Herrscher(Worm/Honkai) | Herrscher!Taylor

Armsmaster interlude before the timeskip to when Taylor gets home (after this scene)?

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A quest in which good ol´ Taylor has to balance saving the world by fucking up in equally awful manner, the whims of a cruel Mistress and the general lack of common sense that haunts her world.
Mix-up I
Challenge accepted!
Non-canon omake incoming!
As she passed through the portal a few hundred thousand feet above the ground, Lisa froze. She was undoubtedly on Earth-Bet but something was wrong with it. A few seconds later it hit her. There was almost no Honkai energy present. Compared to the overwhelming amount that can be sensed on Earth-H or her own version of Earth-Bet, this world seemed almost pure.

'Alrighty then. Dial back the juice it is.'

Making sure that her own energy signature dropped to a neigh imperceptible levels, Lisa focused on the most important part - finding the local version of herself and her friend. After all, that was the reason she came here.

Closing her eyes, the girl focused on her power and allowed herself to feel the surroundings. Immediately, hundreds of thousands of voices reached her ears. It would probably drive any normal person insane, but Lisa wasn't sure that she even qualified as a human after everything that happened.

Each voice and human had its own, unique vibration that propagated through the air. Under usual circumstances, finding a particular vibration and its owner would be somewhat difficult but Lisa knew her own voice rather well, as well as she knew the voice of her friend. That, however, is where the problem started.

Locating herself wasn't difficult. She was, however, surprised to find out that her local self was in the same building Outsiders operated out of. And judging by what she could hear, local Lisa Wilbourn was an active member of the group!

'What. The. Fuck.'

While she wasn't necessarily a good person, the idea of working alongside Trainwreck, Chariot and Circus for any prolonged period of time made her skin crawl. Deciding to deal with that particular set of circumstances later, she focused on another voice. Her friend's voice. Imagine her surprise when the outcome of a fairly intense listening for a few minutes turned up nothing.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Lisa opened her eyes and looked down towards the city. Sure, there was a chance that the local birdbrain took off somewhere or hid in her own pocket dimension, the lack of Honkai energy in the air made it a "not probable" version. Even portals left a long, lingering trace if you knew where to look. Realising her mistake, Lisa immediately switched her gears and focused on sensing Honkai energy itself. Surely, if there was some small amount present, her friend would be the source. Local Lisa definitely didn't have anything on her at the very least.

After a few seconds of searching, her attempts were rewarded. Locking on to the admittedly strange feeling energy, Lisa smiled.

"Got you! Ready or not buddy, here I come!"

Allowing herself to go into the free fall, the girl made sure to mess with the air density on top of changing the direction of the air currents to make the light bend around her, effectively making her invisible. It was a neat trick that she came up with not too long ago. While not the most effective ability, it sure got the drop on a few mutants.

As she got closer and closer to her target, doubt started filling Lisa's mind. Whatever was wrong with her companion, she definitely didn't feel like herself. Even as she limited herself, there was always this… oppressive and regal aura around the girl. It was one of the reasons why Lisa offered her friend to use "Queen" as a cape name.

The entire trip took less than 5 minutes overall. Swiftly landing a few feet behind the girl, Lisa felt her mouth open against her will. Despite having the proper, although muddled, signature of her friend, whoever was standing in front of her was not her.

"You're not Sirin, aren't you?"

Walking around her, Lisa could feel the girl tense. But she could also feel some sort of confusion or hesitance. She definitely knew her friend's name and there was certainly something else going on. Was she the same as Lisa? Implanted with the Gem? There was a good chance of that but that would mean that Sirin is…

'Nope, not thinking about it. Focus on what's in front of you. Focus on not freaking the already panicking girl out.'

"Right, so… My name's Lisa, also known as Zephyr! it's nice to meet you! What's your name?"

Have an idea for a few more "chapters" so there'll probably be a continuation sometimes later.
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Arms Shipping
And Coil now knows there's a huber parahuman in the city. At least, since the conversation was off the record, he shouldn't know Taylor is the para. I wonder if what the other gangs will try as well, and what sort of investigation of the record Armsmaster will do in downtime.

"Hi Dad. Who is your friend?"

The vaguely familiar bearded man turned to me: "Hello, miss Hebert. I'm your neighbour. And I must say, your father is a most pleasant person to talk with."

Dad nodded. "Right. Can you believe it? The mayor doesn't want the ferry, but he allowed that stupid oktoberfestival in Downtown(?) which had more swastikas and skulls than beer, and there was a lot of beer. Good beer though."

"Yes, it's inefficient. Public transport would help the poorest people of the city, instead some of the administration budget and of several philantropist groups-

{Oh no they're talking politics with beers.}

{And why is that a problem?}

{They always end up going in other bars, and brawls. Even if they all agree.}

{I'm starting to respect your father.}

Dad lifted his glass. "Hey, I know a place nearby. Better for relaxing, and I wouldn't want to annoy my daughter with our old people talk."

{Oh no}

The man grimaced. "I have some work to do..."

{Now that it was getting interesting!}

Dad shrugged. "We always have work to do, but people with responsabilities like us need to take a break."

There was a brief moment where both of them stared awkwardly at me, until eventually the stranger sighed. "Well, I can take some time."

{I ship them}


{No, you can't. You just can't. He's my dad.}

{Didn't you tell us how your parents meet? Something about heated discussions, alcohol, and kissing?}

{That's totally different! And-}

"Bye Taylor! Guard the fort!"

