
Okay. Just...okay. Christ, my brain's been scrambled, -then- fried, then scrambled again. This...this story is...

How the hell am I having -fits like the ones I had watching EoE, and we haven't even gotten to Leliel yet-?!?!

1) Awesome story, really, I love the premise. I also love the implication that the Angels wait until the one currently active on Earth dies before another one goes 'okay, lets learn from that guy's mistakes!'. It's almost a damn shame nobody else in NERV has come to the same conclusion and tried to bakelite-seal -another- Angel to try and give the pilots -some- time to study, adapt, and attempt to overcome.

2) The Curse of Eva actually makes my above point even -more- poignant. If the Evas and Pilots have -perfect regeneration-, then barring successful assassination attempts (which is actually kind of iffy, given perfect, even if not rapid, regeneration), then they theoretically have billions of years to kill off just -seven more Angels-.

3) Gendo is being uncommonly open and forthright with his son. I'm guessing there's a huge chunk of pressure off of him, considering the timeline's advanced eleven years thanks to Sachiel being about twenty 'oh, fuck no's of Power stronger than he was in canon and thus in need of bakelite-drowning. That eleven years might have killed off -quite- a bit of the Human Instrumentality Committee...or not. Still waiting on that score.

4) Even with Rei being TsundeRei about it, I'm being -massively- thrown off by the whole 'she's insisting she's half his mum' and that's making things -squicky as hell- for me, at the moment, so I'm gonna do something really, -really- against my almost-everything and ship a 26-year-old with a 26-year-old that looks fourteen. (I say almost because there's an actual disorder in reality that presents -remarkably- like the Curse of Eva, and yes, there are forty year olds who look like weather-beaten pre-pubescent teens. I'm not about to rag on the saints the people they date successfully are when they -do- date. I'm just saying I'm not one of them, and the thought kind of makes me uncomfortable.)

5) ....Yeah. There's a huge chunk of 'what the everloving -fuck- is going on' running around in my brain, right now. Watched!

6) Sad, Sad Shinji. I'm loving the fact that I've gotten into his head in this 'fic, and found -myself- needing to talk to a psychiatrist, a psychologist, and an old priest and a young priest at the same time.

7) Goddamnit, now I need to go and reread A&T and DiRTT again to get myself back into the mentality of -teenagers- before I can go back to writing 'Peccata Patris'. Goddamnit, damnit, damnit.
Chapter Thirty-Two: "Ad Meliora"
Chapter Thirty-Two: "Ad Meliora"

Shinji stared at his father, and his fists were clenched tightly. "We could have studied the Angel, Director Ikari," he said flatly. Screaming would just see him dismissed, he knew that. Screaming meant having lost the argument to begin with, so his psychiatrist said, so-so he would not scream. He would hiss, and let out strangled growls, but he would not scream at his father while in his office.

He would be the adult.

"It is irrelevant," Gendo replied. "Our duty as NERV is to kill the Angels, not to query them about their purposes. It has already been determined that they seek the extinction of mankind. Anything else they might say is merely a trick imposed on the weak-willed."

That was truly a good way to go for a backhanded insult, but Shinji was not an adult for nothing.

"It is the folly of old age to cement oneself behind a belief, and unfortunately when that belief is found wrong, then old age is accompanied by foolishness," he smiled. He could play backhand insults all day long. It was the number one game played by professors while handling out marks on papers that would have better suited grade students, rather than University students. It was also a game professors played against one another whenever they felt sufficiently bored or had some theory to discuss which went against another professor's publications.

"It is not old age, but experience, felt on one's skin," Gendo spoke crisply. "Capturing an Angel alive is out of the question, no matter its form. The sooner they are dealt with, the less casualties there are."

Shinji rolled his eyes. "There were no civilians out there, only us, and we were in our Evas."

"And if any of you had ended up a casualty, then the prospects of mankind's future would take a bleak turn," Gendo replied. "Pilot Ayanami did the right thing," he continued. "I expect you to do the same."

"You have another pilot kept under lock and key," Shinji said. "Perhaps getting her upstairs might be better?"

"No," Gendo said flatly. "The discussion on Pilot Makinami is over."

