Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

The map being changed doesn't really change much honestly, that just means we are going to have to relay on the trademark of the mongol strategy mobility. As long as we can fight our way to Zelda and get her on side our potential military strength becomes amazing. Of course were going to have to do all of this in a timely fashion because sooner or later one of the neighboring countries is going to get the bright idea to invade Hyrule while it's all broken up and i would really like to have a strong faction when that happens. It will still probably suck though.

Hey you gus wanna chance it later and see if Nyaru can give us a map of reshaped world once we build a temple for her and shes not mad at us
Im down for that.
Ok guy's iv'e been thinking about what our overall game plan should be and I came up with a basic outline for how i think we should build our military and what our first major political move should be and i want to run it by you guy's.

After considering the types of land that we are surrounded by and the enemy's we are dealing with i feel like we would be best off specializing in a mongol like form of combat with a core of horse bound archers and woodland rangers. We will of course have other types of units but i fell like with how close we are to the woods and Ordon's cavalry breeders trait we are in a prime position to go full mongol, combine that with Wolfos friends making us all but built for an elite group of rangers and we are in the perfect position for rapid land grab of the near by area once we get our shit together.

As our first step once we have our shit together and are ready to expand we should use our closeness to the Kokiri Forest and our rangers to go on a blitz by killing any monster standing between us and Zelda. If we play our cards right we can then marry her (and if that's not an option at least use our closeness as a pair of serial reincarnating lovebirds/best friends to set up an iron clad alliance) and thus gain access to the vaunted heavily armored royal guard and sneaky sneaky Sheikah thus perfectly rounding out our forces and replacing our average heavy armor and sneaky units with specialized units picture perfect for the role.

With Zelda on side and her heavy units and spy's backing up our horde we should be able to tear our way through the moblins and what ever there largest settlement is before turning our attention to the rest of Hyrule and starting on our way to reclaiming the kingdom in it's entirety thanks to that wonderful legitimacy she brings as the defacto queen of Hyrule.

This of course is just a military plan, were still going to need to cover stewardship and what sorts of research we should be doing but those aren't my fields of expertise I'm more of a combat strategist.

Here is a map of Hyrule for those of you who need it.

Zelda is so close it's ridiculous to not do our damndest to get her on side.

I think I see what your going for Mongols and Rangers are both famous for ther ability to operate without a supply chain. With them as the majority of our forces we would be able to go to war with extremely low supply cost and with an absurd amount of mobility.

The map being changed doesn't really change much honestly, that just means we are going to have to relay on the trademark of the mongol strategy mobility. As long as we can fight our way to Zelda and get her on side our potential military strength becomes amazing. Of course were going to have to do all of this in a timely fashion because sooner or later one of the neighboring countries is going to get the bright idea to invade Hyrule while it's all broken up and i would really like to have a strong faction when that happens. It will still probably suck though.

I honestly didn't think of this but now that it's been brought up I can't shake how good a point it is. We need to build up fast and we need to make sure we're dangerous because Hyrule is just to juicy a target right now for us to do anything else. We are almost certainly on a time limit before the inevitable envasiom.

My god that's horrifying
I think I see what your going for Mongols and Rangers are both famous for ther ability to operate without a supply chain. With them as the majority of our forces we would be able to go to war with extremely low supply cost and with an absurd amount of mobility.
ummm wat? you guys realize that is the WORST reason to do this given you have like unlimited food compared to everyone else.

I honestly didn't think of this but now that it's been brought up I can't shake how good a point it is. We need to build up fast and we need to make sure we're dangerous because Hyrule is just to juicy a target right now for us to do anything else. We are almost certainly on a time limit before the inevitable envasiom.

My god that's horrifying
ya and you know what is more horrifying? the fact that the most numerous enemy of Hyrule that numbers in the hundreds of thousands is right next door to you. :D

Thankfully they tend to be very divisive and are unlikely to attack you with everything they have atm. But even an army of 10k of them might be enough to roll over your current entire 'Military'
oh and by the by, while the whole mongol army idea is great on offense... how will you defend your lands that are all farms and the like without walls with the Mongol horse army? in fact many of the small towns in Ordona don't even have palisades!

(there are no large towns in Ordona by the way.)
I think I see what your going for Mongols and Rangers are both famous for ther ability to operate without a supply chain. With them as the majority of our forces we would be able to go to war with extremely low supply cost and with an absurd amount of mobility.
This is actually more of just a Tertiary benefit i much more focused on the whole unending tide of death part of being a mongol and the super elite killy part of being a ranger, although saving on food never hurt anyone.

ya and you know what is more horrifying? the fact that the most numerous enemy of Hyrule that numbers in the hundreds of thousands is right next door to you. :D

Thankfully they tend to be very divisive and are unlikely to attack you with everything they have atm. But even an army of 10k of them might be enough to roll over your current entire 'Military'

This on the other hand is why i want to build a powerful faction as soon as possible while i could very easily plan out a war with the kinds of things having a mongol horde gives, in our current and short term future state without backup and still in the process of building up we would be forced into Guerrilla warfare and i don't think we would win.

Time is our enemy.

oh and by the by, while the whole mongol army idea is great on offense... how will you defend your lands that are all farms and the like without walls with the Mongol horse army? in fact many of the small towns in Ordona don't even have palisades!

(there are no large towns in Ordona by the way.)

We can't really plan our defenses until this turn passes, we need to know if were building a capital or a city for the refuges, then we need to see how much fighters we have, as well as the amount of metal and stone were going to be able to get access to.

