I Used To Be The Demon Lord


"I'm a Librarian. There are these things called Stat Books. Do the math."

Stat Books were, simply put, a type of Consumable Item that permanently raised a person's stats when used. They weren't common but they weren't rare either, and an active adventurer could probably use-up hundreds within their life-time — though the stat-increase was usually low and flat.

"Is that so?" Yorick commented idly.

Alister was a bit more nosy as he placed a hand on his chin, "The amount of Stat Books used would have been tremendous... how did you get so many?"

"By working at a library."

He quickly realized that I wasn't going to say anymore, "I see."


After getting them off my back, Mother re-invited Yorick and Alister for dinner while Father silently stared at them with a very obvious grimace. They both hit it off pretty well with Mother, since she was rather interested in trying to hook me up with one of them — Yorick who was easygoing with some kitchen-dabbling or Alister who was serious and strong.

Both were the pretty-boy type, so she was fine with me picking either.

...Honestly, mom...

Anyways, as Mother prodded them for information, I did learn some things about the two.

Apparently, Yorick and Alister were childhood friends, living in some place called Marscele which was a bit of a mercenary-town. Yorick used to be the better of the two at fighting but eventually ditched town to live a more peaceful life when he became old enough to take care of himself.

A few years later, the two of them coincidentally reunited at some dungeon — Yorick because he was grabbing things to sell and Alister because of a job. A few things happened here and there but they eventually discovered some sinister plot concerning the Blade Of Ten Heavens and became involved with the Quest.

They had initially teamed-up but quickly separated because of disagreements. Alister went around doing his own thing, while Yorick chased after him to make him stop.

A few more things happened here and there and then their latest cat-and-mouse escapade brought them to Aveen.


Of course, how I came to know the two men eventually came up, so I simply told mom that I was part of their quest now.

She was pretty excited about that, saying that I had a better chance of finding a nice-guy while exploring instead of staying cooped up at the library. A bit of context there: my mom and dad used to be adventurers and dad was her 'nice-guy', so she was more or less expecting the same to happen with me.

Yorick and Alister weren't so thick-headed not to realize what my Mother was implying. They tried diverting attention from themselves by wishing me luck.

I suspected that Alister said it because he already had someone that he liked. While Yorick was probably thinking that I was a brat or something...


After dinner, and after quelling dad, Mother invited them to stay over the night, stating that we could venture off tomorrow.

Yorick was alright with the hospitality but Alister didn't want to impose.

I decided to...

[ ] Go to bed - Sure, whatever, I'll figure out what to do tomorrow.

[ ] Leave now - ...Isn't that Angels vs Demons vs Dragons battle happening tomorrow? I don't want to fight through that!

[ ] Write-In
[X] Leave now - ...Isn't that Angels vs Demons vs Dragons battle happening tomorrow? I don't want to fight through that!
[x] Leave now - ...Isn't that Angels vs Demons vs Dragons battle happening tomorrow? I don't want to fight through that!
[X] Go to bed - Sure, whatever, I'll figure out what to do tomorrow.

Getting caught up in the Angel Demon Dragon battle will be hilarious, guys.
Do we own the library, or just work in it?

If we own it, shouldn't we pack up all the books and take them with us, given, y'know, we won't be there to take care of things? (and books, man, books!)
Does it matter? Anything that tries to disturb it will be beaten horrificly.
I kinda want to enforce ground rules on the war. It would be hilarious.
i just have this mental image of a heroic party being trailed by a wagon full of books. 'If i am to accurately depict how this whole farce goes, i will want my books with me for the 90% of the time you'll be doing nothing interesting besides walking from one place to another'

Until my party hits teleportation magic level, (or coughs up the cash for an item to do it for them) Weeks to months are spent doing nothing more than going from place to place. Walking everywhere gets you something like 30-50 miles a day, and when the place you want to go to is 400 miles away, that's something like ten days of walking.
[X] Go to bed - Sure, whatever, I'll figure out what to do tomorrow.

Because getting caught in the battle will make for a good tale to tell.
Do we own the library, or just work in it?
Just work there.

It's the town's library, so it's officially owned by the Mayor.

So let's review a bit:

[0.1] "Meanwhile, I simply manned the desk at the library, passing the time by reading books."
[0.2] "Well, calling it library was probably giving it too much credit, it was more of a bookstore than anything else. Still, it was the only place in Aveen to go to if someone wanted a book to read, so it pretty much was the town's library."

Some more in-character information:

Revya Kuirukyou works with two other people; a young lady (Rali Korchez) and an old-lady (Martha Laman). Due to Revya's skill with a sword, she's technically the security of the place, though rowdy happenings at the library is far and few in-between.

Martha is the Mayor's Wife and around Lv40, used to be a Mage of some kind. Her personality is stern, though not necessarily strict. The library is something that she started with her own funding. Administrative duty belongs to her.

Rali is an out-of-towner owing a debt to some skeevy people. Martha helped her out and she's now working at the library to pay it off. Doesn't really like books but doesn't really hate them. Lv15-ish, she's a Rogue of some kind, has a habit of pinching Revya's butt. A hard worker, she does most of the manual labor.
[X] Leave now - ...Isn't that Angels vs Demons vs Dragons battle happening tomorrow? I don't want to fight through that!
[X] Go to bed - Sure, whatever, I'll figure out what to do tomorrow.

Attempting to avoid it would probably end up with getting caught up in it. Without a good night's sleep. Might as well face it while well-rested.
X] Go to bed - Sure, whatever, I'll figure out what to do tomorrow.

If we are here, we can ensure that our friends and family are protected from it.
[X] Leave now - ...Isn't that Angels vs Demons vs Dragons battle happening tomorrow? I don't want to fight through that!
[X] Go to bed - Sure, whatever, I'll
figure out what to do tomorrow.

I am NOT letting our village get destroyed