Technically, Only Southern Sheyethen is in your borders, Northern Sheyethen, while independent, has enough pressure exerted on it that it might as well be within your borders.

Though It should be noted that if Northern Sheyethen kicks off the war, you will be expected to come to aid of your underling. Though if Southern Sheyethen kicks it off, you don't need to go to their aid at all. Remember that you are basically running a Fantasy version of the HRE.
Oh fuck we've got the crazies. Why couldn't we have gotten the relatively sane, relatively sensible nobles instead?
The Relatively Sane ones are in your council, Cappadocia, Starford and maybe in Deolodre. Also possibly somewhere among the squabbling noble houses.
Turn Four
One thing that seems to be emerging recently is overambitious nobility, firstly, there's the 'Red King' Ross, who has openly proclaimed his Revanchist intentions, so it's more than likely he's going to clash with the Tribal Confederation. That would be suicide in his current state.

Second on the list of overambitious nobility was Duchess Robin, she had planned to assassinate you, which would lead to her election as High Queen? you guess.

Third could be Queen Rose the Mad, who you know for a fact, has ambitions of taking over the Steppe, though you know for a fact that something like that won't happen, if anything, it's the Court Witch and Court Priestess who are holding back the overzealous queen and hold power in the Kingdom.

Lastly, there is Queen Constance, the leader of South Sheyethen, who has made noises about reuniting Sheyethen through less than peaceful means. Such nobility were often problems, as assassinating them would likely have worse political repercussions.

In a sign of growing confidence, you opened the doors to the Council Chambers with barely any hesitation, only pausing when the Court Priestess gave you one of the flattest glares you've seen in your life.

You could see that your Marshal and Advisor stopped whatever conversation they were engaging in when you walked into the room. As you walked over to your throne you found yourself wondering what they talked about, though such a thing would be easy to imagine, it was the levy, or they could be talking about the wonderful you, but chances were it was the levy.

Your Advisor handed you the report and you found yourself looking down at it.

243 Ducats
-The Second Layer of the Walls have been completed
Profit of 240 Ducats every 3 Months.
(Steward's Note: Thank you for paying debt)
1,000 Levy (Veteran)
1,850 Levy (Experienced)
10,687 Levy (Green)
300 Retinue (Veteran, Cappadocian)
200 Retinue (Experienced)
No active recruitment in place
(Marshal's Note: Supplies Needed)
Duchess Robin of House Ravenwood in Prison, (Crime, plotting against the Crown)
Count Darco the Wise of House Ravenwood in Prison (Crime, plotting against the Crown)
(Spymistress' Note: Can be ransomed for a total of 56 Ducats, would recommend keeping in prison)

Martial (Pick One)

[ ] Recruit more Levy - Send Mirel around on a tour of the Sister Kingdoms to recruit more levy to your number in order to improve your number.
90% chance of Success, Cost 10 Ducats, 1 Turn.

[ ] Train your Levy - Send Mirel around on a tour of the Sister Kingdoms to better train the Levy in the art of Gaian Warfare
65% Chance of Success, Cost 7 Ducats, 2 Turns

[ ] Support Northern Sheyethen - Send Mirel and some levy over to Northern Sheyethen to support them in border raids and showcase what side you are on.
80% Chance of Success, Cost 30 Ducats, 500 Levy, 2 Turns

[ ] Support Southern Sheyethen - Send Mirel and some levy to Southern Sheyethen to support them in border raids and showcase what side you are on.
80% Chance of Success, Cost 30 Ducats, 500 Levy, 2 Turns

[ ] Recruit New Marshal - While Mirel is good at her job, there are better people out there, let's try to get them into your council.
100% Chance of Success, Cost Mirel's Trust, 1 Turn

[ ] The Eastern Wall - Deolodre has stood for decades as the Eastern Wall of the Sister Kingdoms to the people of the Umbra Steppe, maybe send some people over there to strengthen that flank,
95% Chance of Success, Cost 15 Ducats, 500 Levy, 1 Turn

