[X] Wear the medals, a reminder of your actions.

If we intend to send a message of some sort just with the medals, I fear it would be lost on this crowd. Better to wear them so that if we're talking about the horrors of war with someone who doesn't already know who we are and our story, they are less likely to dismiss it.
If we intend to send a message of some sort just with the medals, I fear it would be lost on this crowd. Better to wear them so that if we're talking about the horrors of war with someone who doesn't already know who we are and our story, they are less likely to dismiss it.
I think (and see it as) more a matter of "this is the one medal that we're ok with wearing. It doesn't proclaim us a hero, it's doesn't try to make us what we are, it is only acknowledging a fact, that we got wounded in uniform." It is meanwhile serving as useful camoflage for those too stupid or ignorant to see anything more than a piece of metal awarded in a nice ceremony.
[X] Wear the medals, a reminder of your actions.

They are ours by right, regardless of how we feel about them, and they do give us gravitas. I'll take the Count's advice.
That's actually quite old for an airship.

It took the Graf Zeppelin 9 decades to make 590 flights, though it flew transatlantic.
. If she makes three flights a week, on average, 500 flights is a bit over three years, which means she'd have been laid down sometime in '06, and probably wasn't the first regular passenger airship run by Von Zeppelin.

[X] Wear only the medal given for your wounds.

C4P8: A Man, A Proposition
You open one case, the smallest of them, the least of them and the most important to you. It is the small round medal with a deep blue and pale white ribbon and the face of the King - the dead King - in profile on it. It is the reward you were given for sacrificing an ear and a foot in the service of your country, a wound medal the veterans had called it. It suggested no bravery or particular act, just that you had bled for Varnmark.

By god had you bled for Varnmark.

You pin it carefully to your lapel, smoothing it with one hand, and consider yourself in the mirror. The suit was wool, a deep brown that the medal stands out against and which you look even more pale in than you usually do. A little rouge goes some way to fixing that, but the well defined cheekbones and the faint darkness under your eyes isn't so easily hidden with the little travel makeup box that you've brought with you.

You frown at the trousers. The affectation of service and combat is not so easily left behind, especially when it is so much easier to make nothing of the false foot you have to wear in them. But you are not at home, where you are more confident in making nothing of the social faux pas. Here, in a strange country as another's guest, it is a different matter entirely.

You shrug to yourself. It's not like you have many options. The skirt that originally went with this jacket is currently in the bottom of a drawer somewhere back in Varnmark. The good Count will just have to suffer the ignominy of having a woman in trousers at his party.

You take a minute to consider the entire image in a small mirror. The well cut suit, the singular, lonely medal, the pale skin. It wasn't a bad look. Fortunately the mirror was too small for detail and you could see neither of you lasting wounds. It would only ruin the whole experience, after all.

You step out of your room, aware of the time and how long it will likely take for the two of you to reach the address the Count had given you. You knock on Sasha's, suddenly nervous. What if you're late. What if you're early? What if a thousand things you can't control but you're going to worry about them anyway because what else is there to do but suffer from the depredation of your brain and its anxiety.

Of course, all of that is forgotten the moment she opens the door. Hair pinned up, kohl applied so delicately, and a dress you had no idea she even owned but which makes her look like gossamer and silk blended into a fae creature who could whisper away your heart as soon as look at you. And oh is she looking at you, with those deep eyes that you feel yourself falling into every time you look into them.

"You look delightful." She finally says, breaking the spell she's cast without a word.

"So do you." You murmur back. You have half a mind to drag her into your room with everything that that entails. But a combination of nervousness and fear of being late cajoles you into simply taking her hand instead.

You consider the dress as you lead her from the hotel and onto the chill street to hail a motor-carriage and give the man the address. Light blue, almost sheer. It was provocative despite not showing a damn thing. You breathed a long sigh as you settled into the back of the motor and puttered off down wide boulevards towards what can only be described as the more expensive end of town. Eventually it pulls up to a gated house. Well, house would be underselling it. It is quite assuredly a mansion built in the most modern of styles and despite the gloom you can just about make out what can only be the shape of an airship mooring mast reaching into the sky behind it.

At least there's no mistaking whose house it must be. It could only be more distinctive if he had one of his 'zeppelins' actually tied up for the evening like anyone else would tie up a horse.

