Infernal Resurgence (Worm/Exalted)

To be clear, this is less, posessed by an evil spirit and more, become a Demon-Blooded. Note that the text does not say that the person is posessed by a spirit and more that they are "infuse with the wicked powers of Hell".

So Taylor would not suddenly develop a voice in her head or anything like that. I did consider if this would open up Demon Arts or not, but ultimately decided to treat it as a God/Demon Blooded, with the Fomori powers being the equivalent of charms.

So going forward, that is how I am treating anyone transformed by that charm.
Week 3: End
19th January 2011

As the primordial essence infused Taylor's being, a transformation began to take place within her. Essence coursed through her veins, mingling with her blood and altering it in profound ways. Her blood, once ordinary, now became something more, something ancient and powerful.

Without warning, the essence surged forward, enveloping Taylor in its radiant embrace. At first, she felt a surge of raw power coursing through her, threatening to overwhelm her mortal form. But as she surrendered to the energy, she felt herself changing, transforming.

With each heartbeat, the essence awakened dormant powers within her, unlocking abilities she never knew she possessed. She could feel the energy swirling within her, eager to be unleashed.

Her skin took on a faint, ethereal glow, and her eyes shimmered with an otherworldly light. She could feel the ancient power of the Worldsoul flowing through her veins, awakening her newly acquired bloodline.

You instinctively feel a connection form. She was always your daughter and now, it was more so. As you had been changed by accepting the deal, so too had she. As your blood flowed in her veins, now so too did your power.

Though what her potential was, you did not know, but you would help her find out.

  • Convincing New Wave to trust you- 1xp
  • Taking on Kaiser and the Twins - 2xp
  • Taking all of the Empire's wealth - 1xp
  • Indirectly taking out the majority of ABB's assets - 1xp
  • Taking out 2 gangs at the same time - 1xp
  • Crippling the ABB - 1xp
  • Ending the Empire as an Institute - 1xp
  • Restoring people's trust in the police - 1xp
  • Minimizing the death toll for the Police - 1xp
  • Having a reputation where people prefer to flee than fight you - 1xp
  • Finding some tinker tech tools - 1xp
  • Changing the metaphysics of your Worldsoul - 2xp
  • Getting your first circle member - 1xp
  • 15xp earned total.
PLEASE NOTE: XP vote and Action vote are SEPERATE

Charm/Ability Purchase
[] Purchase feature: Advanced Technology 7xp
[] Purchase feature: Mention which.
[] Train Charm:
[] Train Ability:
[] Train Attribute:
[] Learn Qiao of the Meng
[] Learn Qiao (Mention which): Capped by Qiao of the Meng rating.
[] Learn Sorcery (Mention which): (From Sorcery Revised - All Rituals are combined into Workings, so Alchemy, Enchanting etc cannot be purchased)

XP Costs
  • New Ability/Background - current rating *3xp
  • Attribute current rating *4xp
  • Ability current rating *2xp
  • Caste or Favored Charm Charm rating *3xp
  • Other Charm Charm rating *4xp
  • Follow-up dots in a Sorcerer Path, Demon Lore, Demon Arts, etc are current rating *3xp
  • Merit current rating *4xp
  • Worldsoul feature - Point *15xp
  • Willpower current rating *4xp
  • Merit current rating *4xp
  • Fomori Powers - 10xp

ACTIONS: 10-1 = 9 AP (After removing Locked Actions)

General Actions (1 AP each)
[] (Locked) Talk to Taylor and spend time with her.
[] Look up the Pros and Cons of being a Protectorate Hero. Maybe they are not useless?
[] Follow up with New Wave. The head butting with the PRT has gone on for a while. Perhaps you should step in?
[] Community Engagement. Go out and talk to the people. The PRT is called the PR Team for a reason
[] See about Taylor being transferred to Arcadia. You have till the end of the month before she starts school again but there is not a lot of time left.
[] Write in

