Probably a good thing in the long run, but yikes.

All three of them probably need something to clear things up after this.
Astra needs all the hugs.

And The Ancestor needs to stop psychically projecting her psychological projections on Astra through the Doom Orb.
Astra looked up at the gym as she, May, and Brendan drew closer, shielding her tired eyes from the mid-afternoon sunlight as they raked over the structure. Feeling herself starting to flag, she took a deep breath and shook her head, clapping herself on the cheeks. All told, it had only been maybe four hours since they'd hopped on Briney's ship back on the mainland and Astra was already feeling pretty drained. Winter's Eye had already harried her deeply on the trip over to Dewford, and while she'd been able to regain her spirits in the aftermath, the burning hatred in Town Hall had left her struggling to even keep her shoes on. If she had to put words to the feeling, it was like she'd played a sporting five round game of rebound as the ball.

But as burnt out as Astra felt, she still had a badge to get! None of them had been able to find anything noteworthy about the gym in the Town Hall, but Brendan had been happy to tell them what he knew from when he'd last visited.
Astra... trying to get a badge while this burnt out is not going to go well.

I think I see where this is going...

"Well, here's hoping it won't be effortful," Astra hummed. An easy badge would be a fantastic way to make up for the awful day she'd had so far. "Let's get started, shall we?"
Whelp, that's it, she's screwed. There's tempting fate, and then there's dressing up in a transparent chemise, lounging on a chaise couch covered in Benjamins making cooing noises at fate.

May glanced at her as she walked past the elevator, brow furrowed in confusion. "Eh? Astra, where are—oh, right," she sighed. "Yeah, okay. Stairs it is. Last time she tried an elevator she nearly hurled," she explained to Brendan.

"Oh," Brendan said, "That's...not great."

Ugh. "Yes, yes, it's awful; now are you two coming or not?" Astra groused, giving the two an irritated look from the top of the landing. Did they have to talk about her when she was right here? She shook her head and started ascending the steps once more, two pairs of footsteps trailing behind soon afterwards.
Astra's really in a bad mood if she doesn't see how considerate May is being. Also, yay, May being considerate of Astra's feelings!


Was...was he wearing foot-shaped shoes?

Astra stared at the shoes. They were black with orange highlights that made them look like sandals, orange toenail decorations(!?), and individually molded toes(!?!?).
"Is that another boxing ring?" May asked, coming up from behind. "Oh, it's a big one. Are they using them as arenas? Makes sense, I guess, but it's smaller than the other arenas I'm used to—oh, nice roundhouse," she observed, watching the man in the ring kick the leather bag. "He's got some moves—what in the hell is on that man's feet," May said, her eyes and voice deadening to a flat, empty monotone.

"Oh good, it's not just me," Astra sighed in relief. "I have no clue what they are, but I do know that it is wrong."
Okay, those shoes are ugly, I get it, but I don't think they need a reaction this operatic.
"You mean barefoot shoes?" he asked, uncertainly. "I mean, they take a bit to get used to, but they aren't—"

"You've worn them?" Astra asked, shocked and betrayed.

"I mean...yeah?" Brendan said, glancing between her and May in hesitant bafflement. "They give you better grip when you do things like surfing, or—"

Of course Brendan's worn them.

"I just don't see how they're that awful," Brendan objected. "I've never heard anything about them before, and I used them my entire time here when I was younger."

"Brendan, you are wearing a pair of shorts over your pants," May said, poking a finger in his chest. "The day someone like you becomes the most fashion-conscious person in the room is the day my eyes melt out of my skull."

"Are you still on about that!? My pants are fine!"

"I beg to differ. Besides, it's not just the pants, your hat is weird too!"

"Wh—what's wrong with my hat!?"

"It looks like hair! I don't even know why it's like that, but I swear to fuck every time I haven't seen you for a couple hours I think you got your head bleached, and it's always there!"

