Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

ARC 1: Diplo Miniturn: West kingdom part 3
Last time:

"The Hero himself is your king! ...I see... The political alliance is acceptable. Especially with such a well known and respected figure as your king. However I would prefer to expand upon the intelligence on the Blin tribes to a full military alliance against the Blin." King Micori stated with surprise coloring his voice. "The trade would also be acceptable and my own troops can cover the route for this year, though next your troops will need to help with that. Finally we will be able to trade plenty of metal, stone or rupees in exchange for any wood you offer though we will expect the trade to happen in two years time at the most. Are these terms acceptable?"

And now we begin:

Taking a moment to think the offered terms over Bo agreed. "Yes the new terms should be acceptable. We simply did not think you would agree to aid us directly given how small our current military is compared to your own. Especially since part of the Intel we gained was that we would soon be attacked by the Moblins."

"True, perhaps some would be so shortsighted as to refuse such a deal." King Micori admitted graciously. "However I like to think I have foresight enough to see that you have the potential to become powerful and simply put any allies would be helpful against the Blin threat, even if you are weaker than us. However you are correct in that I will not be aiding you... much in this coming battle against the Moblins. I will however send a small token force back with you to provide some aid. I feel three of my wizards, one of each main type plus 500 of my mounted knights should be enough to turn the tide somewhat in your favor?"

"Of course your grace!" Bo started in surprise at the offer. "With that much the Moblins attack should be dealt with very swiftly."

"Then we are agreed. My wizards and knights will meet you at the foot of the mountain my palace is built upon. General Contra was busy assembling them as we spoke." The king stated. "Now, I believe it might be best if you go and let your king now of the new agreement between our two nations. I look forward to further cooperation in the future."


As Bo left the palace the sun was starting to lower. He finally made his way to the foot of the mountain to see the force arrayed to aid his nation against its enemies. Standing at the front of a host of extremely heavily armored knights were the wizards. Covered in red, blue and green robes respectively they also wore wide-brimmed brown wizard hats and though somewhat covered in shade their faces were still obviously Hylian. Behind them were the Knights on their horses, covered in Black armor edged in silver with many runes decorating it also in silver their faces were covered with their helmets of which a silver plume rose above in a curving straight line.

"We are ready to leave at your command Diplomat Bo." The forefront red wizard stated. "There is a place to rest within a few hours journey from here, we should be able to make it before it gets too dark to travel."

"Thank you for the information." Bo acknowledged the Red wizard. "Lets move out everyone! We have a kingdom to get back to!"

As Bo left the palace and the night wore on, he looked back hoping to catch one last faulty glimpse of the sheer perfection he saw during the day not expecting it to be as amazingly perfect at night. However Contrary to his expectations, the palace while looking different was just as perfect at nght as it was during the day. The silver inlay along the walls reflected the moonlight perfectly which combined with the various embedded jewels glowing as if they were small moons themselves gave the whole palace a silvery glow. Combined with the mists, of which there seemed to be more of at night then there was during the day gave the palace a spiritual near ghostly look as if the entire palace was truly a sight of the afterlife and a place of benevolent spirits and endless peacefulness. He turned back around after admiring the sight for a few more moments, and continued leading his new army on their journey back to his home.

Miniturn ends here

And there you guys go the final chapter of the miniturn. you now have a fighting chance against the Moblin threat coming for you. oh and I forgot one character description of King Micori, he is a fairly effeminate person, almost elfish in body type and facial structure.

Anyway, Faith turn is next and I will try to have it out soon. After that the action begins! :D

Also I will update kingdom relations eventually. At the latest I will have it updated once the campaign is over (the moblin attack miniturn.)
ARC 1: Faith advisor choice Miniturn: Part 1
Search for an Advisor
Roll: 52+38 =90 Large success!
Your search for an Advisor goes fairly well and you find two people who suit the bill among the Ordonians.
Results: -200 rupees, Advisor choice miniturn, 2 advisor choices available.

Link's search for someone to aid in the raising of the temples and to advise him on matters of faith had proved fruitful, finding two people willing to aid him in this matter. However one of the two outright refused to advise him merely willing to follow Link's orders in any matter of faith and actually came to him once Link began searching. The other advisor candidate turned out to be a Lord of Ordona who is known as a man of immense faith though also one known to be slightly fanatical in his actions at times and very independent and prideful overall.

