Randy idly plucked the figurine from the table and examined it, humming thoughtfully. "It could be one special Psyduck, it could be that Psyduck is the right choice for something..." he mused, "or maybe it could be something a Psyduck will do? A 'PSYDUCK' will 'CORRECT'...something."
I realize this is most likely a crack about the "trend" system from this era of Pokemon games, but Psyducks might actually be important to Hoenn in the future.

Why? Two words: Cloud Nine. That shit can lock down Groudon and Kyogre just as well as any Rayquaza, at least in the games. I once had a Golduck with Cloud Nine, Hydro Pump, snd a Choice Scarf that took down a Primal Groudon 20 levels higher. In two turns.

Fear the Psyduck.
... this was a damn rollercoaster of things.
All caps rumors that unlocked memories of strange game mechanics.
The friends know something is up and Astra is going to be confronted.
The darker side of things, probably made much worse by how Astra has something she has personally done that is the same sort of thing.

Great update, looking forward to more when it comes.
Rest assured, it is in the nature of the world to lean towards brightness, and I have not forgotten.
In that case, the thought that, after becoming champion, Astra will evolve into Dark/Fairy and take control of all humans to excise hatred forever will not bother me at night.

I realize this is most likely a crack about the "trend" system from this era of Pokemon games, but Psyducks might actually be important to Hoenn in the future.

Why? Two words: Cloud Nine. That shit can lock down Groudon and Kyogre just as well as any Rayquaza, at least in the games. I once had a Golduck with Cloud Nine, Hydro Pump, snd a Choice Scarf that took down a Primal Groudon 20 levels higher. In two turns.

Fear the Psyduck.
Uh, I'm assuming that Choice Scarf is something that boosts status effect probability or damage, and Cloud Nine is a move that makes the enemy skip a turn in some way, likely via SLP or confusion. But my knowledge of Pokemon mostly boils down to: "It's what they make Touhoumon romhacks out of", so could you, please, elaborate?
Uh, I'm assuming that Choice Scarf is something that boosts status effect probability or damage, and Cloud Nine is a move that makes the enemy skip a turn in some way, likely via SLP or confusion. But my knowledge of Pokemon mostly boils down to: "It's what they make Touhoumon romhacks out of", so could you, please, elaborate?
Cloud Nine is an ability (something inherent to a 'mon that activates automatically and doesn't use up one of the four move slots) that removes all weather conditions upon a 'mon with Cloud Nine being sent out onto the field... weather conditions including the droughts produced by Groudon and deluges produced by Kyogre.

Meanwhile, Choice Scarf is an item that a 'mon can hold, which increases their speed at the cost of only being able to use one of their four moves (though which move can be reset by withdrawing the pokemon and putting it back out on the field). Finally, Hydro Pump is a Water-type move that Psyduck and it's evolution Golduck can learn. It doesn't have good accuracy and can't be used too much before running out of PP (power points, IE how many times a 'mon can use a move before it has to be refreshed at a Pokemon Center), but, it has a lot of power. Add that on to Primal Groudon's double weakness to Water (IE, takes four times as much damage from Water-type moves, comes from Primal Groudon's Fire/Ground typing, and normally negated with the unique weather condition Primal Groudon creates with it's ability that prevents all Water-type moves from being used) and you have something beautiful.

The Cloud Nine negates Primal Groudon's own negation of Water-Type moves, revealing the double weakness to Water, while the Hydro Pump exploits that weakness, and the Choice Scarf ensures our Psyduck can wreck Primal Groudon before it wrecks the Psyduck.
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And someone told me that they saw an Alakazam with five spoons in the Granite Caves!

*Look at Mega Alakazam*

"Right, and after that we still need to go look for Steven. How about after that? We'll ask her tonight, or at least tomorrow."

"That works. We'll get her talking right after Steven."

"Right after Steven."

You better actually do it, because it really would begin to be annoying if they get distracted after going that far.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq-p0ysCF6E

Gav shrugged. "Spying, probably."
"—But everybody knows you don't use something that takes those kinds of pictures for just maps."

