Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

you know what I am going to be busy at 2pm so I am just going to close the Vote now I doubt its going to change within 2 hours.

Plan getting started wins.
Adhoc vote count started by san on Mar 30, 2018 at 12:02 PM, finished with 201 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan getting started.
    -[X] Census on how many militia you have - You lack precise numbers on how many militia you can call upon when needed. This is unacceptable as you can't be sure word gets out to every town and village that they are needed if you lack knowledge on how many people can call upon in a crisis.
    --[X] Rusl
    -[X] Build a proper Capital - Ordona has always lacked a central city to rally around being a vassal of Hyrule. However now Hyrule no longer exists and you need to rule yourselves. Build the beginnings of a capital for the people to rally around.
    --[X] Malo
    -[X] Survey for mines - Eldin Province has always produced enough metal and stone to fuel Hyrule's economy, but now you are seperated from that province and must get your own metal.
    -[X] Build lumber camps - The Kokiri forest and the towns nearby it used to provide most of the lumber for Hyrule. While your people have always harvested some wood from the nearby Faron woods, with your people cut off from Hyrule it is time you established proper lumber camps.
    -[X] Survey for possible Quarries - Eldin Province has always produced enough metal and stone to fuel Hyrule's economy, but now you are separated from that province and must get your own stone.
    [X] Plan Building Infrastructure
    [X] Meet Ilia - Ilia is your childhood friend who has recently taken up the role of leading and representing the villages of Ordona Province. Meet her to get an idea of what Orondians in the villages want.
    --[X] Bo
    [X] Search for an Advisor - look for someone who knows about spying, stealth and assassination. Start by looking through the Refugee camps as you know that no one in Ordona really fits the bill.
ok guys one final question before I start working on the update...

Do you want to roll for the results yourselves, or do you guys want me to roll?
anyway I gtg now so let me know within the next few hours please :D
and there goes my plans. :(

bloody truck started making massive put put sounds a block away from the house it is now sitting in the driveway. I called my grandfather to take a look at it as he knows this stuff way better than me and he lives in the area... if I need it towed then I will do that if not I will be driving it to the mechanics. (and no it is not the muffler.):(

ok given the complete lack of care on the rolls I will assume no one wants to bother rolling for results on the actions and wants me to do it. ;)

Fair enough update should be out later tonight. :D
[] Searching for a Spouse - Try to find someone to marry and have kids with.
Cost: 0 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: hidden roll +/- spousal approval modifiers
Reward: spouse choice mini-turn.
(marrying someone within your nation boosts loyalty. Marrying someone important from another kingdom boosts diplomacy. Marrying a ruler from another kingdom or their heir gives you the chance to combine both of your kingdoms into one combined kingdom.)
Let's wait on this to see if we can first find Zelda's group. It seems like she went into another faction but we split up on good terms, so if we can run into her first we might be able to combine our kingdoms.

Plus, I ship Zelda and Link, so yeah.
Let's wait on this to see if we can first find Zelda's group. It seems like she went into another faction but we split up on good terms, so if we can run into her first we might be able to combine our kingdoms.

Plus, I ship Zelda and Link, so yeah.

Like i said it risk to not be so easy, even if we are hylians we will be see as an ordonnian and hyrule nobility and peoples will not see us as eguals. I doubt that they will be okay with the "It's marvelous ! Spouse our princess and combine our kingdom for a best future". They risk to be more "How dare you ordonnian paysant ! Rest at your place !"

We were nothing more than a vassal kingdom populate by illeterate paysants who gave them food, it will take a long time before they see us like a real and serious kingdom. if it arrive one day.

but Link nd Zelda are always ship.... I know that it's close to heresy but could we envisage something else ?
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Like i said it risk to not be so easy, even if we are hylians we will be see as an ordonnian and hyrule nobility and peoples will not see us as eguals. I doubt that they will be okay with the "It's marvelous ! Spouse our princess and combine our kingdom for a best future". They risk to be more "How dare you ordonnian paysant ! Rest at your place !"

We were nothing more than a vassal kingdom populate by illeterate paysants who gave them food, it will take a long time before they see us like a real and serious kingdom. if it arrive one day.