[ ] Navy Production - The Navy has been a weakness of the Sister Kingdoms since its conception as we lack the Naval traditions of Lindisfarne or the Technological Superiority of Dritia, but let's try.
90% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 2 Turns

[ ] Fight Banditry in the Kingdoms - Banditry is always a problem no matter the region, it is probably in our best interest to send someone with some levy out to cull some of the larger bandit clans.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 10 Ducats, 400 Levy, 1 Turn

[ ] Expand the Retinue - The Retinue of the High Queen is a rather small number, perhaps it is a good time to recruit some more to your number. But what to pick from:
-[ ] Recruit Deolodre Lancers - Deolodre Lancers are some of the best cavalry on the Continent, they were trained to fight the Steppe Nomads.
Chance of Success 78% Chance of Success, Cost 50 Ducats, 1 Turn.
-[ ] North Sheyethen Knights - North Sheyethen claims to have mastered the model for a Knight during the Civil War. Well, they won the war, so it might be true.
Chance of Success 78% Chance of Success, Cost 50 Ducats, 1 Turn.
-[ ] Cappadocian Knights - Cappadocian Knights are solid dependable heavy infantry, able to go toe to toe with most infantry forces.
Chance of Success 78% Chance of Success, Cost 50 Ducats, 1 Turn.
-[ ] South Sheyethen Paladins - South Sheyethen Paladins are the archetype for a knight, bastions of both combat ability and faith.
Chance of Success 78% Chance of Success, Cost 50 Ducats, 1 Turn.
-[ ] Sister Kingdom Knights - The Sister Kingdoms provides a good basis for most armies to build on, balanced in most respects.
Chance of Success 78% Chance of Success, Cost 50 Ducats, 1 Turn.
-[ ] Mercenary Bands - Gaian Mercenaries tend to be exiles or people who have been disgraced in their home country, a Royal Pardon might be enough to convince these experienced warriors to fight for you.
Chance of Success 78% Chance of Success, Cost 50 Ducats, 1 Turn.

[ ] Here's an idea... - Maybe you have a better idea, write it in and we shall see how much it will cost.

Stewardship (Pick One)

[ ] Cancel the Third Wall of Oakenfeild - Yes, the walls may look pretty and they may be tall, but we need the money right about now so...
100% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn.

[ ] Finance Southern Sheyethen - Southern Sheyethen may have good faith and zealousness, but they are pathetically underfunded, though civil wars do tend to do that.
70% Chance of Success, Cost 30 Ducats, 2 Turns.

[ ] Finance Northern Sheyethen - Northern Sheyethen may have a mastery of warfare, but they are pathetically underfunded, though civil wars do tend to do that.
70% Chance of Success, Cost 30 Ducats, 2 Turns.

[ ] Find new Steward - Eliza may like to work and may be good at what she does, but she is not the best out there, try to find them.
100% Chance of Success, Cost Eliza's Trust, 1 Turn.

[X] Stockpile Weapons - Weapons are the lifeblood of any army, maybe you should consider stockpiling them in order to ensure that the levy is properly equipped.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 2 Turns.

[ ] Maybe the High Queen has a mind for business - We know that it may be hard to decide on what to do, but maybe you have an idea?

Diplomacy (Pick One)

[ ] The Sheyethen Question - The Reunification of Sheyethen was a problem that High Queen Sophia was never able to figure out throughout her life, maybe this is where you will triumph.
35% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 2 Turns.

[ ] Calm Sheyethen Tensions - It's Naive to think that the presence of a High Queen could reunite these squabbling people, but maybe you could calm the tensions so that all-out war won't happen?
75% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 2 Turns.

[ ] Guarantee Northern Sheyethen - While Northern Sheyethen may not be a part of the Sister Kingdoms, a war is not in your best interests, your sabre rattling might be what is needed to stop a war here.
87% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 1 Turn.

