Hostage Situation [Worm AU Fanfic]

My point is that if you have Dragon on side, to cooperate with Doormaker, you don't need Dorrmaker :p
I don't understand what you're trying to say on top of what I've already said. I know you don't need Doormaker at all if you've got Dragon on board. I know the PRT doesn't know diddly about him.

I get that this is your thread and all, but you're trying to explain to me things I already said or never asked. I don't know what you're trying to do, sorry.
My point is that if you have Dragon on side, to cooperate with Doormaker, you don't need Dorrmaker :p
yes you do, the birdcage is inside a mountain suspended in vacuum.. In mates are lowered through a support tube with just enough oxygen to make it into the birdcage. Anybody going the other way would suffocate. Anybody tunneling out would kill everybody in the birdcage
yes you do, the birdcage is inside a mountain suspended in vacuum.. In mates are lowered through a support tube with just enough oxygen to make it into the birdcage. Anybody going the other way would suffocate. Anybody tunneling out would kill everybody in the birdcage

So all you NEED is:
a) Control of the Elevator, which rests with Dragon
b) someone to put an oxygen supply in the elevator when Dragon sends it down to retrieve the prisoner
c) some way to make sure only the desired prisoner gets in the elevator, which is easy enough to arrange.
Dragon's restrictions will probably end up meaning that they'll need to arrange an official commutation before she even would be allowed by her shackles to cooperate though. That... could be a challenge.

But, truth be told, as I said in the SB thread, there's a fair number of seeming plot holes surrounding the Birdcage. I'm more willing than usual to allow fanon to take the lead

Plus, Saint and his hard on for another Teacher fix. He can see everything Dragon does and that would provide him an opportunity to at least try to force Dragon to bring up Teacher too.
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Eh, it feels a bit on the wrong side of the 'new take' vs contrivance, to me personally.

Carol's 'maybe you should take a rest too' feels....unnatural in its delivery (less like a woman who doesn't know how to care for someone who reminded her of herself alongside the Marquis' daughter issue), and more inclined towards her fanon portrayal of not giving more than half a shit), and IIRC, Amy knew that her real dad was a supervillain before the bank heist, and that she hadn't wanted to know because he was a supervillain, though I'll have to go see if I can dig up the 'when' that occurs, specifically.

Obviously, Frank could influence her feelings towards someone who really cares, even if his existence and utilization as a narrative device feels a bit out of the blue/contrived, but it doesn't quite feel to me like a natural evolution, though I didn't see the 'original' to distinguish differences.

As for Amy's ...request, Piggot's not going to budge. Releasing Marquis into the custody of his underage teenage daughter, at least without HUGE concessions/limits, would throw the whole parahuman 'system' into whack, not to mention set a terrible hostage precedent for getting, say, Teacher out.

And if/when Marquis gets a hint of villainy (he showed no real inclination towards turning around post gold-morning, admittedly with wildly different circumstances), or he gets attacked and kills someone....Amy's going to get it both barrels, both from herself and Vicky/New Wave.
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Dragon's restrictions will probably end up meaning that they'll need to arrange an official commutation before she even would be allowed by her shackles to cooperate though. That... could be a challenge.
Shouldn't be much different to the legalities of seeing/releasing people in other high security prisons. Paperwork gets done, pardons get signed (or whatever, since it sounds like Amy wants to be responsible for him), and things change.
So all you NEED is:
a) Control of the Elevator, which rests with Dragon
b) someone to put an oxygen supply in the elevator when Dragon sends it down to retrieve the prisoner
c) some way to make sure only the desired prisoner gets in the elevator, which is easy enough to arrange.
given that Dragon only controls where prisoners are put and what supplies go in, nothing on the inside.... Doing c is out of dragons power....
given that Dragon only controls where prisoners are put and what supplies go in, nothing on the inside.... Doing c is out of dragons power....
She generally doesn't control what's inside, but she can. It's all her tech, all her drones. There's sensors inside the cage that she uses to watch/listen to inmates. She's also capable of locking down sections.
She generally doesn't control what's inside, but she can. It's all her tech, all her drones. There's sensors inside the cage that she uses to watch/listen to inmates. She's also capable of locking down sections.

