I'm protecting who now?: The reboot (Rosario + Vampire)

Yeah, the first couple volumes are kind of bland. Once Evangeline shows herself, the series starts to pick up, but it's really not until the Kyoto arc that it shapes into what made it popular.
Well anyway I'm watching a play through of inquisition now, but I've only just started, might need some help if you guys want that to be an option.

Although I will say that Megara is likley going to hate the Qunari, given certain factors.
Well anyway I'm watching a play through of inquisition now, but I've only just started, might need some help if you guys want that to be an option.

Although I will say that Megara is likley going to hate the Qunari, given certain factors.
Yeah I can understand why, the Qun pushes all of her berserk buttons and the self righteous attitude of it makes it even worse. Although if I get to hear Varric making a comment the first time Megara transforms it will be worth it.

Although we'd need to be careful not to eat certain things as that stuff is really bad.
Also it might be a problem, if gets out, that "Herald of Andraste" is a monster masquerading a human.(A nice one, until one pusher her buttons, but still....)
True we should probably stick to Mass Effect.
Pretty much, in ME she would be yet another alien, albeit one with bullshit abilities.

In DA:I and Negima she wold be a a "strategic asset", while in ME only "tactical", because of the scopes the setting.

DA:I - We have lead human(oids)s so monster form can be only used sparingly or with memory wiping poison(morally questionable optipn)
ME - There are much bigger (cuttle)fishes than Hydras.
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Also it might be a problem, if gets out, that "Herald of Andraste" is a monster masquerading a human.(A nice one, until one pusher her buttons, but still....)
Not that she'd need to replace the inquisitor, but yeah.

It doesn't help that Megara looks even more evil than the local dragons sans archdemons in her true form.

You speak as if Megara is a walking garbage disposal unit. She doesn't just eat everything around her.
Well maybe f she's staving, but yeah.

Can eat everything doesn't mean will.

Pretty much, in ME she would be yet another alien, albeit one with bullshit abilities.

Speaking of eating things I'll say this.

Its entirely possible for Megara to eat reaper artifacts and come out completely scott free, although she won't likley be in a position to do that in the first place.
Its entirely possible for Megara to eat reaper artifacts and come out completely scott free, although she won't likley be in a position to do that in the first place.

By that point, how would Megara compare to Reapers in size? Wondering if she could pull a Mother of Thresher Maws on them..
By that point, how would Megara compare to Reapers in size? Wondering if she could pull a Mother of Thresher Maws on them..
The King and Primal Hydra's could do that, but Megara won't be even close to old enough by then.

She could get old enough in the warcraft crossover civ idea provided you take Hydra ironically, but thats mostly in the background.
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Bit of an amendment, first choice is still

2. Megara in mass effect

If that doesn't pan out...

3. Megara in another fictional universe

I definatly wouldn't mind Megara in Warcraft. Plenty of stuff to smash.
[x] Brother and rituals

You look down at the fighting between your grandpa and Alucard as the airship you're in closes in on their location.

Unusually enough someone else seems to have joined the fight…………they look kind of like Moka.

"Hey Moka." You ask eyes the strange woman "You happen to know that person fighting Alucard with my grandfather?"

Moka looks out the window…………and her eyes instantly open in shock.

"Mother!?" the silver haired vampires exclaims in shock "I thought she was dead?!"

Oh……….in hindsight you really should been able to figure out that was Moka's mom from the first glance.

"Well" you begin awkwardly "I did see grandpa tear something out of Alucard when the two were fighting, think it might have been her?"

Moka thinks for a moment "Probably, I don't see what else of value your grandfather could tear from that wretched beast."

You rub the back of your head as you think "Yeah, I suppose that make sense, I don't think that big ugly horror movie reference has any actual organs worth tearing out anyway."

Moka just bods as she looks at the fighting bellow.

You don't say anything, deciding it best to leave her to her thoughts.


