Hard Enough - Pokemon SI

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
This totally won't cause Flint to freak out until he finds Brock.

In the meantime, Flint continues to deal with random trauma as he learns more about his children - things he never noticed originally, or managed to miss.

Also dangit Brock, you got Jigglied!
Squirtle responded by pulling out some shades and adopting a cool expression.

Balstoise looked a bit jealous until Humprhey started laughing, drawing everyone's attention. "Hehehe! It's just! He's wearing shades in a cave?" he said.
Balstoise - Blastoise
Humprhey - Humphrey

Also, yeah, those shades look awesome, but they aren't exactly practical in a cave are they? Hah!
Iiiiiiitt's Time!!! Introducing the smasher of champions, weighing in at 5.5 kg with a height of 50 cm. Hailing from the outskirts of pewter city. Winner of the multiverse melee. She who humbled the hand of God. JIGGLYPUFF!!

I've always believed that the reason we stopped seeing Jigglypuff in the anime was do to it becoming the smash bros tournament champ and retiring as a small pink Shao Kahn.
Iiiiiiitt's Time!!! Introducing the smasher of champions, weighing in at 5.5 kg with a height of 50 cm. Hailing from the outskirts of pewter city. Winner of the multiverse melee. She who humbled the hand of God. JIGGLYPUFF!!

I've always believed that the reason we stopped seeing Jigglypuff in the anime was do to it becoming the smash bros tournament champ and retiring as a small pink Shao Kahn.

Isn't it because it found someone that could stay away when it sang so it became satisfied I do know for sure there was at last one who could due to it's fighting spirit during battle which meant it fell asleep if it heard it outside of it but not during it.
Chapter 214 - Grampa Canyon cave nightmares!
"And that boys is how you secure an evolution stone!" Flint said as he carefully extracted a green stone from the wall. "Interestingly this one appears to be a Leaf Stone," said Flint.

"A leaf stone?" Gary asked, taking the offered stone and inspecting it under the light of his headlamp. "But this area isn't known for its grass types? In fact it's much the opposite? Fire types and rock types no?" said Gary.

"Ho?" Flint said, curious at this response. He hadn't expected one of these youngsters to question him. He decided to stay quiet and let Gary talk through his own thoughts before stepping in.

Gary nodded. "Yeah from what I've read… of certain people's works, evolution stones have something to do with the types of pokemon and the environment don't they? So, Leaf stones should be found in super verdant areas like forests, jungles and… grasslands?" Gary said.

Flint nodded. "Ah, yes I've read a few of those works, there's some interesting takes, but you're forgetting a few things. The level of strat that we're at right now, is actually a few hundred if not a thousand years old. So at that time, it most likely was a jungle. You can tell by the colouration of the earth. This is fine—" Whatever else Flint was going to say about geology was lost as a loud wail sounded out.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!" called a boy's voice.

Gary tilted his head. "Was that a girl?"

Forrest shot Gary a flat look. "Really? Now isn't the time for that," said Forrest before he hurried towards the sound of his distressed friend. Flint frowned. He hadn't felt anything shifting or any rumbles that would have given off anything serious like a cave-in.

So had they found something good? Flint tossed that idea into the bin as soon as he raised it. No, they must have found something bad.

Brock must have sent Ash back.

Flint started moving quicker, prompting Humphrey and Gary to follow after him. They returned to the first cavern and found Pikachu waving his hands about.

"Pi! Pika! Chu! Pika!" shouted the little electric mouse to Forrest who nodded along seriously only to shake his head. "I have no idea what you're saying," Forrest said.

Pikachu took a moment to stare at Forrest.

Then he zapped Forrest. The flash of light illuminated the cavern and Flint growled low in warning from the back of throat. It was a useful trick that pokemon with good hearing, or a lot of rock types could pick up on without it really registering on a human's range of hearing.

Pikachu, sensing the warning for what it was, stiffened and stopped zapping Forrest to turn towards Flint.

Flint nodded. "Good pokemon," he said before inspecting his son. Forrest shook himself off and coughed out a little.

"Alright alright!" Forrest raised his hands in submission. "Sorry, Pikachu! I don't know what you mean alright? We don't spend as long talking as you do with Misty or with Ash, okay?"

Pikachu huffed but nodded and turned to point at the tunnel he'd run through. The sound of frantic crawling was soon followed by a light source as Ash came into view.

"Urrrrrgh," said Ash as he shot to his feet at the end of the tunnel only to stumble. He took in huge heaving lungfuls of air. "Flint! It's bad! Brock! He's really hurt! There was blood all over his face and he was down! We need to get him out of there! He's hurt! Or dying! I think the monster of the depths got to him!" Ash said, his hands waving about.

Flint stiffened. "What? Where?" he said, shooting forward. He didn't even wait for the answer before releasing Golem into the tunnel. "Get me to the other side!"

"In the tunnel to the —" Ash started to say, only for Golem to grab onto Flint and begin dragging him through the tunnel at a sprint. It wasn't the fastest method he had of getting around in the depths, but other options would risk cave-ins.

That would come later, once he'd secured all the boys and gotten eyes on his son.

Golem had him on the other side of the tunnel hurriedly. Flint noted down that it had taken him slightly up on a gradient for around two hundred metres. He filled in the details to his mental mud map that he used to picture the layout of the tunnels.

They were close to the surface. Good, that was good.

Flint didn't have to look hard to work out which tunnel Brock was in. the fancy redlight of his headlamp shone off to the side and Flint pointed his hand. "Golem!" he said as he got his feet back. He sprinted into the tunnel and found his son slumped on the wall.

Flint's heart lurched as he took in the red lines that tricked down Brock's face, looking like he'd cried tears of blood. Around his mouth more blood appeared to have trickled out.

His neck was red as well.

Flint's mind betrayed him. Similar scenes of friends and fellow defenders of pewter with their throats torn out, found laying on their sides in trenches came to the fore of his mind and his breath hitched.

His body started to stiffen and he felt a spasm come on.

He stared at his son.

That last word echoed in his mind.


He pushed back the threatening episode with everything he possessed. He found himself no longer frozen like some marble statue and he moved, slowly at first but with increased control as he lurched toward his son.

"I-it's just a trick of the light!" he said aloud, trying to convince himself as much as he could.

It had to be a trick!

Damn Brock's insistence on using a red light. It was his fault! He reached out with shaky hands and touched his son expecting it to come back wet.

It was dry.

He pushed his fingers into his son's cheek.

His son's head lolled to the side and a huge snore came out of Brock.

Flint stared, his mind suddenly going blank. Golem, who'd been slowly moving up next to Flint leaned in and sniffed Brock. In doing so he blew air into Brock's face and Brock snorted, waving a hand in the air.

"No kisses. Need a breath mint sorry babe," he said before rolling his head the other direction and continuing to sleep.

Flint, now thoroughly confused. Relieved, but confused, began dabbing his hands at the red lines that he'd mistaken for blood.

He drew his hand back and rubbed his fingers. They came back dry… ish. A soft noise sounded from behind him but he ignored it, trusting in Golem to watch his back. "Shuckle, get me a good look at Brock?" he said, making his shuckle direct all the light at his son.