"Oh, says the girl who constantly covers up her eternal bedhead with a bandana! What, do you wake up every morning and headbutt a power transformer?"
Brendan and May's bickering gives me life and waters my crops.

May rubbed at her forehead, sighing. "He even uses slang," she muttered, putting on her usual dramatics. "My ears will never recover."
This time I agree with May. He used tubular.

Brawly tilted his head, brow furrowed. "Birch, Birch..." he muttered, peering at Brendan. He snapped a finger, eyes lighting up. "Oh, your dad's the professor in Littleroot! Yeah, I remember you, that squirt who got lost in the cave!"
No. Please. Go on.

"What!?" May exclaimed, blasting outrage and irritation. "Really!? Can't you just—ugh," she rubbed at her forehead, eyes squeezed shut in sheer exasperation. Astra was inclined to grouse right alongside her. Someone had to be left out? Another stars-forsaken roadblock! Couldn't anything go right today!?
Dermonster, all the credit for making Astra's voice this visibly irritated and frustrated. That's a skill and it's not an easy one.

It was fair reasoning, but the speed of it was still a little odd. Well, in the end it was his choice. She smiled, nodding at the taller boy before turning to face Brawly again. He looked at them, his grin having returned to his face.
What in the world was happening today? First Brendan backing out, and now May doing this? Their logic was sound, sure, but that didn't mean they could just skip to doing whatever they thought was best. "I mean, that's fair and all, I guess, but we didn't even talk about it. You just went ahead without me!"
On the one hand, they're clearly trying to be considerate about Astra's mood. On the other hand, they're, uh, kinda steamrolling her and that's probably going to bite them all later.
Brawly—and the rest of Hoenn's gym leaders—must only do that sort of thing as a special occasion, then? Or maybe they just don't specifically call everyone to come watch, Astra supposed. She plopped down next to Brendan and almost immediately felt the life drain from her limbs. Ah, that was right, she'd been more-or-less on the move all day today, hadn't she? Walking to Mr. Briney's from the Petalburg Woods, riding across the ocean, and then walking across Dewford to the Town Hall and here to the Gym. Plus that...thing in the mists and what she'd felt in the Town Hall itself hadn't helped matters.

It wasn't even over yet, Astra realized. After she fought Brawly, they would have to go find Steven Stone, wherever he was. Hopefully he was in, say, the next room over or something. After all of this she could...really go for...a...

"Combusken, double-kick!"

Astra's eyes shot open, her head snapping back from the brief downward slump that she'd fallen in. She blinked rapidly, only now noticing the sounds of battle coming from the arena. What, had it started already?
Astra. Take a break and get some sleep and rest, girl.

"—Fuck off!" May screamed, glaring hatefully at Astra as she stomped away into the forest. "Shut up, SHUT UP! I am so sick of your questions—!"

Oh boy. This... doesn't just seem like normal memory recall.

Had May latched onto Brendan—and then Astra herself—simply because they'd been the first options available once she'd arrived in Hoenn? Was that basis something that could truly last? May had been so outraged back in Petalburg Woods...what if bringing her issues to light again made their friendship more trouble than she thought it was worth? Surely other humans would be easier for May to get along with; Brendan already proved that. He didn't ask weird questions, or wear dirty clothes to bed, or completely fail to understand every other reference or remark in the world.

How much longer could someone who treated everyone like an enemy be friends with Astra, just because she'd decided that Astra was an exception on a whim?
Oh, honey, no. Talk to your friend, please.

Astra jerked back as a terrifyingly familiar howl pierced the air. For a brief second she was back in the forest near her home, scrambling through dense underbrush as shapeless forms flitted through the darkness around her, stalking her every movement as they circled in for the—
Oh no, and now PTSD flashbacks on top of everything else.
Astra grabbed a bit of flab on her waist and twisted. Sharp, searing pain flooded her system, jerking her fully upright once more and clearing the blur from her slightly watery eyes. Sodden embers that hurt!
Astra. Please. Just go to sleep. Everyone will understand. A day won't make much of a difference.