When the transport lands on the group Inner Moka immediately rushes to go meet up with her mother, who seems to have taken a breather while the Old Chinese guy and Moka's dad pick up the slack.

You don't follow instead going to meet with your brother Julius.

"Hey bro!" you say greeting your elder brother "How are you holding up?"

Your brother chuckles "I took a bit of a beating against some lightning manipulating freak, but I'll manage."

"That's good to hear." You say "So you got the potion?"

He nods "With it we'll really be able to put the hurt on Alucard."

"Ha" you grin "I can't wait to sock it to him!"

"That's my sister!" Your bro exclaims. "So what role did they set you up with anyway?"

You shrug "I'm helping Yukari with a ritual, its important and Ruby's down so I'm really needed."

"Alright" your bro says "Good luck Sis"

You nod before starting to walk way "Thanks, see you after the battle."

He just closes his eyes "Right, I'll see you after the battle."


You and Yukari look on at the massive battle unfolding before you as the two of you prepare a powerful ritual circle.

It is a clash of epic proportions. Alucard's monsters form continues to do battle with your grandfather as the two massive creatures try to get a leg up on the others. Alcuard tentacles twist around grandfathers heads, tearing them off while grandfather bites into Alucard's flesh, covering it with horrific venoms and potent potions.

The Old Chinese Guy has also taken to fighting, and is now young for some reason. He seems to be using a variant of the martial art that Moka's sister used to slice you up back at the base.

Even the headmaster seems to have joined in, and boy was he a shocker. He wasn't at all the squishy wizard you thought he was. No instead he's a giant demonic berserker with more than enough muscle-power to rip massive gashes into Alucard's giant form. Really badass if you do say so yourself.

Moka's mother and Father have double teamed Alucard's human form, working together to keep him on the defensive and make sure that he's unable to interfere with the attack on his larger form.

The others soon join the fight after your brother ingests and exhales the anti-Alucard solution, causing a red haze to fill the entire area.


And then Alucards monstrous form burns as the solution takes effect slowing his regeneration, and boosting the strength of the other fighters in the area.

Soon the massive form of your enemy finds itself bombarded with massive ice chunks and torrents of lethal poisons, as a squad of vampires take turns wailing at it from the front, before retreating behind a the Hydra force to escape reprisal.

Alucards human form is gloating to Moka's parents, but you don't understand what he's trying to say.

You also note the sounds of fighting within the human city, and take a quick look.

What you see is the most shocking experience on your life.

Alucard has apparently created some kind of clones of himself, and the human military is fighting them off, but that isn't what shocks you.

It's the fact that some youkai are helping the local human defense force.


It doesn't make any sense, they gain nothing from it! Why would they be helping out!?



Your distracted from you confusion by the sound of one of Grandpa's heads hitting the ground close to your position.

…..ooooops you should probably get started on that ritual.

You turn to Yukari "You ready Yukari?"

The young witch nods "I'm fine, it's you I'm worried about."

You wave it off as you step into the ritual circle "Don't worry this is perfectly safe form, Hydra's have fast regeneration remember?"

"Yeah……" Yukari begins "But still!"

You put your hand on her shoulder "I'll be fine, don't worry." You then think for a moment "Uuuuuh I'm going to need you to step out of the circle to begin casting, the inside is going to be a bit……messy."

Yukari looks unsure, but nods and steps out of the circle.

Alright, time to get started.

You close your eyes, and plunge your hands into your chest.



Where they come into contact with your heart. Good now all you need to do is PULL!





It takes you a bit of effort, but you manage to tear your heart out of your body in good time. The hole in your chest closing behind as the red organ continues to beat in spite of itself. It looks much different than it would in your Hydra form, human organs look really weird.

Well anyway, you draw a secondary circle in the ritual area with your own blood before putting your still beating heart in the center and stepping out.

You look at Yukari "Told you I'd be fine, now let's get started."

Yukari nods before grabbing your hands as the two of you focus your energy into the circle. Even with the Hydra blood and heart as a cascade it will still take a lot of energy.