You step out as the carriage comes to a halt, hopping to the hard ground and wincing as it drives the plate of your prosthetic into your stump. It's still sore a lot of the time. Fishing a few notes out of your pocket, you pay the driver with what you hope is the right money and a fair tip, before offering your hand to the fair lady who has agreed to be your companion for the evening and so much more.

The front path is a driveway, all done in white gravel with low hedges lining it. Once more you descend into the lap of luxury and blink, uncertain if you're gazing upon reality or trickery. A fountain marks the stone staircase up to a raised entrance way and it is only there that you are challenged for your invitations. You fish them out of an inside pocket and hand the pair to the well dressed footman. He takes in your mode of dress, frowns, looks at the invitation, frowns again.

"Miss?" He hangs off the question, waiting for some sort of explanation.

"Mikhailova." You finish, intending to give him no more than he deserves, "And Miss Ivanova."

"Very well. Someone will take your coats inside. Please, go ahead Ladies."

You step into an entrance hall that can only be described as palatial, marble floors leading to beautifully adorned walls with simply magical art hung up and down them. Someone takes your coats and another footman hands you a drink each. Whatever it is, it's cold and it's sharp and it has bubbles and it makes you smile. You giggle, nervous as a schoolgirl and itch to reach out and take Sasha's hand. The alcohol, and it is certainly that, goes down easily and there is only half a glass left in your hand by the time you reach the main hall.

"Careful, Koshka. Do not get so bold from drinking that you may do anything you regret." Sasha warns playfully.

"Oh please, Sasha," You fire back, teasing, "I would not be the one with regrets."

If you had thought that the entrance hall was palace like, then it is no surprise then that you are without words to describe the main room. Half of it is glass facing out into the dark gardens behind the house. The ceiling, domed, is painted with scenes of myth and legend, mostly centering around flight. The damned lovers who flew too close to the sun, Ethirene and Tulio. A circle of ancient winged gods. The flying chariots of the Cathayan Emperors of a thousands years hence. All were painted in such glorious detail, complementing the busy walls and shining hardwood floors.

Not that there is much floor to see, between the bodies and the dresses and the uniforms that crowd the entirety of the packed ballroom. You had worried about getting here too early. Perhaps you should have been more worried about being late, given the numbers that are already here.

You are motionless, uncertain of how to act and when you look to Sasha, who is usually so composed and self-assured, you realise that she is so tense that she is barely breathing. You reach out and touch her lower back, innocent contact but contact nonetheless and she starts, turning with a smile that couldn't be less real.

"Are you okay?" You ask. All you truly want to do is wrap her in your arms and hold her tight. Instead you have to… socialise.

"Yes," She says unconvincingly before repeating it more firmly, "Yes, fine. I've done this before, I can do it again."

She shakes herself, You store a question away for later. She offers you her arm.

"Sasha, no. We're in public." You hiss.

"What, can a lady not offer a war hero her arm? I mean, we have such a grand staircase to descend, I wouldn't like you to trip and make a fool of yourself."

Her grin can only be described as cocky. You roll your eyes at her before slipping your arm into hers. Then, linked as a couple if only for a moment, you walk slowly down the stairs. You see uniforms, fashions, styles, people even from all across Europa and even beyond. You hear the faint tones of a Gallian accent, hear the tinkling laughter of an Albian, see the officers pins - the senior officers pins - of a Dyskelande staff officer. Oho, this is a very well connected party. No wonder, given who is throwing it.

You make the bottom of the stairs and Sasha's free arm is immediately occupied by a fabulously dressed, fabulously made up woman. Shining blue eyes peek out from beneath the blondest of curls. Her smiles is as wide as her face and the only feature that would mar anyone else's looks - a thing line of a scar on each cheek - somehow only enhances her beauty and emphasises her already high cheekbones.

"I'm glad to see our guests of honour have finally arrived." She laughs and it sounds music, "So we have…" She pauses, looking you both up and down, "Valentina and Sasha." She says, extending a hand for each of you to shake, somehow getting it right despite the fact that you've never met her.

"Impressive. And you are?"