"Saying that a discussion is over doesn't actually end a discussion," Shinji replied. "Unless you are going to play the silent game?"

Gendo did not answer, and Shinji waited a few seconds before breaking the silence. "You are really going to play the silent game?" he asked in disbelief, receiving no answer still. "Very well," Shinji turned, giving his back to his father as he began to walk out. "I'm not going to do things your way, father," he said, turning his head just enough to glance at the man behind the desk. "You do need me, so a compromise is better than a firm refusal. I'll let you think on it."

With those words, Shinji stepped outside, the doors closing behind him with a soft click as he picked the elevator to get out of NERV headquarters. He had better ways of spending his afternoon than staying underground.

The moment the sun hit his eyes, making him bring his right hand up to cover them, a car engine revved itself up. Squinting a bit, he saw the signs of Asuka's sport car parked right on the other side of the road. As he made his way there, the girl grinned at his sight.

"Yoh~ Did you miss me?" she asked with a teasing tone. "Hop in, you look like you could use a break," she added with a smile.

Shinji blinked. "How long have you been waiting out here?"

"Since early this morning," Asuka replied without missing a beat. "Saw you get in, decided to wait you out. I can be really patient when I need to, see?" she smiled like a shark that had smelled blood in the water, which wasn't really something Shinji found endearing, but at the same time...why not? He stepped inside and snapped the safety belt on, Asuka easily leaving the parking and heading straight for the highway.

"Where are we going?" Shinji asked.

"Somewhere nice," Asuka replied with a light hum. "So, is it normal for your colleague to cook you breakfast now?" she asked that lightly, as if making polite meaningless conversation. Shinji felt it was anything but meaningless, or light, but the speed of the sports' car was beyond what a normal human would survive if they threw themselves out.

"She broke the wall between our terraces to get in," Shinji replied. He blinked. "Now that I think about it, that's a bit excessive."

"Don't worry about that. I had someone put in a nice new reinforced concrete wall through the terrace, the connecting walls and I've taken the liberties of changing your door from the default package to a Swiss vault door," she calmly fished out from her pocket a set of new, metallic keys, which she handed over. "You are now safe from the unwanted attentions of your co-pilot, Shinji. Thank me profusely at your leisure."

Shinji stared at the keys for a brief moment, and then blinked. "Why are there twenty-two keys?"

"Because you have twenty-two locks?" Asuka replied as if that explained everything.

"Do you have a copy of the keys?" Shinji asked next.

"Of course not!" Asuka exclaimed, the sports' car taking an exit from the highway, but the speed not dropping for a single second. "Why would I need one copy when I can have two dozens made?" she laughed at that, but Shinji felt it wasn't a joke.

It really didn't feel like a joke.

Asuka stopped the engine of the car on a dirt road overlooking a hill and a lake, a few trees planted to create a nice, peaceful shade. The wind made the branches of the trees move gently back and forth, the leafs rustling tenderly. "Up the hill, under the tree," Asuka said as she opened the trunk of the car, pulling out a picnic basket and a white and red tablecloth. "Go on along, princess, I'll be there shortly."

"L-Let me help," Shinji replied, moving to grab the basket from her and inwardly hissing at how heavy it was. Asuka simply chuckled, and swapped the objects, letting him carry the tablecloth all the way up the hill.

Once the picnic area was set, Asuka stretched gently while sitting on the tablecloth, the basket in-between them. The view was breathtaking, with the sun rendering the lake's surface a glittering diamond of sorts.

"Shinji, everything that you see under the light of the sun," she extended her left hand forward, "is mine."

Shinji blinked. "Construction work really pays well, doesn't it?"

"That it does, Shinji," Asuka nodded wisely. "That it does."

She moved a hand to open the basket, pulling out what looked like costly champagne held in a bucket filled with ice. How it could have fit inside the basket was anyone's guess, but Shinji reckoned that depending on its positioning it might have been possible, theoretically, to get it done.

Asuka filled two glasses, passing one over to Shinji and smiling softly.

"Would you..." she began, hesitating only slightly, "Like to talk?"

Shinji took the offered glass, and glanced at his reflection.

