Yomi's actions: Rush-Type, Aerial-Type, ?, ?, ?, ?
We have to fight Yomi again even though we just rescued her? What a cruel twist of fate :V
"He wants to control it. Which is impossible: Horrors cannot be controlled by a human, and releasing a sealed one always ends in disaster."
Not so sure about not being able to control Yoma. I don't know about Orochi, but some Yoma and horrors, even bigger ones, can definetely be controlled by Dogen, as seen here with the Shinobi horrors and in the second 3DS game with Yoma. Well, Tetsuya doesn't know about the latter yet, but he has already seen Dogen control horrors.

Good thing we have exactly enough people to carry everyone we rescue until the final rescuee, though that leaves no people to fight the mooks. Maybe Yomi will recover enough to carry someone.

I like how Tetsuya and Akio both have no mind for shipping shenanigans and misundertandings, but for Tetsuya it's because he's super clueless, while Akio actually seems to be somewhat vulnerable to it, but masks it with grumpyness.

Anyway, time to rescue best girl.

[X] Sheath Throw, Rising Sword Strike, Rush, Block, Hilt Strike, Sword Strike
We have to fight Yomi again even though we just rescued her? What a cruel twist of fate :V
Doh! Fixed.

Not so sure about not being able to control Yoma. I don't know about Orochi, but some Yoma and horrors, even bigger ones, can definetely be controlled by Dogen, as seen here with the Shinobi horrors and in the second 3DS game with Yoma. Well, Tetsuya doesn't know about the latter yet, but he has already seen Dogen control horrors.
It's more along the lines of believing controlling Horrors never end well. To be more specific, Tetsuya believes that trying to control Horrors, even if initially successful, is destined to end in tragedy for the one trying it.
It's more along the lines of believing controlling Horrors never end well. To be more specific, Tetsuya believes that trying to control Horrors, even if initially successful, is destined to end in tragedy for the one trying it.
Dogen's plan would have been completely fine if it wasn't for those meddling youngsters :V

Also he might not even be fully human anymore depending on when exactly he decides to become a member of the blue man group. I get Tetsuya's point, but that just means all the losers who tried before didn't do it right.
It's more along the lines of believing controlling Horrors never end well. To be more specific, Tetsuya believes that trying to control Horrors, even if initially successful, is destined to end in tragedy for the one trying it.

Also he might not even be fully human anymore depending on when exactly he decides to become a member of the blue man group. I get Tetsuya's point, but that just means all the losers who tried before didn't do it right.

Mendoza was the only Garo villain who could perfectly control Horrors without it eventually blowing up in his face. Though I wouldn't mind Dogen joining such a exclusive status, though, from what I see he's a really good villain who's both cool,and despicable at the same time.
I get Tetsuya's point, but that just means all the losers who tried before didn't do it right.
I don't know too much about Garo, but even cursory examination has shown me that Barago/Kiba, upon being told that everyone else who walked the path of darkness had failed, said "I knew! That is why I will accomplish it! No, I'm the only one who can accomplish it!"

It didn't work out. (Also, never channel Light Yagami of Death Note.)
I'm not saying trying to control horrors and yoma is a good idea, but thinking that everyone else who tried to do it and failed just wasn't good enough, would be entirely in character for Dogen and his massive ego.
[X] Sheath Throw, Rising Sword Strike, Rush, Block, Hilt Strike, Sword Strike

I'm not saying trying to control horrors and yoma is a good idea, but thinking that everyone else who tried to do it and failed just wasn't good enough, would be entirely in character for Dogen and his massive ego.

Come to think of it, has there been ANY story where trying to control some alien or other unnatural evil species worked out for the person trying to do it? ever?

Not even in Senran Kagura or Garo, just, in general. I'm just trying to think of something a villain can point to in making a case that it's a good idea. You know, besides an inflated ego.

Mendoza was the only Garo villain who could perfectly control Horrors without it eventually blowing up in his face.