What they have done to you.

The human stood above her, eyeing her in vague interest.

"Never seen this kind before, though..." she muttered. The interest faded, and she nudged the small boy at her side forward, gesturing to the creature she'd never seen before. "Well?" she asked, casually, as though it weren't important at all.

"Go capture it."

—May would be realizing that her entire friendship with Astra was built on a giant fucking lie.
Aaaaaaand there it is. It's been a long road to get here, but this trope is finally coming up.

It was inevitable. Astra has been hiding her Pokemon status from May for a long-ass time. May does seem like the kind of person who'd react badly to that revelation. And, of course, Astra just plain isn't in the right headspace for positive thoughts right now.

None of that made a difference. They were all still pokemon. She was still a pokemon.

They could never be anything else.
Fun fact, there's an entire Star Trek crossover grappling with that very question. It's very good, go read it.

But yeah, a very valid fear.

What they'd built up these past few weeks...was that enough? When counting that she didn't count as a person, was anything going to be enough? Astra didn't know. She couldn't know, and finding out risked so much more than just herself.
Oh, honey...
"You...don't have to fight today, you know."

Astra paused, turning to look back. Brendan stared at her with a worried frown, a cloud of anxious concern rolling from his mind. Not...fight? She'd spent so much time just getting here; why would she delay?

At her silence, Brendan pushed on, words tumbling out of his mouth like autumn leaves. "It's just, you've had a long day, and you, well, look pretty tired." He hesitated. "Tired enough to doze off during May's fight. Coming back fresh and rested tomorrow morning wouldn't be the end of the world, would it? You aren't like, bound by law to challenge him today."
I know you're not going to, but please listen to Brendan, Astra.

Had...had he been saying things like that this whole time? How had she only just noticed? And why now?
Yes, he has; because you don't think of yourself like those other Pokemon; and because you're in a really bad headspace from a combination of psychic backwash and sheer exhaustion.

"Alright—huh?" Brawly stopped mid-exclamation, blinking at her. "Oh, you're trying to take the championship? Not just challenge him?" he checked.

Astra stared at him. Was there a difference? The Champion gave the position to whoever they lost to, right?

"Yes?" she half-asked, confused. "Is something wrong?"

"Ah, nah, nah, it's just I wasn't expecting—hm." Brawly studied Astra, and suddenly Astra felt like the man was truly considering her for the first time. Judging by the swirls of worry and...disappointment(!?), he wasn't quite fond of what he saw. "Your spirit seems a little...battered. You sure you wanna do this today?"
Oh, Brawly definitely knows more than just mundane sense would tell him. Hang on...

*checks a few things*

I guess he's just uncommonly insightful? He would be trained to read body language...

Icy islands, screaming in solitude eternally. Weapons sent from across the world, spreading fire and waste as they flew. Humans, close and far reaching for her family and friends and for her
Ancestor's leaking through again. And so is Regice, from the looks of things.

It could hardly be called a battle song. It hung in the air, resignation and grim melancholy swirling in a dreary curtain that blanketed the arena. Wavering, shivering in the cold, seeing only bleakness ahead.

It was...tired.
Yup, saw this coming.

Shock and pain echoed through Swablu. That...Astra should have seen that coming! She should have been able to make Swablu swerve around and—if she hadn't been so weak
You're not weak, just exhausted physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Brawly closed his eyes.

Brawly's definitely regretting the necessity of this beatdown.

"Gro—!" Grovyle started to say, before he cut himself off. He looked back at her, his face a mix of surprise and worry. "Grove?"

Astra blinked, then frowned. Was he picking up on her exhaustion? It was nice of him to worry, she supposed, but could people stop fretting over her for five minutes? Sighing, she gave Grovyle a reassuring smile, though she couldn't make it very big. "Focus on the fight, Grovyle, I'm fine." she sent, prodding his attention towards Meditite. "We've got a badge to win."
Astra. Rest, for God's sake! Gah!

