Omniglot is kind of needed if travelling to other worlds so the language issues can be handwaved beyond that this is a nice mix of personal boosts and ability to boost others which given it's pjo the age shouldn't restrict too much.
I feel like we need to grab: [ ]Limitless:You can now break the hard limits of the function of a system with enough research and exposure to esoteric elements within that system. It will not be by any means easy but there will be few horizons beyond your reach now. This does not however have an effect on the mechanism of how the magic system is wielded. (10)
That seems like the sort of thing that we really want to be able to do over time
edit @Xolsis can we get perks later during the quest or only right now?
I have an overall learning/activity system right now, but like I said, I've never run a quest before so I'm fairly new to all this, and I didn't know a good system to rip off for a quest like this.
You can definitely grow beyond just these perks though. The best way I can think of to describe how I'm planning this is that scale is going to go up regardless of what you choose to do.
Because chaos is coming, three universes colliding into each other is going to cause a whole lot of catastrophe. And this is just your home turf, not including any worlds you'd visit out in the multiverse.
Limitless allows us to push past any magic system we have to achieve more than normally possible. Substitutions means we are less likely to be bottlenecked. I wanted to fit in brilliance but could not make the points work without cutting stuff like omniglot which I feel we really want, or sensitivity which also helps out a lot. Identification and Sharpshooter is using the last 8 points, though i could swap those out if people have better ideas.
[X] Plan: Anything I Can Do
-[x] Limitless
-[x] Inheritance
-[x] Teaching
-[x] Identification
-[x] Encoding
-[x] Sensitivity
-[x] Omniglot
Encoding lets you condense the sum-total of your magical knowledge into a codex. Identification and Substitution allow you to examine magic more closely. Inheritance would theoretically allow you to take that condensed codex and allow it to give access to the system, with Teaching making said Codex easier to learn from. Omniglot allows you to produce it in any language you encounter. Limitless does what it says on the tin, but with the others, you've got a chance to create a library that would allow for a small army of mages able to push magic further than most other people. You are the giant on whose shoulders they'll stand.
Edit: I just saw the totals posted by Aeon and Gulping, and I dun goofed! I got the point total wrong and substituted(heh) Substitution for Sensitivity originally because, yeah. Substitutions letting you find 'good enough's would have taught you about magic, but sensitivity will do more so. Normally, situations like this are why folks just vote plan names, but I legit wouldn't have seen it if you two hadn't included the totals. So thank you.
So now that I've had some sleep I've realized that I misspoke last night.
SOME of the perks up here can be learned with time. You'd be surprised how learning more than one language can change the way you think. And you can always improve your aim with time.
But there are others that would take a LONG time to learn, or simply can't be learned.
To let you in on a secret, if Resurgence had been picked Inheritance wouldn't be needed for others to eventually be able to learn your magic systems. Some of what you can do can be taught, but not most of it and not as easily.
That's why I said that not all perks would be 100% bad. Scenarios are worldbuilding tools in my eyes, not obstacles or detriments to you. Could they be in certain situations? Sure, but that is not where they begin.
Infinite order ruins might allow transcention field deployment so it's not like there aren't *any* Magic's we could gift people outside of those perks, but that option might require ascension ourselves and that's… well. Not a good thing. Or smart. At least how the infinite order did it their second go around. So there's that.
I'm personally glad we didn't pick resurgence tbh, especially in a merged world, seems like too many plots to keep straight if we add all the elder powers of each verse as well.
Infinite order ruins might allow transcention field deployment so it's not like there aren't *any* Magic's we could gift people outside of those perks, but that option might require ascension ourselves and that's… well. Not a good thing. Or smart. At least how the infinite order did it their second go around. So there's that.
I'm personally glad we didn't pick resurgence tbh, especially in a merged world, seems like too many plots to keep straight if we add all the elder powers of each verse as well.
Alright, so, here's my first big mistake in the quest. When I had put Infinite Order out I had never heard of it before and Google searches turned up nothing. So I let it through assuming that it was just one of those generic options for you to build around
Then a buddy of mine sent me a link to the God's Are Bastards fan wiki. Which I have no knowledge of.
