How would you turn Gate into an even better Story?

Those are a thing in GATE?

Yes. There's an invincible loli girl that sides with the JSDF (how convenient that basically the only thing the JSDF would have trouble defeating happens to side with them). She's 900 but looks 12. She's the avatar of the god of death and will ascend to become a god in her own right soon.

Oh and she orgasms every time someone is killed around her without her being able to participate in killing them. Because fucking hell gate. Oh and she tries to seduce and later rape the protagonist despite looking 12 because again fucking hell gate.

And I've heard that in later chapters of the story:

the setting's gods intervene to prevent the JSDF from technologically uplifting the fantasy world which also really pisses me off. One more reason why the setting would be improved by making the gods distant and unknownable rather than interventionist and in your face.
Oh and she orgasms every time someone is killed around her without her being able to participate in killing them. Because fucking hell gate. Oh and she tries to seduce and later rape the protagonist despite looking 12 because again fucking hell gate.

You don't really need to exaggerate in order to make the story look bad. It looks bad naturally.
the setting's gods intervene to prevent the JSDF from technologically uplifting the fantasy world which also really pisses me off. One more reason why the setting would be improved by making the gods distant and unknownable rather than interventionist and in your face.
next the god could be killed by firearms.:rolleyes:
I am fairly sure if Gate was made by an American, Russian, Brit, etc it would be just as controversial as it is now. I mean how many stories featuring Americans are decried as "AMERICA F YEAH" by critics as a negative. If Americans making stories about the military is obnoxious American chest thumping why is it no longer a legitimate complaint when it's another country?

*Sigh* Nevermind unrelated. Anyway that aside, I personally don't have an issue with Gate focusing on the exploits of the JSDF I just don't see why they have a scene like having the special forces raid on the bath house. Is Gate set in the middle of a cold war? Why is the rest of the world such huge assholes they don't even attempt to ask nicely about seeing the representatives. You could have a scene just as effective by having a bunch of diplomats trying to rush their way into the bathhouse with meeting request and having them be turned around and sent away.

The story doesn't need the whole Japan vs the World angle it has plenty of other stuff to focus on like... Ya'know, the plot.

Though one change I'd suggest is finding a way to make the world beyond the Gate more interesting. I dunno maybe it's just me but I find it incredibly uninteresting there's barely any worldbuilding just random human empire, some elves, a couple dragons blahblahblah. The whole thing feels bland and generic which take away from the premise of culture shock. There's no aesthetic outside of 'vague Europeanish JRPG setting', no politics besides the Empire who has all of it's rivals under it's thumbs and all the non-human races have no civilization whatsoever don't forget the random deities who exist to do... Stuff. It's just if you're gonna rip off Tolkien's worldbuilding at least put some effort into making it distinctive D&D and Warhammer Fantasy at least do that much.

EDIT: Oh and cut way the hell down on the creepy levels of fanservice. No battlegasms and constant rape scenes that would make HBO hurl.
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even though I'm not American I like American fuck yeah! when it start bashing other country on the other hand......
From my flimsy memory of watching the anime I'm not sure how I'm exaggerating.

There's plenty (too much) rape in GATE, but Rori definitely doesn't attempt to rape Itami. She also doesn't orgasm at any point in the show. There is a gratuitous scene where Taneda Risa pretends to be extremely turned on, which isn't really better, but it's more accurate to say.
Rori definitely doesn't attempt to rape Itami.

The worst part about that seduction scene is that she's almost successful.

She also doesn't orgasm at any point in the show.

Meanwhile, in the Light Novel...

The Apostle, Rory Mercury, was trying to endure it.

She hugged herself to endure it.

Sweat gushed down her forehead.


The spirit of battle that floated around her infected her flesh and penetrated her spirit.

"Why aren't they attacking here?"

The flames of war scorched her soul, and sweet movements flowed from her heart and up her swaying spine.

Her arms and legs moved on their own, and she shook like a priestess who was intoxicated by hallucinogenic drugs.

"Huuu…. haaaa…"

The pleasure flowing out from inside her nearly brought her to climax, and against the black of night, the demigoddess twisted her body so everyone could see her bewitching form.

"Is she alright?"

Itami wanted to go over to Rory, since he was surprised by her sudden frenzy, but Lelei and Tuka stopped him.

"It's because she's an Apostle…"

He did not quite understand, but that seemed to be why Rory was so frustrated.

If she was like this while she was so far away from the battlefield, what would she be like in the center of it?

She would probably see everyone as an enemy and slaughter them all. Nobody would be able to stop her, not even herself.

Lelei's explanation just made Itami nervous.
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Gate? I watched six episodes, and gave up due to the characters either being bland or unrealistic. The only ones that seemed interesting was the princess and the female JDSF soldier. So, of the three main girls we have: sad bland girl, curious bland girl, and a battle horny loli named Rori. (Keep in mind that Japanese has no L, and that letter gets turned into R. Can you get more obvious? :facepalm:)
So, the obvious way to fix it would be to make the characters more interesting.
A second gate in either America or Russia, leading to tension between them and the JSDF regarding how they should use the land and people, for example the JSDF want to make peace and provide assistance to the people despite the fact that they could kill everyone in a matter of months, introducing a nuclear power and having them display that power would make the people of the Gate realm afraid of them, essentially subjugating them, and so the nuclear superpower could exploit the vast untouched mineral deposits in the land, the JSDF who are obviously against this wont do anything due to international pressure, leading to the people of the gate realm to hate them.

I'm not really sure where it would go from there
Another thing.

Its called Thus the first recon fought there.

But from what I can tell its pretty much the entire first division having a party with all of their toys.