The first blade sliced deep into his arms, cutting through the muscle and knocking them aside.

The second ripped through his torso, cleaving through flesh and leaving behind a deep, deep gash.

Meditite hung there for a brief moment, looking at his wounds with naked shock, before the psychic field keeping him upright guttered and died. He fell to his feet, eyes fluttering closed, and then collapsed to the floor, motionless save for the minute rise and fall of his chest.
Oh, that's not good.

"Charging in again, I see," Brawly said. His voice was jovial, but the hints of excitement from before were gone. "Fine. Bulk up, Makuhita!"
Here comes his signature move, and the one that gets all the newbies.

Astra looked at the proffered limb in silence. Her gaze traveled along it to meet Brawly's gaze, the human looking back at her with a concerned, sad smile. Behind him, she could vaguely see Brendan frantically trying to stop May from charging down into the arena herself. Her eyes flicked back to Brawly, then turned away to stare at her pokeball again.
Brawly's a good guy.

"Every...?" he started, then stopped. "Why not—?" he tried again, cutting himself off once more. He sighed.
Man, I'm so curious what Brawly thinks he knows here.

Astra blinked at him. Had she...broadcasted that? Oh for—she dug into her backpack, quickly tore a handful of Leppa berries from their jar and downed the lot of them. A sharp, painfully clear sensation tore through the fog in her head, and Astra was suddenly flooded with power and newfound focus. Her eyes widened, hurriedly fixing the fraying threads on her illusion and eradicating the fucking unregulated emotional beacon she'd made of herself. No wonder everyone was worried, she'd basically been screaming 'I'm anxious' into their faces for the last twenty minutes!
Umm, I don't think it's just that, Astra.

Also, are you sure that's a good idea, doing the Pokemon equivalent of downing five Red Bulls?

"Do you think I don't know that!?" Astra screamed, patience completely frayed. "I get it! I fucking get it! I'm not doing great! That thing in the ocean messed with my head, I found out some horrible shit in the town hall, and I just got my ass kicked by Brawly. I am having. A bad. Day.

"So you can stop telling me that I'm not doing okay, because I fucking know." She snarled. "I know I'm having a bad day! I'm the one living it. And the sooner we can get done with today, the sooner it will be over. So can I just get one fucking hour without you telling me things I already know? Just one hour? Just...just..." she hiccuped, hands clenched tight and eyes blurring as she looked at the floor. "Just one hour without anything else happening..."
Yup, here's the explosion. Brendan, May, I know you mean well, but this is what happens when you keep pestering someone who's not doing okay about how much they're not okay. Change tactics!

Sometimes I forget they're all still kids...

Yeah, that was a brutal chapter, in more ways than one. And you've blueballed all of us on the reveal. Thanks, Dermonster, and I mean that both genuinely and sarcastically.
Yikes, Astra is really not doing well huh?

...Can pokemon have puberty after evolving?

Heh, puberty, sudden mood swings and irritability? I know what conclusion may would jump to.

Brendan: "Man, whats up with Astra today?"
May: 'I think she's having her first visit from the Delibird."
Astra: "The what?"

May: "You know, the shiny Gyarados, the vicious Vilepede, the substitute downstairs. Your monthly, you know?"

Astra looks back in confused horror.

May: "I'm not having this conversation with you. Brendan, you go find Steven, we're going to find a nurse Joy."

And then Astra learns that humans don't come from eggs.

Last I commented on the matter I pictured the eventual reveal of Astra to her friends as something done in a controlled, private, environment with all the uncertainty, vulnerability, and trust in your friends that implies.

