Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

[X] Plan Bows and dosh
there is nothing against the rules of this plan, but I feel behooved to warn you of four VERY important things.

1) you can literally be attacked at any time and the more troops you have of any kind the better.

2) -[X] Increase taxation is a one time bonus that does NOT increase any future income actions INCLUDING the capital. In other words if you take that action this turn it will not boost the capitals income, nor will it boost the Hylian town's income.

3) if you fail the -[X] Increase taxation action you WILL lose an imperial authority point at the bare minimum and possibly more than 1.

4) you need to add +1 authority point to meeting the Duke rather than just mayor Bo, you promised to meet him in person after all.

(Just to nudge you about his plan @Kalrotix ...it really isn't better than yours if yours was coherent, at least in my opinion.)
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Maybe that you are right, to be honest i'm too tired to think it well. i will go to sleep and i will see after if i chang my mind if votes are always open ^^
This one will be open for at least 15 more hours, I am too tired today to update without a major quality drop. Doing all these easter updates +exam studying +family stuff has really kilt me this weekend. Haven't been this tired in a while. (ironically I am more creative while tired, but less precise at the same time.)
This one will be open for at least 15 more hours, I am too tired today to update without a major quality drop. Doing all these easter updates +exam studying +family stuff has really kilt me this weekend. Haven't been this tired in a while. (ironically I am more creative while tired, but less precise at the same time.)

I understand you ^^ . Good luck for your studies.
omfg I do not know what the fk is up with me right now... I was so burned out earlier, but I had a nap after some studying and now I am raring to go and want to close this vote and update again....

The FK is up with me? Does anyone know if this is a thing other QM's have gone through or am I just as weird as I always thought I was?

anyway everyone,

ZE VOTE IS CLOSED! [X] Plan Economical Resurrection WINS!
Adhoc vote count started by san on Apr 2, 2018 at 9:43 PM, finished with 357 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan Economical Resurrection
    -[X] Train Medium Infantry (shield + spear) (Defender, specialized in holding and defending positions) (gambeson) (300 rupees worth at max)
    --[X] Assign Rusl
    -[X] Establish Marble Quarry
    -[X] Build a Town for the Hylian Refugees
    --[X] Assign an aditional authority point
    -[X] Meet the the Duke of south hyrule, the leader of the Hylian lords
    --[X] Assign Mayor Bo +1 authority point.
    -[X] Intrigue advisor does nothing.
    [X] Plan Bows and dosh
    -[X] Build Missile Range - Builds a missile range at the training grounds to train professional ranged units. Over time it can be upgraded to improve the quality of your missile units.
    --[X] Rusul
    -[X] Increase taxation -Ordona has always had a low tax rate. As you are becoming your own nation perhaps it is time to increase that. Though you will find some difficulty doing this, that is for certain.
    -[X] Establish Marble Quarry - The granite quarry isn't enough. You want walls so perfectly white that when your enemies die before them they will be stained red with their blood!
    -[X] Build a Town for the Hylian Refugees - Build a small town that some of the Hylian refugees can live in and remove some of the problems of them living in tent cities.
    -[X] Meet the the Duke of south hyrule, the leader of the Hylian lords - You swore you would meet him, it is time to keep your promise.
    --[X] Bo
    ---[X] Assign an additional authority point
    [X] Intrigue advisor does nothing.
    [X] Research advisor does nothing.
ARC 1: Turn 3: low funds, CAPITAL COMPLETES THIS TURN! need more troops. RESULTS!
'Everything is going so well it is starting to worry me.' Link thought after he sent out orders for each project he wanted done this year.

'While I am sure a large part of this is the goddesses showing my Kingdom favour, the Moblins at the very least should have attacked by now. The fact that they haven't means they likely are building up around some warlord. I will have to order more troops to be trained next year too, to ensure we have enough defenses in place to withstand an attack by them.' Link started thinking while pacing around his office.

'Then there is the fact that all his stress is starting to eat at me. I need to get out and have some XXX but I can't because I need to set an example for my people. I guess it is time to start looking into finding a wife soon, if only to satisfy that part of me without risking a reputation loss.' Link sighed sitting back down at his desk. 'I really do hate this job.'

[X] Plan Economical Resurrection
-[X] Train Medium Infantry (shield + spear) (Defender, specialized in holding and defending positions) (300 rupees worth at max)--[X] Assign Rusl
Rusl went above and beyond every expectation of what was needed to train the infantry up to par. Not only did he train all the maximum number of 600 infantry to high levels individually, but he also remembered a few formations and tactics and trained the infantry in how to conduct them. The new troops are called Hoplites and the training/equipment to make them has been made separate from regular medium infantry.
Rewards: -300 rupees. +60 rupees upkeep, -100 wood, -150 metal, +600 Defensive Medium spear Infantry, +new infantry type *Hoplite* gained, +Ideas gained in training - Defensive formations.