Considering this

After his fight against Ganondorf ended with failure he was forced to flee the castle with Zelda to avoid the wrath of the goddesses. However the two of them split up in the castle town to gather as many citizens as possible to flee with them and ensure their survival. During this the goddesses started to display their wrath and the two of them ended up being forced to flee in different directions with Zelda taking most of the refugees with her.

I imagine the people will be pretty okay with us. The two of us are pretty much the saviors of the city.

but Link nd Zelda are always ship.... I know that it's close to heresy but could we envisage something else ?

I am physically incapable of imagining another ship for either of them.
I both agree and disagree with the whole see as an equal thing. on one hand from a normal political stance it makes sense but on the other hand you have to remember that this whole hero thing is a well known historical and mythological fact. Everyone knows that the royalty is descended from Hylia and at least to some degree her mortal actors in the physical world, they also know that the hero and Hylia are so intertwined it's ridiculous. The chances of Link not being some sort of extremely important religious figure is so small it's practically impossible. Calling the guy with the holy master sword, the mark of courage on his hand, and a clear blessing from all the gods a peasant would probably get you declared a heretic and lynched so fast you could blink and miss it.

But ignoring the fact that were probably some sort of holy figure and thus politically a terrible person to snub, you also have to consider the fact that the nation has been fundamentally broken odds are good that what ever form Hyrule take in the future will be radically different then it was in ages past. This is the exact sort of situation that usually leads to peasants rising to hold lots and lots of power. That all ignores the fact the the Hero of Twilight is well known and liked by just about every major race in Hyrule, including the leaders of said races.

And even that ignores that in order to get to Zelda were going to need to put together an army to fight to where she is, by the time we do that we would hopefully have gotten our mongol horde in order and at that point no one in there right mind would snub the guy in charge of an army of mongols. You also have to consider the fact that Zelda doesn't have the triforce of wisdom for nothing, the girl is crazy smart to smart to let some idiot noble snub the guy with the trifroce of courage and an mongol army. The situation is actually a lot more balanced then you would think at first glance, after all were personal friends with the Zora royal family and the head of the Goron tribe, if they decide were not worthy of the princess we could very very easily go to one of them and set up an advantages marriage. Zelda was just the first choice because she's the most shiny choice, she most defiantly isn't the only choice and she damn well knows it. And that's not considering the fact that since this is inspired by Hyrule total war Midna might be an option sooner or later and i get the distinct feeling convincing her to marry us would be an easy sell.

Honestly speaking with all the connections Link built going about saving Hyrule were a very juicy and advantageous marriage option, if we manage to bring a mongol horde to the table as well odds are good faction leaders are going to be seeking us out and not the other way around. All we have to do is survive these damn Moblins, build up infrastructure, as well as defenses and get an army together. If we do that we are one of the shiniest pieces on the board.

in conclusion, being the Hero of Twilight comes with it's perks.
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I imagine the people will be pretty okay with us. The two of us are pretty much the saviors of the city.
ehhhh don't forget nobles do exist, also you started as a peasant soo ehhhh... oh and uh, thing you might have forgotten? The apocalypse just happened because you fkd up and choked while fighting Ganondorf.... so ya.
oh and about that Mongol Horde? I recommend some medium or heavy shock cavalry with those light ranged skirmisher cavalry... just to ensure you have more heft to defend yourself with.
I imagine the people will be pretty okay with us. The two of us are pretty much the saviors of the city.

Yes but the savior of the kingdom is not obligatory his king. Even if they respected us, it will not be extend ordonnians, a marriage mean to fsion our two kingdoms, so consider ordonnians with eguality with hylians. And I don't think that hylians will be okay with that.

I am physically incapable of imagining another ship for either of them.

I can understand this... but a little try ? :p

I both agree and disagree with the whole see as an equal thing. on one hand from a normal political stance it makes sense but on the other hand you have to remember that this while hero thing is a well known historical and mythological fact. Everyone knows that the royalty is descended from Hylia and at least to some degree her mortal actors in the physical world, they also know that the hero and Hylia are so intertwined it's ridiculous. The chances of Link not being some sort of extremely important religious figure is so small it's practically impossible. Calling the guy with the holy master sword, the mark of courage on his hand, and a clear blessing from all the gods a peasant would probably get you declared a heretic and lynched so fast you could blink and miss it.