Okay, fine. Still, his control wound up screwing him over pretty badly.
[X] Sheath Throw, Rising Sword Strike, Rush, Block, Hilt Strike, Sword Strike

Come to think of it, has there been ANY story where trying to control some alien or other unnatural evil species worked out for the person trying to do it? ever?

Not even in Senran Kagura or Garo, just, in general. I'm just trying to think of something a villain can point to in making a case that it's a good idea. You know, besides an inflated ego.

Okay, fine. Still, his control wound up screwing him over pretty badly.

No, it was burning an innocent women at the stake that screwed him over.
Round One:
Tetsuya: Sheath Throw VS Hikage: Rush-Type
Tetsuya wins.
GameMasterAlexander:2D10 → 10(2 +8)#Damage
Hikage suffers: 2 Health points.
Homura attacks.
GameMasterAlexander:8D10 → 51(6 +10 +9 +4 +6 +1 +7 +8)#Homura
GameMasterAlexander:8D10 → 57(7 +3 +8 +5 +10 +5 +9 +10)#Hikage
Hikage wins.
Akio attacks and wins.
GameMasterAlexander:3D10 → 18(2 +8 +8)#Damage
Hikage suffers: 3 Health points.

Round Two:
Tetsuya: Rising Sword Strike VS Hikage: Aerial-Type
Tetsuya wins.
GameMasterAlexander:3D10 → 18(7 +7 +4)#Damage
Hikage suffers: 3 Health points.

Goal Achieved.
Y'now, I think it would have been better if the Shinobi attacked us together. It would have been a more tense fight.
Well, there's two left of the Hebijo Academy ninja, maybe we'll face a tag team next. Alternatively, Orochi can start throwing in more anti-bodies to support the possessed ninja.
Arc 9.4: Possessed Mirai
[X] Sheath Throw, Rising Sword Strike, Rush, Block, Hilt Strike, Sword Strike

HIkage licks her lips before rushing forward, a knife in her right hand. A long, serrated knife that is more of a short sword. Oh, and she has more of them around her forearms and legs. She either throws them or keeps them as spares, but with such a weapon her fighting style is probably focused around hitting vital points with swift and precise strikes.

Close combat is...not ideal. I must improvise.

Spinning my sword I switch to a reverse grip before quickly sheathing it. Then just as quickly I swing it in a horizontal arc that stop with the blade pointed straight at Hikage. The momentum causes the sheath to continue in a straight path and hit the green-haired girl in the temple. The blow pushes her head back, halting her movements.

"I'll save you Hikage!" Homura chooses that moment to interfere, but Hikage recovers just in time to parry the sword with her knife.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" She screams while turning around, flipping a new knife in her free hand. She tries to stab at Homura's exposed side, but in that moment a flying white sheath strikes her hand, making her drop the knife.

Akio nods in satisfaction, grabbing his sheath when it bounces back.

"I will destroy you!" Hikage sneers. She leaps, so high that she reaches the ceiling. Then with a kick against it she dives down, a knife on each hand and those on her forearms having moved so that the blades point outward. There is a purplish aura around them: whatever it is cannot be good.

So I will not let her attack hit me. Stomping forward I strengthen my balance and slash upward with the Kiba Sword once she's within range. My blade meets her crossed ones, and for one moment it's me against the combined pressure of Hikage's attack, her weight and the momentum from her fall.

Luckily my strength proves sufficient to win the exchange: pushing forward and then down I slam Hikage on the ground, stunning her. Without wasting a second I kneel down and hold her arms behind her back. Homura immediately throws herself over the green-haired girl's legs, pinning her down.

"Hate! Ha-Aaaaaaah!!" Hikage growls before screaming when she makes contact with Akio's sword. Once back to normal she looks at us with a slightly confused stare. "...What...was I doing?"

"It's okay HIkage. You're safe now." I let go of Hikage as Homura helps her friend sitting up.