So I apologize for any confusion on that front.
okay, going to break down the perks as I see them based on importance.
[ ]Clarity:Your mind has been enhanced to be more perceptive and focused. Your thoughts are clearer and sharper and you can view things without bias. (3)
A Strong choice. Having a sound mind is always a safe bet, and when working with magic it is even more so. I can't argue against including it.
[ ]Shrouded:Attempts to divine information about you tend to fail. This effect is not absolute but it can spoof most common of types of divination. (6)
Excellent for Paranoiacs and anyone who thinks they will be going into a setting like Worm where plot device-tier precogs are everywhere, but significantly weaker otherwise, especially in a setting or with situations where we can gain access to clairvoyance blockers or similar. I will point out that D&D is a possible magic source with the CYOA, as are a few others known for having do have solid counters to scry and die tactics. I'm not going to voite against it, but it's not an absolute necessity unless we are sure we need the cover NOW.
[ ]Sharpshooter:You have greatly enhanced aim. You intuitively can aim any device you know how to operate with nearly perfect accuracy. (2)
Under normal circumstances this one would be a no-brainer for me, but simply being able to aim supernaturally well as a perk and not a magical power is kind of a waste outside of being stuck with a magic system that lacks a solid physical buff option, and those are rare outside of the Cosmere or bad fantasy magic systems trying to not make magic strong. As I am assuming that we are not going ot be saddled with either of those right off, I can call this low-priority.
[ ]Omniglot:You intuitively pick up the languages you hear and can quickly comprehend and make use of them. (6)
"Communication rules the Nation."
This was told to me by a man I had no respect for when I was still but a child, and it has stuck with me even now. The ability to speak with anyone we come across is utterly invaluable as a skill and can and will help deflect a lot of conflicts that not being able to at least signal peaceful intent would otherwise cause. Hard Requirement unless otherwise bumped down.
[ ]Other Friends:You have exceptional luck in building relations with supernatural beings. This can be aided if you make the effort to learn about them, and if you have other abilities that might help. (5)
On the one hand, being able to gain allies in different spaces is always a good thing. On the other, this ability is directly scaled to the power level and/or capability of said allies, which varies from setting to setting, and often can be befriended by other means anyway. Not a hard pass, but low priority unless space is available.
[ ]Eye Catching:There is something about you that catches the eye and calls attention. Usually positive attention though it depends on the circumstances. You are a clearly unique person. (2)
Physical Charisma perk that is a double-edged sword. Pass unless someone thinks we really need the attention it will bring.
[ ]First Impressions:You are very lucky when it comes to making first impressions. People will always come away from their first meeting with you liking or respecting you. Even your enemies will end up respecting you. (2)
Yes, First Impressions are important and all, and can often mean the difference between a friend and a foe, but four points on what is basically a minor charisma perk is a major sell, and it depends on going for a friendship build. Low Prio unless we plan on going all-in on the supernatural ally side, in which case it bumps up significantly.
[ ]Teaching:You are highly skilled at teaching others. You quickly adapt to the needs of each student and are great at framing things in a way that others will understand. (4)
Precious beyond price. Yes, the perk does not directly allow for the teaching of the supernatural, but the important part is that it also does not disallow it either, and there are many a magic system that can be taught to others, gaining allies from seemingly inconsequential places in the process. Top Tier no matter which path we choose.
[ ]Navigation:Your ability to navigate using your Multiversal Magic, especially in conjunction with your magics here is nigh on perfect. You will always find yourself at the specific world you are looking for when you travel. This is temporarily superseded by Turbulence.(6)
Normally this would be a really good perk, but part of what makes it good is knowing what your Multiversal travel method is and using this to plug holes in said method. Without that knowledge, this perk is mid-tier at best...and I cannot rate lt any lower than that without the same Knowledge. Consider this unrated due to lack of information.
