How To Rule the Multiverse (Evil Overlord Quest)

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You did it.

You conquered the world.

It wasn't easy. It took a lot of hard work, years of...
0.1 Introduction and Character Creation
You did it.

You conquered the world.

It wasn't easy. It took a lot of hard work, years of scheming, investments in dental, OSHA non-compliance, copious blackmail, more copious strategic retreats, and an unconscionable number of threats directed at small woodland creatures - but you did it. For a year and a day, the world was your oyster and you reigned supreme. Not even your cookie cutter arch-nemesis could stop you!

Then, kind of predictably, you got bored.

Maybe you realized it when the Union of Evil started nipping at your heels to pay your minions for OT; or the day the King of Albion begged you to release his children and your reaction was 'wait, I'm pretty sure I remember where I stashed them, just gimme a mo'; or the day your arch-nemesis glowered at you from inside his ultra-super-hyper-maximum security prison while you played Pong with his face and you realized that this just wasn't fun anymore.

Where was the danger? The excitement? The feeling of victory as you laughed in the face of ohmygodwereallgoingtodie?

So you went back to the drawing board. You made lists, poured over old legends, visited retired villains, started up an apocalypse early, and got into a drunken fistfight with a god. You might have even taken the drastic step of consulting your advisers and then listened to what they had to say.

Nothing worked.

Nothing worked, until you had a deliciously eveel thought.

Why not do it again?

Not again again - even you wouldn't meddle with the streams of time especially after you won - but why change a winning formula? You conquered one world, so why not another? A new world! New challenges! New nemesi! It might be forbidden, but who cares? You're the ruler of the world! Muahahahahahaha!

So you broke the seals that should not be broken, cracked the tablets that should not be be cracked, pushed the big red buttons with the cautionary signs saying <Do Not Push - No, Seriously, Just Don't Do It! Yes This Means You, Asshole!>, and then did a little squeegee vandalism upon the window pane of reality.

Reality gave in and paid you to go away.

Now you're elsewhere and you will, muhahahaha, conquer the multiverse!

First, of course, you'll have to figure out where the heck it is you are.


You see... (Choose 1)

[] a little girl and her pet alien abomination.
[] a little boy and his pet viral abom - whoops, no more little boy
[] a little overlord and his pet dungeon
[] write-in

Who are you? (Choose 1)

[] A man known as...
Lord of the Trembling Wastes, the Demon of the Western Hills, the Last Note, Crimson Death, Fury Without Pause, and the Really Bored But Evil Puppy Who Sometimes Needs To Be Played With Because He Didn't Get Enough Attention As A Child
[] A woman known as...
Witch of the Endless Abyss, Doom upon the Seas, Mother of Monsters, The Burnt Gate, The Cruelest Season, The Sixth Silence, and the Somewhat Unamused Evil Kitten Who Desperately Seeks Friends Because She Wants To Play With Others Drat It!

Traits (Choose 3)
Choose three Traits. These will be broadly representative of your history.

[] Supervillain. "Oh you're a villain alright, just not a super one!"
You might not be a renowned destroyer of countries; or a name-taking, hero-kicking antihero; or a monster spoken about in myth and legend to scare little children, but when it comes to being evil, none will reign supreme over you! Bonus when fighting villains and performing miscellaneous acts of - yuck! - heroism.

[] Minion Master. "Make my monster grow!"
Sometimes you need an army of mooks to tend to your every need. Sometimes, you just need one heckuva big mook to ruin an aspiring hero's day. Either way, you got it covered through a strict regimen of vitamins, growth hormones and the occasional bath in mutant pig blood and magic rituals. Bonus to minion actions and you have access to the Special, There's An Army In My Pocket.

[] Genre-Savvy. "Oh, ho ho! You sly dog! You got me monologuing!"
You're smart. Not just conventionally smart, in the Lego-building, quickly insert-screw-B-into-slot-A way, but honestly savvy. You've studied the mistakes of your forebears, and the strengths of your enemies. You know when to press, and when to fold. Even under circumstances that defy all your careful research, you can quickly analyze the situation and determine the best course of action. Bonus when fighting heroes and performing miscellaneous acts of - muhahaha! - villainy.

