Turn 12 Results
-[X] Cull the Herd: several of the animals in your care are past their breeding age and just living till the end of their lives. It's time to put them to rest and get some more meat for the stores. Due to the closeness of winter, most of the meat will be smoked, salted, or otherwise preserved for use during winter. (Culls populations of pigs and chickens, increasing food stocks.) DC 25
- [X] Scavenge, Winter Prep edition: The food stores at the camp have started to become too low to sustain the cam through the winter to come. While there is still quite a bit of food available in Outland, it would also be possible to get a lot of food from grocery stores on Earth. Head back to Earth and take back all of the Food you can carry to try and last through the winter. Locks in 1 dice until full snow hits. Gains variable (base 1) food every turn until the end.
- [X] Gathering food, wild wheat field: The discovery of a wheat field has the camp in a tizzy about getting access to bread again. The wheat is nearing the end of its harvestability with the onset of winter but there is still plenty of grain available. You can also store the grain a lot easier than many other foods harvested from Outland. (+1 food, +1 additional food for every 20 past the DC threshold) DC 40
-[X] Set up electric lighting around the camp: One of the biggest discoveries in the Inventory stockpile was several diesel generators and enough electric lights to light up the entire camp, with some to spare. This would be a welcome thing to do as it would allow the camp to stay up later and for people to feel more secure. (Puts up electric lights for camp, lighting up at night. Provides a reduction to wild animal attacks against camp due to directed lights at several places on the fence.) DC 35
-[In Progress] Food for the Herd, winter preparations: The animals are going to need a lot of food to survive the winter. Jerry recommends that we immediately start harvesting what grass and feed we can and drying it for the animals in a separate area. (Each turn this is taken, adds 1 turn of animal feed to storage. It may be taken alongside Food for the Herd) Continuous until snow hits, DC 35 each turn
-[In Progress] Warmer clothes: People didn't care about the temperature until they knew when they were in the year. Now that they do have that information, however, they believe that they need to go back to Earth and get some warmer clothes in preparation for the winter to come. Take various people back to Earth in groups to get warmer clothes for the winter in Outland. (negates winter morale penalty) DC 35, 2 dice used, only rolls 1 for the result.
-[In Progress] Stronger Shelter: With winter on its way and many people still in tents, more of the metal shed will be needed for shelter. Go and search through supply stores, warehouses, and lumber yards for more pre-fab shelters you can use to help protect the campers. (Finds enough pre-fab shelters to make all housing next tier) DC 45
[X] Cull the Herd: DC 25

The Project group eventually decided to split into several groups, with most of the groups, going back to where they were working from last week. The pattern from last week continued, with several groups under the management of Jerry. The groups all had input from Jerry but the majority of his time was spent culling the herd of animals. He said that he did this so that there would be fewer mouths to feed in the herd and more for the camp to use.

Roll=87+15(Professional Farmer)+5(Morale I)=107(Quadruple DC)(Artificial Crit)

It turns out that he was right in that respect. The herd provided a bevy of meat and other usable products once butchered, with the vast majority of it being put to use. The camp ended up collecting quite a bit of food for winter, with most of it being preserved. The influx of fresh meat also removed quite a few cultural barriers surrounding food and the camp had several cultural dishes made out of all parts of the animal.
Some of the older members of the camp gathered at a table that holds a pot of meat soup, enjoying the warmth that it brings to their system. One of the older men takes a big sip of his soup and sighs, resting his hands on his belly. "I can feel it getting colder, my knees are starting to get that feeling. Anyone else?" Several of the others grumble along in that most sacred of elder traditions, grumbling about the world in general. "At least we have some fresh food, I don't even remember the last time I had lengua soup." says an older Hispanic woman, part of her accent shining through. "I've gotta say, that was actually pretty good. I don't know why people look at it so funny," says a balding man with glasses. "It's because they didn't have the trouble we had growing up. They have that food security and so they didn't have to struggle as much for what they got." That causes a renewal in the rumblings of the group as they all talk about the good old days.

(+4 food. Food preserved for later use. Animals are not overly frightened by the loss of part of the herd. Temporary +1 Morale for reminding people of better times.)

[X] Gathering food, wild wheat field: DC 40

The group that found the wild wheat at the last turn was assigned to go back and continue to harvest the field of it. The wheat that was brought back the first time was welcomed and used as a type of cereal for the morning, being bland but still filling. People were still excited about it but there was no real way to turn it into a more usable product without a massive amount of effort.

Roll=2+6(Basic Information, Outland)+15(Professional Farmer)+5(Morale I)=28

It is as the group gets closer to the field that they hear the sound of a large group of animals in the area. They slow their approach and as they get closer to the location of the field, they realize that the sounds are getting louder. "It sounds like a bunch of deer, is it the herd that left the camp a while ago?" asks someone. "No, that wouldn't make sense," says Michelle while shaking her head. "That pack of deer left towards the south and we're somewhere North and West of the camp. Unless they circled around, this is another herd of deer." The group pauses when they get to the top of a hill looking over the field of wheat. The field of wheat, once so majestic looking, is partially trampled by the good-sized herd of deer around it. "Hey!" shouts Michelle as she starts running towards the herd. "Get out of there! This is our wheat!" "Sonofa- Michelle! Don't just rush straight in, we need to come up with a plan!"

Crit Fail Effect Roll=88

The noise spooks the deer and they turn to see the group of humans running at them, one of them in the lead. The deer all out and start to run, trying to avoid a confrontation with the numerically superior group of humans. By the time the rest of the group catches up with Michelle, she is staring at where the animals have run into an extension of the forest across from the group. "Jesus, Michelle. Don't just run off like that! What if the herd had decided to stand their ground?" asks one of the group members, breathing heavily as he looks at Michelle. Then he takes a look around at the field and curses. "Shit, they trampled a good chunk of the field. Is there anything left?" the rest of the week is just the group cataloging the damage, trying to get a sense of just how much more they could get from the field. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like they'll be able to get much more, especially if they want what's left to grow back healthy in the spring.

(Failure, no food collected this turn. Crit fail means that only 2 food total is left here. The knowledge that a deer herd is in the area.)

[In Progress] Food for the Herd, winter preparations: DC 35

The last of the groups under Jerry's direction, this group was the one that he had led to getting food for the animal herd at the end of last week. As he had to oversee the culling of the herd this week, he has less time to spend with this group than he would like.

Roll=47+6(Basic Information, Outland)+15(Professional Farmer)+5(Morale I)=76(Double DC)

It seems like his efforts don't go to waste, however, as the group maintains the pace it had last week and is able to get more done for the same effort due to knowing what to do from last week. They manage to get quite a bit of animal feed to be dried in the supply area, managing to consolidate what was available into bales that took up less room.

(+3 Animal feed. 1 used to feed the animals this turn.)

As you work on feeding the animals, Jerry comes up to check on things. "How'd you all get along? Any problems with harvesting the feed for the animals or making them into Bales?" "No problems here, Jerry. We managed to get quite a lot of grass baled and set away for future feed for the animals," you reply as you continue to feed the animals. He nods and then watches the herd, thinking something over. You finish feeding the animals and then head out to get a bite to eat, leaving Jerry to keep staring at the animals.

[X] Set up electric lighting around the camp: DC 35

The one group in the camp that wasn't under Jerry this week was under Richard. They went around and started the process of stringing up lights in all of the major public areas and down some of the roads in the camp. The process takes some time, making sure that the lights are all connected properly and that they won't overload the generator. A day before the end of the week, Richard and his group finish plugging everything in and turn on the generator they have.

Roll=53+10(Organized Camp)+5(Morale I)=68

The camp lights up both literally and metaphorically as the lights, put in place over the last couple of days, all start to come on. People come out to look at the lights, excited for any semblance of Earth and lighting is an important step. The party that happens that day is a wonderful thing, especially the fresh meals that were made from the butchered chickens, pigs, and cows. The party goes on late into the night, providing some comfort to the camp.

(Lights are installed in the camp. Spotlights are installed at the border to be used at night or as needed. Engineering options unlocked)

A lot of people went to Earth this week, amounting to just under half of all the people in the camp. The groups are for several different tasks this week, with all of them doing something in preparation for the winter to come. "Alright, we have a couple of hours until the portals open back up again," announces Bill to the assembled people. "Make sure to meet back up here before the time to head back, that way we can do an accurate headcount to make sure we don't forget anyone. Otherwise, good luck! My groups, let's head toward the other side of town from where we searched last week."

