Hard Enough - Pokemon SI

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
SI Brock is built different he raises kids, wrestles pokemon with his bare hands, practices Aura magic, and runs his own establishment as a pseudo mayor/celebrity.
Is it possible to get an information post with the names and ages of Brock's family?
Also really liking the world in this story.
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Bulbapedia doesn't mention the exact ages of Brock's siblings, but it does have a picture of them.

Top Row: Salvadore, Yolanda, Forrest, Tommy, and Cindy.
Bottom Row: Suzie, Timmy, Billy, and Tilly

It also mentions that each of their Japanese names has a numeric element to them, suggesting that order that they were born in was: Brock, Forrest, Salvadore, Yolanda, Tommy, Cindy, Suzie, Timmy, Billy and Tilly.
Dramatis Personae

Dramatis Personae​

  • The SI and main character of the story. He is the gym leader of the Pewter City gym and the start of the story.
    • Arrived in the pokeworld when he was 10
      • Went on his journey when he was 12
      • Returned to run the gym when he was 13 and change
      • Start of story he is 16 and 8 months old

  • (top row) Salvadore(9), Yolanda(10), Forrest (12 turning 13), Tommy (7), Cindy(7),
    (bottom row) Suzie(4), Timmy(4), Billy(3), and Tilly (3)

    • Flint - Flaky father that ran off on Brock and his family

    • Lola - Flaky mother that ran off but not before giving birth to Billy and Tilly.

    • Forrest -
      The second oldest brother 12 years old at the start of the story

    • Yolanda -
      The third eldest. 10 years old at the start of story.

    • Salvadore
      The fourth child. 9 years old

    • Tommy
      The eldest set of twins.
      7 years old, twin to Cindy

    • Cindy
      The eldest set of twins.
      7 years old, twin to Tommy

    • Suzie
      The second set of twins.
      4 years old, twin to Timmy

    • Timmy
      The second set of twins.
      4 years old, twin to Suzie

    • Billy
      The third set of twins.
      3 years old, twin to Tilly

    • Tilly
      The third set of twins.
      3 years old, twin to Billy

    • Brock's Pokemon
      • Titan - Tyranitar - His starter pokemon
      • Sanchez - Alolan Golem -
      • Aerodactyl - Don
      • Rhyperior - Bertha - Trained in critical strikes with One-hit K.O's
      • Kabutops - Shin - Speedy hydro pump user
      • Lunatone - Selene - Psychic-type Pokemon for Teleport and powerful psychic attacks.
      • Aggron - Knight
      • Solrock - Quirina

    • Dennis is a militant man that enjoys the chain of command and the following of orders. Forms should be filed int triplicate and on time. He is a serious man but understands others don't like this as much. he doesn't begrudge them this, and is indeed close friends with Rocko.

      He is happily married with one child, and another on the way.

      Has a Machoke.

    • Laid back trainer that is a veteran of the Pewter City Gym. signed on when Brock started up the larger gym. He enjoys relaxing with his Gloom and playing video games. Things might be a bit messier but they get done to a satisfactory manner at the least. Great with handling trainers and soothing ruffled feathers.

      His team consists of Gloom, Kangashkahan, and Pidgeotto.

    • Celia is the Gym's sponsored trainer from Brock's secof full year as a Gym Leader. She has a very high potential as a trainer.
      • Won the right with a little league tournament that garnered her a Nidoran female starter.
      • Brock showed her how to evolve it after her third pokemon victory in a Nidoqueen

    • Jackson was the Gym's first trainer to be sponsored. He is older than other applicants at fifteen but he demonstrated great knowledge and the ability to handle a variety of pokemon. He has since signed on with the Gym as a trainer and works as a trainer that ranges out to check in on Brock's interests.

