(This is your chance to influence the Council on the matter of the clones, you in particular, or your squad as a whole. Keep it short and sweet. No long drawn out power point presentations. You can also opt not to do this.)

[x] Write-in

You know what you will say might have grave consequences. But the brief touches of your brothers on your mind are reassuring, strength shared in unity.

They watch you take the recorder, and you stand with your brothers, straight-backed and with all the gravity and seriousness a future soldier of the Republic can muster.

Your voice hitches only lightly - the command training does help - when you begin.

"I am RC-1138. Jedi Knights Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura promised me that you would hear this. They told us about your Order. Your temple. The rules. And the expectations. They said you were guardians of justice. And they said that the Galactic Senate would decide what to do about our brothers. Please, whatever you do with us in the future, help them."

What else is there to say? That you were made to be soldiers and want to be soldiers? That should be obvious to anyone with half a brain, much less this Force.

Stiffly, emotions bottled up, you hand the message recorder to Knight Fisto.
Looks like you still need that fifth roll.
Emy threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: The fate of the galaxy Total: 33
33 33
Liberté, égalité, fraternité!
You know what you will say might have grave consequences. But the brief touches of your brothers on your mind are reassuring, strength shared in unity.

They watch you take the recorder, and you stand with your brothers, straight-backed and with all the gravity and seriousness a future soldier of the Republic can muster.

Your voice hitches only lightly - the command training does help - when you begin.

"I am RC-1138. Jedi Knights Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura promised me that you would hear this. They told us about your Order. Your temple. The rules. And the expectations. They said you were guardians of justice. And they said that the Galactic Senate would decide what to do about our brothers. Please, whatever you do with us in the future, help them."

What else is there to say? That you were made to be soldiers and want to be soldiers? That should be obvious to anyone with half a brain, much less this Force.

Stiffly, emotions bottled up, you hand the message recorder to Knight Fisto.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité!
From the Galactic Senate said:
"Senators, I beg of you, abandon this madness! How can the Republic justify using an army of slaves - and children at that - to defend democracy!?"

"The Separatists will not sit idly by when word reaches them of a clone army commissioned for the defense of the Republic! We have no choice but to put them into service."

"Until the clones are fit for duty, we shall have to make do with a force of volunteers. We need some way to counter Separatist aggression!"

"The Jedi Council will be allowed to supervise the care of the clones. We shall see to it that they are treated fairly."

"The matter is decided. The clones will serve as the foundation of the Grand Army of the Republic until such a time where they are no longer needed."

Word reaches the Galactic Senate and all hell breaks loose on Coruscant.

The Jedi Council, moved by your message, unite with the likes of Senator Organa to plead the case of the clones before the Senate.

The debate rages for weeks, the Senate frozen in a deadlock.

People question the origin of the clones, the cost of their commission, the particulars of their training. Some call for their freedom, that they should be granted all the rights of any citizen of the Republic. Others are more concerned with what the Separatists will do when they hear about a clone army.

The argument continues with no end in sight - until Count Dooku announces his union to the Separatists with a daring strike on Coruscant that devastates the planet. He calls for an end to the tyranny of the Republic, lambasting them as corrupt, cruel. He even reveals the clone army, deriding the Republic's creation of a slave army.

The droids kill millions. The destruction of Coruscant's infrastructure kills twice more.

Even the Jedi do not escape unharmed. Masters, Knights, Padawans. Dozens are cut down in defense of the planet.

It is fast, vicious, and well-coordinated. Suspiciously so, even. There are some Senators who begin quietly inquiring after the matter.

There is only one response the Senate can make after an attack of that magnitude. The Grand Army of the Republic is created.

The initial force, comprised of volunteers, balloons in size as a patriotic fervor grips the Republic. Chancellor Palpatine bemoans the necessity of such a move, but leads a motion to ensure the clones will see service as soon as they're capable.

It remains to be seen how long it will be before they're considered ready.

[ ] The Killing Fields

The first clone sees combat when you turn eight chronologically. An army of fresh-faced boys, marching straight into the jaws of death.

[ ] Survival of the Fortunate

It's been nine years since the clone army was put into production. Four years into the Separatist War before the GAR's backbone is ready.

[ ] Hard Contact

Ten years have passed since the Kaminoans began cultivating the finest army the galaxy has ever seen. The clones are as ready as they'll ever be.

(This vote has less to do with Delta Squad and more to do with the state of the galaxy once the clones begin fighting in earnest. Things will be different depending on your choice, not necessarily better or worse for the galaxy. Though the names are supposed to indicate how things will turn out for clones, who will be worse off if you go sooner rather than later. Don't worry, whatever time you chose, it won't slow us down. There's going to be timeskips either way, it's just a question of how much time we're skipping. It's the difference of just a few years, in any case.)

Delta Squad is not granted membership in the Jedi Order.

Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura are selected to serve as the Temple's liaisons on Kamino. They are to supervise the training and production of the clones, curtail the more extreme practices of the Kaminoans, and give the clones an idea of what it will be like to fight with the Jedi.

Lama Su himself comes to your room and explains the new function of your team. To serve as a special response unit, meant to handle any missions deemed to be beyond other clones and commandos. To that end, he explains, you will begin an accelerated course of training immediately. Your abilities with the Force will also be nurtured, as they remain an area of interest to Kamino's scientists.

Kit Fisto pulls you aside days later to tell you he put the Kaminoans in contact with an old friend.

You are freed from your confinement, but find yourself with less time than ever.

It seems you will have to complete the commando training twice as fast as any other team. Still, your team is curious about when the special instruction will actually begin.

A couple months into your new schedule, a visitor enters your room during your midday break.

[ ] Fear
It's a woman. Tall, red-skinned, and with pointed tendrils decorating her face, she makes quite the sight as she sweeps into your quarters. Her seemingly serene exterior can't mask the extremely critical once over she's giving the four of you. She doesn't appear to be impressed.

Her name is Agoni Hadrass.

[ ] Faith
There's something undeniably graceful about the way your visitor slides into a room. He moves not like a soldier, but a predator.

His identity is unmistakable, of course. It's your progenitor, Jango Fett.

[ ] Fraternity
Kit Fisto sweeps in with a cheery greeting. He's trailed by a gaggle of brothers - you're not sure you know them but they're your brothers all the same - and tells you he's here to help you make connections with your fellow clones.

It leaves you at a bit of a loss.

[ ] Fuse
You're not quite ready when Jango Fett bulls his way into your quarters with a tall, red-skinned woman at his side. Neither looks particularly happy to be with the other and both begin barking orders at you the moment they enter.
Darth Tyranus did what?! :o

[x] Hard Contact
[x] Fraternity
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Reminder you paid for both Jango and Agoni so either way they're both gonna teach ya eventually.
[X] Survival of the Fortunate

I can't see the Senate voting to send 16 year olds into battle, they are still children at that age. Once they turn 18 though, which the clones would be as their rate of growth is doubled, they would be viewed as adults in the eyes of the law and I absolutely believe they would be deployed as soon as ethically possible.

[X] Fear

We voted earlier to have Agoni teach us. Makes sense to have that training actually put into effect as soon as possible so that when Delta Squad sees action, they are what they were designed to be. The best of the best.