Of course, when you are recently crowned, the fact that you are adjusting to the castle is no excuse not to attend your new duties, despite the fact that you are probably underqualified for them. You stand before the door to the council chambers, ignoring the amused look that one of the guards gives you as you calm your nerves and begin to do what you always hated to do: Talk to people.
When you had calmed yourself you pushed the large mahogany doors open and entered the chambers, where you saw your council, sitting in a collection of oak chairs, surrounding a single round table, at the back of the room is a single oaken throne, beautifully carved and partially inlaid with silver, you assumed this was your chair. You quickly sat down in your chair and looked at your council.
There was your Marshal, Mirel the Skull-taker, sitting cross-legged in her seat with a fairly bored look on her face.
There was your Steward, Countess Eliza of House Heart, she was from the centre of the Sister Kingdoms, she sat crossed-legged and filed her nails, barely looking up as you entered and as you sat down.
Your Spymaster sat close to your throne, Viscountess Alice of Low birth, one of the rare Starford-born Gaians, she looked at you with a neutral expression as you entered.
The Court Priestess sat on the other side of the table, she was a woman by the name of Nalia Zaealix who bore several Bishoprics.
Corrupt, as always
The Chancellor was an oddity, she was from the Southern Continent and bore the name 'Ophis', despite previously being a slave, she was a damn good negotiator and good at fabricating documents.
She is rather content, for a chancellor. Her ears are always covered
The oldest person in the room was the Advisor without Portfolio, the previous High Queen's right-hand man and possible lover, Duke Edward of House Wildner.
The High Queen never married
"Alright tell me what should we do for the next few months." You said in what you hoped was a commanding tone. Your Advisor handed you a report which summarised in basic detail what you had:
400 Ducats
- 200 From Gifts for Favour
- 200 from set aside funds for construction
Profit of 50 Ducats every 3 Months
(Steward's Note: Recommend paying debt)
1,750 Levy (Experienced)
10,000 Levy (Green)
200 Retinue (Experienced)
No Recruitment so far.
(Marshal's note: Supplies needed)
Looking at the report, you sighed and then decided what exactly it is you should do with the council for the next three months.
Martial (Pick One)
[ ] Intervene in the Starford Civil War - Sending peasant levy to act as a mercenary band can be a profitable venture, provided they don't get slaughtered.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 25 Ducats, 500 Levy, 2 Turns
[ ] Recruit more Levy - Send Mirel around on a tour of the Sister Kingdoms to recruit more levy to your number in order to improve your number.
90% chance of Success, Cost 10 Ducats, 1 Turn.
[ ] Train your Levy - Send Mirel around on a tour of the Sister Kingdoms to better train the Levy in the art of Gaian Warfare
65% Chance of Success, Cost 7 Ducats, 2 Turns
[ ] Support Northern Sheyethen - Send Mirel and some levy over to Northern Sheyethen to support them in border raids and showcase what side you are on.
80% Chance of Success, Cost 30 Ducats, 500 Levy, 2 Turns
[ ] Support Southern Sheyethen - Send Mirel and some levy to Southern Sheyethen to support them in border raids and showcase what side you are on.
80% Chance of Success, Cost 30 Ducats, 500 Levy, 2 Turns
[ ] Recruit New Marshal - While Mirel is good at her job, there are better people out there, let's try to get them into your council.
100% Chance of Success, Cost Mirel's Trust, 1 Turn
[ ] The Eastern Wall - Deolodre has stood for decades as the Eastern Wall of the Sister Kingdoms to the people of the Umbra Steppe, maybe send some over there to strengthen that flank,
95% Chance of Success, Cost 15 Ducats, 500 Levy, 1 Turn
[ ] Navy Production - The Navy has been a weakness of the Sister Kingdoms since its conception as we lack the Naval traditions of Lindisfarne or the Technological Superiority of Dritia, but let's try.
90% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 2 Turns
[ ] Here's an idea... - Maybe you have a better idea, write it in and we shall see how much it will cost.
Stewardship (Pick One)
[ ] The Dritia Trade Blockade - While they have not publicly shown why they blockaded us, they did send us a letter. The previous High Queen borrowed 300 Ducats from them, they want the money back.
90% Chance of Success, Cost 300 Ducats, 1 Turn
[ ] Cancel the Third Wall of Oakenfeild - Yes, the walls may look pretty and they may be tall, but we need the money right about now so...
100% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn.
[ ] Stop Construction of Oakenfeild - Sure the second walls are not entirely done but it's good enough for now, we need the money sharpish.
100% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn.
[ ] Finance Southern Sheyethen - Southern Sheyethen may have good faith and zealousness, but they are pathetically underfunded, though civil wars do tend to do that.
70% Chance of Success, Cost 30 Ducats, 2 Turns.
[ ] Finance Northern Sheyethen - Northern Sheyethen may have a mastery of warfare, but they are pathetically underfunded, though civil wars do tend to do that.
70% Chance of Success, Cost 30 Ducats, 2 Turns.
[ ] Find new Steward - Eliza may like to work and may be good at what she does, but she is not the best out there, try to find them.
100% Chance of Success, Cost Eliza's Trust, 1 Turn.
[ ] Trade with the Free Peoples - The Free Peoples of Welesca is a Gaian area (though there are other faiths there) maybe see if you can't get trade from them
85% Chance of Success, Cost 5 Ducats, 1 Turn.
[ ] Stockpile Weapons - Weapons are the lifeblood of any army, maybe you should consider stockpiling them in order to ensure that the levy is properly equipped.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 2 Turns.
[ ] Maybe the High Queen has a mind for business - We know that it may be hard to decide on what to do, but maybe you have an idea?
Diplomacy (Pick One)
[ ] The Sheyethen Question - The Reunification of Sheyethen was a problem that High Queen Sophia was never able to figure out throughout her life, maybe this is where you will triumph.
35% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 2 Turns.
[ ] Clam Sheyethen Tensions - It's Naive to think that the presence of a High Queen could reunite these squabbling people, but maybe you could calm the tensions so that all-out war won't happen?
75% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 2 Turns.
[ ] Guarantee Northern Sheyethen - While Northern Sheyethen may not be a part of the Sister Kingdoms, a war is not in your best interests, your sabre rattling might be what is needed to stop a war here.
87% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 1 Turn.
[ ] Guarantee Southern Sheyethen - While Southern Sheyethen is one of the most irritating parts of the Sister Kingdoms, it is best to make sure that any Sheyethen Civil War is won quickly and by a friendly government, let's make sure that they are friendly.
87% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 1 Turn.
[ ] Try to Negotiate something with Dritia - The Dritia Republic might not be as uncompromising as they as normally known for. It just requires some careful negotiation
56% Chance of Success, Cost 40 Ducats, 2 Turns.
[ ] Smooth Succession - There have been questions about your election to High Queenship, maybe a public appearance would allow for you to quell some fears that your subjects may have.
74% Chance of Success, Cost 10 Ducats, 1 Turn.
[ ] Find New Chancellor - Maybe finally a new Chancellor might be a good idea in order to secure some better luck with diplomacy
100% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn.
[ ] Integrate Deolodre - Deolodre, often referred to as the East Wall, is one of the most important buffer states of the Sister Kingdoms, however, given the mental health of the Queen, it might be time to end its independence.
65% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn, 10 Ducats when Queen is Lucid.
[ ] Integrate Cappadocia - Cappaodica is a duchy that borders Starford, as our Western Bastion of Gaianism, than we should make it an official part of the Sister Kingdoms, rather than our proxy.
85% Chance of Success, Cost 40 Ducats, 2 Turns
[ ] Aggressive Diplomacy - As High Queen, you might have your own ideas of what to do, so tell me what you want to do and let's see if we can make it happen.
