Yes but if we vouch for them, show support, then she would be less likely to lose composure, is what I'm thinking.
And it's pretty important that they do get included, so they don't get hunted down...
That's true. Hmm. Support can be non-verbal, such as an understanding "We deal with this every day" hand on a shoulder, although that could backfire in the calming down aspect.

I still feel like straight up vouching for them while we don't even know what Baskerville is laughing at wouldn't be that productive. If anything, there's a small chance it wanted to hire them itself and laughs at the pure convenience and chance to troll them for a bit. Highly unlikely, but I can't write it off.

Plus they need to establish their own competence, while we can mostly support it. Hmm.

Is there a "Provide support without cutting in their way" option?
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That's true. Hmm. Support can be non-verbal, such as an understanding "We deal with this every day" hand on a shoulder, although that could backfire in the calming down aspect.

I still feel like straight up vouching for them while we don't even know what Baskerville is laughing at wouldn't be that productive. If anything, there's a small chance it wanted to hire them itself and laughs at the pure convenience and chance to troll them for a bit. Highly unlikely, but I can't write it off.

Plus they need to establish their own competence, while we can mostly support it. Hmm.

Is there a "Provide support without cutting in their way" option?
Well, can always ask...
@Alexander89 ?
[X] Stay silent

If we have to spoon feed them on how to act after Baskerville's terrifying display, they are worthless as allies.

Or at least, Homura is.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Krain on Oct 4, 2017 at 12:13 AM, finished with 2240 posts and 17 votes.
Final Tally:

[X] Stay silent, but support non-verbally.
No. of Votes: 7
[X] Stay silent
No. of Votes: 6
[X] Say something:
-[X] Vouch for their skills. With the proper protection from Horrors, they could be a very useful asset for the Order.
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Say something
-[X]They could be helpful in tracking down Dougen
No. of Votes: 2

Stay silent, but support non-verbally wins by one vote.

Arc 10.2: The Weight Of Our Own Decisions
[X] Stay silent, but support non-verbally.

I could say something, maybe vouching for the girls' abilities and how they could be an useful asset against the Horrors...but I am not sure if Baskerville wants to be interrupted. Or if it already has a good grasp on their skills and the reason it is laughing now is completely different. Maybe, the Watchdog just wants to gauge the girls' reaction without outside interferences?

'Ugh, what a dilemma. I want to offer even a little support, but speaking is really not a good idea...Wait! I got it!'

'What is it, Tetsuya?'
Mikazuku asks.

'Non-verbal support is a thing, right?' I explain. 'Baskerville-sama is not even looking at us.'

'You're right, it can work. Go for it Partner.'

With a quick glance I confirm Baskerville is still facing the ceiling...does this place even has one? A thought for another day. When I am sure the Watchdog is not looking I take a silent step and lean forward, entering Homura's field of vision.

Then I show her a thumb-up and a smile, trying my best to convey a feeling of 'Hang in there, you can do it!' with both. I am not sure if my attempt is successful, but at the very least Homura's outrage has shifted back to confusion.

My goal achieved I go back to my initial position. Rokuro smiles, while Ichiko makes a soft snort. In the corner of my eyes I see Senjuuro giving me a small now.

"Ohohoh! Oh, I haven't laughed so hard in decades." Finally finished Baskerville returns to face the five Shinobi, a large grin on its lips. "I needed that."

Homura's expression is positively annoyed. "And what, pray tell, do you find so funny?"

"You, girl." Amusement is completely wiped out from the Baskerville's expression, replaced with a stern glare that demonstrate the Watchdog's true age and experience. Its eyes faintly glow. "You and your ignorance."

Hands on both sides of the cushion the white-haired being pushes itself forward. Instead of falling its body glides in the air, as if gravity ceased to work, and lands in front of Homura's with only a light 'thud' from the heels. Despite Baskerville's height being the same as Mirai there is no question who is looking down on who. "You and your friends come here and ask to join the Makai Order, without having even the faintest idea of what it really means. You think that your experience as a Shinobi will help, but you cannot be farther from the truth."

Homura gasps. "Wha-"

"Tell me." Baskerville interrupts her, looking in turns at the five girls. "What do the Makai Knights do?"

"Kill Horrors?" Hikage replies, the only one who seems relatively calm.

"Wrong." Baskerville's eyes narrow even more, one sleeve hiding her mouth while the other sweeps to the side. "They protect humans. Makai Priests protect humans. Watchdogs protect humans. The whole Makai Order is based on the goal of saving as many humans as possible from the Horrors." Its tone softens. "We can't save them from themselves. Humans has turned their arms against each other since the dawn of time, yet everything is a consequence of their own choices. To try to influence that is tyranny. What we can do, is to protect them from an outside danger that seek nothing but the perdition and debasement of humanity."

It turns to the side and takes a few steps. "We don't do this for the glory. Since the time the first Horror came here from Makai we have fought the Demon Beasts from the shadows, concealing every traces of our conflict. We have money and power, painstakingly cultivated through the millennia of human history, yet we only use them to make our job easier."

