Infernal Resurgence (Worm/Exalted)

This is perma locking an action. Doesn't seem worth to me. And it can't awaken in less then a year anyway. Why waste time now. If we build up our faction then it would be easier to do later.
If we do it later, will it not still take a year past that point? In that case, the sooner the better because of the gestation lenth.
If we do it later, will it not still take a year past that point? In that case, the sooner the better because of the gestation lenth.
I think the time limit is a minimum limit. That it will st least be a year but i don't se why we couldn't drop a bunch of ap into it to awaken it later.

Beside locking an action so early will slow growth bit more than later spending more resources.
[X] Community Engagement. Go out and talk to the people. The PRT is called the PR Team for a reason
[X] Choose to Awaken the being.
[X] Community Engagement. Go out and talk to the people. The PRT is called the PR Team for a reason
[X] Choose to Awaken the being.
[X] Community Engagement. Go out and talk to the people. The PRT is called the PR Team for a reason
[X] Choose to Awaken the being.
I think the time limit is a minimum limit. That it will st least be a year but i don't se why we couldn't drop a bunch of ap into it to awaken it later.
As far as I know these things can't be sped up at all without a charm that says so
This is a general announcement. I am sorry but I think I will have to rework the quest a bit.

I have been going over my notes and have noted a number of problems that have cropped out that makes me feel that the quest has gone off the rails. This is my first quest ever that I have GMed and it frankly shows. I have noticed a number of issues, both Minor and Major that make me feel that I need to take a step back and look at the mechanics of the quest for reasons that I am listing below.

So as you may know, I have done my best to make an update every day. This was a kind of new year's resolution as I wanted to commit to a quest, rather than abandon it after a couple of updates like I did a few years back. But in all honestly? Due to my work timing, I often find myself rushing out updates to the detriment of the quality. Another thing is that I think the quest would be better off with a bigger update over a period of time than small updates every day as it would give me time to write a better update and have meaningful choices.

So Going forward, Updates will take longer. The Daily updates are too restrictive and I need more time to get better quality and more impactful choices and consequences.

The Format of the story needs to be fixed and it shows. I was trying what best fits, a third person perspective but that has led to confusion and mixed texts where it is not clear whose POV is being used. In short, I should have picked a First Person POV of Danny and stuck with it, except in Interludes where the POV would be one of the characters.

So going forward, the narrative will be from Danny's POV unless it is an interlude.

Due to trying to adhere to the daily updates, I found myself having huge problems trying to cut down posts that ought to have been longer. What I mean is that, each post ought to have been longer and take more days to write but due to the daily update format, I kept having to cut it down where it really should not have to. This has impacted quality and consistency. This also had the effect of things getting dragged on and on and some updates being nothing but filler or felt like it.

So going forward, the updates will be longer and more meaningful.

Due to No. 3, I often found myself struggling to make meaningful choice options for you the players. In a lot of places, it felt that there was only ever one option and the rest were just fillers. In others, it felt like it was all fillers due to having to cut the update short. So many of the choices did not seem impactful and important as you had to make a choice daily and it just gets lost as one among many. It also meant that there was no discussion as the choices were largely binary.

So going forward, the choices will be more branching and have consequences. You will need to give up one thing for another and things like that. Better Pros and Cons for each choice.

When I first conceived the story, the general options were something vastly different from what finally came out. For Example, you have access to a well guarded and fully stocked base of operations in the Worldsoul. You really did not need a base as you already had it. Or you should have, had I not better communicated that. Simply put, you had better options and I failed to let you guys know that. In all honesty the Worldsoul is one of your biggest advantages but was not used at all, not even as a bag of holding.

So going forward, I will be offering the choices below. I am also retconning a few things. See the choices and reasons below.

In all honesty, I staggered progression to let you guys take your time with your powers and it negatively impacted the game. I also found a few flaws in the system and while I can tweak them, it still did not fix the fact that I should have prepared a charm package for you to pick upon Exaltation, to let you guys start on a run. As it is, the weekly system is simultaneously too slow and too fast.

So going forward, I will post a NOTE on how you can game the achievement system and your urge to earn more Training Dice and Discounts.