Corporate Economy Action:
[] Start taking steps to build your company. You have the resources. It is time to start buying land and making some industry. (2 AP)
-[] If you have purchased the "Advanced Technology" feature, reshape the land to include the factories. (1 AP)

[] Start setting up a recruiting system for your company. (1 AP)

[] See about ways to reinvest the money back into the Economy. (1 AP)

[] Look at all the products you can produce and sell. See how well they will be received. (1 AP)
-[] If you have purchased the "Advanced Technology" feature, see about forming partnerships with local and inter state industries. (1 AP)

Sorcerous Actions
[] Try and find out what you need to make an Artifact. You do not have the charms to make really impressive artifacts but you can make lesser ones, you have the reagents for it. (1 AP)
-[] Specify what artifact, and what power (Up to one dot artifact only)

[] Sorcerous Workings to claim land. You can claim land as your own. Once claimed, you can freely visit your Worldsoul, bring forth features and demons from your Worldsoul reflexively and permanently. You can also freely transform into your shintai without spending Willpower and Essence. This does require at least one Magic reagent though. (1 AP)
-[] Specify which land to claim.
LOCATION 1: Warehouse next to the Docks.
LOCATION 2: Abandoned subway station.
LOCATION 3: Empty Building at the center of Brockton Bay .

[] Unlock a new Magic. Only One per Month. This is limited by your Qiao of the Meng rating. (1 AP).
-[] State which Magic (Werewolf or other Changing Breed Gifts; Kindred or Hungry Dead Disciplines; or demonic Lores.)

Corporate Super Hero Action
[] Empower Minions with "Oath of One Hundred Devil Disciples". (Kurt, Lacy and Mrs. Higgs). (1 AP per person) - This turns them into a Fomarchs.

[] Start looking at the steps needed to starting up the Company (1 AP).

[] Start Training people that are going to form the core of your superhero team with the training charm - Oath of One Hundred Devil Disciples. ( 6 people available - 2 AP)

Soul Commerce Actions
[] There are a lot of desperate people in Brockton Bay who are more than willing to sell their soul for a better life. Perhaps you should approach these people? Each contract contributes to your cult rating and consequently, your Quintanses production (1 AP)

Circle member Actions
[] Train your Circle members. They get 30xp for the first training and 20xp for subsequent training actions. However, Abilities are capped by your Ability rating. (1 AP per Circle Member)

[] Give your Circle members simple contracts. This will further your goals and help empower them further. (1 AP per person. They cannot get more than one Task Contract at a time)
(Currently only applicable to Kurt and Lacy)

TAYLOR HEBERT - Demon-blooded of Malfeas & SHLiHN
Attributes: Physical - 3, Mental - 4 and Social - 3.
Willpower: 10
Essence: 1 (5/5) (She regains Essence like a Dragonblooded and substitutes it for any Rage, Quintessence and other similar requirements)
Urge: Taylor
may gain 1 point of Essence for every three points of lethal damage inflicted to a still-living human being in any fashion when advancing Danny's intimacy, goal or in his defense.

Close Combat - 2EmbassyCraft - 2Navigate - 1
Athletics - 2PerformanceSagacity - 2Stealth
War -2Awareness - 3Presence - 3Ranged Combat - 2

Fomori Powers: (Each can be purchased at 10xp each)
: You can hide your true appearance. You look exactly as they did before they were possessed. You can drop the disguise if you so choose, but have no reason to.

Tongue of Typhon: Persuasion (Level One) — This Gift imbues your words with intrinsic credibility and conviction, causing them to ring true to the ear and lay heavy on the heart.
System: Roll Social + Presence (difficulty 7). Success lowers the difficulty of all social rolls by one for the rest of the scene, and allows successful rolls to have uncommonly strong impact (such as changing long-held political views, or causing an addict to seriously reconsider the course of his life).

Gifted Fomor: You can learn Level One or Level Two Homid, Ahroun, or Black Spiral Gifts.
System: Each Gift counts as a separate power. If the Gift requires Rage or Gnosis, you can spend Essence instead.