Learning (Pick One)
[ ] Improve Relations with the Papacy - The Papacy, while corrupt, has always had good relations with the Sister Kingdoms, there's no reason why that has to end.
65% Chance of Success, Cost 25 Ducats, 1 Turn, Going against everything you stand for.
[ ] Religious Education - Conversion of the populace is always a fun thing to employ your priestesses to do, so let's try to remove the heathen and heretic from inside the Sister Kingdoms.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 10 Ducats, 1 Turn.
[ ] Find new Court Priestess - Though you are loathe to say it, you might actually need a court priestess, well, it is probably for the best that you get one who is incorruptible.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 2 Ducats, 1 Turn.
[ ] Understanding the Sacred Order of the Holy Lance - You will admit, when you were being taught history, you dozed over the parts surrounding the founding of Gaianism and the significance of the SOHL.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 6 Ducats, 1 Turn, your Self-Respect.
Intrigue (Pick One)
[ ] Counter-Intelligence - One of the best things about having a Spymaster is the fact that it allows you to keep other spies out.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn.
[ ] Study Dritia Technology - The Dritia Republic has some of the most advanced technology in the continent. Maybe your spymaster could 'Study' some of it.
80% Chance of Success, Cost 10 Ducats, 1 Turn.
[ ] Study Starford Civil War - Why send soldiers to the war, when you could instead send your spymaster to study their battle tactics, maybe you might learn something.
60% Chance of Success, Cost 10 Ducats, 50 Levy, 2 Turn.
[ ] Replace Spymaster - Your spymaster kind of likes you so it would be a good idea to keep them on your side, but you're the High Queen, why not, what is the worst that can happen? Don't answer that.
100% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn.
[ ] Scope out potential threats - Potential Threats to your reign should always be identified and removed when necessary, your spymaster could help identify some of these parties.
76% Chance of Success, Cost 5 Ducats, 1 Turn.
[ ] The Southern Continent - Perhaps a small excursion to the Southern Continent might be interesting as it would allow for some opportunities for expansion
75% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 100 Levy, 2 Turns.
[ ] The Sparrow Knights - A group of career Mercenaries who appeared mysteriously a few years ago, maybe investigating them might shine a light on their situation.
75% Chance of Success, Cost 20 Ducats, 2 Turns.
[ ] Whispers behind the Golden Throne - You know that not all options can be neatly summed up, perhaps with your permission, you might be able to figure out what to do.
Personal Actions (Pick Three)
[ ] Read the High Queen's Notes - High Queen Sophia left her notes behind for you to read, maybe it may allow you to get a better grip on the political situation
95% Chance of Sucess, Cost 1 Turn.
[ ] Get to know: Marshal - Perhaps spending some time with the daughter of the High Queen might be beneficial in the long run.
95% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn
[ ] Get to know: Advisor - He was the advisor to the previous High Queen and one of the most respected people in the Sister Kingdoms, maybe he might be on to something.
95% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn
[ ] Get to know: Court Priestess - Sure, she's from the Papal States, but maybe she can give you an insight into how corrupt the church is.
95% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn
[ ] Get to know: Spymaster - She spent her childhood living in Starford, so she might be able to shed some light on the larger political situation
95% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn
[ ] Get to know: Chancellor - She is from the Southern Continent, maybe that might explain why she almost always keeps her ears covered.
95% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn
[ ] Get to know: Steward - Perhaps it's a good idea to make friends with the person who happens to be in control of the treasury.
95% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn
[ ] Consult the Other You - The Other You can often help or hinder your efforts, though it is best to see which one comes first.
65% Chance of Success, Cost 1 Turn
[ ]
[ ]
Flat is Justice
[ ]
Rapier Wit
[ ]
Realistic Art Style
[ ]
NOTE: Your Advisor without Portfolio acts as another option to be picked in only one section per turn, i.e. use him to perform multiple martial actions per turn.