So this does answer one of the questions I had - yes, the Ralts in other regions are already publically known. We at least won't be seeing 'New Pokemon Species Found!' headlines, although I wonder about 'Previously Unknown Ralts Subspecies with Village-Level Organization'?
I really feel for Astra the worst thing Is that there are no psychic earplugs that can help to dampen that part of the noise.
So this does answer one of the questions I had - yes, the Ralts in other regions are already publically known. We at least won't be seeing 'New Pokemon Species Found!' headlines, although I wonder about 'Previously Unknown Ralts Subspecies with Village-Level Organization'?
Hell, might even get classified as a regional variant. (Though they probably wouldn't be one in game terms; no type difference, no real morphology difference, it's all in the mind.)
Other Ralts probably are as intelligent as the village Ralts but don't know how to build villages because they don't need to as they trust humans. But if that's the case, surely trainers would have realized how smart the Ralts are. Maybe the ancestor is a mutant and that makes the village Ralts special?
Hell, might even get classified as a regional variant. (Though they probably wouldn't be one in game terms; no type difference, no real morphology difference, it's all in the mind.)

Everyone in Astra's village is like two or three times the height of their 'canon' counterparts.

Other Ralts probably are as intelligent as the village Ralts but don't know how to build villages because they don't need to as they trust humans. But if that's the case, surely trainers would have realized how smart the Ralts are. Maybe the ancestor is a mutant and that makes the village Ralts special?

Other Ralts don't have the benefit of a metaphorical hundred generations of undisturbed focused uplifting by an extroardinarily long-lived powerhouse of a Gardevoir who learned how to human.
If I remember correctly, the Ancestor did something uplifty to the Ralts that makes Hoenn Ralts smarter or something along those lines.
Edit: Ninjask'd
You know how pokemon can just know moves out of an egg if their parents knew them?

That but for 'the ease one can learn language and civilization.' It took a while.
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So this does answer one of the questions I had - yes, the Ralts in other regions are already publically known. We at least won't be seeing 'New Pokemon Species Found!' headlines, although I wonder about 'Previously Unknown Ralts Subspecies with Village-Level Organization'?
Everyone in Astra's village is like two or three times the height of their 'canon' counterparts.
Considering that canonically, villages like hers exist hidden and safe from humans all over, yet none of them occured through influence by human-trained pokemon as far as we're aware, it's kind of interesting to think about whether Astra's experiences might be different from a mon living in a more naturally developed pokemon village.
Considering that canonically, villages like hers exist hidden and safe from humans all over, yet none of them occured through influence by human-trained pokemon as far as we're aware, it's kind of interesting to think about whether Astra's experiences might be different from a mon living in a more naturally developed pokemon village.
Wait, what? Where did that come up?
Considering that canonically, villages like hers exist hidden and safe from humans all over, yet none of them occured through influence by human-trained pokemon as far as we're aware, it's kind of interesting to think about whether Astra's experiences might be different from a mon living in a more naturally developed pokemon village.

I don't think there's any reason to believe this is canonical, at least within the Hyphen setting.
I was talking about the thing where Lucario are known to group up in hidden villages, and there was definitely something in a similar vein that appeared in one of the games, but I can't for the life of me remember which one, sorry.

I wasn't talking about canon to the story, though, just adding my own musings to things. Sorry if I caused any confusion.
Other Ralts probably are as intelligent as the village Ralts but don't know how to build villages because they don't need to as they trust humans. But if that's the case, surely trainers would have realized how smart the Ralts are. Maybe the ancestor is a mutant and that makes the village Ralts special?

Well, obviously all the actual trainers of Ralts-line pokemon would know, but quickly learned that if they go around talking about how "my Gardevoir really is just as smart as a human, honest!" they just get side-eyed by a lot of people making Certain Assumptions and so keep it to themselves. :V
Tell me what you think!
("Are you gonna finish that?" Astra asked. Brendan handed her the rest of his hotdog.)
I think Astra eating a hot dog is the most important thing to happen in this chapter
"You're just mad that you got PWN'd by my leet skills," Brendan said, grinning ear-to-ear.

Astra blinked and looked at Brendan, confused. "Pawned?"
...And I think that's actually pronounced "Owned". Eg, the hacker "owned" your computer by taking it over.

But back to the hotdog...
...I did, and I really hope you're right about that, because I'm not going to Necro it, but want to comment the author about how well written it is in its own thread.

I can indeed vouch that there will hopefully be a chapter soonish. c:
The update wasn't supposed to take this long, but real life is unfortunately a priority. Currently just finish editing through it. (I may have been the one stealing Derm's Betas)
Either way, thank you very much. 💙
Everyone in Astra's village is like two or three times the height of their 'canon' counterparts.

Other Ralts don't have the benefit of a metaphorical hundred generations of undisturbed focused uplifting by an extroardinarily long-lived powerhouse of a Gardevoir who learned how to human.
Also one big pain in the ass for the tool user lifestyle - it takes a lot of work and infrastructure before its going to be worth it, and even then its better for communities than individuals.