I know nothing of the honkai characters.
Filling the Void 1
Cecilia adopts Tay Tay
Siegfried would then have three daughters to deal with: the snarky overlady, the glutinous fighter, and the insecure tactician. All three don't know how to give up or switch tracks and need someone to literally kick their asses before they stop, and even then only if the arguments go through.
Challenge accepted. Not entirely what was requested but...
Damn it, I could probably turn this into a full-blown fic. Eh, might still do it later. Anyway, here's the Omake!

Unusual family
"Why don't you go wake her up? She was supposed to go to the skating ring with Kiana and Taylor after all."

As Cecilia focused on making the best cake she possibly could, the job of waking up one of their two adopted daughters fell to Siegfried. And he was not happy with this idea.

"Dear, you know that she hates me with a passion. If I go and try to wake her up, she'll ignore me at the very least. Why won't you go? I can take over for you in the kitchen!"

At this, Cecilia froze and slowly turned towards her husband. Of all the things he could've said, that was probably the dumbest, most ridiculous one.

"And set our house on fire? Thanks but no. No off you go. Just tell Sirin that I'm making her favourite cake. That should get her up and running rather quickly."

Dejected, Siegfried slumped his shoulders and went towards the stairs in order to reach Sirin's room. Who would've thought that a proud knight and head of the Kaslana family would be absolutely terrified of his adopted daughter?

'Even if it's mostly guilt and not fear.'

At the same time, she felt a tug on her pants and looked down to see her second adopted daughter holding a big Homu doll. Her large, brown eyes looked at her through the slightly oversized glasses with a somewhat worried expression. Putting the bowl away, Cecilia kneeled down in order for her face to be closer to the girl's.

"What is it, Taylor? Did you want something?"

"Uh… Kiana told me to ask when we are going skating, Mrs Cecilia."

Managing to squeeze out a small smile, Cecilia patted the girl's head. Taylor still wasn't able to call her anything but "Mrs Cecilia", although asking for any change was probably a bit too much and too soon. She lost her parents only a few months ago after all. Pulling the girl into a hug that caused Taylor to freeze, Cecilia thought back to the day she found the girl.

"Liar! You've been pretending to be my family only to kill Bella!"

Herrscher's rage blew up with a force of a bomb. Space around her shattered, allowing a wave of overwhelming force to obliterate everything in front of her and blasting two humans away.

As the tears in space around her started to widen, a massive bolt of lightning came through one of them. While it splashed harmlessly against the imaginary barrier Sirin kept around her, the force alone was enough to push her away and disrupt her concentration.

"Who dares!"

Enraged, she turned towards the direction from which the lightning came and froze. There was an entirely separate fight going on. A bunch of humans in colourful costumes attempted to take down a massive black beast and were obviously failing. While she wanted to cheer at the sight, the beast itself was… wrong. Twisted. A disgusting mesh of space warping and flesh. Whatever it was, it somehow managed to infuriate her further.

With the wave of a hand, the portal deep inside the creature was forced to close. The next second, a barrage of subspace lances shifted through the myriad dimensions that the creature existed in, creating massive holes in its body.

She could feel the portal attempting to open itself again. It was anchored to something, the same way the Gems were anchored to different weapons and abused by those disgusting liars.

Finding the source wasn't hard, considering that to her senses it seemed like a glowing bright spot. Several lances were launched at it, every single one shifting through a different dimension. They reached their target, despite the creature now focusing wholly on the portal and bombarding it with lightning. Those colourful insects seemed to have run away, observing from a distance. It didn't matter. She would deal with them later.

As the lances pierced their target, the monster stopped in its tracks. Unmoving, much like a statue. Riddled with massive holes, it seemed about to collapse.

Her job was done. But just as she was about to turn away, something caught her attention. A small child with black, wavy hair was crying. She was too far for Sirin to hear her but her presence in space stood out like a neon sign on a dark night.

Why did it bother her so much? It was just a child! A child that would grow up and turn into the same liar and cheater that everyone else was!

She didn't believe it. Probably because the child reminded her so much of herself. Just like she cried at her mother's bed, the girl was crying as she stood over the bodies of two humans.

It hurt. She didn't want to hear it. She wasn't able to help herself after all, and the girl's cry only brought back more memories. Memories of her own mother. Memories of that liar

Moving on instinct, she opened the wormhole underneath the girl and allowed her to fall through right into Sirin's arms. Maybe this girl won't become a liar. Maybe she'll be the companion and family Sirin wanted.

With all those memories washing around in her head, Sirin couldn't help but admit that she simply didn't want to be alone. She wouldn't now. The portal was apparently a bit too much for the girl and she was unconscious. Gently shifting her, Sirin carefully examined her charge.

She looks like Bella. Her old friend, not the one humans called Benares.

Maybe it was fate.

Closing the space rifts around her, Sirin slowly descended back to the ground.

"Sirin? We don't want to fight! Your friend, Benares, is alive."

Sharply turning her head towards the woman she, in the moment of weakness, called mother, Sirin snarled.

"Lies! I would've sensed her if she was alive!"

"Please, I'm not lying!".

With that, the woman dropped the spear that was disturbing the purple-haired girl so much. It made Sirin stop for a moment. Was there a chance that she was telling the truth?

"What are you doing!? She won't listen to you!"