Now though? I'm starting to think that the reveal is one, going to be far more imminent than I had thought and two, may very well not be what I had imagined. Rather, it being in the heat of the moment of charged Bad Times Feelings that, from as of this chapter's end, has aparently been quietly simmering in the background for a while but is now on the front burner and starting to boil over (poking from The Ancestor not withstanding. Pretty sure these have still been Astras thougts/concerns and they aren't exactly unfounded).
Oh no. Brendan, May, maybe you can suddenly exclaim how very tired you are and entrust Astra the very important job of getting you all lodgings while just two of you deliver that letter to Steven Stone. Astra can get the job of getting you all a nice room, and then letting her day end earlier. Wouldn't that be nice?
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That was a heavy chapter, full of uncomfortable emotions and worrying premonitions. I don't think I can make a levity-joke out of anything there.

"But maybe this'll get our blood pumping, eh Meditite?"

"Tite!" Meditite agreed, standing ready.
You know it, mon!

Now picturing: Meditite in shades, doing gang-signs. I might be wildly confused about the american slang, but it's a funny mental picture nonetheless.
Well Astra, your day could have been worse: you could have also come across a non-Ancestored member of the Raltz line and have had that existential crisis on top of everything else.
Oh I haven't replied here; let's fix that ye?

Is it when May and Co learn that Astra is a Kirlia? I so hope so!

Especially since it would means that Astra would be in the mood to point out to May that she was the Ralts she saw all that time ago.

Astra's mood could be charitably described as 'verging on caustic'.

Poor Astra. Her life is currently made of oof.

If she gets pricked a few more time's she'll fall over and burst into smoke, respawning back in the Rustboro hotel room.

I wonder if there's a Pokemon influencing them? This feels a little Ghost-y.

The pokemon influincing them has a name, and it's Astra.
Granite caves you say? Now catch that fukken Sableye, one of the best pokemon to pal up with in regards to dunking on most types.

...I thought Sableye was trash? IDK I don't pay attention to competitive or anything.

Whelp, that's it, she's screwed. There's tempting fate, and then there's dressing up in a transparent chemise, lounging on a chaise couch covered in Benjamins making cooing noises at fate.

She could always dress in drag and do the hula.

Astra's really in a bad mood if she doesn't see how considerate May is being. Also, yay, May being considerate of Astra's feelings!

May has her moments. It's just too bad Astra doesn't quite have the mental capacity to notice at the moment.

Okay, those shoes are ugly, I get it, but I don't think they need a reaction this operatic.

Fiction imitates life. Specifically me, when I looked at Brawly's art for the first time when writing this.

It doesn't help that my discord constantly asserts that I am associated with feet, when I am most assuredly not.

Brendan and May's bickering gives me life and waters my crops.

Blessed be thy fields, for the bickering hath come to break thy petty bitching drought.

This time I agree with May. He used tubular.
He's a groovy cat who utilizes only the most radical vernacular, broseph jones.

Dermonster, all the credit for making Astra's voice this visibly irritated and frustrated. That's a skill and it's not an easy one.

Thank you, I try.

On the one hand, they're clearly trying to be considerate about Astra's mood. On the other hand, they're, uh, kinda steamrolling her and that's probably going to bite them all later.

They try their best, but it's not familliar territory.
Aaaaaaand there it is. It's been a long road to get here, but this trope is finally coming up.

No lie lasts forever. Especially one as fundamental and kinda shoddy as this one.

Fun fact, there's an entire Star Trek crossover grappling with that very question. It's very good, go read it.

I think I've looked at this before.
I know you're not going to, but please listen to Brendan, Astra.

The only thing left to understand is the mission. If she were still in the forest or on the boat, yes. If the flashbacks had triggered in the town hall, maybe. But Brawly is right there. Momentum is a terrible thing, and some lessons taught have since been forgotten.

Yes, he has; because you don't think of yourself like those other Pokemon; and because you're in a really bad headspace from a combination of psychic backwash and sheer exhaustion.

The dissonance is insidious. But the one I speak of is maybe not so obvious...
Oh, Brawly definitely knows more than just mundane sense would tell him. Hang on...

