Sucks so much to see this disappear. Could do what AB mentioned, shift your entire story to a different property, like Stellaris.

Guess I won't be buying anything from GW anymore, and here I was considering a Mechanicus army.
I thought 3D printers gave too blocky results still? Or have they fixed that problem?
Resin printers tend to have the best quality (LOOK AT THIS SHIT!) but you need to use them in either a garage or well-ventilated shed because the fumes ain't good for you, the UI and file slicing can be fiddly, and you need a bunch of other stuff to take care of them.
now an FDM printer (that's actually the model I've got), while not quite as precise as a resin printer, doesn't have quite as many things you need to take care of (clean/replace nozzles, they're pretty cheap, bed leveling) and if you've got a small enough nozzle, can end up with a quality close to that of a resin printer.
how many other fanfic guys are going to stop now?!
A lot of them, possibly even most of them; GW has always been known for their overaggressive lawyerism towards fanworks, but their latest move is a clear line in the sand that is obviously preparing for major litigation against fanworks across the board.

And while the vast majority of fanworks are perfectly legal under Fair Use law, if GW point their lawyers at you then you have to respond with lawyers of your own and potentially take them all the way to court to prove it, which is a hugely expensive ordeal even if you do win and thus far more troublesome than the vast majority of fans are willing to go through.
At this rate, it seems like GeeDubs is gearing up for a major change in ownership, and wanting to sabotage themselves to either drive the price lower, or so the current owners can abscond with the money just before the backlash hits the new owners in the face.

To quote Miles Naismith Vorkosigan: "I smell politics."
At this rate, it seems like GeeDubs is gearing up for a major change in ownership, and wanting to sabotage themselves to either drive the price lower, or so the current owners can abscond with the money just before the backlash hits the new owners in the face.

To quote Miles Naismith Vorkosigan: "I smell politics."
It could simply be a case of suboptimization.

The guys in legal has a well-deined job, and that's a job they do. "Keeping GW's reputation among their fans good" is probably not mentioned at all in that job description - mostly because the GW leaders are doing a bad job. Would it be much better for the company as a whole if legal eased off a little? Yes, but that's not what their actual job description says. Suboptimization can rather self-defeating for a company.
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It could simply be a case of suboptimization.

The guys in legal has a well-deined job, and that's a job they do. "Keeping GW's reputation among their fans good" is probably not mentioned at all in that job description - mostly because the GW leaders are doing a bad job. Would it be much better for the company as a whole if legal eased off a little? Yes, but that's not what their actual job description says. Suboptimization can rather self-defeating for a company.
that's what I'm thinking, the PR guys and Legal aren't communicating, and the end result is the shitshow we've got now.
that's what I'm thinking, the PR guys and Legal aren't communicating, and the end result is the shitshow we've got now.
Possibly, but it might also be worse.

PR and Legal could be communicating - problem is? Unless the leaders in the company adds something like "Keep GW's reputation among the fans good", then the leaders of the legal department could risk their jobs if they change course. Some of their naysayers in the company will find some problem that snuck trough because legal saved GW's reputation - and then the leaders of legal are in trouble, because PR isn't their job. So they can end up with all the risks, all the costs, and none of the benefits from acting in GW's greater interest. At least in the short term.
And just to make things more interesting? Among the leaders of GW, well, if one leader goes "ooops, that was wrong, let's change policy", that means they accept they did something wrong. In poisonous cultures, nobody ever lets that go, and use it against that person forever. So for the leaders in question, letting GW's reputation tank a bit and "stand the course" could actually be better for them personally.

Is that messed up? Yes. As others have said:
To quote Miles Naismith Vorkosigan: "I smell politics."
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