"Shut it, Ziggy. I only lied to her once and that was one time too many. I won't do it again. So please, Sirin. Come with me. I promise to protect you. We will go and visit your friend right now!"

Gnashing his teeth, Siegfried allowed the Judgement of Shamash to separate into two separate guns. That… was unexpected. Those guns would stand no chance of hurting Sirin. Were they actually telling the truth? Would she dare hope?

A few moments later, her decision was done.


The explosion on the second floor rocked the hours and Siegfried came tumbling down the stairs that were almost immediately broken behind him.

"Liar! You've killed-"

Sirin froze, floating at the top of the stairs. Her eyes were focused on a small girl, hiding behind Cecilia, staring at her with unadulterated fear in her eyes. The girl she saved. It wasn't a dream!

"Oh god… I-I'm sorry! I didn't…!"

Sirin's ramblings were cut off by Cecilia gesturing for the girl to come down. And as she hesitantly did so, Sirin was suddenly pulled into a hug.

"Don't worry. I know you still have nightmares. It's fine. We'll be fine."

That soft whisper was enough to reduce Sirin to tears now. Hugging her adoptive mother back, Sirin buried her head in the woman's shoulder. It took her a minute before she realised that Taylor was still there. Deciding to quickly fix the situation, she untangled herself from Cecilia and added the small girl to the hug.

It was peaceful. It was nice.

"Moooom! Sirin and dad broke the stairs!"

Hearing the somewhat annoyed voice from the second floor was a bit too much for her right now. As she burst into laughter, Sirin created a new set of stairs that would allow Kiana to come down.

"Sorry about that. Hey, want to join the hugging pile? We can eat after that and go to that skating ring."

"Yes!" was the somewhat loud answer as the blonde comet rocketed down the stairs and into the group.

"Right. I'll just lay down here and fix the stairs. Yup." Siegfried didn't make an attempt to move, deciding that a pile of debris was a perfect place for a nap.

"Oh, that was sooo good!"

Kiana's ability to talk about food even after she was finished and was in the process of dressing up for the trip was honestly enviable. She'd probably never have problems with finding a topic for the discussion. Not that it mattered at the moment.

Taylor, on the contrary, was quiet. Reserved. The wounds from losing her family still hurt.

'And I can't do anything to fix that. Unless…'

Putting her head on top of Taylor's head, Sirin smiled. It wasn't something she remembered how to do properly but her time with the Kaslanas was slowly fixing that.

"I know how you feel, little sister. I've lost my first family too. And my friends. But look at what's around us. We have a second chance, not something that everyone gets. So how about we try to have fun now? Your mother and father would definitely want that, right?"

Looking at her elder sister, Taylor seemed shocked. Or scared. Like there was something that she didn't want to admit. But a few seconds later, it happened. A small smile formed on the girl's lips.

"Yes. Mom would probably be super happy. And she'd be good friends with Mrs Cecilia. I just miss her."

"It's fine. We will always miss our family. But it doesn't mean that we can't have more than one family, right? Now, when you're finished dressing up, find me outside the house. I'll teleport us to the mall."


Now that Taylor seemed a bit livelier, Sirin's mood also improved. Who knew that being an elder sister would feel so good?

A few minutes later, an orange tear in reality opened infront of the Kaslana family's mansion.

The very next moment, the three girls that stood in front of the house vanished. There was, after all, skating to enjoy.

All of it was written in the span of an hour so if you want to throw slippers or other footwear at me - I'll understand. Still, use soft ones, please.
I did that
Otto just smugly "Just Planned"
Otto: Your whole Cauldron operation? I did that.
Alexandria: No...
Otto: Your PRT idea? i planted that.
Dr. Mother: impossible...
Otto: Contessa? I put her there!
Contessa: Path to finding out the truth. Step 1: Acceptance...

That's what my brain came up with. It's a horrible shit show. Please don't.
Edit add:
He technically also gives humanity 500 more years to get ready for the big fight.
Or he just pissed off the Honkai Will because as far as i know that Will doesn't treat time the same way we do. Man is just very sad his favorite girl died, so he spent 500 years trying to find a way to bring her back. I can respect that devotion even if i believe it's more obsession. Doesn't mean i won't put a bullet in him. Whether that bullet is for his head or heart or just his kneecap depends on what else he can do for humanity.

And now i think we should probably get off Otto's case. He isn't here in this story... Right? He isn't here right? -tries to check under the carpet-
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Filling the Void 2
I was bored and needed a break from writing a proper chapter.

Have a continuation of that "Filling the Void" omake.
Took me about... half an hour so it's really short. Sorry 'bout that.
I guess it's becoming a series after all.

Sitting in the stands, Sirin watched over her two adopted siblings' attempts at skating. Granted, Kiana seemed to have a knack for it. Taylor on the other hand seemed to have next to no talent whatsoever. She managed to trip and fall twice at this point and now held onto Kiana's hand, following her lead. It was honestly endearing to watch. Ever since her connection to G̶̨̼̺̝̍ȏ̶̪̫͕̯̞̒̇̃d̷͈̻̅̈̉̓ was stripped away, feeling simple pleasures became easier. She could feel satisfaction from something besides killing and destruction.

The desire to go on a rampage was still there but it was muted. And it wouldn't be wrong to say that she had Cecilia and her daughters to thank for that. Siegfried could go bend himself around a tree. She hasn't forgotten the damage that man and the blade had done to her. She still had nightmares.

