Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

We have the militia, light cav give us other options and while we do want medium or heavy cav for a dedicated charge unit light cav can still fill that function. We just want them to hit flanks hence my reference to them as a hammer with our medium spear with shield as the anvil.

Hence my current proposal is recruit light cav this turn and medium spear infantry next turn.
We have the militia, light cav give us other options and while we do want medium or heavy cav for a dedicated charge unit light cav can still fill that function. We just want them to hit flanks hence my reference to them as a hammer with our medium spear with shield as the anvil.

Hence my current proposal is recruit light cav this turn and medium spear infantry next turn.

i'm agreee for this for the moment. But we must remember that we are a nation with bonus in cavalry, so we should built our military doctrine around this. Infantry will be less useful for us. i'm agree that we should have medius infantry to hold the line and give a place for our cavalry to retreat and hidden, but it should'nt be the core of our armies.

And light cavalry shouldn't be use to charge ennemy troops, especialy moblins but for harass and give opportunity to medium and heavy cavalry to charge and crush them.
So we are the Takeda clan from Shogun 2. And yes light cav should generally avoid the knights charge. However run them into enemy archer units or routing units or have them rear charge a unit engaged by our spears units and they can be effective. The main purpose though is light cav can scout and skirmish on the battlefield, but also can be used in a pinch to pull off rear charges or disrupt enemy ranged troops.

Heavy cav is a press home the charge and not suited to other roles. Right now we need a unit that can do multiple roles as we build up even if they are not that good at most of them, more jack of all trades then a focused unit.
if someone makes a new plan, I would vote for it, only if it doesn't exceed 900 rupee's and has medium or heavy infantry to 400 rupee's max!
So we are the Takeda clan from Shogun 2. And yes light cav should generally avoid the knights charge. However run them into enemy archer units or routing units or have them rear charge a unit engaged by our spears units and they can be effective. The main purpose though is light cav can scout and skirmish on the battlefield, but also can be used in a pinch to pull off rear charges or disrupt enemy ranged troops.

It's right ^^

Heavy cav is a press home the charge and not suited to other roles. Right now we need a unit that can do multiple roles as we build up even if they are not that good at most of them, more jack of all trades then a focused unit.

Hmm... i'm no totaly agree, a good heavy cavalry should be able to be effective in charge and melee. And with y project of cataphract he should be able to harass too ^^

if someone makes a new plan, I would vote for it, only if it doesn't exceed 900 rupee's and has medium or heavy infantry to 400 rupee's max!

I will think at one, i think i will take your but replace light infantry by light cav.
[] Plan: light cavalry and exploration

[X] Train Light cavalry (short bows or hunt bows+ spear/shield) {Skirmisher, can ambush, harass and charge missile units} - Train some Light Cavalry
-(Uses no armor for protection)
-[X] Rusl +14, 200 Rupee worth of light cavalry max

[X] Build a Town for the Hylian Refugees - Build a small town that some of the Hylian refugees can live in and remove some of the problems of them living in tent cities.
Cost: 100 Rupees, 400 stone/wood, 100 rupees per turn upkeep for 2 turns.
Time: 2 turns
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: a varied amount of Hylians no longer have refugee status, +2 racial influence with the Hylians, +100-400 tax income.

[X] Meet the the Duke of south hyrule, the leader of the Hylian lords - You swore you would meet him, it is time to keep your prmise.
Cost: 0 (MUST TAKE THIS ACTION! any plans without it will not be counted!)
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Information on the Hylians Lords in Ordona Province.
-[X] Mayor Bo +19


[] Train scouts - Train scouts to look into the various surrounding areas and try to find SOMEBODY!
Cost: 200 Rupees +50 rupees upkeep
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.
-[X] Telma +18

[X] Research Cavalry technologies - Try to figure out a way to improve your Cavalry somehow... someway?
Cost: 300 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn something about Cavalry be it formations, tactics, how to use certain weapons properly, anything!
-[X] +1 Authority point

[X] Search for an Advisor - look for someone who knows about the three Goddesses and appeasing them as well as the religion in general. Start by looking through the Ordona province as you never really bothered to learn about who is religious back before your adventure.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99. (+10 to roll once you have a Temple, +20 if you have all three temples.)
Reward: An advisor

[X] Training: Intrigue

Cost : 900 and 400 stone/wood
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[X] Send scouts Northwest - Send scouts towards the old Hyrule fields and lake to see if anything or anyone survived out there and to map out the land. Who knows, maybe someone somehow DID survive... if not your sure you will find some resources out there.
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.
-[X] Telma +18

We don't have scouts yet, we need to train a group of them first... However, your plan would go over the amount of money that we have if we were to try and train scouts.
[X] Plan: light cavalry and exploration
[X] Train Light cavalry (short bows or hunt bows+ spear/shield) {Skirmisher, can ambush, harass and charge missile units} - Train some Light Cavalry
-(Uses no armor for protection)
-[X] Rusl +14, 200 Rupee worth of light cavalry max

[X] Build a Town for the Hylian Refugees - Build a small town that some of the Hylian refugees can live in and remove some of the problems of them living in tent cities.
Cost: 100 Rupees, 400 stone/wood, 100 rupees per turn upkeep for 2 turns.
Time: 2 turns
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: a varied amount of Hylians no longer have refugee status, +2 racial influence with the Hylians, +100-400 tax income.