Armored Hide: You have tough skin that's resilient to harm.
System: You have an additional three dice for soaking lethal and bashing damage. You can also use those dice to attempt to soak aggravated damage (difficulty 8.)

Regeneration: You recover from injury at a supernatural rate, much like werewolves do.
System: You heal one level of bashing or lethal damage each turn. Healing a level of aggravated damage requires a full day and the expenditure of a Essence point.

Bestial Mutation: Once per scene, you can shapeshift into the form of a hideous beast. Each fomor's bestial shape is different, but none are pleasant to see (or smell or hear, for that matter). No one would ever mistake one for a natural creature — these are the things nightmares are made of.
System: Spend 1 Essence to Shapeshift. You gain two additional dice to Physical Attributes, and gain the Power:

-Claws and Fangs: You have natural weapons similar to a Garou's claws and fangs. They manifest as insect themed appendages.
-System: You can perform the Claw and Bite maneuvers; each attack inflicts Strength +1 aggravated damage.

-Exoskeleton: You gain a hard, gnarled, ossified carapace sporting bizarre ivory growths.
System: The exoskeleton grants +3 Strength and +3 Stamina.

-Mega-Attribute: You have enhanced Strength, Dexterity, or Stamina.
System: This power can be taken up to three times. Each time, you gain an extra three points in a different Physical Attribute; No attribute can be raised more than once this way or raised above 10. (Gain +3 Dex)


Qiao of the Meng - 2

Psychic Powers:
Animal Psychics - 5 (Downsides negated by Parahuman power)
Mind Shields - 2
Psychic Hypnosis - 1

Parahuman Powers: (Cannot be urchased though new powers may cause this to mutate)
Unlimited Multitasking
: You can take 5 actions per turn with no penalty in dice and difficulty.
Bug Control: You have complete and total control over insects. You never suffer from backlash or are overwhelmed by looking at so many senses.
-Mutation: You can now control any animal thanks to the awakened Psychic powers.

Because I Think I Can (6 points)

When you declare you are using a point of Willpower and roll for successes, your self-confidence may allow you to gain the benefit of that expenditure without losing the Willpower point. You do not lose the point of Willpower unless you fail your roll. This also prevents you from botching. This Merit may only be used when the difficulty of your roll is 6 or higher.

Insensible to Pain (5 points) [Mage: Revised - Physical Merit]
Your character might be made of steel, or just hopped up on drugs but whatever the cause, he doesn't hurt no matter how wounded he is. You ignore all wound penalties until your character is finally killed.

Iron Will (3 points) [Mage: Revised - Mental Merit]
When your mage makes up his mind, he's unshakable, and he can't be swayed from his goals. You receive three extra dice against all attempts to influence your mage's thoughts (though not against emotional manipulation.) If your character ever runs afoul of a vampire, he can shake off its mind control powers with the expenditure of a single point of Willpower.

The Flow of Ki: (3pt Merit)
You understand the natural flow of energy through the human body, taught through a form of martial arts. This energy is represented as Quintessence but may be called a variety of things: chi, ki, and others, depending on your martial arts style. You may spend Quintessence from your internal reserves to reduce the difficulty of any die pool for physical actions. You cannot lower the difficulty below two, nor may you reduce it by more than three. You must be able to store Quintessence in your own pattern to be eligible for this Merit.

Force of Spirit: (2pt Merit)
The light of your soul is evident to those around you. You may physically glow, appear divinely beautiful, or perhaps your voice resonates with the music of the spheres. You may spend Quintessence points to reduce the difficulty of a social roll on a one-for-one basis. No difficulty may be lower than two, and none may be lowered by more than three. You must be able to store Quintessence in your own pattern to be eligible for this Merit.