'Nyet. Ne dumai ob etom.'*

That was her most common solution to the problem of depression. Push it away. Ignore it. The fact that she was constantly surrounded by people that cared about her helped too.

"Come on! I know you can do it!"

Forcing herself to pay more attention, Sirin got the chance of seeing Taylor somewhat clumsily skate across the ring. And judging by the expression on her face, Taylor had already forgotten about her previous failings. Thankfully, the place was currently closed and the girl's pride wasn't damaged all that much.

Quickly checking her surroundings for the presence of some unwanted individuals, Sirin vanished from the stands and reappeared beside Kiana making the girl jump, trip and successfully land on her butt.

"Scheiße! At least give me a warning!"

"Language. Don't make me tell Cecilia."

Seeing the girl suddenly turn as white as her hair, Sirin felt a feeling of smug satisfaction. Even if the matriarch of the Kaslana family was one of the kindest people on the planet, whenever she went into the scolding mode everyone did their best to hide.

Helping her adoptive sibling get back on her feet, Sirin turned towards Taylor who managed to turn around and now headed towards her sisters. Sirin especially. At a somewhat alarming speed. Quickly calculating every possible option, the purple-haired girl snapped her fingers and opened the portal in front of Taylor. The second portal appeared in front of Kiana not a moment later.


"Ich hasse euch beide…" was the only response Sirin got from Kiana who was now buried underneath Taylor.

"Lies. You and Taylor are thick as thieves. Hell, I help you sneak into each other's bedrooms every other night."

"Wuh? What did she say?"

As suspected, Taylor wasn't able to understand Kiana whenever she switched to German. She didn't have the cheat code of being a Herrscher after all.

'And I hope she never will.'

She said that she loves you. Don't worry."

Taylor didn't seem convinced but she nonetheless managed to get off of her sister. As they got up, Sirin herself suddenly had an idea. They were unsupervised after all. Not abusing it would've been blasphemous.

"Hey, girls! Do you wanna go and ride a dragon?"

Wide smiles were all the responses she needed.

Appearing in the middle of the Siberian forest, Sirin called out to her… friend? Subordinate? Both?

Deciding to think about that particular dilemma later, she focused on the presence of the dragon that rushed to her side. Breaking her out of the ice a few weeks ago wasn't difficult. The fact that she wasn't hostile towards humans ever since Sirin allied with them was just another bonus.

"Hello, Bella. I'm here with my sisters so do be careful with those wings of yours. I'd rather not have them blown away."

She could feel the dragon's emotions quiet down somewhat. Was she sad? Well, Sirin knew what would make her feel better. With a snap of the finers, an entirely new dimension was created. While she wasn't able to recreate Siberia with 100% accuracy, the somewhat geometric surroundings should've been sufficient enough.

"Now, how about you give us a ride?"

Feeling a tug at the sleeve of her coat, Sirin turned around and looked down to see the girls looking at her as if they saw god. Which, technically…

'That's right! Be awed! Praise me!'

"Do you have a dragon?!"

"Yes. Her name is Bella. Be polite to her and she'll let you ride her. Isn't that right, Bella?"

As if sensing her queen's intentions Bella quickly lowered herself to the ground, allowing the children to climb on top of her. Joining her sisters and surrounding them with an imaginary barrier, Sirin opened a wormhole to the newly created space.

"Alright, make sure to hold on to me! We'll fly for about an hour and then go home!"

Feeling their small hands grab her arms, Sirin allowed a small smile to form on her lips.

She wasn't alone.

And she would make sure that her sisters would get the best childhood they possibly could, the one that she was cheated out of.

With a mighty flap of the wings, Benares took flight.

Nyet. Ne dumai ob etom - No. Don't think about it.
Ich hasse euch beide… - I hate you both
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Key of Escalation
Essentially her Key.
Because ALL the Divine Keys were "processed" Herrscher cores and the Sea of Quantum is just... weird... and i need to get this weird bunny out of my brain holes.

Non-canon Omake: Key of Escalation
Bianka Ataegina, more commonly known as the S-rank Valkyrja Durandal was visibly confused. Her eyes were widened and her lips were part slightly. Her brows were a little scrunched together and her head was tilted just a little to the side. There was no other way to describe this expression other than confused. If her dear friend Rita wasn't equally as baffled she'd be all over her instantly.

The reason for her confusion was a sword. It was a long sword, capable of being wielded by one hand, but with just enough handles for two if the user wanted more stability. It was made of some sort of green-ish metal or was dyed green after completion. A few test swings earlier was able to tell her that it was remarkably balanced and light-weighted, though the Valkyrja would immediately admit that "light" for her did not mean much to other ordinary people. It appeared to be a good sword. There was definitely something to it, but Bianka just couldn't quite figure out. It was... somehow familiar, yet not. One might wonder though, how would someone be confused by such a sword?

The answer was very simple: everyone would be too when the sword would easily cut something, but would absolutely refuse to harm something else afterwards. There was no pattern to it that the attending researchers can find. It would easily cut a block of metal, but would absolutely refuse to leave a mark on a log. It wouldn't harm a researcher who stupidly decided to test its edge with his finger, but it left a deep gash on another with the barest of touch. It bisected their test dummies easily enough, but it won't leave a mark on anything else they tried after. A demonstration of tossing it at a sofa had it bounced off the sofa and then sank hilt-deep into the reinforced metallic floor. Rita even used it to make the finest slices of sashimi more as a joke than actual experiment, but then she couldn't dice an apple with it later.