[In Progress] Warmer clothes: DC 35

Bill goes over the ideas that the people in his group had brought up, thinking about where to go for everything. After getting a short distance away from the other groups, he brings everyone together. "Anyone have any ideas about what stores we should search next, aside from the ones on the other side of town? I'm open to suggestions." Several people speak up about possible places to search and one guy suggests they go to a storage warehouse that he had worked at for a while.

Roll=69+6(Basic Information, Earth)+10(Enthusiast of Dirt Bikes)+5(Morale)=90

Thankfully the trip to the warehouse is not needed as the stores they search through have a variety of winter clothes in many sizes. The groups manage to get several hundred items of clothing stuffed into various bags and boxes, bringing them back all they can to the meeting point. The process takes the better part of several days and by the time they finish, they have a large stack of various boxes and bags filled with clothes to bring back to Outland.
"What he have should be enough for the whole camp. I think we even have enough for people to try and be fashionable, as strange as that concept may be," says Bill with a smile. "I wouldn't exactly call it fashion," says one of the girls for the group. "We don't have more than a half dozen styles and cuts to choose from. While people will be able to tell each other apart, fashion will be the last thing on our minds." Bill holds up his hands to ward off the argument that's brewing and laughs. "Wow! No offense meant there, I just wasn't expecting much of anything in the way of clothes. I'm glad we have some choice at all rather than having only a single choice of varying sizes." Several girls shudder at that and there is more laughing as the people in the group compare what outfits they could make with the clothes they gathered.

(Success. Enough winter clothes gathered to negate the winter morale penalty.)

[In Progress] Stronger Shelter: DC 45
Matt and his group went out towards the areas of town that they hadn't searched to try and find more solid structures for the camp. They went over the areas they had checked last week to make sure they hadn't missed anything and when they found nothing else they explored the other home improvement and construction style stores they hadn't checked yet.

Roll=9+6(Basic Information, Earth)+10(Enthusiast of Dirt Bikes)+5(Morale)=30

In a twist to last week, the people in Matt's group didn't manage to find anything usable this week. The group searched the rest of the sites that they knew of in town and while there were several pop-up structures and build-a-shed kits that were found, they were unfortunately found under the fallen parts of buildings or were otherwise compromised. The team did find another mention of a warehouse outside of town when searching through paperwork on the areas, mentioning that the truck normally used for deliveries would be delayed due to engine issues.
"At least we know where to look next week," says Matt as he heads back to the meeting point with his group. "That particular warehouse being mentioned twice means that we need to search through it and any adjacent warehouses next week." Matt notices someone writing something on one of the ubiquitous notepads. "Are you noting that down? Good idea, I'll do the same." as Matt reaches for his notepad, the guy making notes looks up and says "I…actually wasn't but probably should. I was making notes of where the broken down metal sheds and pop-ups were so we can go salvage them for the engineering area in case we need spare parts or anything." "That…is also a good idea," says Matt after a moment of thought. "Thanks for noting that. I know if nothing else the engineers and the blacksmith would be willing to have metal parts they could repurpose."

(Failure. Only broken scrap remains at the sites searched this week. Sites marked for quick scavenging at a later date.)

[X] Scavenge, Winter Prep edition

The last group left under the lead of one of the supply technicians from the military contingent. "My name," says the man. "Is Supply technician James Wilson. I was chosen as the lead for this group as it was believed that my experience as a supply technician for the national guard would allow me to better organize people on what is basically a supply run. I have a list with me as submitted by the Canteen and from the project group of the things that we need to search for in the stores in the area. If anyone hears or sees something strange, let the rest of the group know immediately." The technician says this as he walks backward in front of the group. He turns and almost trips on a bike that was on the path. He gets off the ground, his face slightly red, and calmly moves it out of the way, ignoring the laughs from the rest of his group.

Roll=2+6(Basic Information, Earth)+10(Enthusiast of Dirt Bikes)+5(Morale)=23

Unfortunately, the experience sets the stage for the week as minor inconveniences or accidents befall the group. What makes the matter worse is that many of the stores that they visit are stripped bare of most things or are filled with perishables that have gone far rotten and moldy. They find several cans of vegetables in the backrooms but even those are suspiciously bare. The group is almost convinced that someone is just ahead of them when they come across the culprits.
"I just saw something ahead," whispers one guy to Technician Wilson. The technician gestures for the group to stop and says "Movement as just seen ahead. Everyone stay on guard." As he says this he reaches and pulls out a handgun from a pouch on his waist and readies it. "Move back," he whispers to the group. They comply and he shouts out "National Guard! Come out with your hands up!" There is silence for a minute and then low and disturbing growl echoes from the alley they are all looking at. Out of the alley steps a large German Shepherd, growling at the group. What's strange is that the animal looks visibly unhealthy, with parts of its skin showing through its coat and missing an ear. Several more dogs move out from behind the German Shepherd as it continues to growl, slowly spilling into the street.
The Technician slowly starts to step back, gun pointed straight at the animals. Once he reaches the group, he quietly says "You all need to start backing away slowly, don't turn or move too suddenly; it might cause them to attack pre-emptively." "What do you mean?" asks one of the girls in the group. "They're just dogs." She turns to the dogs again and says in a baby voice "Aren't they just the most precious little…" She trails off as she notices that the dogs have all turned toward her and started to growl. The technician starts blindly grabs to his side and pulls the woman behind him. "Stay behind me and don't let them notice you. You just made yourself a target and they might try to attack you instead if they see one of us being weaker."
"How do you know this stuff?" asks one of the group in a low voice. One of the dogs in the group looks at him when he speaks but then turns back to look at the Technician again when he makes a slow movement. "Listen, don't speak. If you speak, they'll target you. The only reason they haven't attacked yet is that we are too large a group for them and I am presenting as a major threat to them. Once you get around the next corner, you all need to book it for the rendezvous point as fast as you can. Don't look back, don't hesitate, just run." "But they're just dogs," says someone in a high-pitched voice. The dogs all start to growl now and start slowly moving toward the group. "Shit," hisses the Technician. "What did I say?!" shouts the Technician, causing the pack of dogs to pause. "These dogs aren't the dogs you're used to. They've been hungry, thirsty, and have likely had no meaningful human contact since Yellowstone. How stable or sane would you be after a similar situation?"

Crit Fail Effect Roll=75
That finally causes the group to shut up and start to back away at a slightly faster pace. Once they get to the corner, they round it and then run like hell is chasing them toward the rendezvous point. The Technician yells out "Fetch Doggies!" As he throws his lunch toward the dogs. There is barking from the pack and scuffling as the fresh food causes the pack to quickly stop and dive for the meal. The group makes it back to the Rendevou point and relays what happened to the groups there. "Let's get what we can through and then end early for today," says Bill as he looks over everyone. "We don't want to risk those dogs tracking us back here." The rest of the groups agree and move everything they can back to Outland, cover everything else, and then move back to camp.

(Nothing gained. Knowledge of aggressive dogs roaming about on Earth.)

Random Event Roll=06
The camp is startled when loud howls start to echo through Outland over the course of the week. It seems the Dire wolf pack is back and chasing after the deer herd chased away from the wild wheat field. The pack is seen in the distance and they do test the camp more than normal, prompting a heightened response from the border guard.

(Dire wolf pack focus on the area. For this turn, Roll a D20 for the number of Animal attacks instead of a D6)

Animal Attack Rolls: Needs to beat DC 40+15(Prepared Military)+10(Safer Fence, Safer Life)+5(Spotlights)=70
# of Attacks: d20(2)
Animal Attack 1: 88 (Negated By Border Guard)
Animal Attack 2: 10 (Failure)

Despite the intense focus of the dire wolves in the area, the camp only suffers from two attacks in that time frame. The first is another probing attack from the pack as a whole, necessitating the border guards to pull from the other posts to scare away the animals, with only a few of them wounded. The second attack comes later in the week when a younger dire wolf runs up toward the fence, looking at something. The guards watch it and start to raise weapons when they notice some movement near the base of the fence. They look down and see a rabbit, trying to run away from the dire wolf. The guards relax and watch as the dire wolf eventually corners the rabbit against the fence and catches it. The dire wolf spends some time eating its kill and then leaves, the rest of the rabbit carcass sitting near the fence.