It's just to early to tell really.
We can't really plan our defenses until this turn passes, we need to know if were building a capital or a city for the refuges, then we need to see how much fighters we have, as well as the amount of metal and stone were going to be able to get access to.
mmmm fair enough, though metal is not needed for the more basic troops like spearmen, it just helps A LOT.
I wonder how op zora units are considering long life span means lots of expieirence at the cost of being grumpy
I wonder how op zora units are considering long life span means lots of expieirence at the cost of being grumpy
They are actually INCREDIBLY mage heavy. So they are actually REALLY weak in close combat on land, but if they have the range they can slaughter a LOT of troops before they even reach them. Also in the water? They own the water in every way no matter if it is fresh or salt water, they will wipe out any enemy navy.

They are weak to an army of magic resistant close combatants or a powerful cavalry force like the Gorons or yourselves once you have a solid cavalry set up. :D
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They are actually INCREDIBLY mage heavy. So they are actually REALLY weak in close combat on land, but if they have the range they can slaughter a LOT of troops before they even reach them. Also in the water? They own the water in every way no matter if it is fresh or salt water, they will wipe out any enemy navy.

They are weak to an army of magic resistant close combatants or a powerful cavalry force like the Gorons or yourselves one you have a solid cavalry set up. :D

So im gonna guess offensive potential:Medium Defensive potential:High cuz they probably have giant moats
It makes me think about Zelda. Guys,don't you think that there a risk that she requires our submission something like this ? I know that for us the idea or a marriage is the more logical but i'm not sure that zelda and the hylains see this like us. After all for us we were just a vassal kingdoms and the didn't have a high opinion of us. And for the marriage remember that marriage between ordonnians and hylians were prohibited. So mariage could be more complicated than we though before.
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It makes me think about Zelda. Guys,don't you think that there a risk that she requires our submission othing else ? I know that for us the idea or a marriage is he more logical but i'm not sure that zelda and the hylains see this like us. After all for us we were just a vassal kingdoms and the didn't have a high opinion of us. And for the marriage remember that marriage between ordonnian and hylians were prohibited. So mariage could be more complicated than we though before.
all of this is a good point and very true... though your last points don't hold up as true as they are as Link is a Hylian himself who was merely raised as an Ordonian.

But yes, you are certainly correct that you will probably have a LOT of trouble marrying Zelda. Remember the main reason it never happened in cannon is because Zelda always followed her duty to her people over her heart.
all of this is a good point and very true... though your last points don't hold up as true as they are as Link is a Hylian himself who was merely raised as an Ordonian.

But yes, you are certainly correct that you will probably have a LOT of trouble marrying Zelda. Remember the main reason it never happened in cannon is because Zelda always followed her duty to her people over her heart.

Thanks ! And yes I forgot this.

All of this to make you realize that mainy things could doesn't happend like we initially think, Hylians are very proud and will not see as like egual soon, and the majority of their peoples risk to refuse the iedea of a marriage between the leader of vassal kingdom and their princess. After don't forgot that their all not only Hylians with who we can find aggrements, Lanayru province has more chances to be friendly with us than hylians. for their traditions of ope minded and because their were a vassal kingdom too.
Thanks ! And yes I forgot this.

All of this to make you realize that mainy things could doesn't happend like we initially think, Hylians are very proud and will not see as like egual soon, and the majority of their peoples risk to refuse the iedea of a marriage between the leader of vassal kingdom and their princess. After don't forgot that their all not only Hylians with who we can find aggrements, Lanayru province has more chances to be friendly with us than hylians. for their traditions of ope minded and because their were a vassal kingdom too.
ehhh they were more allied but ya.

and yes I can confirm you will find a MUCH better reception in Lanayru Province than in Kokiri Province. Largely because whoever ends up ruling it (I will roll for this) will either want to jump you, like you a lot, or be heavily in your debt. :D

Same for Eldin Province (minus wanting to jump you lol.) ;)
Vote will close at 2pm if I have the time to close it, if not it will close a bit later, but no later than 7pm (I should have time by then.)
Ah ? I thinked hat they were vassals of hyrule ? Thanks for the correction ! ;)

So what do you think people ? Why don't go in Lanaryu or Eldin in first ? Zora women are sexy too after all :p

Ah yes the politics i was hoping we would be discussing specifics for later date, Thats why i suggested we keep it in our pocket anyways. It is fact that the only successful link x zelda pairing Spirit Tracks. Was because of link and zeldas constant exposure to one another. Though if by great dice rolls we pull it off the trade off is much greater. The first thing that needs to be addressed i find is how most of the kingdoms deal in whos in charge. If we marry Zelda theoretically we would not actually be king but Prince Consort and Zelda as a queen' because of royal blood and only be regent if no other royal can be in charge most instances rulers marrying from a vassal isn't that uncommon or frowned upon. Though that would still depend on how Hylians view Link's status as a hero. If they at least see him at the level of a noble there pride wouldn't get too hurt. Anyway i'd prefer to plan this marriage thing after. We'd need an advisor for traditions for this kind of stuff and more info in how the nations act.
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On to more pressing matters what Zora style are you using san because botw Ruto looks good
On to more pressing matters what Zora style are you using san because botw Ruto looks good
There will be a vote on the picture IF Ruto is used.

Prince Ralis or Prince Sidon are also in the running as is Queen Rutela. So ya you gots a few options ahead of you. :D
Really was more concerned about style choice but seeing sidon thereim guessing BOTW style is being used
Really was more concerned about style choice but seeing sidon thereim guessing BOTW style is being used
Nope Sidon is a possibility but this is a merged time continuity/alt. time continuity where all the games are merged to create a new alt. reality. But some characters may be around and others are not.
*screams internally unable to use imagination on zora*
*screams internally unable to use imagination on zora*
all styles are valid, just find a picture. ;)

The exact look of the character gets voted on later after we know which character is leading.
Im just gonna assume OoT Zora are the more land based subspecies compared to BOTW and TP Zora