Hybrid of the Old Ones (WHF Quest)

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Oh, your awake now and FIRST FIGHT.
Has you awakened and get used to being not in a tube, you look around you, the ground is black Cragged stone, and it's also warm, the sky is red- wait it's supposed to be blue, fuck, so you immediately realized something happened, that changed your destination and maybe time, welp, time to find people that aren't Orks, Cultists, Vampires, Tomb Kings or Drucchi. You stand up and look around- and there are 2 units of gobbos, luckily, they seem untrained, but you're naked, well you can fix that, has scales seem to shimmer onto your body, it's time to fucking fight these gitz.


And you strike first

Sorga Vs Goblin Unit A (F Rank): 1d100+20 (Fighting F rank unit) DC: 35: 35+20=55 Passed. Damage: 2d20-10 units slain: 4+15-10=9 Units slain (91/100 Units: Goblin Unit A)

Has you teared through them with predatory intent, and 9 fall in visceral gore. +22.5 Exp (22.5/1000 Exp to level 2)

Goblin Unit A Morale: 1d100+20 (outnumber)-20 (F rank unit) = 1d100 DC: 9: 47. Doesn't retreat.

And then the Gobbos attack

Goblin Unit A Vs Sorga: 1d100-20 (F rank) DC: 60: 24-20. Artificial CRIT FAIL.

Sorgar Counter attacks: 1d100+20 DC: 35: 26+20=46 Passed: Damage: 2d20-10 units slain: 2+18-10=10 units slain (81/100 units: Goblin Unit A)

Goblin Unit B Vs Sorga: 1d100-20 DC: 60: 19-20=-1 Artificial SUPER CRIT FAIL.

Sorga Counterattacks with Double Damage: 1d100+20 DC: 35: 33+20=53 Passed: 2d20-10 x 2 units slain: 6+19-10=15 x 2= 30 Units Slain (70/100 Units: Goblin Unit B)

And they try and fail spectacularly, has when the one you already attacked try to spear you, you spin around them and blood traces your claw's path, and then the other, you redirected them and they killed each other, has you bobbed, weaved, and jumped at the last second for each attack. +100 Exp (122.5/1000 Exp)

Goblin Unit A Morale: 1d100+20 -20 -10 (got Critted on) =1d100-10 DC: 19: 74-10=64 Passed.

Goblin Unit B Morale: 1d100+20-20-20 (got Super Critted on) = 1d100-20 DC: 30: 68-20=48 Passed

And they did not retreat, Good more training for you, and let's pick off the weak one while you're at it.

Sorgar Vs Goblin Unit B: 1d100+20 DC: 35: 65+20=85 Passed: 2d20-10 Units Slain: 10+9-10: 9 Units Slain (61/100 Units: Goblin Unit B)

And 9 more fell by your claws. +22.5 Exp (145/1000 Exp)

Goblin Unit B Morale: 1d100 DC: 48: 80 Passed: doesn't retreat.

And they seem to not be cowards, despite their weakness, and they attack again.

Goblin Unit A Vs Sorga: 1d100-20 (F rank) DC: 60: 35-20=15 Fail

Goblin Unit B Vs Sorga: 1d100-20 DC: 60: 46-20=26 Fail

And they all missed or bounced off your scales, now time to kill, and the weak one once again.

Sorga Vs Goblin Unit B: 1d100+20 DC: 35: 43+20=63 Passed: 2d20-10: 7+10-10=7 Units (54/100 Units: Gobbo B)

And 7 more kills. +17.5 Exp (162.5/1000 Exp)

Gobbo B Morale: 1d100 DC: 62: 55 Fail.

And they finally Ran for their lives. Gobbo Unit defeated, +250 Exp (412.5/1000 Exp). but the first one attacks.

Gobbo Unit A Vs Sorga: 1d100-20 DC: 60: 75-20=55 Fail.

And some of them nearly got you there, but now it's your time.