Brock grimaced as soon as the light of multiple limbs were directed at his face.

"Urgh? What? Go away," Brock said.

Flint barked a laugh and hugged his son. "Marker! It's just a marker!" he crowed.

"What? What's going on?" Brock said as he squinted at Flint. "What's going on? I'm just having a little nap," said Brock, clearly still disorientated.

Flint laughed. "That's fine! Grand even, keep sleeping!" he prompted. Sleeping was good, so much better than… Flint felt a shudder run through him.

Bocok stared at him. "Are you alright?" he said blearily, slowly starting to rouse dispute Flint's urges to stay down.

"Never been better," said Flint as he allowed himself to fully relax and feel the relief of knowing his son hadn't… died.

"Jiggly?" said a voice from next to them.

Flint ignored it, too interested in watching his clearly alive son. Brock tilted his head. "Oh hey Jigglypuff, nice song," he said with a dopey tired smile.

"Jiggly?" the voice. Flint glanced behind him to see a squirming Jigglypuff. He bounced around happily.

Flint couldn't help himself. "What's this about a song?" he said.

Jigglypuff turned and grinned at him. Something small like a microphone swept up to her mouth and Flint had just long enough to recognise it as a red marker pen before she began to Sing.

Flint felt his mind slowly lurch back into gear as he connected the dots.

He just started to react when the song hit him and he leaned back as the tension left his body all at once. He smiled to himself as he began to dream about his happy, and very much alive family.

Brock was right, it was a good song.

Forrest twitched. "Dad should have come back by now already… what's going on?" he said.

Ash hopped from foot to foot. The monster must have gotten him too!"

Gary shook his head. "There is no such thing as monsters!" he said. Next to him, Blastoise nodded its head, the twin cannons twitching up and down as it did so.

"Kabutops!" said Shin who'd risen from the pond alongside Blastoise while they'd been waiting. Chou huddled behind her taller friend.

Humphrey nodded his head in agreement. "Shin is right. We need to get in there." he said, slashing his hand towards the tunnel "It doesn't matter if there is or isn't a monster; we need to get in there and find out what's going on. If both of them are injured then we need to help them. This time though we need to stick together."

He gave Gary and Ash a firm look. "No running off on our own!"

Ash and Gary gave him equally affronted looks but Humphrey ignored them, choosing to instead release his Lairon. "Need you out and keeping an eye on our surroundings buddy," he said to his starter. "Something's fishy," he said.

"Lair!" grunted the steel-rock type before positioning itself at the front of the pack. Forrest chuckled. "This is just like playing a game of Pokemon dungeon… we need to work out the order we'll move forward," he mumbled.

Gary rolled his eyes while Ash kept quiet.

Selene tried to go after Humphrey but Forrest put his hand on the floating pokemon.

"You should go in the middle. If there is something causing problems we need you in a safe position. Forrest's eyes then darted around the group. "Gary we need you after Humprhey with Blastoise preceding you in case we need some power. I'll follow up with Selene and Ash will have our backs as the rearguard. Got that?" he said.

Ash and Gary nodded, their chests puffing out at the implied importance of their position.

Forrest held in a sigh and looked to the only other mature trainer here. Humphrey met his gaze and nodded before getting on his hands and knees and crawling after his pokemon.

The procession moved along from there. Thankfully Blastoise didn't have any issues. Shin was able to crouch down and waddle through the tunnel in a manner that seemed entirely practised too Forrest's point of view.

Chou rolled after them down the tunnel.

When Forrest reached the cavern, his eyes flicked around noting that a few of the tunnels were marked out in the glow paint. Forrest wanted to start looking into them, not seeing any light sources that would indicate Brock or his dad.

And didn't that raise some worries. It was bad enough that Brock was out of action, if what Ash said was to be believed.

And for all that Ash could sometimes drop the ball, especially with reading a map, he wouldn't scream around for something serious like this.

If Brock had looked hurt, he must have been.

Thankfully Ash was right behind Forrest so he didn't have to wait long. Still, the seconds ticking by seemed to grate on his nerves. When they all emerged from this, Forrest was so going to get Flint to show him how to get his pokemon to carry him through tunnels like he'd seen Flint do.

That had been crazy fast!

Forrest had no idea how to even approach something like that without getting really, really messed up with limbs banging into the edges of the rock or falling on your face.

You'd need to really trust your pokemon to do it, cause if they tripped you were in for a world of hurt.

It was just another surprise from his dad.

When Ash's hand appeared in the tunnel Forrest latched onto it, not waiting for Ash to crawl the last metre or two, instead choosing to drag his friend out. "Right Ash, where was Brock?" he said before setting Ash down on his feet.

Ash reeled at the sudden burst of movement. He shook his head before remembering what he was there for.

"Right! He was in that tunnel over…" Ash paused and looked first one way, and then another. "Uhm, there!" Ash said.

Forrest did not like hearing the hesitance in Ash's voice.

Gary sighed. "You forgot, didn't you?"

"No! I just… I remember seeing Brock's light setup glowing into the cave which should have made it easy, but it's not shining!" he said firmly.

Forrest nodded. That made sense, in the heat of the moment you would notice something like that more than precisely which tunnel it was in. Now with there being no easy light source, they'd need to rely on other methods of finding Brock.

The others started directing their lights to various tunnels, but most of them twisted in a way that made the lights rather useless.

They didn't see anything but some interesting rocks in a rock wall that Dad would have no doubt started lecturing them about.

From what he'd been showing them earlier, Forrest could make out a diamond, and some gold nuggets.

Gary rubbed his chin. "What if Brock was hurt enough to need immediate evac? Maybe Flint left already?" he said.

Forrest shook his head. "He'd have sent back a message or a pokemon."

Humphrey glanced down at his wrist. "Hmmm no message would reach down here. We're not on the network, or it's too weak for transceivers," he said.

Forrest nodded at this point. Caves, after all, weren't great places to get reception.

Forrest licked his lips. What else could he use? What would he do if this were a Dungeon crawl?

"Any… noises or smells?" he suggested.

Pikachu perked up, his ears swivelling this way and that while a few other pokemon began sniffing at the ground only to snort and send a dust cloud billowing out. Forrest grimaced, about to discard that when Pikachu perked up and pointed in one direction.

A sound like a growl echoed through the cavern and Forrest frowned. There must be something here. Forrest began moving towards the cave. It might be a bad idea to investigate the growling, but if it was a pokemon that had hurt Brock and Dad perhaps it was still growling?

He walked a few steps forward only for something to move behind him.

"Puff!" said something and Forrest snapped his head about.

His light arced over the rocky ground and walls, only for something pink and red to flash by. He stilled and swept his light over the site again. Nothing. There was nothing there.

Forrest held his light there. He'd spent some time trawling the pokenet about certain types of rock pokemon.

A lot of rock pokemon were big, and that meant they needed a diverse source of nutrients. Sometimes the best nutrients were other pokemon.

A good deal of rock pokemon were notorious ambush predators.

Was that what had happened to Brock and Dad?

Was that what was growling right now?

"See something?" Ash asked; his own light bobbing this way and that erratically.

Forrest reached out and grabbed his friend by the head to steady him. "No, but I did see something for a moment."