[ ] Guarantee Southern Sheyethen - While Southern Sheyethen is one of the most irritating parts of the Sister Kingdoms, it is best to make sure that any Sheyethen Civil War is won quickly and by a friendly government, let's make sure that they are friendly.
87% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 1 Turn.

[ ] Find New Chancellor - Maybe finally a new Chancellor might be a good idea in order to secure some better luck with diplomacy
100% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn.

[ ] Integrate Deolodre - Deolodre, often referred to as the East Wall, is one of the most important buffer states of the Sister Kingdoms, however, given the mental health of the Queen, it might be time to end its independence.
65% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn, 10 Ducats when Queen is Lucid.

[ ] The Free Peoples - The Nation Known as the Free Peoples of Welesca have been getting worried about your integration of Cappadocia, perhaps it would be best to send someone over to calm their tensions.
78% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn, 12 Ducats

[ ] Aggressive Diplomacy - As High Queen, you might have your own ideas of what to do, so tell me what you want to do and let's see if we can make it happen.

Learning (Pick One)

[ ] Improve Relations with the Papacy - The Papacy, while corrupt, has always had good relations with the Sister Kingdoms, there's no reason why that has to end.
65% Chance of Success, Cost 25 Ducats, 1 Turn, Going against everything you stand for.

[ ] Religious Education - Conversion of the populace is always a fun thing to employ your priestesses to do, so let's try to remove the heathen and heretic from inside the Sister Kingdoms.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 10 Ducats, 1 Turn.

[ ] Find new Court Priestess - Though you are loathe to say it, you might actually need a court priestess, well, it is probably for the best that you get one who is incorruptible.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 2 Ducats, 1 Turn.

[ ] Build More Temples - You would admit, you hate the Church and the Church probably hates you for that matter. Though that doesn't mean that you can't send your priestess out with a large number of Ducats and tell her to build a temple.
76% Chance of Success, Cost 100 Ducats, 2 Turns

[ ] Investigate: Cult of the Storyteller - A new cult which you've heard about and which seems to be all over the continent according to some reports, maybe you should try to know what they believe in.
55% Chance of Success, Cost 30 Ducats, 2 Turns

[ ] Find Court Witch - You must admit, you've always wanted to have a Court Witch, maybe you should try to find if you can't recruit one to help you with matters of the mystical kind.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 1 Turn

Intrigue (Pick One)

[ ] The Holy Host of Sheyethen - When Diplomacy and Martial fails, the shadows will always provide comfort, perhaps it would do you some good to sabotage the armies of South Sheyethen.
80% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn, 5 Ducats

[ ] The Loyal Knights of Sheyethen - When Diplomacy and Martial fails, the shadows will always provide comfort, perhaps it would do you some good to sabotage the armies of North Sheyethen.
80% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn, 5 Ducats

[ ] Counter-Intelligence - One of the best things about having a Spymaster is the fact that it allows you to keep other spies out.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn.

[ ] Study Dritia Technology - The Dritia Republic has some of the most advanced technology in the continent. Maybe your spymaster could 'Study' some of it.
80% Chance of Success, Cost 10 Ducats, 1 Turn.

[ ] The Fractured Court of Starford - The Starford Civil War has left the Kingdom with a large number of holes in their courts, perhaps send some agents to keep an eye on what they might be planning
45% Chance of Success, Cost 10 Ducats, 1 Turn.

[ ] Replace Spymaster - Your spymaster kind of likes you so it would be a good idea to keep them on your side, but you're the High Queen, why not, what is the worst that can happen? Don't answer that.
100% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn.

[ ] Scope out potential threats - Potential Threats to your reign should always be identified and removed when necessary, your spymaster could help identify some of these parties.
76% Chance of Success, Cost 5 Ducats, 1 Turn.

[ ] The Southern Continent - Perhaps a small excursion to the Southern Continent might be interesting as it would allow for some opportunities for expansion
75% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 100 Levy, 2 Turns.

[ ] The Sparrow Knights - A group of career Mercenaries who appeared mysteriously a few years ago, maybe investigating them might shine a light on their situation.
80% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 2 Turns.