AN: It seems like Muphy was having fun trolling me as I was writing this, giving me successes and failures right after each other. I STILL can't believe how low you rolled for that animal attack roll. I was all set to make some sort of battle and then the dice decided nope.
A couple of things I forgot to add earlier.

First, these bonuses are added to the relevant post:
-Garden Plots: All food income increased by 50%, up to a max of 3 food
-Lit Up Camp: +5 DC for Animal Attacks
-Winter Clothes: Winter negative morale effect removed

Second, this:
End of Turn Stats
Currently Available Dice: 5, 3 locked(Cattle Fences, Food for the Herd winter, stronger Shelter)
Currently Available Portals: 1, 1 next turn, 1 on cooldown
Camp Slots: Available 0, In use 8(2Housing, 1 Canteen, 1 Supplies/Warehouse, 1 Farming/Ranching, 1 Engineering Area, 1 Medical Area, 1 Small Park)
Winter Timer: 1 turn until it starts getting cold, 4 turns until too cold to do much, 6 turns till snow makes many actions untenable)
Food: 6
Animal Feed: 4 (will eat regular food at a rate of 0.5 per turn)
(Start Farming, long-term crops: 12 turns for results)
Morale: +8 overall (Base 1, +1 basic housing, +4 successful evacuation, -2 ????, +2 Basic Amenities, +1 small park, +1 memories of better days(2 turns))
Morale Tier 1 unlocked! +5 to all actions as long as Morale is 5 or above.
Turn 12 Rumor Mill
United States Government
-The newly established Church of the Earth Mother has rapidly gained followers from people across the US. The religion has already absorbed many other ecologically focussed groups and taken up a stance as a religion for the future of humanity.
-The State of Hawaii has suffered from a storm, with meteorologists from the island and the Pacific coast explaining how Yellowstone could have caused the effect. The Islands of Hawaii have requested aid from the federal government and a limit be put in place on the number of people coming to the islands as tourists as they are dealing with the aftermath of the storm.
-Police are still on the lookout for the person or group responsible for the disappearance of known radical groups. They are advising that people with any information at all, even things that may seem innocuous, come forward to the police.
BBC World Service
- US news services are back on the airwaves if not all of them. The explanation given by several news stations of having issues with satellite communications for sending news is accepted as the remaining ash from Yellowstone in the sky.
-The skirmishes in the Middle East that have been simmering for the past couple of weeks have devolved into full-on war. Correspondents in the areas of conflict have heard reports of many differing reasons for the war, with one commenting that "The US withdrawal of troops has left the area without the oversite that many depend on and led to many groups trying to gain an advantage before an eventual return of troops."
-Many countries have by this point found other suppliers for the products they received from the US, causing prices to stabilize across the world. This will prove a big problem looking into the future, as those trade deals will be less likely to return to the US, leading many economic advisors to speculate on the future stability of the US economy.
Outland camp
- The camp has started to become like home for many people, especially with the new lights and the influx of winter clothes. There are still people morning for the family missing or lost in the Yellowstone Disaster, but the constant work and company has had a beneficial effect on most.
-The pop-up shelters and sheds that Matt has brought back have led people to question why they haven't been put up already. Unable to come up with an adequate response aside from waiting till they have enough for everyone, a project to put up what is available is added to the project list.
-The close encounter with the wild dogs has led many people to question what happened to all of the domesticated animals in the area. While many of them likely died off, the idea that there are still animals on Earth that can be saved makes many people question if the camp can try to save what animals they can.
-A random moth flutters around in the daylight, looking for food. The moth lands on a plant and rests for a while, not noticing the small mammal staring at it. The creature slowly gets closer and then leaps at the moth, causing the moth to flutter away and the creature to chase it. The moth eventually flashes purple and disappears, causing the creature to stop and sniff around, looking for its food. The moth meanwhile is now fluttering around in a building, eventually stopping up against a wall and continuing to rest.
-Giovanni Polo stands silent and watches as Roberto Cortez, the Minister of Oceanic Affairs reads his proposal. There is silence for several minutes as Minister Cortez reads the papers and looks over the documents showing the possibility of there being more to explore on the other side of the Sea of Darkness. Eventually, the proposal is put down and Minister Cortez puts his hands together in contemplation. "I agree that based on what you have shown, there could be something on the other side of the Sea, as outlandish as that may seem. What I do not understand is why you are bringing this to me, and what it means for the Kingdom." Giovanni steps forward and replies "I simply want to push the boundaries of our understanding and show that the world is a bigger place than we ever thought."Minister Cortez squints at Giovanni and sarcastically asks "And this in no way has to do with the declining fame of your house?" Giovanni laughs and replies "It does factor in, but I do honestly want to see what's out there. I've been to just about every part of the sophisticated world and I want to see the rest of it." "You always did have that love of adventure, even when we were children." Minister Cortez looks at the documents again and says "For what it's worth, I agree with you. But it's not up to me, I need to bring a proposal of this magnitude to the King and get his approval before you can start anything." "Of course," says Giovanni as he turns to leave. "Let me know when the king wants to speak to me, I am at his Majesty's service."
Turn 13 3rd week of October
The week starts with a bright, clear sky, setting the mood for the project group when they meet later that day around lunch. "We look to be on track for Winter," says Richard as he looks at his notes. "From what numbers we have, we are starting to build up a good stockpile of food for ourselves and the animals. The only issue I can see coming up will be a possible lack of vitamins in our food during the winter. We're good on that front for now, but we may need to add vitamin pills and other nutritional supplements to the scavenging list." Bill decides to pip up, saying "It shouldn't be too hard, there's already going to be some scavenging this week." "Even though we're making good headway, we need to keep up the pace. We'll have plenty of time to relax during the winter when there'll be a lot less to do," says Richard as he looks over the group. "Does anyone have any questions? Anything they want to add to the project list?" A couple of people come forward and several ideas are added to the list.
It is only after the meeting that you think of an idea and decide to bring it up. "Hey, Richard!" you call as you jog up to him. "I just thought of something we should probably add." Richard had been talking with Bill but they both turned to look when you speak up. "No problem, Tam. what's your idea?" asks Richard as he gets out his pencil. "You were saying at the start of the meeting that we'll have time to relax during the winter, but I feel like we should add picking up things to do for relaxation, you know? I mean we have a couple of soccer balls and a football or two that people brought with them but We need to bring some recreational stuff like boardgames, actual sports equipment, books, anything really." Richard has a blank look on his face and slowly turns to look at Bill, who starts laughing. "Did you put him up to this, Bill?" "Not a chance!" says Bill with a smile, after he finishes laughing. "It seems great minds think alike." It clicks suddenly what Bill must have been talking to Richard about before you got there. You chuckle as you walk away, content in the knowledge that the idea is out there and being talked about.

Start of Turn Stats:
Currently Available Dice: 5, 3 locked (Cattle Fences, Food for the Herd winter, stronger Shelter)
Currently Available Portals: 1, 1 next turn, 1 on cooldown
Camp Slots: Available 0, In use 8(2Housing, 1 Canteen, 1 Supplies/Warehouse, 1 Farming/Ranching, 1 Engineering Area, 1 Medical Area, 1 Small Park)
Winter Timer: 1 turn until it starts getting cold, 4 turns until too cold to do much, 6 turns till snow makes many actions untenable)
Food: 6
Animal Feed: 4 (will eat regular food at a rate of 0.5 per turn)
(Start Farming, long-term crops: 12 turns for results)
Morale: +8 overall (Base 1, +1 basic housing, +4 successful evacuation, -2 ????, +2 Basic Amenities, +1 small park, +1 memories of better days(2 turns))
Morale Tier 1 unlocked! +5 to all actions as long as Morale is 5 or above.

