1. Duke Henryk von Bildhofen of Carroburg

Have you ever heard of the Carroburg Bildhofens? No? Such a shame, such a monumental shame. You see, they are without a doubt one of the greatest families ever produced by Drakwald. They say that they are the bastard progeny of the Skavenslayer himself, or at least that's what the minstrels are paid to say at any rate. Elevated by the Elected Emperors after the first von Bildhofen gave those nasty old Wolf Emperors the old what for. Why, they even bear the Runefang of Drakwald, of Drakwald, given to them by the same Elected Emperors who were, lest I be forced to repeat myself, very impressed with the battering put upon Middenland to the point of all but naming them the new Elector-Counts of Drakwald. Admittedly, they haven't actually done so yet, something about the Elected Emperors being replaced and the new ones, or one of the new ones, needing plenty of time to review the paperwork before it could be made official.

Of course it's only a matter of time before it happens. Duke Henryk, that's Henryk of the Carroburg von Bildhofens (and you really must specify because the Nuln Bildhofens are a comparatively disappointing lot who will never amount to anything), is quite the go-getter, you see. A real up and comer, a clever young man who understands that while this whole "Age of the Three Emperors" business may be bad for the longterm security and survival of the Empire, that it nevertheless presents opportunities. That it offers chances for advancement, aggrandisement, and...erm, something else beginning with an A.

Certainly with Beast Slayer in hand, a mighty steed between his legs, and at least twenty good men at his back, Duke Henryk has the moxy needed to advance the fortunes of the Carroburg von Bildhofens. Sure, he might not be the richest nobleman about and yes, Middenland might not recognise the awe-inspiring rise to independence engineered by the Duke's predecessors but Henryk has got moxy. Moxy. And really, if you have moxy, what else do you need?
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On a related note, here's a reworked version of my proposal that I'd appreciate you taking a look at. If I remember the lore correctly, it's pretty common for the Elector Counts to have subordinates dedicated to managing particularly large titles of theirs. Though I understand completely if you don't want the internal politics of your capital city being managed by someone else.
I appreciate the interest but I'm afraid to say that I'm not exactly enthused for exactly the reasons you've mentioned. Unless you can make a damn good argument otherwise I'm going to have to refuse.
Alright , here I go:

Grandmaster Horst Kleiner of the Knights of the Everlasting Light

Coming from minor nobility which did not have much to their name but a coat of arm and a fortified place easily dwarfed by merchants palaces , Horst never had the incredible confidence or dynamism of the young scions of great houses , but with a life spent closer than most nobles to the common populace he did have a combination of the traditional sense of honor bestowed upon the nobility and the more grounded conception of justice that the peasants practiced.
When the renowned Order of the Everlasting Light charged downhill into the marauding band of greenskins that was attacking this lost and unimportant village that was his home while others would have chosen the wealth and renown that the local tournament in Heffengen would have bringed them , he found in them true heroes caring of all , an opinion proven even more by their generous gift of large sums of money to the village after they had mistakenly spread the fire to all of the few local fields during their heroic fighting.
He joined up with them and was accepted swiftly and warmly , and steadily climbed the ranks while participating in heroic but somewhat always devastating battles , for the Order was cursed to a seemingly eternal string of bad luck.

A compulsive habit of frenetic donations to every known non-chaotic gods and goddess , several public humiliations , and an unfortunate accident during which the previous Grandmaster was struck by lightning 8 times in a row later , Horst was now the Grandmaster of the Order , to his great horror.
Though maybe his lead herald a turn in the fortunes of the Knights of the Everlasting Light , for while they have been long without headquarters after their previous Chapter House in Bechafen collapsed in a sinkhole , an unknown cousin to the third degree of the great-uncle of his godmother's sister apparently herad of the good he and his knights have done , and generously gave to the Order in his last will a confortable and spacious building in the small and picturesque town of Essen , which reliable sources have assured to Horst is a wonderful sunny and most joyous town without any problems.
Truly , a new era is starting for the stout defenders of justice that the Knights of the Everlasting Light are !
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Grandmaster Adalius Humfried Erbsenzähler of the Knightly Order of the Blazing Suns