Strength of Psyche: (2pt Merit)
You have developed a talent to draw on arcane energies to supercharge your mind. You can sharpen your senses, speed your thoughts, and connect the dots between disparate clues. You may spend Quintessence points to reduce the difficulty of any die pool for a mental action. The difficulty may not be reduced below two, nor be reduced by more than three. You must be able to store Quintessence in your own pattern to be eligible for this Merit.
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I want to go all in on the commercial side this turn. Leave the PRT and New Wave to their shenanigans. Always amusing to watch that shitshow from the sidelines. Plus them focused on each other, means less focus on us.
I think we should buy the persuasive gift. Its low level but it is hilariously strong and can basically reprogram people. It would be massively useful to us for social things.
So can the steps be combined in a single turn. Do the ritual and then get the gift.
Hmm....going with a no to be fair. You may bloch or fail the ritual. The Xp does remain stored, but better to go with a no for now.

Also the costs are as follows to make things easier.

XP Costs
  • New Ability/Background - current rating *3xp
  • Attribute current rating *4xp
  • Ability current rating *2xp
  • Caste or Favored Charm Charm rating *3xp
  • Other Charm Charm rating *4xp
  • Follow-up dots in a Sorcerer Path, Demon Lore, Demon Arts, etc are current rating *3xp
  • Merit current rating *4xp
  • Worldsoul feature - Point *15xp
  • Willpower current rating *4xp
  • Merit current rating *4xp
  • Fomori Powers - 10xp
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Community Engagement. Go out and talk to the people. The PRT is called the PR Team for a reason
See about Taylor being transferred to Arcadia. You have till the end of the month before she starts school again but there is not a lot of time left.

Those are the two I'm mainly interested in.
Still considering others, and the XP vote
[X]Training plan
-[X]The Man Who Sold the World (••) (6 XP)
-[X]Purchase feature: Advanced Technology 7xp
-[X]Prayer eating first dot 2 XP

With how we are going around making deals we should get the deal making Charm. Advanced tech because it's discounted and gives us something to sell and prayer eating because it only costs two XP.
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Well I guess if people are name voting for me I should put up a action plan as well.

[X]Training plan
-[X]The Man Who Sold the World (••) (6 XP)
-[X]Purchase feature: Advanced Technology 7xp
-[X]Prayer eating first dot 2 XP

[X]General actions
-[X] See about Taylor being transferred to Arcadia. You have till the end of the month before she starts school again but there is not a lot of time left.
-[X] Start taking steps to build your company. You have the resources. It is time to start buying land and making some industry. (2 TAP)
--[X] If you have purchased the "Advanced Technology" feature, reshape the land to include the factories. (1 TAP)
-[X] Look at all the products you can produce and sell. See how well they will be received. (1 TAP)
--[X] If you have purchased the "Advanced Technology" feature, see about forming partnerships with local and inter state industries. (1 TAP)
-[X] Start Training people that are going to form the core of your superhero team with the training charm - Oath of One Hundred Devil Disciples. ( 6 people available - 2 AP)
-[X] Empower Minions with "Oath of One Hundred Devil Disciples". (Kurt)(1 AP per person) - This turns them into a Fomarchs.

Not sure how TAP works, but I am spending a total of 9 Ap here.

Edit: Ok reading the rules it seems like I have 9 AP and 4 TAP. However there aren't 9 AP actions listed. I guess I am going to have to make things up.
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Well that should save me some effort.

One of the things we should manufacture is Faust Action figures.

I expect that the PRT will take down Lung and Oni Lee this week. They really need a win right now and the curse on the ABB is still active.
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Faust nodded in agreement, and with a wave of his hand, he released Victor from his prison as the earth shifted and walls sank down into the ground. Armsmaster wasted no time, swiftly moving in to sedate Victor before the villain could react. With a powerful tranquilizer dart, Victor was rendered unconscious, his threat neutralized.
I will just say that Armsmaster's not ready with the tranq and won't be for a few months.
Seems ready so long as you hit Lung before he knows that there is a fight.
Seems ready so long as you hit Lung before he knows that there is a fight.
Victor is NOT Lung. Victor is also a bog standard human where as Lung is a Brute by base and ramps up quick.