This sword made no sense to anyone. It didn't made sense to the researchers. It didn't make sense to Overseer Otto when he tried consulting the Key of Revelation - the man's words were, "The Key was laughing at me... how odd." And it definitely didn't make sense to Bianka when they asked her to do... well, anything with it. Case in point, she just left a bit of a mess inside the training room and would need to file a substantial amount of paperworks to replace the training mechs, but now it won't even cut the very air they breath. As in it was currently "stuck" in the very air she left it in, blade down when she loudly wondered to what extend of dullness it could be. It definitely gave her an answer there. She can jiggle it around and it would make sounds of a sword rattling in a sheath somehow, but other than that it refused to budge!

"This is a bit of a problem." Her friend Rita said with just a hint of teasing in her voice. Bianka was tempted to give her a glare, but she was more focused on the sword currently "hovering" in midair. "What were you thinking when this happened I wonder?"

"I was wondering just how ridiculous it can get." Bianka answered honestly.

"Well it certainly proved just how ridiculous it can be." Her friend is now openly smiling. Bianka refuse to contemplate just what Rita was smiling about. "The question now is how do we get it... out? Yes, how do we get it out."

"Maybe we can ask it nicely?" It was mumbled out with a hint of sarcasm, but judging by the way Rita looked at her... "I suppose we can try?"

"At this point, there is no harm in trying. It wouldn't be the first time we've met a sentient weapon." Rita nodded before approaching the "hovering" blade. The self-appointed maid paused in front of it, suddenly unsure just how to proceed. The woman took a moment to ponder it before shrugging and said, "Well, being polite probably won't hurt. Excuse me mister- Oh my!" Rita retrieved a half step and shared a look with Bianka as the sword started rattling rather angrily at being called a "mister."

That confirmed it. They have somehow stumbled upon another sentient weapon. As if the Durandal wasn't enough. Now how should they proceed?

--xx Some undetermined time later xx--

It was a routine mission of Beast Hunting. There wasn't anything remarkable about it. The sightings were reported and then backed by investigation. The Beasts were gathering near a coastal town for no obvious reasons and the Immortal Blades were dispatched to get rid of them. There was no issue in their extermination. The only difference in the mission was Otto's choice in fielding her with the Sword as oppose to her usual gears. She had no issue with it as the Sword had performed well when absolutely needed. Its ability of choosing what it would cut allowed Bianka to be a little more loose in her combat and not worry about too much collateral damage. It did not even have the burden the Abyss Flower put on her. The S-rank Valkyrja was honestly in a very good mood. The Beasts were eradicated easily. There were only minor injuries. The collateral damage was truly kept to a minimus. The morale was high, and everyone in the Blades was very curious about the Sword.

Maybe that was why IT happened.

"Say again please. I don't think i heard you right." The radio bead in her ear buzzed. It had not suffer from any malfunction to Bianka's knowledge nor had it taken any hit. It was actually fresh off the factory too with the old ones being recycled. As such there should be no problem for her to transmit what she said. Yet Bianka could not, and would not fault the operator on the other side of the transmission. She wouldn't even fault her subordinates for their lack of awareness of their surroundings.

She really couldn't.

"I say again... I have split the ocean." It would be really hard to call her tone as anything but professional, and Bianka tried really hard to be professional. It was probably that professionalism that kept her from bursting into hysterics. "I have mistakenly challenged the sword to show me something incredible. It delivered."

"Yes... it confirmed with what our instruments are saying... I think I need a vacation..." The operator mumbled the last part so low that the Valkyrja doubt she was even suppose to heard that. There was also what sounded like hysterical laughter somewhere in the background too mirrored by at least one of her subordinates, but again Bianka couldn't fault them. "Ah, yes sir. The Overseer would like to ask you if you think this is the limit of the sword?"

"...I have the vague feeling that the Sword didn't try too hard." The Valkyrja answered as she looked at the oddly smug Sword in her hand. She had the feeling that it could go even further if she gave it a reason to, that it could... Escalate from what it already achieved. "I do not believe it is wise to ask that. I get the sense that the Sword is very willing to try harder if we give her a reason to." The parted ocean was only now just starting to reform. Part of Bianka was wondering just how she didn't accidentally create a tsunami that would devastate the coastal area, but the same part also wondered just how much control the Sword actually had in what it wanted to achieve. The rest of Bianka was just really glad that all that happened with it was the Immortal Blades getting just a tad wet.

The Valkyrja Durandal would heavily recommend not to use the Sword unless the situation calls for overkill. Otto would agree with it and ordered a complete lock down on any information about the Sword. He would eventually gift the Sword to Theresa under the pretense of it being a family heirloom, because one of the best way to hide something is to hide it in plain sight. Theresa Apocalypse would be confused with just a slight bit of suspicion about the heirloom, but would ultimately kept it safely hidden within the Oath of Judah, thus almost always have it on her person or nearby. The tiny Valkyrja would often get the weirdest feeling that the Oath of Judah was laughing at something, but the reason would forever elude her.

The Sword would remain hidden and virtually forgotten until the Judah suddenly spat it out during a meeting on how to deal with the Herrscher of Dominance and its Theatre of Dominance. Figuring that the Judah wanted it to be used for a reason, the Sword was eventually assigned to Kiana as the only one capable of even picking it up, let along wield it. It led to some confusion certainly, but with other urgent matters to handle the anomaly was put on the back burner.