This is another failure on my part. I hoped to introduce background rolls and get results based on those rolls and the intimacies of the people involved. This is why you had so big an effect when you guys took down the merchants and why the PRT shot themselves in the foot. It is also why you got that Chrysalis for free in the Sorcery Roll. This is not bad per say but it is obvious that I really need to go back and tweak the rolls a lot. TBH, what SHOULD have happened is that rolls, POSITIVE and NEGATIVE, should have been brought to the attention of you, the players, so that you would have been given a choice on how to act and if you wanted to act. This would have given you actual agency and added more to the game.

So going forward, you will not have repeats like what happened to the drug trade and the PRT but will instead be presented with a choice, for both positive and negative rolls, that you can either grasp or mitigate, depending on your actions and choices.

My greatest regret was the Demons and their urges. It was supposed to be a quirk that you stunt around by being clever, finding loopholes in a dark power, using it for good by being creative. This ended up not working as the demons remained unused for the most part. This is just the demons. I also introduced many characters who were not useful due to you guys lacking the charms to empower them. Once again, coming back to the choices I failed to properly convey.

So going forward, expect better and more recurring characters.

The Progression of the Story felt hindered. For example, I failed to properly set the Achievement system and what it takes to get it. The second thing is I failed to properly show what kind of actions get listed in the end of the week bonus.

: So the first retcon is their urge. They still have it but rather then keep gaining Limit till they snap, they only gain one limit per scene and has a torment that reduces limit. This way, you guys have more freedom to use them but as a trade off, the higher the limit, the lower the loyalty, so choose wisely.

The Limit also can be stunted around, if you are creative or cleaver. For example, the urge to "Do harm" can be stunted by inflicting mental harm and so on.

Base: You have a literal untraceable base of operations in your worldsoul that is well equipped and guarded. So rather than looking for bases, I am retconning it so you are instead claiming the lands to act as waypoints for your minions to go to and from your Worldsoul. This also gives you tactical flexibility where if your summons are decimated or you are running away, you have a place to vanish or call reinforcements.

The Ship is still there but you are essentially using it as the physical vessel until the awakening of the demon. Your actual base will be the Worldsoul and I will be better making ways to go to and from it.

Charms: As stated earlier, I should have offered charms based on what you would want to do. However, to not overwhelm you guys, I did not do that. So to make up for it, I am making a suit of charms that I am giving you for accidentally forging a powerful demon. For the reason of player agency, I am offering two "packages" and you can choose any one.

Ability: I am adding 1 more Dot in Melee, Occult, Presence and Bureaucracy.

Progression: I am reworking Progression and am still looking at it. So once I am done, I will post a note on it so that it will make things easier.

[] Craft Package: You get the ability to make artifacts/beings and demon assistants in Craft and Sorcery actions.
The Spark of Genius
System: The Infernal can spend a TAP to make a Mental + Craft roll with a difficulty of Base to research a project and determine the Tasks needed for a Project to craft/repair an exotic artifact, scientific device, crafting/repair project or any other craft/construction/restoration of any scale.

After the first roll, the Infernal may freely, without spending anymore TAP, continue to make Mental + Craft rolls, at one roll per day until they reach the required successes. One success is enough to reveal the Tasks at the rate of one success per task needed but the Infernal needs to accumulate a total of the Artifact's rating x2 in successes to start building the Artifact.

Alternatively, they can roll Mental + Medicine at base difficulty during play to accurately assess the condition of a patient and determine what medical problems they are suffering from and what to do to treat it.

Invulnerable Wounding Futility
: Reduce the difficulty of all Soak rolls by Essence.
Demon Aspect: Unlocks Demon Armor. +2 dice to soak rolls. This Armor can be reforged into an Artifact. It can be reforged many times, each time the Artifact is stored as a template, but only one template is used for that scene.
Feature: Countless Craftsmen: The Worldsoul contains a number of highly trained veteran Demonic craftsmen and Sorcerer artistants. They can assist with most crafting and Sorcerous Working. Summons Essence Sized Battlegroup of Craftsman and Sorcerers Artistants who have essence Demon Aspects.

[] Social Empowerment: The ability to empower minions.
Gifts of Greater Glory
: The Infernal can grant a Yozi Gifts to a Person. The Yozi gift granted does not also grant them Demon Aspects as that is a separate deal. The Infernal can also grant immunity to Mind Control and immunity to possession except by the Infernal.

