Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

It's alright, I'm not a grudge holder. I originally wanted the fanatic to win because in quests or well any RPG, I hate accidentally passing over cool content. For example in D&D, how am I supposed to know ahead of time that if I talk to the Spymaster, I will get a boring fetch quest, or if I talk to the old farmer about his missing chickens he will be the guy that will give me a really cool mission where I battle a Shoggoth on the Moon. While the fanatic would definitely be plotting to betray us, I personally would have found it quite fun to have our own Starscream, especially if there was some sort of plot twist that he actually was NOT a traitor, and that was being framed by Carlyle, or that he was secretly being possessed by Majora. It is those kinds of potential plot points, that I hate passing over either because of our choices or simple RNG.
Oh don't worry since the dice gods kept fucking over Sans he took away there power and started fucking us over so Simple RNG is not simple anymore Simple RNG means sans suffers from us rolling way too high.
[X] Give all races equal rights to Hylians and Ordonians the two founding races: Will not likely go over well with the nobility of these races and might not make the regular Hylians happy but will definitely make other races glad to be a part of your nation and will likely encourage immigration to your kingdom and better trade deals with non-Hylian nations. Also the Ordonian populace will likely not care much.

so option 1 as mentioned by other posters given we are bringing in the Twili and marrying Midna getting it so our kids are not disinherited is a good idea.
[X] Give all races equal rights to Hylians and Ordonians the two founding races: Will not likely go over well with the nobility of these races and might not make the regular Hylians happy but will definitely make other races glad to be a part of your nation and will likely encourage immigration to your kingdom and better trade deals with non-Hylian nations. Also the Ordonian populace will likely not care much.
[X] Give all races equal rights to Hylians and Ordonians the two founding races: Will not likely go over well with the nobility of these races and might not make the regular Hylians happy but will definitely make other races glad to be a part of your nation and will likely encourage immigration to your kingdom and better trade deals with non-Hylian nations. Also the Ordonian populace will likely not care much.
[X] Give all races equal rights to Hylians and Ordonians the two founding races: Will not likely go over well with the nobility of these races and might not make the regular Hylians happy but will definitely make other races glad to be a part of your nation and will likely encourage immigration to your kingdom and better trade deals with non-Hylian nations. Also the Ordonian populace will likely not care much.
[X] Give all races equal rights to Hylians and Ordonians the two founding races: Will not likely go over well with the nobility of these races and might not make the regular Hylians happy but will definitely make other races glad to be a part of your nation and will likely encourage immigration to your kingdom and better trade deals with non-Hylian nations. Also the Ordonian populace will likely not care much.
[X] Merely give anyone with Hylian or Ordonian Blood equal rights. Will keep the status quo but other races will continue to chafe under your rule as they have been doing under Hyrule's for many years. ( this means nothing changes and you do not have to do anything)
[X]Give all races equal rights to Hylians and Ordonians the two founding races: Will not likely go over well with the nobility of these races and might not make the regular Hylians happy but will definitely make other races glad to be a part of your nation and will likely encourage immigration to your kingdom and better trade deals with non-Hylian nations. Also the Ordonian populace will likely not care much.
[X] Give all races equal rights to Hylians and Ordonians the two founding races: Will not likely go over well with the nobility of these races and might not make the regular Hylians happy but will definitely make other races glad to be a part of your nation and will likely encourage immigration to your kingdom and better trade deals with non-Hylian nations. Also the Ordonian populace will likely not care much.

You get equal rights, you get equal rights, everyone gets equal rights!
[X]Give all races equal rights to Hylians and Ordonians the two founding races: Will not likely go over well with the nobility of these races and might not make the regular Hylians happy but will definitely make other races glad to be a part of your nation and will likely encourage immigration to your kingdom and better trade deals with non-Hylian nations. Also the Ordonian populace will likely not care much.
[X]Give all races equal rights to Hylians and Ordonians the two founding races: Will not likely go over well with the nobility of these races and might not make the regular Hylians happy but will definitely make other races glad to be a part of your nation and will likely encourage immigration to your kingdom and better trade deals with non-Hylian nations. Also the Ordonian populace will likely not care much.

After all our wife will be a twili
[X]Give all races equal rights to Hylians and Ordonians the two founding races: Will not likely go over well with the nobility of these races and might not make the regular Hylians happy but will definitely make other races glad to be a part of your nation and will likely encourage immigration to your kingdom and better trade deals with non-Hylian nations. Also the Ordonian populace will likely not care much.