Thus the Sword was wielded by Kiana during her battle against the numerous puppets of the Herrscher of Dominance inside the pocket dimension of the Theatre of Dominance. Things predictably Escalated.

Thus it was that Theresa Apocalypse learned that her grandfather might have just gave her something ridiculously dangerous when she watched a beam cut through the local dimension and sliced their moon in half in one single sweep. "Auntie, just what in the name of the fucking Void did you gave me?!?!" Kiana's hysterical scream barely cut through her mental haze from the suddenly relinked radio, but Theresa wasn't capable of reprimanding Kiana for her tone beyond answering that Otto gave it to her stating it was an heirloom a long while ago.

Theresa Apocalypse silently resolved with everything in her tiny body has to give her grandfather a major piece of a her mind as well as get an answer of just what he gave her all those years ago, or so help her she'll shove that thing up his back end. There was no way that was a simple heirloom or else the War against Honkai would have be very different.

...And she'll do that once she stopped having a panic attack.


{That's... the moon is NOT my fault. How would I know that I can do that?!}

{It totally is your fault. You already cut down multi-dimension beings before. So a moon shouldn't be an issue. Ah, if only i have even a fraction of that power back then...}

{No, no no nononono that's different and you know it! Scion was different! The Honkai Will was backing me!}

{Was it? Face it Taylor, you've Escalated beautifully.}

{Hey, how come I don't have a super badass moon cutting sword during MY fight?!}

{Not now Kiana!}


Okay, it's a bit of a mess. But hopefully people find it enjoyable.
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If there is a Will, there is a way
"Let me get this straight," Doctor Mother said. "Abyss Flower managed to defeat you at tic tac toe, so you gave her one of our most dangerous vials with a 75% mutation rate, and after she talked to her voices in her head, she mixed it with another one we haven't even tested, she drunk it, and now there are three of them around?"

Number Man nodded. "The numbers didn't lie, she's a natural 20s' magnet."

Eidolon grumbled. "Shut up, nerd. I needed those vials."

"She defeated Leviathan last week with a dragon, David," Alexandria replied. "If the other two, these Sirrin and Kiana are as half as powerful as her, we might have finally found our silver bullet."

"Sirrin asked one of the Earths," the Trump repeated. "As pre-payment."

"We have hundreds of planets. And she didn't ask them to be habitable."

"It's the principle."

Contessa appeared from a portal.

Doctor Mother stared at her, expectantly.

Contessa followed her path, and said seven words, barely audible.

"If there's a Will, there's a way."
Idol-Verse: TBN
It was kinda alluded to in the post, but Taylor is basically... well, not broke, but certainly not rich enough to buy Robots or large quanities of animals.
There is a place full of self-replicating killer robots just waiting for people do "Do Something" about them. I'm not sure what the public would think should TayVoid turn the city of self-replicating killer robots into her personal army of self-replicating killer robots.

Sirin may be delighted?
Inb4 you know, Glenn is bribing her with PRT ressources for "cooperations" and concerts in favour of the PRT. Or it just drives him into loathing that she is not part of the Wards/Protec
-muse proceed to dropkick my gray matter- !@#ARGH$#@

Loath as he was to admit it, the girl Abyss Flower knew what she was doing. Either she was a genius at PR, or she had some very competent help. That concert was well done. Even he had trouble finding faults and he was mature enough to admit that it might just be some petty nitpicking at this point.

Thus it was with a somewhat heavy heart that Glenn put down the remote. He didn't slam it down. In fact it was near feather light, but it was a testament to how silent the room was that the gentle motion was still viciously audible. The Head of PRT HR then stared straight at the gathered audience and asked, "Well?"

"Are you shitting me? You want us to do that!?" Clockblocker outright exploded. Vista and Shadow Stalker actually shared something in agreement as they stared at him as if he finally lost all sense and sanity. Aegis looked somewhat constipated and Kid Win may actually be suffering from a nervous breakdown. The only one not reacting is Gallent... correction, he seemed to be having a very silent nervous breakdown.

The adults on the other hand...

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! GLORIOUS! OH GOD! I CAN'T!" Assault was rolling on the floor. Battery was torn between getting a hold of her other half and staring at Glenn the way Vista and Shadow Stalker were. Miss Militia was just blinking rapidly with her head tilted slightly to the side. Velocity was snickering but giving him a thumb up. Dauntless was in visible denial. And Armsmaster seemed to be discovering some sort of religion if the way he stared at the ceiling was any indication. Glenn could sympathize. He too often wondered if some sort of higher power was messing with him.

Well, time to get the circus back under control. "Why couldn't you all be like her?! Life would be so much easier if you guys do even a fraction of what she does!" Oh wait, that wasn't what he was trying to say... even if it was true.


"You want us to dress up even more fancy and frilly and go... prance around on stage and sing?" Vista mumbled in horror. For a moment Glenn actually entertained the idea before discarding it for the amount of hassle that would take. Girl was currently in the rebellious stage and it was taking all he had not to have her go gothic-spiky-overlady. No need to pour more flame on that fire.

Then again... "If that's what you want?"

Whoever coined the phrasing "it never hurt to ask", Glenn really wished he could kick their ass just so he can show just how much it can hurt. His headache was hurting real bad, and that was before he factored in the shouting that just started.