He smiled slightly.

"I'd...like that."

Asuka grinned.

Blood in the water attracts the sharks, and to make a profit in construction work...

...one has to be the king of sharks to begin with.
"Don't worry about that. I had someone put in a nice new reinforced concrete wall through the terrace, the connecting walls and I've taken the liberties of changing your door from the default package to a Swiss vault door," she calmly fished out from her pocket a set of new, metallic keys, which she handed over. "You are now safe from the unwanted attentions of your co-pilot, Shinji. Thank me profusely at your leisure."
Pfft! Are they playing this game now? Top kek.
Hmm... time for Rei to requisition a Thermal Lance , I figure they use that sort of thing to cut the Evangelion armor. I'm sure that'll get through any pesky reinforced walls.

Rei unfortunately seems to be severely lacking in social fu, or at least the knowledge that Shinji does not react well to overbearing behavior. Asuka has the advantage of having plumbed the limts Shinji accepts when it comes to social interaction, plus having all too much experience in "scaring off" other potential partners.
Grade school students? I think that's what you mean. Not sure.
"She broke the wall between our terraces to get in," Shinji replied. He blinked. "Now that I think about it, that's a bit excessive."
....Now that you think about it? Just now? Shinji, you're a bloody professor! You're supposed to be a little more aware of things! 'She smashed through a wall and broke into my house to cook me breakfast wearing only an apron' is... 'a bit excessive', yes! You might want to talk to her about that.
"Don't worry about that. I had someone put in a nice new reinforced concrete wall through the terrace, the connecting walls and I've taken the liberties of changing your door from the default package to a Swiss vault door," she calmly fished out from her pocket a set of new, metallic keys, which she handed over. "You are now safe from the unwanted attentions of your co-pilot, Shinji. Thank me profusely at your leisure."
Asuka, you are the best troll. Does the vault door have 'By the way: Go Fuck Yourself, Ayanami' engraved somewhere on it? :V

I'd also applaud that Asuka just said 'unwanted attentions', leaving the opening for 'you can choose her over me. I'm not going to be as 'break into your house' crazy as her and try to force you'.
But then she loses half her points with the idea that she has copies of the keys to his door.
I know you want this bad, Asuka, but you don't have to do that.
I'd also applaud that Asuka just said 'unwanted attentions', leaving the opening for 'you can choose her over me. I'm not going to be as 'break into your house' crazy as her and try to force you'.
But then she loses half her points with the idea that she has copies of the keys to his door.
I know you want this bad, Asuka, but you don't have to do that.
>implying Asuka has any points in the first place
>implying Asuka has any points in the first place
As GeshronTyler said. Asuka is making an up-front, sincere attempt at convincing Shinji that she'd be a good person to spend their possible immortality with, and though its definitely tinged with urgency bordering on desperation not to end up alone, she backed off when asked, is making strong efforts to be friendly, and ah... never tore down a wall, broke into his house, and set up to cook him breakfast nearly-naked. (What was Rei's plan if Shinji hadn't been out drinking all night? To have him wake up being served breakfast in bed?)
What are you talking about? He's not even reading this thread! :p
'Towards better'. Given the talks with Gendo and Asuka, that does fit.
"Don't worry about that. I had someone put in a nice new reinforced concrete wall through the terrace, the connecting walls and I've taken the liberties of changing your door from the default package to a Swiss vault door," she calmly fished out from her pocket a set of new, metallic keys, which she handed over. "You are now safe from the unwanted attentions of your co-pilot, Shinji. Thank me profusely at your leisure."
Shinji stared at the keys for a brief moment, and then blinked. "Why are there twenty-two keys?"

"Because you have twenty-two locks?" Asuka replied as if that explained everything.

"Do you have a copy of the keys?" Shinji asked next.