    • The PR/Media officer for the Pewter Gym. She has a dynamic bubbly personality and she is determined to get people using the pokenet more than they do as she knows it has a lot of potential!
      • Bit of a motor mouth - extremely pleased to be hired on with the gym as thats a big ticket name in Pewter/Kanto especially with Brock's defeat of Lance

      • She has an Arcanine and Magnemite

      • Lawrence or Law Wright as he is known is the Lawyer that is hired on retainer for the Pewter City Gym when Brock gets annoyed at the lawbooks he has no chance or memorising. Instead her hires Lawrence

      • "I'd almost dismissed Lawrence as a professional when I'd first met him. In my defence, I'd never seen a lawyer with a mohawk. It didn't strike me as acceptable in a courtroom for one. But I was quickly proven wrong. In fact, no one else batted an eye at the man in a tailored suit with his outrageous mohawk when we walked from his office to my gym to review my paperwork. I ended up chalking it up as a pokemon/anime world difference from my last and shrugged it off."

      • Lawrence has a history as a biker and in fact still goes on cycling holidays up and down the bike road along with other journeys that see him on some form of bike.
      • Is known as 'Pideotto-man to the younger siblings He has no issue crowing and acting like a bird pokemon for a child's amusement.

      • Mother to Kris/Crystal
        • Single mother that has taken on the role of accountant with the gym.
        • Saving up money to have Kris go on a journey
        • Smart woman that is polite but reserved until she gets on a race track!
        • Has no issues with having Kris earn pocket money around the gym with acting as an assistant but doesn't want any dedicated work for her.

    • A precocious girl that likes to test people's boundaries. Introduced herself as Lord Kris instead of Lady to get a reaction from Brock. Has become very clsoe friends with Yolanda. Has also started helping out around the Gym and will sometimes break up or redirect fights to the battlecourts.

      • Pokemon assistant for Professor Oak
      • Prefers to travel the wilds and routes to investigate pokemon and how they change from interacting with people.
      • INterested in the link of people and pokemon

      • Pokemon trainer from Proffessor Elm
      • Works at the gym to set up a breeding programme. Has incubators in the back of the gym and inspects the pokemon that are mating.
      • Works to get the ancient pokemon documented.
        • Bianca was a rather curvaceous-looking woman with a satchel slung over one shoulder that hung low as she held her bow. Her blonde hair was plaited in what was locally known as a Hoenn braid. In my past life it was a french braid

    • New hire for the Gym. He is a former Ranger that has recently gotten his girlfirend pregnant.

    • A young train about to go Pro on the Ace Trainer circuit and she's done well in the past. She's a resident of Pewter and she wants to learn more tips and tricks before she goes for Pro. She's very intersted in learning how to evolve her Rhydon into a Rhyperior.

    • A young woman that once worked at the Daycare for children. Now she works as a receptionist for the Gym.

    • An older woman that instead of retiring has sought out more work. She had to get hearing aides for her work but she knows the ins and outs of recptioning more than she does her own hand some days!

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Probably going to make this neater in future... my OCD hates this format as it stands I just don't want to do the mind-numbing formating I had to do for the quest I used to run... even if that is the best way of displaying the information
I imagine Brock kind of like this.

I hope if it's a travel with ash fic, they are a bit more mature, a bit at least. Not like the anime where he learns and forgets and attacks ground types with electric ones.

He is like 17? it would basically be an adult accompanying kids.
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Does his mom ever come back? I cant remember. Still if you are gonna have ten kids you gotta deal with it
Yeah, but they never gave a solid reason to why she left, just says that she left to pursue her own goals and artistic dreams, then she comes back (and Flint runs away) and changes the gyms type to a Water type gym because thats her specialty, then her and Flint get together again, make the gym a dual type gym of Water and Rock (which would probably be a very cool concept in other circumstances), Brock battles against her and wins, so back to to Rock gym. I think in another episode she and Flint left on a trip and left the kids alone but I dont remember that one very well.
I imagine Brock kind of like this.

I hope if it's a travel with ash fic, they are a bit more mature, a bit at least. Not like the anime where he learns and forgets and attacks ground types with electric ones.

He is like 17? it would basically be an adult accompanying kids.
now I can't get that image out of my head...so cute, so badass, so everything.
Yeah, but they never gave a solid reason to why she left, just says that she left to pursue her own goals and artistic dreams, then she comes back (and Flint runs away) and changes the gyms type to a Water type gym because thats her specialty, then her and Flint get together again, make the gym a dual type gym of Water and Rock (which would probably be a very cool concept in other circumstances), Brock battles against her and wins, so back to to Rock gym. I think in another episode she and Flint left on a trip and left the kids alone but I dont remember that one very well.