[ ]Inheritance:You can grant someone one magic system at a time, regardless of the strength of your adaptation. The rate is the same time it would take for you to adapt to one magic system. You must 'recharge' a magic system for equal the amount of time it would take you to grant it to someone before you can begin to grant it to anyone else. If you have Unique Abilities Adaptation, you can grant them Unique Abilities as well, though each one is treated as if it is a whole magic system. (10)
This is ten points...and in my opinion worth every one. Being able to act as a power granter opens a ton of doors that would otherwise remain closed to us, and depending on the magic system this can get very, very good very quickly. That being said, the stellar nature of hte perk is heavily dependent on at least the ability to teach, so even in a vacuum I feel it swerves towards a teaching build, with one exception...
[ ]Family Will:Your recharge rate is now gone, and you can focus on five people at a time to grant your powers. You can increase this number with practice. (5) Requires Inheritance
...right here, which removes all of the drawbacks of the above and makes it much easier to hand out power as needed to allies or potential allies. Inheritance alone is great, but with this it is all but mandatory.
[ ]Conversion:You can now convert one type of magical energy into another at will. This extends to things as simple as elemental alignments to entirely different types of energy. You have to be able to wield any type of magical energies that you convert. (5P)
Conversion is interesting. On the one hand it is an excellent perk for working with multiple magic systems that require different energy sources to function properly, or even just for playing metamagic games with elements or something. The problem is that its utility is heavily dependent on what magical systems you are using and how they operate, even more than Navigation is tied to Multiversal Travel. Still a top pick, but worth considering passing up in light of other high-tier choices.
[ ]Limitless:You can now break the hard limits of the function of a system with enough research and exposure to esoteric elements within that system. It will not be by any means easy but there will be few horizons beyond your reach now. This does not however have an effect on the mechanism of how the magic system is wielded. (10)
This. This right here is literally the best perk in the CYOA, full stop. Only Fusion even comes close, and that is not on this list to select, so we have this. Mandatory pick, no exceptions.
[ ]Identification:You can instantly identify any effect that falls within the purview of your magic, even if it was not accomplished using the same systems you have. (6P)
For those of you who do not play D&D, Identify is a spell that lets you, as the text says, ID a magic item without fail, to include its functions and features and more specifically whether or not the item is cursed or trapped or not. Calling it crucial from an information-gathering perspective even just on magic items and phenomena is significantly understating it, and this one allows for IDing effects outside of the systems D&D Identify would let you see. I'm not going to call it mandatory, but dear god is it good.
[ ]Encoding:You can instantly encode your magical knowledge into any medium you have available. (3)
Utterly essential and irreplaceable if we want to be able to teach others magic in any form or capacity. Worth noting that this says any Format, which includes electronic ones, so any work with an internet or electronic devices would have a way of rapidly creating repositories of knowledge for everyone to use, regardless of distance or access to us. Must-pick for a teaching build.
[ ]Spark of Brilliance:The more time you spend researching or working on magical projects uninterrupted, the more you fall into a sort of trance where your sanity and common sense erodes, and your ability to produce wonders increases. (15)
Okay, Not gonna lie, Sparks (which this references) are amazing and are basically what Worm's Tinkers wish they could be, but at fifteen out of our 47 points when we are already tight-strapped due to other, better perls is a SUPER rough sell. If we had more points to play with I'd be all over it, but even with its power I am going to recommend a pass here.
[ ]Sensitivity:You have an increased sensitivity and attunement to magical phenomenon. You can perceive the flows and specifics and natures of magical forces This sensitivity is not something that can easily be turned against you, and will help in manipulating magic. (8P)
Sensitivity to magic is amazing and helps with all sorts of things, acting sort of like a 360* arcane sight with permanence, already a staple of the well-prepared wizard for a good reason. the problem is that cost...
This is basically one of my go-tos under normal circumstances, but as it stands I am unsure if we would have the available points to get it when adding everything up.
[ ]Fashion Souls:You have access to cosmetic items, allowing you to change the looks of all equipment you use without changing their efficacy or effects.(5)
Rejected without comment.