Yup. And Marquis is a cell block leader. He can have his minions hold off anyone short of Lung, long enough to get himself and one or two others into the lift, especially if a lockdown has kept most of the people who'd try to bother them away.
yes you do, the birdcage is inside a mountain suspended in vacuum.. In mates are lowered through a support tube with just enough oxygen to make it into the birdcage. Anybody going the other way would suffocate. Anybody tunneling out would kill everybody in the birdcage
given that Dragon only controls where prisoners are put and what supplies go in, nothing on the inside.... Doing c is out of dragons power....
Yup. And Marquis is a cell block leader. He can have his minions hold off anyone short of Lung, long enough to get himself and one or two others into the lift, especially if a lockdown has kept most of the people who'd try to bother them away.

Okay; one more time.

The PRT is capable of getting specific capes out of the Birdcage, by giving Dragon the order to do so. In Scarab 25.1, the PRT calmly discusses letting specific parahumans out. Their only issue is not a mass escape, or the wrong guys getting out, but whether said capes would be controllable once they did get out.

This is the PRT, not Cauldron; they are going to do it with Dragon's assistance and Dragon's assistance only.


The word hung in the air.

I snapped to attention, fully awake in an instant. I had to take a second to look at the faces of the people around the table before I realized who'd said it. Armstrong, the man who'd been my advocate an instant ago.

"A little extreme," West said.

"The next few fights are going to be crucial. Every time the Endbringers come, there are major losses. We lose good capes. Others step in, but they don't have the experience or the organization, so we lose more. New Delhi was very nearly the culmination of that."

"We won New Delhi."

"We lost. Scion won," Armstrong responded. "Participation will be up for the next fight. Let's use that. We bolster the numbers further, by tapping the Birdcage. There are powerful capes in there, and some are cooperative."

Oh. They aren't talking about me.

"And if they start wreaking havoc afterward? Or turn on us?"

"We can be select about it. Dragon's willing to give us a searchable database of all of the conversation and behavior records within the Birdcage."

I raised my head at that. "Dragon's alive?"

"She got in contact with us a short while ago."

I nodded. I felt a little dazed, confused. Too much in a short time. I was reaching the point where I wasn't sure I'd be able to take it all in.

"It's not worth it," West said.

"A moderate risk for a chance to save hundreds, thousands, even millions of lives," Armstrong said.

"How many lives do we lose because of the monsters we set free?" West retorted. "Those criminals were put there for a reason."

"At first," Armstrong said. "But the rationale for indefinite detention has been getting weaker, and the number of capes going in has been increasing. I-"

So can we dispense with this fanon once and for all? Thank you.

Eh, it feels a bit on the wrong side of the 'new take' vs contrivance, to me personally.

Carol's 'maybe you should take a rest too' feels....unnatural in its delivery (less like a woman who doesn't know how to care for someone who reminded her of herself alongside the Marquis' daughter issue), and more inclined towards her fanon portrayal of not giving more than half a shit),
Carol doesn't give more than half a shit. When Sarah Pelham tells her that she'll come to love Amy, she thinks "Liar".

When Amy has herself admitted into the Birdcage, that's the first time that Carol actually thinks of her as her daughter.

When Amy comes out, that's the first time that Carol hugs her.

Carol only had Vicky because she figured that a child of her own body was someone she'd actually be able to trust.

Not fanon. Look it up.

and IIRC, Amy knew that her real dad was a supervillain before the bank heist, and that she hadn't wanted to know because he was a supervillain, though I'll have to go see if I can dig up the 'when' that occurs, specifically.
Read it again. I covered that. (please note the "Three Weeks Earlier" tag)
So it was her birth father he was referring to; the mysterious person who had turned her over to the Brockton Bay Brigade, just before it became New Wave. He was a supervillain, she was pretty sure. Or maybe she had thought someone had told her that once, and it had stuck. Once, when she was young, she had gotten curious, and asked Carol about the man with the beard she remembered from way back, and Carol had told her to stop asking questions and to go and play. It didn't take long for her to realise that asking questions like that was not something a Good Girl did, and she wanted very badly to be a Good Girl, and get the hugs and praise that Vicky did.

Once she gained her powers, and became a member of New Wave, she had realised that she could go to the PRT and request the information; ask when exactly she had been adopted by the Dallons, and work out by process of elimination exactly who her father was. But by that time, she had no real desire to know; whether it was the influence of Carol's opinion on the subject, or just a loss of interest, she wasn't sure. Or maybe she didn't want to confirm that her father was actually a supervillain; as a superhero, that could be quite embarrassing if it got out.
"I did an' I am," he told her. "I mean, he doesn't know I'm doin' it, but I'm doin' it anyway." His eyes twinkled. "Do you want to know who he is?"