[ ] Expand Borders: Space is getting a little bit tight in the camp and while no one is complaining yet, it might be nice to get ahead of this. Use some more fencing to expand the area that you have available for more space to put towards any purpose. (can only be taken 3 more times with current supplies) 2 turns, DC 50 rolled every turn
[ ] Better toilets: The toilets in the camp are constantly in use. While not currently a problem, there could always be more and they could always be better. Redesign the toilets in the camp to reflect the larger population better using them and be able to clean them and empty the waste products easier. (build more, better toilets for the camp and have them less crowded.) 2 turns, DC 40 rolled each turn.
(NEW)[ ] Set up next-tier housing: Set up what pop-up shelters and sheds you have available to make more people have next-tier housing. While you don't currently have enough to set up for everybody, you could set up what you have. DC 40 / 60 to avoid morale penalty
(NEW)[ ] Information Experts: There seem to be several ideas that campers have about what projects they would like to see completed. Having several people take up the job of becoming official information spreaders, as well as collectors, would prove a benefit in the long run. Establish a group of individuals to be turned into Collectors and spreaders of information. (Allows for the easier spread and collection of information/gossip in the camp, rolls a dice to determine the quality of information.) DC 35
(NEW)[ ] Wooden Walls: The constant attacks by predators have caused questions to be asked about building a better wall. The idea has merit and was thus added to the project list. This would also give our people experience in building wooden walls for Outposts when we get to that stage. (Builds a wooden wall around the current camp, options unlocked, DC reduction for certain actions.)(Locked due to missing requirements: Camp Level 2)
[ ] Town Hall: The camp has grown quite a bit since it was first established and people are wondering if it could be turned into a town instead of a camp. The idea would be great for everyone as it would also take some of the pressure off of the project group from having to run everything. One of the things that would be needed would be a town hall to house all the decision-making and for other purposes as well. (Upgrades Camp level to 2. Options unlocked.)(Locked due to missing requirements: Research Area Level 1, Warehouse Area Level 1, open camp slot)
[ ] Wooden Huts: Some of the campers have come forth and asked if it would be possible to make wooden huts for housing. This would be a long-term project, but the result would be people having their own houses and able to feel perfectly at home for the first time in a while. (Locked due to missing requirements: Camp Level 2, Level 2 Lumberyard, 10 slots will be used/converted)
[ ] Create a Research area: The scientists have been debating among themselves and with others in the camp about providing them an area to retain all the knowledge of Earth and research new things about the world they find themselves in. Allow them to take over the remaining area and transform it into a combination of Library and Laboratory. (Introduces the research mechanic. Provides a bonus for certain future actions. Gathers all knowledge about Earth and Outland into one easy-to-find place) DC 50 (Locked from lack of camp slots)
[ ] Build a Warehouse Area: The Inventory is all sorted and everything discovered but it is all stored in various metal sheds right now. With the influx of material from the Military base, there comes a need for a more centralized location to store everything. Build a group of warehouses to store the materials in an ordered fashion and make room for more stuff to be added to the stockpile. (A central location allows for more stuff to be stored) DC 50
[ ] Build a basic air base: The airplane from the stockpile has brought forth the idea that it could be possible to build an air base of sorts. While it would currently be little more than a hangar to store the plane and a runway that has been prepped, it would open up some options in the future. (opens up options using the plane) DC 50
[ ] Build Portals: Convince the original group that more Portals are needed and should be built. They are perfectly willing to build new portals as it would expand the number of available options for the future and are willing to make more than 1 if given the chance. DC 50
[ ] Build an offroad vehicle workshop: The discovery of all of the available parts for dirtbikes and the ATVs on Earth has led some people to suggest that an Offroad Vehicle Workshop be made to take care of the maintenance of the bikes, ATVs, and any other such vehicles found in the future. DC 30
[ ] Basic Workshop: You have an engineering area but no designated building for actually building anything. Let's change that. Designate one of the buildings in the Engineering area as a general workshop and allow your engineers to go to town. (Gain a small number of replacement parts each turn. DC reduction for certain actions) DC 20
[ ] Building mills: The newly discovered wheat can be turned into flour if the grain is put through a mill to grind it down. That would be useful if there were any hand mills in the camp but that is one of the few things that Bill did not think to order at all. It may be possible to make some mechanical hand mills to process the grain into flour but they would have to be hand-made and would be difficult to find parts without a workshop in place. (able to manually grind wheat into flour for use in the camp.) DC 80
[ ] Start Ranching: There is an area perfect for growing a food crop for the animals now enclosed. Turn the available field into a pasture, providing food for your animals for the immediate future without having to pasture them outside the walls. DC 10, field exhausted from grazing in 4 turns(Locked due to having only 1 field)
[ ] Animal products: An idle question about the purpose of keeping the animals in the camp has caused the project group to look into what they can use the animals for. While the use of their skins for leather will eventually become an option, you could also think up uses for the bones, feathers, fur, and other products from the animals. DC 40
[ ] Milk in the making: The cows have the opportunity to provide fresh milk for the camp to be used in cooking and maybe making cheese in the future. The idea of fresh milk is strange to some people who have never had it but they will quickly get over their reservations. (Locked, no pregnant cows currently and the bull is still growing/not mature)
[ ] Start Farming, short-term crops: Try and grow your food, the first step to sustaining your camp in Outland. This explores whether or not you could grow crops that mature faster and get you food sooner, at the cost of not providing much. 8 turns for results, DC 30 rolled at the end, +8 food (Excludes Start Farming, long-term crops due to lack of available fields)(Locked due to having only 1 field)
[ ] Start Farming, long-term crops: Try and grow your food, the first step to sustaining your camp in Outland. This is a long-term project and will provide a lot of food…when it finishes. 16 turns for results, DC 40 rolled at the end, +18 food (Excludes Start Farming, short-term crops due to lack of available fields)(Locked due to having only 1 field)
[ ] Add an additional field: Jerry has been complaining that he doesn't have enough room for planting in the camp. He would like to turn one of the open camp plots into another field to be used for farming. (Changes 1 open camp slot into 1 Farming/Ranching Camp slot)(Locked from lack of camp slots)
[ ] Start Crop Rotation: Jerry realized when planting that we need to implement some sort of crop rotation to make sure that the ground is not stripped of all of its nutrients. Set a policy so that the fields are not used till they have nothing left like what happened on Earth. (Locked due to having only 1 field)
[ ] Food for the Herd: Jerry was going over stuff in the Farming/Ranching Area and realized that there is no more food left for the animals. To help stave off the problem, he proposes cutting a bunch of grasses and other plants from the prairie near the camp to make feed for the animals. While labor intensive, this will make it so that the animals don't starve and start dying off due to starvation. (Provides 1.5 turns worth of food for the animals) DC 35
[In Progress] Food for the Herd, winter preparations: The animals are going to need a lot of food to survive the winter. Jerry recommends that we immediately start harvesting what grass and feed we can and drying it for the animals in a separate area. (Each turn this is taken, adds 1.5 turns of animal feed to storage. It may be taken alongside Food for the Herd) Continuous until snow hits, DC 35 each turn
[ ] Increasing the herds: Jerry says that he could encourage the animals to breed more and start to grow the herd to larger sizes but does not recommend this action as there is not enough room to properly house and care for more animals. (Locked due to Area Level, Requires Level 2)
[ ] Medical Survey: The camp has been without actual medical help for quite a while. This has not been an issue until recently and people are welcoming medical services being available again. Make an initial survey of the campers and see if there are any major problems. DC 10
[ ] Emergency Medical Services: People from the Medical Area are still untrained in how to quickly respond in the case of attacks and injuries. This training would allow them to better respond to the needs of the campers that will be under their care. (All injuries get a re-roll, not just those of beast attacks.) DC 50
(NEW)[ ] 1000 Herbs and Fungi: The campers in charge of the medical area have put in a proposal for the study of the native plants in the nearby area, to study how they would affect the human body and what they could be used for. While this is the stated purpose of the project, Tina says that it was mostly so that they could see if there are any medicinal plants they could find in Outland. (Chance at finding medically useful plants nearby, catalogs plants in the area for possible later use.) DC 35
[ ] Build some fire pits: The camp has been running fine on the cafeteria-style preparation for the food, but some people want the option to cook their food differently or over the fire. Build some camping-style enclosed fire pits for the canteen to use for proper open flame grilling. (allows for more diverse food options, mainly by way of open flame grilling) DC 45
[ ] Gathering food, forest: The camp is near a forest that could be teeming with food. Maybe you could go and gather edible plants, roots, and berries to increase your stockpile. None of the plants are liable to continue growing much as they conserve what they can for the winter months. (+1 food, +1 additional food for every 20 past the DC threshold) DC 40
(NEW)[ ] Gathering food, wild wheat field: The wild wheat field was a wonderful discovery and provided a lot of good grain for the camp. Unfortunately, there is little left to harvest due to a roaming deer herd coming through and eating most of it. You could harvest a little more but Jerry recommends leaving some of the grain there to sprout in the spring. (+2 food) DC 40
[ ] Hunting: A group of survivors wants to go hunting in this new world to expand the available supplies. There is more limited availability of prey as some species start to move for the winter months. DC 25 (Locked from the random event)
[ ] Fishing: You have discovered that a nearby lake has fish! Go get yourself some and maybe have a fish fry at the camp. DC 35
[ ] Growing Weed?: Some of the stoners brought up the idea of planting Marijuana and hemp whenever people go hunting or in specialized areas. While this is likely only something they thought of to increase their supply, this could provide a source of drugs and materials for the future. (allows planting of marijuana and hemp plants out in the forest. Potential materials when plants grow. You will need to research hemp or find information while scavenging before it is completely useful.) DC 60
[ ] Set up roving patrols: There were predators in the forest waiting to attempt adding humans to the prey menu. This is concerning in and of itself and suggests that the predators in Outland are smarter than their Earth counterparts. Setting up some patrols in the surrounding area would allow the camp to be safer and allow for easier expansion. (Predator attack rolls are reduced by 1 dice so long as this is taken. Reduce DC for certain actions) DC 40, -1 dice for continuous patrols
[ ] The Road to Omaha, part 2: The path towards Omaha is started, but there are obstacles in the way of progress. The first of those obstacles is trees, lots and lots of trees in a forest that lies almost in the middle of the path towards Omaha. Nothing to it but to start chopping away and work on getting the trees out of the ground. DC 50 each turn, 3 turns
[ ] Follow the Trail, American Lions: In the aftermath of the attack during turn 8, some guards managed to see the lions head out into the prairie after escaping. Head out and track down the ones who escaped. DC 50
(NEW)[ ] Dire Disturbances, Aggressive: You know the location of the dire wolf pack and the general area they call their territory. You have a choice ahead of you, one that will define your relationship with the pack. After some talk amongst the camp, you have decided to make the effort to slowly hunt the dire wolves and drive them from the area. (Cannot take with Dire Disturbances, Peaceful) 4 turns, DC 50 each turn
(NEW)[ ] Dire Disturbances, Peaceful: You know the location of the dire wolf pack and the general area they call their territory. You have a choice ahead of you, one that will define your relationship with the pack. Eventually, talks for integration won out and efforts will be made to associate humans with fellow hunters and friends. (Cannot take with Dire Disturbances, Aggressive) 4 turns, DC 50 each turn
[ ] Look for Bees, Outland: A random thought by Jerry, the leader of the farming/ranching area, led Richard to make this project. While you have a hive already, you could always use the honey and wax they produce. Find some wild hives and get access to bee products until you can get them from your hive. (Access to bee products. Options unlocked.) DC 40
[In Progress] Cattle Fences: A project proposed by Jerry, he suggested that we put up some wooden fencing out far from the camp in a wide area. While not perfectly useful as a means to keep things out, it would help with keeping in roaming animals should they ever get loose or we let them out to graze in the wilds. (Set up wooden fencing to keep herd animals contained. Will not stop animals from entering the area. Allows for grazing of animals outside the fence, drastically reducing feed requirements.) 5 turns, DC 30 each turn
[ ] Deer Domestication, Part 2: The deer are much more amenable to being around humans and have started to associate humans with food. Unfortunately, they are close to leaving for warmer areas for the winter. Continue to feed them until they leave and engrain that association between humans and food in the mind of the deer. Locked until finished, DC 40, 1 food used per turn. (3 turns until they leave for winter) (Locked from the random event)
[ ] Planned Exploration: The Civil engineering and Geology students have come forward to propose an exploration of the area around the camp. This would allow you to get a count on close resources and start making a better map of the area. (Unlocks further exploration options. Decreases DC of certain actions) DC 30
[ ] Scavenge: Go through the portal back to Earth and scavenge for supplies. (Choose what you look for when scavenging: Consumable, Knowledge, Material.) DC 10
[ ] Scavenging, Winter Prep edition: The food stores at the camp have started to become too low to sustain the camp through the winter to come. While there is still quite a bit of food available in Outland, it would also be possible to get a lot of food from grocery stores on Earth. Head back to Earth and take back all of the Food you can carry to try and last through the winter. Locks in 1 dice until full snow hits. Gains variable (base 1) food. DC 10
[ ] For want of a drink: It's official, the camp has run out of coffee. The horror of the situation unites everyone to try and find as much coffee, tea, and other assorted drinks as they can. While it may be possible to grow more coffee or tea in the future, the immediate need for caffeine has caused a problem that needs to be solved. (All future scavenging expeditions bring home twice the amount of coffee, tea, juice, and other beverages.) DC 25
[ ] Fermented Fascination: The camp has found wild wheat in Outland and there is a possibility of bread in the future. One of the things that we are missing is yeast, the prime ingredient for many cooking practices. Search for still viable strains of yeast that can be brought back to the camp for use in food production. (Adds Yeast to Canteen supplies. More variety in cooking.) DC 35
(NEW)[ ] Save the Animals: The pack of wild dogs on Earth has led to questions about other domesticated animals that may still be alive. While not likely to be a lot, take the time to search for other animals on Earth that you could bring back to the camp. DC 40+10(wild dogs)=50
(NEW)[ ] Animal Food: The thought of domesticated animals on Earth leads to another idea, that of pet stores, and specifically the bags of pet food they have. Most of that food would still be good and could be used to feed several of the animals in the camp. Plus, to the disgust of many, the food might be edible for humans as well, even if barely. Scout out pet stores back on earth to see if there is anything that you should bring back. DC 25+10(wild dogs)=35
[In Progress] Stronger Shelter: With winter on its way and many people still in tents, more of the metal shed will be needed for shelter. Go and search through supply stores, warehouses, and lumber yards for more pre-fab shelters you can use to help protect the campers. (Finds enough pre-fab shelters to make all housing next tier) DC 45
[ ] Try and track down the rest of Bill's order: When the Inventory efforts were finished, there were quite a few things that were missing from his order. Bill knows the location of most of what is missing and could probably guess where the rest is from there. The problem? The missing stuff is in Omaha. Not a problem for a drive on Pre-Apocalypse Earth but since the options are either going on Post-Apocalypse Earth or in Outland, the trip would take considerably longer. (Currently locked, complete The Road to Omaha first)
[ ] Continue evacuation to Outland: One of the conditions for the Military to join the group in Outland was to continue evacuation efforts when there is access to a major city. While there are unfortunately no more survivors in the surrounding area, this evacuation would allow for people to join pre-built camps and help to increase the human race's chances of survival. The military would lead these evacuation efforts, bringing in more people to the camp. (a dice roll of people is added to the camp each turn. Every 100 people evacuated this way adds 1 dice to the available dice pool.)(-1 dice as the military works on this)(automatic when in an area with people to evacuate)(currently locked, no more people in the area)

