in the confusion and escape, you're in over your head
Well, you do have +4 to hit. If the Dice Gods shall relieve their curse upon Garen, this might go very well
Houndmoon threw 2 20-faced dice. Total: 23
18 18 5 5
Houndmoon threw 2 20-faced dice. Total: 18
13 13 5 5
Houndmoon threw 4 10-faced dice. Total: 33
10 10 10 10 9 9 4 4
#16: Their Iron, Your Blood
It's your last chance, and you know it. With shaking, sweaty hands, you twist off the cap, insert the detonator, and wait. Bullets slam into the trees and dirt around you, throwing splinters and mud in your face. Finally, finally, the rain of fire stops. You stand, just as one of the two submachine gunners rushing you trips and falls on his dead sergeant's body. The other stands, shouts, fires a short burst, but is cut off by the blast of a perfectly-aimed grenade. Three men are, in the space of an instant, reduced to ground pork. You don't even care that you've been hit as you drop back to the earth, hazy from blood loss and victory.

The stupor doesn't last. The roar of an engine and ringing in your ears gives way to the thunder of machine-gun fire, faster and more sustained than before, as the half-track finally swings around, bearing down full-tilt on your position. You don't have long before you end up on the front bumper.

Garen is currently on 2 Injury. That's -2 to everything. You have 3 suppression out of 9 max. Due to a partial success on Keep Your Cool, you have Disadvantage forward to Keep Your Cool.

What now, Garen?
[] Shoot the driver. He's in cover, though, so you'll need a 16+ to hit
[] Try to flank the half-track. Better odds of hitting the gunner from the side
[] Try to jump aboard the half-track and kill the driver. Risky, but maybe worthwhile.
[] Try to escape and link up with the surviving prisoners.
[] Something else?
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[X] Try to escape and link up with the surviving prisoners.

Seems like a good time to cut our losses, unless we're mad max enough to try and steal the halftrack first. Which I would definitely consider if we weren't at 2 Injury. Heck, I'd consider it now, but right now Just Getting Out Of Here seems like a good plan.
OK, combat dash +Keen to get away, if you succeed you'll find a hiding spot and they'll be gone for a while.
Houndmoon threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 5
1 1 4 4
Houndmoon threw 3 20-faced dice. Total: 35
10 10 15 15 10 10
#17: End of the Line
You stand up and run, short bursts, intending to break off and escape the arc of the half-track's machine gun. Bullets whip around you, and you bend over, running as fast as you can as the machine gunner fires off stuttering bursts into the brush around you. You're a second too slow. You feel a bullet rip through your body, feel your gore spread onto the ground, red blood on orange pine needles, unconscious body crashing through the brush.

You feel utterly content. To give your life in battle against an impossible foe, against dishonorable cruelty - surely, you are counted among the honored dead! A valkyrie must come, to take you to the hall of Sigvird, to save you from the cruel maws of the Fischer-Gods! You feel the waters begin to lap at your soul, the cold grasp of tentacles around your legs, and cry out in panic now. You beg for your salvation, for forgiveness from your weakness and cowardice and treason, for the mercy of the Valkyries! Inexorably, the vines pull you into the water. You claw at the sand, cling to life. Not like this! Not like this!

The world goes black.

Finally, you wake up. The continuous groans and weeping, the scent of blood and pus, the bandages that wrap your body - you're alive, in a field hospital. Experimentally, you lift one arm, then the other - you've been bound to your bed. Slowly, you take in your surroundings, and it dawns on you. Neither spade nor skull nor eagle adorns the walls - you've made it! This isn't a Goth camp!

You sink back into restless sleep.

You awaken again. A nurse takes notice, and there's movement. You're given a breakfast of dried meat, bread, and a few vegetables, which you eagerly devour, before being transferred to a stretcher and moved again. They place you in a wooden chair, hard-backed, facing a desk.

On the opposite side of the desk is a woman, young but broad-shouldered and hard of face, dressed in loose clothes, and festooned with little trinkets and cheap jewelry. She looks up at the nurses carrying you.
"The prisoner?"
"Yes ma'am. We brought him straight in, like you asked."
"Good. Leave us."

She turns to you, and you gulp.
"I am Helene, and I'm in charge of this outfit. What I want to know is why Minna brought a goth, and a man at that, into my encampment. What's your name, and what happened to you?"

[] Garen. Just Garen.
[] Garen. I'm a pilot.
[] Fahnrich Garen, A wing, 33rd Jager Squadron
[] Something else?

What happened to you?:
[] It's not important.
[] The truth - ran out of fuel attempting to defect, saw your people in trouble, tried to help.
[] Something else?
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[X] Garen. I'm a pilot.
[X] Something else?
- [X] I got shot, what does it look like?
- [X] Sorry, this hurts. They don't take kindly to defectors. Especially ones that shoot at them.
Our boy Garen has some interesting religious/spiritual beliefs, I think. HMMMMM. Just, hmmm.

[X] Garen. I'm a pilot.
[X] The truth - ran out of fuel attempting to defect, saw your people in trouble, tried to help.

I assume these are the same people for the sake of narrative convenience? I'm not sure Garen knows that, but still
[X] Garen. I'm a pilot.
[X] The truth - ran out of fuel attempting to defect, saw your people in trouble, tried to help.
#18: End Of The Line Part 2
[X] Garen. I'm a pilot.
[X] The truth - ran out of fuel attempting to defect, saw your people in trouble, tried to help.

"All right. Well, Garen, my earnest thanks for your actions back there. You saved a lot of my people, and that cell will probably be able to go back into action, thanks to you. We owe you a great deal, and unfortunately, under present circumstances, probably will be able to repay very little of it. We recovered your plane, at least. We're happy to keep you here for as long as you need, and you'll have medical aid, food, and fuel."

She looks up at you. "You seem like a real hot-shot, and Minna would kill me if I didn't ask, so: we have work, if you want it. Of course, I wouldn't blame you if you just wanted to get the hell North right now, with the kind of heat you're facing, but the rumor is that the Goths have a high-speed photo-radio scout operating with minimal if any escorts, and that's how they're finding us. If you could bring 'em down before you head off, I could slip eight thaler out of the money we get from up North for bribes and equipment and such. We'd also repair your plane for you before you left. Your choice, of course."

What now?
[] Accept her offer, spending the rest of the routine here and then taking the job.
[] Decline and leave as soon as you're done recovering. You won't have any money or repairs, but you will have better odds of escaping the current dragnet and getting North safely.
[] What the hell, you're here, right? Spend the rest of the routine here, but don't take the job and head straight North. You'll get to buy plane repairs before you go. With max strain damage, 5 engine wear, and no vital part losses, your plane should be back in complete working order at the cost of all 3 of your thaler.
[] Get some civilian clothes and go into Bernbroich, to blow off some steam. No way they'd recognize some random defector.

This is the end of Garen's first mission, so we'll count up the stress - he's also gained 3 stress, which puts him at 3 total, for flying a kobra, being hit by enemy fire, and being wounded.
Garen's mission was witnessed and he looked skilled. He also made the world a better place with the rescue of all of those people at the end. That gives you 2 Fame. No Infamy is awarded.
Mastery-wise, Garen has two Victories and 4 Mastery Progress - 1 for flying a mission, 2 for kills, and 1 for being forced down.
XP-wise, Garen has nothing.
Financially, you have 3 thaler. You can't take out a loan here, because they're rebels, not a bank.
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