They left again, wow, they really are terrible. Do either of them have any redeeming features?
You'll find that some people, when they get that taste of freedom, develop wanderlust. It sounds like Brock's parents both got bit by the wanderer bug pretty hard. The two of them might have "fallen" into gym leadership rather than just keep traveling. They only seem to be able to stick to it for a few years at a time, then they just have to get out and go exploring.

I say, fallen into the career, but more like they're good at training pokemon when they're at their best but as they work and their setting doesn't change much their abilities seem to deteriorate unless they get out and do something.
They left again, wow, they really are terrible. Do either of them have any redeeming features?
I'd say the Father is a little more sympathetic in this case since he seems to have slid pretty heavily into depression. Plus he's living as a hobo now so he's just straight up not in a good headspace. Though that's not an excuse and while it's easy to sit on the outside of a situation like this and talk about mitigating factors, it doesn't change the fact that experiencing this sort of thing leaves you with a hell of a lot of resentment to the individual. Especially since, as SI!Brock notes, Flint had options like seeking out help from friends and neighbours.

Their mother on the other hand I am much more critical of. She pretty much just up and leaves and when she comes back she just acts like she did nothing wrong. In her appearances she seems to have no regard, in my mind anyway, for the effect her actions have on other people. When called out on it, she just leans on the fact that she's family and they're supposed to love each other. Though that might be values dissonance that I'm not qualified to talk on.
the Father
Their mother
I'd say both parents are fairly bad but at least the father took over the Gym and looking after the children because he wanted Brock to pursue his dream even if it was probably a bad idea for Brock to leave right away from both an emotional standpoint and a practical standpoint. The mother on the other hand just comes back into their life and forcing things to be her way. Did she get approval to change the Gym type because we know from the first season Gyms are regulated in Kanto... somewhat even if the authorities seem to suck at it. The two street gangs were investigated by that nurse joy league inspector who told them they weren't becoming gyms.

I think both parents do love their family but they aren't the best at being parents. Being away from their children for years tends to put a damper on that. Now it may be that the mother had organised a long term trip or was working away for some reason or other and didn't realise her husband wouldn't cope with the responsibility and he didn't reach out to her out of shame or she had to be where she was such as if she was one of the foremost experts in a topic and was needed due to some problem or other she needed to sort out. But I just don't really get that feeling off her personally.
So if a rogue gym leader decided to be invincible... would the League get cancelled due to no qualifying trainers?
No. There's actually some twenty to thirty gyms in Kanto according to the anime, and you only need to qualify for eight badges. There's also the non-gym routes to the league as well, there's a series of academies that also allows you to bypass the gym circuit completely. There's also testing sites that can get you ranked to an equivalent badge number, if you ace the thing you're qualified to take part.

The games are a relatively small section of the region for all that you cross the whole place. The anime pointed out a fairly large number of paths to the leagues in season one.

Gary never completed the Volcano or Earth badges, after all.

Gah, Ninjask'd by the author.
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Growing up, I never knew that Gym leaders didn't use their most powerful Pokemon. I just thought they were all scrubs... But now I know!
Chapter 5 - The challenge laid out
Chapter 5 - The challenge laid out
"Yoo-hoo Mr Gym leader! Good morning!" "Brock!" "Pewter city rocks!!"

I waved as I walked down the streets of my city, acknowledging the various people that called out to me as I went. I was a well-known face and there had been a lot of community uproar when my dad had left.

There had been lots of wagging tongues back then. Lots of people had doubted me. Lots of well-meaning people who 'just wanted what was best for me and my family' had leaked out of the woodwork. So, so, so many critics. The people that actually knew me and helped could thankfully be counted on two hands but it had been a frustrating time in my life. Hard work along with a solid performance record I had been able to retain the position while holding onto our house. Taking care of my family was still a challenge as with Dad gone I was the only one my little siblings could look to.

I didn't even want to touch the issue of my mother.

Right now I was looking to pick up some of them from school after getting groceries. Which now included Munchlax chow. A whole three bags full. I smiled when I got to the usual pick up point. The usual crowd were all there with many of the mothers smiling and waving. The fathers nodded in greeting and the few stray people my age gave shy smiles. I merely nodded, ignoring the giggles that my huge hiking pack I was carrying garnered. It was a now typical sight that the residents of Pewter had gotten used to.