[] Brainy. "The same thing we do every night: try to take over the world!"
Your nefarious plans have come close to fruition more times than you can properly count! The illiteracy beam! The skyquake pig! The tickle torture templars! The poodle pancake - okay, that last one only made money off the backs of pimply-faced teenagers and puppy mills, but the point is - you're really good at almost​ conquering the world. Bonus to technology and bonus to stewardship.

[] Brute force. "Now, shall you deal with ME - and all the powers of HELL!"
During your long, nefarious career you made a few, um, shady bargains. But let's be honest: the last time you couldn't solve a problem by turning into a dragon was... oh wait, that's right, never. Turning into a dragon is the answer to all of life's problems, and the nay-sayers are just jealous. Bonus to occult and bonus to martial.

[] Let's make a deal. "If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet, you've got to pay the toll."
Not only can you break out into song at the drop of a shell, but you have mastered the magic of contracts. Devils aren't the only ones who can make a deal - you can too, and all you really need need is consent. It doesn't matter if you included all the details in fine print - if they didn't read it, that's their fault. Bonus to diplomacy and gain access to the Special, Inviolate Contract Magic.

Look, you can't conquer a world without breaking a few dozen... thousand eggs. It's just not how this business works! There's the necessary extortion, and then there's the necessary T&I, and let's not even get started on the dang unions! Sometimes you just need that secret police and doublethink education. Bonus to martial, bonus to intrigue.

[] Horrifying, but funny. "Bowels in or bowels out?"
No one appreciates what you do, but they do appreciate your style. You have a sense of humor that goes awfully well with a glass of chianti and the heart of your enemies. Literally. You literally ate the heart of your enemies. Oh, you'd grow them back, but only so you could do it again. Only choose this option if you want to do truly blackhearted and terrible things. Bonus to diplomacy and bonus to intrigue.

Ultimate Convenience In Cosmic Travel (Choose 1)
You can travel around the multiverse! You... can't really control it yet, but you have a broad idea of how it works. You will travel from world to world in a loop roughly - oh you have no idea, but it's a dang loop. Sooner or later you'll be back!

[] On the Clock
You will shift from world to world at a precise time of day. No exceptions. Better keep a watch handy! ('Hard' Mode)

[] My (Evil) Spider-Senses are Tingling!
You will shift from world to world whenever you're in serious danger. Or maybe in danger from a paper cut. It's kind of hard to say. ('Normal' Mode)

[] I Beat Up Reality For Its Lunch Money
You can shift worlds whenever you want to - but only forward, never back. ('Easy' Mode)
[X] a little girl and her pet alien abomination.
[X] A woman known as...

[X] Minion Master. "Make my monster grow!"
[X] Brainy. "The same thing we do every night: try to take over the world!"
[X] Horrifying, but funny. "Bowels in or bowels out?"

[X] My (Evil) Spider-Senses are Tingling!
The Rita Repulsa
Index and Character Sheet
For those of you who enjoyed my evil overlord civ quest I bring you the edition where I throw my hands up in the air when it comes to number crunching and just let you go off and do whatever it is you want to do.

For those of you who enjoyed my abbreviated cosmos quest this is the decidedly evil take on it which I hope that you'll enjoy as well.

Evil Index
So evil it probably won't exist and you'll have to consult the threadmarks.

Evil Overlord
Your evil overlord. Currently under construction.
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[X] a little boy and his pet viralabom - whoops, no more little boy
[X] A woman known as...
Witch of the Endless Abyss, Doom upon the Seas, Mother of Monsters, The Burnt Gate, The Cruelest Season, The Sixth Silence, and the Somewhat Unamused Evil Kitten Who Desperately Seeks Friends Because She Wants To Play With Others Drat It!

[X] Minion Master. "Make my monster grow!"
[X] Genre-Savvy. "Oh, ho ho! You sly dog! You got memonologuing!"
[X] Let's make a deal. "If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet, you've got to pay the toll."

