[x] Grandpa's wrath
You look in horror as Alucards vile form becomes active, destroying large portions of the base in the process. The thing is clearly uncontrollable as you see some of Fairy Tales own goons die as the beast absorbs them into itself, and destroys everything around it. Nothing so far that has tried to block is success has been able to stop it.
Well that is, until your grandfather decides to have a shot at it.
You actually weren't able to spot him before he transformed, but could not miss the ten headed giant that is your grandfather in his true form. Well ok you missed most of him because his main body is clinging to the underside of the base, but all ten of his heads are present and accounted for, locked in combat with Alucards weird tentacles.
The two titans battle it out with some another, massive heads biting onto large tentacles as large chunks of scrap impact your grandfather's form.
As the fighting goes on you can feel the entire base rocking back and forth from the raw power of the combatants as they struggle with one another in an attempt to get an advantage.
Than one of grandpa's heads burrows itself deep into his opponent tearing 'something' out from the disgusting abomination, but soon afterword's Alucard responds by literally tumbling off the base taking your grandfather with it.
You are both comforted and frightened by the fact that both of them are tough enough to survive such a fall.
You're happy because it means grandpa is still alive.
However you're less happy that Alucard is now on the ground and close to a human city, you can only hope that grandfather can hold him off long enough for the rest of your group to get to them.
Kurumu blinks "Wow, you grandpa is strong Megara."
You and Moka can only nod in response.
"What happened?!" you ask Kokoa in distress as you and the others hope on bored one of the airships leaving the base.
"Apparently that guy we faugh back in Mizore home village was Alucards intelligent side." Kokoa explains. "He was just using Fairy Tale until he could confirm that Moka's seal was no threat to him, apparently he found out and killed off mom to take command."
"Darn" you comment "That's definitely not good, how are the others holding up?"
"Most got out fine." Kokoa explains "But ikki took a beating, she could use your help in the back."
You nod before leaving for the back area of the airship, but pause at the door "Kokoa, I almost forgot, thank you again for being there for Mil, it really means a lot to me."
The girl seems to blush for some reason before shaking it off "Well your sister's a nice girl, think nothing of it."
Heh, silly Kokoa, you exit into the transports back without any further words.
You look over the prone form of Ikki as the airship makes its way through the air. She's would up being unlucky enough to go up against Moka's remaining sister with only the insect girls as backup.
All of them somehow managed to survive until your own older sister arrived, but Ikki was in critical condition.
You let out a worried sigh before biting her on the neck and injecting her with your healing venom, causing her wounds to close as she opens up her eyes.
"Ah Megara" Ikki says feels the spots where her wounds used to be. "Thanks, that was not pleasant, how's the fight against Fairy Tale going."
"Badly" you say "Alucard woke up and where going down to fight him right now."
"Alright then? What can I do to help?" Ikki asks
"Stay here and look after the insect girls" you reply flatly "Your too wounded and we need someone to keep watch over them while the rest of us go to do battle with Alucrad, sorry."
She sighs and looks down "Ok……just don't get hurt ok."
"I won't" you say putting a hand on shoulder.
You look at Ruby who was also injured in the fighting, having taken a much worse beating than Ikki did. "Oh and look after her too will ya?"
Ikki just nods as you exit the craft.
Alright which Hydra deploys the anti Alucard solution?
[x] You
[x] Mary
[x] You older bro
[x] You older sis
[x] Your mom
[x] Your dad
What role do you take on in the final battle?
[x] Work support with Yukari, she could use the help with a ritual.
[x] Up at the front lines, with the vampires and other Hydra's.
[x] Fire support with Mizore
[x] Your attack him from the sides with Kurumu.
OOC: Ok guys, this is it, We're at ether the last or second to last update.