Even in canon, it was a combination of insect venom and the tranq that brought Lung down. Anything less? He regenerates and gets pissed off.
Lung does seem likely to do a rampage then. Which should be very interesting with him under a curse. So a very clumsy rampage, but I don't know how it would get stopped. Without killing him that is.
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Votes closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Mar 26, 2024 at 9:33 AM, finished with 20 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X]Training plan
    -[X]The Man Who Sold the World (••) (6 XP)
    -[X]Purchase feature: Advanced Technology 7xp
    -[X]Prayer eating first dot 2 XP
    [X]General actions
    -[X] See about Taylor being transferred to Arcadia. You have till the end of the month before she starts school again but there is not a lot of time left.
    -[X] Start taking steps to build your company. You have the resources. It is time to start buying land and making some industry. (2 TAP)
    --[X] If you have purchased the "Advanced Technology" feature, reshape the land to include the factories. (1 TAP)
    -[X] Look at all the products you can produce and sell. See how well they will be received. (1 TAP)
    --[X] If you have purchased the "Advanced Technology" feature, see about forming partnerships with local and inter state industries. (1 TAP)
    -[X] Start Training people that are going to form the core of your superhero team with the training charm - Oath of One Hundred Devil Disciples. ( 6 people available - 2 AP)
    -[X] Empower Minions with "Oath of One Hundred Devil Disciples". (Kurt)(1 AP per person) - This turns them into a Fomarchs.
Week 4: Turn 1
24th January 2011

As you step into the sleek, modern office building, you're greeted by a sense of professionalism and efficiency. Making your way to the twelfth floor, where your meeting is scheduled, you find yourself outside the door of Calle & Jameson, Attorneys at Law.

You're here to discuss a unique business venture involving Parahuman law, and you're eager to meet the legal team who will guide you through the process. As you enter the office, you're greeted by Quinn Calle, a sharp-suited man exuding confidence and expertise.

"Welcome," Quinn says with a warm smile, extending his hand. "I'm Quinn Calle, and I specialize in Parahuman law. It's a pleasure to meet you."

You shake his hand, feeling reassured by his confident demeanor. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Calle. I'm here to discuss some legal matters related to a business venture."

Quinn nods, motioning towards his partner seated nearby. "Of course, please have a seat. This is Jameson," he introduces, "he specializes in Business and Corporate Law. Between the two of us, we'll make sure you're in good hands."

Jameson nods in greeting, his expression serious yet attentive. "Pleasure to meet you," he says, his tone businesslike yet welcoming.

Taking a seat, you explain your plans for the company and the legal advice you're seeking. Quinn listens attentively, nodding occasionally as you speak. His partner takes notes, occasionally interjecting with questions or suggestions.

After you've outlined your plans, Quinn leans back in his chair, thoughtful. "It sounds like you've put a lot of thought into this, Mr. Hebert. I believe we can help you navigate the legal complexities of forming your company."

You settle into the chair, leaning forward with determination. "Call me Danny please and let's start with the salvage. I've been looking into salvaging the abandoned ships near the docks and scrapping them for salvage. I need your legal opinion on the matter."

Quinn nods, his expression serious. "Salvaging abandoned ships can be a tricky business. We'll need to determine the ownership status of the ships and ensure that we're not infringing on any existing salvage rights."

Jameson leans forward, his voice smooth and polished. "There are also environmental regulations to consider. The scrapping of the ships could involve hazardous materials that need to be handled and disposed of properly."

You nod, taking in their advice. "I've been working closely with Faust to ensure that we comply with all regulations and that our operations are environmentally responsible. We also plan to hire locally to boost the economy."

Quinn went still and leaned forward the moment he heard that.