[ ]Resistance:You are now innately resistant to any magical effect not of your own making. You are capable of selectively allowing certain effects to bypass this magic resistance. (5P)
The main benefit of this perk is also as much a double-edged Swoar as Rules-As-Written Spell Resistance is in D&D: while it stops enemy stuff ust fine, the issue kicks in when we have allies who want to cast something on us and we get caught out unconscious or something and can't lower it . This als doesn't mention the possibility of benign entites wanting to contact us via magical means and needingto get past the defenses without having a way of saying they want in. I recommend passing on this unless a really good reason comes up.
[ ]Substitutions:You are able to identify all sorts of magical materials through feel alone, be they metals, plants, or mixtures. With enough practice, you could even replace materials with substitutions you have either made or found. (7)
a really solid perk, with excellent bang-per-buck and the ability to get out of a jam when creating magical items and gear, an essential task in most circumstances. Being able to cheat an ingredients list is always good when you know that multiple hard-to-find components are in the mix, so this is a definite plus. There is one issue, though, which I need to address: the utility of this perk is directly predicated on us having a crafting build, and having the required skillset to actually craft stuff with said build.
As it stands, recommending this as a top-end perk isn't something I can do, despite the fact that it is actually really least, not as a cornerstone piece of a build, anyway. If we have spare points or can't fit something else more important? Yeah, go for it, but otherwise its on the B-list. The top of the B-list, mind, but still B-List.
Alright, with that said, and my perks ranked, I think the best plan we have so far is...
[X] Plan: Anything I Can Do
-[x] Limitless (10)
-[x] Inheritance (10)
-[x] Teaching (4)
-[x] Identification (6)
-[x] Encoding (3)
-[x] Sensitivity (8)
-[x] Omniglot (6)
...this one.
Reason? Limitless is all-important as the best perk in the doc, Inheritance is needed for power sharing, and while Fourmyle didn't throw in Family will I can see why he didnt, as those five points were needed elsewhere. Substitution is a rough spot, but combined with the rest it is definitely something we can work around and remove disadvantages of...besides, this is an obvious compromise for the fact that Sensitiveity is eight points and most other perks don't have the same bang-per-buck baked in. if we'd had more points available I would ask/spring for Family will to go with, but as it stands this is the best I can see us working with.EDIT: Fourmyle updated his plan to account for a floating point he left out to get Sensitivity. Updated to reflect this, and the build is a lot more solid as a direct result. Had we taken resurgence I would spring for Substitution back on the roster, but that is another matter.
Reason? Limitless is all-important as the best perk in the doc, Inheritance is needed for power sharing, and while Fourmyle didn't throw in Family will I can see why he didnt, as those five points were needed elsewhere. Substitution is a rough spot, but combined with the rest it is definitely something we can work around and remove disadvantages of...besides, this is an obvious compromise for the fact that Sensitiveity is eight points and most other perks don't have the same bang-per-buck baked in. if we'd had more points available I would ask/spring for Family will to go with, but as it stands this is the best I can see us working with.
Hey, thank you both, yeah Aeon was right and thanks to you two, as you'll see in my addition, I realized that I underspent by one single point and we actually could get Sensitivity instead of Substitutions. I edited my plan to fix that, so if you two can do the same. Looks like this time Aeon knew it better than I did, heh.
Alright, so, here's my first big mistake in the quest. When I had put Infinite Order out I had never heard of it before and Google searches turned up nothing. So I let it through assuming that it was just one of those generic options for you to build around
Then a buddy of mine sent me a link to the God's Are Bastards fan wiki. Which I have no knowledge of.
So I apologize for any confusion on that front.
March 2nd, Monday, 2010
You know, maybe having some dreams of an impending apocalypse and some giant monster made out of stardust, hatred, and probably blue cheese wasn't that bad compared to learning what some of your teeth tasted like.
Another punch in the gut, then another kick to the leg that felt kinda broken only made you wish you could go back to some of those nightmares.
Like the one of some white blank void with a featureless figure of white energy smiling at you with inhuman teeth. A mouth so wide, that you could swear someone could fit an entire beehive into it. Have it choke on the damn stingers as it took away your mouth, rendering you unable to scream as you felt the ripping and tearing.
