History's Most Mediocre Cultivator (Xianxia Quest)

How should the remainder of the five months prior to joining the sect be handled?

  • Same as usual (i.e. 5 more updates similar to the last 2)

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • Vote for a cultivation plan for all 5 months at once and then having a training montage

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • Vote for a cultivation plan for all 5 months and then have updates with character events and RPing

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • Continue as usual, but with shorter, more frequent updates until the five months are up

    Votes: 6 26.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Chapter 2.0 - A Marginally Satisfactory Spiritual Awakening (Part 1)
Winning Votes:
[X] Yes
[X] Ask about our clan relations with other clans.

Chapter 2.0 – A Marginally Satisfactory Spiritual Awakening (Part 1)
The day started normally enough. It had been three days since his birthday. Shaohuo woke and dressed himself while still half-asleep, not noticing anything different. Then, with his shirt halfway on, he blinked and realized that he could see his own aura, a swirling cloud surrounding him. Like his father had told him, it was a light pink color, though now it was interspersed with streaks of red, showing that he'd awakened to the first stage of cultivation. He rushed through dressing up and then strode through the halls to the dining room, where his father and mother were seated at the table and had already begun eating red bean buns for breakfast.

"Father, I've awakened." Shaohuo said, his lips stretched into a grin.

The response from his parents was more subdued.

"That's nice, Shaohuo. But first, why don't you eat your breakfast?" his mother said, nodding towards the seat next to her, where his plate was already full with boiled eggs and two read bean buns.

"Congratulations," his father said nonchalantly, sipping his tea as usual, "I will take a few days off from work, though I won't be able to spare more than that until winter starts. We can start training after your usual morning exercises."

Still, nothing could dampen Shaohuo's mood that day. His father didn't join him until after he finished his morning jog and exercises, busy taking care of essential business and delegating other work to his subordinates. When he returned, Father told him to sit on the grass with his legs crossed and his back straight, and sat across from him in the same position.

"You probably already know this, but the Ghost Eyes are the foundation of all cultivation." Father began. "Tell me, what does my aura look like?"

Shaohuo took a close look at his father, who sat with perfect posture, his back straight and his hands resting on his knees. Whereas his own aura looked like an indistinct mass emanating from himself, he was able to see his father's entire aura at once. It was like a swirling outline of orange interspersed with green.

"Orange and green, it looks like."

His father nodded. "Yes, orange is the color of my natural aura, and as you know I am a green cultivator. But before you begin physical cultivation or even elemental cultivation, you should spend a little time learning to sense qi in greater detail. Now, I will use a few basic arts and you will observe. Don't try to replicate the arts, you are not ready for that yet. Just close your eyes and focus on observing the qi and try to see what I am doing in greater detail."

Shaohuo closed his eyes, but his Ghost Eyes were still open. There was no muscle to close them, as they did not exist as actual organs, but he could choose to not look through them. It was a strange thing, looking at the world solely through the Ghost Eyes. Where the sky and the sun would be, there was a pitch black void. But around him there was qi everywhere, stalks of qi below and around him from the grass, his own aura, and of course his father, who now looked less like a person than a human-shaped mass of orange and green qi, rays of light protruding from innumerable points in his body outwards in all directions.

His father lifted a hand up with his palm facing the sky, and from it sprang a flickering column of red qi. It was probably a flame produced by a fire art. Following his father's advice, he looked carefully at the flow of the qi feeding the flame. It was thickest at the bottom and tapered towards the top into a single point, though many sparks of qi escaped to the sides.

His father demonstrated several more arts, including a slight breeze of wind and then a water art were he produced a single drop of water suspended on his finger, though Shaohuo couldn't imagine the level of control it took to produce just that tiny trickle of water qi. After that, Father directed him to simply observe the grass around him and try to spot birds flying above them from their qi alone. He missed many of the higher-flying birds, but was able to spot a few when they came down to rest on the trees dotting their family estate.

For those first two days, Shaohuo did nothing but eat, sleep, and practice using his Ghost Eyes. His father had suspended his lessons with the tutor so he could spend more time cultivating before he had to leave for the sect. The process wasn't as tedious as Shaohuo had feared it might be, at least for now since the Ghost Eyes were so new and interesting to him, a whole new sense to view the world with. Even just by the end of the two days, his vision with the Ghost Eyes seemed just a tiny bit sharper.

On the third day, Father began to teach him how to conduct physical cultivation.

"The most important thing you need to keep in mind for physical cultivation is that you must complete all steps in the correct order and in the correct manner, without leaving out a single step." Father said before they began, a very serious look on his face. "Before we begin, promise that you will do that."