[X] My (Evil) Spider-Senses are Tingling!
We have to stay a while if we want to conquer the world.
[] On the Clock
You will shift from world to world at a precise time of day. No exceptions. Better keep a watch handy! ('Hard' Mode)

[] My (Evil) Spider-Senses are Tingling!
You will shift from world to world whenever you're in serious danger. Or maybe in danger from a paper cut. It's kind of hard to say. ('Normal' Mode)

[] I Beat Up Reality For Its Lunch Money
You can shift worlds whenever you want to - but only forward, never back. ('Easy' Mode)
so does that mean that in the first two, we can go back to a world we have been in before?

[] A woman known as...
Witch of the Endless Abyss, Doom upon the Seas, Mother of Monsters, The Burnt Gate, The Cruelest Season, The Sixth Silence, and the Somewhat Unamused Evil Kitten Who Desperately Seeks Friends Because She Wants To Play With Others Drat It!
do we actually have children if we go with woman?
I don't recognize these references

The first is a children's movie.
The second is a videogame character.
The third's title is actually within the hint. Word for word.

so does that mean that in the first two, we can go back to a world we have been in before?

do we actually have children if we go with woman?

In all three of them you can go back eventually. It's a loop. For example: World 1 -> World 2 -> World 3 -> World 1 -> World 2 -> World 3 -> World 1 and so on. I'm just clarifying in the third option that you still have to go forward, just like in the other two. And the number of worlds hasn't been set yet - I was thinking nine, but that might be too much.

No. Mother of Monsters is probably for doing something suitably interesting like unleashing a horde of demons upon an unsuspecting world, or kidnapping a few infant demigods, or stealing Godzilla's eggs and then raising the result as your elite mooks
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[X] a little boy and his pet viral abom - whoops, no more little boy
[X] A man known as...
[X] Minion Master. "Make my monster grow!"
[X] Brainy. "The same thing we do every night: try to take over the world!"
[X] Brute force. "Now, shall you deal with ME - and all the powers of HELL!"

For flavor reasons, I am passing on genere saavy, and taking minion master, brainy, and brute force (turning into a dragon is awesome)
[X] On the Clock
The first is a children's movie.
The second is a videogame character.
The third's title is actually within the hint. Word for word.
thanks for the confirmation , now for those who haven't figured it out
a little girl and her pet alien abomination. Lilo and Stitch
a little boy and his pet viral abom - whoops, no more little boy Prototype
a little overlord and his pet dungeon Overlord ALL HAIL AINZ OOAL GOWN

[X] a little boy and his pet viral abom - whoops, no more little boy
[X] A man known as...

[X] Minion Master. "Make my monster grow!"
[X] Brainy. "The same thing we do every night: try to take over the world!"
[X] Genre-Savvy. "Oh, ho ho! You sly dog! You got memonologuing!"

[X] My (Evil) Spider-Senses are Tingling!
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[X] a little overlord and his pet dungeon
[X] A man known as...
[X] Genre-Savvy. "Oh, ho ho! You sly dog! You got me monologuing!"
[X] Brainy. "The same thing we do every night: try to take over the world!"
[X] Let's make a deal. "If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet, you've got to pay the toll."
[X] On the Clock
[X] a little overlord and his pet dungeon
[X] A woman known as...
[X] Genre-Savvy. "Oh, ho ho! You sly dog! You got me monologuing!"
[X] Brainy. "The same thing we do every night: try to take over the world!"
[X] Let's make a deal. "If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet, you've got to pay the toll."
[X] My (Evil) Spider-Senses are Tingling!

I think the first one is Lilo and Stich?
Dunno the second one.
Is third one Dungeon Keeper?
[X] a little overlord and his pet dungeon
[X] A man known as...
[X] Genre-Savvy. "Oh, ho ho! You sly dog! You got me monologuing!"
[X] Brainy. "The same thing we do every night: try to take over the world!"
[X] Brute force. "Now, shall you deal with ME - and all the powers of HELL!"
[X] My (Evil) Spider-Senses are Tingling!

The quests forum needs more Papa Bones! And genre-savvy is a must to stand any chance against Ainz-sama's p2w scrubness.
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You see... (Choose 1)
[X] A village of friendly little woodland critters who seem to have not a care in the world.