"Of course not!" Asuka exclaimed, the sports' car taking an exit from the highway, but the speed not dropping for a single second. "Why would I need one copy when I can have two dozens made?" she laughed at that, but Shinji felt it wasn't a joke.
... why do I get the feeling that one of these days Shinji's going to wake up in a chastity belt?
Does the vault door have 'By the way: Go Fuck Yourself, Ayanami' engraved somewhere on it?
Good question. Here's a better one: when will Gendo notice that Asuka stole the door to Terminal Dogma? Or scarier: did Asuka design the Vault door herself, or was a built by an American subcontractor? Because frankly, Vault-Tech being the contractor who built most of Tokyo-3 and the NERV facilities would make a lot of sense.
As GeshronTyler said. Asuka is making an up-front, sincere attempt at convincing Shinji that she'd be a good person to spend their possible immortality with, and though its definitely tinged with urgency bordering on desperation not to end up alone, she backed off when asked, is making strong efforts to be friendly, and ah... never tore down a wall, broke into his house, and set up to cook him breakfast nearly-naked. (What was Rei's plan if Shinji hadn't been out drinking all night? To have him wake up being served breakfast in bed?)
What are you talking about? He's not even reading this thread! :p

Well, she never tore down a wall and broke into his house/apartment.... but she did break in to have a new wall put in, replaced the door, and all of the locks. Seems a similiar amount of violation of privacy to me.
Well, she never tore down a wall and broke into his house/apartment.... but she did break in to have a new wall put in, replaced the door, and all of the locks. Seems a similiar amount of violation of privacy to me.
Think of it this way: The contractor who paid out-of-pocket to give you all-new, better security windows and doors after your home was broken into decided to use the already broken window to enter.
Well, she never tore down a wall and broke into his house/apartment.... but she did break in to have a new wall put in, replaced the door, and all of the locks. Seems a similiar amount of violation of privacy to me.
Would you complain about the cops breaking down your door to stop a horrible crime against you/your family? After they then replaced said door with a better, stronger one?
Somehow I get the feeling once Misato gets wind of the whole thing she'll go

"Hmm... I don't think I've tried setting up OT3s before. Challenge accepted."
Chapter Thirty-Three: "Sub Pluvia"
Chapter Thirty-Three: "Sub Pluvia"

Shinji stared at his computer screen with bored resignation. Outside, the typical summer rain was pouring down from the heavens, but hopefully it would not last for more than a few minutes.

A few minutes had gone by hours ago, but Shinji wasn't bothered by it. He was checking through his emails, rerouting stupid students who hadn't gotten the message that he had been transferred to their new professor in charge of his coursework, and checking on the latest magazines concerning advancements in the bio-engineering community. It was as he was reading an article about the recreation of synthetic muscles through stem cells and pre-programmed nano-carbon tubes that he heard a knocking.

The knocking in question did not come from the door.

It came from the window.

He was half-tempted to ignore it, but his window was made of glass, and it might shatter if the knocking didn't abate. Thus, he calmly went to the window. Was it Rei, once more wanting to get in? Was it Asuka having decided to surprise him in such a way?

Was it a spindly long and thin black leg that had smoothly knocked on the glass to catch his attention, only to stab through said glass the moment he had been in sight?

The latter.

It was the latter.

Shinji screamed as he threw himself to the side, the black limb in question slamming through the glass, shattering the walls and the concrete floor that caved in as the creature in question took away a good chunk of the apartment complex's facade.

It was an Angel, without a doubt.

It was an Angel that had knocked at his window to catch his attention and then tried to stab him dead.

As he stood in a corner of the ruins of his apartment however, Shinji wasn't just pondering on the show of intelligence of the Angel. He was also wondering how he was going to get out of it, because once the Angel came for another swoop, he would most definitely be dead.

Also, his computer.

The attack had destroyed his computer.

"C-Can't we talk about this!?" he yelled into the rain, even as thunder deafened most of his words. The thing was, even though the Angel had broken the complex of buildings, there had been no sound to it. The rain seemed to increase and decrease depending on some unseen will, dulling the senses. The Angel's body resembled an opilinoid, also known commonly as a Daddy Long Legs type of spider, if not for the eyes that surrounded its main figure.

If the Angels before had been combat-types, or at least something similar, this one was a silent assassin. When water fell over its body, it somewhat hid it from view. It was the only explanation, because how else could it have managed to reach so far into the city without an alarm blaring?

He needed his phone, which was by his computer's side, which was...