Grandmaster Adalius Humfried Erbsenzähler grew up wishing to be one of the finest warriors in the land. From an early age he worked with this single goal in mind. He joined the ranks of the Order as soon as he was able and committed his mind and body to learn everything he could about the order and warfare. Adalius served for decades climbing the ranks of the Blazing Suns, earning trust amongst its members (also making a few enemies) and proving himself doing the trials of combat.

While Adalius knows much of warfare and fighting, he also has a softer side and is willing to listen to those that have an issue, though it doesn't mean he will actually do anything about it. He is willing to do almost anything and is known to be in the thick of battle alongside his brothers, and if he can help it will never leave a man knowingly behind. Adalius devotes some time to reading and studying, and if he hears of new tactics or ploys? You bet he will spend hours learning all about it and inventing ways to improve it or countering it.

Adalius does the best he can for his men and for the Order and will go to the hilt in his pursuits to get a mission completed.
Would the 'head' of the Cult of Ranald be open for claiming?

Theoretically so, yes, though the Cult of Ranald is a very secretive order that doesn't officially exist. So you'd need to accept not being able to publicly associate with most other PCs (private negotiations are another thing entirely)

Adolf von Jager
Grand Master of the Knights of the White Wolf

Welcome, Grand Master Jager. The Knights of the White Wolf are arguably the largest and most famous of all the Knightly Orders at this time, so you have a considerable power base to call upon. You do not, however, have any Capital - building new fortresses and chapter-houses will rely on donations from other actors. Naturally, you are located primarily in Middenland, and likely have existing facilities and detachments across much of the north.

1. The high and Chivialric order of Deserved Rest, or more commonly know, the Knights of the Raven.

Hail Morr, the god of the dead.

The Shepard and guardian.

Leading the dead to their rightful rest.

Welcome, Grand Master Herman. Your forces are almost entirely located within Stirland, Sylvania and Ostermark, and see above for other knightly rules.

1. Duke Henryk von Bildhofen of Carroburg

Have you ever heard of the Carroburg Bildhofens? No? Such a shame, such a monumental shame. You see, they are without a doubt one of the greatest families ever produced by Drakwald.

Looks good to me, you'll just need the approval of @Deadly Snark to claim the role, since Carroburg is in their province.

Grandmaster Adalius Humfried Erbsenzähler of the Knightly Order of the Blazing Suns

And approved for the Blazing Suns, Grandmaster.

Your order is generally located in the southern regions of the Empire, particularly Wissenland, where there is a sizeable Tilean population and an Elector Count (in the form of @SirLagginton ) that used to be a member of your order.

Grandmaster Frederika Goldwasser of the Knights of Sigmar's Blood
Ser Goldwasser is the current Grandmaster of the Knights of Sigmar's Blood. Discerning, intelligent, and widely respected for the time being, Goldwasser is an able commander. While she cares deeply for her men, she does not hesitate to sacrifice them for the good and prosperity of mankind, and her men proved more than willing to stake their lives at her orders for the rigorous training only allowed the most faithful and loyal to join their Order.

Ser Goldwasser is a complex personage, usually seen as serious, calculating, and always planning far in the future. While she trusts her men, she was quick to determine that there is more that the Knights of Sigmar's Blood could do in these trying times than what they would merely suggest. Perhaps, their neutral stance between the realms might change. An eloquent and sometimes fervent speaker, Ser Goldwasser is able to sway many people, such as when convincing young aspiring nobles to sign up or for some rebellious peasants to let their weapons down peacefully.