AN: Any ideas on what to add to the project list, let me know. I'll add it in if I think the camp could feasibly do it.
AN2: If anyone wants to write a side story or other similar stuff, from any perspective, I would be willing to give bonuses for it.
Plan: Info, Medical, & Survival
- [X] Information Experts: There seem to be several ideas that campers have about what projects they would like to see completed. Having several people take up the job of becoming official information spreaders, as well as collectors, would prove a benefit in the long run. Establish a group of individuals to be turned into Collectors and spreaders of information. (Allows for the easier spread and collection of information/gossip in the camp, rolls a dice to determine the quality of information.) DC 35
- [X] Build a Warehouse Area: The Inventory is all sorted and everything discovered but it is all stored in various metal sheds right now. With the influx of material from the Military base, there comes a need for a more centralized location to store everything. Build a group of warehouses to store the materials in an ordered fashion and make room for more stuff to be added to the stockpile. (A central location allows for more stuff to be stored) DC 50
- [X] Medical Survey: The camp has been without actual medical help for quite a while. This has not been an issue until recently and people are welcoming medical services being available again. Make an initial survey of the campers and see if there are any major problems. DC 10
- [X] Fishing: You have discovered that a nearby lake has fish! Go get yourself some and maybe have a fish fry at the camp. DC 35
-[X] Scavenge: Go through the portal back to Earth and scavenge for supplies. (Choose what you look for when scavenging: Survival Books.) DC 10
Last edited:
[X] Plan: Workshopping winter
-[X] Scavenging, Winter Prep edition
-[X] Build a Warehouse Area
-[X] Fishing
-[X] Basic Workshop
-[X] Medical Survey