"Of course, Father." Shaohuo said, blinking in surprise. "But why is it so important? It didn't seem like the rules for cultivating Ghost Eyes were this strict."

"Consider this. What do you think would happen if your muscles were incredibly strong, but your bones were weak?" his father said.

Shaohuo thought for a long moment before speaking, idly twirling blades of grass with his hand. He hadn't spent that much time reading about natural philosophy, but he did come across mentions of Sage Chin, the physician who had dissected animals and even some executed criminals with the permission of the emperor at the time. Apparently he had written the first detailed book of anatomy, and had been the one to discover that muscles worked by pulling on the bone.

"I suppose your bones might break." Shaohuo said at last.

"Yes, indeed, but not only that," Father said. "You might also rip your skin from the sheer force or get a sprain or a strain from damaging your tendons. You also would get tired very quickly if your heart and lungs weren't strong enough. So, in fact, strength is the last thing you must cultivate. Also, when you do cultivate, you must cultivate all parts of your body equally to maintain balance. So you must follow these exercises in the exact order I show them to you without skipping steps. We will begin by cultivating flexibility."

His father then led Shaohuo through a long series of stretches. Some of them he knew from warm-up exercises he did before jogging, but others were entirely new such as stretching his neck and even moving his hands and legs in particular patterns. He did not know why moving his leg inward and outward with his knee bent vs. straight were considered separate stretches, and neither did his father, but apparently they were. His father watched him carefully and corrected any missteps he made. After he succeeded several times in a row, his father apparently felt he was ready to begin actual cultivation.

At that point, his father showed him how to channel his qi in a pattern that worked alongside the stretching of the ligaments, tendons, skin, and muscles. With sufficient cultivation, the qi would become part of these tissues, making them tougher yet also more flexible. At first, Shaohuo had difficulty figuring out how to actually channel his qi, having only practiced sensing it before. His father said it was difficult to explain, so he was forced to use trial and error. After some time, he figured out how to will qi emanating from his body to move as he directed it. It was like using a muscle that he'd neglected for a very long time, and he needed to take frequent breaks. Still, he could feel that he was making steady, if slow, progress and his father told him that with more practice he would be able to use more qi and wouldn't need to take breaks as often.

On the last day of the week, Father showed him how to produce different types of elemental qi rather than the pure, nonelemental qi he had been using before. This was a very basic art that required observing different types of elemental qi which his father showed him and then willing his qi to take that form. The amount of qi he was producing was fairly small and didn't produce much effect beyond a tiny burst of wind, a small flame, or a tiny pool of water cupped in his hand. But the point was to simply become used to the process of controlling the element of his qi, and Shaohuo thought he was making steady progress there as well, practicing with the basic elements of fire, wind, water, earth, lightning, shadow, light, and gravity. For the next few weeks he would have to cultivate on his own since his father would be busy, but he could at least work on the techniques his father had already shown him.

He couldn't wait to show Xiaoli what he could do, already imagining the look of jealousy on her face. Though perhaps he should avoid gloating too much if he didn't want her to take revenge on him once she started cultivating in a few months. He could wait until her birthday, when he would tell her about how he had bought the sword for her a few weeks after they visited it. Then she wouldn't even be able to stay mad at him, all according to plan.

Ghost Eyes Level 1 * 5 + Talent 4 * 5 + Father tutoring 10 = 35d10 = 8, 10, 9, 7, 10, 8, 1, 8, 1, 6, 4, 1, 4, 3, 7, 10, 3, 6, 8, 8, 2, 5, 5, 3, 6, 2, 1, 9, 10, 1, 10, 10, 9, 6, 7. Number of successes below Talent 4 = 10.
Progress 10/400 to next level.

One third of successes to Qi Cultivation: Number of successes = 3.
Progress 3/3 to next point.
Qi 1/1 > 2/2

Ghost Eyes Level 1 * 5 + Talent 4 * 5 + Father tutoring 10 = 35d10 = 9, 5, 10, 7, 1, 5, 9, 7, 9, 3, 9, 4, 3, 8, 5, 10, 4, 7, 8, 6, 3, 7, 9, 4, 1, 5, 2, 10, 8, 4, 6, 6, 7, 2. Number of successes = 8.
Progress 8/70 to next level.

One third of successes to Qi Cultivation: Number of successes = 2.
Progress 2/3.

One third of successes to Ghost Eyes: Number of successes = 2.
Progress 12/400.