"Danny, having Faust involved in your company as an owner or director could potentially raise red flags with the authorities," Quinn began. "Given the laws against Parahuman ownership, it's very important that we position him in a way that doesn't draw unwanted legal attention."

"Exactly." Jameson nodded in agreement. "We need to ensure that Faust's involvement is structured in a way that complies with the law and minimizes any potential risks. One way to do this is to have him be a non-voting shareholder."

You furrowed your brow, trying to wrap your head around the concept. "So, he shouldn't have any say in decision-making?"

Quinn nodded. "That's right. By structuring his involvement in this way, we can keep him legally distanced from the day-to-day operations of the company. This can help mitigate any concerns the authorities may have about parahuman involvement."

"It's also important to ensure that Faust's role in the company is clearly defined and limited. This will help avoid any potential misunderstandings or legal issues down the line." Jameson added.

You nodded, understanding. "So, as a non-voting shareholder, Faust would still benefit from the company's success, but he wouldn't have any direct control over its operations."

"Yes," Quinn confirmed. "And by structuring his involvement in this way, we can help protect both Faust and your company from any legal or regulatory issues that may arise."

With that out of the way, the topic returned to that of the abandoned ships and their salvage. Quinn adjusted his glasses and leaned forward, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Danny, the legal situation regarding those ships is extremely complicated," Quinn began, his tone serious. "They've been abandoned for so long that they've essentially become a legal gray area. Technically, they still belong to their original owners, but those owners are long gone, and no one has made any claim on the ships in years."

"So, what are our options?" You frowned, realizing the magnitude of the situation.

Quinn glanced at his partner, who nodded in agreement.

"Well, one possible avenue is to petition the mayor to declare the ships a local hazard. Given their condition and the fact that they've been sitting there for so long, it wouldn't be a stretch to argue that they pose a danger to the public and the environment." He advised.

"If the mayor declares the ships a hazard, it would open the door for salvage operations to begin. The city could then take possession of the ships and either dismantle them for scrap or restore them for historical purposes." Jameson chimed in.

You considered their suggestion, weighing the pros and cons. It seemed like a viable option, but you were concerned about the potential legal hurdles.

"What about the original owners? Could they come forward and claim the ships?" You ask.

Quinn shook his head. "Highly unlikely. The original owners would have to prove ownership, which would be nearly impossible after all this time. Plus, even if they did come forward, the cost of reclaiming and restoring the ships would likely far outweigh their value. Not to mention the fines and penalties that they would have to pay."

With that out of the way, the matter then turns towards raising the factories.

"Danny, there are a LOT of legalities surrounding a Parahuman raising infrastructure," Quinn began, his tone tired. "There are regulations in place to prevent Parahumans from monopolizing certain industries or exerting undue influence. However, there are ways to navigate these regulations legally."

"As long as Faust's involvement is limited to making permanent alterations, such as building up the factories, and not directly involved in the production of raw materials, you should be fine." He continued, "The key is to ensure that Faust's powers are used in a way that complements the overall operation of the company without monopolizing any particular aspect of it. In short, if tomorrow, Faust leaves the company, it should be able to function on its own, without losses."

You nodded, taking in Quinn's explanation. It made sense to keep Faust's role focused on the infrastructure and not on the production itself.

"So, as long as Faust is just involved in the construction and not involved in the day-to-day operations, we should be in the clear?" You ask.

Quinn nodded. "The goal is to show that Faust's powers are being used as a tool to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness in setting up the company, rather than to gain an unfair advantage in the market. As long as you can demonstrate that, you should be able to navigate the legal complexities successfully."

As you sat in Quinn Calle's office, the discussion turned to the purchasing of properties in the docks. You had a particular property in mind, one that had been highlighted by Faultline, but you didn't reveal the source of the recommendation to Quinn and his partner, wanting to keep that information confidential.

You paused, taking a deep breath before launching into your concerns. "I've been looking into buying land around the docks, but it seems like the entire area is part of a Special Economic Zone. What does that mean for me?"