The Basic Workshop is very likely to succeed, makes other actions easier and opens a lot of doors. Other then that nothing too interesting other then trying to stock up on food
Looks like [X] Plan: Workshopping winter is what we're going with.
Rolling Random Event.
Gahuul threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Random Event Roll Total: 66
66 66
Turn 13 Results
- [X] Build a Warehouse Area: The Inventory is all sorted and everything discovered but it is all stored in various metal sheds right now. With the influx of material from the Military base, there comes a need for a more centralized location to store everything. Build a group of warehouses to store the materials in an ordered fashion and make room for more stuff to be added to the stockpile. (A central location allows for more stuff to be stored) DC 50
- [X] Medical Survey: The camp has been without actual medical help for quite a while. This has not been an issue until recently and people are welcoming medical services being available again. Make an initial survey of the campers and see if there are any major problems. DC 10
- [X] Fishing: You have discovered that a nearby lake has fish! Go get yourself some and maybe have a fish fry at the camp. DC 35
-[X] Basic Workshop: You have an engineering area but no designated building for actually building anything. Let's change that. Designate one of the buildings in the Engineering area as a general workshop and allow your engineers to go to town. (Gain a small number of replacement parts each turn. DC reduction for certain actions) DC 20
-[X] Scavenging, Winter Prep edition: The food stores at the camp have started to become too low to sustain the camp through the winter to come. While there is still quite a bit of food available in Outland, it would also be possible to get a lot of food from grocery stores on Earth. Head back to Earth and take back all of the Food you can carry to try and last through the winter. Gains variable (base 1) food. DC 10
-[In Progress] Food for the Herd, winter preparations: The animals are going to need a lot of food to survive the winter. Jerry recommends that we immediately start harvesting what grass and feed we can and drying it for the animals in a separate area. (Each turn this is taken, adds 1.5 turns of animal feed to storage. It may be taken alongside Food for the Herd) Continuous until snow hits, DC 35 each turn
-[In Progress] Cattle Fences: A project proposed by Jerry, he suggested that we put up some wooden fencing out far from the camp in a wide area. While not perfectly useful as a means to keep things out, it would help with keeping in roaming animals should they ever get loose or we let them out to graze in the wilds. (Set up wooden fencing to keep herd animals contained. Will not stop animals from entering the area. Allows for grazing of animals outside the fence, drastically reducing feed requirements.) 5 turns, DC 30 each turn
-[In Progress] Stronger Shelter: With winter on its way and many people still in tents, more of the metal shed will be needed for shelter. Go and search through supply stores, warehouses, and lumber yards for more pre-fab shelters you can use to help protect the campers. (Finds enough pre-fab shelters to make all housing next tier) DC 45

The start of the week has the camp split into groups, with a few groups doing the same thing that they were doing last week. The groups going to Earth had similar compositions, being made p of groups led by Matt and Supply Technician James Wilson. They establish their basic procedures for what to do in the case of emergencies and then split to head into different directions.

[In Progress] Stronger Shelter: DC 45

Matt led his group toward the warehouse they had read about in their explorations the previous week. On the way, they decided to stop by some of the stores they had already gone over and take a quick check through several sporting goods stores on the way, figuring they could take the time to be thorough.

Roll=62+6(Basic Information, Earth)+10(Enthusiast of Dirt Bikes)+5(Morale)=83

They did end up finding a couple of pop-up tents hidden in back rooms, adding to what they would bring back. It was when they got to the warehouse that things started to turn for the better. They noticed immediately that there were a lot of trucks with trailers waiting by the loading bays and they took that as a good sign. A quick search revealed that one of the side doors was propped open with a metal bin, and a bag of trash was spilled on the ground. "Poor guy was likely taking out the trash when Yellowstone hit," says Matt as he shakes his head. "His loss is our gain, however; keep in contact with each other, we don't want anyone to get lost in here."
That turns out to not be an issue though as just past a small corridor with office rooms on either side, they come out to a more open space, with a hole in the roof letting in light. After looking around for a bit, Matt says "This place looks to have held up alright but be careful around the support pillars, we don't want to move things more than we have to." The group slowly spreads out and starts to explore the warehouse, calling out to each other when they come across something they can use. By the end of the day, the group has taken a preliminary inventory of the warehouse and has started to move the unassembled sheds and other shelters to a central area. "This was a good find, I think we should be able to bring back enough stuff to set up the cam with more solid structures for housing when we get it all back." "I'll drink to that," says one of the group, taking a deep drink of his water bottle.

(Success. Enough sheds and other hard structures are taken back to camp to make the housing next tier completely. Project changed.)

[X] Scavenging, Winter Prep edition: DC 10

The wild pack of dogs that were encountered on Earth made it so that the group scavenging for food in stores had to be a little bit more careful to avoid drawing attention. This made their efforts slower than they would like as they had to sneak about when they were in the area of the pack. They planned to work their way through several stores this week, checking for more canned and preserved food.

Roll=7+6(Basic Information, Earth)+10(Enthusiast of Dirt Bikes)+5(Morale)=28

They ended up only seeing the pack once, near the middle of the week and from a distance. The pack was heading towards a pet shop and then leaving after a while. "They likely found the place for its food. If they could open the bags, they could get access to a large amount of food that would stay edible for a long time." The shop is noted and then the group moves on, making their way through several different stores. Their luck is better this week as there are still a good amount of canned foods, from soup to vegetables.

(Success.+2 food from scavenged stores. Location the wild dog pack frequents is noted.)

The group gathers at the entrance of a store after having searched it from top to bottom. "Mr. Wilson?" asks one of the women of the group. "Yes, what is it?" asks the Technician as he continues to scan the area. "Well, I was wondering why we're only going after food when there are so many other things that could be useful for these looting runs?" The Technician winces slightly and says "First off, please call don't call them that. If we ever get back into contact with the rest of the country, we don't want them to think that we're all looters. Scavenging sounds better and presents the idea that what we're taking is already abandoned. Second, As to the question about only getting food, well it's so that we can have enough to last through the winter even if it might get boring taste-wise. Once we have enough to last through the winter, or at least until we stop scavenging for food specifically, we will likely start scavenging just about anything we can get our hands on." The woman nods while several members of the group roll their eyes at the long explanations that the Technician likes to give.

[X] Build a Warehouse Area: DC 50

The rest of the groups worked around the Camp or in Outland for this week, most of them doing prep work for winter in one way or another. One of those groups was in charge of restructuring the Warehouse area to make it easier to find things and so that there would be more storage space available. This would hopefully alleviate concerns about not having room to store everything the camp may need for winter.

Roll=42+10(Organized Camp)+5(Morale I)=57

Thankfully, the group had no issues this time around as Bill took the time to watch everyone to make sure what happened last time didn't happen again. The communal warehouse area came out looking fine, with all of the buildings set so that there would be plenty of room to expand as needed. The only issue Bill found was a part that was missing entirely, causing a small break while everyone tried to work out what to do. Eventually, Bill got everyone to search through the packaging and in the supplies; the part was found under one of the boxes that held everything, having been missed when the box had been tipped out and then set aside.

(Supply Area converted into a Warehouse area. More space is available for storing things.)