Just because I could carry the various groceries my small tribe of a family needed didn't make it easy. Unless you played it smart. It looked dorky as hell but it worked. One man had once commented on it only for me to shut him up by asking him to hold it while I tied up my shoe. His nearly being crushed by something that I carried with ease had shut them up that day.

I thankfully didn't have the 'Brock' habit of swooning and throwing myself at women like he did in the cartoon. I certainly appreciated them more in this life, but they all also stayed very fit even with office jobs. It was rare to see overweight people in the pokemon world and most of the time it was more a 'muscled look' than actual flab.

"Brock, nice to see you! Johnny was telling—" said one woman as a group approached me.

Women approaching me and talking about pokemon or getting 'tutoring' for their kids wasn't unusual in my city. I was all too happy to help. Heck, I still coached the little league baseball team, so that only gave parents twice the opportunities and number of reasons to seek me out. Thankfully Baseball season was run only in the off circuit timetable, and really only took up two and a bit afternoons. All the sports ran at the same time in truth. Making it a tough market to be in, but baseball was one of the most popular. It was something I'd have to look into in a few months time once the conference was over.

"Hey Brock who do you think is going to win in tonight's match up?" asked a dad that was glancing at a newspaper. He likely had the odds section opened judging by the numbers that were being shown along with the pictures of various Ponyta, Rapidash, Growlithe and Arcanine littered across the page.

"Who's fighting?"

"Bruno and Agatha!" announced the man. This led to a mutter being picked up as people began talking about the implications of the match. I merely leaned back, happy to not comment. Honestly, I think the man was more looking to strike up a conversation than actually asking for my take.

I picked up my bevy of little sisters and brothers from the school and waved them to their friends and the mothers. Then it was off to the nursery where the youngest twins were, then a short walk home accompanied the entire way by the tirade of noise that comes with having small children being forced to remain within close contact.

"Nuh-uh! I'm not touching you!" said Tommy as he faked moving at Cindy before pulling back.


"Stand on the other side away from him Cindy. Tommy stop harassing her, show me how fast you are instead by running to that Ratata and back."

Tommy sprinted off, happy to show off while the Ratata that had been going through one of our neighbour's garbage bins shrieked in surprise before dashing away. The rest of the kids laughed before they began telling me of their day and what they learned. I made sure to compliment and praise good behaviour as the parenting guide had suggested. I made them dinner and set them to work on their homework before going through with my own gym paperwork. The day spent at school and the more serious air letting all but the youngest settle down. Each of us was in the same room with our work while a Geodude rolled around and played with the youngest kids. The newly acquired Munchlax happily devoured snacks thrown his way.

My own 'homework' such that it was, was both mundane, interesting, and boring at the same time. I rushed through the tedious paysheet for trainers that were working for the Gym, most of them currently on holiday with the circuit winding down. I only had three of them on instead of the eight that I could. Two of whom I'd be expecting to finish up with at the end of this season.

I had some plans for how things would play out in the future. There was a big question looming in my mind though of if I should let canon play out. I had already changed tons of things, both in major and minor ways. I'd exploited the knowledge I had to set my family up in a better position.

You only had to look at the state of the art gym that I'd had designed and created which my family now lived in. I wouldn't ever feel guilty about this but it certainly would add some possible wrinkles. I'd only have felt guilty if I hadn't used the knowledge I possessed. I wouldn't ignore that I also wanted to be in a stronger position than the canonical Brock but regardless, I wouldn't have been able to look myself in the mirror if I hadn't made myself as strong as possible.

"Mind If I put on the League channel tonight Brock?" asked Forrest

I grunted from atop the paperwork, "You know you're supposed to be taking over some of this if you want to be training to take my position one day right?"

Forrest squirmed in place before looking away. "Well yeah, but… It's still a way off right?"

I nodded, my thoughts on this still undecided. Yolanda glanced up from her homework. Part of me wanted to stay but part of me urged myself to take off. Another part despised that part. That'd make me sorta like Dad and… her. Instead of voicing the fluctuating turmoil, I instead nodded and settled in for the rostered match. "What's scheduled? Any matches?" I felt an earlier memory tickle at my thoughts but Forrest was quicker.