"You sure about that?" asked Humphrey, his own beam of light slowly panning around in an arc.

Forrest resisted the urge to nod. "Yeah, on the first thing. Now I'm holding position in case there is a rock pokemon waiting to take us by surprise. That noise might have been them crouching down and preparing to strike," he said casually.

Immediately every other set of torches snapped to where his was.

Pikachu's cheeks sparked up, Shin raised his scythes, Selene hovered a bit higher, Lairon tensed up and Blastooise's cannons slammed into position.

Forrest privately felt like that last one offered the most support and surety that nothing was going to attack from that particular angle.

Forrest sighed. "Keep sweeping the other angles of approach guys," he said.

The other lights twitched away only to arc back around quickly, creating a semi-strobe light and giving Forrest a headache. "Stop that!" he snapped at them. "Just take the flashlights off your heads and sweep them around slowly instead of snapping your heads about!"

He said, channelling a bit of Misty to get his tone waspish and to get the others jumping to what he needed of them.

Right after he shouted, he felt bad.

"Sorry!" he said, taking a breath and pausing like he knew he needed to. "Alright let's start checking the tunnels. We'll start with the tunnel that—"

"There! I saw something move!" shouted Gary, his hand snapping towards an open tunnel. "Blastoise! Water Gun!" he said before anyone could see what he'd pointed at.

Blastoise, following his trainer's command, unleashed a torrent of water into the tunnel saturating it. The sound of the water hitting a wall caused the caves to tremor as the noise echoed.

"Woah! Woah! Stop!" Forrest called but it took a few seconds for Blastoise to stop.

When he did so Gary coughed sheepishly. "I saw something! Let's check out if we got it!" he said, striding forward and not waiting.

"Gary! Just hold up a moment!" Forrest said, reaching towards the other boy. Gary ignored him, marching forward with Blastoise at his side.

Forrest growled. "Come on guys let's back him up!" he said knowing he needed to keep everyone together. Ash grumbled but Humphrey followed without complaint, which Forrest was extremely thankful for.

"Ah!" shouted Gary suddenly, causing them to sprint into the tunnel only to find Gary running right back at them. "Zubat!" he shouted, and sure enough behind Gary and all around Blastoise a number of Zubat were harassing them. A larger Golbat was latched on behind Blastoise and looked to be draining the powerful pokemon.

"Go Challenger!" Forrest called. "Precise shots! Nail those Zubat!" Forrest said, standing his ground.

Challenger, his Graveller appeared and began to launch attack after attack with Rock Blast and Rock Throw. Selene and Shin joined in and the flock of Zubat were quickly thinned out. Zubat crumbled under the various attacks and soon their knocked out forms littered the ground.

Blastoise continued to whirl about, annoyed by the persistent Golbat on its back. Gary, now free of any harassing pokemon whirled about. "Tuck up into Rapid Spin and fling it off!" he called.

Blastoise did just that. Its limbs and head tucked into its shell before it landed on its stomach where it began to spin.

Within moments Golbat, despite its best attempts, was flung off and became a sitting duck for a twin Rock Throw and thunderbolt courtesy of Challenger and Pikachu.

Forrest exhaled before rounding on Gary. "Keep the party together! Come on man!" he said, chopping his hand threateningly at Gary.

Gary rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry, I did see something but it must have just been the Zubat flapping about," Gary said.

He spared the small cave they were in a furtive look over with his torch. "Huh, there's some more deposits around here," he said only to pause his light on one part of the wall that looked perfectly flat as well as wet. Blastoise must have hit that wall with its Water Guns, Forrest concluded.

He stepped forward and inspected the extremely flat wall, which even as he watched had dust sloughing off it to reveal something.

Forrest frowned and shone his own light on it before stepping up and taking a look at it. The wall was flat, but there were small indents within it that appeared squarish in shape. Age had worn down the edges. Shapes were formed up with darker tones of rock and small indentations.

Blatoise's Water gun appeared to have cleaned it up some, making it visible.

Forrest raised his hand and swept it across the square of rock. Mud and dust fell away to reveal something which he frowned at.

A four-by-four row of squares stared back at him.

Forrest couldn't help but feel he'd seen something like this before.

"The Ruins of Alph," Humphrey said.

The other boys blinked. "Huh?" said Ash. Gary also looked clueless but he held his tongue.

Forrest frowned at a memory of his younger brother reciting a geography assignment to Brock coming to the forefront of his mind. "Aren't those the sites where they found some rare pokemon? Something to do with the alphabet?" he asked slowly.

Humphrey nodded. "Yeah, there were a lot of conditions supposedly to find any of them, as they're still rare as anything and I'm not sure if they were named or just considered unknown pokemon, but some of the researchers did publicise information about square sliding puzzles like this."

He put his hand on one of the squares and tried to move it around only to find it locked in place. Humphrey huffed. "I think it's stuck," he said after a moment more's testing.

"Probably full of dust and worn down," Gary supplied, raising his transceiver and taking a picture. "Still, it's a good find. I think it'll give me a few moments of fame when I solve it," he said casually.

Forrest, knowing what was coming next and deciding to get ahead of any drama, gave Ash a look. When their eyes met he made a show of rolling his eyes. Ash grinned and stayed quiet.

"Sure thing Gary," Forrest said. "For now we need to check the other tunnels for Brock and Dad," he said, reminding everyone what they were actually here to do.

They turned and marched back to the branching point only to frown. Forrest chewed his lip. "Which tunnel did we come in by?" he said realising he hadn't seen a marker set up for that yet.

A quick glance at the marked tunnels showed that Brock had marked them off, but Forrest didn't know what the marking meant.

Damn, he'd need to do some reading, this was just embarrassing. Imagine being the son of a famous cave explorer like his dad and brother of the rock type Gym Leader and not knowing tunnel markings!

Gary swallowed. "So… we're lost? What should we do now?" he shot Forrest a look. "Any tips from that game you like to play?"

Forrest thought about what he'd tried so far. Sight wasn't useful in the caves, sound hadn't worked too well, and scent had been stumped due to dust build up. Forrest paused. "...footprints," Forrest said.

The boys glanced down, hoping to track their movements through the footprints from their passage. They exhaled in relief as one tunnel looked a lot more travelled with it having a wide stampede of footprints on show.

"We came in from that one," Forrest said before tracking another thicker set of footprints. "Which means that Brock and Dad must have gone this way!" He said feeling good about this logic.

The other nodded and followed his lead. Shin took the lead this time.

They moved and as they did so Forrest noticed that the growling was growing louder.

Forrest licked his lips and signalled for Challenger to be ready as they advanced cautiously around the curve.

Shin, leading the way paused in the opening just as a particularly loud growl sounded out.

Forest held his breath. "What do you see Shin?" he said, inching forward to peer around his brother's pokemon.

"Kabutops," said Shin as the fossil pokemon shook his head and stepped to the side. He waved a scythe in to indicate the others should advance.

Forrest found Gary and Ash pressed up to him as they slowly stepped forward.

They were greeted by the downed forms of Brock, Dad, Izumi the Geodude, and Dad's Golem causing Forrest to stiffen. Gary and Ash both gasped.