Bill rested with the group after they finished setting up the last of the small warehouses that now stored just about all of the non-essential items in the camp. " I think that the only things not in there now are the things people are actively using and the clothes they have." Several people from the group grunt an acknowledgment while the remainder simply rests, drinking from their bottles. Bill looks up at a motion from the edge of his vision as he sees Richard moving towards the group, notepad in hand. "Uh-oh, boss alert," says Bill, to the laughter of some of his group. Raising his voice, Bill says "Hey Richard! Come to check on the progress?" "Yes actually, how did you know?" replies Richard with a cocked eyebrow. "It's the way you walk like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders." "Would you rather try and be the leader? You can take over any time you like and then maybe I wouldn't have to deal with the constant complaints," says Richard. "Oh hell no," laughs Bill. "You're doing a good job, though I reserve the right to kick you out on your ass if I see you turn tyrant. The warehouses are all finished, by the way, now the only thing left is getting everything organized." Richard sighs, says "Thanks," and then walks away.

[X] Basic Workshop: DC 20-5(Engineer Crit)=15

The second of the groups working in the camp was in charge of converting one of the sheds in the engineering area into a workshop. This would greatly help the camp as it would allow for the creation of replacement components and would also allow for some projects to be built, or at least started.

Roll=65+10(Organized Camp)+5(Morale I)=80(Quintuple DC)

Converting the shed ended up being a straightforward thing to accomplish. It was basically a matter of getting everything wired up for electricity and installing all of the things like mills, lathes, presses, and other machines. There is so much stuff waiting to be installed that the group wonders what it was all going to be used for. When asked, Bill gets this blank look on his face and asks "What? We shouldn't have any of that stuff, where did you find it?"
That starts off a whole different line of questioning as the group investigates where all these machines came from. Once they got Bill to give a list of what he ordered, they realized that there had to have been a mistake at the distribution warehouse. "Ok, so what looks to have happened is that part of the order you were sent was likely for a different customer. You can see where the order numbers and other information are slightly different but the address information is the same. We think the computer in the distribution warehouse accidentally printed the address for your order on these and then they were sent off without being checked over." Bill listens to the explanation as he goes over the documents where the group points this out and then shakes his head. "So I'm assuming that you guys set this up without realizing?" asks Bill. When he receives nods, Bill sighs and says "You guys do know that this will majorly impact the amount of time we have for electricity right? Those machines take up a lot when they're in use."

(Workshop upgraded to Intermediate from the high degree of success. Will constantly drain power, meaning that the generators will need to be kept running and constantly using fuel. Gain a medium number of replacement parts each turn. DC reduction for certain actions)

[X] Medical Survey: DC 10

Tina got the last group together and started the process of documenting any medical conditions that the campers may have. This serves the dual purpose of getting information on things that could become an immediate problem as well as getting basic information for things that could become a problem in the future. Tina and the Medical staff are quite busy this week as they handle getting everyone in to record information, one after another.

Roll=23+5(Morale I)=28

As the survey continues over the course of the week, it turns out there are only a few problems that need attention and those are being handled by constant work and a relatively stable diet. There are a few people who are still in the range that would be considered obese on Earth but they are gradually slimming down by the fact that there is just less to eat overall. They report that they're feeling better than they have in years and that their clothes are starting to fit better or even be a bit baggy.
The only other problems are generally in the people who were older already and had started to accumulate the problems of old age. The few really old people are actually doing slightly better than they were on Earth according to their minders. The fresh air, clean water, and constant food have helped their bodies to reset in a way that allows them to feel better than when they were on a diet full of artificial preservatives and other non-natural products. Tina still takes the time to plan out what to do if they get to the point where they need the medicines and specialized care that they could get on Earth.

(Success. Medical Survey shows that there are few persistent problems but everything is still noted down. People with severe allergies are found and will be watched in case something causes them to react. Will wait until spring for another survey when the climate and environment are different to get a full picture of potential problems. Options Unlocked.)

[In Progress] Cattle Fences: DC 30

The rest of the groups were out in the wilderness of Outland working on various projects, with two of these groups being under Jerry. One of the groups was put back to work on building a cattle fence in Outland so that the herd of animals could eventually be grazed outside the walls. There was still plenty of work to do, with large amounts of grass to cut and fences to put in place.

Roll=52+6(Basic Information, Outland)+15(Professional Farmer)+5(Morale)=78(Double DC)

The work done during previous weeks hadn't suffered any damage as most of it was removing grass. Some of the branches used as parts of the fence had fallen out of place but were easily put back and tied tighter so that it didn't happen again. The upshot of this was that most of the work being done was relatively simple, with much of the grass and shrubs in the way being pulled out ahead of the people working on the fence itself.
One of the things that was fortuitous this week was that the blacksmith was bored after not having done much for the weeks after his smithy was built. He decided that since there were more metal fence posts needed anyways, he would use some of the excess metal from the supplies to get a head start. The whole thing turned out to be relatively simple, with the blacksmith managing to make enough posts that more work was accomplished this week. By the end of the week, enough clearing had been done and fences went up so that the group was able to accomplish around 2 weeks' worth of work in a single week.

(Success. High roll means that action only needs 3 more turns to finish.)

[In Progress] Food for the Herd, winter preparations: DC 35

The second group was responsible for continuing to harvest feed for the animals so that they would not need to go out during the Winter. The group has gotten used to the work, having done the same job for the past couple of weeks. The only thing that worries them about doing this particular project is that they might cut themselves with what they use to cut the grass.

Roll=97+6(Basic Information, Outland)+15(Professional Farmer)+5(Morale)=123(CRIT) (Triple DC)

The group has gotten so used to doing their job that they don't notice how fast they are moving at first. It isn't until Jerry gets to them near the end of the first day that the group starts to realize how fast and efficient they have become. Jerry simply looks at the bales of feed that the group has made and then slowly turns to look at the group. "Did you have any problems today? Did anything go obviously wrong?" Jerry slowly asks the group. The group is looking at each other now as the way Jerry is talking clues them into the fact something is up. "Should we have noticed something Jerry?" asks Michelle.
Jerry shakes his head and replies "If you didn't notice anything, then you must have been pretty focussed on the job. I'll let you know nearer the end of the week if the same thing happens." Jerry walks off after saying that, leaving the group confused. By the end of the week, the group has a pretty good idea of what went differently for them this week. The group looks at the absolutely massive stack of hay bales that takes up one corner of the new warehouse. The group jumps slightly when Jerry's voice rings out from behind them, asking "Do you have an idea of what changed this time? Or do I need to tell you?" Michelle turns to look back at the stack of hay and replies "No, I think we know now."

(Crit increases Food for the Herd actions from 1.5 -> 2 animal feed per success. +6 animal feed from tripling DC. 1 animal feed consumed)

[X] Fishing: DC 35

The last of the groups that went out intoOutland headed towards the nearby lake in the hopes of catching some fish to bring back to the camp. Knowing that the fish are hard to catch, the group has had the blacksmith make some different fish hooks so that the group can experiment with what works best. They also took the time to scavenge along the way for bugs and berries to use as bait.

Roll=27+6(Basic Information, Outland)+5(Scouting Force)+5(Morale)=43

The fishing trip was much more successful this time around. Whether it be due to the use of a different type of fish hook or everyone having bait, the group catches a good number of fish. The group takes the time to make the gut and eat some of the fish by the lake, throwing the remains out into the lake where they get swarmed over by the remaining fish. The group goes to the circle of stones used for the fire last time and starts up another fire. They then take the time to spit the fish and have them cook over the fire, giving the group a nice meal.

(Success. +1 food added to camp stores. +1 food from Garden Plots. Fish brought back and remains brought to dump spot or thrown into the lake.)

As the group is packing up to head back to camp, Andrew looks back out over the lake and asks "Do you think there are other things in the lake?" The question causes the group to pause as they all look out at the lake as well. "Well, thank you very much for that wonderful idea you just put into our minds, Andrew," says Mervin sarcastically. "That is just what we needed to feel better about going fishing." "Aw, lay off," replies Andrew with a frown. "I'm just wondering if there's anything like the beavers and other non-fish critters that existed on Earth." The group looks at each other as what Andrew meant finally clicks in their heads. They all look back to the lake with a keener eye, searching for any of the signs they know to look for with the presence of beavers or other critters. "I think so, at least it looks like it," says one guy as he squints at something. "Where?" asks Merv. "Over there, south of us along the shore," replies the guy as he points. "It looks like something has been chewing on the trees over there." The group looks and sure enough, several trees have what look to be bite marks if you look at them the right way.