Who are you? (Choose 1)
[X] A woman known as...

Traits (Choose 3)
Choose three Traits. These will be broadly representative of your history.

[X] Genre-Savvy. "Oh, ho ho! You sly dog! You got me monologuing!"
You're smart. Not just conventionally smart, in the Lego-building, quickly insert-screw-B-into-slot-A way, but honestly savvy. You've studied the mistakes of your forebears, and the strengths of your enemies. You know when to press, and when to fold. Even under circumstances that defy all your careful research, you can quickly analyze the situation and determine the best course of action. Bonus when fighting heroes and performing miscellaneous acts of - muhahaha! - villainy.

[X] Minion Master. "Make my monster grow!"
Sometimes you need an army of mooks to tend to your every need. Sometimes, you just need one heckuva big mook to ruin an aspiring hero's day. Either way, you got it covered through a strict regimen of vitamins, growth hormones and the occasional bath in mutant pig blood and magic rituals. Bonus to minion actions and you have access to the Special, There's An Army In My Pocket.

[X] Brainy. "The same thing we do every night: try to take over the world!"
Your nefarious plans have come close to fruition more times than you can properly count! The illiteracy beam! The skyquake pig! The tickle torture templars! The poodle pancake - okay, that last one only made money off the backs of pimply-faced teenagers and puppy mills, but the point is - you're really good at almost​ conquering the world. Bonus to technology and bonus to stewardship.

Ultimate Convenience In Cosmic Travel (Choose 1)
[X] I Beat Up Reality For Its Lunch Money
[X] a little boy and his pet viral abom - whoops, no more little boy
[X] A man known as...

[X] Brainy. "The same thing we do every night: try to take over the world!"
[X] Genre-Savvy. "Oh, ho ho! You sly dog! You got memonologuing!"
[X] Let's make a deal. "If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet, you've got to pay the toll."

[X] My (Evil) Spider-Senses are Tingling!
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[X] a little girl and her pet alien abomination.
[X] A man known as...
[X] Minion Master. "Make my monster grow!"
[X] Brute force. "Now, shall you deal with ME - and all the powers of HELL!"
[X] Let's make a deal. "If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet, you've got to pay the toll."
[X] My (Evil) Spider-Senses are Tingling!
Still not really sure which character I favour, but I should note that we probably want someone who can set things in motion, and then come back some time later to reap the benefits.

Contracting would be invaluable for that.
[X] a little overlord and his pet dungeon
[X] A man known as...
Lord of the Trembling Wastes, the Demon of the Western Hills, the Last Note, Crimson Death, Fury Without Pause, and the Really Bored But Evil Puppy Who Sometimes Needs To Be Played With Because He Didn't Get Enough Attention As A Child
[X] Brute force. "Now, shall you deal with ME - and all the powers of HELL!"
[X] Genre-Savvy. "Oh, ho ho! You sly dog! You got me monologuing!"
[X] My (Evil) Spider-Senses are Tingling!
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[X] a little overlord and his pet dungeon
[X] A man known as...
Lord of the Trembling Wastes, the Demon of the Western Hills, the Last Note, Crimson Death, Fury Without Pause, and the Really Bored But Evil Puppy Who Sometimes Needs To Be Played With Because He Didn't Get Enough Attention As A Child
[X] Brute force. "Now, shall you deal with ME - and all the powers of HELL!"
[X] Genre-Savvy. "Oh, ho ho! You sly dog! You got me monologuing!"
[X] My (Evil) Spider-Senses are Tingling!

Always be the dragon!
[X] a little boy and his pet viralabom - whoops, no more little boy
[X] A woman known as...
Witch of the Endless Abyss, Doom upon the Seas, Mother of Monsters, The Burnt Gate, The Cruelest Season, The Sixth Silence, and the Somewhat Unamused Evil Kitten Who Desperately Seeks Friends Because She Wants To Play With Others Drat It!

[X] Minion Master. "Make my monster grow!"
[X] Brute force. "Now, shall you deal with ME - and all the powers of HELL!"
[X] Let's make a deal. "If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet, you've got to pay the toll."

[X] My (Evil) Spider-Senses are Tingling!