"I, uh -" she hesitated. "I was told he was a supervillain, and he was arrested."

He snorted. "Yeah, that's true. More to it than that. He got Birdcaged."

"Okay, so who was he?"

He fixed her with a beady eye. "Is, kid. At least, I figure he's still kicking. If anyone can survive that hellhole, it's him. An' since you asked, his name's Marquis."

Her eyes widened. "I've heard of him."

Obviously, Frank could influence her feelings towards someone who really cares, even if his existence and utilization as a narrative device feels a bit out of the blue/contrived, but it doesn't quite feel to me like a natural evolution, though I didn't see the 'original' to distinguish differences.
Fred. Fred. Geez. It's worse than calling him 'Scooby'.

Of course he's a narrative device. I explained how he got there. It's all in the story.

As for Amy's ...request, Piggot's not going to budge. Releasing Marquis into the custody of his underage teenage daughter, at least without HUGE concessions/limits, would throw the whole parahuman 'system' into whack, not to mention set a terrible hostage precedent for getting, say, Teacher out.
I doubt that Teacher's got a kid who wants him out of the Birdcage. :p
More seriously, yes. This is a huge can of worms. It will not be settled in a single chapter. Which is the whole idea of the story.

And if/when Marquis gets a hint of villainy (he showed no real inclination towards turning around post gold-morning, admittedly with wildly different circumstances), or he gets attacked and kills someone....Amy's going to get it both barrels, both from herself and Vicky/New Wave.
'admittedly with wildly different circumstances' - my point exactly.

Getting let out, into his daughter's custody, he would have much more inclination to hold to the straight and narrow, if only for her sake.
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Shouldn't be much different to the legalities of seeing/releasing people in other high security prisons. Paperwork gets done, pardons get signed (or whatever, since it sounds like Amy wants to be responsible for him), and things change.
Politics, my dear.... er, Franklymydear. Politics complicates everything and I would foresee no difference here.

But I suppose it would come down to how much of a name Panacea actually has, how much of an impact her 'hostage situation' would have with the public, and whether they'd think it worth it for the sake of one girl.

I definitely agree that Piggot, bigot that she is, will probably laugh Amy out of her office. At least at first.
Politics, my dear.... er, Franklymydear. Politics complicates everything and I would foresee no difference here.

But I suppose it would come down to how much of a name Panacea actually has, how much of an impact her 'hostage situation' would have with the public, and whether they'd think it worth it for the sake of one girl.

I definitely agree that Piggot, bigot that she is, will probably laugh Amy out of her office. At least at first.
Panacea to Gallant:
"But I got them anyways, and I got international attention over it. The healer. The girl who could cure cancer with a touch, make someone ten years younger, regrow lost limbs.
Sounds like she's got an international name, to me.
Okay; one more time.

The PRT is capable of getting specific capes out of the Birdcage, by giving Dragon the order to do so. In Scarab 25.1, the PRT calmly discusses letting specific parahumans out. Their only issue is not a mass escape, or the wrong guys getting out, but whether said capes would be controllable once they did get out.

This is the PRT, not Cauldron; they are going to do it with Dragon's assistance and Dragon's assistance only.

So can we dispense with this fanon once and for all? Thank you.
Yeah, but that's the directors talking, not Dragon herself. Dragon mentions the possibility of six other inmates using a release to sneak out. One release or thirty six, there's still a chance.
worm 25.5 said:
"Thirty six in all," Dragon said. "One in five of the people currently in the Birdcage, almost. Six more could potentially use the opportunity to slip out, through Stranger powers or other malfeasance. Glancing over the notes my artificial intelligences have made regarding the facility, I can guess who some of the cell block leaders would choose to release. No. I harbor concerns about the Birdcage, but this is not the answer to that."
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Carol doesn't give more than half a shit. When Sarah Pelham tells her that she'll come to love Amy, she thinks "Liar".

When Amy has herself admitted into the Birdcage, that's the first time that Carol actually thinks of her as her daughter.

When Amy comes out, that's the first time that Carol hugs her.

Carol only had Vicky because she figured that a child of her own body was someone she'd actually be able to trust.

Not fanon. Look it up.

My point in the 'you should maybe take a rest too' is that it doesn't even correctly feel like an afterthought, which is what I assume you were intending. Instead it feels....completely out of the blue. Not like Carol's voice in what we feel/see of her, at least in her interlude, though our insight into the Dallon family home life outside of immediate conflict is admittedly limited. Meant it more in comparison to 'fawning' over Vicky as much as occurs here, when I don't remember that, specifically.