Ghost Eyes Level 1 * 5 + Talent 4 * 5 + Father tutoring 10 = 35d10 = 2, 1, 5, 9, 2, 10, 5, 1, 2, 10, 2, 10, 3, 3, 6, 9, 9, 2, 9, 1, 6, 2, 1, 3, 7, 9, 1, 3, 8, 1, 7, 8, 1, 9, 9. Number of successes = 17.
Progress 17/50 to completion.

One third of successes to Qi Cultivation: 5.
Progress 3/3.
Qi: 2/2 > 3/3
Progress 3/3
Qi: 3/3 > 4/4
Progress 1/3

One third of successes to Ghost Eyes: 5
Progress 17/400.

Shaohuo's Base Stats:

Talent – 4
Qi: 1/1 > 4/4
HP: base 10/10 * 10 (from physical cultivation) = 100/100
Funds: 1,480 coppers > 480 coppers (1,000 spent on the sword)
Spear Mastery: 2/4 (Trained)
Diplomacy – 8/10
Knowledge – 7/10
Deception – 4/10
Intelligence – 9/10
Perception – 6
Martial – 4/10
Strength – 9
Defense – 5
Flexibility – 4
Balance – 3
Speed – 8
Stealth – 4
Stamina – 8

For the next few weeks, Shaohuo will have time to practice three of the following. Choose one to not focus on.

[X] Ghost Eyes cultivation
[X] Elemental Qi Control cultivation
[X] Flexibility cultivation
[X] Spear Mastery
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[] Ghost Eyes cultivation

Foundation of our cultivation. No go.

[] Elemental Qi Control cultivation

We need this to do ANYTHING with our cultivation.

[] Flexibility cultivation
[] Spear Mastery

Which leaves one of these two to sacrifice.

[X] Spear Mastery

Spear then.
Oh, I forgot that most types of cultivation also give you bonus rolls toward Ghost Eyes. I will update that now.

Edit: Also forgot that the bonuses were supposed to be automatically added rather than being a second roll. Sorry about the confusion.
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[] Ghost Eyes cultivation
[] Elemental Qi Control cultivation
[] Flexibility cultivation
[] Spear Mastery

All of these admittedly seem pretty important, but I think that Spear Mastery isn't being given its fair shake. We know that this is almost certainly the weapon that we're going to be using given how we have a decent spear but no other weapon aside from a sword that we intend to give away. The spear is a weapon which lends itself well to use in the military anyway, and its the only one we have experience of any sort with.

Plus, look at how far to progress until the next step. We're tantalizingly close to making ourselves much more competent with the spear right off the bat, skill with which could stave off the stench of mediocrity about us in the moment. I encourage everyone to please allow us to crest over the Spear Mastery at least before getting to the other stuff. We need something to defend ourselves in the near term to non-humiliatingly weather the tens of turns necessary to advance in Ghost Eyes and the like.

I advise lagging in Elemental Qi Control cultivation. It's unclear what our pink aura indicates is our natural qi type or what the family would consider best for us to pursue. I'd rather not get caught up in the vagaries of qi diversity when we don't know what we should be focusing on anyway; it's more practical to focus on something we know we'll be using such as the spear rather than figuring out how to change our trickle of qi to throw sparks and droplets when we'll end up using ex. earth or whatever qi in the end.

Edit: whoops, forgot to vote.

[x] Elemental Qi Control cultivation
Uh no, talismans and drugs for specific elements since we're noble and have money...but we want to pick an elemental focus early, maybe two.

Personally I rather favor water and light of the above listed, but the sooner we find our element of choice the easier to get good drug and talisman suites
We can get talismans and drugs for the specific non-elemental qi, too. Since we're noble, have money, and most people probably can be expected to have a grasp of normal qi making those talismans cheaper.

Personally I rather favor unflavored qi and maybe gravity, maybe plants/nature which is probably water or earth. Considering that we're a landowner something grounded would probably be advisable. Increase our productivity, emphasize home-field advantage. Our clan was founded on the four rivers. So earth and water.
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Hmn... I'm torn between the Spear and the Elemental Qi.

On the one hand, we;re probably not going to be very strong in Qi in the short term, so having exceptional control is a merit to make up for that.

But the again, so is Spear Mastery which can be used without Elemental Qi (though is probably better with both).
There seems to be some confusion on elemental qi control. It is a basic art that let's you control what element of qi you are producing. At 50 successes you will be finished with that art, it is just a prerequisite before you can use any kind of elemental art. Afterward there are different elemental mastery levels for each type of element i.e. fire mastery, earth mastery, etc., but that is just passively gained as you cultivate arts of the relevant element.