Turning around again it takes a few steps in the opposite direction, the long gown flowing around the shoes by itself. "We don't do it because it's a good life. On the contrary, being a member of the Makai Order is probably one of the most miserable occupations on the whole planet, though like they said it can always be worse. Murder isn't only the most common cause of death among Knights, it is also close to being the only one. Priests hardly fare any better. Watchdogs like me?"

Baskerville stops and turns to face the girls, spreading both arms. Its lips are a thin line. "Do you see this place? All Watchdog Sites are more or less the same, a separated space that allow us to monitor our areas without fearing reprisal from the Horrors. A place that, barring extraordinary circumstances, we can never leave." The thin line turns into a frown. "Day after day, years after years we stay here, searching for Horrors and Gates while being ready for emergencies. I want any kind of distraction, I have to ask Senjuuro to bring it to me. You can step out of your home and look at the sky any time you want, Homura. I can't."

Uh. That...I didn't know that. I mean, it makes sense, but I never consciously made the connection.

'So it's not just a bitch. Well, I'm betting that he-she-devil would be a bitch either way, but now I actually...feel pity for it?' Mikazuki sounds sincerely mystified.

"Yet we keep enduring all of this and risks our lives, our very souls so that people who will never know of our sacrifices or thank us can continue with their lives untroubled. We keep fighting a war that will continue for eternity: one we cannot truly win, only stall." Baskerville leans forward, eyes like pale stars. "Can you guess why?"

The five girls, thoroughly shaken by the long speech, can only stare back in impotent silence.

"Because it's the right thing to do." Baskerville declares with finality. "We are Protectors, Homura. It is the single term, the single truth that define someone who steps into the world of Makai. That, and misery." Its chuckles is dry like the desert. "You all came here to join us, to sought protection from those that would hunt you down like rapid beasts. Know that the price for that is nothing short of your complete and total dedication to a cause that will do its best to break you. From now on you will face monsters that can and will use the smaller weakness against you. You will face experiences of such monstrous and vile nature that they can shatter the sanity of a lesser man. You will have to put the lives of normal people above your own, even above those of your friends: no matter how evil and depraved a human is, as long as it isn't a Horror we will demand you do your best to protect them, even at the cost of your own life."

Baskerville straightens up and turns away from the girls, its arms crossed behind its back. "So here's my advice: leave, and never come back. Whatever kind of life is waiting for you out there, will always be better than the one you could have in the Order."


Is it...Is Baskerville...?

'Baskerville-sama is trying to protect them.' I realize, the revelation shocking me.

'It says something about how fucked-up our life is that we want no one to be like us if we can help it.' Mikazuki's chuckle is just as dry as Baskerville's.

That's true. I do no wish anyone to experience my past, yet I decided to make the best out of it. I'm sure than my savior would have preferred I chose an orphanage instead of following him, yet I don't regret that decision. Because it was my choice and mine alone. Now I know all the dangers inherent to being a Makai Knight, yet it's exactly because of that I will never regret my choice. Even if I falter, I have faith that my comrades will bring me back on the right track.

Still, it is obviously different for Homura. What will she do?

"...Then, we'll simply have faith." Slowly, but with a feeling of inexorability, Homura's features harden until all that is left is steel. "Faith in my friends, and faith in the hope that a life in the Order can be, instead of the protracted death sentence that is the fate of a Renegade Shinobi." She crosses her arms. "If you say we'll be constantly tested, then we only need to become stronger."

"Strength will not protect your friends." Baskerville drawls.

"My friends are my strength." Homura counters, and she means every word.

"What she said." Hikage nods.

"Where Homura-chan goes, I'll follow." Yomi smiles.

"Don't underestimate us!" Mirai fumes.

"We saw firsthand what dealing with Horrors is like. If you're trying to scare us, you're a little too late." Haruka winks.

Baskerville laughs. Unlike before, it is without malice. "You are utter fools. Yet even fools have its uses. You're lucky that with the mess left behind by Dogen the Shinobi World holds a great debt to the Order, because otherwise you would not even get this single chance. Just remember that even my influence has limits." The Watchdog looks behind its shoulders. "From now on consider yourself under trial period. I'll accept nothing short of perfection." Baskerville begins to walks away, the long gown suddenly shortening until it reaches just above the Watchdog's ankles. "Come, Senjuuro. Those girls positively stink of Inga. We must prepare the Purification Ritual."

"At once Baskerville-sama." He bows before following it.

"...Did it just say we stink?" An appalled MIrai mutters after Baskerville and Senjuuro are out of sight.

[] Wait in silence.
[] Talk with Rokuro and Ichiko.
[] Talk with Homura and the others.
[] Talk with Mikazuki.
[] Write-in.
Dang, this is really darn deep. I expected as much, which is why I suggested the non-verbal assist, but still, dang.

Anyway, I would say that we should talk with Homura and the others. To make sure that they truly want that, and that they are definitely on the same page with us on what they'll have to go through.

[X] Talk with Homura and the others.
[X] Talk with Homura and the others.

Anyway, I would say that we should talk with Homura and the others. To make sure that they truly want that, and that they are definitely on the same page with us on what they'll have to go through.

Pretty much. We should give them a first hand account of what they're getting into.