[X] Meet the the Duke of south hyrule, the leader of the Hylian lords - You swore you would meet him, it is time to keep your prmise.
Cost: 0 (MUST TAKE THIS ACTION! any plans without it will not be counted!)
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Information on the Hylians Lords in Ordona Province.
-[X] Mayor Bo +19

[X] Send scouts Northwest - Send scouts towards the old Hyrule fields and lake to see if anything or anyone survived out there and to map out the land. Who knows, maybe someone somehow DID survive... if not your sure you will find some resources out there.
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.
-[X] Telma +18

[X] Research Cavalry technologies - Try to figure out a way to improve your Cavalry somehow... someway?
Cost: 300 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn something about Cavalry be it formations, tactics, how to use certain weapons properly, anything!

[X] Search for an Advisor - look for someone who knows about the three Goddesses and appeasing them as well as the religion in general. Start by looking through the Ordona province as you never really bothered to learn about who is religious back before your adventure.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99. (+10 to roll once you have a Temple, +20 if you have all three temples.)
Reward: An advisor

[X] Training: Intrigue

Cost : 700 and 400 stone/wood
ok a few MASSIVE problems with this, and a couple minor issues...

1st) you jumped the gun bro, still 30 more minutes of the moratorium to go. (I will allow it though)

2nd) for every action inside of the plan you need to have - before the [X] vote. for assigning people you need two -- before the person.

3rd) YOU HAVE NO SCOUTS! (need to train them first.)

4th) please include action categories for everything, it makes it easier to read.

5th) you still have not included all of your actions for the turn so if someone else does, your plan becomes invalid.
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[] Plan Economical Ressurrection
-[] Train Medium Infantry (shield + spear) (Defender, specialized in holding and defending positions) (gambeson) (300 rupees worth at max)
--[] Assign Rusl
-[] Establish Marble Quarry
-[] Build a Town for the Hylian Refugees
--[] Assign an aditional authority point
-[] Meet the the Duke of south hyrule, the leader of the Hylian lords
--[] Assign Mayor Bo

Total costs(at most): 900 rupees, 110 + ? metal (?=metal costs for making spears), 200 + ? wood(?=wood costs for making spears and shields), 800 stone.

Hope that this plan is indeed valid... heavily inspired from @Void Stalker, or better said, I took his plan and expanded on what the infantry should be doing.

EDIT: Removed the point assigned as bonus for the Marble Quarry since we have to meet up with the duke. Also, changed the armor for the infantry.
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ok a few MASSIVE problems with this, and a couple minor issues...

1st) you jumped the gun bro, still 30 more minutes of the moratorium to go. (I will allow it though)

2nd) for every action inside of the plan you need to have - before the [X] vote. for assigning people you need two -- before the person.

3rd) YOU HAVE NO SCOUTS! (need to train them first.)

4th) please include action categories for everything, it makes it easier to read.

5th) you still have not included all of your actions for the turn so if someone else does, your plan becomes invalid.
By action categories you mean like martial, faith and such?
[] Plan Economical Ressurrection
-[] Train Medium Infantry (shield + spear) (Defender, specialized in holding and defending positions) (leather armor) (300 rupees worth at max)
--[] Assign Rusl
-[] Establish Marble Quarry
--[] Assign an aditional authority point
-[] Build a Town for the Hylian Refugees
--[] Assign an aditional authority point
-[] Meet the the Duke of south hyrule, the leader of the Hylian lords
--[] Assign Mayor Bo

Hope that this plan is indeed valid... heavily inspired from @Void Stalker, or better said, I took his plan and expanded on what the infantry should be doing.
ok in order


Leather armor is not medium armor IRL it is light armor, use a Gambeson if you must, but not leather or hide for medium troops. (Gambeson is actually fairly effective.) chainmail hauberk or a greek breastplate is preferred for medium troops though.

you have to meet the Duke yourself, so while you can assign mayor Bo you also need to add a point of authority there.

otherwise you just need to state your advisors are doing nothing and your good. (Though I would spend a bit of cash on training scouts, they are pretty important as you can't discover the map without them.)
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[X] Plan Economical Resurrection
-[X] Train Medium Infantry (shield + spear) (Defender, specialized in holding and defending positions) (gambeson) (300 rupees worth at max)
--[X] Assign Rusl
-[X] Establish Marble Quarry
-[X] Build a Town for the Hylian Refugees
--[X] Assign an aditional authority point
-[X] Meet the the Duke of south hyrule, the leader of the Hylian lords
--[X] Assign Mayor Bo +1 authority point.
-[X] Intrigue advisor does nothing.