Was he paid enough for this shit? Maybe he can ask for a raise...

My braaaaaaaain!

(note: this is non-canon!)
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Idol Wars - Prelude
I promised it - here you go. Not the highest quality but is decent enough imho.

Idol Wars - Prelude

Sitting at the Wards HQ, Vista couldn't look away from the laptop. The heroine (?) that they've met a few weeks ago apparently decided to show off her vocal abilities by setting up a concert that would've been broadcast online for anyone willing to watch. And unlike most other online singers, she was actually performing on stage somewhere. A stage that, despite Kid Win's best attempts, they couldn't locate. They were the only ones at the base right now, and if nothing else, this stream could at least help them kill time.

"Well, she can certainly sing. Although I'm not sure how she manages to remain on stage and read the chat at the same time. Do you think there's someone else with her?"

Kid Win grunted something affirmative, staring at the screen of his computer and typing something at a frankly alarming speed. A few minutes later, he pushed himself away from the table and got out of the chair.

"I can't find it. They've probably renovated it enough to make the location unrecognisable. I don't know how else to explain it."

The chance of Abyss Flower working with someone else was decently high, she was known for picking up villainous girls and trying to make them redeem themselves in the eyes of the public.

Making sure that the stream was paused, Taylor was about to go and get herself a drink when a sudden desire to sneeze hit her. Was someone talking about her?

Just as Vista was about to comment on her stream, she noticed that a rather large number of people started asking for AF to sing in other languages. A momentary confusion was quickly cleared up as she remembered that the older girl did, in fact, claim to be multilingual. But even if she was, there's no way she could sing in other languages, right?

"Well, if that's what you guys want… All right then, how about we do one song for each language and call it at that? Consider it my sign of gratitude for so many of you tuning in!"

The girl's behaviour suddenly changed. It was as if she became a completely different person.

"There's no way. Do you think she's bluffi-"

"Herzlich willkomm' im tiefgrunen Konglreich~
Sieh dich nur an,
Dur gingst sicher schon weit.
Ist dir denn klarr,
dass dich auf diesen Pfaden hier
nun aust das Gesetz des Waldes anfurht.

Hoo~ Hoo~
Und die Eulen erzahlen leis
Hoo~ Hoo~
Ein Besucher kerht ein

Hoo~ Hoo~
Und die Eulen erzahlen leis
Von all dem das sich uns bald noch zeight

"What. the. fuck."

Missy could only nod, staring at the screen with wide eyes. Not only was the girl singing in what she assumed to be German, she was also doing so without any noticeable accent. Hell, she was fairly certain that 99% of the Empire 88 weren't able to speak German at all. Was that why she tried to flip Rune to the light side? Was she secretly from Germany?

As the song continued, both Wards noticed that people in the chat were trying to figure out what song that was and came to the agreement that it was an original piece.

'Great. She's now a writer too… Anything else you want to reveal?'

"Kid, I'll go get us some soda. And we should probably record the stream, just in case it gets deleted. Who knows what Armsmaster will be able to pull out of it."

Leaving the Tinker alone, Missy did her best to cheat the road towards the wending machine by warping space wherever she could and even then it took her nearly five minutes. Making sure that they've had enough and hoping that the stream wasn't over, Vista made her way back and had the pleasure of seeing a very wide-eyes Chris, sitting in front of the monitor with his mouth open.

"What happened?" Missy asked, "did she start singing in another language?"

Seemingly coming back to his senses, Kid simply shoved the headphones into her arms. She soon joined him in having a zombie-like expression. Not only did her behaviour change again, but she was also much more animated this time.

"Вновь судьба настигнет тебя
Так сердце твердит всегда.
Время вышло, это конец.

Одной верой в себя живу.
Свет, что развеял тьму,
Подсказал решение мне.

Да, дорогой трудной я иду
Вслед за чей-то тенью.
Вечного дождя не боюсь,
Ведь в судьбу я верю,
И проверить её хочу.
Смело глаза открывая…

Вставай же! Вставай! Будь сильной!
И поверь в себя!"

"Hm… I guess her claims of being multilingual were actually true. If we ever need to figure out her identity - this could be a good starting point. There aren't many people that can speak that clearly, much less sing."

The Wards didn't even notice when Armsmaster entered the room, followed by Miss Militia. And judging by her rather amused expression, they had been standing there for a while. That didn't explain one thing though…

"Uh, sir? How are you able to listen to the stream if you're not wearin-"

"I'm playing it on my visor."


At that, the conversation died down. They were too focused on the stream at the moment, for research purposes only of course.

Paige Mcabee couldn't help but laugh. Finally. Finally, she had a rival. Someone that could not only sing incredibly well but seemed to gather a rather large fan base already. This is something she was hoping for - someone to push her own craft forward. Someone to bounce off of and get even better while also making a possible friend.

A sound director that was working for Paige was about to knock at the door when he heard a maniacal giggle coming from the inside.

'I guess there are always other days. Yes, let's make sure she gets some rest for today.'

Those who saw him quickly walking away from the door could've sworn that his shoes were about to catch on fire.

"Phew… I'd say that was a success. Do you think it was a good idea to make it available for everyone?"

"Нет, especially because now people will keep bothering you about songs. You should've stuck with being a powerhouse. These so-called villains won't take you seriously anymore."