And they were doing so well too.... Yes, yes you absolutely can use those kinds of pictures for just maps.
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Wow, this actually updated! I was half expecting it to be another that was on hiatus forever, hence me not commenting when I first binged it, but in retrospect I should have known better since this has been going since 2014... bodes badly for update speed, but fantastic for not getting suddenly permanently ended. Then again, Dungeon Keeper Ami was apparently started back in 2009, so who knows...

"I was ten years old!" Brendan shouted, throwing his hands up. "And someone told me that they saw an Alakazam with five spoons in the Granite Caves! So I went to go look, broke my flashlight, and got lost in the dark for six hours!"
Just because you couldn't find the Mega Alakazam doesn't mean it wasn't there! Even non-Mega-Evolved ones are extremely powerful psychics who are one of the few Pokemon to be explicitly definitely smarter than humans; you being unable to find a superpowered one means nothing. Incidentally: Astra, you should search the caves to see if they have any more excess spoons they'd be willing to give you. I gave my own Gardevoir in Emerald a Twisted Spoon, and it was awesome. She used that spoon as a utensil to eat the dreams of Groudon itself!

"I'm studying up on the upcoming craze known as CORRECT PSYDUCK," the man at the table explained, turning around the book on the table. An image of a rotund, vaguely aquatic yellow creature with a wide bill and glassy eyes looked out at Astra from the pages. "Do you believe there is any connection between CORRECT PSYDUCK and literature? My intuition tells me there's a relation, but I can't figure it out. Perhaps there's a book that can tell me exactly which PSYDUCK is CORRECT..."
"Er, sorry, what...is 'Correct Psyduck', exactly?"

"CORRECT PSYDUCK," the man stated, as if she'd somehow messed up the words (though, the way he said it was...odd), "is the newest and hippest trend in Hoenn! It's just getting off the ground, but the whole world will know about it soon enough! We're on the cutting edge of popularity!"

"...But what is it?" Astra asked.

The man hesitated. "We're...figuring it out!" he claimed, not meeting Astra's gaze. "But it's sure to sweep the nation quicker than every tidal wave in the last decade combined!"
oh my god seeing Dewford Hall trends in a story like this is even better than I could have imagined

"Oh, it's a Galarian myth—"

Another elderly lady across the table snorted. "Galarian? You absolute boghead, that myth's from Tir'nog. Just 'cause the islands are close doesn't mean they're interchangeable!"

"Tir'nog, then," the first woman corrected. "In any case, it's about this ghostly woman who shows up outside the homes of people who're about to kick the bucket and starts wailing."
Regional variant of Misdreavus that then evolved (in the non-Pokemon sense) further into a whole new species. Gotcha.
Astra paused, slowly lowering her scone. "...Ghostly? Is...is it haunted?"
I WISH. But no, sadly, aside from the occasional rare Sableye in Granite Cave, no sources of Ghost pokemon in Hoenn until Mt. Pyre and the routes near it. They don't even have Gastlies, man. I'm not sure if any other region is devoid of Gastly! Unova I guess, but that goes way out of its way to not include anything from gens 1-4. If only Rotom had been made one Generation sooner, New Mauville would have been perfect for them...
"According to my brother, it might be! He took a look himself, but he couldn't get inside—the whole thing has been blocked off for ages, though you still see some people go in and out sometimes. Said he saw a lot of flickering lights, and then when the screaming started he hightailed it out of there. Apparently it sounded like someone was torturing sheet metal. He reported it, but apparently the Jennies aren't doing anything."
Oh no... whatever's going on, protect the Magnemites!

Those devils and their blasted pokemon ate my little sister's dreams! I watched her waste away from terminal insomnia
what kind of sick battle necessitated sealing away someone's ability to sleep?
...speaking of that thing I did to Groudon to counter its constant Resting... just you wait until you reach Level 60, Astra. Or even just Level 54 if you hold off on evolving for a long while even once you can. Bring a spoon.

