Which of these thing you want? - You can only vote once, can't change. Make it count.

  • Marble Phantasm

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • True Ancestor

    Votes: 4 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Recent readers

Welcome to my reboot... of my reboot... What can I say. I can't conceive idols for some reason...

Look to the Left

Back from the Void
Welcome to my reboot... of my reboot... What can I say. I can't conceive idols for some reason, or singing in general. So here's my third rendition of my somewhat insane quest.

If you want you can look up my original HomuHomu's Bizarre Adventure. In which she was a emotionless stand using ninja cyborg of god.

Or my second HomuHomu's Bizarre Adventure. Where she was a humanoid incubator idol.

Now I ask that returning readers to understand that while yes rebooting something ain't a solution for everything, I was way too out of my comfort zone when you guys voted Moebey to be an idol and I realized that I can't even make a song battle and shit. As for the first one... I personally made too many stupid decisions and made Homura way too overpowered.

If you're a returning reader and still want to read my quest which at times can be mediocre and at others can be insanely awesome yet stupid (depending on how you look)... Well, welcome back. Enjoy the read.


HomuHomu's Bizarre Adventure: From the Void

You are at a pathway. A pathway between worlds. There is a figure. You can't make out his body. He is formless, genderless, devoid of anything other than what is needed at the moment. He is in front of you, and he said, "Who are you, child?" in a voice without any sound or noise.

"Homura," you said. You can't remember your last name. You can't conjure anything resembling a personality. You try to look through your memories but you have none. You are as much a blank slate as he.

"You seem to be lost," he said. "There are many others like that. Beings born out of the void with seemingly no purpose whatsoever. I too was like that once, but now I serve a purpose. That purpose is to guide those born in the void to a life either of pain, joy, glory, greed, pleasure, goodness, or whatever fate has in mind for us people of the void." He raises his hand and motions for you to follow. You oblige.

You pass by worlds. Dead worlds, living worlds, undead worlds, those with strange creatures, singular beings, and that one world with nothing but a chair in it. He led you to a crossroads. It forks infinitely. "My job here is done. You may now chose your life now. I am off to guide another purposeless being. Good luck, and may fortune favor you."

He walks off into the distance, shrinking and shrinking more until he fades out of existence. You turned around and looked at the infinitely forking paths.

First things first... Who are you? No. Who are you going to be? And where will you go?

[] Vanilla Meguca

[] Jojo's Bizarre Meguca

[] Fallout: Meguca

[] Fantasy Kitchen Sink

[] Initial D

[] ???

[] Write in

Who are you?

[] Vanilla Homu

[] Homucifer

[] Peppy Homu

[] Homu the wanderer

[] Homu the (WRITE IN)

Your power?
[] None

[] Stand Pre-made
-[] The Lovers
-[] Big Blast Sonic
-[] The Fool
-[] Forces
-[] Smooth Criminal
-[] Megalovania
-[] Sario Days

[] Stand
-[] Write in

[] Meguca power!
-[] Write in wish

[] Vampiric
-[] Daywalker (Half pillar men half human)
-[] Mask formed (Jojo vampire)
-[] Dead apostle (Fate vampire)
-[] Write in

[] Martial arts
-[] Kazuki style
-[] Super Bajiquan
-[] Hamon
-[] Write in

[] Magecraft
-[] Spellcaster (basic and insufficient)
-[] Gandr
-[] Alchemy
-[] Blood magic
-[] Write in

[] Marble Phantasm

[] ???

[] Write in


Notes: Write ins have to be approved by me first. Also if you really want it then you'll have to give me a good argument as to way this won't break the game and how it'll add to the combat, interactions, and story as a whole.

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Character Sheet
This is a simple explanation of how stats work.

N/A: Not available

- : There is no rank.

E: The weakest you can get.

D: Just below average

C: Average

B: Good

A: Great

「INHUMAN THRESHOLD」: This when you go beyond human potential.

SE: Ten times the human potential

SD: Twenty times the human potential

SC: Thirty times the human potential

SB: Forty times the human potential

SA: Fifty times the human potential

EX: Off the charts

All stats have their own category.
Strength: Level of strength, how much you can carry and determines amount of physical damage you inflict.

Agility: How fast or nimble you are.

Endurance: How much damage you can sustain and how much work you can do.