Is this fine now, @san?

EDIT: Ok, now it is fine, thank for the minor tune-up.
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[] Plan Economical Resurrection
-[X] Train Medium Infantry (shield + spear) (Defender, specialized in holding and defending positions) (gambeson) (300 rupees worth at max)
--[X] Assign Rusl
-[X] Establish Marble Quarry
-[X] Build a Town for the Hylian Refugees
--[X] Assign an aditional authority point
-[X] Meet the the Duke of south hyrule, the leader of the Hylian lords
--[X] Assign Mayor Bo +1 authority point.
-[X] Intrigue advisor does nothing.

now it is fine, vote for it if you wish I won't be counting my vote on it.
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[X] Plan Economical Resurrection

Addressing our money crunch is priority one as we cannot afford to undertake all the actions between authority and advisers we can due to lack of funds
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[X] Plan Economical Ressurrection

Addressing our money crunch is priority one as we cannot afford to undertake all the actions between authority and advisers we can due to lack of funds
your money crunch is going to be addressed next turn trust me, even if you take no monetary actions now, the capital will be giving you several hundred rupees in income.

Though not so much that you can be spendthrift, or enough to cover the entire army you will need, so if you want you can get some extra rupees now anyway. You just might also want to get scouts instead to start looking into areas that will grant you more/better resources or people to trade with.

also please switch your vote to my plan, it is his but just corrected. (it has 1 less s for reference.)
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also please switch your vote to my plan, it is his but just corrected. (it has 1 less s for reference.)

Void left quite some time ago, I'm sure he'll change to the plan with 1 less s when he's back. Also, I've also changed the name by removing that extra s.

Also, if anyone wants to vote for my plan, please vote for the "Resurrection" version, not the "Ressurrection" version, since "Resurrection" is the fixed version of my plan, aka the valid one.
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Several hundred rupees helps but when we have faith actions costing over 1k each we need more income more so as we start to raise army units with their upkeep.

As for scouts I had those last turn in a plan but this turn we need to prioritize our budget since we failed to do so last turn fully.
[X] Plan Bows and dosh
-[X] Build Missile Range - Builds a missile range at the training grounds to train professional ranged units. Over time it can be upgraded to improve the quality of your missile units.
Requires: Training Grounds
Cost: 300 Rupees, 200 Wood.
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Can recruit and train professional ranged troops. Chance of additional bonuses. Can be upgraded for greater effects later on.
--[X] Rusul

-[X] Increase taxation -Ordona has always had a low tax rate. As you are becoming your own nation perhaps it is time to increase that. Though you will find some difficulty doing this, that is for certain.
Cost: 0 rupees
Time: 1 turn, takes 3 turns to come into effect.
DC: small success 45-60, Medium success 61-75, large success 75-90, great success 90-100.
Reward: increases taxes by 25-100% based on roll. Failure causes an influence loss with all races/factions. (you might not outright lose 1 influence with everyone but you will lose at least 1 point, it partly depends on how big the failure is.)

-[X] Establish Marble Quarry - The granite quarry isn't enough. You want walls so perfectly white that when your enemies die before them they will be stained red with their blood!
Cost: 500 Rupees, 200 wood, 50 metal, +100 rupees upkeep
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +??? Stone income, +??? Rupees income +new resource.

-[X] Build a Town for the Hylian Refugees - Build a small town that some of the Hylian refugees can live in and remove some of the problems of them living in tent cities.
Cost: 100 Rupees, 400 stone/wood, 100 rupees per turn upkeep for 2 turns.
Time: 2 turns
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: a varied amount of Hylians no longer have refugee status, possible +1 racial influence with the Hylian commoners, +200-500 tax income.

-[X] Meet the the Duke of south hyrule, the leader of the Hylian lords - You swore you would meet him, it is time to keep your promise.
Cost: 0 (MUST TAKE THIS ACTION! any plans without it will not be counted!)
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Information on the Hylians Lords in Ordona Province.
--[X] Bo
---[X] Assign an additional authority point

[X] Intrigue advisor does nothing.

[X] Research advisor does nothing.

Cost 900 rupees, 800 wood, 400 stone, 50 metal.

The way i see it before we go about building up units we first need to finish setting the ground work were going to need for our future force as such making units before we get access to bows doesn't seem like it's the best time management. if the capital being completed next turn really does give us some money then next turn well be able to go full bore on military production as such we need to make sure we have access to bows ahead of time so we can make units with ranged and weapons next turn.
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1) you forgot the X in the scout vote

Damn i'm tired and i forgot to corrige that.

2) you need to spend 1 authority on the diplo meeting with the lord vote, not just mayor bo.

Ok, I forget this, sorry.

3) how are you training ranged troops without the marksmen range?

............... GOD DAMN ME !!

Okay, okay, it's not matter, i think that Neo plan is better than mine.

[X] Plan Bows and dosh