"Bruno is challenging Agatha for the fourth spot in the new champ's roster instead of being third!" he said in a rush.

That got a hum from me. "Hmmm, Lance is letting them fight?" Forrest nodded as he turned on the TV showing the team roster for each. I eyed the pokemon that were being displayed along with who would be most likely to come out first from each. From what I knew Bruno would go in strong and fast. Honestly, Agatha was a terrible matchup for him. The two Gengar's stood out to me and I huffed before returning to my work, "Agatha wins, three K.O's to six and those three against her only because of fatigue."

Forrest of course voiced his own thoughts. This sparked some discussion from Yolanda and Salvadore who both had their own opinions.

"Hey, don't argue!" I off handly said when they got a bit too excited. That only made them quieten down until the match started. Then they called out the moves they'd order along with cheering on their respective 'team'.

I glanced up at the start to watch Machamp take the stage. It made for an impressive pokemon. Sadly it was k.o'd fast by Agatha's first Gengar. I returned to my work absently glancing up occasionally. Yolanda nudged me just as I was about to finish the last few sheets of paperwork. "Bro! You were right!"

I glanced at the clock in the corner and snorted, "Nah, I expected it to take longer despite the score. Was Agatha's Gengar that strong?"

Yolanda nodded smugly, pleased by the showing of female prowess that let her lady it over her brothers. I let it play out, amused by her antics. I was just about to announce that it was bedtime only for a new announcer to appear.

"And now a word from the newest and hottest Champion in recent years! The Dragon master Lance!" said the far too excitable caster.

The new darling of the League made an entrance to a table for an obviously planned post-match news release. Set in front of him a small pod of reporters bristled with paper, pen, microphones and recorders locked onto the champ. I'd seen a gossip magazine at the supermarket that announced him as the latest 'most eligible bachelor' in Indigo, as the joint Kanto-Johto region was known. Johto loved him while Kanto merely appreciated his strength. He'd knocked off the previous champ who'd also been a Johto champ. There hadn't been another Kanto champion for the region since one Samuel Oak retired after holding the position for fifteen years. An eternity in the pokemon world.

People thought Lance would be the man to do that. They even tipped him as a heavy contender for the next World Championship which would be held in four years' time. So far only five regions had linked up reliably but there were rumours of another region being reliably secured in the next year or so. Hoenn was slated as the next region to host the championships regardless. Having not been nominated to participate in the tournament, I hadn't had to worry about the last one despite being a gym leader for it. The Sevii islands had run a pretty great tournament from what I had seen. There was talk of Kanto putting in a bid while others talked up the Orange Islands being the next site for the championship matches. I knew to be on the lookout for either a man named Steven Stone, or a woman named Cynthia.

Laughter from the room at large reminded me that the rest of the family was still watching the tv. I'd only missed some joke that apparently wasn't that funny judging by the look on the male host's face. The female was all but swooning with Lance smiling charmingly at her.

"Well, I suppose it's time for me to get to the crux of tonight's announcement. While Agatha and Bruno's match was a wonderful showing I thought I'd make the announcement that come the end of the current conference I will be hosting a few exhibition matches!"

The crowd of reporters was suitably excited about this. "Champion Lance Who's going to feature in these matches!?" "Will you be fighting for auditions into your Elite Four?" "Is it true you're evicting Agatha and Lorelei!?" Lance gave them a self-assured smile before continuing, "For these, gym leaders from the major sixteen gyms from our joint regions will be on offer, with some smaller gyms being on the table. Others might also win the chance if the public show enough interest in watching me match up against them."

I hummed at that. It wasn't something shown in the games and only touched on lightly but it was possible to earn four badges from the 'Big Eight' while earning the other four from smaller gyms. That would then allow you to qualify for the League at the end of the circuit.

The fighting gym in Saffron was currently like this but there was lots of pride on the line if you wanted to be taken seriously. Elitists liked to gain all twelve if they could. It was interesting that Lance was allowing smaller gyms to earn more recognition for themselves. There were also potential ramifications for it.

A wheel divided into twenty-four segments was brought onto the stage by some Machops and Lance smiled at the camera. I could see all the major gyms on show alongside the smaller less familiar gyms. My own boulder symbol stood out to my eye.

