[X]Plan: I am just a Man
-[X] A human being who takes exception to Amaris
-[X] Demanding their unconditional surrender
-[X] Dedicates an M-5 warship to provide orbital bombardment on request, clearing a path for friendly troops and distracting enemy aerospace fighters
-[X] Broadcast demands for the city to surrender
"This is Sean Kearny to Amaris forces. I came to this system with two jumpships, representing no state, no military, no noble lineage, no corporation, no pirate band, and no mercenary company, on no orders but my own. I am just a man who can no longer accept the rule of tyrants over humanity. Now, I have a fleet of warships.
Regardless of your actions now, my mission here is complete. The SDS system is the only thing between the Amaris Empire and the SLDF remnants, and trust in it has been irrevocably broken. The Great Houses will smell blood and strike, first worlds they lay claim to, like this one, then more. Your Empire will panic and retreat further inward behind defenses they cannot operate or rely on, patching together desperate and ineffective workarounds. Then Kerensky will come for you.
I offer you this: Life. Surrender now and you will be treated fairly.
I am not vindictive like Amaris. I do not seek vengeance like Kerensky. I am not interested in slaves like the Great Houses. I am just a man who does what is necessary. Whether your death is necessary is up to you."
No reply is forthcoming from the Amaris fleet. Their formation idles for minutes, SDS drones circling, until half of the Amaris ships suddenly engages a full burn, heedless of the spread as the faster and slower ships of the mixed flotilla spread apart from the acceleration difference.
The reaction is immediate. The unleashed ATACs direct drones to spiral just out of range of the Amaris charge, elaborately dancing in a more and more elongated path as the formation stretches apart. Faster than any human mind could process, the spiral evaporates, instantly shifting into dozens of drones simultaneously converging on the formation from every direction.
'Crossing the T' is a sea warfare tactic, where the line formation of warships on top of the T present their full broadsides to gain great advantage over the line facing directly towards them, whose meager frontal weapons cannot compete. In space, the maneuver is archaic, the three dimensional space and focus on thrust for positioning making the concept irrelevant. Yet the ATACs create an unmistakably similar formation as they attack in a manner perhaps best described as 'Crossing the 7'. Except here, it is the bottom forces, approaching at an angle, with the advantage.
Each SDS drone simultaneously and without hesitation 'has their 7 crossed' by their target vessels. The inhuman ATACs flawlessly grasping the 3 dimensional nature of space and directing them to take positions *just* above or below optimal enemy weapon angles, and attacking single ships from multiple sides and angles simultaneously.
M-5 Caspar and smaller drones burn towards their targets, forward and forward-side weapons firing at the sharp angle. Then rotational thrusters spin the ship sideways through space, positioning the opposite-side front guns to open fire as well. Again thrusters fire, and main engines go offline, flipping the drones on their rear end. The backflip takes exactly two rotations, allowing each broadside to fire, before finishing. Now rear weapons and rear-side weapons add to the carnage. Momentum from the previous spins are kept, and soon the rear opposite-side guns finish the salvo as energy weapons recharge and physical machinery struggles to reload guns and missiles under the G-forces.
To the Autonomous Tactical Analysis Computers, the moves were carefully crafted, odds of success calculated and recalculated to compare to other options before finally settling on this decision. To the humans observing them, a dozen Amaris ships were blended in almost an instant by an impossible amount of firepower, while the drones passed straight through the line of shattered hulks with
no visible damage.
A moment later, long enough for the drones to turn towards them, the 12 Amaris ships that kept their engines on station-keeping signaled their unconditional surrender. The ATACs received the order to stand down just in time.
A similar scene occurs planetside about an hour later, after continuous bombardment demonstrates to infantry in Grey Valley City that buildings are no defense against an enemy able and willing to use warships. Ground forces make haste to rescue Ulsop Robotics personnel, recover useful equipment, and copy computer records. However, speed remains a priority, as only the limited forces in the city proper are surrendering. The head of the planet's occupation, Colonel Vargo Burkenya, is nowhere to be found. Likely significant Amaris presence remains in the other coastal cities on the planet of over 125 million people, as well as almost certainly the two SLDF Castle Brians in the world's mountain ranges.
The question is where to go from here. Leaving immediately would be a historic victory on its own, but there is more yet that could be gained. With time, it's possible value parts or even entire ships could be scavenged from the space battle wreckage, as well as what can be found planetside. Manning the surrendered Amaris warships will be a challenge, and also brings up the decision of what to actually do with the crews. Civilian traffic is also in orbit of the planet with jumpships waiting at the system's edge, having sat through the chaos blaring declarations of being non-combatants. If left alone there's no doubt the jumpships will jump away as soon as they recharge, so capturing them is better done sooner than later. Planetside, Amaris forces remain, making operations there risky without more than a handful of forces to deal with them. Lastly, there are political decisions of what to do with all these gains.
In the aftermath of the battle, two disabled M-5 drones are boarded and captured, leaving the Elysian forces with a full 56 Drone Warships along with considerable Dropship and Fighter Drone support. A further 12 manned Amaris warships are surrendered and awaiting new crews. Sean Kearny looks at the unbelievable success before him, considering his options.
He aims to hold at Zebebelgenubi:
[] For as short a time as possible, leaving the instant everything and everyone is recovered and accounted for
[] For the medium term, contacting other parties to hand off the planet to them
[] For the long term, deciding the clear it of Amaris forces entirely
[] Other
Space wreckage should be:
[] Obliterated, to save time
[] Stripped of anything immediately useful, before being destroyed
[] Hauled in for repair and processing, the considerable time possibly netting entire functional ships
[] Other
Civilian spacecraft need to be:
[] Ignored, and allowed to leave the system
[] Captured as soon as possible, to add to Elysian logistics and deny Amaris assets
[] Other
Planetside Amaris forces should be:
[] Ignored, hopefully keeping to themselves
[] Challenged, with friendly forces raised from Zebebelgenubi's population to oppose them in the future
[] Exterminated, with orbital bombardment of all discovered positions
[] Rooted out, with friendly forces raised from Zebebelgenubi's population sent to liberate cities, while the Castle Brians are ground to dust with orbital bombardment
[] Other
Captured Amaris forces should be:
[] Summarily executed for their crimes
[] Held on Zebebelgenubi for local courts to deal with
[] Sent to Kerensky for him to deal with
[] Ransomed to Amaris
[] Held and taken to Elysium to be used as farm labor
[] Other
The knowledge of this operation should be:
[] Kept a secret, to let rumors and confusion grow
[] Shared with specific groups, to establish credentials for potential cooperation
[] Announced publicly via HPG, for all of human space to hear and know there is a new player in the Terran Hegemony Civil War
[] Other
Efforts for future government of Zebebelgenubi will be:
[] Someone else's problem, as the Elysian forces aim to leave as soon as possible
[] Integrated with Elysium as it stakes a claim on this world
[] Focused locally, to deny it to all other powers without burdening Elysium with the world
[] With the Lyran Commonwealth, who is invited to retake the world
[] With the Kerensky, who is invited to use the location as a forward operating base against Amaris
[] Ransomed to Amaris
[] Other