"Oh!" She squeaks. Actually squeaks. "Countessa Hilda Maria Antoinetta Magdeburg-von Zeppelin. Sorry, it's quite the mouthful."

"And yet you seem to manage so adroitly," Sasha responds. You find yourself managing to roll your eyes for the second time in a night. You know the woman is a sucker for a pretty smile but you'd rather hoped that it was your pretty smile which she would be concentrating on tonight.

So this is the sort of woman that a man like the Count marries, is it? Thirty at the most, bright eyes and oh so pretty while he's in his seventies. Typical, you think, but you smile politely nonetheless.

"What can we do for you, um - Countess."

"Please, Hilda is more than fine, don't you dare stand on manners for me." She says and her laugh truly seems genuine. She wraps her fingers around Sasha's arm even tighter "I was wondering if I could borrow your companion for a moment, I have a question for her that simply cannot wait."

"I'm afraid I was intending to spend the entire night in her company." You hadn't realised how defensive you were going to sound until it came tumbling out of your mouth.

"Well of course you are." It is as if she is about about tell you to stop being so silly, "And I promise i won't keep her for a moment longer than is absolutely necessary. Anyway, you have business of your own to attend to." She raises a finger and points it out, long, dainty and straight, over your shoulder. You turn and, standing behind the pair of you, is the old man himself.

"Count von Zeppelin!" You bite your tongue and give a slight bow. He is every inch a wealthy Europan man, even more so when his young bride stands on tip-toes to kiss him on the cheek while he whispers in her ear something that makes her flush red.

Sasha casts you a backwards glance as she is pulled off into the crowd, the expression on her face only one of vague concern, rather than alarm or fear. That, then, is that.

"As much as I appreciate the invitation to party, I do rather hope you have a good reason for dragging me away from her. We have become somewhat inseparable as of late."

"I can well imagine." The look in his eye is rather more knowing than you would like it to be. "Yes, I have good reason, but no here. Will you join me in my study? For a brandy, perhaps?"

You hesitate, more on edge than you expected to be and consider it. You are young and fit even with only one leg and he is one old man. He's not about to throw himself at you, that's for sure. "Will you not be missed from your own party?"

"Have you seen how many people are here? Damned impressive. They'll all assume im being anti-social in some different quadrant of the room and fantasise about the greek nudes that their partners will never compare to. Trust me, I've watched plenty of other people try." He chuckles, giving off that sort of deep, belly rumbling laugh that is so satisfying to listen to.

"Then lead on, dear host, lead on," You gesture to the stairs and the corridor beyond and hope for a moment that Sasha is going to be okay.

It turns out that, perhaps unsurprisingly, that the Count's taste for expensive decor extended to his study as well. Dark red mahogany panelling, oak floors, a desk the size of your office back in Polyapavlosk. A cabinet hidden in a wall reveals an intriguingly large collection of bottles, most of them half full or half empty, however you look at it. He pours two glasses of caramel liquid and walks back over, handing you one of them.

He stands, very close to you. The hairs on the back of your arms stand on end. He might be old but he is very tall and he is very close to you. His hand comes up - and touches the medal pinned to your lapel. Very, very quietly, he speaks.

"The navy did not let you go with only one piece of tin pinned to your chest." It isn't a question.

"No, sir, they did not. There are two others."

"And yet you don't wear them."

"I do not."

He nods, slowly, and let's go. Walking behind his desk he pulls open a drawer and pulls out a cigar. Offers one to you without a word.

"No, sir, thank you." You'd never been able to acquire the taste. But then you'd said that about cigarettes. "Do you mind if I smoke?"

"By all means." He lights his cigar and hands a lighter over. Once you're both lit, he continues. "And stop calling me Sir. It makes me feel old. I'm Ferdinand. May I call you Valentina?"

"Of course, yes."

"Hmm. Good." He sits for a long, quiet minute, puffing gently on his cigar as the end glows cherry red. "Do you know, I believe that you and I are cut from the same cloth. I have gone through war as well, and seen my fair share of the blood and guts of it. I have my own medals which do not get pinned on except when I absolutely must, when it is required of me. I had a feeling aboard ship and it is even more of a feeling now that you are much the same"

"I believe so." You say, taking a sip of the fiery brandy and let it wash through your core, "But I-"

"I will explain, I promise. Please hold your questions." He takes another few puffs, blowing a cloud of strangely scented smoke about the room. "You see, I was a balloonist in the Teutonic army. Not the Airships I build today, but the old static things that just did up and down. I served in the Gallo-Teuton war and I was the first man to ever go up in one of those things in combat."

