The year after the fight with Alucard was relatively peaceful, almost unnaturally so for any youkai school. Sure you had to put down the occasional punk that thought it would be smart to try and mess with Tsukune or one of your other friends, but otherwise things were fine overall. Its kind if odd really, you guess helping to fight against Alucard in the last battle might have caused the students to cool down or learn something.
Still, the year goes by fast, and soon your find yourself graduating with your friends, although Kokoa and Mil had to stay behind for another year.
It was………a saddening experience to have to leave your sister to another year of schooling without one of her other sibling's around to keep her company.
You actually cried that time around, all the others didn't count, because this was the most important.
If it weren't for Kokoa promising to keep Mil safe you think you might have even pushed to have your sister sent to a private school, instead of sending her to the academy for another year.
Parting with your friends for the first time was sad to be sure, but it wasn't the end of things, as every member of your group would often visit the others, and you all decided to have a nice reunion once every year.
Mizore as it turned out underwent training to become one a priestess for the village, apparently the population's finally started to recover, and the current priestess could use the extra help.
Tsunchi, Runaka, and Leena never where really to recover from their time under the protection committee's thumb, and they had trouble with the Japanese youkai community because of their former affiliation. You managed to get the girls jobs working for your family, and they later choose to move to the United States, but you feel that their lives would have been so much better if they'd never fallen under the spider bitches thrall. At least they were able to enjoy their time in America, lord knows their time in japan was hard enough.
Ikki moved to the United States as well, and like the insect girls went to work for your family, but unlike them she did so of her own will, and had plenty of friends still in Japan beyond your little group. She would also become a famous and respected chemist latter in her life, good for her.
Ruby did……Ruby stuff you guess, something about working with Yukari, you really don't like her so you didn't do much to stay in contact other than the reunions.
Yukari would latter grow up to become the head of her local witch community, and eventually the spokesperson for witches all across Japan. She would also find a way to improve the witch lifespan by a massive amount, apparently someone very special to her provided the motivation to do it. She always seems to want to go to the beech whenever the two of you meet for some reason.
You and Moka kept in particularly close contact. She's very happy to be in regular contact with both of her parents again, and with Fairy Tale all but dismantled she's been able to reunite with her sisters. Personally you don't get why they'd want to considering that said sisters where likely at the very least part of coup attempt but you just write it down as vampire politics. Well ether way the two of you remain very close, well it's technically the three of you if count Inner and Outer Moka as seperate, but the point still stands. Your friendship with Moka actually seems to have spread to the rest of both family's as Moka reports that her parents are considering forming a formal alliance with your family.
Kokoa and Mil bond even further during their own last year of school. You don't know what the two experienced together, but when you went to visit them during the festival the two where chatting up a storm with each other. By the time the school year ends you find out that the two of them have become pen pals. You have feeling that it's only the beginning of a lifelong friendship.
Tsukune and Kurumu would latter get married sometime after graduating from the Academy. Thankfully you managed to keep close to both of them, and the two would come over to your place every summer just to enjoy themselves. Eventually when they had kids, you were offered the position of godmother.
Needless to say you took them up on the offer, because darn it are Tsukune and Kurumu's kids adorable!
A small part of you pipes up, telling you that these good times will not last, and that your friends will eventually age and die, but you clamp down on it for the moment.
After all, you'd much rather enjoy the time you have with them now than worry about when they'll die of old age.
You are Megara Castermire, and life is good.
Life is very good.
OOC: Well that's it……….that's the end. Thank you for your participation. I hope you've enjoyed your time participating in it, or simply reading the quest, because I know you've made it enjoyable for me to write it for you.