In the end Link had to choose from a fanatic who could end up turning on him if he felt that Link strayed from the path of the Goddesses in any way. Whereas the other man was the former bishop of South Hyrule who advised the Duke of south Hyrule, Agitha's father, who is likely to defer to Link in every way offering little of his own opinion to any matters. The stated reasoning of the bishop was that Link outranked him in every way in matters of the Faith and the church. The Fanatical Lord however desires to raise an army of believers in the Goddesses and cleanse the world of any and all heretics and non-believers.

Vote time:

[] Former Bishop of South Hyrule, Carlyle: will grant +1 faith action each turn with a bonus equal to half of Links own faith(19). Will not add any new action options to the list nor will he take independent action like most advisers might.

[] Fanatical Lord of Ordona, Kentro: Will grant +1 faith action per each turn with a bonus of +19. Will grant the ability to train crusaders, paladins and Templars of the goddesses. Will take increased amount of independent action compared to other advisers based on his opinion of what the kingdom needs which may go against what you want or go really well for you. Will rebel against Link if he feels Link goes against the will of the Goddesses in any way, though he may take time to plot it out and will likely not make his feelings open until he feels he can successfully kill Link.

[] Take neither option and look into finding a new Advisor among another part of the population later. WARNING MAY RESULT IN SOMEONE (including these two) FILLING THE ROLE OF YOUR PEOPLES PRIMARY PERSON OF FAITH IN SPITE OF YOUR WISHES!

Advisor picking miniturn part 1 ends here

There you guys go! A choice of a Fanatic, someone who will be utterly loyal and subservient but completely reliant on your word, and finally try to find someone else at the risk of someone filling the role in the meantime. Have fun with those choices! :lol:evil::evil::lol

Also don't worry I intend to characterize them more when you pick one of them. :D

(For those of you surprised at the 2nd update so soon don't expect it this fast again, I told you this would be the fastest to come out earlier and that's because I had this choice planned for AWHILE!)

please discuss who would be best by the way, it is a very difficult choice! (seriously please discuss this heavily, one advisor could fk you over completely and the other won't help you as much as the one who could fk you over could. It all depends on how you want to take this going forward.)

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[] Former Bishop of South Hyrule, Carlyle: will grant +1 faith action each turn with a bonus equal to half of Links own faith(19). Will not add any new action options to the list nor will he take independent action like most advisers might.

yeah hell no to the fanatic...sure its great to believe in your faith, but if your going to murderize everyone and everything because of the slightest hint of so called heresy??? yeah no, I may be a catholic, but I do find that while some things are required to be done, taking over the world with believers and killing everyone who disagrees with his dogmatic idea's on the whole faith in the three goddess's reminds me of Goge Vandire, only Zelda very-

Sans, you cunning bastard...you brought Goge Vandire into this verse...

yeah no to the damn fool, I'm going with the bishop, he's humble enough for my tastes! (though we may have to watch him, just in case)
In the end Link had to choose from a fanatic who could end up turning on him if he felt that Link strayed from the path of the Goddesses in any way. Whereas the other man was the former bishop of South Hyrule who advised the Duke of south Hyrule, Agitha's father, who is likely to defer to Link in every way offering little of his own opinion to any matters.
THIS WAS A 90!?!?!
[] Fanatical Lord of Ordona, Kentro
Gives us the ability to recruit Paladins and Templars, and has a great faith bonus. Will also be really interesting since we are marrying Midna. The alternative seems rather boring.
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[] Former Bishop of South Hyrule, Carlyle: will grant +1 faith action each turn with a bonus equal to half of Links own faith(19). Will not add any new action options to the list nor will he take independent action like most advisers might.

yeah hell no to the fanatic...sure its great to believe in your faith, but if your going to murderize everyone and everything because of the slightest hint of so called heresy??? yeah no, I may be a catholic, but I do find that while some things are required to be done, taking over the world with believers and killing everyone who disagrees with his dogmatic idea's on the whole faith in the three goddess's reminds me of Goge Vandire, only Zelda very-

Sans, you cunning bastard...you brought Goge Vandire into this verse...

yeah no to the damn fool, I'm going with the bishop, he's humble enough for my tastes! (though we may have to watch him, just in case)
Hyrule Goge Vandire? Awesome!
[X] Fanatical Lord of Ordona, Kentro
Gives us the ability to recruit Paladins and Templars, and has a great faith bonus. Will also be really interesting since we are marrying Midna. The alternative seems rather boring.


sorry but no, were not getting the guy whos going to backstab us when we marry Midna, because I KNOW HE WILL OBJECT AND TRY TO BURN HER AND OUR KID ALIVE FOR HERESY!!!

yeah no, not happening at all...in fact point him and his merry band of fanatics at the moblins, let the three sort them out!
THIS WAS A 90!?!?!
ya lol I have a stringent system of levels of success and that roll was just a few points below the next level which would have found you a third option.