Humanity had built rockets which flew at impossible speeds that were purpose-built to explode and would annihilate a solid square mile of damn near anything. And they had built a lot of them.
Hmm, oddly dark that they'd actually still have things like nuclear warheads and M.A.D. in the Pokemon Wo-
"—But they've been steadily disarming those things for decades. I think Hoenn has...actually they might all be gone, though who knows for sure. Well, eventually we'll only have the ones made to transport things into orbit or beyond,"
The pokemon world is one that is, generally speaking, several shades lighter than our own. Unfortunately, that isn't quite enough shades for it to not be grey.
-alright, nevermind, carry on.
Actually no, it's still odd, though for different reasons. Humans in the world of Pokemon building apocalyptic superweapons is understandable for multiple reasons, but rather than nukes, they seem to gravitate more to things like... giant glowy Pokemon-powered deathrays. Maybe it's a bows-vs-primitive-guns situation? One is just plain better on a small scale, but the other is better logistically and strategically when you're equipping entire armies to fight against other entire armies. So criminal gangs get the deathrays, regions get the nukes.

Eighty years. They'd figured out how to fly only eighty years ago. Barely any time at all, really. A few cycles of hatchlings growing into mothers and their hatchlings growing to have eggs of their own. Astra didn't know if her village had really done anything within that time. They'd made new songs and dances and that sort of thing, sure, but humanity...they'd built weapons that could destroy expanses of land and machines that roamed around the stars and spied on people. Did the village's protections even work on something without a mind!? How were they ever supposed to catch up with that!?
If it's any consolation, this prooobably ain't specifically a human thing, at least not in this version of the Pokemon universe. The rate of technological progression generally accelerates with both the current advancement of techology, and the number of people available to work on it. You have one small village, while humans have countless large cities all around the entire world. And the reason that more people equals faster progression is because... new inventors are able to copy and build off of what the old inventors did. By impersonating a human trainer, you now have access to pretty much all of human technology; if Ralts/Kirlias can learn how it works, they can copy it and theoretically build upon it. Infrastructure is still a problem, but not an insurmountable one, especially with superpowers like telekinesis. Also, this is only an issue if independence is one of your goals alongside just freedom; if you were to integrate your village with human society instead, this would instantly become a non-issue.

OOF. Poor Brendan, always gets stuck with the worst Astra questions.
...though not as poor as Astra herself, of course. Yeesh. This whole damn chapter was pretty hard on her, even more than usual.
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Do you believe there is any connection between CORRECT PSYDUCK and literature?

You madman, you actually did it

Loved Astra naturally accepting information from a dream as true. I'm looking forward to see what the stone says, and if the Psyduck is just about Cloud Nine or something else.

Oh you magnificent bastard, what a reference! :D

"Look I'm just saying, ...she doesn't know shit from fuck—"

:lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl:

"That works. We'll get her talking right after Steven."

"Right after Steven."

Either shenanigans will ensue and delay this conversation, or we'll have the long awaited reveal. I'm good with either, but I'm really hoping for that conversation to happen.

Astra paused, slowly lowering her scone. "...Ghostly? Is...is it haunted?"

You know, it makes sense that Astra would be afraid of ghosts.

<bad times for Astra>

"I've been shuffled around to a bunch of towns, so my first-day schedule has been perfected into a fine art." May explained, brushing a hand through her hair with a grin. She held up four fingers and ticked them off as she continued, "See the sights, pick some fights, grab a bite, then say goodnight."
What a cute rhyme and plan of action.
First off, I really loved this chapter. It's so interesting seeing Astra interact more with human society and seeing this side of it, and having her ... ancestor???'s trauma still floating around in her head.

Unrelated tangent about satellites, because hey, it happened in the chapter, might as well do it here too!

And they were doing so well too.... Yes, yes you absolutely can use those kinds of pictures for just maps.

I went to grad school for optical sciences, and while I was there I hung out with some grad students who did optical mapping work. And one thing I learned is that it's a ridiculously hard to take the kind of high resolution satellite photos people think government spy satellites take. Spy satellites really are just taking the same mapping photos as everything else, they just occupy different orbits so they can take different patterns of pictures than the mapping and weather satellites, and they tend to have more reaction mass to make course adjustments. The biggest difference is that spy satellites often use RTGs for power (basically, they use the heat from plutonium decay to create electricity) instead of shiny reflective solar panels, so other governments can't track their location as easily and know what's being looked at.