Counter-Conceptual Interposition
: All direct actions taken by the Character to directly maintain and directly defend an organization they are loyal to or are a part of, from any attack, corruption or anything else that would affect it negatively have their difficulty reduced by -3.
Demon Aspect: Keen Sense. Lower all Alertness rolls by 2.
Feature: Surveillance: The Worldsoul contains an extensive series of surveillance networks and otherwise has daunting Hell-wide security. You autopass all Sense rolls made.

As for the previous vote, the same is locked.
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Mar 3, 2024 at 10:31 AM, finished with 13 posts and 7 votes.
[X] Craft Package: You get the ability to make artifacts/beings and demon assistants in Craft and Sorcery actions.
[X] Social Empowerment: The ability to empower minions.

When will we ever get around to looting Squealer's workshop?

Also I don't know if it's just me, but the dialogue is often coming across as a bit stilted. There is an overuse of identifiers in the conversations, like the character keep referring to each other in almost every other line when in a normal conversation, once it starts, we don't have to keep saying each other's names etc.
Hi all. This is an update. So I have been looking over the system as I needed to go back and edit a lot of things, including achievements and progression but have hit a snag.

As you know, this is my first quest and I tried to use a homebrewed system to get the look and feel of an Exalted but having run the system, I have hit a number of roadblocks that have resulted in a lot of delays and it does not seem to be ending any time soon. Hence why I haven't even had the chance to start the update.

Honestly, I have talked with my Beta on this and at this point, it would be easier to just use a slightly homebrewed ExWoD system than try and fix the current system that I am using.

So, what I am doing is rebooting the Quest MECHANICALLY and Using Week 1 & 2 as a basis. Essentially, I will be reposting the Week 3 Options with additional options, once I finalize the Character sheet, giving you guys charms that come close to what Danny currently is able to do.

I will be altering a few charms, like Locus Mana Plague to be a working instead, and you will keep your Anima powers, but for the most part, it will be ExWod system.

I will post a link to the new thread once I finalize everything.

I am sorry about this but things were just not working out as I had hoped and I feel that this is the best step to move forward as I REALLY do not want to restart the entire quest. The part with the Merchants was very impressive as was accidentally the PRT. I honestly loved the sheer chaos you guys made, completely unintentionally and want to take it to its obvious conclusions.

So I am hoping to preserve those parts in the mechanical reboot. My previous observations on the quest still stand and I will be fixing them in the mechanical reboot as well.

However, if you guys want a complete reboot, I am willing to do that as well. Let me know if that is what you guys want.

To be clear, I am planning to Mechanically Reboot from Week 2 END with slightly homebrewed ExWoD mechanics and give you new options for the Weekly action and build your character sheet so that Danny can roughly work as he did. Some things may have to give way but he should be roughly as capable.
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I would be fine with just converting Danny over to the new rules best we can and continuing from here. That way we lose as little progress as possible.

But it's your story, I'll follow your lead.
I'm fine with changing the game mechanics only. Pretty sure any wrinkles in continuity can be smoothed out painlessly, but feel free to ask here as well if you need a sounding board.
Week 2: End
AN: I have Switched to a slightly House ruled ExWoD System as discussed. Please read the note at the bottom. I am continuing here and have updated the older system parts. In case I miss anything, please let me know.

16th January 2011

As the alarm clock rang, you groaned and sat up in bed, rubbing your eyes. Despite the infernal powers that now coursed through your veins, granting you abilities beyond mortal ken, you still missed the simple pleasure of sleep.

Your thoughts drifted to your life as Faust, the masked hero who had struck fear into the hearts of criminals in Brockton Bay. You remembered how you had inadvertently collapsed the Bay's drug trade singlehandedly, using your powers to dismantle the Merchant's operations and bring them to justice.

But more than anything, you thought of your daughter. She had been your driving force, your reason for taking the deal, for donning the mask, for taking up the name of Faust. You had saved her and had even brought the ones responsible to justice.

As you swung your legs out of bed and stood up, you knew that despite the toll it had taken on you, every sacrifice had been worth it. You are Faust, the boogeyman of Brockton Bay, and as long as there were those in need of saving, you would always be there to answer the call.

