[X] Why must the night end?

Strong liquor and stronger women; the Way of Sankt-Petersburg!
We have a tie folks, 5 for why must it end, 5 for bedtime. I'd appreciate a decider.
[X] It's time for bed.

Sorry, but I had to ne responsible.
C2P8: The Veiled Man
"Isn't it." You say, suddenly aware of quite how late it must be. He yawns and you have no choice but to follow suit with the infectious act. You look around, trying to get your bearings. "Do you know what I've just realised?"


"I have no idea where we are." Suddenly you're both in fits of laughter, doubled over in a back alley.

Once you recover it isn't actually long before you're able to find your way back to a main thoroughfare, Nikita's excellent sense of direction not guiding you wrong even long after nightfall and at least half of bottle of Yakatarin's most throat-burning alcohol. The road, hardly worthy of the name, runs all the way from the west extremity of the cities suburban factories to the Port itself, neatly bisecting an entire quarter. Still, it gets you both going in the right direction and by the time you are waving goodbye to possibly the kindest man you've ever met on a street corner you are feeling entirely more sober. The short walk back to your apartment building is almost thoughtful in fact.

By the time you reach your front door you are almost aching for your bed, tired legs screaming for the opportunity to rest even as they still ache with the warmth of the nights adventures. And how adventurous it had been, you think with that pleasant stirring of pleasure in your gut.

"Hey Maxim, hey Motya." You call as the door swings open into darkness. There is no normal scrabble of claws on wood or sad meowling, "Mumma's home kittens," You call again, quieter, aware of your neighbours.

You shut the door, scrabbling blindly in the dark for the box of matches you keep by the door with a parafin lamp for nights just like this one. Eventually you find it, strike one and cast some small glow on the room.

"Good evening, Valentina." The man sitting in your one good armchair says, almost politely. He's half hidden in the shadows, the dim shine of the lamp barely enough to see that he's there. You stare at him, mouth open, too terrified to even scream. You suddenly feel like you've been punched in the gut.

"Sv-Sverdlov?"You manage to ask.

"Ha!" The man lets out a vicious bark of a laugh. "That fool. No, Sverdlov is all bluster and incompetence and now he's rotting in a cell. No, dear girl, they send him when they want to threaten. They send me when they want someone dead."

There's only way out of this;
[ ] Launch the lamp at him and make a break for the door.
[ ] Go for your service pistol and hope you can outdraw him.
[ ] You can talk him around, make him see sense.
[X] Launch the lamp at him and make a break for the door.

A gunfight will draw bad attention and also we could get shot and die. Cheese it!
If the GM didn't tell us, it's probably because they want us to make a choice for our character and not based on our stats...
Fair - I just want to make sure we have the best chance here, given that this guy is transparently here to kill us.

[X] Go for your service pistol and hope you can outdraw him.

I don't fancy our chances trying to run from a trained assassin - it's what he'll expect.
[X] Launch the lamp at him and make a break for the door.

The lamp might surprise him, lights changing could make him miss his shot. I don't particularly fancy our chances in either case, but talking our way out of this seems even less likely.
There are the cats to consider as well. If he's simply contained them, they must be rescued. If he's killed them, then it's time for revenge!

[X] Go for your service pistol and hope you can outdraw him.
[X] Launch the lamp at him and make a break for the door.
The Lamp's already close to our hand, we can just YEET it in vaguely his direction and then bolt.
[X] Go for your service pistol and hope you can outdraw him.

Runnings sounds an awful lot like getting shot in the back. And making loud noises when someone's trying to kill us in our home isn't generally all that bad an idea. (There is also of course the risk of fire if we throw the lamp)