Sorga Vs Gobbo A: 1d100+20 DC: 35: 46+20=66 Passed: 2d20-10: 10+14-10=14 (67/100 Units)

And 14 fell. +35 Exp (447.5/1000 Exp).

Gobbo Morale: 1d100 DC: 36: 48 Passed:

And then they attack.

Gobbo Unit A Vs Sorga: 1d100-20 DC: 60: 67-20=47 Fail.

And like normal they failed.

Sorga Vs Gobbo A: 1d100+20 DC: 35: 36+20=56 Passed: 2d20-10: 4+8-10=2 (65/100 Units)

But when you attacked only 2 died. +5 Exp (452.5/1000 Exp)

Gobbo Morale: 1d100 DC: 40: 71 Passed.

Then they attack

Gobbo Unit A Vs Sorga: 1d100-20 DC: 60: 64-20=44 Fail.

And fail, then you attack

Sorga Vs Gobbo A: 1d100+20 DC: 35: 19+20=39 Passed: 2d20-10: 10+5-10=5 (60/100 Units)

And 5 fall. +12.5 Exp (465/1000 Exp)

Gobbo Morale: 1d100 DC: 50: 57 Passed


Gobbo Attack: 1d100-20 DC: 60: 81-20=61 Passed: 1d4-2 (Strength Mod)- 1(Damage Resistance): 4-3=1 HP DEALT! (9/10 HP)

And you were harmed, they seem to be getting a hand of it.

Sorga Vs Gobbo A: 1d100+20 DC: 35: 62+20=82 Passed: 2d20-10: 10+9-10=9 (51/100 Units)

And 9 fell. +22.5 Exp (487.5/1000 Exp)

Gobbo Morale: 1d100 DC: 68: 65 Fail.

And then the first unit, the one that harmed you, Surrendered, "AAAAAH DON'T KILL US WE WILL WORK FOR YA, JUST DON'T KRUMP US". +250 Exp (737.5/1000 Exp)

Now what do you do with these Gits?

[ ]: Kill them all: Won't get you any Exp.

[ ]: make them ya Gits: gets you a source of Ork DNA, though weak, but will allow you to make some fodder with WAAAGH! And the ability to Asexually Reproduce. Also meet the requirements to gain the Lord Sub-class.

[ ]: Tell them to Sod off: they run away, remembering that ya didn't krump them when you had every reason to do so.
Week 1 Actions
[X]: Make them ya Gits.

Has you look at these Goblins you smile, "you're now my Boyz, ya hear that Gits, ya part of my clan now, Clan Verdant", you say to them, and they look at you shocked at what you said. "yeah we are now Clan Verdant Boyz" "WOOOH" "Yeah" "let's Krump some Gits with da boss", and the one that got an attack on you starts cheering, and the rest followed.

Made the Ork Faction Clan Verdant, Current members are you and a Clan Verdant Goblin Unit.

Now you need to know what you're doing over the week.

Action Points: Action points start off has 2+Endurance Mod, and Action Points are used for non-training actions. (5 Points to Spend)

[ ]: Hunt some Gobbos: you and your boyz will hunt some gobbos, some may surrender, some may die, and most will run away. Gain 250+(1d100x2.5) Exp, 50% chance to gain another unit of Goblins, 1% chance of a unit of Orks. Use Martial for these Rolls. Can be taken multiple times.

[ ]: Train ya Boyz: you will start training these Gobbos. Increase the unit to E Rank, 50% chance that Grox of Clan Verdant will become a Hero unit. Uses Martial. Can only be taken once.

[ ]: Make Chimeras/Chimeric Species: you will make a Chimera/Chimeric Species with available DNA. Specify if you want a Chimera (can't reproduce) or Chimeric Species (Can Reproduce) and what DNA you want to use. Human, Slann, Base Lizardmen (Chaos Corruption Immunity), Eldar and Goblin DNA is available, can only use 2 currently. What Gifts will you bestow your Creation(s). can be taken multiple Times.