"Oh, oh! Brock, you might get a chance to fight the champ!" said Forrest excitedly. The rest of my family all sat up and voiced their own excitement with more than a few asking for autographs that I said I'd get regardless. As a Gym Leader, I had a seat at the conference that I could use if I wanted.

"And spin!" shouted the male host with the best game show host voice I'd heard in a while. Lance grabbed the wheel with both hands and gave it a toss that saw it blur into a spinning mess. The man tilted his head before laughing, "Well that looks like it will take a while to handle so let's have a word from our sponsors!"

Small icons flashed across the bottom of the screen talking up pokefood and Silph Co, who had sponsored the man. Lance couldn't stop the look of distaste flashing across his face momentarily. I chuckled, that'd teach him for not simply letting the wheel spin once or twice before settling; instead of showing off his aura enhanced physique.

"—for when you need more than a flashlight you need Flash! A pokemon technical move provided for you by the scientists of Silph Co.!" The man glanced away from the camera to Lance who had a distinctly blank expression. "And it looks like we're slowing down now!"

Around me, the vibrating, bouncing children stilled in anticipation. I saw the Masch Badge get ticked over along with the Volcano badge. I could already see where it will likely finish and my eyes are wide as I lean forward. The wheel comes to a stop and the Boulder badge rests under the pointer.

"YOU GET TO FIGHT LANCE!" immediately my brothers and sisters explode as though an Exploud was among them. I chuckle and decide to just let them have the moment to celebrate. They'd have a lot of energy now but they were kids moments like this were pretty big. Even I was feeling a bit caught up in the good cheer—


The sound from the tv cut through our celebrations. As one we returned our attention and found the hosts caught in surprise as Lance showed an expression as if he'd just stepped in Snubbull dung. The hosts both had expressions of shock but the man recovered quicker.

"Ah? Champion Lance, are you not happy with having the Pewter city gym as your first match?"

"My thoughts are that I don't want to waste the viewers at home or in the stadium's time with such a match. If I wasn't at least willing to let the weaker gyms have a shot I might reroll but in fairness, this will be good for Pewter I suppose."

The host flapped his mouth open and shut a few times before nodding. "So you think the Pewter gym isn't worth the fight?"

"Please, 'Rock Types'? They wouldn't be able to last against my Dragons. I have pokemon in my arsenal that could clean sweep that gym alone. Give me Saffron, or Cinnabar island." Beside him the woman that was supposed to be a 'Co-host' swooned'.

"Well you heard it here folks Lance, Champion of the Indigo region is vowing to clean sweep the Pewter Gym! As for the redraw Lance I'm sorry but that's the luck of the draw I'm afraid. Now that date for this will be in a month's time—" I switched the tv off.

The room was outright silent now with none of the previous energy that the kids had been showing. Their fires doused with the careless arrogance Lance had shown. I didn't remember this from him in the anime. I could probably conjure up a mountain worth of excuses for him but found myself not wanting to.

"So looks like I'm going to have to beat the champ hmmm?" I said to the room. This caused a stir, but the kids merely smiled before saying that they'd get ready for bed.

A part of my pride felt a sting that forced me to sit up and watch as my family slunk out of the room.

None of the kids wanted stories that night. I tried to keep things ticking over like normal. Stories of my journey or mythic pokemon were offered and rejected as the kids stayed quiet.

I departed for bed myself only to find myself not tired. I turned my mind towards the tasks I'd have to do tomorrow. It didn't help. My mind kept coming back to how quiet the room had been when he'd clicked his tongue.

That moment, so casually given. So… Callously given.

I think that was the poorly placed footstep that would see the first pebbles rumbling down the mountain. My mind shifted as I started to plan how I'd dump an avalanche onto Lance.

A.N. thanks once more to my Patreons for their support, and @Raikor for his edits
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Lorelei!?" L

ance gave them a self-assured smile before continuing,
Minor editing error.
Ah? Champion Lance, are you not happy with having the Pewter city gym as your first match?"

"My thoughts are that I don't want to waste the viewers at home or in the stadium's time with such a match.
Yo, if this isn't staged then I'll eat my socks. Lance is obviously try to bait Brock. There's no way he doesn't know.