Fred. Fred. Geez. It's worse than calling him 'Scooby'.

Of course he's a narrative device. I explained how he got there. It's all in the story.

Sorry, sorry. >_>

I was on mobile, probably got auto-corrected.

As for the narrative device, the thing that gets me is falls on the 'wrong' side of plausible, if that makes sense? Not in a 'it could never happen' way, but rather, it (the idea of the a dying member of the Marque checking up on Amy) feels like a could-have-been that feels more dissonant as it didn't happen...dunno if I'm explaining it well.

More seriously, yes. This is a huge can of worms. It will not be settled in a single chapter. Which is the whole idea of the story.

I mean....yes, but either PIggot capitulates (not immediately likely), or Amy continues with her refusal/escalates to everyone not getting where she's coming from, and I don't know if a several-week-long meetings with Fred would be able to give her such a backbone that she struggled with her entire life to proceed with things as they are, especially with her own misgivings about her whole identity, both in power-application and in her lack of self-confidence via neglect/lack-of-love.

The 'rationalization' in that she'll 'never be' Carol's daughter gives context, as does the never getting Victoria, but I don't know if it necessarily places the pieces together well enough to make the puzzle really fit at the moment, at least in such a manner to go marching up to the PRT director.

3 weeks from a nice, dying old acquaintance 'can' make such a radical difference in a person's life, but here, the dot-connecting, to me, didn't feel all there.

In canon, she wasn't exactly a nervous wreck after the bank, but in a much more 'depressed' space than what she's currently showing. Fred accounts for that, yes, but she's entirely opposed to villainy because she's scared of how devastating she could be.

'admittedly with wildly different circumstances' - my point exactly.

Getting let out, into his daughter's custody, he would have much more inclination to hold to the straight and narrow, if only for her sake.

Eh...I dunno. From what we see of him, he's civil, but he's pretty set on the ole' conflict path. He has rules, which may allow him to 'bend' to Amy's need for a lawful father figure, but I specifically recall mention of him having a savage side.
Releasing Marquis into the custody of his underage teenage daughter, at least without HUGE concessions/limits, would throw the whole parahuman 'system' into whack, not to mention set a terrible hostage precedent for getting, say, Teacher out.
they took Madcap and made him into Assault... I'm thinking panacea changes his face and height and everybody pretends he is a different cape...

In Scarab 25.1, the PRT calmly discusses letting specific parahumans out.
my bad...
My point in the 'you should maybe take a rest too' is that it doesn't even correctly feel like an afterthought, which is what I assume you were intending. Instead it feels....completely out of the blue. Not like Carol's voice in what we feel/see of her, at least in her interlude, though our insight into the Dallon family home life outside of immediate conflict is admittedly limited. Meant it more in comparison to 'fawning' over Vicky as much as occurs here, when I don't remember that, specifically.
Citation for any canon instance where they do interact and it's specifically not like that? No? Okay then.

As for the narrative device, the thing that gets me is falls on the 'wrong' side of plausible, if that makes sense? Not in a 'it could never happen' way, but rather, it (the idea of the a dying member of the Marque checking up on Amy) feels like a could-have-been that feels more dissonant as it didn't happen...dunno if I'm explaining it well.
Okay, wait, just checking something.

Huh. It looks like I did put the "AU" designation on the title. So it is an Alternate Universe. Just wanted to make sure before I kept going.

So, what I'm trying to work out here is this: you have issue with an alternate universe fanfic original character coming in and giving a canon character a much-needed incentive to change her ways. Not that she changes her ways, or how she changes them, but the actual plot device involved.

And yet, you don't give me any feedback on what sort of plot device you'd prefer to see in Fred's place. Just that you object to said plot device.