Ser Goldwasser is often regarded as a very grim and a bit of a cynical individual. She accepts all news, good or bad, mockery or praise, with the same stoic attitude. Her ultimate goal is for Mankind to once again rise up and become dominant as they did centuries ago. While not particularly interested in seeing the Empire reunited, she understands that it may be the best way to achieve such a goal. A goal she is willing to sacrifice anything for. If they did not make sacrifices now, there would be no one left to mourn them and hail them as heroes later.

She would sacrifice her own humanity in order to bring change to a world where those who cannot sacrifice things important to them will not change anything. Since she is able to make such commitments, she is a master strategist and tactician in battle, as one of her status and rank, it is only to be expected. More than a few would question her disregard for human lives in achieving victory. Ser Goldwasser, however, does not sacrifice them freely. Minimal losses are the best option possible, and sometimes for that to be achieved; some concessions must be made.

However, behind her front of assurance and single-minded determination, Ser Goldwasser still holds her own personal ideals and questions her own motivations. Following her ascension to Grandmaster, she admits she understands her audacious actions and questions constantly if what she is doing was the right thing. There is only one way to find out. In the future, she may be hailed as a hero or as a ruthless monster.

Alright, here's my own. @Maugan Ra
EDIT: There were some awkward tenses in trying the simple past, so I changed it to the present tense instead.
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Frederika Schlim
'High Priest' of Ranald

The Time of Three Emperors has brought about great changes to the Cult of Ranald. The Four Faces came into direct contact as Night Prowler, Gambler, Protector and Deceiver cultists all fought each other in clandestine wars over the course of the ongoing Chaos in the Empire. The Brotherhood of Altdorf, which had been the main power center of the Cult after its move into the northern lands, began to slowly lose power as bussiness and trade became more treacherous and less profitable in the wake of constant wars. The Vampire Wars was the final nail in its coffin, and as it lost power the other faces rose to try and secure the top spot.

The Crooked Fingers and the Crosses all made strong plays for power, but they would be stymied by the chaos that had brought down the Brotherhood. For the constant wars had created a great many refugees and destitute peasants and burghers. The people cried out and the Givers of Coin, the sect dedicated to Ranald the Protector, rose to defend them.

Frederika is one of the many refugees. A native of Hochland, her family was driven out when she was ten by a Beastman Brayherd that basically obliterated her small village. She drifted from place to place, do whatever she had to do for food and a place to stay, until she followed a few crosses in the Middenheim sewers to a small gathering a crooks, thieves and conmen. There she was inducted into the cult and made a living as both a petty, then not so petty, thief and a priest of Ranald. Frederika gave large parts of her profits to the refugees in Middenehim and quickly became a community leader among them, inducting many of her close friends and allies into the Cult. She drifted further and further away from the Night Prowler and was soon a member of the Giver of Coins. When the last 'High Priest' a famous gambler, died in a bar fight the Givers of Coin made their play. Seen as a moderate element within the Sect the Brotherhood reached out to Frederika and backed her, rationalizing that at least she didn't want to tear down the institutions of monarchy with fire and sword like some of her brothers.

Now Frederika holds a title that traditionally has little power. But in these times of tumult a strong woman with a lot of luck and skill at intrigue can accomplish much. Frederika is determined to see the Cult of Ranald gain real, legitimate power and establish a somewhat stable priesthood. In doing so she hopes that the aspect of the Protector will come to the fore and the Cult can be a real force of social good in the Empire. As well as get filthy rich off of religious sanctioned theft.
Minir Faction Application:
Ulricsson Johann Beukelsz, Grandmaster of the Order of the Winter Throne