*checks a few things*

I guess he's just uncommonly insightful? He would be trained to read body language...

Man's been in a lot of fights and is particualrly adept/aligned toward Fighting, real shounen 'communicate with our fists!' hours.

Coupled with Astra's psychic broadcasting incontinence, it's not inaccurate to say that he's being blasted with 'bad vibes' here.

Ancestor's leaking through again. And so is Regice, from the looks of things.

This is actually just Astra. She's using her recent experiences and worries as fuel for her tunes.

Brawly's definitely regretting the necessity of this beatdown.

It's never fun to go against someone so out of it. But it's Astra's mistake to make. If she hadn't been gunning for Champion he might've gone a bit earier; still winning, of course, but make it less devastating. But he's not giving any clearance to someone aiming to be his boss, especially if they think they can do it while acting like this. He gave her plenty of opportunities to drop out, he can't give her much more other than a swift knockout.

Oh, that's not good.
Double K.O.! Grovyle is definitely Astra's strongest pokemon, and shows with how he's able to still pull through even when Astra isn't making the best tactical decisions.

Brawly's a good guy.

He's a true bro. Even if he's not wholly accustomed to comforting people, the basic advice is reasonable.

Man, I'm so curious what Brawly thinks he knows here.

He's cutting off his own curiosity. He's confused about Astra's mention of 'everyone' and breaks off a question of 'why not just try again later?' because they're both irrelevent to the current situation of Astra having a breakdown. She clearly cares about losing the fight, so perhaps giving her advice on doing better coupled with health advice would be more appropriate. I have...personal experience with trying to make sure ones communication is about the other person rather than yourself or trivial surface things. Most of these experiences are failures.

Umm, I don't think it's just that, Astra.

Also, are you sure that's a good idea, doing the Pokemon equivalent of downing five Red Bulls?

Well it was either that or just collapse on the spot. She was spontaneously sending people messages without her intention! That's not great!

She's now cognizant enough to take a walk, but doing much more would be unwise.

Yup, here's the explosion. Brendan, May, I know you mean well, but this is what happens when you keep pestering someone who's not doing okay about how much they're not okay. Change tactics!
You tend to try to fall back on tactics that have worked with others in the past in a new battlefield, and when something fails, you tend to try to push what previously worked even harder before trying something new. These dorks really have no idea how to handle someone self-destructing, especially because of all these unseen factors they cannot possibly account for.

Yeah, that was a brutal chapter, in more ways than one. And you've blueballed all of us on the reveal. Thanks, Dermonster, and I mean that both genuinely and sarcastically.

Last I commented on the matter I pictured the eventual reveal of Astra to her friends as something done in a controlled, private, environment with all the uncertainty, vulnerability, and trust in your friends that implies.

Now though? I'm starting to think that the reveal is one, going to be far more imminent than I had thought and two, may very well not be what I had imagined. Rather, it being in the heat of the moment of charged Bad Times Feelings that, from as of this chapter's end, has aparently been quietly simmering in the background for a while but is now on the front burner and starting to boil over (poking from The Ancestor not withstanding. Pretty sure these have still been Astras thougts/concerns and they aren't exactly unfounded).

Oh no. Brendan, May, maybe you can suddenly exclaim how very tired you are and entrust Astra the very important job of getting you all lodgings while just two of you deliver that letter to Steven Stone. Astra can get the job of getting you all a nice room, and then letting her day end earlier. Wouldn't that be nice?

If Astra was in the business of listening to good ideas she wouldn't have stepped foot in the Gym today.

And her actual business is, unfortunately, booming.

That was a heavy chapter, full of uncomfortable emotions and worrying premonitions. I don't think I can make a levity-joke out of anything there.

[Astra is Confused! She hurt herself in her Confusion!]

Well Astra, your day could have been worse: you could have also come across a non-Ancestored member of the Raltz line and have had that existential crisis on top of everything else.