-[X] (Locked with Malo) Build a proper Capital
Roll: 80 Large success!
Malo and the workers he hired for the capital continued to do great things to the capital though they failed to find the time and resources to build the Walls they wanted to finish the capital with. However they still managed to build the capital all the way up to the level of a Large town bordering on a small city. After its completion many Hylians and Ordonians moved into the capitol. With it up trade and tax incomes increased greatly from being able to tax the people who moved. The populaces moral and how much everyone respected/liked you was also boosted.
Rewards: -500 stone, -100 rupees, -100 rupees upkeep, Capital Size boosted to a Large town. CAPITAL COMPLETED!!! 36,000 Ordonians move into the Capital, 26,000 Hylians move into the Capital. +800 Rupees in tax income, +500 Rupees in trade income, +200 rupees in building upkeep. Population Morale increased to 0, +1 influence with every race/faction in your kingdom, +1 diplomatic position with any nations you meet thanks to Legitemacy bonus from having a capital! Refugee malus reduced, Hylian Nobles/Merchants no longer have refugee status.

-[X] Establish Marble Quarry
Roll: 25 small success.
The marble quarry unlike the capital and the troops barely met expectations thanks to the difficulty in getting through the hard stone with bronze tools. The quarry still managed to finish, however if profitability was desired still it would need to be further worked on and enlarged later.
Rewards: Gained Marble resource, Established marble quarry, +200 stone income, +100 rupee income, -500 Rupees, -200 wood, -50 metal, +100 rupees upkeep.

-[X] Build a Town for the Hylian Refugees --[X] Assign an additional authority point
Building the Town to relocate the remaining Hylians went beyond perfectly however. The People hired to build the town turned out to be a rival company of the people hired to build the capital and refused to be outdone by them. They build stone roads and a drain system throughout the town to show that along with building it up to the status of a small town bordering on a medium one in just a year.
Rewards: Town Built to small town status, -400 stone, -100 rupees, +100 rupees upkeep, Stone roads built inside Town, drain system emplaced in the Town.

-[X] Meet the the Duke of south hyrule, the leader of the Hylian lords --[X] Assign Mayor Bo +1 authority point.
Roll: 56 Medium success.
Meeting the duke went surprisingly well. It turns out that Agitha had told him all about the 'grasshopper' who kept her company while he was busy in his lands and brought her plenty of her bugs. He was greatly appreciative of this, however he wanted assurances that Hyrule was going to be reclaimed and the Royal family found as there were no actions taken towards that yet. Between Mayor Bo and Link they were able to convince him that they had every intention to do so but they had to focus on getting the economy and resources needed to sustain themselves first. Though they were forced to promise to train scouts next year to look into Hyrule as soon as possible.

After the serious agreements were all worked out, the Duke refused to let them leave without showing them a bit of thanks and broke out some of the high quality booze he managed to save. Soon all three of them were drunk and laughing happily as if they were all old friends. later on after a bit of drinking the duke mentioned how much his daughter liked him and hinted at the possibility of a marriage between the two. "You need an heir after all, and my daughter is certainly of the age to marry!" The duke had said. After a while when it was dark out you all left and headed to your beds. When you woke up tomorrow morning nursing a slight headache you remembered the Dukes offer and it caused you to realize that you really do need an heir and that it was perhaps time to settle on a single woman rather than the many different women you seduce and have one night stands with.
Rewards: information on what the Hylian nobles/merchants want and how they feel about you, spousal offer gained.

-[X] Intrigue and Research advisors do nothing.
Your intrigue and research advisors take some time to do their own little experiments or to just have fun for the year given you had no jobs for them to do.

treasury/resources at the end of the year:

Rupees: -860 in bank, +1600 from taxes, +600 from trade. +100 from other sources.

Food: natural food level 6, Food level with refugees 5.

Stone: 100 in stockpiles, +800 income.

Wood: 600 in stockpiles, +900 income.