"I was a spotter, you see. Damned impressive, I thought, when I first climbed into the thing… And then all of a sudden I was looking down upon this battle from a few hundred feet up. They said that I was the first man to see a whole war, all at once. That I should be excited to see something never seen before." He sighs. It is the sigh of a man who has seen much and forgotten even more. It is the sigh of a man who knows he is with those who will understand. You are sure you will understand.

"All I saw was death. Destruction. Mud and blood and flesh rent asunder. We had our first machine-guns and they were brutal, vicious things. Men and women fell like corn before a scythe and lay twitching in the torn up ground and I saw every moment. Every detail. I would not have been able to go up in the balloon if I had not been able to do that. I was useful, you see."

"Is that all we're good for? To be useful?" You ask. The Cigarette is burning low in your hands, unsmoked for some time. You stub it out in a tray and lean back, sipping at your brandy.

"As young men? Young women? As officers?" He asks in reply, "Why Yes. What is a Leutnant but another cog in the machine the same as their soldiers? Valentina, I am a man who has experienced war, just as you are a woman who has experienced it. But I am not a man of war. I am not built for it and neither are my machines. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I believe I do, yes." You are following certainly. But you recognise the presence of layers of thought and meaning even if you cannot quite follow them.

"I am scared, my girl. Scared. And I hate to say it but these days that's damned impressive. I am an old man, I do not scare easily. But I see war coming to Europa and from there to the rest of the world and when the world is burning, where is there space for the meek and the tired? We must always make space for them. We must."

[ ] I have questions (write in)
[ ] I would do anything I can to stop a war.
[ ] I will not be someone else's cog.
[ ] What can I do?
[X] I would do anything I can to stop a war.

The Count seems like someone I can work with. Especially if it's to stop a war.
[X] "Then that raises the question, Count Faust, where Hell truly is, and how we can best endevour to avoid the grip of madmen plunging into it."

If he hasn't read the classics I'll be in physical pain at this.
[x] What can I do?

This is, perhaps, a way to be both useful and true to principals. Plus, I'm positively disposed given the way both the count and his wife seem inclined to support us and Sasha.
Or more importantly... ARE THEY EVEN THE SAME CLASSICS.

Actually I mean we know the Iliad and Odyssey are the same more or less...
The problem, surely, is not whether he has read the classics, but whether I have.

Dr. Faustus is the work referenced, specifically Mestiopholes' monologue on the nature of Hell- in brief, Hell is other people. The longer summary is that Hell is both knowing God and being without him, thus Hell is not an artifact of where someone is, but who they're with- which explains why even though Mestophilies is on EastE serving Faust, he is still damned and in Hell.

I'm using this for two reasons; one being that we need to find God, ie make a plan; and two, stop clam jamming us and give Sasha back.
[X] I would do anything I can to stop a war.
This poor lady just cannot help but get involved in conspiracy, can she?
A Little Soiree
You walk up the long bath towards the Count's house, clutching a purse, heart hammering in your chest and you spend the entire way trying to decide whether you're terrified of the night to come, anxious about how you look or simply overwhelmed by the woman in the suit beside you. She is beautiful and so sharply put together, with the singly lonely decoration resting above her left breast, as adamant of a reminder of the price she has paid as the wood and iron that now adorns her leg. You wonder if anyone tonight will recognise the statement she is making by wearing that and that alone. You wonder if anyone will see how much she means to you. Sometimes you wonder if she does and then she looks at you and you remember.

The doorman is confrontational despite his near perfect Kevian. Either von Zeppelin has a frightfully well educated staff or he found the one man in his employ with the language skills that a night like tonight would require. Perhaps that is the more obvious answer you think as you tease Valentina about her drinking. You've seen her drink - it is not an idle comment, however flippantly you choose to put it across to her.