You wonder if maybe focusing on that painful memory was counterintuitive towards ignoring the beat down the sweaty guys in leather jackets gave him, the bottles of water and food he'd taken from the shop down the corner forgotten.
When had been the last time since you'd had to do a run?
Hell, when had been the last time that you'd eaten? It was kinda hazy as it felt like your face was growing three sizes bigger than it should be, and one of your eyes wouldn't open any more.
Maybe those circles and weird numbers that were drawn around them would have helped if you could string together more than just one sentence.
That sentence being you knew that you should have just ran into the crowd of people instead of ducking into an alley.
"You really think that we were just going to let you take from us brat?" One of the men asked, his neatly trimmed beard doing nothing to reduce the rage savage glee that shined in his eyes.
Or rather, his one eye.
Most people wouldn't have been able to see underneath the illusion that he and others like him wore, but you were just unlucky like that.
As you had been for a… very long time. Since before your mother and father hadn't come back that night.
Hazy faces appeared in your mind for a moment before the cyclops grabbed your head and forced you to look at him in his one eye.
He didn't seem to notice that you were meeting his gaze instead of the fake two eyes that everyone else saw.
"Now, what did we tell you last time that we saw you kid?" He asked in a bored voice.
"That if you saw me again you'd beat me till I cried uncle 'Francis'." You said, before you spit on the floor. "Well, I haven't cried uncle yet, have I?" That got you a boot to the leg, but you still smiled up at them, ignoring the pain like you were used to for years.
"I ain't going to be dealing with any of your lip this time brat! Cops ain't here this time to see it, least none that don't know how to keep quiet!" Francis yelled down at him, his two buddies finally beginning to look uncomfortable as they all took a step back while Francis kept hitting you. "Besides," He whispered as he leaned down again with a kick. "I still need you to tell me where your… friend is. I promise that we won't hurt her. You have my word."
"Hey boss, uh, hasn't he had enough?" One of the men asked, a thinner man with red hair and a cigarette barely hanging from his lips, like the last cord of rope about to break.
"If he can be snippy like THAT-THEN-NO!" Each word is punctuated by a kick to the stomach, each one knocking the air out of you and threatening to send up everything that was currently in your stomach. AKA, nothing.
Dreams whisper in your head, of shifting the ground beneath you into hands to punch this prick in the face- no, the balls! Yes, that would be easier to do!
But unfortunately, no. Just because you could do that kinda stuff in your dreams, didn't mean that you could in real life as a scrawny 14-year-old with only a rusty pair of scissors in your pocket. Which stay in there because you know that it would probably just make this thing even angrier.
You saw a bird lady get hit by a car and manage to get back up after a few minutes, those little scissors weren't going to do a single damn thing to this guy.
At least his buddies weren't hitting you anymore, silver linings!
Everything felt like it was getting hazy and black when a very familiar voice shouted in the alley.
"Oye fuckheads!" A bottle of something rancid landed on Francis' head, the mix of alcohol,sewage water, and something moldy barely missing your face as the cyclops disguised as a 'bouncer' shot up with yell and rubbed at his reddening eye.
You couldn't hold your eyes open much longer after that, consciousness slipping away, that smiling white grin reappearing in your minds eye as strong hands grabbed onto you, and forced you to your feet.
"Come on mijo! Run!" And you felt relief as a familiar hand grabbed onto your own and began to pull you away. As you rose up, your hand reached down and grabbed onto the bag of bread, cheese, and ham that you'd taken out of the small shop earlier and take off with the pull.
"I to'd you no' o' ca' me tha'" You mumbled through a bloody mouth, legs moving while your brain worked like that old box computer your dad had when you were three.
"And I told you not to go and try to steal from here anymore!" She hissed back, hand around your own tightening as you ran down the streets, your old, baggy clothes dragging behind you as you fled.
"To man' cop' in oth' plazes." The words were like trying to get cotton out of rusty gears, and you really, really wanted to get somewhere safe.
A feeling that you hadn't had in a long, long time.