Metal: 300 in stockpiles, +500 income.

a couple small Votes here:

[] Write in capital name

[] Write in where the Hylian town will be located within your lands

[] Write in Hylian town name

Chapter ends here

so there you go, money problem solved plus you have excess! also I changed the gambeson to greek style breastplates and helms and stuff. The cost for that is the metal needed to train medium infantry after all! ;) Anyway with that critsuccess you are able to train Hoplites at the same level of experience even if you get a small success when training them now. If you get more than a medium success the training will go up for that group.

anyway I hope you guys are enjoying the fic, thanks for reading and see ya. :D
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On a side note is it possible to name our Capitals after the goddesses so we can ge tbrowny points
Considering we've already got Hoplites, we might as well go all in on the Greek themes, and name the Capital Hylianopolis and the new Town Neopolis
Pity on the marble quarry but at least it broke even and can be expanded. Also helps ensure we have more stone. Those crits though! Our capital is amazing for money and the town promises to be a very nice addition. Oh and hoplites giving us a solid core to work up around.
On a side note is it possible to name our Capitals after the goddesses so we can ge tbrowny points
no sorry, at least not anything super significant.

Considering we've already got Hoplites, we might as well go all in on the Greek themes, and name the Capital Hylianopolis and the new Town Neopolis
go right ahead, but I think the other won't like that since they want some Mongolian style troops as well.

Pity on the marble quarry but at least it broke even and can be expanded. Also helps ensure we have more stone. Those crits though! Our capital is amazing for money and the town promises to be a very nice addition. Oh and hoplites giving us a solid core to work up around.
IKR those rolls on that bloody capital! they boosted you so hard, made this a LOT easier than I intended. But ya I am honestly at the point of actually hoping the town gets another great success or higher just for narrative purposes, though I won't complain if it does worse. If it does get higher you will have a stone wall added to it.
I mean... Greece was a part of the Roman Empire for centuries, and I clearly say that I am a "Servant of Rome", rather than Romulus (I would never be so arrogant as to claim the mantle of the Divine Founder). We could name them Roma and Athenae, the latter in reference to the Hoplites.

EDIT: "polis" is also a Latin suffix, a third declension noun from the "polit-" stem.
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*looks at Nero, Nero Bride, Swimsuit Nero, Caesar, and Spartacus pointing swords*
Im convinced
[X] Write in capital name
-[X] Capital

[X] Write in where the Hylian town will be located within your lands
-[X]Southern Road at the edge of our border

[X] Write in Hylian town name
-[X] Sanctuary
[X] Write in capital name
-[X] Capital

[X] Write in where the Hylian town will be located within your lands
-[X]Southern Road at the edge of our border

[X] Write in Hylian town name
-[X] Sanctuary
oh lols dude, Capital as the capital name?!? I love the town name and where I think you have the location though. (Southeastern road right? Not the southwestern one?)
[X] Write in capital name
-[X] Roma
[X] Write in where the Hylian town will be located within your lands
-[X]Southern Road at the edge of our border
[X] Write in Hylian town name
-[X] Athenae
[X] Write in capital name
-[X] Roma
[X] Write in where the Hylian town will be located within your lands
-[X] Southern Road at the edge of our border
[X] Write in Hylian town name
-[X] Athenae
[X] Write in capital name
-[X] Capital
[X] Write in where the Hylian town will be located within your lands
-[X]Southern Road at the edge of our border
[X] Write in Hylian town name
-[X] Sanctuary
oh I just realized some people may be bothered by Agitha being a marriage candidate because of her age. I changed it in this fic, she was 12 at the start of Links adventures which lasted for just a bit more than a year by the time it was over and the apocalypse finished and Link got back to Ordona and was forced to be its king. Link was 16 and just a bit younger than 17 at the start of his quest.

Therefore she was 13 at the start of this quest and now at the end of turn 3 she is 16, she will be 17 at the end of turn 4. Compared to that Link was 18 at the start of the quest, and is 21 right now.

Other than that I am working on Turn 4 atm and I hope to have it out today or tonight.
[X] Write in capital name
-[X] Roma
[X] Write in where the Hylian town will be located within your lands
-[X] Southern Road at the edge of our border
[X] Write in Hylian town name
-[X] Athenae

Cool ! We have hoplite ! Know we must have cataphracts :p

And we have 21 years old now ? Time pass quick ^^
[X] Write in capital name
-[X] Roma
[X] Write in where the Hylian town will be located within your lands
-[X] Southern Road at the edge of our border
[X] Write in Hylian town name
-[X] Sanctuary

I vote we need to get a lady friend fast, and frankly sorry people but with the stress building up....were going to have to marry soon, very soon...I think it boils down to either our childhood friend or the grasshopper girl, got to get some things done.

Also Zelda and the royal family are probably going to marry someone else, because in twilight they hardly knew each other.