In my other fanfics, I've had the following plot devices happen:

An angel comes to Brockton Bay and proceeds to fix everything.
Taylor dies in the locker, but she gets better.
Taylor beats up Madison in the toilets. They both get detention.
Taylor joins the Wards and becomes battle buddies with Shadow Stalker.
Mike Allen ends up in Scion's head. Mayhem ensues.
Taylor triggers with the ability to tell the future by throwing dice.
Emma dies in the alley. Taylor is devastated.
Taylor and Sophia, on therapy mandated together time, meet a brother and sister by the name of Brian and Aisha. Sophia is attracted to Brian.
After the bank robbery, Amy finds that she has a middle-aged man in her head.
A sixteen year old high school student triggers with teleport-themed Tinker abilities.
There is a world where the Wormverse is mirror-imaged.
A cranky git wakes up in an alley with electrical powers.
Emma gets powers in the alley. She remains Taylor's best friend.
New Dehli goes badly; Taylor is sent back in time by Phir Se.
A fanfic-writing security guard ends up in the Wormverse.
Taylor is befriended by none other than the Empire Eighty-Eight.
Taylor triggers with the power to copy anyone else's powers.
Taylor turns into a dragon. Glory Girl is thrilled.
A sentient starship and his bounty hunter companion show up to the Leviathan battle.
Taylor and Danny trigger with linked powers. They are OP.
Taylor is in the alley and triggers with powers. She is OP.
Brian, as a Stranger, goes to Winslow for ... relief.
Panacea and Vista form a conspiracy to get what they want.

And you pick this one to call implausible?

I mean....yes, but either PIggot capitulates (not immediately likely), or Amy continues with her refusal/escalates to everyone not getting where she's coming from, and I don't know if a several-week-long meetings with Fred would be able to give her such a backbone that she struggled with her entire life to proceed with things as they are, especially with her own misgivings about her whole identity, both in power-application and in her lack of self-confidence via neglect/lack-of-love.

The 'rationalization' in that she'll 'never be' Carol's daughter gives context, as does the never getting Victoria, but I don't know if it necessarily places the pieces together well enough to make the puzzle really fit at the moment, at least in such a manner to go marching up to the PRT director.

3 weeks from a nice, dying old acquaintance 'can' make such a radical difference in a person's life, but here, the dot-connecting, to me, didn't feel all there.
So what was missing?

In canon, she wasn't exactly a nervous wreck after the bank, but in a much more 'depressed' space than what she's currently showing. Fred accounts for that, yes, but she's entirely opposed to villainy because she's scared of how devastating she could be.
You seem to be assuming that I'm going to make her into a villain.

Eh...I dunno. From what we see of him, he's civil, but he's pretty set on the ole' conflict path. He has rules, which may allow him to 'bend' to Amy's need for a lawful father figure, but I specifically recall mention of him having a savage side.
So does Armsmaster. So do a lot of the so-called heroes. And Marquis wouldn't have set Taylor up to be killed.
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I doubt that Teacher's got a kid who wants him out of the Birdcage.
I doubt that Teacher has anyone with any sort of good influence like Amy to ask for his release. It's completely possible he could have a kid who wants to know the father that he's never met, but Amy's not (I assume) going to have her request accepted just because she asked nicely. She's pretty damn important and she's just landed the biggest headache she could into Piggot's lap (god that woman must hate her position, I swear).

But a good question for Teacher's hypothetical child (or otherwise) would be can anyone trust that whoever comes forward asking for Teacher isn't just mastered?

And since I'm asking... Hope for Canary?

Politics, my dear.... er, Franklymydear. Politics complicates everything and I would foresee no difference here.
I know, and even releasing prisoners normally plays into this, but my point is that it's a system that everyone already has the paperwork and guidelines for. It's not going to be that much different to how it's normally done, just a whole lot more argued about.
In my other fanfics, I've had the following plot devices happen:

An angel comes to Brockton Bay and proceeds to fix everything.
Taylor dies in the locker, but she gets better.
Taylor beats up Madison in the toilets. They both get detention.
Taylor joins the Wards and becomes battle buddies with Shadow Stalker.
Mike Allen ends up in Scion's head. Mayhem ensues.
Taylor triggers with the ability to tell the future by throwing dice.
Emma dies in the alley. Taylor is devastated.
Taylor and Sophia, on therapy mandated together time, meet a brother and sister by the name of Brian and Aisha. Sophia is attracted to Brian.
After the bank robbery, Amy finds that she has a middle-aged man in her head.
A sixteen year old high school student triggers with teleport-themed Tinker abilities.
There is a world where the Wormverse is mirror-imaged.
A cranky git wakes up in an alley with electrical powers.
Emma gets powers in the alley. She remains Taylor's best friend.
New Dehli goes badly; Taylor is sent back in time by Phir Se.
A fanfic-writing security guard ends up in the Wormverse.
Taylor is befriended by none other than the Empire Eighty-Eight.
Taylor triggers with the power to copy anyone else's powers.
Taylor turns into a dragon. Glory Girl is thrilled.
A sentient starship and his bounty hunter companion show up to the Leviathan battle.
Taylor and Danny trigger with linked powers. They are OP.
Taylor is in the alley and triggers with powers. She is OP.
Brian, as a Stranger, goes to Winslow for ... relief.
Panacea and Vista form a conspiracy to get what they want.
I've read all of those. Including the ones you didn't list.