Johann Beukelsz was born an inconvenience. The bastard son of a Westerland Burgomiester and a Noordhaven weaver, Johann's very existence threatened to undermine the careful dance of the Marienburg patricate to maintain rich inheritances for themselves and soon his father's rival cousins challenged his sest in the Stadsraad and began a pamphleteering campaign that all but named him a traitor bespelled by a Norscan she-devil. Chased out of Oudgeldwijk and forced to rough it in exile among the artisans and tradespeople of Kruiersmuur ultimately Johann's so-called noble family paid for him and his mother to be taken cared of... far away from them. Given a small stipend to never come back Johann's mother was able to charter in Noordport a voyage to what was once the home of her distant relatives in Heiligdorf, Nordland, and restart her life. With her small but liquid capital and prior experience in the hard canals of Marienburg soon Mechtild Beukelsz built a tidy personal empire buying on the cheap good Erengrad wool from the privateers that have no idea how much their captured longship's cargo was worth and then selling the haul downriver to Salzenmund dyers. She was even able to negotiate an apprenticeship and quality guild education for Johann under a Dietershafen master tailor.

And then the dragonships came, and burned Heiligdorf to the ground. The ancient and august Temple of Mannan gave no succor to it's fearful worshipers dragged out be chained as thralls. The holy springs of Rhya that gave Heiligdorf its name did nothing to stop the mauraders that defiled them amd looted her offerings. Even the inland sacred groves of Taal, King of the Gods, could not resist the witch-fire of the Northman.

Only one god saved what was left of Johann's life. Only one god had the strength to. The Snow King. The Wolf Lord. Ulric the Mighty.

Evidently the raiders were a small ocean-going branch of the Aeslings that had never raided the Empire before and had never encountered something like the charge of howling knights sourrounded by unnatural blizzards and now-berserk villagers. After that moment Johann discovered his life's purpose. Where the other survivors hunkered down to rebuild Johann gave up what worldly possessions he had remaining and joined with the elders the village could no longer feed in becoming Wolf-kin to die in battle. Johann's story might have just ended there, falling with his comrades in one of the countless minor skirmishes against the Children of Chaos, if not for the intervention of the Ragnarite Wolf-Priest Bernhard Rothmann.

Bernhard saw potential in Johann's zealotry and sponsored his education in the Ulrican cult as part of the growing influence of radicalized Ragnarite Ulricans raging against the seeming weakness of the Wolf-Emperors and strengthening of the Sigmarite pretenders. Once enrolled in the Order of the Winter Throne Johann was able to rise from simple Warrior of Ulric to Wolf-Priest and cleric of the Order to commander of his fellow priest-brothers and priestess-sisters. It was as Priest-Commander of Drakwald that Johann made his name uncovering several Order tithe-collections having disappeared into a complex web of financial corruption including no less then four Preceptors and the Denmother of Carroburg. Controversly Johann had not merely had the high officers stripped of their ranks and forced into pentenances but executed outright as one might a mercenary free-lance hired by the Order. To keep the wings of the Winter Throne at peace the Ulricsson rewarded Johann with the position of private chancellor, far away in the Temple of Ulric's Throat. Surprisingly the prolonged personal contact did not result in either strife nor Johann moderating himself under his elder's patronage but in the dying Ulricsson burning with new radical fervor and putting much of the last years of his reign into tthe strengthening of Johann's faction.

Now in an election whose comfortable margins belay its somewhat bitter competition, Johann Beukelsz is now annointed the Ulricsson and High-Master of the Order of the Winter Throne.
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Sieghard Eberl, Custode del Portale of the Cult of Morr
One of the most disliked yet wide spread cults within the Empire, the Cult serves an important purpose in properly disposing the dead so they never rise again. Dedicated to the God of the Dead Morr, Sieghard is an uncaring vanguard to the Universal God. For all men, no matter how low or die, will pass. Originally beginning as a humble lay-priest, a long career in Stirland hardened him to both the universality of dead and the pure, unbounded evil of nercomancers and their craft. Although technically the feudal overlord of such orders as the Knights of the Shrould and the Order of the Black Rose, in reality Sieghard has no interest in even attempting to reign in ancient powers. He is more than content ensuring the peaceful continuation of the dead into the ground, and ensuring they never rise out.
I'll get to the other minor faction applications tomorrow but since I just noticed this...