Unless you have a Gardevoir making them keep at it till they got good enough that its useful.
Astra grimaced as she followed May through the arcade. Strange machines blinked with searing lights and belted out high-pitched music, many of them accompanied by humans screaming emotion into a void only she could hear—along with the occasional regular scream. Noise had been a new and uncomfortable aspect to city life, but this place seemed to amplify the worst qualities of each variety to new levels.
Stepping away from the tantrum simulator, Astra stumbled as her developing headache made itself known once more. She rubbed her eyes, the pressure relieving the ache for a moment.

Ugh, sensory overload must be a literal headache and a half for a psychic like Astra. Shame, she'd probably enjoy the idea behind an arcade much more if it wasn't, you know, an arcade. ^^;

"This is pretty good!" she decided. "What was that yellow stuff?"

"Mustard," Brendan answered, smiling.

Blasphemy! Me and all my friends hate mustard! Ketchup supremacy gang rise up! :mad:

Astra ended up selecting a tall man with a massive circular ball of bifurcated hair who moved like he was dancing.

His special finishing attack is to toss out four Ludicolo + a Sudowoodo and have them beat up an opponent while they (and he) all manically dance around. One of his specials also involves pulling a Voltorb out of his hair and tossing it forward, which explodes after a short pause.

Despite her boast, Astra didn't manage to win any of the following rounds, even with her friends taking it easy on her. Part of this could have been her absolute naivety in the realm of video games, it could have been her unpracticed twitch movements and unfamiliarity with the controls, or it could even be that the buttons were so close together that her giant non-human fingers kept hitting two of them at the same time.

Well, she is a Psychic type. Of course Fighting moves don't come naturally to her. :rolleyes:

"You're just mad that you got PWN'd by my leet skills," Brendan said, grinning ear-to-ear.

Astra blinked and looked at Brendan, confused. "Pawned?"

It's pronounced p-owned, Brendan. Gosh, this n00b can't even say it right.

"They don't even do anything with their arms!" Astra complained, exasperatedly gesturing at the two strangers currently competing against each other. They seemed to be doing well by the game's standards, but to hers they were abhorrent. "No spins, no flips, they barely even cross-step! You can't call this dancing! They're just—just throwing a tantrum on a beat!"

Flips? O_O Astra, I get your other complaints, but what kind of casual gymnastics feats does your dancing usually involve?

Astra's feet skipped around the platform, her legs seamlessly flowing from one pad to the next. She was right, this wasn't hard at all!

Maybe not now that you have shoes. I imagine you'd be having a much harder time if that issue hadn't been rectified. :p

"I'm not sure, but it sure is soft!" Astra said, reaching into the chute and pulling the doll out.

It was a Ralts.

Astra stared at the vacantly smiling figure. Ten inches tall, the doll's glassy eyes were hidden under a dome of green cloth and a pair of plastic red horns embedded into a head about a third larger than it should be. Two stubby arms protruded from the solid robe, and though there were two legs the robe didn't actually have an opening for them at the bottom, instead having them be formless white pillars with a small coat tail.


*Plushtra joins the party!*

Also, it sounds like Astra is slightly annoyed about the inaccuracies, but I'd imagine it's actually preferable in this case that the doll isn't anatomically correct. Now she can keep the tiny chibi effigy of herself without feeling weird about it! :D

"Yeah, I guess that would do it," he muttered. He shook his head and refocused. "Well, if you're short on cash then you could always enter a battle competition; you don't pay for losing so bare minimum you'll make enough for a week of cheap kibble. There's always one or two happening somewhere, and I'm pretty sure the Gym is hosting one tomorrow afternoon." Brendan raised an eyebrow. "Unless you wanna do some odd jobs like catching a dozen Shroomish for a pharmacy...?"

"Ah, trainer! Looking for a quest? Well, you're in luck! Simply fetch us 20 Ursaring Asses, and-"


"Just lunch?" Astra asked, smirking at May. "I'll beat them so hard they'll only be able to eat dirt for a month!"

Wouldn't go saying that just yet Astra, 'cause it sounds like if you don't win, that's all you'll be eating for a month, and then your foot will really be in your mouth. With the dirt. :V

Anyway, hopefully you enjoyed.

I did! Slice of life is still fun with Astra along. As always, looking forward to the next chapter! d(OuO)b
Hot dogs are not the epitome of cuisine, I agree.

Nevertheless, even this 4/10 arcade dog was brought up to a 7 by the sheer novelty of mustard and the fact that Astra underestimated how long Roxannes class would last and was rather hungry.

Funfact I worked an an arcade for like three months a few years ago. I think I even noted when I started/ended in a few AN's? It had upsides but when they installed this horrendously loud, flashing monstrosity in the back was when I decided that it was just too much for my poor sensory overloaded mind so I left.

Place closed down a month later lol.