[ ] The Banished Princess - Princess Rosemunda of House Bronzewing, the former Princess of Deolodre was banished a few years ago in mysterious circumstances, maybe it would be a good idea to find out what happened to her.
67% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 1 Turn

[ ] Whispers behind the Golden Throne - You know that not all options can be neatly summed up, perhaps with your permission, you might be able to figure out what to do.

Advisor (Pick One)

[ ] Assist the Marshal - Duke Edward is more than happy to help your marshal accomplish what she wants to do, this can range from reducing the time it takes to complete an action or to increase its chance of success.
100% Chance of Success, 1 Turn.

[ ] Assist the Steward - Duke Edward has some mind for money and may be able to assist with the Steward in the monetary matters of the Kingdom.
100% Chance of Success, 1 Turn.

[ ] Assist the Court Priestess - The Good Duke is not all that stoked about religion, though to be honest, not that many in the Kingdoms are. He could probably assist the Priestess in the matters of the soul.
100% Chance of Success, 1 Turn.

[ ] Assist the Chancellor - Edward is at heart, a diplomat, how'd you think he earned his title and Sophia's heart, he should probably be able to assist with diplomatic matters.
100% Chance of Success, 1 Turn.

[ ] Assist the Spymistress - While Edward was tutored in matters of diplomacy, he is a dab hand at intrigue and protected Sophia's reign for a decade, maybe he could show Alice how spying is done.
100% Chance of Success, 1 Turn.

[ ] Independent Asset - Have your advisor accomplish another task for the Sister Kingdoms, after all, it's what they are there for.

[ ] Get a New Advisor - There are two empty seats on the Council for extra Advisors, it might be a good idea to see if you can get someone worthy of being your right hand in the Kingdoms.
65% Chance of Success, Cost 10 Ducats, 2 Turns.

Personal Actions (Pick Three)

[ ] Read the High Queen's Notes - High Queen Sophia left her notes behind for you to read, while you have read about half of it, you still do have a lot to read, these are the notes of someone who reigned for over forty years.
95% Chance of Sucess, Cost 1 Turn.

[ ] Spend time With: Marshal - Perhaps spending some time with the daughter of the High Queen might be beneficial in the long run.
95% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn

[ ] Spend time With: Advisor - He was the advisor to the previous High Queen and one of the most respected people in the Sister Kingdoms, maybe he might be on to something.
95% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn

[ ] Get to know: Court Priestess - Sure, she's from the Papal States, but maybe she can give you an insight into how corrupt the church is.
95% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn

[ ] Spend time With: Spymaster - She spent her childhood living in Starford, so she might be able to shed some light on the larger political situation
95% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn

[ ] Spend time With: Chancellor - She is from the Southern Continent, maybe that might explain why she almost always keeps her ears covered.
95% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn

[ ] Spend time With: Steward - Perhaps it's a good idea to make friends with the person who happens to be in control of the treasury.
95% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn

[ ] Teach Me: Stewardship - You admit, you are not that skilled with money, perhaps it's time for you to learn how to do that.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 1 Turn, Your Self-Value

[ ] Teach Me: Diplomacy - Being a (justly) Proud Reclusive Duellist is not exactly a combination that could win you many friends. Perhaps you could hire a tutor to tell you how to talk to people without stabbing them.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 1 Turn, Your Reputation

[ ] Teach Me: Learning - Religion and Books never seemed to be that good a thing to you. Though you never thought that you would be ruling the Sister Kingdoms, maybe you would need to hire a tutor.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 1 Turn.

[ ] Royal Marriage - Currently, you are unmarried and without an heir, it might be a good idea to see if you can't find suitable candidates for marriage.
100% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn

[ ] Starford 101 - They often say that it is a good idea to know your enemy and to be honest, it is more than likely that you will come to blows with this Overambitious Kingdom, so maybe you should try to learn something about them.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 1 Turn.

