[x] Training
When you get back the various members of your group throw themselves right into training. Alucard is one of the most powerful youkai known to the east, and is even a notable name in Europe, so even without if he isn't known the punks trying to revive him are sure to have brought quite a bit of muscle to help his revival go off without a hitch.
However most of you realize that trying to fight alone against the enemy's leadership would be a bad idea, as they almost certainly have multiple S classes amongst their number. So instead you decide to learn how to work in teams, and work to bring down stronger opponents via your combined strength.
Yukari and Ruby work on combining their magic to create far more potent spells than they would normally have access too. Mizore and Kurumu do some kind of weird dancing attack, you think its spected against vampires, which makes some sense given Alucards most loyal followers have been traditionally been vampires of various types. Mil and Kokoa fight together using heavy weapons, you don't even know where Kokoa got that second hammer from, although Mil seems to like it. Ikki works with the three insect girls for their own combined attack, apparently Ikki managed to find a type of poison that doesn't work on insect monsters, so that hit an enemy with that while swarming him or her.
You work with Inner Moka yourself keying in you poisons so that they won't bring her personal harm, while she starts to focus on enemies that use fire attacks so you can stay in the fight longer.
Overall you have a very productive training session.
You walk into the headmaster's room with your friends at your side. The rest of your family is already present, having arrived just the day before, and they've brought a squad of elite Hydra's from Greece with them.
The Chinese guy and his family is also present with some of his boys, and so is a third guy you haven't seen until this point.
Moka on the other seems to recognize the man "Father? What are you doing here?"
You give the black haired man a look over, well he definitely has the looks of a vampire, and now that you think of it he certainly smells the part too.
"Moka, glade to see your fine." The man smiles "I wish it could say the same for the rest of the family though, Gyokuro's launched a coop, and I only just barely escaped with a few loyalists as a result."
Your grandpa nods "When I first caught sight of him, he and his boys looked like they went through the wood chipper, good thing I knew how to patch them up in a jiffy."
Moka's father lets out a light laugh "You did more than that, if you haven't killed so many of Gyokuro's supporters during her little raid on your swamp they might actually have caught me."
"Well" Grandpra shrugs "They were asking for it, I have no love for S classes that can't respect their elders. Now respectful young men like our good headmaster hear are more than worth listening too" he says gesturing to the creepy headmaster of youkai academy.
"Thank you" the headmaster responds to the compliment "Now onto business, Fairy tale is on the move and we need to stop them before things get out of hand."
The Chinese lord nods "So we've decided to take the fight to them. While the headmaster warns the some high placed human friends of his about the danger assault the rest of us will make a direct attack on Fairy Tales headquarters, hopefully we'll be able to stop this attack before it begins"
You and your friends exchange differing looks with one another.
Looks like real fight has just begun.
Which group do you go with?
[x] Anna and Mary
[x] Mil and Kokoa
[x] Ikki and the insect girls.
[x] Mizore and Kurumu
[x] Ruby and Yukari
[x] Actually you'll be partnering up with Inner Moka