Intellect: Your level of intelligence and quick thinking. Also shows how well you can use magic.

Mana: Your magical potential and reserves.

Precision: How precise you are.

Luck: Your luck.

Range: Doesn't have a stat, instead uses metric system to show your range.

Skills and Masteries: The level by which a skill or mastery is graded and how well it succeeds.

Name: Homura

Alignment: Neutral Good

Age: 16 in physical form (Less than a week in terms of being born)

Sex: Female

Preference: Female

Category: Void-Formed

Type: Humanoid



Strength: B

Agility: B

Endurance: B

Intellect: B

Mana: SE

Precision: B

Luck: C

Mastery: Non

Range: ???


Tongue of the Wanderer: -
Allows one to instantly learn any language.

Marble Phantasm: N/A
A strange power given by Gaia. She left you with these instructions: Anything nature can do, you can do too.
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Friendly Character Sheets

Name: Adalwin Nietzsche

Alignment: Netral Good

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Preference: Bisexual

Relationship: Just met - Friendly

Category: Human

Type: Partial Cyborg



Strength: A - SE with her cybernetic left arm

Agility: C

Endurance: C

Intellect: B

Mana: E

Precision: C - A with her cybernetic left arm

Luck: A

Mastery: N/A

Range: 2 feet


Partial Cyborg: -
As a civilian level cyborg, she holds incredible strength and durability as well as immunity to diseases. But only on her left arm. Furthermore she's susceptible to electromagnetism, magnets, and anything that can mess with technology.


Name: Steinbeck Von Stroheim

Alignment: Neutral Good

Age: 37

Sex: Male

Preference: Asexual

Relationship: Just met - Friendly

Category: Human

Type: Major Cyborg



Strength: SD

Agility: SE

Endurance: SC

Intellect: A

Mana: E

Precision: SE

Luck: C

Mastery: N/A

Range: 10 meters


Major Cyborg: -
As a major cyborg. He has enhance physical stats across the board. However he is very susceptible to anything that can mess with technology i.e. magnets, magic, etc. Furthermore he can survive dismemberment to an extent.

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[x] [World] Fantasy Kitchen Sink
[x] [Personality] Homu the wanderer
[x] [Power] Vampiric
-[x] [Power] Daywalker (Half pillar men half human)
Y'all should use action tags like me, makes it easier to sort the tally. :p

Also, fair warning if Fallout wins I'm leaving. I don't care for Fallout. At all.
The quest is dead!
Long live the quest!

I don't think I have anything to vote for here.
I think I'll be satisfied with any of these settings.
It's not like this quest is going to get past the first arc.

Also, I'm a hardcore Marble Phantasm supporter, and it doesn't seem to be among the options, so I'll just... I dunno. Stalk this thread and hope I suddenly start liking one of the available power sets enough to vote for it.


[x] [Personality] Homu the wanderer

Except for this. This, I will vote for. Wanderer HomuHomu makes me very intrigued.
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[X] Plan Who Do You Think We Are?
-[X] Jojo's Bizarre Meguca
-[X] Stand Pre-made
--[X] Sario Days
The quest is dead!
Long live the quest!

I don't think I have anything to vote for here.
I think I'll be satisfied with any of these settings.
It's not like this quest is going to get past the first arc.

Also, I'm a hardcore Marble Phantasm supporter, and it doesn't seem to be among the options, so I'll just... I dunno. Stalk this thread and hope I suddenly start liking one of the available power sets enough to vote for it.

[x] [Personality] Homu the wanderer

Except for this. This, I will vote for. Wanderer HomuHomu makes me very intrigued.
Nasu-vampire is on the list of options and I'm pretty sure they get Marble Phantasms at the higher power levels.
The quest is dead!
Long live the quest!

I don't think I have anything to vote for here.
I think I'll be satisfied with any of these settings.
It's not like this quest is going to get past the first arc.

Also, I'm a hardcore Marble Phantasm supporter, and it doesn't seem to be among the options, so I'll just... I dunno. Stalk this thread and hope I suddenly start liking one of the available power sets enough to vote for it.


[x] [Personality] Homu the wanderer

Except for this. This, I will vote for. Wanderer HomuHomu makes me very intrigued.
I knew I forgot something! Gonna add marble as an option.
Nasu-vampire is on the list of options and I'm pretty sure they get Marble Phantasms at the higher power levels.