As Faust, you had faced many challenges, but none, you reflect, had been as daunting as taking on the Empire capes. The Empire 88 was a powerful and dangerous group, with parahumans who wielded formidable powers. But you did not back down, you showed them that their reign of terror would not go unchallenged. You fought five of their capes and defeated two, one with a clever use of your power and the second with luck.

With two of their members incapacitated and Armsmaster on the way, Krieg, Fenja, and Menja realized that they were outnumbered and outmatched and retreated.

But that was far from the end of it. As Faust, you have become a figure of both awe and concern among the heroes of Brockton Bay. Your powers, shrouded in mystery, were as formidable as they were enigmatic. So when the Protectorate requested that you undergo power testing at their headquarters, you knew it was an opportunity to allay their fears while keeping your full abilities hidden.

As you arrived at the Protectorate headquarters, you were greeted by a team of heroes, including Miss Militia, Velocity, and Assault. They eyed you warily, unsure of what to expect. But you greeted them with a warm smile, putting them at ease.

During the power testing, you cooperated fully, demonstrating your control over various aspects of your abilities. You showed them your strength, your speed, and your resilience, but you held back, careful not to reveal the full extent of your powers.

As the testing continued, you took the opportunity to explain your powers in more detail, emphasizing that while they were formidable, they were not without limits. You explained that you had trained extensively to control your abilities, ensuring that they were used responsibly and with restraint.

The heroes listened attentively, their initial concerns slowly fading away. By the end of the testing, they seemed more at ease, reassured by your willingness to cooperate and your commitment to using your powers for good.

As you left the Protectorate headquarters, you knew that you had succeeded in allaying their fears. You had shown them that while your powers were indeed formidable, you were also a responsible and conscientious hero, dedicated to protecting the city and its people. And as you disappeared into the night, you knew that you had earned their trust, at least for now.

Having met the heroes, you were at least convinced that though they were flawed people, they tried to live up to the lofty standards a hero should. For this reason, you could not help but almost regret what you did to the PRT. Almost. One thoughtless action had set off a chain of events that had put the PRT, the police, and New Wave against each other in what felt like a childish pissing match.

It had started innocently enough, a broad use of power during the take down of the Merchants. In your haste to capture them, you had inadvertently caused some collateral damage, which had drawn the attention of the police and the PRT, the latter of which had decided to vastly over extend their authority to try and "clean up" the Bay and its organizations.

The situation had escalated from there, with each side accusing the other of overstepping their bounds. New Wave had been caught in the middle after you, inadvertently, tipped them off, succeeding in exacerbating the tensions.

After finishing making breakfast, you opened the newspaper and saw the headlines. Looking at it, you couldn't help but wince as the news about the PRT had finally hit the news. The whole thing read like a farce, with each side trying to assert their authority without considering the consequences.

But it was when you remembered how this was a result of what Piggot's Ward did to Taylor that you truly felt indifferent at the PRT's plight.

As the morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room, you sat at the kitchen table, engrossed in the morning newspaper. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of the newspaper's ink.

Lost in the headlines and articles, you were startled when you heard footsteps on the stairs. Looking up, you saw Taylor descending, still half asleep, her hair tousled and her eyes barely open.

"Morning," you greeted, setting the newspaper aside and pouring her a cup of coffee. "Sleep well?"

Taylor nodded, rubbing her eyes as she made her way to the table. She took the cup of coffee with a grateful smile, taking a sip and sighing contentedly.

"What's in the news today?" she asked, yawning.

You picked up the newspaper and began to summarize the headlines for her, recounting the latest events in Brockton Bay. As you spoke, Taylor's eyes began to focus, her sleepy demeanor slowly giving way to alertness.

As you reached the end of the news, Taylor set down her cup and looked at you with a small smile. "Thanks for the update," she said.

"Any plans for today?" you asked, setting the newspaper aside and turning your attention to your daughter.

Taylor looked up from her breakfast, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I was thinking of hanging out with Vicky and Amy for the day," she replied. "Maybe go to the mall or catch a movie."

"That sounds like fun," you said with a smile. "Do you need a ride or anything?"

Taylor shook her head. "No, Vicky said she'd swing by to pick me up. Thanks, though."

As Taylor finished her breakfast and gathered her things, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia. It seemed like just yesterday that she was a little girl, relying on you for everything. Now, she was growing up, making her own plans and forging her own path.