This is the line where the gym and the south half of Dewford vanish into the ocean.

Thank you everybody for the kind reviews! They give me life so that I may rise again from my crypt and lay waste to the living.
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I wonder what would be worse: running into a non-Ancestored Raltz-line under the control of a trainer, and thinking humans somehow dumbed down her species purposefully, or running into one in the wild, and realizing that the only reason your village is as advanced as it is is because your Ancestor somehow crossed the line into humanish thinking by being a trainer's pokemon.
I wonder what would be worse: running into a non-Ancestored Raltz-line under the control of a trainer, and thinking humans somehow dumbed down her species purposefully, or running into one in the wild, and realizing that the only reason your village is as advanced as it is is because your Ancestor somehow crossed the line into humanish thinking by being a trainer's pokemon.
Emphasis mine.
Is that confirmed? I have forgotten that piece of lore in that case.
Emphasis mine.
Is that confirmed? I have forgotten that piece of lore in that case.
I think it is mostly a solid inference right now due to how the other pokemon Astra has met so far are much more animal-like.
This is most clearly seen in the crossover side story stuff where they are understood better by a non-Astra pokemon of the more human like variety, which is another hint that something strange is happening because Astra rather clearly does not have the same innate understanding that most pokemon, even in this story, possess.

Actually that might be the bigger hint, Astra's tribe can't understand other pokemon in the way humans cannot.
...I thought Sableye was trash? IDK I don't pay attention to competitive or anything.
It's got a great mega and a solid hidden ability, so it had a bit of time in the sun, but megas are gone now and power creep + move changes means its hidden ability isn't enough to keep it relevant anymore, it's back to being pretty garbage.
Man's been in a lot of fights and is particualrly adept/aligned toward Fighting, real shounen 'communicate with or fists!' hours.

Coupled with Astra's psychic broadcasting incontinence, it's not inaccurate to say that he's being blasted with 'bad vibes' here.
"Astra's giving off some bad vibes here."

"What? The music wasn't that bad."

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...I thought Sableye was trash? IDK I don't pay attention to competitive or anything.

Nah, i'm not talking about competitive, that shit can stay in its pit of crap, i'm just saying Sableye is a cool little pokemon and the Dark/Ghost or Ghost/Dark gives it a lot of possibilities story wise and I certainly did not abuse the fact that Fighting types couldn't hurt them in Gen 3 on top of them not having a type weakness until Fairy Type, absolutely not.
Nah, i'm not talking about competitive, that shit can stay in its pit of crap, i'm just saying Sableye is a cool little pokemon and the Dark/Ghost or Ghost/Dark gives it a lot of possibilities story wise and I certainly did not abuse the fact that Fighting types couldn't hurt them in Gen 3 on top of them not having a type weakness until Fairy Type, absolutely not.
The better mon with that combo is of course Spiritomb, the one made by imprisoning 108 malicious spirits in a small rock. That could be a fun addition to the team, especially with the ancestor's sphere nearby.
The better mon with that combo is of course Spiritomb, the one made by imprisoning 108 malicious spirits in a small rock. That could be a fun addition to the team, especially with the ancestor's sphere nearby.

There are no Spiritombs to be found in Hoenn. The only wild pokemon around are those found in the original Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald.

As a casual reminder, I literally have not played a single game past emerald.
Astra's mood could be charitably described as 'verging on caustic'.

A perfect time to let out all her grievances towards humans!

She's now cognizant enough to take a walk, but doing much more would be unwise.

And she's going to do more, of course.

That plus the little pic of *this is going to be a disaster*, I give a good chance for the reveal happening. She told her illusion was losing coherency before she got her berries, and she is still exhausted, likely it will fail out entirely at some point.
This is kinda the story I'm lowkey most convinced will finish tbh. Cuz Dermonster sorta necromancy 100 ngl

like what is reanimated eternal may never lie, right