[X]: Make them ya Gits.
Has you look at these Goblins you smile, "you're now my Boyz, ya hear that Gits, ya part of my clan now, Clan Verdant", you say to them, and they look at you shocked at what you said. "yeah we are now Clan Verdant Boyz" "WOOOH" "Yeah" "let's Krump some Gits with da boss", and the one that got an attack on you starts cheering, and the rest followed.
Made the Ork Faction Clan Verdant, Current members are you and a Clan Verdant Goblin Unit.
Now you need to know what you're doing over the week.
Action Points: Action points start off has 2+Endurance Mod, and Action Points are used for non-training actions. (5 Points to Spend)
[ ]: Hunt some Gobbos: you and your boyz will hunt some gobbos, some may surrender, some may die, and most will run away. Gain 250+(1d100x2.5) Exp, 50% chance to gain another unit of Goblins, 1% chance of a unit of Orks. Use Martial for these Rolls. Can be taken multiple times.
[ ]: Train ya Boyz: you will start training these Gobbos. Increase the unit to E Rank, 50% chance that Grox of Clan Verdant will become a Hero unit. Uses Martial. Can only be taken once.
[ ]: Make Chimeras/Chimeric Species: you will make a Chimera/Chimeric Species with available DNA. Specify if you want a Chimera (can't reproduce) or Chimeric Species (Can Reproduce) and what DNA you want to use. Human, Slann, Base Lizardmen (Chaos Corruption Immunity), Eldar and Goblin DNA is available, can only use 2 currently. What Gifts will you bestow your Creation(s). can be taken multiple Times.
[ ]: Meditate on the Stars: you will meditate in the night and listen for the remnants of the old ones. Reward: ???. Can only be taken one time.
[ ]: Create Invention: you will create something entirely new. Reward: ???. Uses Intelligence, Learning and Renaissance Man Buff. Can be taken Multiple Times.
Training Points: Training points start off has 2+Intelligence Mod, you roll a d100+10(Intelligence+ Learning)x Learning Modifiers, for the progress on it. (13 Points to spend)
[ ]: Insert Skill you want to train (you can ask me what's valid and if you want to train a Skill that isn't Listed, some will be Vetoed though)