[X] Fanatical Lord of Ordona, Kentro
Gives us the ability to recruit Paladins and Templars, and has a great faith bonus. Will also be really interesting since we are marrying Midna. The alternative seems rather boring.
NO VOTES YET! moratorium for 12 hours bro! Also you may still get the troop recruit options later on.... it will just take quite some time even if you do.
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oh shit...I got a insightful from sans....

yeah I think I guessed what kind of character he is...

dear lord sans is really trying to kill us.
(must be because I keep calling him a undertale skeleton! Must have a Bone to pick with me!)
ya lol I have a stringent system of levels of success and that roll was just a few points below the next level which would have found you a third option.

NO VOTES YET! moratorium for 12 hours bro! Also you may still get the troop recruit options later on.... it will just take quite some time even if you do.
Sorry, first time I ever voted on this thread, and I haven't gotten used to the whole Moratorium thing yet.
I would have to say we go with Carlyle the fanatics in charge is never a good thing as they will push us to avoid certain people (Midna and Twilii) in favor of submitting to Zelda.
[] Fanatical Lord of Ordona, Kentro: Will grant +1 faith action per each turn with a bonus of +19. Will grant the ability to train crusaders, paladins and Templars of the goddesses. Will take increased amount of independent action compared to other advisers based on his opinion of what the kingdom needs which may go against what you want or go really well for you. Will rebel against Link if he feels Link goes against the will of the Goddesses in any way, though he may take time to plot it out and will likely not make his feelings open until he feels he can successfully kill Link.

Yea no, we are not dealing with this shit right now. We have way to many enemy's in way to many places and we are not anywhere near secure enough to be able to handle a fanatic given a shit load of power right now,. If you guy's have ever trusted me on anything trust me when i say this will end in nothing but tears and blood lots and lots of blood because i get the distinct feeling he would turn on us sooner rather then later and we just cant deal with that right now.

I say we go with the nice safe option that we can easily replace with someone more useful at a later date, just please trust me on this one.

[] Former Bishop of South Hyrule, Carlyle: will grant +1 faith action each turn with a bonus equal to half of Links own faith(19). Will not add any new action options to the list nor will he take independent action like most advisers might.
On a side note, when I was reading the text about the fanatic, I had some funny mental images that made me think of this.

While I doubt this is an accurate portrayal, I can picture the fanatic as quite hammy.
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ok guys with the amount of discussion already present and how little discussion there has been for the last several hours I am ending the moratorium here


also WOW guys, so mean! I only got 1 single rating on my 2nd update yesterday. :cry:

Shout out to @Neo-Chan ! thanks for being the only one to rate my 2nd update! (no one else may care but at least I know you still do! *hugs*) :cry::):cry: (happy tears)
[X] Former Bishop of South Hyrule, Carlyle: will grant +1 faith action each turn with a bonus equal to half of Links own faith(19). Will not add any new action options to the list nor will he take independent action like most advisers might.

Fanatics are bad for our national unity, let's go for someone who's not a fanatic.
[X] Former Bishop of South Hyrule, Carlyle: will grant +1 faith action each turn with a bonus equal to half of Links own faith(19). Will not add any new action options to the list nor will he take independent action like most advisers might.

The other option would push us to submitting to Zelda and being ruled by her, also would not like us being invovled with the Twili or marrying Midna so that is right out.
[X] Former Bishop of South Hyrule, Carlyle: will grant +1 faith action each turn with a bonus equal to half of Links own faith(19). Will not add any new action options to the list nor will he take independent action like most advisers might.

Albeit i have a question to that: If Links Faith changes, does this bonus change with it?
[X] Former Bishop of South Hyrule, Carlyle: will grant +1 faith action each turn with a bonus equal to half of Links own faith(19). Will not add any new action options to the list nor will he take independent action like most advisers might.
[X] Former Bishop of South Hyrule, Carlyle: will grant +1 faith action each turn with a bonus equal to half of Links own faith(19). Will not add any new action options to the list nor will he take independent action like most advisers might.