Which, hooooooo boy, NASA got pissed at the US spy agencies about that actually. RTG plutonium is really hard to source now that no one is refining the material for new nuclear missiles, so the US has a limited supply. But it's super useful for long-range space missions because there's really nothing like it for generating power over a really long time, especially far from the sun. Except a few years back NASA got a rude shock when they learned that US spy agencies had been secretly pilfering their plutonium supply for decades to make non-reflective spy satellites and the supply was about to run out, and didn't have what NASA needed for some projects that were in development.
i finally got through some of my fic-catching-up executive disfunction for abit

(also just sitting here not saying what i know about the psyduck thing)
Genuinely unsure if the nose thing ever came up in Astra's narration - which tracks, since apparently she's not very good at remembering what she's done with it. Separately, I don't know the reference for the dance? Excellent display of teen (tween?) goofery though. Good chapter as always.
Actually no, it's still odd, though for different reasons. Humans in the world of Pokemon building apocalyptic superweapons is understandable for multiple reasons, but rather than nukes, they seem to gravitate more to things like... giant glowy Pokemon-powered deathrays. Maybe it's a bows-vs-primitive-guns situation? One is just plain better on a small scale, but the other is better logistically and strategically when you're equipping entire armies to fight against other entire armies. So criminal gangs get the deathrays, regions get the nukes.
That is all true, and as a corollary: current Poke-human civilization is as advanced as it is because this time around, society realized that every past civilization had accidentally enraged some planetary legendary with their death ray pokemon experiments, or worse, their super-pokemon encountered turbulence that opened a portal into Paradox Space and caused an invasion of ghosts, or even worse, they corrected for Paradox Space and successfully tunnelled all the way to the Unown Realm in the search for more power, and then that was kind of the period/end-stop moment for that civilization as an explosion of energy designed to alter reality suddenly alters reality.

Mundane weaponry, like nukes and antimatter bombs, are perfectly safe in comparison.
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Reply wall? Reply wall.

In this chapter an actual psychic goes into a den of conspiracy theorists and sensibly decides to leave after wandering around for a bit.
Not the best decision for an empath to take, and one she likely will not repeat soon. Or ever.

I realize this is most likely a crack about the "trend" system from this era of Pokemon games, but Psyducks might actually be important to Hoenn in the future.
Why? Two words: Cloud Nine. That shit can lock down Groudon and Kyogre just as well as any Rayquaza, at least in the games. I once had a Golduck with Cloud Nine, Hydro Pump, snd a Choice Scarf that took down a Primal Groudon 20 levels higher. In two turns.
Fear the Psyduck.
Uh, I'm assuming that Choice Scarf is something that boosts status effect probability or damage, and Cloud Nine is a move that makes the enemy skip a turn in some way, likely via SLP or confusion. But my knowledge of Pokemon mostly boils down to: "It's what they make Touhoumon romhacks out of", so could you, please, elaborate?
is an ability that clears weather effects upon sending out the pokemon iirc
Cloud Nine is an ability (something inherent to a 'mon that activates automatically and doesn't use up one of the four move slots) that removes all weather conditions upon a 'mon with Cloud Nine being sent out onto the field... weather conditions including the droughts produced by Groudon and deluges produced by Kyogre.
Meanwhile, Choice Scarf is an item that a 'mon can hold, which increases their speed at the cost of only being able to use one of their four moves (though which move can be reset by withdrawing the pokemon and putting it back out on the field). Finally, Hydro Pump is a Water-type move that Psyduck and it's evolution Golduck can learn. It doesn't have good accuracy and can't be used too much before running out of PP (power points, IE how many times a 'mon can use a move before it has to be refreshed at a Pokemon Center), but, it has a lot of power. Add that on to Primal Groudon's double weakness to Water (IE, takes four times as much damage from Water-type moves, comes from Primal Groudon's Fire/Ground typing, and normally negated with the unique weather condition Primal Groudon creates with it's ability that prevents all Water-type moves from being used) and you have something beautiful.
The Cloud Nine negates Primal Groudon's own negation of Water-Type moves, revealing the double weakness to Water, while the Hydro Pump exploits that weakness, and the Choice Scarf ensures our Psyduck can wreck Primal Groudon before it wrecks the Psyduck.
Do you believe there is any connection between CORRECT PSYDUCK and literature?
You madman, you actually did it
Loved Astra naturally accepting information from a dream as true. I'm looking forward to see what the stone says, and if the Psyduck is just about Cloud Nine or something else.
The Stone named Steven perhaps?