One that made you want to leave the city and head somewhere. Where, you didn't know.
Eventually, you just couldn't run anymore, couldn't force your body to keep moving and ignoring the pain even if your mind could, and your legs gave out from under you, everything going black. You came to in an abandoned building, one of the many that were left alone for the most part by the older homeless people. No one wanted to catch a bullet here anyway. The dreams of circles, numbers, and weird pentagrams gave way to a house that people had long since forgotten. Even the wood for a built-in table had been stolen years ago, an opening that just looked odd in the dining room of the house as a short figure worked at the fireplace, the ratty beat up green coat around her shoulders making her look bigger than she was.
A hoodie was worn over her long curly black hair, dirt and grease making it a thicker mess of knots and locks that your black and white hair could never reach.
Groaning up, your right eye was still closed shut, and just moving made you want to curl into a ball and cry. At least the blood in your mouth was old instead of new, and your head was a hell of a lot better than it used to be.
That was weird.
"Pendejo, what are you doing!?" An angry voice yelled out, and the figure turned from the fire place, charging towards you with heavy footsteps and her light brown eyes almost burning in rage as she forced you back on the cushions of old clothes that you'd both stolen a few weeks ago from that asshole Rick by the Junkyard. "Sit your butt down, and rest. After the beating those ass- butt nuggets gave you, it's a miracle you can even wake up now!"
She grabbed your arms, firmly but somehow gently, and forced you back into the cushions, the beautiful Latina girl of 17 managing to feel like a mother again. Even the grime and dirt on her face did nothing to diminish the button nose and subtle cheekbones as she grabbed a bottle of alcohol and washed her hands with it. Reaching into a bag, she pulled out some bandages began to take your clothes off.
"What are you doing!" You tried to protest, but that was when the ouchy part of your brain made the stupid part take a time out.
"We need to make sure that you don't have any cuts and if you do, make sure that it's cleaned. We can't afford food, let alone antibiotics, remember?" She 'asked' as she took off most of your clothes and began to rub at your wounds with alcohol.
When you only flinched at the touch of her fingers against your bruises instead of jumping away at the burning acid that was rubbing alcohol, she let out a relieved smile that felt like it could brighten the whole room.
If she didn't mother you, you might have swooned.
No, idiot!
Stupid puberty!
"Looks like you didn't get any cuts on you. That's good." She sighed out as she brushed your long, dirty locks of hair out of your faces, alcohol soaked rag that had once been a T-shirt in her hand as she began to dab at your face.
And now you had to keep yourself from flinching back as your face burned like a dying star!
On the outside, you took it like a champ! A real man one might say!
Inside your head, you were screaming like a little girl and happy that no one could hear it.
Yet, your only friend Mia gave you a knowing, gentle smile.
"We need to take it easy for a little bit. Think we should be good here for a day or two, but we're going to need to get out of here at some point." She said as she began to take out the bread, meat and cheese, making a sandwich out of it and handing one to you, her own stomach grumbling but ignoring it.
"At least we got some food. Should last us for a little while, huh?" You asked, doing your best to smile at Mia as she leveled a glare at you.
"Don't think that just because you managed to grab some, you got lucky. You're lucky I chased after you." She said with a withering glare that was only made worse by her pretty features. "We both know what would have happened if I didn't."
"Nah, that guy was a One Eye." You whispered, suddenly feeling very sleepy again, even though you'd just woken up. And it had been… a year? Yeah, a year since you needed to sleep at all.
You did most days, because there really wasn't much to do, now was there? What were you going to do when everyone else was asleep, go and get caught by the cops so you could get hot potatoed again like the last time they'd found you?
"Shit." Mia muttered to herself, hands twitching into fists like they always did anytime that she got worried about you.
"That's another dollar in the swear jar." You said with a grin that hurt, your cheeks practically screaming in agony as you stretched muscles that were little more than blue and purple lumps.
"Oh, ok, I'll just add another dollar of that money that I'll pull out of my ass!" She hissed at you, all eighty pounds of her five-foot skinny frame.