Quinn leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers thoughtfully. "A Special Economic Zone, or SEZ, is a designated area in which business and trade laws differ from the rest of the country. They're typically set up to promote economic growth and attract foreign investment."

He continued, "In the case of the docks and the surrounding area, being part of an SEZ means that the land is subject to special regulations and restrictions. Any purchase or development in the area would need to comply with these regulations, which can be quite complex."

"Let me explain the situation regarding the docks and the surrounding area," Jameson began, his tone serious. "The SEZ designation is just the tip of the iceberg. There are long-standing ownership disputes, environmental concerns, and zoning regulations that further complicate matters."

He leaned forward, his expression grave. "Ownership of the docks and the lands around it has been a contentious issue for decades. There have been multiple claims to the land, some dating back generations. Resolving these disputes will require a thorough review of historical records, land deeds, and legal documents."

Jameson paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "On top of that, there are significant environmental concerns. The docks and the surrounding area have been subject to industrial activity for years, raising questions about contamination and cleanup efforts. Any development in the area would need to comply with strict environmental regulations."

He took a moment to gather his thoughts before continuing.

"Finally, there are zoning regulations to consider. The area may be subject to specific zoning laws that restrict the type of development that can take place. This could further complicate any plans to purchase and develop the land." He said.

"Before you proceed with any purchase, we need to do a thorough review of the legal position of ownership of the docks, the lands around it, and the buildings there. This will involve extensive research and legal analysis to determine the best course of action." Jameson said as he leaned back in his chair, his expression sympathetic.

"Given the complexities of the situation, I would recommend speaking with the Mayor." He said reluctantly. "While the land and buildings are technically owned, they have been abandoned for years. According to the SEZ laws, the original owner would be in violation of the regulations by allowing the property to remain unused for such an extended period."

He continued, "The Mayor has the authority to repossess the land and buildings under these circumstances, allowing for a smoother transfer of ownership. It would also help clear up any potential legal issues surrounding the property."

You considered Jameson's suggestion carefully. Again, talking to the Mayor would expedite the process and potentially avoid lengthy legal battles over ownership.

"Thank you, Jameson." you said, feeling a sense of relief at having a possible solution to the complex situation.

Quinn and Jameson nodded. "We'll keep the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA) drafted and ready for you to sign," Quinn explained. "These documents are crucial for outlining the company's structure and operations, ensuring everything is in order legally."

"In addition, we'll send over the drafts of the Company's land purchase agreement. This agreement will detail the terms of the purchase of the property highlighted, ensuring a smooth and legally sound transaction." Jameson chimed in. "Once you green light it, we will begin the process of the purchase."

"We'll also get the ball rolling on getting the permits to salvage the ships. This will involve navigating the legalities surrounding the salvage operation, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and safety standards." Quinn interjected

Danny listened intently, impressed by their thoroughness and professionalism. "Thank you both," he said, feeling reassured that his company's legal affairs were in capable hands. "I'll review the drafts and let you know if there are any changes needed."

As the meeting concluded, Danny felt a sense of optimism about the future of his company. With Quinn and Jameson's expertise guiding him, he was confident that they would be able to navigate the complexities of the legal landscape and achieve success in their endeavors.

Resource 2: (x1) - See Character sheet for full list of resources.


[] Meet the Mayor as…..
-[] Danny Hebert, head of the Dock Workser's association
Going as Danny has the least consequences, but do not expect the Mayor to take you seriously. He never has and may never will, unless you change things. To maintain cover, you will not be using any charms out of an excellency, so this will limit you.

-[] Faust, the new independent hero.
Going as Faust is scary to the Mayor due to your oath power.

-[] Faust and New Wave, the heroes who took down the Empire.
Going with New Wave will result in complications with the Empire remnants.

-[] Faust and the Police Commissioner, the heroes who helped cripple the ABB.
Going with the Police Commissioner will result in complications with the ABB.

This is very much a pick your poison. So pick your poison carefully.