As always, Plan Format. Also important, negotiations with Sheyethen will start a miniturn, everyone be careful
[X] Plan I Spy
-[X] Martial:
--[X] Fight Banditry in the Kingdoms
-[X] Stewardship:
--[X] N/A
-[X] Diplomacy:
--[X] Calm Sheyethen Tensions
-[X] Learning:
--[X] Build More Temples
-[X] Intrigue:
--[X] The Fractured Court of Starford
-[X] Advisor:
--[X] Assist the Spymistress
-[X] Personal:
--[X] Read the High Queen's Notes
--[X] Get to know: Court Priestess
--[X] Spend time With: Advisor

Time to gather local support by fighting bandits and calming tensions so nothing exolodes next turn. I think we can go a turn without arresting someone, we can resume that next turn after we know what the Red King wants because as the invisitext showed, our annexatiom of Cappedocia messed with his plans, and there's no way he'll attack the Free Peoples because that would be suicide.
The plots that have been going against us haven't been defeated. We need to stay on top of that.
The plots that have been going against us haven't been defeated. We need to stay on top of that.
They have been delayed however, and that's the best we can hope for since they'll always be plotting unless we put every noble in the land to the sword.

Now that we've bought ourselves time, we should use it for something that would actually advance our position.
Won't it be better if we pick Tech Me <> Diplomacy , it will be good if we are going Calm Tensions + I feel that Improving the Relationship with the Papy is better. I'll make a plan in a bit.
[X] Plan Second

[X] Fight Banditry in the Kingdoms

It will be good to trim the bandits.

[X] Calm Sheyethen Tensions

Let's slow down the start of the civil war.

[X] Improve Relations with the Papacy

Better to get some points with the Church as a whole and as a bonus we don't waste much money so next turn we can do more.

[X] Study Dritia Technology

No point in checking the Starford right now. I feel that it will be better if we get some good tech.

[X] Assist the Court Priestess

Either this because its the lowest or the Diplomacy , not sure which to choose. Tell me what you think guys.

Personal Actions:
[X] Teach Me: Diplomacy
[X] Teach Me: Learning
[X] Get to know: Court Priestess

This will help with Diplomacy and the Church.
Won't it be better if we pick Tech Me <> Diplomacy , it will be good if we are going Calm Tensions + I feel that Improving the Relationship with the Papy is better. I'll make a plan in a bit.
Do our stats even affect the outcome? As far as I'm aware, we rely on our advisor's stats for passing actions, not ours.
Do our stats even affect the outcome? As far as I'm aware, we rely on our advisor's stats for passing actions, not ours.
We can't rely on him for everything besides I expect it to at least make it so we don't insult people when trying to diplo. And honestly we can miss one reading of notes and meeting a second person.
Say people , when do you want to try and involve ourselves in the civil war more ? And what do you think about getting a Mage Advisor soon ?
Say people , when do you want to try and involve ourselves in the civil war more ? And what do you think about getting a Mage Advisor soon ?
We're already involving ourselves in the civil war by trying to prevent it. As for the mage advisor, I'm not really sure why we'd want one. Magic doesn't seem to be a particularly big thing going by how it's as scarcely mentioned as it is and it would get us on the church's shitlist, and they by contrast seem pretty important.
Those who are undecided, I would humbly request that you decide, as I will be closing the vote in approximately 24 Hours. I would close it in the morning, but I have to study
Turn 4 Results

Fight Banditry in the Kingdoms - Banditry is always a problem no matter the region, it is probably in our best interest to send someone with some levy out to cull some of the larger bandit clans.
Needed 25, Rolled 55

As shown with the "Hero of Vadar" Incident, Mirel is talented in fighting bandits, this excursion went better than the Vadar incident.
Using subterfuge she was able to ambush a rather small bandit clan as she used some levy and some wild animals to generate a disturbance on the east side of their camp and then took some levy and swept in from the west, wiping out the bandit camp before they could put up too much of a resistance.