Minir Faction Application:
Ulricsson Johann Beukelsz, Grandmaster of the Order of the Winter Throne

The, uh, Order of the Winter Throne really reads more like an antagonist group that I throw at northern PCs than a viable player faction in their own right. The other three Knightly Orders I've approved so far have all had clear connections to particular states and roles to play in the inter-state warfare and politicking.

What role do you envision the "literal apocalypse cultists who burn food silos at the onset of winter" will play?
I'll get to the other minor faction applications tomorrow but since I just noticed this...

The, uh, Order of the Winter Throne really reads more like an antagonist group that I throw at northern PCs than a viable player faction in their own right. The other three Knightly Orders I've approved so far have all had clear connections to particular states and roles to play in the inter-state warfare and politicking.

What role do you envision the "literal apocalypse cultists who burn food silos at the onset of winter" will play?
I imagined the Winter Throne as the big middleman in the Norscan mercenary pipeline as you could be at least 60% they wouldn't explode into Chaos Spawn with the stamp of Ragnarite approval and the Ragnarite experience with which southern Norscan tribes are only *slighty* Chaos worshipping witches.

Plus I figured that though the Winter Throne could often have... frosty relationships with the Ar-Ulric (oh yeeah!) But conversely during those times the Ragnarite Wolf-Priests would provide a way for Ulrican Elector-Counts to do the medieval prince thing and use varying degrees of Ragnarite cover to justify political moves the Ar-Ulric is opposed to. Kind of like the HRE princes going for more Calvinist-trending Protestantism or Lutherian-tending even in the middle of the fight with the Catholics (here, the Sigmarites).

And at the end of the day even the Winter Throne quiets down a bit on the crazier 'so who's really the Son of Ulric huh?" when actually face-to-face with the Eternal Flame and the Teutogen Guard. All Ulricans can unite under the banner of "shut up the Ancient Widow isn't a real winter goddess"

Headmaster Karl Keiner
"The societal responsibility of all learned persons is to use that talent for the betterment of the common folk: to teach them virtue through example and banish the dark shadows of superstition and ignorance through practice. It is through this just guiding principle that I will lead this hallow institution to a path of further greatness. If one disagrees with this singular point, I fear they have no room within my council or this institution."
In an age of decadence -- where moral excellence is of lesser value than the length of a man's sword -- Karl was born. The sixth son of a wasted thinker and baron, whose mind only conjured the blackest of futures (influenced by the legacy of the vampiric tide), he was sent to the {insert institution} as a formality of class rather than the merit of personal insights. Disgusted by his father, he had hoped for a short reprieve in that hallow institution of learning. Instead, he found a den of vipers -- molded by privilege to enjoy carnal pleasure at the expense of all. He grew aghast at the state of the Empire's elite and formulated a solution to its problem: virtuous education, erasing the many failings of society through teaching better alternatives to its elites. Thereafter, he spent the years as a student and then teacher building contacts to establish such a reality.

Pig-headed, prudish, and ill-at-ease with public speaking, his journey was long and hard. At one point, he adopted an orphan, of unusual complexion, to prove a point about "the ability of even the damned to learn." Overtime, he grew close to his daughter, Lara, and, at last, overcame the many obstacles to be appointed the headmaster of {insert institution}. He hopes with caution to change the future through educating the present.

P.N.: will fill in the insert parts when one of the two accepts the concept.