[ ]: Meditate on the Stars: you will meditate in the night and listen for the remnants of the old ones. Reward: ???. Can only be taken one time.

[ ]: Create Invention: you will create something entirely new. Reward: ???. Uses Intelligence, Learning and Renaissance Man Buff. Can be taken Multiple Times.

Training Points: Training points start off has 2+Intelligence Mod, you roll a d100+10(Intelligence+ Learning)x Learning Modifiers, for the progress on it. (13 Points to spend)

[ ]: Insert Skill you want to train (you can ask me what's valid and if you want to train a Skill that isn't Listed, some will be Vetoed though)
Week 1 Results (or OH, DEAR GOD WHAT THE FUCK)
[X] Plan Many Hands Make Light Work and [X] Skills

Meditate on the Stars: 75: Success: has you meditate and listen for the old ones, you hear IT, *one Wingding sentence later* now you know where you must go, West to the Dawi hold.

Train Ya Boyz: 95+16 (Martial)=111: Super Crit Success: has you train your Boyz you notice, they can use the winds of magic, also Grox can instinctually imbue Fire into is weapon, neat. Reward: the 1st​ Clan Verdant Goblin Unit can use Magic, they are also now D Rank and Grox is now a Hero Unit with the Trait Firebrand.

when ever you attack someone you roll equal to your number of damage die for Fire Damage. (1d4 damage= 1d4 Damage + 1d4 Fire Damage)

Hunt some Gobbos X2: +717.5 Exp. (1455/1000 => 455/2000 for level 3) LEVEL UP. 58, 11: 1 Success: has you are killing this unit of Goblins Mercilessly they eventually give up, Gain a Second Unit of Clan Verdant Goblins, the other ones ran like Cowards, also all Orkoid Units recover to full after a week.

Training: (the Create Actions always go after Training Actions)

Combat: Magic:
749x16 (the x64 only applies to Magic Skills) = 11984= Combat: Magic: 14 (1484/1500) +(740x16= 11840) = Combat: Magic: 21 (724/2200).

Knowledge: World: 760x16= 12160= Knowledge: World: 15 (160/1600) +(734x16= 11744) = Knowledge: World: 21 (1124/2200)

Knowledge: Arcana: 766x16= 12256= Knowledge: Arcana: 15 (256/1600) +(756x16= 12096) = Knowledge: Arcana: 21 (1252/2200)

Knowledge: Religion: 750x16= 12000= Knowledge: Religion: 15 (0/1600) +(762x16= 12192) = Knowledge: Religion: 21 (1092/2200)

Magic: Control: 727x64= 46528= Magic: Control: 4 (19528/64000): -40% to Miscast Chance.

Magic: Gathering: 772x64= 49408= Magic: Gathering: 4 (22408/64000): +40 to base Winds (90 Winds)

Magic: Lore: 796x64 (Critical Roll) = 50944x2= 101888= Magic: Lore: 5 (10888/128000): can Cast level 1 and 2 Spells along with their Overcast and Level 3 Spells.

Create: Innovative: 770x16= 12320= Create: Innovative: 15 (320/1600) +(740x16= 11840) = Create: Innovative: 21 (1060/2200)

Create Actions:

Create Chimeric Species (Slann, Goblin):
Critical Fail = Abomination: 91+21 (Total Create Skill) = 112 (Critical Success, Mad Science Procs). Mad Science Severity (the Lower the more Unnatural the Creation): 1d1000+CS:MS: 116 (Human + ???). Roll 1d6 to see which part of ??? it is: 3: Greater Servitor Race. Roll 1d4 for which one: 4: Hunting Horror: OH, DEAR GOD THE FUCK (See Interlude: The Endless Eyes)

Level Up: Gain 1d10+Endurance Mod of HP: 10+3= 13 (Total of 23 HP). Gain 1 Personal Stat Point and 1 Gene Feat.