"Dad! Brock!" Forrest called running forward to check on them.

It didn't look good with all the red over them, which looked sort of weird. Forrest got within a few metres before his Dad twitched and lolled his head to the side.

Forrest was in the perfect position to watch as his mouth opened and a huge snore rang out, sounding just like the growl he'd been hearing for the last few minutes.

Forrest couldn't help himself as shock caused him to trip. He sailed through the air, his mind stuck on the weirdness of this scene and that his dad was in a cave… snoring his head off.

As he sailed through the air he noted other, smaller details.

Like how both Brock and Dad weren't actually hurt. The red was just weird markings on their faces and bodies. He noticed the drawn-on spectacles, moustaches, beards, and laughter marks. Dad looked like he had some weird tribal tattoo on his face. One half of Brock's face was simply coloured in like it was a colouring book left to Tilly with only one crayon.

Forrest hit the ground and slid through the soft sand. His mind reeling with this revelation.

He stayed down. feeling too stunned and drained by the sudden rollercoaster of emotions.

Flint let loose another loud snore that echoed through the cave.

"Is he dead?" Ash asked.

Forrest barked a laugh and smirked. "I know how to check. Shin use Hydro Pump on them all!" he said.

Shin must have been feeling equally annoyed by how things had shaken out as he followed Forrest's command without complaint, dousing Brock and Dad along with the sleeping pokemon.

Flint spluttered awake while Golem shot up and growled. Izumi and Brock merely smacked their lips and shook themselves off sending water droplets flying about them.

Brock blinked blearily. "Oh, hey guys, what's up?" he said, sitting up only to frown at the large oval rock that he had in his lap.

Dad blinked slowly, his mind reconnecting the dots while Forrest shot to his feet. "Don't you 'hey guys' me! We were worried about you! We thought you were hurt and it turns out you were just in here sleeping after playing… makeup on each other? What the heck guys?" he shouted.

Dad and Brock both flinched at the sudden barrage of noise. Behind Forrest the sound of another large flock of Zubat waking up echoed and he had a moment to feel sheepish about forgetting himself.

"Sorry…" he said with a cough. "You guys just scared me."

Brock opened his mouth only to shut it and reconsider what he was about to say. "Uhmmm, sorry little bro, guess I just let my guard down and got caught out. Sorry that you had to bail me out." Brock glanced about only to pause as he took in Dad's marked up face.

His hand slowly reached towards his own face. "Have I also been treated like a whiteboard after a sleeping kid was called to answer some questions?" he asked.

Forrest snorted at the aptness of that answer. He snapped off a picture feeling extremely vindicated to have one over on his brother. He was so going to share this around and tease Brock forever with this.

Brock looked at it and instead of getting embarrassed, he laughed. "Heh! That's kind of hilarious. That little pokemon has some serious artistic talent. I should see if they'd enjoy being friends with a Smeargle."

"A Smeargle did this?" Ash asked, raising up his pokedex in anticipation of a new pokemon.

Brock blinked. "No, a Jigglypuff did. Did you not see it?" he asked.

Dad nodded while everyone else shook their heads.

Brock leaned to the side and looked past Forrest. "Oh, never mind, there it is," he said before yawning.

Everyone turned and found Jigglypuff smiling widely. It shot Brock and Dad glares before it raised up its small red pen to its lips.

Brock and Flint called out a warning. "Stop it from singing!"

"Jiggly-pu—" was as far as it got before Humphrey responded.

"Metal Noise! Now!" he called. Lairon responded by exhaling a shrill shriek of metal being tortured resulting in Jigglypuff, and indeed everyone grabbing at their ears in pain.

Humphrey clenched his fist. "Celia used a Jigglypuff to great effect last year! Jigglypuff you're going to be mine!" he shouted.

Jigglypuff stiffened and glared at Humphrey before brandishing its red pen threateningly. That glare vanished when Humphrey punched a fist forward. "Lairon! Iron Head!"

His pokemon lunged forward and slammed into Jigglypuff, causing the smaller pokemon to sail back into a rock wall. Jigglypuff, instead of standing to fight turned and sprinted away.

"Puff!" she called while pulling down her eyelid at us..

"Eh? Wait no!" called Humphrey as he ripped out a pokeball and hurled it after the fleeing pokemon. Forrest had to give it to Humphrey, his throw was good. It was just a shame that a Zubat, likely drawn by the noise, chose to sweep down and attack the ball resulting in it being sucked into the ball.

"No!" Humphrey called, but before he could pursue it, a wall of Zubat flapped their way into the cave. Forrest blanched. This was easily double the size of the flock they'd taken down a few minutes ago.

Brock sat up, his expression serious. "Shin! Drive them back with Surf!" he ordered and Shin called up a wave that swept the oncoming Zubat back down the tunnel and away.

Brock glanced at Ash. "Care to do the honours?"

Ash was quick on the uptake. "Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!"

And just like that the fight was wrapped up even quicker than last time.

Humphrey darted about looking for the jigglypuff that he'd been trying to catch, only to click his tongue in disappointment. "Lost it," he said.

Brock nodded in commiseration before glancing around, "so what did I miss?" he said before looking down at the rock in his hands. Forrest blinked as he realised it wasn't an oval rock, but rather an egg.

Deciding that he didn't want to be beaten by Brock's lucky find, he puffed up his chest. "We found a puzzle like in the Ruins of Alph!" he said.

Both Brock and Flint perked up at that and Forrest felt like this had been worth it.

He'd found something neat, gotten some embarrassing photos of his brother and gotten to spend time with his friends.

He wasn't sure how today could get better! He shot Challenger a hopeful glance but sadly she remained the same and didn't appear like she was about to evolve which was a shame.

Oh well, he'd have to try out that trick he'd found in the Gym notes he had access to.

That could wait, first he had to find out how big a score this puzzle was!

A.N. Thanks go to my patreons for your continued support. For those curious the bronze tier are up to chapter 270 as of yesterday!

Thanks also goes to Twmmy for proofreading this chapter!
Oof that was cruel to Flint but it's always nice to see him within his element as well. Maybe he would have been a better Professor educating within his field than a Gym Leader if he'd had the chance?
I didn't expect that I'd like Flint and Brock getting up to whacky stuff so much but I did, this really captures the early pokemon vibes. Sure this is a bit rough on Flint but I think he's in his element even if he's getting stressed.
I like how Humphrey tried to catch the infamous Jigglypuff, it always seemed weird to me that no one made any serious effort to capture it in the show even though it's 'sing' move seemed to be much stronger than normal.
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I would like to say that this chapter is dumb, but it's more like the people in this chapter are kinda dumb. It's disappointing to me a little. I think it's the mood whiplash that gets me the most.
Yep, Forrest was quite literally going off of board game rules since that was the closest their group of kids had to any experience with this sort of situation. Flint had an adrenaline crash, so him getting knocked out is believable too.
It is also supposed to play into the pokemon anime a bit with the various actors being much more chill. It then comes down to literally 'the boys' to save the day and they're busy getting in each others way for a good deal of it until they get their heads on straight.

Also Brock would see the Jigglypuff not really as a threat as he would attribute it as more of a prankster. It's just that with the way things played out it sort of triggered Flint.
Its a low visibility environment.