No they don't. Marble Phantasms are given to terminals of Gaia, such as True Ancestors. High-level Dead Apostles get Reality Marbles.

[x] [Personality] Homu the wanderer

[X] Marble Phantasm

I don't think I've EVER seen a quest OR a story where the main character had this particular power set. The only thing that gets close was Alivaril's QA quest 'Splintered', and that was still rather different.
It was also full of crack and made the character hilariously OP at the very beginning. It was fun, but not quite what I had expected.

I really like the lack of absolute reliance on blood this option would offer, and the fact that not only will the power set NOT make us completely overpowered from the very start, but also allow us to improve on it almost endlessly. Localized Reality Warping is not very impressive at first, when you don't really know how to use it, but the more you practice, and the more you learn about how the world works, the more you can do with it.
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[x] [World] Fantasy Kitchen Sink
[x] [Personality] Homu the wanderer
[x] [Power] Vampiric
-[x] [Power] Daywalker (Half pillar men half human)

Kitchen sink. Hope for wendigo.
Homu-quest? Neat.

[x] Fantasy Kitchen Sink

[x] Homu the wanderer

[x] Marble Phantasm

Because wandering martial artist is like a character from an Hong-Kong movie.
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World choice is tricky, but you've done some interesting stuff merging in the past so I'll trust you to make it work again.

[x] Fantasy Kitchen Sink

We've had emotionless Homura and Moe Homura... this time, let's take cheerful energetic Homura (who may or may not secretly be a catgirl)!

[x] Peppy Homu

I'm torn here. On the one hand, I really want to pick Marble Phantasm- it's not really been used in quests as far as I'm aware, and it's just all-round incredibly useful and powerful. But on the other, I like vampires and would be pretty damn happy to play as a half-pillar man in particular. But! After some thought, I have decided upon a way to solve this dilemma!

[x] Vampiric
-[x] True Ancestor (Fate)
World choice is tricky, but you've done some interesting stuff merging in the past so I'll trust you to make it work again.

[x] Fantasy Kitchen Sink

We've had emotionless Homura and Moe Homura... this time, let's take cheerful energetic Homura (who may or may not secretly be a catgirl)!

[x] Peppy Homu

I'm torn here. On the one hand, I really want to pick Marble Phantasm- it's not really been used in quests as far as I'm aware, and it's just all-round incredibly useful and powerful. But on the other, I like vampires and would be pretty damn happy to play as a half-pillar man in particular. But! After some thought, I have decided upon a way to solve this dilemma!

[x] Vampiric
-[x] True Ancestor (Fate)
Huh. You're not dead? I haven't seen you around in ages.
World choice is tricky, but you've done some interesting stuff merging in the past so I'll trust you to make it work again.

[x] Fantasy Kitchen Sink

We've had emotionless Homura and Moe Homura... this time, let's take cheerful energetic Homura (who may or may not secretly be a catgirl)!

[x] Peppy Homu

I'm torn here. On the one hand, I really want to pick Marble Phantasm- it's not really been used in quests as far as I'm aware, and it's just all-round incredibly useful and powerful. But on the other, I like vampires and would be pretty damn happy to play as a half-pillar man in particular. But! After some thought, I have decided upon a way to solve this dilemma!

[x] Vampiric
-[x] True Ancestor (Fate)

Seeing as the main characteristic of a vampire is that they drink blood, I assume that's the reason you like them and want our character to be one.

If that's the case, a True Ancestor won't work.
They don't need to drink blood. That urge is only psychological and is likely derived from Gaia's hatred of humanity, unlike Dead Apostles, who literally rot from the inside and need the Prana within blood and flesh to fuel their regeneration. When a True Ancestor ingests blood, they turn into a Demon Lord that goes all over the place and butchers everything it sees, friend or foe, until it meets something strong enough to put it down or use a convenient MacGuffin to seal it away.

The only one known to return from that state is Arcueid, who is the strongest True Ancestor to ever exist, and who still has had to sacrifice 70% of her entire power to keep her bloodlust at bay, ever since she first went berserk. That's a giant nerf bat practically begging to be swung at us.

...THAT BEING SAID, I have absolutely no issues with playing as a True Ancestor! Yup, I'm perfectly fine with everything I've written above, so long as we get our Marble Phantasm.
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