In the rubble, a few floors below.

The long spindly spider-like leg came back, thrusting right on the spot where Shinji had found refuge. This-This was how he died? He didn't want to die like this! He hadn't-he hadn't even earned a Nobel prize yet! He was too young to die!

He closed his eyes sharply, bringing his arms up to protect his body. A pair of slender arms grabbed hold of him and pulled him away, the air displacement making him wince and cry out as his eyes opened to the sights of him falling down on the floor below. He closed his eyes once more sharply, the pair of arms holding him tightly as they landed.

"Shinji," Rei's voice came through gently, "Are you all right?"

"A-A-Angel," Shinji whined out, pointing at the spindly black giant spider on the street outside. "T-There's an Angel out of the window!" it was not what an adult would perhaps say, but in that precise instant, Shinji was at a loss for words.

"I have seen it," Rei replied, holding him in her arms like a bride. "Do not worry," she added. "I will see you safe."

She began to run once more, the spot they had been in hit suddenly by the Angel's limbs, shattering more and more of the apartments as the downpour increased in strength. The streets had water that reached the knee, so much had the downpour gone on.

"The Angel appears to have control over the weather," Rei spoke, her mouth inches away from Shinji's ears. Even if the situation did not warrant it, Shinji blushed all the same. "We will need to reach NERV by foot."

"R-Rei, you can put me down," Shinji said, "I can walk-"

"Yes," Rei replied, tightening her hold, "But not as fast as me."

"U-Uh? What do you mean, not as fast as-" Shinji's glance went down, and then back up. He furrowed his brows, and then looked once more. "Rei-You're walking on water."

"Yes," Rei said quite calmly, keeping her speed up.

"You also jumped down a few floors to rescue me," Shinji continued.

"Yes," Rei said once more.

"Rei-Humans don't do that," Shinji said, trying to make sense of it all.

"I am a bio-engineered human," Rei replied. "That is what I am told to say in such circumstances."

"Rei, no amount of bio-engineering would ever allow someone to walk on water!" Shinji cried out even as he held on tighter to Rei, her sudden lunging sideways to avoid one of the Angel's legs crashing down on the street forcing him to tighten his hold, and feel two round mammal glands of sorts pressed against his chest. This kind of situation was-it was strangely-no, no, bad Shinji! Bad! Survive first, think about Rei's curves later!

"But I am walking on water," Rei replied quite calmly, considering they had an assassin-Angel hot on their tails. "And I am not Jesus Christ."

"That's-There has to be an explanation that doesn't involve bio-engineering!" Shinji yelled, but Rei simply did not answer that. She kept on running, carrying Shinji like a bride, all the way to the NERV Headquarters while dodging the Angel.

The one at the doors was Kensuke, who had been boringly playing solitaire by the table inside the lounge. When he saw Rei pass him by in a hurry, after having broken through the main reinforced doors of steel and Kevlar, he did not know what to do.

When he saw the large, black leg of the Angel thrust through the opening to try one last stab at the running duo, he suddenly remembered what he had to do.

The Alarm blared through the entirety of the Geofront in a matter of seconds, as the main doors were sealed and locked with Bakelite faster than one could say There is an Angel knocking at our door sir, he's selling Angel-Scouts cookies.

Deep down, Kensuke knew the day was off to a strange start.

On the plus side, he had been winning at Solitaire.
Beneath the rain?
The knocking in question did not come from the door.

It came from the window.

He was half-tempted to ignore it, but his window was made of glass, and it might shatter if the knocking didn't abate. Thus, he calmly went to the window. Was it Rei, once more wanting to get in? Was it Asuka having decided to surprise him in such a way?

Was it a spindly long and thin black leg that had smoothly knocked on the glass to catch his attention, only to stab through said glass the moment he had been in sight?

The latter.

It was the latter.
... Matarael? You want to try and seduce Shinji too?
Shinji screamed as he threw himself to the side, the black limb in question slamming through the glass, shattering the walls and the concrete floor that caved in as the creature in question took away a good chunk of the apartment complex's facade.

It was an Angel, without a doubt.