It happens even to professionals, especially since Jigglypuff or any Sing capable pokemon aren't supposed to be here
Chapter 215 - Pokemonopolis Puzzles!
I toyed with the egg in my arms. I had no idea where it had come from and how it had ended up in my arms. This… I wasn't sure what to think of this. What had happened?

Had the egg rolled into my hands from somewhere in the cave or had a Togekiss or Togetic decided I'd make a good nest and therefore place to lay its egg.

I stared around the cavern trying to see if said parents were still close by. Memories of how this went down with the cartoon flashed to the front of my mind. It was an extremely iconic and action-filled chapter with lots of developments. Ash and co had encountered the fossil pokemon, then Ash had been abducted with Charmeleon evolving to fight Aerodactyl. Then at the end, Jiggylpuff had come in and put everyone to sleep.

And then.. Ash had woken up with it in his arms.

I weighed the spotty egg. It was precisely like it had appeared in the cartoon, red and blue with small triangular spots and splotches. I had no doubt in my mind that this was Togepi's egg.

Togepi didn't have much importance to a lot of the big plot points. One of the things that I did recall, was how it eventually became a defender of the Mirage Kingdom which was supposed to be somewhere in Hoenn.

From what I could remember the whole Kingdom of Mirage situation was very much an evil vizier situation where the man took advantage of Ash and Co's arrival. Nothing needed to happen as the Princess would eventually get her own Togepi and the issue would resolve itself.

… possibly.

Maybe when Celia made it into the end-of-year tournament I could swing around to the Mirage Kingdom and resolve that issue. If Sabrina came it would be handled in five minutes tops.

I rubbed the egg. Of all the results of today's adventure, finding Togepi's egg hadn't even registered to me as possible. I glanced at Ash. Should I… offer him the egg so it has a chance at ending up with Misty?

I frowned. I could offer it to her… but then again she was a water-type specialist. I shrugged and decided I'd mention it to her and see what she said. For now, I'd hang onto the egg and see what had Forrest acting so happy.

…apart from the frankly cute pictures of my drawn-on face. If he thought that was embarrassing, he really needed to be out in the world experiencing all its joys and heartaches. I'd experienced more than my fair share of waking up with my face being drawn on in my past life and that was just sleepovers!

Forget about parties at universities!

Jigglypuff hadn't even drawn a dick on me!

This was kiddy stuff.

Not that I was going to tell her that. The last thing we'd need was for Jigglypuff, who for all intents and purposes never stopped hounding Ash and company with her singing to 'step up' her game.

I did not want some of the things bandied around in university happening to me… or others for that matter. Especially if Forrest was going to be hanging around and experiencing some of those incidents.

"So when we were…" Forrest coughed, "checking our six," he said, trying to sound far more in control of what had been going on than he really was.

"I see," said Flint nodding. On his face he had a number of love hearts and what looked like a naughts and crosses game on his other cheek. "So you looked behind you and made sure not to startle the local wildlife?" he asked cheekily.

Forrest coughed.

I glanced down at the cavern that branched off. There were a ton of footprints and from my inexperienced eye, a small stampede had taken place. There were several scuff marks in some places and I had to conclude that a fight had taken place.

The real clincher was the number of still knocked out Zubat and what looked like a very healthy Golbat in one of the tunnels. My light acred back around to find the boys had expressions ranging from contrite in Forrest's case, exasperated for Humphrey, and smug for Ash and Gary.

I was, without anyone saying anything, starting to build a picture of what had gone down.

Flint and I shared a look of amusement with me rolling my eyes. Flint decided to encourage them by nodding seriously. "Good work defending yourselves and getting to us! If this was a pokemon scouts club, you'd have earned your cave explorer badge, and helping the elderly!" he said like he was praising them.

The kids perked up at first before adopting petulant looks. "We're not kids!" claimed Gary.

I smirked at him and he adjusted his statement. "Not little kids! We don't need badges!"

The others nodded in unison. "Yeah!"

Flint paused, his hand holding some rather shiny-looking badges. "Oh, then I guess I won't give you these," he said.

Gary coughed. "Well, I mean. If you've got them there why not?" he said, grabbing a pair of badges.

Unlike the Gym Badges these were the sorts found on Cub Scout lanyards with small pins at the back. Gary nodded in appreciation and popped it on the back of his pokebelt. The others chose other areas with Forrest putting them on his shoulders like epaulets.

I frowned. "I thought only Club Leaders could hand those out."

Flint blinked. "But… I am one? You don't lose the rank even if you're inactive… at least you didn't use to. I'll need to touch base with the organisation. I haven't since I've been home. I've had more important things to look after."

I nodded slowly. "I… hadn't known that about Flint."

Forrest decided to open his mouth then. "Heh! You're just like Brock then! He likes to teach kids outside of the Gym as well! Only he does it with baseball!"

I felt a stab in my gut. I didn't like the idea of being compared to Flint of all people… that had hit a bit too close to home. I decided to direct the conversation in other directions. "Also, Assisting the Elderly? Flint yes, but me? I'm only turning eighteen this year!" I said.

Gary shook his head. "Old, so old," he said.

Ash nodded along. "Practically in retirement."

Humphrey took one look at my face and broke into laughter which made me pause.

Huh, he looked like he was having a lot of fun and relaxing today.

"Retirement! Why in my day children knew to be seen and not heard! These days they're seen, heard, and smelt, I tell you!" I hammed up my response a bit and the others laughed at my joke.

Well, at least they could work together on some things.

The wall the boys led us to made Flint and I whistle in appreciation. "A puzzle wall! Wow, this is a big find! Who knew that something like this was located here! This indicates so much more. Oh if only we could sol—"

"It's a Lileep," I said, cutting through Flint's enthusiasm.

Everyone turned to look at me and then turned to look at the puzzle.

Ash tilted his head. "Uhmmm, I don't see it. It looks like a tangled-up Ekans."

"No it's obviously a Tangela!" said Gary.

Flint tilted his head. "What makes you think it's a Lileep?" he asked me.

I was about to mention that the Ruins of Alph were all puzzles where the solutions were other fossil pokemon but then I recalled that the researchers who solved the puzzles never declared what the solution was.

I waved a hand and pointed out the curves and the section that looked like roots to me. "See here and here, these are all Lileep traits." I reached out, only to pause as I noted that there wasn't a missing piece for it to slide the others into. I tapped at the small squares only to feel it depress and for some of my rock energy to be drained.

My eyebrows shot up into my hairline. Hello? This was something new that I'd never encountered before.

I kept my hand there and felt at the drain it was, honestly miniscule but it was a novel experience.

"Hey? How'd you do that?" said Humphrey, leaning in and staring at the puzzle piece I'd pressed in.

I shrugged, "guess you have to work out which piece goes first? This one just made sense to me," I said, deflecting the true answer.

Forrest stood to my other side and he looked extremely confused. I mouthed the word 'aura' to him and he stiffened in surprise before relaxing.

I coughed and turned back to the puzzle. "I'll solve it and see if that changes anything neh?"

I considered the puzzle arrangement and plotted out which pieces needed to be flipped before beginning to do just that.