Random Event Roll=66

The camp has gotten used to finding things they didn't expect out in the wilds of Outland. What they find this time is not what they expected but no less peculiar. It was the fishing group who noticed it after searching for animals similar to beavers or muskrats in the area surrounding the lake. They eventually found signs of a creature that filled the niche and when they started to follow it, they walked by part of the river that was tinted red. It took a minute but they realized that there was a small iron deposit exposed to the stream that was being constantly abraded by the water. They marked the location and brought back a piece to be analyzed, after taking a while to try and dig it out of course. The iron was assessed by the blacksmith as being relatively good quality but likely not large given what the fishing group had seen.

(Small iron deposit discovered. Able to mine deposit for a random amount of iron, for which I will roll a dice.)

Animal Attack Rolls: Needs to beat DC 40+15(Prepared Military)+10(Safer Fence, Safer Life)+5(Spotlights)=70
# of Attacks: d6(1)
Animal Attack: 9 (Failure)

The only sighting of aggressive animals this week was when the guard tower looking out over the prairie saw several dire wolves hunting a deer in the distance. They managed to take down the animal and then feasted on their kill. The animals left after around 20 minutes, having eaten most of the meat.

End of Turn Stats:
Currently Available Dice: 6, 2 locked (Cattle Fences, Food for the Herd winter)
Currently Available Portals: 1, 1 next turn, 1 on cooldown
Camp Slots: Available 0, In use 8(2Housing, 1 Canteen, 1 Warehouse, 1 Farming/Ranching, 1 Engineering Area, 1 Medical Area, 1 Small Park)
Winter Timer: winter is here, 3 turns until too cold to do much, 5 turns till snow makes many actions untenable)
Food: 10
Animal Feed: 9 (will eat regular food at a rate of 0.5 per turn)
Replacement Parts: 6 (+6 each turn)
(Start Farming, long-term crops: 11 turns for results)
Morale: +8 overall (Base 1, +1 basic housing, +4 successful evacuation, -2 ????, +2 Basic Amenities, +1 small park, +1 memories of better days(1 turn))
Morale Tier 1 unlocked! +5 to all actions as long as Morale is 5 or above.
We should have our people go loot so Solar panels and wind turbines so they will have power, sure Solar panels wont help in winter, but after that it will be good

And we need to loot a library and other book stores, so the knowledge about things for the future and so our people can train in things
infrastructure is something we should be looting, people of earth are gonna be worry about food and water, and our camp is gonna have to worry building up infrastructure
Turn 13 Rumor Mill
United States Government
- The State of Hawaii continues to rebuild after the devastating storm that hit the islands a week ago. FEMA is already stressed from the efforts to help with the Yellowstone disaster and has not been able to send much in the way of additional aid to the beleaguered island.
-An individual claiming to be from the group responsible for the disappearance of many radical groups in the US has turned himself into police custody. He was put under surveillance by the local police department while federal agents were called for his pickup. By the time the federal agents arrived, the individual in question had disappeared as well, with many police officers having been knocked out and all electronic records erased. The only clues are one police officer's memory of a man in a blank mask with green eyes being seen in a reflection as he was being choked out and a half-written report of the information on the person that went to the police that had fallen behind a desk and was missed by the intruders.
-The city of Detroit, following in the footsteps of Chicago, has seen an influx of people looking for jobs after several of the factories in the area have been re-opened. If the city follows the same pattern as Chicago, it should expect an increase in population followed by increased tax revenue as people put down roots close to their job.
BBC World Service
- Oil prices continue to increase as many oil refineries and companies are nationalized by the nations in which they exist. The countries that benefitted from that oil and gas have begun talks to return the refineries back to their parent companies, but have been stone-walled by the newly oil-rich countries.
-With the onset of Winter, many countries expect to see major increases in the amount of rain and snow this year. Scientists expect the average temperature for this winter will come perilously close to the last ice age, necessitating greater measures to keep warm and keep infrastructure functioning properly.
-The eruption of Yellowstone has caused a major shift in the geological activity of the planet, with many volcanos and other active geological sites having reduced activity. In the words of one internet personality, "Yellowstone erupting was similar to the cap being taken off of a pop bottle after being shaken quite hard. There is a lot of froth and mess for a while but then things settle down."
Outland camp
-Several people from the camp have come forth with ideas about trying to save as much knowledge as possible from Earth so that the camp can stay modern. The actual direction of where the knowledge should be taken varies wildly from school books, to philosophy, and one person even says that we should purposely ignore bringing along the Twilight series in particular. The possibility of having more knowledge for future generations is one that is seen as valid and a project is added to the list.
-The weather has turned colder and many of the older generations are grumbling about not getting fully warm anymore. Winter has arrived and it seems like it will be colder than what would be expected. The camp has done much to prepare for the cold to come but there is still more to be done.
-One thing that was overlooked when doing preparations were things to make the snow and ice enjoyable. Things like snow saws and other tools will allow for the camp to not only be better prepared but also allow for the building of igloos and other structures out of or on top of the ice.
-Zeke swears as the rabbit he was chasing ends up missing the trap he had set in the way, causing it to go off. The creature disappears from his sight and Zeke slows and listens, trying to home in on where it went. He hears a squealing sound and runs towards another trap, where he sees the rabbit struggling in a trap, trying to escape. "Well, it seems like the end for you buddy," says Zeke as he takes out an improvised spear and stabs the rabbit. Several minutes later, Zeke is draining the blood out of the creature when Jimmy comes out from behind a tree in front of him. "Nice catch," says Jimmy. "Any sign of where its warren is?" "No," sighs Zeke as he shakes his head. "The damn thing was out eating when I saw it and when I tried to get closer it saw me." "At least it should be nearby," says Jimmy as he looks around. "This is a pretty good area to hole up for winter. There's a small cave in one of the nearby hills that we should be able to turn into a shelter. Plenty of good forage in the forest too." "Remind me again how you know all this stuff?" asks Zeke as he looks up from the rabbit. "I was a boy scout as a kid," says Jimmy as he continues to look around. "Really? You were in the boy scouts?" asks Zeke. "Fuck off, Zeke," replies Jimmy without any heat. "I liked the fire starting lessons a little too much." "Now that I can see," laughs Zeke as he takes the corpse of the rabbit down from where he had it hanging. "Come on, there was a creek nearby where I can finish bleeding this thing. It should make a good soup."
-Lieutenant Colonel Brown frowned as he looked over the updated list of soldiers under his command. He checked that list against the list of soldiers who were confirmed dead and the list that showed where soldiers had reported at different rally points than usual but had still reported. He calls out "Seargent Rollands, a moment of your time." After a moment, the Seargent entered the room. "Yes, Sir?" asks Seargent Rollands from where he stands. "I'm looking over this list and I notice that there has been no contact with a platoon in Lincoln, Nebraska. Are there connection problems in the area, or do we have a bigger problem?" The Seargent blinks before getting a look on his face, replying "Yes sir, there are problems in the area. A series of accidents caused several connections in that area to go down and they are on the list to be fixed. That should have been noted in the reports, sir." The Lieutenant Colonel looks through his paperwork and then finds the papers for repairs in Nebraska. After scanning the paper, he says "ah, yes, I see it here. Why was this problem not noted as a potential issue with the platoon reporting on other paperwork?" "It was likely because the exact nature of the failure to report is not known and as such there was no speculation on the reason the platoon was not reported to avoid giving the appearance of the platoon going AWOL," explains the Seargent. "Make a note to have something noting potential problems with reporting in the next time something like this comes up," says Lieutenant Colonel Brown, going back to his paperwork. "Your dismissed, Sergeant." "Yes, sir," says the Seargent as he goes back to what he was doing, making a note to add the Lieutenant Colonels' suggestion to future paperwork.
Hmm maybe we should talk to the people of the camp to give us there bank info, so we can use there money on earth to buy things, so we can get more things other then looting for them
As it goes, I don't think looting information is worthwhile if we intend to reestablish contact with the U.S. We would get a better range of knowledge.

Also we beat NASA to setting up a settlement on a new planet