"You guys...saved me?" She tilts her head when looking at Akio. "Who are you?"

"Akio Asahi, Makai Knight. You've been possessed. Missing recent memories is natural." He replies with a curt tone.

"If you say so. Oh Yomi-san, you're here too?" Hikage asks when she notices the blonde girl.

"I'm glad you're safe Hikage-san. Sorry if I don't get up, my legs are still weak." She replies with a smile.

"Uh." Hikage tries to stand only to fall back on her ass. "So are mine."

Akio looks up at the ceiling for a moment before lifting Hikage and putting her over his shoulder. "Let's just go, we are still missing two people."

While Hikage's blank expression doesn't change Homura scowls before sighing and sheathing her sword. "Yeah. We still need to save Mirai and Haruka-san."

We have to slow down in our progress due to Homura being the only one left with both hands free, though Akio is still capable to fending off the creatures that get too close. In the meantime I give Hikage the same explanation I gave Yomi.

"You know, once I shared Dogen's view of Shinobi. Kind of." Her lips slightly turn down. "But now...I don't know why, but I don't like thinking of Homura-san, Yomi-san and everyone else like that."

"That's because you care about us Hikage-can." Yomi softly tells her.

"I care? ...I suppose I do."

I don't quite the context of their conversation, but since it sounds private I'll refrain from butting in.

The next one we meet in the illusionary meadow is Mirai. Now that I think about it, why all the girls so far wore a white summer dress? Do they possess matching outfits in real life? Or is that Orochi's preference?

"Mirai!" Homura calls out to her friend.

The reaction is immediate: Mirai's eyes regain her focus just as she bends over, hands holding her stomach. "H-Homura..." She pants. "I feel...kinda...strange. I've got...a really bizarre feeling...welling up inside of me..."

"Just hold on Mirai! Don't let Orochi take you over!" She shouts. "Oy, big guy in white! Quickly, use your sword while she's still herself!"

"It's no use...Homura, I...I-" The same unearthly scream of before. Once the transformation is complete Mirai looks up, her uncovered eye burning with anger and hatred. "I'll pick on them. I'll pick on them all!! I'm strong now. It's my turn!"

Pick on them? Is she saying she want to lift up someone in her arms?

"Mirai..." Homura clenches her teeth. "You have real power now. You have to know how pointless it is to bully others."

Ah, she meant bullying. I didn't know there is an expression like that.

"Just wait. I'll show you the best way to use your power!" Homura declares before looking behind her shoulder at us. "Mirai fights using firearms. One of you need to protect Yomi and Hikage from stray bullets."

"I'll do it." Akio puts down Hikage, and I lower Yomi next to her. "Kurogane, don't delay anymore. We don't know how the others are faring."

"Got it!" I nod before joining Homura.

Goal: Remove one Health Stock from Mirai

[] Strategy for the First Turn

[] Strategy for the Second Turn (optional)

[] Strategy for the Third Turn (optional)

Mirai's actions: Projectile-Type, Projectile-Type, ?, ?, ?, ?

Health Points: 7/7
Health Stocks: 4/5
Overdrive: 10/10
Ki: 4/5
Wp: 5/5

Mirai: 7/7 Health points, 5/5 Health Stocks

AN: I'm not going to make this segment more difficult, it's time to end the arc.
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I'm relatively confident that the majority of Mirai's attacks will be Projectiles, so let's at least not use anything that they automatically defeat.
Man, this quest just so good. It's just got the right flavour y'know? You can really get into that particular brand of shounen that Makai Knight is. Bravo.
[X] Aerial Strike, Falling Meteor, Aerial Strike, Break The Storm, Sword Strike, Block
Hikage is best girl.

In the game this section also was more about showing the positive change in the girls relationships, than the fights.

I hope Mirai pulls out one of her more ridiculous weapons, although she probably doesn't have the mini rocket/jet thing yet.