"How in Kanto does this work?" I said, playing up my lack of knowledge as the squares suddenly swapped places. "Woah," I said.

Flint leaned in. "It seems to work on magnetic repulsion but it is tied to distance stopping the squares flipping out or causing them to—"

I nodded along as Flint happily recited something magnetic resonance with each square having its own that repelled the others and then became part of a cohesive whole. Apparently, it had something to do with the border.

"Does he get like this much?" asked Humphrey.

"Only about rocks," said Forrest, reaching into his pouch and producing a bunch of snacks for all of us. I happily grabbed some before producing my own snacks which I shared with the others and their pokemon.

Gary shot me a weird look when I offered his Blastoise some of the chocolate-coated oran berries.

I just shrugged. "What? Pokemon like to be included, not ignored," I said. When he gave me a thoughtful look I pushed my claim a little. "Trust me on this, do more than just train and fight with them."

Ash nodded. "Yeah, me and Pikachu are best friends and he's easily one of the strongest pokemon I have! Having Pikachu has really helped me out when I'm in a clutch moment!" chimed Ash.

I nodded. "Exactly, and I'm sure with the same level of friendship, you can get just as much from your other pokemon!" I said.

Ash opened his mouth only to shut it as his eyes flickered towards Blastoise who was happily munching on his treats. Ash reached towards his pokebelt only for Forrest to cough.

"Bad idea man, there are already a lot of tensions in this room. Adding Charizard to the mix would just make things worse. Not the time," he said.

I shot Forrest an approving nod. That was very well reasoned. Still, it was interesting that Ash and Charizard's relationship was still rocky. Then again if some of the significant points such as Charizard's rapid development coupled with Ash's immaturity were still present, it would make sense it had still occurred like it had in canon.

"So you do actually have a Charizard?" Gary said, noting the interaction and instantly getting in position to have a go at Ash.

I shifted position so that I was behind Ash. I slowly shook my head and made sure Gary noticed.

He looked up and blanched slightly as I made sure to position the torch under my chin to make my warning doubly effective.

"Which… is pretty cool, good job?" Gary said, sounding out the words. I nodded slowly, the torch still positioned beneath me. "Really good job?" Gary continued.

I dropped the torch when Forrest glanced at me.

Ash shot Gary a suspicious look. "Thanks… I haven't had a lot of luck with him, cause he's really strong and he knows it. We're working on trusting each other again though."

Gary blinked. "Oh," he said obviously not expecting for Ash to share such a weak moment. "That sucks," Gary said, looking away from Ash as though unsure how to face his old friend in this moment. "Buuuuuut I guess it's to be expected with you being a wimp and all," he said backsliding into old methods of interacting with Ash.

I facepalmed.

Damn, I really shouldn't have expected more from kids. I suppose they'd done alright for a moment there.

Humphrey's twitching caught my eye. He was off to the side shaking with repressed laughter having seen everything. I huffed and turned back to Flint. "I think we get the point," I said before pushing a panel on the puzzle and beginning to rearrange it.

It took a few attempts but I slowly had the puzzle resolved so that it looked like a Lileep. "Interesting choice having a grass type pokemon in an area known for fire types," I commented idly.

Flint opened his mouth to no doubt correct me only for Gary, Forrest and Humphrey to chime in at the same time with, "The level of strat that we're at right now is actually a few hundred if not a thousand years old. So at that time, it most likely was a jungle. You can tell by the colouration of the earth."

They then shared a smile. Ash and I stared at them. Where had that come from? Salvadore spouting random geological facts was par for the course, but Forrest? Let alone Gary or Humphrey?

I could only blink in surprise while Flint looked on like a proud teacher.

"I see," I said carefully, only to snap my head back to the wall as an ominous rumbling began. Around us, various pokemon cries rang out and I decided that it might be a good idea to not be near a wall triggering a response.

"Let's get back to the central cave," I said quickly, leading our group out only to be stunned when the cavern had changed with a set of stairs appearing in the middle.

I raised a hand. "I'm positive we all walked over that multiple times without feeling any give… right?" I said to the group.

The group at large, people and pokemon all nodded.

I licked my lips and signalled for Selene to float forward. "Stay sharp, your floating shouldn't trigger anything untoward."

Flint shot me a look. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to put my foot down on exploring that tunnel Brock. As it is, the movement of the caves may have triggered something. We need to get some more people and pokemon in here to firm up the walls in case anything has shifted.

I sighed. Flint was sadly right. If this was just me by myself I might adventure down but that was with the knowledge that Selene could most likely get me out in case something happened. The same wouldn't be true if I went down with the boys and Flint.

"Alright," I said, dusting my hands off. I whistled Slene back and she returned easily with a chirp. I gave the room we were in another once over. There really had been no signs of anything amiss in this cave.

It was incredible that simple dumb luck, or that poor luck on my part had led to such a discovery.

Ash continued to stare at the stairs in a manner that made me worry that he was about to dash down them. Before I could say anything to warn him off he turned to Squirtle. "Squirtle, use Bubble beam on the walls and stairs to see if there are any more markings," he said.

The rest of us watched on as Squirtle gently blew bubbles down the stairs and wall. Bubbles soon coated the wall and it reminded me of the time Tilly had gotten a hold of the bubble bath while Cindy was helping out with bathtime. I'd entered the bath to squeals and a wall of bubbles.

Gary perked up. "Oh right! Like with the puzzle!" he said, snapping his fingers. "Blastoise, gentle hose down!" he said.

Blastoise turned his cannons upon the bubbles and gently began to hose them down. Within a few moments, the stairs and walls leading down were transformed to reveal murals and what appeared to be some ancient writings.

"Boys…" Flint said, his voice tight with emotion. The pair of Pallet kids turned to him, eyes brimming with the expectation of what good work they'd done. I bit my lip, knowing what Flint was about to say.

Flint slumped. "Don't… tell anyone that you used bubbles and water on a dig site like this, and don't do that in future. Some relics and murals can become worn down worse with water."

The boys blinked before curling in on themselves like chastised Growlithe. "Sorry," they said.

I chuckled and began taking pictures with my Xtransciever. I considered walking down the stairs to take more before I decided that was a bad idea. "Selene, can you carry this down and slowly point it towards the walls for me?" I asked, handing her my Xtransceiver after I'd set it to record.

Selene slowly floated down the stairs once more, this time going far enough that she vanished but for the gleam of her eyes and the bright light on my Xtransciever. The return journey took just as long.

I took the Xtransciever and shut it down before giving the video a look over myself. Instantly a number of other heads leaned in to look over my shoulder. When the pokemon joined in I decided to just project it onto the wall.

The video showed that the stairs went down a long way. At least twenty metres. All the way down murals with pokemon and humans were on display. I whistled as several what looked like ziggurats were shown with pokemon standing atop each with their limbs or heads raised high. There was a ziggurat featuring Arcanine, Alakazam, Gengar, Dragonite, Lapras, and what looked like a Chansey? Or maybe it was a Wigglytuff? It lacked the spikes to be a Clefable.

"Whelp," I said. "I think you boys have done enough to get yourselves the front of a science journal for this discovery, no?"