Almost the second after you start putting your power into it the circle hums to life, a twisted purple energy jutting up from the circle in the ground as you feel yourself tiring from the effect.


Come on, you only need to hold on a little longer.

Just as you feel like you're ready to collapse the ritual activates, launching a strange purple orb flying at Alucard .



Alucards massive form screeches in pain as the orb explodes and the ritual takes effect. Purple cracks start forming across his larger body, and his movement slows allowing the others to get a leg up on him. Wounds that used to heal, even with the penalty of the weapon deployed earlier are no longer able to close up, and he's only just barely able to bring harm to your grandfather with his current strength.

A look over at Moka's parent's position reveals that Alucards humanoid form is doing about as well as his inhuman one, his connection to his other half allowing the ritual to affect him as well.

As it turns out, being slow and unable to heal against two dark lord level opponents like Moka's parents is a bad thing, even for someone as horrendously powerful as Alucard.

Even so the fighting is long and hard. Even with all the factors weakening him, and the forces arrayed against him Alucard is one of the most powerful beings on the planet.

Thankfully though he eventually buckles before the pressure, his human form destroyed by Moka's parents as his larger form literally melts from all the Hydra venom covering it.


You let out a sigh of relief as Yukari does the same…….before promptly fainting into your arm.

Poor girl


A few minutes later and your entire group is gathered around, taking the time to talk over how things went after the battle. Ruby, the insect girls, and Ikki are all still recovering. Moka seems to be engaged in conversation with her parents. Kurumu's talking with your older sister for some reason. Mizore likewise seems to in conversation with your older brother. Yukari is still napping in your arms so she isn't really talking with anyone.

However you're too preoccupied looking for a certain someone to get involved in the other conversation.

…..oh look there he is.

"Hey Tsukune!" you call out to your friend as you run up to him, catching him in one of your arms to give him a big hug "I'm soooooooo happy you made it through all that ok!"

Tsukune returns the hug as you feel something wet hit your back.

"You didn't need to worry." You hear him begin, his voice sounding choked up for some reason "I wasn't anywhere near it, you where the one that attacked the base……if anything I should be saying I'm glad that
"I……i……Megara" he stutters out before seeming to recompose him "Your my best friend, it's not like staying by your side is some kind of burden, some of my happiest memories were with you."

You smile "I have to say…….my memories of you are pretty much the same."

He hugs you tighter "Well yeah…….still thanks for putting up with a burden like me."

Don't say that!" you begin semi shouting "I could never see you as a burden." You continue, a single tear coming down one of your eyes. "You were the first person outside of my family to see me as a separate person from my sister………..and you've continue to be a kind friend throughout all our years together. It might not seem like it Tsukune, but you are not a burden, you are sun that lights up my life, and you do the same for a lot of the other girls too."

Those final words said, the two of you continue your hug.

Yukari wakes up in your arms, and the others finally finish their conversations, but you don't notice.

You're too busy with your friend.

The friend who's always been with you.

You are Megara Castermire, and you know who you protect.

You protect Tsukune Aono.

And you'll do so with a smile on your face, for as long as you need too.

But for now, you'll just enjoy this nice peaceful hug.
The year after the fight with Alucard was relatively peaceful, almost unnaturally so for any youkai school. Sure you had to put down the occasional punk that thought it would be smart to try and mess with Tsukune or one of your other friends, but otherwise things were fine overall. Its kind if odd really, you guess helping to fight against Alucard in the last battle might have caused the students to cool down or learn something.

Still, the year goes by fast, and soon your find yourself graduating with your friends, although Kokoa and Mil had to stay behind for another year.

It was………a saddening experience to have to leave your sister to another year of schooling without one of her other sibling's around to keep her company.

You actually cried that time around, all the others didn't count, because this was the most important.

If it weren't for Kokoa promising to keep Mil safe you think you might have even pushed to have your sister sent to a private school, instead of sending her to the academy for another year.