"Don't get mad at me, you're the one that decided to make up the swear jar in the first place! It isn't like I curse in the first place." You complained, the conversation being enough to keep you awake. Maybe she knew that and was doing it on purpose.
Nah, Mia was always a powder keg of Latina heat just waiting to go off, even when the both of you had first met a few years ago. Before your foster mother had tried to eat her when you'd both gone to sleep.
You had lived with that 'woman' for a year, and ignored the occasional flashes that you had seen from her for a time, not once did she ever hurt you. If anything, sometimes she could be rather nice. Having cookies baked in the oven for when you came back home from school, warming up hot cocoa on some colder nights.
It had been… nice.
But you didn't regret warning Mia. Not one single bit.
Sure, you had to steal some crap from people every now and then, probably from fronts, at least that's what Mia would say, but there wasn't much more that you could do.
Or was there?
"Mia?" You meant to say, but instead came out as a question. Your friend noticed the change in your demeanor, the faux anger blowing away like wind, and she leaned forward, hand placed right above your shoulder, but not wanting to place any more pressure on you than was needed.
"What is it? Is the pain worse? I might be able to get my hands on some painkillers if I-"
You violently shake your head before she can say another word, knowing that you would probably have to go and find her yourself to bail her out of whatever she got herself into. "No, it's just… I got them again. Seeing things. A bit… different this time."
She scooted closer on the old blanket that she had put on the dirty, black grimed wooden floor. "I'm all ears mijo."
"You're barely four years older than I am." You complain again, words a bare whisper as it hurt to talk too much. And then you tell her. About the symbols, the equations of math that you shouldn't understand, but you kinda do. Of formulas and elements that you probably wouldn't learn about until now if you had stayed in high school.
Don't get you started on just how… complex they were. It was like a jumble of information bouncing around in your head, doing jumping jacks, the splits, and giving you weird ass dreams involving six pieces of carbon dancing around oxygen. Whatever the hell that meant.
"You know, leaving this hellhole doesn't sound so bad." Mia eventually said when you told her about the strange urge to just… leave. To begin walking and headed in a direction that you just couldn't understand. "Would probably make hiding out a lot easier."
"How are we going to do that? It isn't like we can buy bus tickets or hop on board a plane ride. Moment we go in there, we get arrested." You whispered.
"Bah, we'll think of something." She said. Wait… was she really considering just leaving/
"Mia, it's just feeling. Not something to just up and leave for." The latina girl just shrugged her shoulders at your words.
"Listen, if it wasn't for you 'seeing things' then I'd probably be in that snake bi- ladies, stomach, and you'd still be living with her. If you get a feeling that we have to head somewhere, then screw it! Let's go. Though… we should visit. Can't imagine that any pizza could be as good as what we got here." She announced, patting you on the shoulder, placing a finger on your bruised and cracked lips, the small muscles throbbing with pain and inflation. "But, that can wait till later. For now, you are going to get some sleep. No, I don't care that you 'don't need it'. Now get your ass to sleep or I'm smacking you with my shoe."
And there was no refusing that, now was there?
And welcome to the first official turn of the quest!
I'm so happy to be bringing you this, and I hope that you will all join me for this.
For those of you that have picked up on it, yes, Alchemy is your first magic system. A bit basic, but very versatile, especially in a world like our own.
For this quest I'm going to be using a system that I sorta frankensteined with some help from a friend, along with inspiration for The Tyrant's Fear Your Might handled it's own dice rolls.
Fair warning, I am still new to this, and what I have is very bare bones, so perhaps one day it will progress into something more when I've had more experience under my belt.
This quest advances on a week-to-week basis, so this will be from March 2nd to the 9th. And so on and so forth.
Every week, you will get 7 Activity Dice which are D20's. These can be used towards certain options that you can take, each different Activity having its own DC, which can range depending on what it is, alongside what you already know.
A good example would be getting materials for a project. And you could understand why knowing Alchemy would be really good for making certain pieces or materials, right? Or how it could make a lock useless by just shifting its shape.