The boys all beamed at that. I gestured for them to stand slightly to the side of the stairs with their pokemon. There was a bit of jostle with Ash wanting to be in the front row only for me to suggest they take a knee while the larger pokemon take the back row.

I snapped a few pictures and sent off the message to Crowley detailing the find along with a few other contacts I'd picked up for the MegaRock Inc support team.

Forrest shot me a smug grin. "You won't be able to send or receive messages down he—" he started to say only for a ping to signal I'd gotten a response.

The boys and Flint stared at me. "You can get messages?" said Gary, bringing out his own transceiver only for the 'no signal' symbol to be prominently displayed.

I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head. "What can I say? This is a special transceiver, it comes with all the bells and whistles," I said.

Gary stared, "I can't believe I don't have the latest model transceiver, urgh I feel dirty!" he said.

Humphrey just shrugged, showing his own, much older model that he'd been gifted from attending all his classes at school while staying at the orphanage. I'd set that system up to encourage kids to stay in class more and it seemed to work wonders with graduation rates increasing a few percent since I'd been Gym Leader.

It wasn't exactly Dolly Parton's method from my last life of five hundred dollars for high school, but copying it seemed to be enough to get the same results with kids in this world.

Gary inched up to me, "How'd you get it?" he asked quietly.

"He probably got a new model for being a Gym Leader," Humphrey said. I chuckled. "Nah, for that I need to do sponsor deals, and the Xtranciever is a bit more limited addition as it was one of the only models that Silph Co had made up prior to their meltdown," I said.

"Oh wow, so that's a limited series?" Gary said. "Of how many?"

I shrugged. "One of four," I said.

Gary faceplamed. "You shouldn't wear that man, you should seal that away and preserve it. It's like a collectible! You need to store those right! The more wear and tear you get the more the value plummets! Trust me on this! I have some Models at home that are worth a mint and will be worth so much more as long as they stay in their boxes!" he said imploringly.

Ash shook his head. "I still can't believe your sister did that to Dark Charizard," he said.

Gary nodded. "It was a dark day."

Forrest rubbed his head. "I get so much emotional whiplash keeping up with you two."

Gary and Ash both just shrugged. "Makes sense to us," they said.

I quirked an eyebrow. "It's probably a time factor, initially they will antagonise each other but the longer they are near each other the more they relax into it," I said.

Gary and Ash frowned at that shrugging again. Flint coughed. "Well let's head out the way we came, we will draw back in others but I think we're going to have to call up some different types for this," he said, indicating the stairs.

"I'll send this picture through to your Grandfather Gary, get him to register that this was your four boys discovery," I said.

We huddled back through the tunnels and were lucky enough to find that none of them were collapsed or unstable. As we went Flint added markers to the walls and a few glowing tags.

"What are those?" I asked.

"Signal tags. They're limited in distance, but for ranges up to one hundred metres we will be able to stand on the surface and search for them. I think we might need to map this cave system out a lot more along with any other caves around. Grandpa Canyon just became an even higher value site."

I could only agree. It still had the potential for a Mega stone to be found here, along with the evolutionary stones, precious metals, gems and now there was an archeology site.

"Well good thing there are so many miners and excavators around. We'll have things sorted out for the scientists quickly enough," I said.

Flint shot me a look only for a noise like air escaping a balloon to leak from his lips. Then he threw back his head and roared with laughter. "Hahahahaha! If there are two groups that are more cantankerous to work with on the same dig site, its archeologists and miners! You saw the facilities upstairs? That was us paying them lip service! With the larger find? Oh they're going to be crawling all over Grandpa Canyon," he said.

"Ah," I said eloquently.

"Wait, so that's a bad thing? But finding that building is a good thing?" said Ash.

"Depends what your goal was," said Forrest. "Megarock Inc workers were looking for fossils and Mega Stones. That's going to slow down with other people getting involved. Larger excavations will be much slower going forward."

"Oh," said Ash slowly.

Flint and I shared a nod. I clapped Ash and Forrest on the shoulders. "Sadly boys this is a case of being too successful! Sometimes it doesn't always bring good things with it," I said.

Hopefully whoever was recommended to us would be cool with other dig sites.

"I'm going to have to ask that you shut down all the other dig sites," said the young woman who had arrived within the hour of our return to camp. She'd stormed in with a fire in her eyes and demanded to know who was in charge of this operation. Sadly Flint wasn't here as he'd gone out to bring in some older miners that were a little further afield, to give them the news.

People had made the mistake of looking at me which resulted in Doctor Eve marching right up to me and making her demand.

I grimaced. "I think that's a little presumptuous," I started to say only for Eve to slam her hands into the table."

"This is a historical site of unquestionable potential! The depth of the find is one of the best factors about this! With that alone it is almost guaranteed that the relics and murals are going to be more preserved than most!" she said, her hands weaving and waving about quickly with each sentence.

"Yes but the entire dig site is a rather large area," I said, indicating a map.

Eve snapped her head down. "So much the better! The more privacy and more secure the site the better!" her eyes glanced to the side where Ash was regaling Misty with the tale of what had happened.

"For one we need to get children like these out of here!" she said imperiously.

I raised an eyebrow at that. "You'd be better off talking with them before that," I said, starting to get annoyed with how she was trying to boss me and others around.

"Children have no place on an archeological dig site, this site while it was a mining site with laxer standards will not have any children bumbling about underfoot."

I narrowed my eyes. "Those children?" I said, indicating the group of kids that had heard Eve's words and were now listening in openly. In fact, everyone in the tent had fallen quiet to listen to me talk. "Those kids over there that you're so dismissive of?" I said underlining her statement. "They were the original founders of this discovery," I said.

The boys all puffed out their chests at this. Misty and Mia gave the group a few pats on the shoulder.

Eve, instead of backing down, put a finger to her chin. "Only children? Then I might be able to register this as my find and get more people listening to me. The University would have to provide—"

My fist thumped into the desk and caused the fold up table to collapse under the blow.

Eve stopped plotting and stared with wide eyes. Like a tiny pokemon that has only just realised they stand before a predator she swallowed fearfully and stayed perfectly still as her instincts took over.

"I am not impressed. I spoke with Crowley about his recommendation for this site and he nominated you. So far you have come in and attempted to push everyone out, harangued me, and now it sounds like you are attempting to steal the discovery rights from the rightful people!" I said summarising the last few minutes.

If the tent had been quiet before now there was a stillness that came from people listening in as another person got chewed out, and in my mind this girl deserved nothing less.

The nerve she had to try and speak of inserting herself as the discoverer was galling.

"I am frankly sickened, you will not be taking over this site, nor will you have anything to—"

Eve dropped to the ground amidst the debris from items strewn on the table I'd been standing in front of.

"Please! I'm sorry! I get carried away sometimes! This is the find of my lifetime and will be exactly what I need to support my earlier theories about the ancient empire of Pokemonopolis! I just got carried away! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she said bowing her head above her hands in a dogeza position over and over again.

I stood over her and stared.

She kept her head down and in her bowing pose looked extremely small and vulnerable. A dark part of my mind noted how I could step on her and squash her like an irritating Weedle.

I drew in a breath before exhaling it. "You went about that poorly," I stated.

