....shouldn't the Kaminoans have told someone that Dooku was involved in the creation/commisioning of the clone army?
Reminder you paid for both Jango and Agoni so either way they're both gonna teach ya eventually.
When you disrupt the stations of canon, you do it with style, Teo!

[x] Hard Contact
What good is a half-finished army? What good is an army of children, rather than an army of men? The republic has practically infinite manpower if the patriotic drums of war are beaten, but it is untrained, half-finished manpower. Why add to that? Why waste the purpose of the Clone Army, to provide an unbreakable backbone to the Grand Army? The Republic needs them finished far more than it needs more bodies.

[x] Fraternity
A clone shall lead them. What good is being the best of the best if you do not know who you fight for? The Republic is one thing - it is an idea, grand and glorious - but you have never met its people. Strength is drawn from a good cause, from fighting not just for yourself, but to fight for others. And your brothers are the only "others" you have ever met.
Wells there's Palpatines plans going to crap. The whole point of how he had the war go was so that there was minimal damage to the republic.
Sifo-Dyas was an actual Jedi Master that commissioned the clones himself for the republic.

Dooku killed him before he could get back though, so the Sith could have a hand in the clones production/training.

Oh, I know Sifo-Dyas was real, although I may have gotten confused on Dooku pretending to actually be Sifo-Dyas.

Still, Sifo-Dyas commissioned the clone army based off of his discussions with Dooku and Hego Damask - Darth Plagueis, Palpatine's Sith Master.

That's the reason the ruse worked so well, the Sith put the idea in his head and got him - someone notable, he was a Jedi Master - to do the hard work and then killed him after, so news of a clone army wouldn't leak until the Sith were ready.
a good post that I disagree with

[X] Survival of the Fortunate
The nature of the Republic itself is one of unhappy compromise. Though the Senate has delayed as long as they could before deploying clone troopers to the war front, hoping to give them more time to mature, even Chancellor Palpatine must bow to the reality before him. He expresses his regret at the situation in an eloquent speech to the Senate, but needs must when needs must. In a decision driven by the necessities of battle, the Republic deploys the clones before they're fully ready.

[X] Fear
Are Delta squad afraid? Yes. Of course they are. It's perfectly reasonable, given the circumstances. But fear can lead to darker things, and with these particular clones being so strong in the Force, someone has to ensure that they won't self-destruct or worse. The aloof Jedi Order, as a general rule, doesn't train outsiders; first, they already have their hands full instructing padawans and younglings, and second, they're hesitant to give techniques to those who might use them for darker purposes. Especially since they've so recently been burned by Count Dooku's defection. Though the Jedi try to avoid emotional reasoning, they are (in this) most certainly twice shy. As someone who isn't a current member of the Jedi Order, Agoni is one of the few who can help Delta with this.
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