Hildrun Steinhauer,
Nordadler, Eagle of the North, The Red Lion of Wissenland, Founder the Order of Red Lions
High Priest of Myrmidia in the Empire
As the eldest child of a Stonemason in a small southern town best known for its nearby mines and quarries, Hildrun learned about three very important things throughout her early years; The value of hard work, the importance of careful planning, and always, always, maintain vigilance against greenskins. This last lesson was one that she had known her entire life living close to the Black Mountains, but was driven home in what would become perhaps the pivotal event of her life. Although the town had not relaxed its vigil, its focus had regrettably narrowed. Particularly, they were very attentive to the warning signs coming from the south. Which is why, when the greenskins attacked from the north, it nearly killed them all. Not expecting the Greenskins to be able to navigate around the series of forts, outposts and watchtowers which served to protect such southern towns as Schwartzminstadt. Caught off-guard and unprepared, the local militia could do little more than pull back within the town's stone walls (one military advantage of living in a quarry town full of masons, there was no shortage of stone or folk who knew how to work it) and prepare for a siege. This was when the Knights of the Blazing Sun arrived. Having been in the area not purely out of coincidence, this being a time of more frequent Greenskin raids, the Knights had picked up the trail of surprised and overrun farms and watchtowers, and traced the path of destruction to the greenskin band in question. Their numbers were not great, but they were more than enough for the task.

It was the first time Hildrun had ever seen Knights of the Empire fight, and while the Knights of the Blazing Sun displayed much in the way of gleaming armor and martial prowess, it was their tactical brilliance which struck Hildrun most strongly. Even has an untrained masons daughter, she could tell how completely the Knights outmaneuvered the orcs and goblins, and coordinated effortlessly with the towns' militia which came out to support them. Splitting the sizeable band and taking it apart piecemeal, utilizing the inferior numbers at their disposal to maximum effect, it stirred something deep within Hildrun. The worship of Myrmidia, while not common in town, was not unknown this far south in the Empire and as the Knights were pleased (to a point) to impart the wisdom and teachings of Myrmidia, Hildrun found herself becoming a zealous convert. Before she had had no great plans for her life beyond possibly succeeding her father's position in the Guild of Stonemasons, but now she had something which inspired her to more. She ended up joining the Knights as a camp follower on their trip to a larger town closer to Nuln which boasted a sizeable temple of its own, where she sought initiation.

After serving as a member of a Initiate "Flight" and eventually becoming First Eagle within her own. As a mason's daughter, Hildrun was a strong and well muscled young woman, and she accompanied this with a keen mind and a considered temperament, imparted in no small part by the lessons of her father and the craft of her younger years. While still an initiate in the Temple she was inducted as a member of the the local branch of the Order of the Righteous Spear, the Order of the Golden Shield. Splitting her time between studying the scholarly and military arts, becoming fluent in the languages and tenets of the Myrmidian faith, and joining the Order in battle against mutants, beastmen and greenskins alike. She became a priest when, in a wargame between several of the Initiate Flights and a number of Myrmidian priests, Hildrun rallied her fellow initiates after a series of setbacks and devised a counter-strategy which eventually won the day against the older and more experienced members of the temple. After this she became a priest of her increasing note within the Myrmidian Cult in Wissenland, gaining prestige and earning herself the title of "Red Lion of Wissenland" after a series of successful battles leading various militant elements of the Myrmidian faith, and eventually went on to found her own sub-Order, the Red Lions.

Eventually her rise, not exactly meteoric but certainly respectable, took her to the position of highest authority in the Empire, the head of the Temple of Myrmidia in Nuln, and the Eagle of the North, the High Priest of the Myrmidian Faith in the Empire. Although she is loyal to the faith and remains a follower of L'ultima Aquila, the High Priestess of Myrmidia currently based in Tilea, she has begun to have concerns regarding the constant back and forth rivalry between the Estalian and Tilean branches of the faith, whose frequent doctrinal disagreements, and competing claims of authority and what effect it might have on the faith in the Empire.
If the Order of the Winter Throne does end up being too much like me go ahead and put down a second option:

2. The "Venerable Guilde of Naturall Phylosophie and Alkimie" or, the Alchemists' Guild.

Established after the discovery of the necromatic corruption of the Dieter Helsnicht and his dark rise as the Doomlord dissolved his "Societatem Magistratibus" the Guild was put in place explicity to chain the endeavour of human thought to the point that another Doomlord could never arise again. Or rather, that is the Guild's best theory on its origins as its Guildhalls have been burned to the ground by angry mobs or destroyed by witchcraftnso many times they can only tentively date their existence to some time between the years 1200 and 1600 of the Imperial Calender. This gives an idea how the Guild is fundamentally defined by its status as half an organization. Half a fellowship of elementalist hedge-wizards and half a society of mundane metallurgists and lens-grinders. Half a lay fellowship in devotion of wise Verena and half a vile pit of freethinkers and heretics kept alive on the sufferance of imperial authorities. Half a band of madmen obsessed with finding the magnum opus of the Arabyan sages and half... a second band of madmen obessed with finding the secrets of Dwarf runecraft and their wondrous enchantments.

More recently however, the complete destruction of the imperial system and their complete failure to do much more then help the Engineers make gunpowder and operate Steamtanks during the Vampire Wars have started to leave the already precarious Guild lost and with its purpose in question. Many of the best and brightest simply left for the golden age of alchemists in Praag and the hollowed-out Guild circles in Middenheim, Nuln, and Talabheim nearly splintered under the strain. Indeed by the Time of Three Emperors an observer of the fragmented once-Empire could be forgiven for believing that there was no tradition of imperial magic and their never was one whatsoever.

However. The past years have seen a terrible cancerous growth in the corrupt workings of daemonologists, necromancers, and accursed witchlings. Cryptic prophecies speak of omninous signs and coming evils and the pulsing tide of the baleful shadow of the Ruinous Powers. The thing about a tide? A tide raises all ships, even the poor stagnating Alchemist's Guild.

With each passing day comes the renewed flow of the Elements to perform ever stronger feats. Now a new breed of alchemist comes to the fore, exemplified by the new guildmaster Doktor Philipp von Hohenheim who has moved beyond the simple use of the Magesight and elixirs of "natural" magical materials into whole new cosmologies of alchemical practice. Philipp has claimed to rediscover the academic framework for the spirits of the Strigany Mystics and Ungol Hags, Elementals that can be safely conjured directly from the realms of the four Elements and used as invisible servants to make their master appear to sprout flame or levitate. The idea that all magic is inherently just the acts of tiny Daemons is certainly logically to the imperial mind and as long as Hohenheim can sell that he has captured and binded some sort of wierd half-daemon to act for him instead of actually performing the witchery himself the Guild has the chance to finally reach the rarified heights of "tolerated".

Now some bits of this is pretty old canon so it's absolutely fair if it doesn't fit in either, but just so everything is clear these guys are 100% weaker then the Imperial Colleges in every respect. For the same spell as something a Magister would do I'm imagining the Alchemists' process to go something like 1. carefully and gingerly gather variously magically touched substances 2. Create a really really shitty magically resonate medium for chunks of mostly-not-dhar to flow through 3. channel an "Elemental" through, is it merely a form of self-hypnosis and a mental construct, a daemon shoved through the Warhammer version of a Transporter accident, or a creature spawned by bits of the caster's soul blended in a particular wind? Who knows? Not Hohenheim! 4. If you have successfully not killed yourself then you can now bind the Elemental into knock-off runes and objects like a Magister's one-off spell scroll. Repeat for each use of the spell.
I'm gonna hope that claims are still open because HERE WE GO

Grandmaster Hubert von Ussingen, Of the Order of the Fiery Heart

The Order of the Fiery Heart has long been famed for their unwavering bravery in the face of danger and their unbroken dedication to the high ideals that Sigmar spoke of - that being to say, to murder greenskins and help Dwarfs everywhere and anywhere they may appear. As befits their moniker, they are a fierce lot, passionate in their faith and furious against their foes, roaring in the name of Sigmar with every greenskin that bloodies their couched lances, halberds, and swords and armour.

And that is precisely why they have gone rogue from the Cult of Sigmar.