Eve shifted to peek at me and I spotted that she had watery eyes. I felt part of myself relax but another recalled how calculating she'd been. It wasn't like when Yolanda or my sisters did it for something innocent. This had serious ramifications.

I hardened my heart and exhaled again. You went about it extremely poorly," I said. I pointed at the boys. "Those boys are the registered discoverers of this site. The find has already been documented with their pictures in front of the facility sent to certain academics," I said.

Most of the information went to Crowley and Professor Oak but that wasn't the point.

I worked my jaw. "I'm not sure I can allow you to work on this site if this is how you are going to act." I gestured a hand. "The historical significance is there, but claiming everything on the map that Megarock Inc has been working is beyond excessive, it is rank hubris," I said as I considered her.

"You will not be taking charge," I said firmly.

Eve looked up, fear flashing in her eyes. I held my tongue for a moment, dragging things out.

"I think I will need to reconsider having you here," I said.

"Please! I'm the expert on Ancient structures and the best shot you have at deciphering that language! I worked it out when I was a child and have been dreaming about finds like this my whole life! Please!" she said.

I exhaled again. I didn't want to destroy this woman's chance at discovering her life's work. I could now recognise that she was Doctor Eve who did later help when the site near Pallet was unearthed. She'd had some rough edges in the cartoon, but it was rather worrying to see them on display.

I considered my options with her and decided on a few things. Before I locked in my response though, I decided to offer Eve one chance at righting things. "I want you to get up, walk outside, compose yourself and I will give you one chance to start over," I said firmly.

Eve stared up at me from her kneeling position. I flicked my eyes to the tent flap.

She shot out of the tent leaving me standing in front of the destroyed table, I sighed and started picking up some of the things only for Eve to surprise me by walking back in and coughing quietly. She didn't look at me but rather the first person she'd addressed last time.

"Hello there ma'am I'm from Celadon University. I'm Doctor Eve," she said.

The other woman blinked at Eve. "Eh?"

Eve coughed. "Sorry, what is your name?" she said.

I held in a hum of approval and the nod. It was like watching a child walk themselves back through the moment they'd messed up only to do it the right way.

I, and all the people in the tent watched as Eve repeated the previous interaction that she'd started with only this time, she went about it much more politely and in the right fashion.

When it was time for her to approach me she did so quietly with the aide at her side. The aide coughed politely, now thoroughly caught in the game. She looked amused and a little unsure of herself with everyone watching on.

I held in a twitch of my lips at how silly this had turned. Then again, I was getting the impression that Eve didn't behave as she should and tried to run roughshod over others. By calling her out and threatening the very thing she worked so hard for I'd forced her to adopt her very best behaviour.

"Brock, this is Doctor Eve, do you have a moment to talk with her about the recent discovery?"

I considered the aide for a second before tilting my head. "She'd probably be better off talking with the people that found the structure," I said casually. "Ash, Gary, Forrest, and Humphrey, would you like to talk with this Lady?" I said.

The boys all shared a look before shrugging. Ash stepped forward. "I guess?" he said, nervous at all the people watching this play act itself out.

I nodded easily. "Well how about you get a seat over there and I'll come in a moment," I said. I then made a show of looking around. "I think we have some tasks to complete people!" I said making the frozen tableau of people listening in to jerk back into motion as they returned to work.

Forrest stayed next to me while the other three boys moved off with Eve. "That was pretty cool, but are you alright? You rarely get that angry bro," he said delicately.

I clapped him on the shoulder and shrugged. "She pushed my buttons, it seems like she is going about it the right way now, but I think I'm going to have a word with Flint about putting someone else in charge of this site," I said.

No way was I letting Eve call the shots around here.

"Oh, alright, and thanks bro for standing up for us," he said.

I bumped his shoulder with mine. "No problem little brother," I said.

When Flint returned he found me sitting with the boys listening as the boys talked about the find. I pulled him aside and told him what had gone down. Flint frowned. "She… technically has the right of it Brock. If the university gets wind of it they might make a big stink about this."

"Yeah well technically is not going to be enough here. She's going to be a menace if we let her be in charge. She can be in charge of the archeological side of things, but there is going to be someone acting as an overseer," I said.

Flint nodded. "That could work," he said.

"Get someone we can trust in charge and knows when she's trying to blow smoke. She seems the type that needs to be ridden herd on," I said.

Flint chuckled. "I know just the man." He chuckled before looking to the side where the Togepi egg was resting. "None of the kids wanted it?" he said, referencing how I'd offered it up to the kids first.

None of them had wanted it, surprising me. Apparently, they were too focused on getting ready for the end-of-year circuit and a baby pokemon would hinder that. I had to admit that they weren't wrong, I was just surprised by their reasoning.

So, I had the Togepi egg for now.

"Well it seems like you're coming out of this adventure with something which is more than a lot of the men can say for today," Flint said. He then coughed. "Thanks for coming down here Brock, it was a lot of fun spelunking with you even if it ended up being with a few others," he said.

I blinked. "Ah, you're not wrong," I said. "It was fun," I said, sounding out the words and reeling by how true that statement was. I had enjoyed my time with Flint today. I weighed up the next words carefully. "Want to do it again?"

Flint beamed and I knew I wasn't the only one ending the day with a prize I could enjoy.

Flint then perked up. "Wait! We could come back tomorrow and investigate the ruins!"

I blinked. Oh yeah, I could do that. I was halfway to agreeing before I recalled what was coming up this week. I had a lot on, and I needed to spend tomorrow checking my pokemon.

"Sorry, I have to be a Gym Leader tomorrow and do some prep work for the week," I lamented.

"Oh," said Flint, wilting.

I grimaced. "I do really want to but… I just…" I trailed off meaningfully.

"Have too much on your plate?" he said.

I nodded. Damn but it had been a while since I'd had to not do something. Sadly I couldn't ignore my pokemon.

I'd given them today to rest and relax so that they could depress after what happened this morning but I still needed to act on a lot of this morning's minor moments.

It was coming back around to a short busy period for me. I was somewhat regretting it now that I was going to miss out on something this cool but… I had responsibilities.

I turned my head towards the setting sun and exhaled my regrets. We still had today which was nice, but it was a missed opputunity. "Sorry," I said again.

Flint clapped me on the shoulder. "No problem. We'll always have next time… Brock," he said. I figured he wanted to say son but I knew I wasn't going to feel right about that. I nodded to show I appreciated him keeping to my boundaries.

Tomorrow I'd spend some more time with the family, but I also needed to check in with my pokemon, particularly my Elite pokemon.

After all, with the week that was coming, I couldn't afford to be lax.

It was time for the Elite Challenges to start.

A.N. Thanks go to my Patreons for your support

It also goes to Twmmy for proofreading this chapter.
It was hilarious how he put Eve in her place. Brock might be a big ol' nice guy, but those are also the people you really don't want to blow up on you. Who knows, maybe this will do her some good and help her move away from her girl failure days?

Also, good to see Brock and Flint continuing to patch up their relationship. He messed up, but he is consistently showing that he wants to make amends. And little by little, I think he's getting there.

Heh, and I wonder how proud Deliah and Oak will be at the boys getting named in a scientific paper like this?