It feels weird.
Okay, wait, just checking something.

Huh. It looks like I did put the "AU" designation on the title. So it is an Alternate Universe. Just wanted to make sure before I kept going.

So, what I'm trying to work out here is this: you have issue with an alternate universe fanfic original character coming in and giving a canon character a much-needed incentive to change her ways. Not that she changes her ways, or how she changes them, but the actual plot device involved.

And yet, you don't give me any feedback on what sort of plot device you'd prefer to see in Fred's place. Just that you object to said plot device

As is, It would be better if Panacea came to this conclusion without Fred. He feels out of place, and not enough to suddenly instill Amy's newfound backbone. His conversations feel 'just' enough to move towards your desired results without coming across as being sufficiently fleshed out to have Amy's behavior shift the way it does here.

And you pick this one to call implausible?

Haven't read all of them, wasn't aware it was criteria for commenting on this one.

In some of them that I have read, there have been different circumstances which didn't bring about this feeling of things being odd, either through bigger changes at the start (such as Taylor being a dragon) to focus on, or other elements in the story drawing out my attention more, such as the level of interesting interaction between Mike and Amy masking the oddity of him existing in the first place.

Not my intent to come across as a personal attack, at any rate, so apologies if it came off as such.

So what was missing?
Fred manages to touch upon Amy's issues of obligation and lack of happiness with herself and her family, but the link between those thoughts being brought up, and Amy's sudden arrival at Piggot's is lacking.

You seem to be assuming that I'm going to make her into a villain.

Merged two thoughts there, it was late.

The villainy was referring to have a supervillain father influencing her opinion of him, which is partially touched on by Fred's insistence of 'he wasn't that bad a guy, honest'.

As for Amy's 'heroic' recourse, I'd be imagining something along the lines of illegal seizure by the then-Brockton Brigade. But who knows.
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As is, It would be better if Panacea came to this conclusion without Fred. He feels out of place, and not enough to suddenly instill Amy's newfound backbone. His conversations feel 'just' enough to move towards your desired results without coming across as being sufficiently fleshed out to have Amy's behavior shift the way it does here.

Haven't read all of them, wasn't aware it was criteria for commenting on this one.

In some of them that I have read, there have been different circumstances which didn't bring about this feeling of things being odd, either through bigger changes at the start (such as Taylor being a dragon) to focus on, or other elements in the story drawing out my attention more, such as the level of interesting interaction between Mike and Amy masking the oddity of him existing in the first place. (Have also had critiques relating to plausibility/decision/circumstance on some of them, such as Buzz.)

Not my intent to come across as a personal attack, at any rate, so apologies if it came off as such.

Fred manages to touch upon Amy's issues of obligation and lack of happiness with herself and her family, but the link between those thoughts being brought up, and Amy's sudden arrival at Piggot's is lacking.

Merged two thoughts there, it was late.

The villainy was referring to have a supervillain father influencing her opinion of him, which is partially touched on by Fred's insistence of 'he wasn't that bad a guy, honest'.

As for Amy's 'heroic' recourse, I'd be imagining something along the lines of illegal seizure by the then-Brockton Brigade. But who knows.
Okay. I'm not going to play out all the conversations they had while walking back and forth between the hospital and the Dallon house. I'm sorry, but no. You're just going to have to use your imagination to figure out that Fred managed to instill enough of a wish for Amy to see her father once more that Fred's death and the bank job (and reminder of her father, and that she's really not in a family situation) is enough to push her into action.

Sorry, but everyone else seemed to get the point just fine. So unless you can give me specific pointers on how to improve it ... nope.
Shesh, whats with this dissection of the story after only one chapter. I mean come on its only the first chapter people. Give Ack some time before trying to figure things out. He already promised that things will be explained in the next few chapters.
Shesh, whats with this dissection of the story after only one chapter. I mean come on its only the first chapter people. Give Ack some time before trying to figure things out. He already promised that things will be explained in the next few chapters.
Apparently some people have decided they know how the story's going to go, and are already protesting.