Parting with your friends for the first time was sad to be sure, but it wasn't the end of things, as every member of your group would often visit the others, and you all decided to have a nice reunion once every year.

Mizore as it turned out underwent training to become one a priestess for the village, apparently the population's finally started to recover, and the current priestess could use the extra help.

Tsunchi, Runaka, and Leena never where really to recover from their time under the protection committee's thumb, and they had trouble with the Japanese youkai community because of their former affiliation. You managed to get the girls jobs working for your family, and they later choose to move to the United States, but you feel that their lives would have been so much better if they'd never fallen under the spider bitches thrall. At least they were able to enjoy their time in America, lord knows their time in japan was hard enough.

Ikki moved to the United States as well, and like the insect girls went to work for your family, but unlike them she did so of her own will, and had plenty of friends still in Japan beyond your little group. She would also become a famous and respected chemist latter in her life, good for her.

Ruby did……Ruby stuff you guess, something about working with Yukari, you really don't like her so you didn't do much to stay in contact other than the reunions.

Yukari would latter grow up to become the head of her local witch community, and eventually the spokesperson for witches all across Japan. She would also find a way to improve the witch lifespan by a massive amount, apparently someone very special to her provided the motivation to do it. She always seems to want to go to the beech whenever the two of you meet for some reason.

You and Moka kept in particularly close contact. She's very happy to be in regular contact with both of her parents again, and with Fairy Tale all but dismantled she's been able to reunite with her sisters. Personally you don't get why they'd want to considering that said sisters where likely at the very least part of coup attempt but you just write it down as vampire politics. Well ether way the two of you remain very close, well it's technically the three of you if count Inner and Outer Moka as seperate, but the point still stands. Your friendship with Moka actually seems to have spread to the rest of both family's as Moka reports that her parents are considering forming a formal alliance with your family.

Kokoa and Mil bond even further during their own last year of school. You don't know what the two experienced together, but when you went to visit them during the festival the two where chatting up a storm with each other. By the time the school year ends you find out that the two of them have become pen pals. You have feeling that it's only the beginning of a lifelong friendship.

Tsukune and Kurumu would latter get married sometime after graduating from the Academy. Thankfully you managed to keep close to both of them, and the two would come over to your place every summer just to enjoy themselves. Eventually when they had kids, you were offered the position of godmother.

Needless to say you took them up on the offer, because darn it are Tsukune and Kurumu's kids adorable!

A small part of you pipes up, telling you that these good times will not last, and that your friends will eventually age and die, but you clamp down on it for the moment.

After all, you'd much rather enjoy the time you have with them now than worry about when they'll die of old age.

You are Megara Castermire, and life is good.

Life is very good.

OOC: Well that's it……….that's the end. Thank you for your participation. I hope you've enjoyed your time participating in it, or simply reading the quest, because I know you've made it enjoyable for me to write it for you.

All in all a great story so good job. I might have missed the choices for megara in another universe so could you tell me what they are? Also just curious but how would she enter said world and find her purpose there? Also for mass effect would she arrive pre me1 or sometime during the games?

@anybody. If anyone has inquisition can you tell me if the architect is involved in the game?

All in all a great story so good job. I might have missed the choices for megara in another universe so could you tell me what they are? Also just curious but how would she enter said world and find her purpose there? Also for mass effect would she arrive pre me1 or sometime during the games?

@anybody. If anyone has inquisition can you tell me if the architect is involved in the game?
I haven't met the guy yet but I have a feeling he might turn up. As for Megara in Mass Effect at least the general idea is that she just goes into her sleep and wakes up in a Cerberus facility right as Shepard raid the place.
I haven't met the guy yet but I have a feeling he might turn up. As for Megara in Mass Effect at least the general idea is that she just goes into her sleep and wakes up in a Cerberus facility right as Shepard raid the place.
Well I was hoping to start in the second when something goes horribly wrong in the Cerberus base she was in, but I guess i can watch some more playthrough's of the first game to try and get ontop of things.