But ignoring the fact that were probably some sort of holy figure and thus politically a terrible person to snub, you also have to consider the fact that the nation has been fundamentally broken odds are good that what ever from Hyrule take in the future will be radically different then it was in ages past. This is the exact sort of situation that usually leads to peasants rising to hold lots and lots of power. That all ignores the fact the the Hero of Twilight is well known and liked by just about every major race in Hyrule, including the leaders of said races.

And even that ignores that in order to get to Zelda were going to need to put together an army to fight to where she is, by the time we do that we would hopefully have gotten our mongol horde in order and at that point no one in there right mind would snub the guy in charge of an army of mongols. You also have to consider the fact that Zelda doesn't have the triforce of wisdom for nothing, the girl is crazy smart to smart to let some idiot noble snub the guy with the trifroce of courage and an mongol army. The situation is actually a lot more balanced then you would think at first glance, after all were personal friends with the Zora royal family and the head of the Goron tribe, if they decide were not worthy of the princess we could very very easily go to one of them and set up an advantages marriage. Zelda was just the first choice because she's the most shiny choice, she most defiantly isn't the only choice and she damn well knows it. And that's not considering the fact that since this is inspired by Hyrule total war Midna might be an option sooner or later and i get the distinct feeling convincing her to marry us would be an easy sell.

Honestly speaking with all the connections Link built going about saving Hyrule were a very juicy and advantageous marriage option, if we manage to bring a mongol horde to the table as well odds are good faction leaders are going to be seeking us out and not the other way around. All we have to do is survive these damn Moblins, build up infrastructure, as well as defenses and get an army together. If we do that we are one of the shiniest pieces on the board.

in conclusion, being the Hero of Twilight comes with it's perks.

Good analyi, i'm agree with the most part, but don't uderestimate bias and proud of people, especially in hard times.

Hmmm... Midna marriage could be interesting too ^^
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oh and about that Mongol Horde? I recommend some medium or heavy shock cavalry with those light ranged skirmisher cavalry... just to ensure you have more heft to defend yourself with.

Yes, for this i'm thiking that ultimately make the elite of our amy like cataphracts, heavy cavalry equip with swor,, maces/axes, lances and with bows too ^^ . Ultimately they could fight on foot to defend strategic points or walls.

Edit : to giev you an idea of what i'm thinking

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ARC 1: Turn 1: Beginnings of a Nation, results.
As the year came to a close Link looked over all the reports of what happened and gazed out his window at all the progress Ordonna made in the first year of the post-apocalyptic counter. He could feel nothing but happiness in how swift his fledgeling kingdom was in making progress and how lucky they have been.

Turn 1, Year 0 actions:

-[X] Census on how many militia you have --[X] Rusl
Roll: 39 Medium success.
The census on the militia conducted by Rusl had some surprising results... the numbers of people actively signed up for militia before conducting the Census showed that less than 10,000 people were actively Militia at the time, when the last time the Militia were called up over a century ago there were over 30,000 people in it. It seems the century of peace lulled Ordonians signed up shortly after Rusl finished bringing the Militia numbers up to 25,000 afterwards. A bit small for your provinces size but you make do with what you can.
Reward: Knowledge on how many Militia you have, potential catastrophe averted, many people signed up to join the Militia.

-[X] Build lumber camps
As the people Link sent out to build the camps went into the forest to look for locations to start up a lumber camp, they found an old one at least a couple centuries, but all the tools were good shape thanks to very well done storage and the buildings were intact so they decided to utilize the camp there for themselves after repairing the buildings and swiftly got to work chopping wood ahead of schedule.
Reward: -500 rupees, +800 wood income, +500 wood to storage.