It was an Angel that had knocked at his window to catch his attention and then tried to stab him dead.
OK, so Matarael is a Yandere in her Final Form. The 'If I can't have Sempai, Nobody Can' mode.
"C-Can't we talk about this!?" he yelled into the rain, even as thunder deafened most of his words. The thing was, even though the Angel had broken the complex of buildings, there had been no sound to it. The rain seemed to increase and decrease depending on some unseen will, dulling the senses. The Angel's body resembled an opilinoid, also known commonly as a Daddy Long Legs type of spider, if not for the eyes that surrounded its main figure.
1. So that's where the whole 'rain' thing comes from. Matarael did get some upgrades during her extra wait.
2. The Angels are absolutely stronger, and demonstrate more abilities, than from canon.

The long spindly spider-like leg came back, thrusting right on the spot where Shinji had found refuge. This-This was how he died? He didn't want to die like this! He hadn't-he hadn't even earned a Nobel prize yet! He was too young to die!

He closed his eyes sharply, bringing his arms up to protect his body. A pair of slender arms grabbed hold of him and pulled him away, the air displacement making him wince and cry out as his eyes opened to the sights of him falling down on the floor below. He closed his eyes once more sharply, the pair of arms holding him tightly as they landed.

"Shinji," Rei's voice came through gently, "Are you all right?"
"R-Rei, you can put me down," Shinji said, "I can walk-"

"Yes," Rei replied, tightening her hold, "But not as fast as me."

"U-Uh? What do you mean, not as fast as-" Shinji's glance went down, and then back up. He furrowed his brows, and then looked once more. "Rei-You're walking on water."

"Yes," Rei said quite calmly, keeping her speed up.

"You also jumped down a few floors to rescue me," Shinji continued.

"Yes," Rei said once more.

"Rei-Humans don't do that," Shinji said, trying to make sense of it all.

"I am a bio-engineered human," Rei replied. "That is what I am told to say in such circumstances."
"Rei, no amount of bio-engineering would ever allow someone to walk on water!" Shinji cried out even as he held on tighter to Rei, her sudden lunging sideways to avoid one of the Angel's legs crashing down on the street forcing him to tighten his hold, and feel two round mammal glands of sorts pressed against his chest. This kind of situation was-it was strangely-no, no, bad Shinji! Bad! Survive first, think about Rei's curves later!

"But I am walking on water," Rei replied quite calmly, considering they had an assassin-Angel hot on their tails. "And I am not Jesus Christ."
1. :lol:rofl:
2. It's actually a process that Rei can do as a result of her Bio-engineering. It's an indirect thing.
"That's-There has to be an explanation that doesn't involve bio-engineering!" Shinji yelled
... well, bioengineering does fairly well describe the process of making Rei, her clones, and the archiving involving Lilith's removed brain. But the whole 'attempt to pull out Yui' and 'Host to the Soul of Lilith'... that's a metaphysics thing.
The one at the doors was Kensuke, who had been boringly playing solitaire by the table inside the lounge. When he saw Rei pass him by in a hurry, after having broken through the main reinforced doors of steel and Kevlar, he did not know what to do.

The Alarm blared through the entirety of the Geofront in a matter of seconds, as the main doors were sealed and locked with Bakelite faster than one could say There is an Angel knocking at our door sir, he's selling Angel-Scouts cookies.
See above.

Well, that was an interesting chapter.
Rule 6 - Bringing up a physical 14 year old's desire for another person to sample their curves out of the blue.
He hadn't-he hadn't even earned a Nobel prize yet!
Yet? Boy, someone has a bit of ego rolling, doesn't he? :p
"I am a bio-engineered human," Rei replied. "That is what I am told to say in such circumstances."
"And even I know it's transparent bullshit, yes."
Survive first, think about Rei's curves later!
And Asuka's! She'll be happy to provide equal chance to sample them! She might even insist, once she hears that Rei got some close contact time in...
There is an Angel knocking at our door sir, he's selling Angel-Scouts cookies.
"Three boxes of Trefoils, one box of Thin Mints, thanks."
... Matarael? You want to try and seduce Shinji too?
Everybody wants some Shinji lovin'. :)