This process was repeated multiple times to remove many of the smaller bandit clans. Though that is not to say that it was without looses, of the 400 levy she set out with, 89 of them lost their lives, though that is not to say that the survivors became more talented.

Results: Banditry has been reduced in the Kingdoms, you have earned some prestige, gained 311 Levy (Experienced)

Stockpile Weapons - Weapons are the lifeblood of any army, maybe you should consider stockpiling them in order to ensure that the levy is properly equipped.
Needed 25, Rolled 73

When Eliza originally said that she had made orders with some blacksmiths and fletchers, you had, reasonably, underestimated her ability when it came to the art of the deal.

What followed was one huge delivery that was made with an entire merchant convoy because Eliza clearly didn't do things by half. You found yourself with more than enough weapons and armour to equip about half your levy with, alongside with more arrows than any one person could reasonably use in a lifetime.

Results: Levy is fully armed. Eliza is smug. Some contracts are made with merchants.


Calm Sheyethen Tensions - It's Naive to think that the presence of a High Queen could reunite these squabbling people, but maybe you could calm the tensions so that all-out war won't happen?
Needed 25, Rolled 3

You're not entirely sure how, but something about Ophis managed to rub both leaders exactly the wrong way. Pissing both of them off massively. In the South she was known as "That Heathen Wench" and in the North, she was the "Outsider, who knew nothing". So ... in short, negotiations did not start from this.

Results: Ophis is quite annoyed, Queen Constance and Queen Susan have found something they agree on.


Build More Temples - You would admit, you hate the Church and the Church probably hates you for that matter. Though that doesn't mean that you can't send your priestess out with a large number of Ducats and tell her to build a temple.
Needed 24, Rolled 2

Nalia was not a bad priestess per say and it wasn't like she had any particular hatred from within the church, it was just that any of the spots she was scouting out for temples turned out to be bandit camps or areas that other priestesses had taken for their temples.

So... You're not entirely sure how Nalia did it, but she managed to offend a good half of the Clergy in the Sister Kingdoms and managing to lose every single Ducat that you had given her to smooth over her offence.

Results: No progress was made, Nalia is now known as "The Baffoon"


The Fractured Court of Starford - The Starford Civil War has left the Kingdom with a large number of holes in their courts, perhaps send some agents to keep an eye on what they might be planning
Needed 55, Rolled 54

Alice was a Starford Native and was able to find spies with accents that could pass as Starfordian and had them implemented into major courts on their Eastern Frontier with Cappadocia and in the Capital, it was such a shame that such an emergence of mysterious new nobles did not go unnoticed by Princess Scarlet, Spymistress of Starford.

Most of Alice's spies found a warning asking politely for them to leave the country, some of the spies had decided to heed this offer and immediately left the court, the ones that stuck around found themselves with a minor case of a knife in their back or poisoned wine.

There was also a letter sent to you by a messenger raven, the note reads as such:
"Dear High Queen Czarina the First,

Your wisdom is legendary and it has obviously come to your attention that the Kingdom of Starford has finished its Civil War and the purges put holes in our courts.

Never the less, I would humbly request that you would keep your spies out of my country.

Signed, Princess Scarlet of House Ashbridge, the King's Shadow."

Results: Alice is apologetic. Her Spy network in Starford is compromised.


Assist the Spymistress - While Edward was tutored in matters of diplomacy, he is a dab hand at intrigue and protected Sophia's reign for a decade, maybe he could show Alice how spying is done.
Needed 55, Rolled 81

Edward does not specialise in Intrigue but that did not mean that he was useless at it, with a carefully placed network of individuals in seemingly useless courts or trading posts, these individuals all came with either Cappadocian, Starfordian or accents that no one could really pinpoint the origin of.

These individuals became a font of knowledge picking up on the rumours of the Kingdoms which was then fed to Edward's spy in the Royal Court, a man named Edmund, who was able to take those rumours and separate fact from fiction. This man was able to make himself scarce in court at the right times, while able to get himself into most social circles within the court.