Too long has the Empire that Sigmar built wallowed in its own interest, too long have Men squabbled over scraps of what should have been the greatest nation in the Old World! And yet as the Three Emperors return to screaming at one another, the Knights of the Fiery Heart, rallying behind the banner of their newly-appointed Grandmaster, Hubert von Ussingen of the Reikland Ussingens. A man of heroism and dramatics, his heart overflowing with the passion known to the Fiery Heart, after breaking up one too many brawl-turned-skirmish between the Sigmarite and Ulrican factions he declared that enough is enough, that Sigmar frowns upon the Empire as it is and that they shall serve His Will in ways that the Empire has not in centuries, the Order broke with the Cult of Sigmar and left their chapterhouse in Reikland en masse to seek the patronage of the neutral Counts of Wissenland instead.

Which, he found to his horror, would soon be a former knight of the Blazing Sun, someone who serves a foreign goddess. It is said that the order drank deeply of their cups that night, but nevertheless! The mission of Sigmar remains clear!

And so the Order of the Fiery Heart, rogue as they may be from the Cult of Sigmar, continues the timeless tradition of killing greenskins and fighting beside the grumbling Dawi of the Grey Mountains, all while dreaming of a unified Empire...
I'm gonna hope that claims are still open because HERE WE GO

Grandmaster Hubert von Ussingen, Of the Order of the Fiery Heart

Well, if you get in, the Grand Principality of Ostland would truly welcome such a group of brave, Sigmarite knights. Unlike most of the north, Ostland recognises the blessed primacy of Sigmar Heldenhammer, and the Forest of Shadows is always full of fearsome monsters who threaten the good people of Ostland. Not to mention the power of Kislev on the border, who are going from strength to strength.
Well, if you get in, the Grand Principality of Ostland would truly welcome such a group of brave, Sigmarite knights. Unlike most of the north, Ostland recognises the blessed primacy of Sigmar Heldenhammer, and the Forest of Shadows is always full of fearsome monsters who threaten the good people of Ostland. Not to mention the power of Kislev on the border, who are going from strength to strength.
Ah yes good the Fiery Heart will gladly fight the - wait the principal enemy in the Forest of Shadows is a vampire not a greenskin and there are hardly any dwarfs around


Arbutus Precipitarious Kalamitus Weber, Burgomaster of Kemperbad, Merchant Maximus of the Guild of Silks and Sundries
And I say, my fellow Councilmenandwomen, we are quite blessed, are we not? To live in times of such prosperity? Of such profit? To know that the world is so much brighter now than when we were but babes, cowering with our servants in dumbwaiters, praying that the vampiric menace would not find us? I believe so - I am sure you all agree. Well, perhaps not Councilman Schultz, I imagine he would have liked the eternal youth, considering his distaste for the sun. Just a joke, just a joke Councilman, you can put away the clove, we all know you're just a lawyer. My point is, we live in such times of fruitfulness we never could have imagined, yet here we sit, content to let our laurels serve us when we could have beds softer than my hands. This is not the time to rest, to let our ambitions wane! What will we leave our grandchildren? A city of great value, of great wealth, but lost adrift in a sea of mediocrity and unfashionable nobles! They would be alone in this world, surrounded by kings and knights and soldiers who don't even know the difference between cashmere and lace!

No, Councilmenandwomen, we must strive for further greatness! To export our most beloved values, and transform this wealthy and desired city from a mere prize for the provinces to fight over, into the center of something greater. The center of something bigger than us. And, of course, with more citizens to tax.

Well, I shall leave you a few evenings to ruminate, and then we can begin a real conversation about this. Let the record show that I yield the floor. Councilwoman Wagner, I believe you wished to discuss matters of zoning...?
Ah yes good the Fiery Heart will gladly fight the - wait the principal enemy in the Forest of Shadows is a vampire not a greenskin and there are hardly any dwarfs around


Good sir, I believe you are misinformed. The principal enemy in the Forest of Shadows is what is technically known as "everything". Orcs, goblins, beastmen, wyverns, giants, trolls, ogres, hobgoblins, gnoblars, northern raiders, mutants... the list goes on (and on and on).