"Have a great time," you said, giving her a hug as she started leaving the room. "And be safe."

"I will," Taylor replied, returning the hug before heading off to get ready to meet her friends.

As Taylor headed back upstairs, you couldn't help but smile. Despite the chaos and turmoil of the world outside, moments like these, simple and mundane, were a reminder of the moments of peace and normalcy that you fought so hard to protect.

ACTIONS: 10-1 = 9 AP (After removing Locked Actions)

General Actions (1 AP each)

[] (Locked) Talk to Taylor and spend time with her.
[] Look up the Pros and Cons of being a Protectorate Hero. Maybe they are not useless?
[] Forge Alliances with Local Heroes, New Wave
[] Community Engagement. Go out and talk to the people. The PRT is called the PR Team for a reason
[] Write in

Resource Action:
[] See if you can loot the gangs for some cash. You definitely need it. You have a list of supplies and other targets. The Protectorate has been too busy to act on this, so perhaps you should hit a few targets before the information becomes outdated? (3 AP - but costs only 2 AP if you claim a land and call demon backup)

[] Squealer's Workshop is up for grabs. It has been around one week since she was arrested. Now would be the time to go get it. You get a well equipped Workshop and Unknown Gains. (2 AP but only 1AP if you claim a land and get some demon helpers)

Sorcerous Actions
[] Try and find out what you need to make an Artifact. You do not have the charms to make really impressive artifacts but you can make lesser ones, you have the reagents for it. (1 AP)
-[] Specify what artifact, and what power (Up to one dot artifact only)

[] Start building a Lotus pond in your World Soul. This unlocks the QIAO. Due to the way you are unlocking it, you first unlock and need to master the Qiao of the Meng before you can move on to any other thing like Sorcery Paths, Demon arts, Demon Lore, etc. It will also allow you a source of renewable reagents. A lotus provides three concepts, Purity, enlightenment and rebirth.(3 AP)

[] Sorcerous Workings to claim land. You can claim land as your own. Once claimed, you can freely visit your Worldsoul, bring forth features and demons from your Worldsoul reflexively and permanently. You can also freely transform into your shintai without spending Willpower and Essence. This does require at least one Magic reagent though. (1 AP)
-[] Specify which land to claim.
LOCATION 1: Warehouse next to the Docks.
LOCATION 2: Abandoned subway station.
LOCATION 3: Empty Building at the center of Brockton Bay .

Corporate Super Hero Action
[] Empower Minions with "Oath of One Hundred Devil Disciples". (Limited to Kurt, Lacy, Taylor and Mrs. Higgs for now). (1 AP per person) - This turns them into a Fomarchs.
[] Start looking at the steps needed to starting up the Company (1 AP).
[] Start Training people that are going to form the core of your superhero team with the training charm - Oath of One Hundred Devil Disciples. (2 AP)

Soul Commerce Actions
[] There are a lot of desperate people in Brockton Bay who are more than willing to sell their soul for a better life. Perhaps you should approach these people? Each contract contributes to your cult rating and consequently, your Quintanses production (1 AP)

I have edited the starting charms to give Danny the ability to roughly do what he was previously able to do. Some charms that change the land are now Workings. But the rest of the charms remain unchanged.

Infernal Resurgence (Worm/Exalted) Crossover

Character Sheet Name: Daniel "Danny" Hebert Age: 40s Gender: Male Essence: ●● Willpower: ●●●●●●●●●● Essence Pool: 12 Favored Yozi: Malfeas and SHLiHN Soak: 2 Caste Mark: Health Levels: []-1 []-2 []-2 []-2 []-2 []-2 []-5 []Inc Urge of the Destroyer - The Infernal may replenish her Essence...
So I am using some house rules and made changes to the Shintai and Worldsoul. The full list of changes can be found here.

Infernal Resurgence (Worm/Exalted) Crossover

Link to ExWod Book. Houserules I have edited the starting charms to give Danny the ability to roughly do what he was previously able to do. Some charms that change the land are now Workings. But the rest of the charms remain unchanged. Worldsoul grows in size per essence and you instead...
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We need to start chipping away at the Empire, they have to do before Lung since they will take more AP overall to remove. Other than that we should really get more help so that we can actually shore up the defense of the Bay once we clean up the Bay, else we risk seeing brand new gangs arise in the place of the old ones.