-[X] Build a proper Capital
Roll: 95 GREAT success!
The Ordonians Malo hired to build a capital were very shocked and surprised to learn why Malo was employing them... That is before they started cheering and rushed to build the Capital with all the enthusiasm they could muster. By the time the year finished not only had they built hundreds of homes, but they also managed to divert the nearby Ordon river to go through part of the capital and set up Two Fire Fighting buildings by the river, one on each end. They also built a small Keep with half the stone stockpiles for you to rule from. Though all this took them a bit more resources than normal.
Reward: -300 rupees, -500 wood, -100 stone, Capital built up to the size of a small town, also gained a prebuilt Fire brigade building and the Capitol building as well. Will finish in 2 more turns.

-[X] Survey for mines
Roll: 20 small success.
The survey team's results were more or less as expected there were few ore veins to be found within the fields of Ordona or the nearby Faron woods. Thankfully they found a decently sized copper deposit, as well as a few small surface level tin deposits nearby it. All of this was found in the Faron woods and not extremely deep in them either.
Reward: found a copper deposit and some tiny tin deposits near it.

-[X] Survey for possible Quarries
Roll: 97 GREAT success!
On the other Hand the survey team sent out to find possible Quarry locations, had spectacular results. They not only found an old location where people had dug out Granite which had plenty left and would be relatively easy to get started with. They also found a source of Marble though that location would need work to setup a quarry there.
Reward: Granite quarry found and ready to start up at no cost at all, even an authority point. Possible location for a Marble quarry found though this one will take work.

[X] Meet Ilia --[X] Bo
While Mayor Bo was delivering the news to Link on what his meeting with Ilia entailed, the lord representative of Ordona burst through your door demanding to know why Link had yet to talk to him about what the Lords of the region desired. Thankfully Link was able to talk him down by letting him know Link had meant no offense but that Link had full trust in the lords to manage their own affairs for the year and felt they would dislike Link bothering them so early on as if Link was breathing down their necks. Appeased the Lord representative decided to tell you the Issues involving the lord faction as well and all about it. After they both left, Link was left with a headache but was happy that was over with and went so well.
Reward: small crisis averted, Information gained on all Ordonians, learned that Ordonians are split between two factions Lords/merchants and farmers/peasants. (full info showed in info sheet later.)

[X] Search for an Advisor
Roll: 85 Large success!
Your search for an Intrigue advisor throughout the refugee camps goes shockingly well. Not only did you find your old matronly friend and resistance leader Telma as well as her pet cat Louise, you also found the Hylian Fanadi who used to tell you your fortune and direct you on where to go on your quests.
Reward: 3 possible Advisor candidates found, mini-turn for advisor choice soon.

EDIT: Current treasury/resource:

Rupees: 1400 in bank, +500 from taxes, +100 from trade.

Food: natural food level 6, Food level with refugees 5.

Stone: 100 in stockpiles, +0 income.

Wood: 600 in stockpiles, +900 income.

Metal: 100 in stockpiles, +0 income.

Turn ends here

YOU LUCKY PRICKS! those rolls were insane and don't expect them to be common.

but ya you got every critsuccess EXACTLY where you needed/wanted them, every great success in the places they were most useful and finally you got the lesser rolls in the actions that mattered the least overall and were most likely to have lesser results.

EDIT: will be updating kingdom status soon, either tonight or tomorrow at some point. Including a map with everything you currently know of.
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Just as planned...

Good, so much goodness... soon the mongol horde and our rangers shall be the bane of all!!!

Great turn sans! Looking forward to the next!
ok everyone I made a couple minor changes to the update (aka I added the treasury/resources for the end of the turn) and I also added the National map to the Nation Status along with a few other minor updates to it.
by the looks of it as long as we don't exceed 600 rupee's a turn we should be good...

stone and metal stockpiles are low, real low...going to have to get those mines up and running, maybe set up a bounty for our eventual rangers/scouts to hunt for metals? even items from fallen enemies would be good for a return, maybe 10-50 metal a turn depending on the roll, if they succeed. but with a upkeep cost of 50 rupee's depending on the amount of metal hunters we have.

other then that, we can afford a training area for both range and close combat, put a emphasis on dodging however and evasion. militia cant go toe-to-toe with a standard moblin and live.
at least until we get Calvary up and running, then we can go on our own pillage and raid the moblins until they give up.

