Hard Enough - Pokemon SI

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Well here we go. It will be interesting to see how Brock handles Lola's entire situation.
I think that once it's explained that she has severe mental health problems he'll be a fair bit more understanding. Not anymore sympathetic but certainly understanding.

Oak giving Brock a labcoat for his discussion/lecture has all kinds of implications. But Brock did really well in handling that whole educational seminar.
IMO getting an actual Professor's Lab Coat from The Pokemon Professor himself is akin to at least getting an honorary diploma from someplace like Harvard. Now I believe that Brock himself can add another title to his list, that of A Pokemon Professor. He's getting quite the list.

Edit: Fixed Brock's name, thanks xbox432 👍
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...Alakazam is TOTALLY going to be sharing the image of Brock in a lab coat with Sabrina. He knows what his trainer likes.

"Children! Silence!" he roared suddenly.

The professors all straightened in their seats while the students adopted affronted looks.

Dondelinger shot the actual children an apologetic look. "Sorry, force of habit," he said.
Sadly enough, this is often truer than not. I've heard so many Professors complain that their college students are harder to keep on track than kindergartners.

"Brock… it's about your mother," he said.

And just like that, my good mood vanished.
Weeell, she DID get picked up at that Pokecenter several chapters back when the Joy on duty notices how out of it she was. I guess it was just a matter of time before Brock and family where notified. That's going to be a hard reunion... Seeing a family member who has deteriorated THAT much is never a fun experience, regardless of your feelings towards them.

And like others have said, I believe Brock will be more understanding of the situation once it is fully explained. Though he is still entitled to his feelings of hurt and abandonment. Someone being sick doesn't erase the harm they can do.

Now I believe that Borkc himself can
Borkc is a roight propa Gym Leadah he is, he brings the dakka.
Having finally caught up with the last 10 or so chapters that's a rough cliff to walk off of lol. But I loved all of it, from the Aqua fight and the Mewtwo discussions to now has been a great reminder of how much I enjoy this story. I think my favorite of that stretch was the spelunking with Flint and kids, excited to see where that leads.