You walk into the grand hall with her, the ballroom, and the heart that has been hammering so vigorously stops as if it has just been pulled from your chest. The twirling couples, the tables piled high with food and drink, the sheer cacophony of a party in full swing. You have been in places like this before and you thought you would never return to anything of its ilk, living in a run down flat in a run down quarter of a backwards little city in Varnmark. A violin scratches just slightly and you almost wince. That would not have passed muster, back then.

A hand touches your back and you turn, trying to force a smile. Valentina looks worried. You hadn't realised how tense you have become just in watching proceedings.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

You are not certain. You'd like to say no, but that would be a lie. You were raised to this, after all, in a way, though your brain was getting the signals all backwards. What would the Duchess do, you ask yourself. You can hold yourself with grace instead of presence. That is all it takes.

"Yes." You reply, though even you hear the weakness in your answer, "Yes, fine. I've done this before, I can do it again.

Foolish. She is going to ask questions. You put an arm out for her to take, a distraction but a worthwhile one.

"Sasha, no. We're in public." She hisses at you.

"What, can a lady not offer a war hero her arm? I mean, we have such a grand staircase to descend, I wouldn't like you to trip and make a fool of yourself." You tease. She grumbles, but she takes your arm and you start breathing again as you descend into the throngs of well-appointed party guests.

Perhaps for the first time in your life, you do not feel out of place. You may not be wearing a fashionable designer or the finest materials, but you feel as you should and you are on the arm of someone you love. It is electrifying.

You hush the acidic little voice in the back of your head that tells you you are a monster and let the energy of the room wash over you.

And then, in a whirl of artfully executed upper class manipulation, you are separated from your love by a beautiful siren of a woman as Valya is dragged away by a man whose intentions seem friendly enough but certainly extend beyond a guest-host relationship. Still, there is not a lot you can do without breaching all sorts of rules of decorum, so you follow the siren with the white-blonde hair

"Countessa," You say as she slows just enough for you to catch a moment of her attention as she pulls you through the crowd, "Not that I don't appreciate-"

"Hush, girl, and wait till we get where we're going," She says with a giggle and the force of will of a drill sergeant.

You hold back a sigh and follow as she leads you through little door that leads off the ballroom, down a short corridor and into a warm, smoky room, just as richly decorated as the rest of the house but in the reds and golds of pure hedonism. A wall is devoted to glass cabinets filled with books and the various recliners and divans host an array of finely dressed clearly mildly inebriated dilettantes.

"Who's this then?" A young man calls as the woman closes the door behind you.

"Ladies and Gentlemen and Others of the club, may I present Miss Sasha Ivanova." She gestures at you in a somewhat all encompassing way, "And she is Kevian so those of you who can, it would only be polite to speak so."

"Your command of the language is admirable, Countessa, but I speak Dyske well enough for a party." You say in her own language and the ribald laugh you get in return is well worth it. After a momentary startle she laughs as well, and her wide eyes make the comment at her expense well worth it.

"Well aren't you full of glorious surprises." She says and takes your arm properly. "Allow me to introduce you. My boys, Herr Adelbrecht and Herr Thomas, both very fine young men." She points to two grown men wrapped around each other lazily on a velvet couch. "Grafin Amelia Metzog," An older woman as sharply dressed as Valya but much more expensively raises a glass silently, "The artist Odel and their muse, Maria." Two people who you took to both be women on another couch, but either you have misheard or the countessa used another word. "And a dear friend, Miss Julienne Marchand of Gallia." The last, an irresistibly made up girl who cannot be past her teenage years giggles and raises delicate fingers.

"A pleasure to meet you all." You say formally and there is another laugh.

"Oh please, not so stiff. Fix yourself a drink and get acquainted." She says as she ensconces herself between the two men she had called her boys. Everything feels very strange but very welcoming nonetheless. You pour two fingers of vodka, good northern stuff, and find a crushed velvetine corner to perch on. "I wish you could have brought your girl to meet everyone, but sadly my husband's business does come first."

"Oh, she's not, um. She's my travelling companion, Countessa"
You say, almost stammering. This evokes another laugh and you feel even more embarrassed and a little confused.

"Please, you don't need to hide that sort of thing around us. You're not so subtle to someone who's looking for the signs." She smiles warmly, without menace. "And anyway, didn't I say to call me Hilda? You had best get comfortable, dear girl, for do we have some things to tell you."