Alongside this, because of the Sleepless perk, you gain 3 free d4 Magic Dice. And this is how you learn your magic systems.
Every week you will choose how many dice go into what subsection of a magic system, roll, and add those points to said section. With time, experience, and obtaining items, equipment, or teachers for certain arts can change this, ranging from adding a bonus to each dice roll that you make, towards upgrading your dice rolls all the way up to 20.
Certain perks can also help with this, some of them providing flat bonuses towards your learning, or opening up new avenues of research.
One Activity Die can be exchanged for a Magic Die, but it will be whatever default magic die you have, so currently you would be swapping out a d20 for a d4.
Now, new Magic Systems will rely on a d100. Each week, I will roll a D100 with the DC being at 50. If you roll over it, then you gain a new magic system, if you roll below, then I add a +1 towards the next Dice Roll, and then add another +1 on top of that for every consecutive failure.
So, if you fail to reach a DC by the 5th week, then you'd be rolling 1D100 + 5=.
Every time that you unlock a new system, then the DC for the next one will be raised by 5 to a cap of 95.
Not all Drawbacks or Scenarios will happen at the same time. If anything, most of them will remain in the background or dormant till a certain point in time. When? That's for me to know.
Think of this as a prologue before everything starts to go haywire.
Because it will.
Now, onto the bad news!
As you might have guessed, you are dealing with the repercussions of Rough Start, and what a Rough Start it is.
Due to your injuries, you are going to need more rest, and time to recover, meaning that certain options will not be given to you for two weeks, alongside being reduced to 4 Activity Dice instead of 7.
This Debuff will only last one more week after this.
Please have your votes in plan format like before.
[ ]Go to the Library: Bonus of +2 for learning rolls towards comprehension. DC 10
[ ]Panhandle: Let's be honest, you need cash, and quick. You're surviving in an abandoned building, constantly watching in case anyone decides to come back home. For now you're safe, but how long will that last? You need food for money, clothes, and maybe a gym membership so you can take a shower and see your actual skin instead of just the dirt. DC 15
[ ]Try and Get a Car: Your prospects here aren't the best, you're a 14-year-old without any sort of identification, and with the cops constantly looking for you, let alone your best friend. But, having a car is beyond useful, especially for a quick getaway or to leave this place. DC:100
[ ]Find A New Hiding Spot: For now, you're hanging out in an abandoned house, a hiding spot that you and others have used before. There's the rub. Others have used this place before, and you don't want to get an unexpected visitor in the middle of the night. DC15. A d100 will be rolled for a random event to trigger every week starting with a DC of 90. Every consecutive week that you spend in the same location, the DC will lower by 20.
Leave the City: Do you want to die? DC NA/NA
Magic Learning Options:
[ ]Comprehension: A general understanding of chemistry and the application of said chemistry towards alchemical circles.
[ ]Deconstruction: The Alchemical Practice of breaking down materials and matter before applying reconstruction. Mastering this aspect gives you greater proficiency at disassembling materials, even able to completely disintegrate items with the proper knowledge and transmutation circles.
[ ]Reconstruction: The second process of alchemy, reassembling broken down materials into a new shape or form. Can also be used to simply change the shape of something, along with being able to complete more complicated forms of transmutation.
[ ]Alkehestry: An Eastern branch of alchemy known for it's healing properties and ability to link separate transmutation circles.
[ ]Portable Transmutation Circles: This skill to simplify and miniaturize alchemy circles, allowing you to draw or engrave transmutation circles into portable objects.
Nice to confirm it's alchemy. I thought the White Void was Termina from Kirby. Though, I am curious how closely does Truth see this World, or if he will play any kind of role?
You had lived with that 'woman' for a year, and ignored the occasional flashes that you had seen from her for a time, not once did she ever hurt you. If anything, sometimes she could be rather nice. Having cookies baked in the oven for when you came back home from school, warming up hot cocoa on some colder nights.
This is real interesting though. I can't remember how often the Series dives into Monster-Mundane Human relations, but it's nice to know Von could live peacefully with them. This means, no demigod blood in him, but did she know about his Math Dream Visions?