"Report and explain what is going on." The sentence was neither screamed as a command nor formed as question. It was simple, it was efficient, and it was one of the features of the Director Colin could approve of.
Nodding slightly, he began his presentation, now once more fully aware. Painkillers were useful, but not conductive to an effective report, despite how high his resistance was. Panacea was a blessing to the city, and, so thought Colin somewhat bitterly, had some of his co-workers half her work ethos and dedication, they would be in a significantly better position.
"Around 0812, we registered a short but intense burst of exotic energy," He gestured to statistics that showed the data that the observation equipment had gathered, it showed a short, but extreme peak."Shortly after, our equipment was fried." Which was a major annoyance and something he will need to pull several all nighters on to fix.
He then continued, the next one being a major point on the lists of many worries today had brought. "Shortly after this burst, all attending members of the Protectorate and Wards reported that they felt increasingly agitated and to cite Vista, who was present due to a dual free period, "It is the feeling as if some great monster saw you, and found you worthy of it´s attention. It feels unsettling, but you can not help but feel excited." This effect presumably was city wide, as shortly after, multiple conflicts between the parahumans of the city broke out, likely because several of them lack the restraint the Protectorate and Wards have. This resulted in the emergence of several unknown capes, not yet designated. They were given numerical designation till the reports could be analysed as to give them proper names. Gallant compared it to being similar to Glory Girl´s Aura." Glad to have a chance to stop speaking, he gestured to the projector.
He clicked the report forward, showing the recorded matchups sorted by time, along with the result.
0830: Uber & Leet in conflict with Lady Phonton & Laserdream, with later support by Dauntless, Villains escaped.
1023: Stain in conflict with Unknown 1, Stain fled
1245: Lung in conflict with Kaiser, Fenja, Menja and Unknown 2 & 3 with Armsmaster, Miss Militia, Assault, Battery came for support, fight was inconclusive and Lung left after Kaiser, Fenja and Menja.
1400: Unknown 4 in conflict with Shadow Stalker, with an interruption by Glory Girl, inconclusive. All three retreated.
1612: Hookwolf, Krieg,Victor and Cricket in conflict with Skidmark, Squealer and Mush, with Armsmaster, Miss Militia, Dauntless, Assault, Battery, Velocity, Triumph interrupting. The fight quickly ended, but no villains were captured.
"After this last battle, it was elected that those of us injured would move to Brockton General, as requesting Panacea to move during this period seemed unneeded and we were closer to it than base. While we had hopes that it would be the last altercation of the day, we didn´t want to risk it. As we were waiting, I was informed that someone eligible for a Crisis point Visit was awake, and under the influence of painkillers used in combat, I made the decision to pre-empt needing someone else to come in later."
Piggot looked at him sharply for that, before noting simply, "Explain why."
He could do blunt. "Because frankly, Director, not even one in a thousand of these visits are actually Parahuman relevant, and even then, we have to follow a tight script provided by PR as to avoid stepping on the toes of local law enforcement. It is seen generally as a chore and depressing. Me, having been the most presentable and having access to the script thanks to my helmet, made it at least one task that could be taken out of the equation with no loss elsewhere." He paused "I also want to lodge a complaint that the script is utterly garbage."
Piggot narrowed her eyes, and he could swear that her lips twitched, but then nodded. "Understandable. What came out of the visit?"
Here Armsmaster narrowed his eyes, his expression taking on a distinctly more unhappy frown. "Beyond a need to investigate why Winslow, the girl´s school, permitted such to happen, if only to see if there is a danger to Shadow Stalker? Total Write Off."
It was odd to hear such a phrase from Armsmaster, but the message was clear. This was off record till they decided otherwise.
Pausing as the record stopped, Colin then explained. "I have reasons to suspect that she indeed is a Parahuman that recently triggered, and even most likely was the cause of the exotic energy.
While her behaviour was not atypical for someone in her situation, mistrust for someone who is in a position of authority being very understandable, she seemed at first intrigued, but with prolonged interactions, likely tainted by the script, she seemed to back away.
However, beyond the behaviour, there were trace amounts of the energy in the room, making it a likely assumption. I have no concrete proof."
Piggot nodded, briefly considering the situation. Both Dragon, who was present due to it being in part her equipment that was fried as well having helped with the coordination, and Hannah looked concerned. He just knew that Assault would have made a joke, had he been there. He knew about the roboter jokes, naturally. Just because he had issues applying certain ideas to social interactions didn´t mean that he didn´t understand them.
"Is this why you wanted this off the record ?" She asked.
Colin nodded. "If she is a Parahuman, and if her power allowed her to nearly start a city wide brawl of the gangs, she would quickly become a high priority target for any gang that has connections to the PRT.
That is ignoring that right now, if she follows typical patterns for her situation, she is extremely fragile, and us trying to pressure her could easily end in an S Class Threat, depending how much her powers can affect Parahumans. We can not risk it. As such I would propose that I will continue, with aid from Miss Militia, an investigate during downtimes."
Piggot closed her eyes, before once more nodding. "Acceptable. However, as we are facing what is most likely a Master of considerable strength, I would like to set up a backup of your investigation with Dragon. If things turn south, we can at least give them something to work with. Is that acceptable?"
This was another factor Colin could approve of. The Director was aware that even within the PRT itself, having someone with such powers would draw the attention of all the wrong people. Better to get a grip on the situation before somebody else decides to intervene in all the worst ways.
The avatar nodded, before responding with her own input. "If she is indeed a Parahuman, it might be worth looking into her situation. As Armsmaster laid out before, Taylor Hebert has every reason to distrust other people, and especially organizations like the PRT or Protectorate."
Piggot gave a quick shake of her head. "Unless you manage to find proof that Parahumans were involved, that is the BBPD´s case. As it is, we seem to have reached a satisfying plan of action. I will note the Crisis Point as having no positive result."
She gave her two subordinates a look, before speaking clearly once more, just as the clock hit midnight.
"Dismissed, get a rest. We need to be out in force tomorrow and the next days. We need to snuff the fire out before it lights the fuse."
As always, this feels odd, but c est la vie. I am open to critic on this, and will probably hammer around on it once I come back to it ( Means tomorrow probably, once the number of hours awake is in the single digits, not nearly halfways to three digits.)
Next proper post should come today or morrow.