[ ]: (insert which Personal Stat you want to Increase by one).

[ ]: (Insert which Gene Feat you want)

Gene Feats Available:

Gene Storage: you can Store Genetic information without the need of a physical sample. Can store Genetic Information and not need a physical sample for inserting a Gene Code in a Gene Slot or for Create Chimeric Species/Create Chimera.

Gene Splicing: you have gained the art of editing your existing Gene Codes with a better one. If you gain access to a better Gene Code, you can combine it with a Gene Code you currently have that is of the same Race.

Gene Therapy: you can use Gene Therapy and can improve an aspect of yourself. When you choose Gene Therapy add +5 to one Personal Stat, you can't use Gene Therapy on that stat again. Can be taken 6 times. Gene Therapy (Endurance) is Unavailable.

Genetic Outer God: !*@($&*#)*@!<?>@!)#*@*!)#@#!@?>#!@!#@$+{#}{)@!:#{:{[]12p1-P{@12-0.
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Interlude: the many eyes
as you finish making the Slann/Goblin Chimeric Species your mind suddenly EXPANDS.

[ ]: name the Slann/Goblin Chimeric Species.

as you THINK on what you can MAKE you are struck with an IDEA, why not combine a Human with a being of the WARP, and so you PULL AND TWIST AND HEAR.

as you see the myriad of colors from the highest floor to the bottom you go, DOWN DOWN DEEP BENEATHE THE MURKY SEA AND BEYOND, Then, It happened, a revelation, an ENLIGHTENMENT, AS YOU SHIFT AND BUBBLE INTO YOUR TRUE FORM.

Uh, where are you, no one seems to be below, above, or any other direction, but you want to look at yourself to bask in your GLORY, so you WILL a reflective surface, and let me say you look beautiful, wait you didn't hear that, that was a figment of your imagination. You nod to yourself and continue to bask in your GLORY.

My, my, my, aren't you a dashing stud, but wait, you FEEL something, has you turn one of your eyes to IT, you feel KINSHIP with them.

"Why Hello there young one, what are you doing about, hmmmmm, it seems you don't know where you are, and you're recently born at that." They say, in a feminine voice. "now what is your name, mine is SHUB-NIGGURATH" as you try to reply to her, your startled, you don't have a name, or one you at least remember, you tell her this. "Hmmmmmm, well that won't do, now let me think, what would be a good name for you, hmmmmm… AH, I know, how about YON-SET, do you like that?" as you hear the name she came up with, you feel a sense of… Rightness, like that as always been your name, YON-SET. "YES MY NAME IS NOW YON-SET, pleasure to meet your acquaintance SHUB-NIGGURATH." You say to her. "hmmmm, it may be inconvenient to stay in these form if we are to walk, Shall we SHIFT to a more suited form?" she says, and you nod at her, though not understanding why you will need to shift, so you both SHIFT. She has certainly changed a lot, and so as yourself.

"well, now then Follow ME." as she walks away, arm outstretched and point forward, you follow.

"now then has a new OUTER GOD, you must make your first creature, now go on then." She waves her hand at you. You think, and then you remember, AND SMILE, as you TWIST and grab a Hunting Horror, and then proceed to tear of your own and a bit of it's flesh, then you yeet the thing somewhere, and now you CREATE.

You did it, your beautiful creation, and the strongest of the 10, your DAUGHTER.

"My, my, my, isn't she beautiful, it seems you know a thing or to, and I may know why I'm familiar with you, little brother." Shub says, looking at your daughter, then you. "Well then it seems you must be off now." as you hear her say that, you suddenly feel sleepy, and then you SLUMBER.

DEAR GOD, YOUR HEAD HURTS, now what the fuck were you doing. as you shake your head and loo- OH DEAR GOD WTF IS THA- wait, why do I think daughter/child when I look at that… oh the mad scientist did things, and why do you feel this connection?