"Hey! Lay off of her, birdbrain! She'll only look better if they can't do shit against someone who spends their free singing. Imagine the humiliation!"

"Как ты меня назвала?! Ах ты стерва! А ну иди сюда!"

Ignoring the fact that the two somehow managed to start a fight inside of her head, Taylor focused her attention on the two blonde girls sitting behind the makeshift desk. Ever since they've decided to hang out together, both Tammi and Lisa had apparently decided to make her do as much PR as possible with this concert being their latest venture.

"It probably was. Now a lot more people know about you and that will eventually pay off. Just make sure not to do or say anything stupid while you're at it."

"Yeah, people are like fucking sharks. The more attention you get, the faster they'll jump you. Make sure not to fuck up somewhere."

Sighing, Taylor sat down at the edge of the stage, allowing her legs to finally rest. No matter what they say, jumping around and singing for several hours straight was not a pleasant experience.

She could only hope that this concert wouldn't backfire in any way, shape or form.
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Idol Wars - Another Song
It was a rather nice and calm day for the city of Brockton Bay, and people were anticipating the new 'project' of one Abyss Flower. A project they knew would be held on the edge of their very own city, and many hoping to get a sneak peek had already traveled to the location.

Only to find a stage.

Anything else was denied by Abyss Flower personally, drawing even an even bigger crowd, who, too, hoped to be the first ones inside.

Soon, opportunistic street vendors had even set up stalls, as the crowd chatted away about what the new 'project' was.

Some troublemakers arose, of course, but they were easily caught by security, else escorted away by the cops themselves before any real damage could occur.

It was a happy day for the city of Brockton Bay.

Eventually, massive screen lit with life, with a slow countdown: A timer until the 'project' was revealed.

Soon after, an upbeat song began to play, and the captive crowd was put on the edge of their seats.

And then, when the timer hit zero, there was a moment of deafening silence.

And then a crack, as a guitar began to play, and Abyss Flower herself got on stage, singing and dancing an amazing song. Behind her, a band began to take their place.

Too soon, the song ended, and Abyss Flower left the stage, as a purple haired girl, Sonata, took her place.

The audience was amazed. They had expected only one performance, but better yet was how real the visuals looked! They could even feel the wind as the white dragon took to the sky, flying overhead.

The crowd cheered, before a new white haired girl came and replaced Sonata.

And the lights began to dim, as, cold; the girl began to sing a somber song(Nightglow).

"Red roses burn my eyes.

Cold rain starts pouring

Hard, I'm being called upon.

Never let you go, it's

Why I did them all."

The words resonated deeply with the audience, who began to cheer even louder, and even cry at the sheer beauty of the song.

Until the song came to an end with the cracking of glass.

Compared to the previous ones there was not much noteworthy to remember of the pop music but it was still good music that reinvigorated the attendees of the concert

The pop music ended, Abyss Flower herself reentered the stage to sing once more for the city of Brockton Bay.

And her song was beauty made manifest.
"Though my wings've been bloodstained and could never rid

I will try hard to soar to the heaven I dreamed

There is no "exception" in this library

For I know I will always go with you"

It started upbeat, strong, clear, and unwavering till the very end. It was a song if dreaming for a brighter future, of moving forward even if it seemed impossible, and it ignited something deep inside the hearts and minds of all those who heard it: Hope.

Again, Sonata took Abyss Rose's place, and there she began to sing a sad, tragic song (Skyfall). But one who's notes became brighter, and brighter with each passing second. Until it peaked so high it could never fall.
"One's so small and the world's so wide,

every step forward echoes a sigh,

I reach out for the halo far up high.

Deeply engraved, my memory is silent but not forgotten indeed"

For the song was tempered hope into something else entirely. Something that could never crack or bend. Something truly unbreakable.

And with that, Sonata left the stage, and the lights went dark.

The crowd whispered in excited, hushed voices, until the lights cut back on to something unexpected. For there in the center of the stage sat the white haired girl, Stardust, gently playing the piano. Standing beside her, Abyss Flower playing a Violin, and most surprisingly of all, Sonata stood with an accordion.

The music heard that day would be immortalized as one of the most beautiful things in the world. Something that crossed borders, languages, and ideologies. Eternally, it would be remembered in the hearts of many.

The next song reestablished the pattern, as Abyss Flower and Sonata left the stage, until only Starfire was left. Gently, she stood, as violent and trumpets began to play, orofucint an oppressive heavy music that left the audience eager for more.

And then silence.

And THUNDER! Multiple, rolling booms as the true song began to play. The violence were slow, but picking up speed, as Starfire raised her hands and began to sing:

"The truth of the lost memories

Is within a corrupted self

I can hear a nostalgic voice in this final song

I embrace you with such passion

'The red moon on the end of the world…'

The sorrowful diva's song

The truth of those fleeting dreams is on the other side

Until it disappears"

The song made the people remember an age where hope was at its highest. Where things could not be worse, and the product of Brockton Bay gained a goal. To make that forgotten dream a reality upon this broken world.

And with that, they knew in their hearts and bones that the concert was coming to an end.

And the three girls gathered for one last song. A sudden, perfect follow-up.

"I will never go

There's a way back home

Brighter than tomorrow and yesterday

May all the beauty be blessed"

The song resonated within the hearts and minds of the people around the world. Solidifying goals, hopes and dreams.

The cheering of the masses reached a new peak. And for a moment, the hearts around the world united for a single, unquestionable cause.
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