Pissing off your wife is a horrible idea if you can avoid it.
[X] Give all races equal rights to Hylians and Ordonians the two founding races: Will not likely go over well with the nobility of these races and might not make the regular Hylians happy but will definitely make other races glad to be a part of your nation and will likely encourage immigration to your kingdom and better trade deals with non-Hylian nations. Also the Ordonian populace will likely not care much.
Vote closed! the next update won't be out for awhile though probably. Simply put it takes longer to write a battle plus university op.
ARC 1: Moblin War Miniturn: Part 1 the setup for the first battle and the war.
The Moblins have been sighted, war has begun and the first battle of it calls you and your army to arms.

'Dammit, I know I need to bring my Hoplites to the wall, but I can't get them any further.' Link thought of a plan to set up the first battle in his favor. 'I could also call upon my Militia throughout the kingdom though I am not sure how many would be able to arrive with any true speed. The Wolvos are another option, but even now they don't have any great numbers and calling upon them now would likely end up with many of them dying and the ones that don't are unlikely to come to our aid again. I could also have Bo take the cavalry and Wizards and flank the Moblins but that would take them through Moblin controlled territory. Damn, there are so many variables here!'

Your Army: 1,000 legionaries, 3,000 Hoplites, 3,000 Archers, 500 Cataphracts, Link, Bo, Rusl.
Allied forces: Kingdom of the West: 500 knights, 1 wind wizard, 1 fire wizard, 1 Ice wizard.
Twili Tribe: 4 Twilight mages.

Your Defenses: OrdonTown: 2 dozen Onagers, 5 trebuchets, 2 dozen Round Towers, Wall surrounding town of 10 foot height capable of holding up to 6000 troops, minimum garrison to hold is 2000 troops.
Inner Kingdom Wall: 10 foot tall wall blocking entrance to the inner kingdom. Capable of holding up to 8,000 troops, minimum garrison 2,000 troops.

Troop Locations: Ordontown: 2,000 Hoplites, 2,000 Archers, 1,000 Legionaries, 4 Twili Mages, Rusl.
Inner Kingdom Wall: 1,000 Archers.
Roma: 1,000 Hoplites, Link.
MalonVille: 500 Cataphracts, 500 Knights, 1 Fire Wizard, 1 Ice Wizard, 1 Wind Wizard, Bo.

Moblin Army: 30 Giga boars, 5,000 Moblin super-heavy variants, 15,000 Moblin light Archers, 10,000 Moblin Medium Spear infantry, 20,000 Moblin light assorted infantry.

Moblin siege capabilities: 30 Giga Boars, 50 siege ladders, 10 battering rams, 500 Grappling hooks with rope.

Moblin Location: 1 week travel away from Ordontown, 1 week 3 days travel away from The Inner Kingdom Wall.

Travel times at regular infantry speed:
Roma to wall: 5 days
Wall to Ordontown: 3 days
Malonville to Roma: 10 days
Faron Woods to Roma: 16 days
Malonville to Ordontown through Moblin lands: 1 month.

Regular speed requires a day of rest for every 7 days of travel.

Cavalry travels same distance in half time.
Can travel at double pace at cost of exhaustion needing a day of rest for every 3 days of travel to cure.
Can Travel at half pace to remove rest requirements and lower chance of detection.

Vote Time:

Ordontown vote:
[] Evacuate civilians
[] Abandon town entirely
[] Do nothing

Militia vote:
[] Call upon all Militia
[] Call only upon Ordontown Militia
[] Call only upon Ordontown and Capital Militia
[] Raise no militia

Malonville troops vote:
[] Have them flank Moblins
[] Have them go to inner wall
[] Have them go to Ordontown
[] Keep them in place

Wolvos Vote:
[] Call upon them to aid in battle
[] Call upon them to help guard your lands
[] Do not call upon them

Roma troops vote:
[] Push on to Ordontown
[] Move to Wall
[] Stay in place

Wall troops vote:
[] Stay in place
[] Push on to Ordontown

[] Write in any possible things you want to add or change such as how fast you want your troops to move.

Moblin Battle Miniturn Part 1 Ends here.

There you go a Proper pre-battle miniturn part. Remember to vote in plan format and GOOD LUCK! Just remember the further your troops need to go the longer it takes or the faster they need to move! So whenever you are moving them WRITE IN SPEED or I default to normal speed for the unit.

(Also the Wizards and Bo count as cavalry as they have mounts of their own plus BO is a Cavalry Hero.)

EDIT: I also added the effective combat score for Link and revealed a final hidden trait as well as revealed the Combat scores of BO and Rusl. Enjoy :D

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Regardless of whatever we end up planning on doing that some mandatory choices are evacuate the civilians since risking civilian lives is not in character for Link, and have the wolvos help guard our land since having them help on the battlefield will potentially alienate them.
in the car right now but boy do i have ideas, ill be posting once i get back to my house.
alright, wolvos defend land, get civis out...are we going to abandon the town al-together? or are we going to do a fighting retreat to the walls?