Results: You have a spy Network in Starford (Before any major action done by Starford, you will get a warning), Edward is proud of his surrogate son.


Read the High Queen's Notes - High Queen Sophia left her notes behind for you to read, while you have read about half of it, you still do have a lot to read, these are the notes of someone who reigned for over forty years.
Needed 5, Rolled 56

Reading the High Queen's Notes and taking notes from them has become a hobby of yours, though this was probably due to the fact that you were trying to learn from her experiences, her handwriting is often smooth, though, on the topic of Starford, her handwriting was slightly more violent. This is what she put down on the Kingdom of Starford

Starford is a militaristic kingdom on the other side of the Continent, their national pastimes include putting down Cappadocian Independence Uprisings and fighting the Tribal Confederation.

Their main religion is the Followers of the Nameless One, which is a religion that is almost tailor-made for the region, considering that the Kingdom is forged almost entirely out of military conflict, the religion is very approving of Holy Wars.

Though the Royal Family, House Ashbridge, has dwindled dramatically since the days of the Ashbridge Alliance, this could be easily traced back to the first King of Starford, Francis the Vanquisher, who is rumoured to have assassinated many of his cousins, allowing him to get enough land to forge the kingdom.

You skipped forward a few pages.

Nowadays, after recent failures in warfare, it is almost certain that civil war is on the horizon for the Kingdom of Starford.

Results: Read some part of the High Queen's Notes, you have gained trait "The Lessons of the Past"

Get to know: Court Priestess - Sure, she's from the Papal States, but maybe she can give you an insight into how corrupt the church is.
Needed 5, Rolled 39

You will admit, you have a rocky relationship with the Court Priestess and her Papal States upbring shines through heavily, as you can detect multiple barely hidden daggers up her sleeves. It was almost typical for the Papal States, they had no respect for plotting, to them, it was just "Stab" and "See where it goes from here"

You had a short conversation with her inside the small chapel in the keep. A conversation which revealed a few things about your Court Priestess, for starters, she was actually disgusted with the corruption that was infesting her home country and her beloved church, another was that she only got this position because of the fact that she has some enemies in the hierarchy of the Gaian Chruch

Results: You know a little bit about your priestess, You and Nalia found common ground.

Spend time With: Advisor - He was the advisor to the previous High Queen and one of the most respected people in the Sister Kingdoms, maybe he might be on to something.
Needed 5, Rolled 97

The fact that Edward was like a grandfather in how he behaved was no secret to you, but when you ran into him at the blacksmith's was really interesting, he was sitting around with the blacksmith and having a casual conversation.

"Dad, you don't have to dote on me, I'm a grown man." The man said.

"Nonsense, son." Edward said, slouching slightly "I have to dote on you, you're my son after all." wait, he had a son?

"Then why don't you dote on Edmund?"

"I can't, he's in my spy network in Starford." Edward said, casually dropping the information like it was nothing "Also, you're the younger brother."

"Ughhhhh." The blacksmith said, placing a hand on his face.

"All kidding aside, Victor." Edward said, looking at the blacksmith "Your father would be proud of you, your real one I mean."

After this, you decided that you would let them have this moment alone and silently left the blacksmith shop, you could come back later.

About an hour later, you found Edward in the keep and had a small chat with him, you decided to avoid the topic of his sons(?) you learnt a little more about him. For starters, he lost his hand about three years before the Sheyethen Civil War ended and played the role of ambassador for Northern Sheyethen during the War in the High Queen's Court.

Results: You learnt some more about Edward, Edward has revealed secret trait "Big Cuddly Grandfather"

QM's Note: What in the Fuck? This is what happens when I pray to the Dice Gods
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Our Advisors are unlucky, and so, they look incompetent.

Roll a 2? A 3? Fall short by 1 in a Roll?

Our Spymistress in particular, has failed us so many times already. It's honestly infuriating. As for our Diplomacy, I'm starting to think we should just wage war on both sides.

How do stats influence the rolls anyways?