I would like to take a brief aside to thank my two editors, 'Oh, I am slain!', who uses a Psyduck avatar on discord and was allowed to insert a single line in this chapter, and Ironyowl.

Tangentally, I pulled up the entire lexicon of Trendy Phrases and rolled for what it would be at random. It was as is in the chapter.

You better actually do it, because it really would begin to be annoying if they get distracted after going that far.
Either shenanigans will ensue and delay this conversation, or we'll have the long awaited reveal. I'm good with either, but I'm really hoping for that conversation to happen.
Oh no, why did you say that. Please let this not be a flag, please let them actually talk.

May and Brendan are Very Intent on interrogating having an Informative Chat with their weird friend. I don't think they'd wait until setting off for Slateport for answers.

Wow, this actually updated! I was half expecting it to be another that was on hiatus forever, hence me not commenting when I first binged it, but in retrospect I should have known better since this has been going since 2014... bodes badly for update speed, but fantastic for not getting suddenly permanently ended. Then again, Dungeon Keeper Ami was apparently started back in 2009, so who knows...

I will never die! I am just very slow.

Actually no, it's still odd, though for different reasons. Humans in the world of Pokemon building apocalyptic superweapons is understandable for multiple reasons, but rather than nukes, they seem to gravitate more to things like... giant glowy Pokemon-powered deathrays. Maybe it's a bows-vs-primitive-guns situation? One is just plain better on a small scale, but the other is better logistically and strategically when you're equipping entire armies to fight against other entire armies. So criminal gangs get the deathrays, regions get the nukes.

Every time they try their lead [Person in charge] turns out to be mustachue-twirlingly evil and gets taken down by a plucky gang of teenagers.

Oh you magnificent bastard, what a reference! :D

"CRAWL to me on your KNEES!"

Hæ hee!

You know, it makes sense that Astra would be afraid of ghosts.

It's been mentioned a few times, yeah.

Well, no wonder! The Necronomicon Ex Mortis has absolutely nothing to do with necromancy. You'd have better results with the Book of the Dead, which at least has to do with ancient Egyptian mortuary rites.

[Shrug] It was a necronomicon, it raised my severed hand into undeath, and now my severed hand is hunting me down.

Genuinely unsure if the nose thing ever came up in Astra's narration - which tracks, since apparently she's not very good at remembering what she's done with it.
All of once in chapter 26. Incidentally, this is why her face illusion has been subject to minor drift: she's taking it off every morning when she's in the bathroom to wash her face and just be Herself for a minute, and then she doesn't quite match what she had on before.

Separately, I don't know the reference for the dance?

The entire movie is basically the Castle Nathria raid from World of Warcraft. The dance is specifically the 'Council of Blood' encounter where you have to ocassionally move as the three vampire bosses tell you to or you die.

Anyway, it seems everyone's enjoyed the chapter! Thank you so much for your comments, and I hope these next few chapters will collectively deliver on your expectations in unexpected manners.

Further comments and other contributations are always appreciated. Cheers!
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I really hope The Talk goes well. I mean, it'd be a little too good to be true for everyone to be just fine with the situation immediately, but I really like the dynamic that Brendan, Astra, and May have going. Change is good, but I wouldn't want to see them broken apart for long.
I suspect past the immediate momemt of surprise and confusion, they'd just roll with it.
Astra running away in panic might be harder to deal with.
I suspect past the immediate momemt of surprise and confusion, they'd just roll with it.
Astra running away in panic might be harder to deal with.

Brendan would likely be fascinated since Astra and her village would be the find of the century in terms of pokemon research, a small society of pokemon at proper human levels of intelligence.

Honestly I can imagine him getting too enthusiastic and May having to get him to calm down.
Honestly? With this setup I am fully expecting Astra to end up revealed to them before their planned confrontation somehow.
With both sides not being ready for it at all, and without time to do anything about the new knowledge because another problem needs to be handled first.