Finish Leveling up, look at prior Threadmark.

[ ]: Slann/Goblin Species name

[ ]: Name of your Daughter

Unlock Ruler Stat: Piety. Start at 30 and gain unique Piety trait OUTER GOD

(A/N: somebody I did my check can you see if I missed anything please.)
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Chimera Compendium
Chimeras: None

Chimeric Species: 2

???: Slann/Gobbo Hybrid (Roll a 1d10 for HP, 20ft of Movement)
Number Alive: 10
Gene Traits:
Immunity (Chaos Taint): Can't be corrupted by Chaos.
Connected to the Great Plan: have an innate awareness of the Great Plan.
Generational Power: the closer they are to the Monster-Father's blood the more powerful they are.
Geomancy: can use Geomancy and have access to the Geomantic Web.
Amphibian (Special): unlike some Amphibians, these guys can both breathe underwater and on land.
Aquatic WAAAGH!!!: can use the WAAAGH!!! Ability. can connect to aquatic life and all creatures that it shares a Gene-Code With.
Hydromancy: can use the power of the Sea along with the Power of the Land. Can use the Hydro Stream and Hydromancy.

???: Human/Hunting Horror Hybrid (Roll a 1d20 for HP, 75ft of Movement)
Number Alive: 1 Royal and 9 Lesser
Gene Traits:
Immunity (Chaos Taint): Can't be corrupted by Chaos.
Hungering Adaption (Daemonic): they grow by eating Daemons, and also gains Traits when enough of one kind of Daemon is eaten.
Spawn of Yon-Set: if any mortal sees them, they will obtain a Revelation of Evolution and ???.
Shoggoth Kin: Shoggoths will help them to their next target, and vice versa.
Born From ???: these creatures are born from ??? and are bound to its current bearer (Yon-Set/Sorga Verdant).
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Children of the Hybrid
Sons: None

Daughters: 1

???: Human/Hunting Horror Hybrid Royal (roll a 1d30 for HP, 90ft of Movement)
Gene Traits:
Immunity (Chaos Taint): Can't be corrupted by Chaos.
Hungering Adaption (Daemonic): they grow by eating Daemons, and also gains Traits when enough of one kind of Daemon is eaten.
Spawn of Yon-Set: if any mortal sees them, they will obtain a Revelation of Evolution and ???. +5 to Intelligence and Charisma. Can Change.
Shoggoth Kin: Shoggoths will help them to their next target, and vice versa. Gain Human form. +5 to Charisma, Wisdom and Endurance.
Born From ???: these creatures are born from ??? and are bound to its current bearer (Yon-Set/Sorga Verdant). +10 Endurance.
Telekinetic (Growing): has the power of telekinesis, and that is growing still. Can lift 100Kg atm. 10m of Reach atm.
Flight (Unkown): can fly by unknown means. have 60ft of Flight Movement.
First Born: +20 to all Personal Stats. + tier1 to all Personal Traits.
Royal ???: can command all ??? in existence. +10 Strangth, Dexterity, and Martial.
Personal Stats:
HP: 35
AC: 27 (10+17 (Dex Mod)
Movement: 90ft, 60ft while Flying
Strength: 49 (19+20 (First Born) +10 (Royal ???) (+19 Mod)
Dexterity: 44 (14+20 (First Born) +10 (Royal ???) (+17 Mod)
Endurance: 48 (13+20 (First Born) +10 (Born from ???) +5 (Shoggoth Kin) (+19 Mod)
Wisdom: 31 (6+20 (First Born) +5 (Shoggoth Kin) (+10 Mod)
Intelligence: 37 (12+20 (First Born) +5 (Spawn of Yon-Set) (+13 Mod)
Charisma: 40 (10+20 (First Born) +5 (Spawn of Yon-Set) +5 (Shoggoth Kin) (+15 Mod)
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