How big is the first recon unit in real life?
Must Yanai Takumi be decried for writing Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There because he happens to be Japanese, while a hypothetical American military fantasy author writing Gate: Ooh-rah would get a pass for the fortune of being born in the U.S.? Are authors not allowed to write stories where their own countries go it alone because they aren't "strong" in real life? ^_^;

Umm, yes.

Otherwise it's not the JSDF fighting "here." it's some made up fantasy bullshit army of the author's own invention that shares the same name.
But from what I can tell its pretty much the entire first division having a party with all of their toys.


Hides the notes where it eventually evolved into 'Thus I MEF (plus Recon) Fought There!'

I figured that the US wouldn't meet a domestic terrorist attack with three hundred guys in Humvees, so yes, if I wasn't a lazy bum there'd have been a considerable American presence. The title referred more to the viewpoint characters than anything else.
I don't think anyone could reasonably conclude that Japan isn't a 'strong' nation, in any case.

No. They can't conclude that. Or they shouldn't.

GATE just does an awful job of realistically depicting a 'Strong Nation' as anything but an ultra-nationalist stereotype.

The rest of the world's powers sending special forces on an assassination/kidnapping hit out of the blue. Stupid.

Japan antagonizing the rest of the world to the point that they would do such a thing (outside of GATE's forced narrative) when diplomacy can get them so much more. Equally stupid.
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Japan antagonizing the rest of the world to the point that they would do such a thing (outside of GATE's forced narrative) when diplomacy can get them so much more. Equally stupid.
People are stupid.:p

my advice is just remove the politic and focused to the other side of the gate.
and if you want to go to the real world use the fantasy point of view.
People are stupid.:p

my advice is just remove the politic and focused to the other side of the gate.
and if you want to go to the real world use the fantasy point of view.

And if your fantasy point of view is from a 'medieval' equivalent perspective do some research and don't make them dumb.

Not like you can't still have T&A either. :cool:

Bathhouses should not surprise a member of the Empire's nobility, though the casual level of luxury might.

The idea of a dedicated room to bathe/shower attached to almost every accommodation with freely flowing hot and cold water on demand may be a little bit more of a novelty.
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And if your fantasy point of view is from a 'medieval' equivalent perspective do some research and don't make them dumb.

Not like you can't still have T&A either.

Bathhouses should not surprise a member of the Empire's nobility, though the casual level of luxury might. The idea of a room to bathe/shower attached to every accommodation with freely flowing hot and cold water on demand may be a little bit more novel.
yeah like this.
the one that I think done it well is Hataraku Maou Sama. they adjust to our world after a few month goes there.
I wonder if there other anime like that.
You Know, This story would be a lot better if this story doesn't have "Nippon Banzai!" Bullshit and the Political Climate of earth isn't Retarded. Just My Two Cents.

In Fact I have Seen Three FanFics that did the Examples I listed in my First Post:

The first two were not really promising. However, Manifest Destiny is really good in constructing the world of the modern Earth and how it shaped the Earth characters. Also, the OCs are actually very well done, and while their development in-story is the shift of their personal motivations for invading from revenge those who died in the initial invasion to trying to rebuild the Empire to build a peace "where the dead don't scream at them", the real gist comes from their backgrounds and how the world shaped them.

The protagonist, Kristian Emerson, is black Army Ranger officer who had turned to military life to come to terms with being beaten half-to death by a drunk professor in an altercation while in college. While he originally takes the revenge motivation to heart, he eventually turns from potential Kratman hero to atoner 'Father of Sin' after the bloodbath that was the American-Japanese invasion and to prevent both Japan and America from potentially toppling the current regime in a way that could lead to another Afghanistan.

His NCOs, Lisa Bannon and Cameron Masterson are also colorful. Bannon was once a real estate agent who left both her husband and family when they proved incapable of dealing with a turn in fortunes after a Chinese housing bubble pop ruined their real estate deals, and turned to drifting before enlisting. Masterson became estranged from his family in his teens and had wandered the Southwest until enlisting, and while he maintains no contact with his parents, their fame as lawyers who successfully fought the oil companies to hand over dried up wells back to the state to be redeveloped rubbed off on him.

Itami at first plays a slightly nay-man role as he tries to maintain that Japan has the right to develop the Special Region, but his nay-man tendencies give way to the fact to three things; his escape into manga whenever the going gets tough, his hands-off attitude (as hard as it is for the rest of the cast) with Chuka's issues after her family's death because he doesn't have the will to play along with her delusions, and the fact that he and his ex-wife Risa, still love each other despite their divorce.

The side characters also are also interesting as hell, and lend credence to the world that the author built.

Wilbur is an ex-BP surveyor who jumped ship after they planned to drill near his childhood home, and spent most of his post-BP career stopping oil spillages from the wars with ISIS and Iran (two separate conflicts, not "they decided to united ala Tom Clancy). While his original task is to survey for oil, his blooming romance with Yao and the exhaustion with his old life has caused him to start pushing to help the people of Falmart (the actual name of the continent) rebuild after the Earth task force wrecked everything.

Doc is a doctor who decided to pursue a military career after being cured of cancer, and becomes Pina's first friend when he helps her research Earth's culture. However, even though he is not present when the war restarts upon the discovery of Japanese and Americans being kept as slaves, his gift to Pina, a pen, clatters to the ground after Emerson walks away from her after the bloody confrontation over the slaves.

Lumaban is a Marine who had served during the Iranian War, where she screwed up after using a designator for kinetic rod strikes as a binocular for observing a fleeing civilian. While she is annoying for playing Catholic missionary despite orders to the contrary, her unit takes over Chuka's care when Itami orders his own unit to leave her be.

The character interactions and development, world-building, and the excising of the harem elements makes it the best Gate fic I have read so far.
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