as it is piety is going to have to wait until everything calms down, that and we don't want to piss off the goddesses...
we are also going to have to get some more advisors next turn to get those sweet bonuses!
by the looks of it as long as we don't exceed 600 rupee's a turn we should be good...
400 a turn actually, don't forget upkeep costs. Though that is going to increase once your capital is built.
stone and metal stockpiles are low, real low...going to have to get those mines up and running, maybe set up a bounty for our eventual rangers/scouts to hunt for metals? even items from fallen enemies would be good for a return, maybe 10-50 metal a turn depending on the roll, if they succeed. but with a upkeep cost of 50 rupee's depending on the amount of metal hunters we have.
I am unlikely to allow that, though at the end of every battle you win you will get a pillage bonus. Besides metal is not needed for the army style you are planning with the mongol horse archers and heavy numbers of bowmen, Even Medium shock cavalry does not require much metal.
other then that, we can afford a training area for both range and close combat, put a emphasis on dodging however and evasion. militia cant go toe-to-toe with a standard moblin and live.
at least until we get Calvary up and running, then we can go on our own pillage and raid the moblins until they give up.
Cavalry (not calvary thats a city.) requires level 2 training grounds... plus a marksmanship range for horse archers.
400 a turn actually, don't forget upkeep costs. Though that is going to increase once your capital is built.

I am unlikely to allow that, though at the end of every battle you win you will get a pillage bonus. Besides metal is not needed for the army style you are planning with the mongol horse archers and heavy numbers of bowmen, Even Medium shock cavalry does not require much metal.

Cavalry (not calvary thats a city.) requires level 2 training grounds... plus a marksmanship range for horse archers.

thank you sans! though I worry about when the enemy manages to get close to us, cause frankly there's bullshit magic in this realm, wouldn't be surprised if someone figures out a anti-archery field that prevents ranged projectiles from having as great of a effect.
thank you sans! though I worry about when the enemy manages to get close to us, cause frankly there's bullshit magic in this realm, wouldn't be surprised if someone figures out a anti-archery field that prevents ranged projectiles from having as great of a effect.
well idk about anyone else but the 'Blinn tribes lack that kind of magic... and just about any kind of magic at all.
ARC 1: Mini-turn: Intrigue Advisor decision
Looking at the choices listed before him for his intrigue advisor Link realized this was the hardest decision he had to make so far. All three possible advisors would be INCREDIBLY useful, though they each had drawbacks compared to the other two. In the end however you could only choose one.

[] Telma: The most traditional of these three advisors, as well as a friend you made on your quests. She was the leader of the resistence and managed to lead the strong underground operation through many difficulties. She also owned a bar where she learned the practise of ferrating out secrets from drunken customers and learned how to use her feminine wiles perfectly.

Benefits: Choosing Telma grants a +18 bonus to intrigue actions she is involved in, and can do intrigue actions on her own without you spending authority.

[] Louise: Most people would laugh at you if you told them you chose a cat as an intrigue advisor. Those people can't turn into a wolf that can talk to animals, plus they don't know how smart that cat is and how good it is at what it does.

Bemefits: Coosing Louise grants you a second roll on ALL intrigue actions you take (except assasinations) with a bonus of +9 AND it gives you more info if both rolls are successful. Though the highest success possible for this secondary roll is a large success, The roll also operates at a MUCH lower chance of failure nearly gaurenteeing at least a small success. Louise can also be directed to do an intrigue action on her own as that secondary roll, though she does not provide a secondary roll to other intrigue actions while she is doing so.

[] Fanadi: Fortune teller Fanadi was the person who you went to for direction on your quests whenever you got stuck. You learned all to well that she is very good at what she does and would be extremely useful to have around to see into the future on all your intrigue actions.

Benefits: Choosing Fanadi grants you a +29 to ALL intrigue actions you take from then on. However she cannot take an action by herself forcing you to spend authority on the actions though with a much greater chance of success than you otherwise would have.


Yes all three truly are amazing options you would have been stuck with Telma on a small success, had Louise as an option too on a medium success but you got lucky and got Fanadi as a pick too... Good luck choosing between them now. :D
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Ugh tough choices all are good but Louise (rerolls!) and Fanadi (that bonus!) are my preference.

In the end
[X] Louise
the rerolls does it for me.